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`Fallen is offline
Old 02-08-2010, 04:26 AM

So far these are the only two poems I feel okay sharing. I plan on adding more when I dig it out of my journals.

I love you
But you have to understand
I love him too
You caught me
When I feel for him
He stopped me
From falling for you
I love you both
In different ways
You have my heart
His hearts betrayed
Being committed to you
Has kept him at bay
Unsure of our feelings we have little to say
The silence speaks
Louder then words
Breaking away at my resolve
There is no balance
Between lover and friend
When they both promise
To be there in the end
Relying on fate
I have my doubts
Neither can I
Live with out
I'm breaking at the seems and running out of time
Why'd I ever think even your friendship could be mine?
You keep me in the dark, and completly shut me out
How do I let you know it is you I can't live with out?
You were a symbol of my future all I could aspire to be
Now you're just as common, as common as some one as me
But we are not alike, because I'd never lie to you
Thanks for making me believe that nothing that comes out of your mouth is true

`Fallen is offline
Old 02-10-2010, 08:38 AM

More untitled poems
The imperfections pile up
Leaving you to piece them together and tear me apart
Your words cut
Drag me down so low I can no longer see the stars

One plus one equals two not three
What ever happened to the times when it was just you and me?
She drove a stake between us and she drove it in deep
You are no longer a friend I am willing to keep

`Fallen is offline
Old 02-15-2010, 03:11 AM

I stare at the roses
Your symbol of undying love
Your way of expressing to me that we aren't over
I look to you
Standing next to me
Smiling, as if you did a good job
How do I tell you that the flowers mean nothing?
That they will wilt and die out like our love
Or that the chocolate will rot in it's box for all time?
How do I tell you?
With a smile and a hug to appease you
And a hug before you leave my door
I don't know what to do
I can't take this no more

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 02-15-2010, 03:06 PM

Taver, this isn't a thread where you can post your own work. I'm moving your post to your poetry thread. Please do not post your poems in other people's threads. Thank you!

`Fallen is offline
Old 02-15-2010, 06:09 PM

What can I do?
There is no escaping here
As the horror sets in I begin to see
What promises he has broken
How many lies I've believed
Never have I felt a pain so strong
An ache so painful
It almost seems wrong
Relationships are supposed to be sacred
But all traces of ours are gone
The emotional torment remains
Where did I go wrong?


Looking into the night sky
You realize how small we really are
We get lost in this place
So full of darkness and fear
Thoughts circling out heads
Why are we here?
So much chaos and tears
There is no one to save us
No hope
No cheer
Darkness devours
What humanity you have left
You are stuck here
In this world
All alone, lost with out me
Maybe one day you'll wake up and see
The monster you have become.

I don't want to be another pretty face
One that blends in with the crowd
I want to be who I am
And be able to scream it out loud
Who needs to be a wannabe?
One who has no mind or qualities
I want to be the boss of me

TaverFox is offline
Old 02-15-2010, 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by Sizzla View Post
Taver, this isn't a thread where you can post your own work. I'm moving your post to your poetry thread. Please do not post your poems in other people's threads. Thank you!
Back to Gaia I go, that's kind of bull. I posted a reply to her as a poem. It's something I tend to do. But if its a big deal, whatever, its cool.

`Fallen is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 01:40 AM

Underneath it all

Underneath hardened exterior
Lies a man no one knows
Within him lie his secrets
His dreams, his hopes
Yet no one stops to notice
That this man is unique
They judge him on his clothing,
His friends, his physic
This man they give no chance
And not a single friend can he depend upon
For they use him for their own gain
A hard life he was given
A hard life it will remain

Underneath a wardrobe of black
Lays a heart that longs to be loved back
Endless tears wasted
On the one she was dreaming of
All she dreams of now
Is death and his embrace
Although she pleads for death to approach
He has yet to show up at her door
Instead he gave her hope
Maybe now she can endure
The pain and misfortune that comes
When finding the one worth dying for

