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Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 10-27-2011, 05:32 PM

Welcome my children and adults to my little haven what is this place you ask? Well its japan of course just many years before you're time of course how did you come to be here? Why you should now that one silly either you were born here or you fell threw the bone eaters well like inuyasha wife did all those years ago. Why have a pulled you into my dream realm? Lets just say naraku wasn't the only one that inuyasha had to kill he had a son that no one knew about a blood and flesh son not those creations of his but a demon like sesshomaru. I need you to kill him now before he can rise to power and steal my sacred jewel which is like the shikon jewel now off with you children and adults back to you're life but remeber what i have said.

You have awoken in futal japan either you have fallen down the well or you were born here you have you're task now complete it or ignore it. i will exept any who will do my deed even humans and half demon for they are the best anyway.

1)have fun with it
2)no godmoding of any kind
3)i am goddess here obey me and the rules of my roleplay and menewsha and you will not be cast back to you're realm
4)be at least semi-lit i don't like long paragraphs but try not to do to many one liners
5)pm you're profile to me if you're human title you're profile Bone eater's well if you belong to the futal era meaning you were born there title is demons delight
6)please be patient with people if they can't post
7)don't just leave please tell me you're going or if you can't post for a while tell me that to and well but you're character in my dream world till you return
8)this is a horror/romance kind of rp please keep that in mind when joining
9)please keep it at least pg 13 meaning no getting naked together or by you'rself take it somewhere else and time skip
10)you can have a original character as you'r parents just make sure you tell me which ones.
11)no killing other people without asking me and that person.

Original character yes you lovers of inuyasha i'm bringing back the crew just keep in mind there grown up know so know little rin and kohaku
Kagome Higurashi
Shippo((you get kirara to go with you're character.))
((If i forgot someone and you want to play them let me know keep in mind narakus dead so no playing him sorry))

mene name:
character name:
powers: ((go easy okay one power per person))
weapon((for those power impared))
race: ((demon,half demon,human,monk,demon slayer))
bio: ((tell me a little something about you'r past))
picture:anime please


Accepted character
mene name:finx15
character name:Finx
personality:gentle,kind and all around lovable
race: Dream goddess
Power:I can control dreams send you good one or bad ones i can also speak to you in you're dreams.
bio: Her past is long and deeply confusing but she has been a dream goddess for while having gotten the poistion on the day of her death. The picture shows her jewel the one on the bottom of the mirror.
human form

mene name:finx15
character name:sumizome
personality:cruel, all around evil .
race: demon
bio: I am the son of naraku born of a demon mother who i killed. I will rule the world with the dream orb and take revenge for my father.

Originally Posted by Gemini
mene name: Gemini
Name: Gemini Starr
Age: 16
Power: necromancy (ability to conjure see talk to and touch ghosts ect.)
Weapon: katana
Personalty: cold, but secretly caring
Race: full demon
Bio: Gemini is the daughter of sesshomaru, though the only ones who know are him and her.she takes after her father in personality and even looks exactly like him, except for her hair and eye color.
Pic: ((I can't get to any right now))
Gemini is five feet tall with blood red hair and emerald eyes.besides that, she looks exactly like her father.she wears black all the time and never wears shoes.she has a cross shaped scar on her left cheek and a black rose tattoo on her right upper arm.she even has the same crescent moon on her forehead as her father.she carries a specially made katana with a rose hilt at all times.
Originally Posted by VampHunterX13666
Mene Name: VampHunterX13666
Character Name: Niko Silent Flame
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Power: none
Weapon: A katana that enhances his speed by 25%

