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Cassie_Bean is offline
Old 02-10-2008, 05:01 PM

The Mind Block Bar

Hello and welcome to The MBB. The original bar was created by Sarrow67, a friend of mine. While there is an MBB on gaia, I chose to bring my "home" to Mene. <3

This will give me a place to call my own, as well as give others a chance to come and visit. I am open to all sorts of roleplays and a profile is not needed for one to post with me. ^ ^

Please enjoy your stay and make sure to follow the rules.
^ ^

[I know double posting and what have you is against the rules, but for the sake of not cluttering my first post The information will be listed below.]

Cassie_Bean is offline
Old 02-10-2008, 05:02 PM

The surrounding area
The area around the establishment is rather scerene. Soft in color to the eyes, lush with growth and wildlife. The forest is thick and allows for much to take place within it's confines. Much too... girly... for the owner's tastes, but that is the way of it. To the left of the building is a small pond, not lake, but pond. The waters are deep enough to allow many beings to swim should they wish or fish. The owner thought to have the small aquatic life removed from the premesis but something told her that customers would enjoy a bit of the water's soothing sounds. During the night the waters lap the shores almost as an ocean brings waves to a beach. Eerie that it is so when the body of water is so small.

The outside
The building itself looks rather shabby. Nothing too fancy since there aren't high quality and snobby people that own and manage the place. They are well provided for with what they have, and the thing they have is the MBB. The molding, or craftsmanship, is a commonly used ivy leaf design. The building used to be a once glorious victorian style mansion that was modified to fit the bar needs.

The entrance way is slightly arched, the architect felt it needed to be so. How odd that they, whomever they were, did such a thing. Though the style was refined enough to fit in subtlely. The two large wooden doors have no window, nor a peek hole, in which one can see inside, but if it's a good night one can hear the muffled voices of the customers that await within.

Once through the doors one will enter into the lovely earth toned bar area. This place contains of your standard bar to the left and tables with chairs to the right. No real homey and warm touch to it since bar fights are a usual happening. It's also easier to manage this way. The kitchen area is located behind the bar, usually only employee's are found in there. Nothing to exciting other than the occasional grease fire. The cook can be a little forgetfull.

Through another set of doors just on the other side of the bar is the commons. Complete with your lavish interior decor. Couches. Coffee tables. Comfy chairs. Even a throne or two that have been placed in by regulars. This is more like a family room for all that enjoy the luxuries of the MBB. Being that it is so homey like in this area there happens to be a fireplace, a surefire way to heat a structure.

To the far left of the commons is the stairway to heaven. Not really, it just leads up to the many rooms avaliable for rent. The second level, or floor, provides simple single bed rooms for all to enjoy. The third level is where the slightly larger rooms are. Not quite as many but it does well enough. Seeing as there is never really a full house, things are rather calm, for the most part.

The attic, having once been a ballroom attic, has been turned into three bedrooms. Master bedrooms if you will. The place for the owner to stay on top of things, and the co-owner to be avaliable shall they be needed or called upon.

Second floor

Third floor

Master 1.)
Master 2.)
Master 3.) Cassie [Cassie_Bean]


Owner - Cassie_Bean
Co-owner -

Cassie_Bean is offline
Old 02-10-2008, 05:04 PM


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5. Killing of characters is allowed, so long as both parties involved have agreed to such terms.

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Sarrow67 is offline
Old 02-10-2008, 05:10 PM

-Is posting in your way-

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Sarrow67 is offline
Old 02-10-2008, 05:16 PM

The door from the bar fiercely shot open. Sarrow had forced it open. His Ocean Blue mist-filled eyes were visible. His shades were gone from his face. One who looked upon him daily, would notice his coat and katana were also missing. His shirt was ripped to shreds and cuts covered hi entire body. The knife behind his back was gone, along with the two Silenced Glock 9MM he kept at his hips and his Desert Eagle handgun from his left thigh. He only had the other Desert Eagle left. Everything was gone. How could this happen? What or who did this? Everything was a mystery. Sarrow's beautiful eyes scanned the room, taking in the vibrant aura of everything. The perfect cracks in the wooden floor, the way the chairs were positioned at the tables. The full ashtrays that lay atop the bar. He sighed deeply, knowing he would never see another day in this place. The same place he had worked so hard to build with his own two hands. Every detail of this place, was made by him. His tail drug limply behind him as he walked to the bar. His walk was not ordinary, it was more of a limp. His left leg had a horrible laceration right above his knee. As he reached the bar, he found a pack of Marlboro Red Cigarettes that he had left there, He flipped open the box, revealing one left. He pulled it out and placed the filter in his mouth. He pulled a lighter from his pocket, and used it to light up the cig. He took a long draw and exhaled, sighing deeply again. He had found a reason to live, but it was now over, his life would be no more.

He took another puff from his cigarette and limped over to one of the tables, flopping down into a chair.His left arm rested on the table, the cigarette in his mouth, and his right arm grabbing his only remaining handgun. He brought the gun up and dropped the clip. "Nothing" He cocked the gun, sending the bullet in the chamber out into his left hand. "Maybe it's my lucky day after all" His words seemed soft, and gentle. He placed the bullet back into the clip and cocked the gun, forcing the bullet back into the chamber. The gun felt heavy in his hand now. He hadn't much energy left. As the gun raised to his head and he started to pull the trigger, his hand suddenly dropped, and the bullet missed, barely missing his head. "Damn it" he mumbled. He couldn't even remove his own life from this world, to send himself into hell. At least from there he could bargain with the devil again and be sent back into this world. His voice now even softer than before, he whispered to himself. "Helping people isn't worth it sometimes." He fell from the chair, feeling the warmth of the wood upon his face. That would be his last feeling from this world. A small teardrop fell from his eye and rolled over his nose. Shadows fled out from his body as he slowly began to disappear. Leaving nothing left but the gun he held and the cigarette burning on the floor. The cigarette rolled over slowly catching the floor on fire. Within minutes the bar was completely on fire. Letting black smoke cloud in the air in the middle of nowhere. Nothing of Sarrow was left. He was now erased from the world along with everything he owned.