The two unfortunate souls
Sought to find comfort in their own pain
Instead they found each other
And yet the pain still remains
Although dimmed by their love
The two have come to understand
Pain is unavoidable
And not always bad
They claim to have met their soul mate
The one they were dreaming of
The only thing to thank
Are the heavens above
For never giving up
On these two and their love
Struggles they have faced
And many a fight too
But there is no one in this life
I love more than you

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by TaverFox View Post
Back to Gaia I go, that's kind of bull. I posted a reply to her as a poem. It's something I tend to do. But if its a big deal, whatever, its cool.
I didn't realize that was your intention, and I apologize.

`Fallen is offline
Old 02-19-2010, 02:26 AM


There is something about you
That makes me keep coming back
No matter how many times
You have pushed me away
I was always there
In your time of need
No matter the coast
You could count on me
If only I knew
How hard it would be
To take after you
As well as me
I had to sacrifice
Myself to find
That this whole relationship
Was just a lie
I had no one to blame
Only myself
Cause I knew it all along
I just couldn’t let you go
Even when I lost myself
Too caught up
In make believe
To really see the truth
All this time I wasted
Trying to save you



Whispered voices
That I hear
So little time
Too much to fear
No one’s here
As I fall
Stating blankly
At the wall
I have to end this misery

Who am I?
And from where do I come?
Add all of the questions
Can’t find a sum
Who am I?
And why am I here?

My life is more than a mystery
Yes someone out there has to be
Able to figure out
Who I am
So I don’t have to live this way
For the rest of my meaningless life

Watching, waiting,
For the end
I know it’s neat
No time to defend
Myself or my shattered heart

Clinging on to lost hope
Trying to remember
Who I was
For I am no one
That is clear
But who was I before I got here?
Before the lies
And this twisted game you call love

A life of love an happiness
Not a life of hate and bitterness
Everything I thought turned out wrong
I lost all faith in fairytale
Block out all of my memories
Because with them I was stuck in the past
Now I’m not sure who I am with out them

`Fallen is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 04:59 PM

Move-n On

Time flys by
I guess I should know
It’s been so long
And I miss you so
You were gone for all of these years
Leaving me to cry
Such painful tears
Now when you walk back into my life
You act as if you did nothing wrong
But you are wrong
With out you my world feel apart
Now you think you can walk back in
After all I sacrificed?


This emotion I cage
Years to be free
It wants to make mischief
And a fool out of me
My heart is off limits to anyone but I
I know it’s deepest secrets
All of it’s lies
I nursed it back together
After you left
I was damaged and hurt
Shocked none the less
You stole something precious
Something I can’t live with out
You took a piece of my heart
And I want it back

`Fallen is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 04:14 AM

The truth about forever

You promised me forever
But forever never came
Now I’m starting to see
That forever was just part of your game

Questions that you’ve left unanswered
Dismissing how terrible you make me feel
Too in love with you to question
How much of this is real

Bruises never marked my body
But they left me scared from within
Your cutting words sliced me deeply
And every time I gave in

I let you hurt me
Because you were all I had left
And through all I endured
Forever never came
Nothing from then on has ever been the same

`Fallen is offline
Old 03-18-2010, 12:56 AM

Poems about a boy


You spared a smile
Indulged me with a few kind words
Walked away and left me breathless
Your laugh resounds
Over in my head
It's all I have until I see you again
You leave me breathless


Your words resound
Play over and over again in my head
Contradicting everything
I have ever said
The emotions I feel
Are alien to me
It feels as though
You knocked me on my feet
Yet I'm still standing
Strong and proud
Wondering why your words turned my world
Upside down


Do you think of me
As I do you?
Does my name creep into your mind?
Intrude your deepest thoughts?
Do upcoming memories plant themselves in your mind
Only to disappoint you when they are not as vibrant as you only hoped?
Or am I the only one who thinks of you all the time?


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