Personality: His personality has many sides to it, one moment he can be caring and helpful, the next he can be less careing and not lift a finger. His moods make his personalty for that moment.
Race: Half-Demon
Bio: He was trapped in a cave for the jewle hunt years before, back when naraku was alive, by naraku himself, when he died the cave collasped almost killing him. Niko survived though and searches for the rumored son. He didn't believe it and wanted to see how true it was. He is a strange half demon, he like inuyasha, turns fully human on the new moon. He is lucky to have a sword that doesn't change when that happens. He before being trapped tried to go against naraku.
Originally Posted by dark world dealer

mene name:dark world dealer
character name:Luke.D.slayer
weapon: a clamor built by his father for killing demons this blade increases his strength by 30%
personality he's kind to his ally's but has no respect for Demons and littler for half breads
race: demon slayer
bio: Luke was raised in a village that spent all there time training to kill demons Luke's father was a the weapon smith of the village building weapons for every one in there small city. Luke was raised to hate demons and kill them on site he trained with brute strength. one night the demons made there move when the village was sleeping Luke awakened to his village being slaughtered he ran to find his father dead on the ground it was to late after that he swore revenge
Originally Posted by Psycho Alice

mene name: Psycho Alice
character name: Kiya
age: 15
gender: female
powers: Can cast illusions
weapon: a small dagger she keeps strapped to her thigh she isn't very good with it though
personality: Wary at first and rather untrusting till she gets to know someone than she is both loyal and affectionate. She is on the quiet side preferring to watch and listen rather than talk.
race: Demon
bio: Kiya is the product of two fox demons, they lived close to a small village so Kiya grew up with human playmates. That was until their parents found out and ran her out of the village one day afraid she would hurt their children. Her parents figured it would be best to move and they did, unfortunately the next town wasn't any kinder, and they moved once more. This town they stayed in a few years before they were run out only this time her parents were killed in the attack. Kiya was left on her own at twelve. In the next town a kind old couple who ran an inn took her in and gave her a job working for them, where she has been living the last three years.
Originally Posted by Psycho Alice

User Psycho Alice
Name Karou
Age 150
Gender Male
Powers The ability to hypnotize people with his eyes and bend them to his will
Weapon poisoned claws he is able to retract.
Personality cruel, self absorbed he thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread, he hates humans and goes out of his way to terrorize them, a warped sense of humor.
Race Demon

Originally Posted by Tsuki_moon
mene name: Tsuki_Moon
character name: Tsuki
age: 16
gender: Female
powers: Has a strange ability to talk to plants, and wildlife. She can also read pthers minds, but she can't control this ability, and it annoys her. Sometimes the thoughts are just images,sometimes its strings of sentences. Demons though she can not read their minds. Halfbreeds and humans only.
weapon: n/a
personality: She is abit of an air head most of the time, but reliable. Caring, andgenerous, she would give the shirt on her back to help someone, and has before, though that could be her weakness at times. She doesnt like fighting, and is mostly a healer. Very innocent minded.
race: human
bio: Tsuki is an only child living with her father, in a small farming village, everyone knows her well. Her mother was killed by a demon when she was little, and has been afraid of them sence the incident. Though if one were in need of help, she wouldnt blink an eye before she were by their side to tend to them. Being picked on by some of the older kids due to her abilities, growing up she became a quiet girl, who keeps to herself mostly.
When she was growing up, she learned she could so something others couldn't. And that was communicate with animals, and plants, trees and such. That, and being able to hear others thoughts, didnt help hermuch with the others her age. She has always tried to be alone most of the time, to block others thoughts.they drive her crazy, knowing what others are thinking, when she doesnt want to, not being able to concentrate. (hermind reading/ talking with animals and plants kinda ties together in away) lol)


