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Bunbun_chompper is offline
Old 08-04-2009, 11:55 PM

Should I start or would you like to?

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 12:02 AM

I will since my character is the one getting abducted lol


Walking to school elaine sighs to herself wearing her usual blue and white school uniform, while she walked she talked to herself commenting how cold it was considering it was early september. Nothing happened to her before, ever, she hoped nothing would, while she lugged her backpack four miles to her private school the bushes began to move "hello?" she called out trying desparately not to panic "is anyone there?"

Bunbun_chompper is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 01:38 AM

He bursh out of the bushes. Blood ran from his arm. screams of men could be hear from behind the young looking boy. His breath was fast as he landed on the ground. He was badly hurt. Everything was a blur. His whole body told him to run and hide till he could find a way to heal his wounds. HE forced himself to stop and think. Running would do no good. Abel let out a groan his long white fangs shimmer in the early morning light. He stumbled over to a tree to take a short break and that was when He noticed her. A girl staring right at him. She had seen his fang and his red eyes. If she was to go free then the human race would find out about the Vampires... What to do? Here was no time to think about it. Cracking twigs signaled that the Vampire Slayers were very close. With lightning fast speed Abel grabed the girl and pulled her behind a car where they hid his cold pale hand over her mouth and in a gentle voice he whisper "If you scream i will break you neck"

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 02:08 AM

elaine's eyes filled with tears, she began to tremble under his hand hearing his threat. She knew the vampires and knew them well, her brother was converted when she was thirteen, now nineteen she knew there would be no hope for her. She nodded and stared over at him noteing that he seemed weak, weaker then she would have thought.

her breaths came in jagged gasps under his hand, watching as a group of men clammered by them without even seeing them. That was her only hope, if they saw them she'd be set free, but that hope was long gone now.

Bunbun_chompper is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 03:30 AM

Abel relaxed his hand falling from her mouth, coming to a rest on her leg. He rose to see if they had trule left. They had, But he didnt feel any safer. His eyews shift down to the girl. She was scared. He could smell the fear on her. He held his hand out for her to take. "Come with me we cant stay here for long if we do, those men will come back and kill us both"

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 03:39 AM

she nodded, and took it, stood up and they were off. She knew she wouldnt live but why did she know this? it wasnt safe, that's how she knew, she'd seen what vampires do to people on the news and in movies "where are you taking me?" she demanded, when she spoke her voice was trembling along with the rest of her body, how could anyone live with this fear, live in communion with vampires fully aware that what they truly wanted was blood? she'd never know..

Bunbun_chompper is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 03:54 AM

Abel let out a growl. "shut up! I dont know what im going to do with you. If you keep talking I am going to kill you here and now." With a singal movement He scooped up the small girl and jumped onto the roof of a close house. It was a jump no human could make. With and evil smile on his face he looked down at the girl "then again i might just eat you. to tellyou the truth, you are the easyest meal i have ever had."

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 03:57 AM

quickly squirming Elaine struggled to break out of his grasp, she almost succeeded too if she hadnt seen the sight he would drop her at "m-meal?" she gasped looking into his eyes why me?

her head dipped and eyes clouded with tears, this is when she really wished she had come into some sort of powers, to be able to teleport or make herself look unusually unappetising.. her lower lip trembled when he stopped "please.. please dont i-i'll pay you, i-i'll.. give you money, jewels anything just dont kill me please"

Bunbun_chompper is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 04:35 AM

"why would i want any thing like that. Humans say the stupidest things some thing." He jump down from the last house on the row and set the scared girl on the grownd. They were in the middel of a well covered graveyard. Very little light touched the ground. Wich was a good thing beacuse the sun was just starting to come up. "your stuck in here untill i get you out. The frence is too high for you to get over" With a sigh he sat on a grave stone and started to tend to his wounds.

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 04:39 AM

Elaine let out a loud scream she jumped onto the bars grabbing onto them, thankfully she was a gymnast ans got a good grip on it, she climbed as high as she could but fell and landed on her back with a loud thud "please" she pleaded "dont kill me i-i'll do anything!" her voice was trembling as well as her body "please" she begged again

Bunbun_chompper is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 03:37 PM

"then get over here and shut up! Right now your in the only spot I cant get to." The light brown glow of the ground made it clear that the sun was the strongest in the spot, too strong for him to survive. "The more you beg for your life the more i wanna kill you. Act like a normale person for once. This is why i hate humans they whine too much"he said with a grunt as his coat droped to the ground. "By the way. your covered in my blood. If someone see you they might think you killed someone."

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 04:44 PM

Elaine nodded and peeled off her uniform jacked, tossed it to the side and walked over to him. She knelt down to help him after pulling out a small first aid kit, she didnt really know why she traveled with this until now.

While dabbing peroxide onto his wounds she let out a soft sigh pressing gauze to where the bleeding was "i didnt know vampire could get injured" she whispered trying desparately not to make eye contact with her kidnapper.

Bunbun_chompper is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 06:38 PM

"Oh you you know what i am. Most people think I am just a wierd gothic kid." Abel licked his fangs "today might just be the funest day in my life...So how do you know about us?...If yo know what i am then why help me? It seems stupid to help something that could kill you." For a school girl She was able to treat his wounds very well. It looked almost as good as his own handy work.

