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Slacker Queen
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Anaxilea is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 12:07 AM

So as I write this, I'm sitting in one of the comfy chairs in a part of my college I like to call the Nerdery, which is filled with old-school arcade games, set-ups for tabletop games, pool tables and foosball tables.

About ten minutes ago, a couple gamers passed me to get to the Tekken machine, and this scholarly, pretty normal looking girl with them let out the loudest, longest, lowest, most gurgeley burp I've ever heard.

Now, I don't care if someone burps, but that was just disgusting - so bad, in fact, that I threw up in my mouth a little. D:

The real kicker is that on her second loop around (headed towards Tetris), she caught sight of me looking up WoW builds on my netbook. After commenting that it was the smallest laptop she'd ever seen, she proceeded to laugh and remark that she could never use a computer that was too small to run Warcraft. I just stared after her, mouth agape, as she dumped the last of her quarters into her next arcade game.

THIS is what gives girl gamers a bad name. I'd like to think that I'm not so gross. xD If you don't count the fact that I hate make-up, I'm pretty much your normal girl.

Anyway, that aside, what's grossed you out lately?

(I'm going to regret making this thread, I just know it!)

Last edited by Anaxilea; 06-03-2011 at 12:48 AM..

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 12:10 AM

I hate it when people give us girl gamers bad names. Seriously!

So on this topic, one of my friends has been complaining of ear pain and hearing loss for a few days. I guess he finally gave up and went in to the doc. and got a diagnosis of extreme earwax buildup. He then posts a picture of said earwax buildup on facebook. I really wish I could remove the image of that ickiness from my brain, I did not need the visual to go with his ear isssue! EW!!!

Slacker Queen
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Anaxilea is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 12:13 AM

Oooh, those are the WORST, Daria, the Facebook over-sharers! We all know one! xD

As an aside, I've already gotten my second gag factor of the day, thanks to today's post. Suffice to say that I no longer have even a hint of interest in going to a tanning bed, regardless of the fact that I'm white as a ghost. xD

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 12:41 AM

I'm white as a ghost too, but I am totally okay with that. I don't tan well, so I tend to either be white or red. White hurts less. ;)

In lesbians with Scott Pilgrim
LoveAria is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 01:57 AM

Theres a few things that truely gross me out.
One being when people -like my friends or people I don't know-
make-out in front of me. I mean come on people, theres a time and a place for that and its not here and now. The noise it makes when people suck face is just overall nasty.

Another thing is when I find dead bugs under clothing in my room or something and I hate bugs so that pretty much gives me a heartattack/complete gross-out.
Most of the time they're roaches too so that makes it better :sarcasm:.

Hmmm. Something else i guess would have to be when I see extremely dirty things like sinks, toilets, floors, or anything like funiture or appliances in other peoples houses other than my own. It's just plain nasty.

Oh, and when people older than the acceptable 7 years old at the most pick their noses in public, Even worse than that is when they eat whatever comes out.
Keep that for when you're home alone with the blinds shut please.

Slacker Queen
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Anaxilea is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 02:17 AM

When they do that, I always wonder if they have spouses, Aria, and if they do, if they kiss them... *cringe*

The bug one reminds me of something I am deathly afraid of, but have never personally had happen. Apparently there's these little bugs that like to get into sugar and flour and look like maggots. I'm an avid baker and store all of my ingredients in air-tight containers. If I were ever to find a bug in my ingredients there would be some serious vomiting going on, followed by tossing out half my pantry, giving the whole thing a good scrub and having nightmares for a week.

Elluh is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 03:50 AM

Carnies. :stare:

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 04:42 AM

Loose hairs. I'm okay with a hair falling off my head and landing on my arm, I'm okay with hairs in my brush, but other times hair makes me want to gag. We have this guard thing for our shower drain that catches most hair so it's easily removed and doesn't clog the drain. I can never ever empty that. The wet hair gooped up with some conditioner and soap makes me feel like gagging. :gonk:

Also, yes, kissing noises are gross. :lol: It's cute that you're in love, and a sweet little peck is fine, but if I can hear you from afar, please get a room, because all I hear is moist smacking.

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 06-03-2011 at 04:45 AM..

Sir D . L O Van Lobsters
The First.
Sir D . L O Van Lobsters is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 03:42 PM

It doesn't give girl gamers a bad name. It gives her a bad name.

She probably didn't even think she was being rude, OP. She probably just jokes with all of her friends like that and didn't think it was out of line to do it with a stranger.

Broseidon, King of the Broceans
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Old 06-03-2011, 07:53 PM

On the subject of girl gamers.
What really does give them a bad name is when they call themselves "super nerdy" and "such a gamer" yet all they play is facebook games.
Yes those may be games, but I'm sorry, playing poorly made flash games does not make you a gamer.

On topic: Generally anything slimly. I'm not a big fan of fish or eggs either.

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Old 06-03-2011, 08:01 PM

Thats amazing. I dont care weather someone burps or not, its a natural thing ;) Me and my gf burp all the time, my mom may not like it, but my gf and I dont care haha. The only thing that rally grosses me out is related things on TV.

Slacker Queen
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Anaxilea is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 08:03 PM

Lol, I'm not a fluff, I don't mind when someone burps, it was the quality of the burp coming out of this otherwise normal nerd girl that shocked me.