mene name: Tsuki_Moon
character name: Takeshi
age: 428 (Appears in his late teens toearly twenties)
gender: Male
powers: Seduction. He can seem to attracte just about anyone he wishes with his charm, and it helps he seems to have a strange ability for it.
weapon: His fists.
personality: Cold,seems unfeeling at times, and all around playboy. If he can get himself out of a situation, using his charm. He will. He seems to think he should be worshiped, and he has used his charm so others would do this, though most of the time seems calm and collected, and be abit of a hot head, with a temper if pushed to much.
race: Incubus demon
bio: He has no living family, that he knows of, and honestly could care less. He grew upon his own, and leanred to fend for himself. He hates just about everyone, unless they have a pretty face. Takeshi, doesn'r reallt care about anyone or anything, and wont do anything for free.
picture: (He is the one with the long black hair)
Originally Posted by TearRose
mene name: TearRose
character name: Shippo
age: 25
gender: Male
powers: The typical Fox Demon clan abilities. (illusions and fox fire)
weapon: Sword
personality: friendly, outgoing, a little off-putting at first, stubborn.
race: Fox Demon
bio: After Inu-Yasha slayed Naraku, Shippo stayed with the group for a little longer, that is until he found a swordsman that was willing to train him. From then on, he lived with this man, learning the art of the sword as well as teaching himself his fox demon tricks when he had free time. When the fox demon turned 19, his master died of an illness. Shippo decided, after grieffing the loss of someone who was a father to him, to start traveling again. He was going to help those in need, and because many people were still scared of demons in general, he came up with a humanistic disguise that became his "trademark". To many people around this ancient Japan, he was known as the Fox Faced Man.
picture: Human Demon Fox Demon

Last edited by finx15; 12-05-2011 at 01:05 AM..

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 10-28-2011, 02:11 AM

All right ^^ I found your thread! I've never seen Inuyasha, or read the manga, so you'll have to help me a bit. Could you send me a pm giving me important things and a summary of Inuyasha?

Gemini is offline
Old 10-28-2011, 02:23 AM

Booyah this ones a winner finx! I'll make a profile.but can you get the pic? You know I can't get to any pics on my phone.

\ (•◡•) /
Afanassii is offline
Old 10-28-2011, 05:39 AM

I'm actually one of the many gamers that used to be present on this awesome site:

It has, sadly, died. But I delight in telling you that I can play just about any character from Inu Yasha. (It is particularly dear to my heart and one of the ONLY fandom stories I will participate in.)

Just let me know a few that you'd really like in the game and I'll see what I can do. ^.^

One thing I feel I should note, though... feudal is the word you're looking for. ;)

Last edited by Afanassii; 10-28-2011 at 05:49 AM..

I'm just a girl, one of the grea...
MoonRose is offline
Old 10-28-2011, 06:18 AM

Hey, can I give Kikyo a shot for you?

I've played her for 1 x 1's in the past and believe that I won't disappoint.

Of course if you need me to fill out the profile for her still, as well as providing a sample of me writing as her, then I would be more than happy to do that. Just let me know.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 10-28-2011, 06:31 PM

((shame on all of you no messaging in the thread heres a ooc thread instead. inuyasha the return of naraku))

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-04-2011, 12:58 AM

We're open.


"Hello my childern." Said a familiar voice in you're mind as you slept. "i'm sorry I never really got you started on you're journey did I please travel to my shrine in the north and my priestess will explain to you more. Now awake and go for time is short and sumizome
is fast approaching my jewel/

Psycho Alice
Maybe you haven't noticed but I'...
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Psycho Alice is offline
Old 11-04-2011, 02:57 AM

A soft voice filled the air and fog appeared blanketing everything and out of this fog emerged a beautiful woman. Kiya knew she was dreaming and that this dream was unlike any she had ever had before. Mainly because goddess or magical beings did not visit her in normal dreams not to mention the fact that everything held a surreal quality. ”Go to your shrine? But what why me?” unfortunately for her the woman was fading back away into the fog not answering any of her questions