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 06:42 PM

Elaine's hands trembled when anger suddenly flared up in her small slender body "my brother was turned by your kind, he abandoned us for you" when she spoke her voice was unusually flat

She stood up and backed away from him "the most fun you've ever had hm? giving humans heart attacks, yeah that's fun alright" she said in a sarcastic tone steppin gback into her little fortress of light "i think we should talk before you move me" she grinned feeling empowered knowing that she has the upper hand.

Bunbun_chompper is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 06:57 PM

Abel took up his coat and walked to the edge of the light. "I wonder if your brother ever feed on you..." He spiled his hard into one sleve of this coat and reach out for her. The sunlight didnt touched his bare skin. With one good pull Te little girl was back in the shade and under his control again. "You can out smart me Human. No were is safe" With his free hand he took her head by the chin and moved it from side to side "I dont see any bites. I guess he didnt feed on you after all... Or he just feed somewhere I can see".

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 07:00 PM

Elaine struggled against his grip "he didnt feed on me.. i staked him when he tried" she said with a sad tone, she pulled herself away from him taking out a silver cross from her pocket, then slipped it around her neck staring at him slowly pulling herself back into the sunlight, while she did this she started scaling up the bars again this time making sure she had a good grip.

Bunbun_chompper is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 07:09 PM

Abel laughed "You are a funny one. Most People I feed on scream and beg for there lifes... You fight. You even killed somethign that looked human.. I like that. So since i like you so much, I will give you this day to live. I wont stop from trying to escape either. But i warn you the when night falls I will bite into your little neck... Good luck" with that abel turned away from the girl and walked back to the grave stone he had sat on before and layed himself on the gorund waitng for the girls nexted move.

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 07:14 PM

elaine stopped and looked back at him with a twisted grin on her face, she pulled herself up high enough to pull a thick branch off of the trees above, of course though she slipped and fell puncturing her hand on the spikes at the end of each bar, she cried out looking down to see the spike protruding from the back of her small delicate body part "why me" she swore to herself pulling it off of the iron, writing in pain she climbed back down.

She quickly ran over to abel raising the stick in the air to drive through his chest when suddenly she paused "wait.. is your name Abel Turner?" she'd heard of a very prestegious family who's son went missing in the early 19th century

Bunbun_chompper is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 08:37 PM

Abels's Eyes opend and he looked up at the stick. "Not sharp enough, Stupid" He snorted and rolled onto his side. "I guess your a history buff. I might be him. I also might not be him.Why do you wanna know?" He asked He watched her our of the corner of his eye. The smell of her blood was sweet. Almost like candy. "how did you guess my name, Anyways?' He asked pulling his mind away from the blood.

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 08:41 PM

"you were converted in the early 19th century but.. your parents attempted to find you.. you were like me but somehow different you were taken by vampires.. they all drained you until you were good and what they thought was dead until a woman vampire gave you her blood.. and converted you.." she blinked and dropped the stick walking up to him in amazement, whipeing whatever make-up he may have on as well as pushing the hair away from his face "wow... i never thought i'd be in the midst of a famous person before" she laughed to herself, picking up her jacket and wrapping it around her hand trying desparately to stop the bleeding. She had no more gauze left, she so selflessly gave her last bit to Abel.

Bunbun_chompper is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 08:55 PM

"who do you know all that about be. No one else knows" He tooked her hand with a good grip and pulled it away from the jacket "Hmm. It went all the way through. Dont moved ok?" Before Elaine had a chance to reply Abel lowed his head to the wound and started to picked the blood away. Slowly the wound started to stop bleeding. For abel her blood was the best he had ever taste. He could feel his fangs growing inside his mouth. It was a sgin the his body wanted more then these few drops he was drinking.

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 08:59 PM

she winced then smiled "your mother wrote in journals and my mother was a historian before i was born.. that was one of the many books she purchased" she smiled "your father found you before but.. he never told you, he tried to help you but the vampires warned him that if they even came near you again.. they'd kill you. He didnt listen and this is what happened" she sighed seeing how hungry he was, she pulled her hand away from him and offered him her wrist, many veigns flowing with blood, something they both needed for sustenence "i.. please dont drain me"

Bunbun_chompper is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 11:33 PM

Abel smirked as he pulled off his shirt and began ripping it up into striped for her hand. It was clear now how Abel was able to make a jump from the ground to the roof top. He was muscled. His chest was carved out like a model you would see in magazines. "thats all a lie. I left beacuse I was scared of dieing. I was sick when I was human. I went looking for those vampire and i found one that would change me for a price. I had to pay her 100 000 gold coins. In todays money that would be close to 1 000 000 USD. I was the one who told my dad to back off... that I would kill him if he didnt stop coming after me.." He took her hand and wrapped the clothe tightly. Finishing his job he said "There that should do for now"

Kai La Morte
Married to Daemosa!
Kai La Morte is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 11:38 PM

she nodded surprised he wasnt eager to sink his fangs into her when she offered "your mother must not have been told that" she sighed sitting down, she blushed a deep shade of red once noticing his body "why did you bandage me up? i'm appreciative but.. i'm surprised you didnt drain me dry right then and there.."

she refused to look at him for fear of becoming attached, the sun was beginning to set and Elaine knew it was her turn to die. She bit her lower lip and prepared for the searing pain.

Bunbun_chompper is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 11:45 PM

Abel griped her chine with his long tink fingures. His red eyes looked right in hers. In the setting sun they almost looked like that were glowing. In a kind tone of voice he replyed "Think of your self as canned food. Im saveing you for later." It was then he noticed her blush "Do you like what you see?" he chuckled "Wanna see more?"


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