Sarrow opened his eyes. A vibrant white light pierced into them. Sarrow was in heaven. "How did I get here?" He whispered. A loud thunderous voice spoke back to him. "Self sacrifice, my son. You are a Lamb of God and you protected many. I have awaited the day you would come to me." Sarrow stood, the grounds feeling fluffy below his feet. He faced forward looking into the light. "What if I don't wish to be here? What if I wish for my life back? I have found a reason to live and it means so much to me." The voice spoke back to him. "I'm sorry. You are here to stay." Sarrow gave a cocky grin and shouted. "Fuck you! You've never done anything for me! I ask for life and you give me death! You're nothing. You're not the mighty ruler." The voice became even louder. "blasphemy!" The fluffy ground beneath Sarrow's feet began to move and he dropped, falling straight down into fiery depths. His feet it the ground. A feeling of landing on solid rock shot up his spine. It tingled, he felt almost at home again. Once again another loud voice spoke out to him. "I've read your mind. I've seen you fight. I know what it is you wish from me, and I accept your terms. You're to collect the soul of every enemy you vanquish, and send them to me" A scroll floated out of nowhere and up to Sarrow, with a quill following it. He grabbed the quill and pricked his finger, letting the blood drip onto the scroll. In an instant after that, Sarrow was standing in his bar again, everything back to the way it was. A warm smile crossed his face as he walked around, letting his fingers run across the warm wood of the tables, chairs, and bar. It was perfect.

Cassie_Bean is offline
Old 02-10-2008, 05:28 PM

Cassie slowly rises from her place in bed. She had not wanted to rise so early, not this day, but something in the back of her mind was nagging at her conscious. Get up. It insisted. Being who she was, Cass obeyed the call. Folding her body half way to sit upright in her bed, her nightgown still a wrinkled mess as to be expected. Her full lips part and give way to a deep yawn, arms out to each side to stretch still muscles. What a way to start ones day.

Swinging her legs over the side she feels the cold welcome of the wooden floor. Her toes recoil for a split second before her body is up and heading for the door. Her bed left unmade and crumpled, she'd get to it later, now she needed to wake. Giving a small grunt to lifts her right hand to her face, letting it roam the surface, wiping away sleep and rubbing the eyes so that they adjust to the light streaming in from windows. "Ugh.." Her only word. A word of choice too.

With her only other hand she opens the door, twisting the knob so that the latch was pulled free. The wooden structure swung open half on it's own, damned slanting floors. She'd have to look into that later. Shuffling her feet, one after the other, Cassie makes a b-line down the hall and toward the stairs. Lets see what chaos she could find today.

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Sarrow67 is offline
Old 02-10-2008, 05:35 PM

I can't do it. This site is too gay. No double posing. Earning gold sucks. and the items blow harder than a horny virgin.

Cassie_Bean is offline
Old 02-10-2008, 05:47 PM

Seeing as there was nothing really destroyed Cassie makes her way slowly to the kitchen area. A cup of tea would be delightful. She was in need of something to wake her up and get her energized. Her feet pad along, hitting the wooden surface of the floor and making the only soft sound in the place. It seemed Cass was the only Sould around. Interesting, really she was amused by the silence. It pleased her to know that she alone was subject to the beauty of her silent bar. The creaking in the wood, the framing giving way under the load. All of it was rather relaxing. The building was safe, but she could enjoy her time basking in it's natural sounds.

A hot cup of tea was soon in her hands, after minutes of preperation. The mug clasped in her hands, held tightly so that the warmth spread through her fingers. Steam rising to greet her face as she blows on it lightly. All in all Cass was pleased.

Her short brown hair in a tangled mess atop her head, going this way and that. Her brown eyes barely open. Morning grog. Love the haze you're in. With a half smile, a lazy smile really, she takes her first sip. Ahh.. sweet bliss. A little hot, but bliss none the less.

Go Ryu-Tan!
Go Ryu-Tan! is offline
Old 02-11-2008, 12:27 AM

At that moment, a young woman walked into the bar. She was quite keen on ordering something, so she ignored Cassie and went straight to the menus. After about three minutes of reading, she put the menu down, and hung her head low.

“So much choice” she said, defeated. Her voice rang through the bar, because even when she was sulking, she was quite loud. She just sat there was a few more minutes, before picking up the menu and flicking through it again.

“The choice doesn’t get any less the more times I read this!” she concluded, and put the menu down upset. "This is tiring. I think i'll take a rest here..."
It was an odd sight, to see a woman defeated by something as simple as reading a menu.

Cassie_Bean is offline
Old 02-11-2008, 12:45 AM

Cassie saw the woman enter and didn't bother to move. While she may have been the owner to the place she didn't feel she needed to hover. If someone wanted something they would speak up since it was obvious she was present. Taking another sip of her tea she watches. The menu seemed to be vexing. Though there was little that was offered.

Leaning against the bar she smiles and continues to finish off her lovely tea. She enjoyed early mornings.

Go Ryu-Tan!
Go Ryu-Tan! is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 01:01 AM

The woman fumbled through the menu one more time.

Then, she lifted herself from her chair, and opened her mouth to speak. Rather than adressing Cassie though, she spoke in a loud tone, as if calling for somebody.
"Um, how do I order things?" she called out. "Um, I really need to know. I'm hungry! Now!"

belleia is offline
Old 02-22-2008, 12:20 AM

((may i join?))


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