Kiya woke with a start rubbing at sleepy eyes. What an odd dream, she couldn’t shake the feeling that it was true. The lady hadn’t really explained what shrine she was from and Kiya wasn’t really smart in the ways of goddess… or magical beings or such. ”Kiya dear wake up” the voice of the older innkeeper drifted down the hall a second before the older woman appeared in the doorway a kind smile on her wrinkled face. ”How did you sleep dear? Come down and have some breakfast” Kiya was silent at first still confused by the dream as she followed the old woman down the hall, but after the three, the two old innkeepers and Kiya, were settled around a small tabling eating she explained her odd dream to them.
”Sounds like the goddess of dreams if you ask me” the older man sad setting aside his empty bowl and leaning back his hands folded over his round stomach.
The dream goddess?” she asked picking at her last few pieces of food already full.
”Yes girl the dream goddess, she controls dreams, maybe controls is the wrong word. She can give you dreams I guess I should say” the old man continued thoughtfully as his wife bustled around cleaning up the mess of breakfast, no one was staying at the inn the only reason all three were able to eat breakfast together.
”Isn’t the dream goddess’s shrine somewhere to the north of here?” the old woman asked suddenly whisking Kiya’s bowl away.
”You know that dream sounds to me like a vision of some sort, maybe it would be best if you went and visited the shrine to the north and asked the priestess what the dream meant”the old man never cared much for gods and goddesses or demons (with the exception of Kiya) but he also knew a sign couldn’t be ignored.
So it was after packing a small bag and with the blessings of the kind innkeepers who had been watching over her the past few years that she left for the shrine to the north to find out the meaning of her dream.

(Lol sorry not my best reply but since no one else was starting I figured I would I hope it's okay if not tell me and I will change it)

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-04-2011, 06:50 PM

((Thanks for starting it. It's very good oh by the way everyone I'm looking for bad guys something to spice up are lifes so I don't have to have my guy show up ever hour like inuyasha one main guy many smaller bad people.))

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-05-2011, 01:30 AM

Griffin was sitting on his bed thinking hard about his life. It was so homework..then sleep and then it all repeated itself. He leaned back until his head rested on a pillow. He needed to fond some better things to do in his spare time. He didn't have many friends because he was to shy to make any and his mother was to busy to pay him very much attention. He was getting rather lonely these days. He grabbed a notepad and drew for a while before falling asleep.

Last edited by Monte Gray; 11-05-2011 at 12:45 PM..

Gemini is offline
Old 11-05-2011, 02:35 AM

((Here I go!))
Gemini woke up from her perch in an old sakura tree, startled by an unusually lucid dream."a shrine? In the north? Well what if I don't feel like going? " she asked no one in particular. "What if I don't care that naraku's son is on the move? Its got nothing to do with me." She concluded, jumping down from the tree.yawning, she strapped her blade to her hip and started walking.she may not care about naraku's son, but she did want to find out about this being that could enter her dreams at was, as far as she was concerned,an intrusion of her privacy.

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 11-05-2011, 02:04 PM

Niko had just woken from the strange dream. He thought he should check it out, but at the moment, he really didn't care much for anything. His sword strapped to his back like always in it's sheath he stood up and walked slowly north anyway, looking for a rabbit to kill for breakfast. He was hungry and he got cranky whe he was. Ever since almost getting killed by the blasted cave he was stuck in he has been slightly moodier then he was. He didn't care for near death experiences. "Why to this temple anyway?" he muttered to himself as he spotted a rabbit. He took out his sword and threw it so that it stabbed the rabbit and he retrieved the rabbit, cleaning his sword and putting it away. He started eating the freshly dead rabbit without cooking it, he got used to that, sure he thought cooked food tasted better but he didn't have the patience for cooking now.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 12:12 AM

Finx slipped into her human form and went out into the village to mingle with her followers. "I'm expecting vistors please send them to the shrine when they get her." she said and they said they would.

dark world dealer
dark world dealer is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 02:14 AM