In lesbians with Scott Pilgrim
LoveAria is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 08:51 PM

I just went to my friends grandmothers house last night (which is near my house) and stayed there with my two friends (one of which was the grand daughter...obviously) Alannah and Victoria. Give Vickers anything and she burps like a man.
My friends and I are avid burpers. I drink soda (preferably Dr. Pepper) just so I can get good burps.

Ana: Omg, I would run screaming if I found bugs in my sugar or flour. I founds weevles in my pancake batter one time.
Very, very gross.

Black Phoebe
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Black Phoebe is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 07:59 AM

Burps and farts don't gross me out provided they are released in a more polite and discreet manner, like in the bathroom, quickly following an 'excuse me'.
I understand that doing so is a natural bodily function, but the smell alone makes me want to Ralph.
I also find it way worse when a girl does it around me, because I automatically expect women to be more polite- simply because of the culture I was raised with.

I also find it gross when people dress like skanks, regardless of body shape. It's fine to be 'sexy', but when you're trying to show off every area of skin possible, and you do it ALL THE TIME, it just makes my skin crawl.

and finally, Jeggings, the leggings with jean print. They are gross, especially when the girls who wear them don't even have panties underneath because 'people can't see through the jean print' (when we can we're just too disgusted to say so).

Slacker Queen
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Anaxilea is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 08:47 AM

UGH, Jeggings! That's a great one! I mean, at least put on a thong, they're MADE for not showing a panty-line... no one's interested in your camel toe. And if they are... grosser yet.

Laila Izuka
Culinary Arts Ninja~
Laila Izuka is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 05:20 PM

Well I can't think of much to post at the moment. Though there is something that happened in class a couple days ago

Most of my (Culinary) class was upstairs helping chop up and prepare a few things. And we had to take off the outside layers of the onions using our chef knives. Now most people don't think that that is gross and disgusting. But these onions appeared to be of just taken off the field and then tossed into a bucket. They weren't washed off at all DX. There was a lot of dirt on my hands, under my nails, and on my knife. Needless to say once I was done I spent a good couple of minutes cleaning my hands and knife after that.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 10:19 PM

No disgusting is filling up the bath tub. Nice and hot for a relaxing bath. Sitting down, letting the warmth soak in, and seeing something reddish-brown and realizing it's a centipede. -.- Never having a bath again without checking the tub out.

It was midnight. I jumped out of the tub, screaming. I grabbed a towel just as my older brother rushed in. I couldn't even put my hand in the water to drain the tub.

Miss Eevee
♡sweet lolita ~
Miss Eevee is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 11:09 PM

eels. seriously. i just hate them.

i don't know why - nothing particularly traumatic involving eels ever happened to me in my youth. just ew. D:

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 11:26 PM

Regurjatated food and injuries. If I start talking and thinking about injuries I become seriously grossed out.

Loveday is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 11:32 PM

The sound of silverware scraping. It gives me chills, then makes me nauseous. As par as pure disgust goes... I really hate dog hair and dogs licking. I don't know why, but cats seem so much cleaner. Sosososososo much cleaner, not to mention the sound of dogs licking. Bleh. Don't get me wrong, I like dogs, but I don't have any just because I have OCD and find them too disgusting to be in my house. I'd be cleaning 24/7.

Last edited by Loveday; 06-05-2011 at 11:34 PM..

Mystic is offline
Old 06-06-2011, 02:00 PM

Throw up grosses me out. The smell of bananas also makes me want to throw up.

The Commoner
Chen is offline
Old 06-10-2011, 06:19 AM

Vomit is pretty gross, the especially if you're the one vomitting and can actually taste it >_<

Anything that's deteriorating or rotting, food, dead animals....and the sound of killing insects and squishy things like millipedes or caterpillars....

Tabitha is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 03:52 PM

The main thing that grosses me out has probably got to be animal skins.

I don't find that many things apart from that that gross me out to be honest. I can manage to watch surgery going on, on TV while eating my dinner. c:

Echidna is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 04:35 PM

I'm a girl gamer, and the fact that people such as her walk about sullying the name of the rest of us really bugs me. =P

One thing that grosses me out more than anything is feet, and recently, I saw the most disgusting set of trotters I've ever laid eyes on. One of my friends has always had issues with his toenails and was actually going into hospital to get them removed. When I say 'issues' I mean they're discoloured, infected and smelly. The other day when he was changing his shoes, I noticed that he wasn't wearing socks, so I was about to say 'You manky b*****d! Not even wearing socks in your trainers!' as a joke, but then I caught sight of his toenails. Ugh...I was nearly sick. I know it's not anything he can help...but please, cover them up. Though like I said, even the most well taken care of feet would gross me out.

Darkness Within
Darkness Within is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 05:58 AM

The sound of someone cracking their knuckles/neck whatever. Bleh!
The sound of a heartbeat is also kind of gross for me, although I would probably like it when it's my boyfriend's(when I get one).
I also get grossed out seeing barfing in movies or otherwise, and hearing talk of poop, heck seeing it too. I don't look at my own and would always turn away with my nose held when my younger cousin would get her diaper changed in the same room as me.


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