Luke woke up to his fire going in his hut what a strange dream Luke got up and sat down by the fire and started to pray for all the loved one's he lost that unforgeable day Luke got up and picket up his fathers sword and through the strap over hi shoulder and opened the door before he left he grabbed a sack of fruit and veggies and put it over his shoulder and left he took about 5 steps out before he turned and lit his hut on fire time to move on Luke had a feeling that the next village will change his life so Luke hit the road travelling down the road he took out an apple and started to eat it Luke started to hum a lullaby that his father sung for him when he was younger

Gemini is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 01:21 AM

Gemini arrived quickly at the village where it seemed the shrine was located.this was where that dream woman was.she walked into the small town, her usual cold stare stopping people in their tracks.a trick she learned from watching her father, the demon sesshomaru. Hand on the hilt of her blade, Gemini made her way through the village.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 01:25 AM

"Lady priestess a demon." a villager called to finx "what?" finx asked she grabbed her bow and arrows only to smile at the girl when she realized it was one of the people who had been called to her mission. "Welcome to are village kind demon. I can guess that you are here about the dream goddess and her sacred jewel?"

dark world dealer
dark world dealer is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 01:30 AM

Luke found the village that the girl in his dream was talking about he made his way down the road not going any were any time soon he sat down laying his back on the wall he then took of his fathers sword of his back and started to sharpen it many people were giving him funny looks but he didn't care what people thought he just started to hum the lullaby to him self again as he sharpened his sword

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 01:32 AM

"Another person welcom demon slayer." Finx said with a smile stepping in between the demon and the slayer.

Gemini is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 01:39 AM

Gemini glared at the girl, then saw the slayer and drew her sword slightly.not taking her eyes off the slayer, she addressed the girl."what makes you think im kind? And what gives you the right to speak to me as if you know me? I came for the dream woman, not you and certainly not about her silly trinket." She said, her voice emotionless, never rising above normal speaking level.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 01:46 AM

"I am her priestess the goddess doesn;t come down to earth unless it pleases her. No fighting in the village both of you or I will have her give you nightmares even you a demon can't stand." Finx said looking from one to the other with a frown.

Gemini is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 02:42 AM

Gemini cast a withering glance towards the priestess and put away her sword."last thing I need is to deal with some goody little holy woman.why call for me, anyway? What makes your mistress think I would care? I only came to tell the hag to stay out of my mind." She said.if she was frightened by the threat of nightmares, she certainly didn't show it.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 02:51 AM

"She believes you would help along with this slayer and who knows who else. If he is anything like his father it will take more then one being to take him down not even a demon could resist naraku look at sesshomaru he played right into narakus hands and lost to his half demon brother. I fear as well as the goddess that this may happen again we certainly don't need one person going up against a bunch of demons all working for sumizome that would be suicide. I would look for by myself but im just a priestess and I know what happens to priestess's out there so I will not go alone even if my goddess had sent me the same dream she sent you." finx said pausing to look around the village "but you know better then anyone that if you wish to tell a god something you must wait for them to come to you. So why did you come trully?" she asked turning to face the young demon.

dark world dealer
dark world dealer is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 02:52 AM

Luke looks up with a blank face why is this looks at the demon here she's going to make me lose my lunch Luke got up and grabbed the last apple out of his sack and bit into it but not all the way so he could pick up his blade he through his sword around his shoulder and the bit the rest of the apple so why are we here as Luke glared at the demon

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 02:55 AM

"because the jewel needs to be saved as it is i can feel him getting closer approaching its hiding place." Finx said gazing into the distance "it needs to be protected."

Gemini is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 03:36 AM

Gemini growled."I knew nothing of the sort.I already told you why I came here.and as for sumizome,I could care less.your mistress should not assume that I would help, because I will not.I am not my father, and I will not get in the middle of things like he did.the only reason he got involved was because he had a feud with that half demon half wit.I have no such feud and therefore no reason to get involved.honestly those gods have some nerve.'she believed you would help' my ass.why would she believe any such thing, if she was really all knowing like gods are supposed to be?" She asked, ignoring the slayer.


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