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EchotheOutLawWolf is offline
Old 12-17-2013, 05:39 PM

Holding her books to her chest as she walked the halls towards the library she needed to return and check out a book before she could do anything this beginning year. She gave out a sigh when a couple of girls waved at her with small smirking which she didn’t pay much mind to it anyway when she went inside. She was one of the smartest kids of this All girl school that her parents put her in hoping to be friends with girls her age. With the thought her of parents putting her in this school made her laugh though she knew they did it for a reason only.

Putting her book on the container she turned her head to one of the new book selves that the school had put for the new books this year. Great! More knowledge! The thought made her smile as she went to the selves and brushed her fingers across the book spines. The smell of the new books always gave a good chill down her spine that wanted her to keep them all, but knew she couldn’t.

The young girl stopped at one the books that read history of Animal Mimicry, finally! Pulling the book out she turned the pages once she found a sit in the far back near a hug window that had wonderful colored curtains.

Last edited by EchotheOutLawWolf; 12-18-2013 at 02:03 AM..

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 12-17-2013, 11:04 PM

((but with spider bites and a nose ring. Also has some ear piercings))

Evelyn Lottie Taners walked through the packed hallways with her chin held high, and gaze fierce. Or rather, it seemed fierce. Lottie--as she liked to go by--didn't notice that her gaze seemed to intimidate people. All she knew was that eyes were trained on her as though she were a wild dog that was about to attack. While she didn't like all the staring, she would have been more surprised--and uncomfortable--if there wasn't any staring. With all the rumours that were going around about the "loner emo girl", of course they were going to stare! Then again, some of those so-called "rumours" were actually true; like the fact that she smoked, that she hung out in an abandoned building, and that she pierced all the piercings herself. There were probably others, but Lottie honestly couldn't be bothered to remember. Then there were some rumours that were absolutely ridiculous; like the fact that she spoke to the dead, that she was part of a gang, that she did drugs. Someone even spread around that Lottie had been pregnant last year! Honestly, she moved to this school simply because she had gotten kicked out of the oh-so-prestigous high school she had been at before. Apparently she had been ruining their image of "perfection".

Sighing, Lottie waltzed into the library, still ignoring the "discreet" stares she was getting. Sometimes it made her angry that people thought that because she dressed like this, she wasn't a nice person. In fact, when she was around her friends from her last school, she was rather a happy, almost hyper-active teen. But here, where she knew no one, Lottie seemed to have turned on her "cold" switch. She never was good with strangers after all.

Lottie carefully looked through the array of book--fiction of course--until she found a perfect one.

"Project Cain," she muttered aloud, reading the back of the book.

It was perfect. The perfect action-mystery that seemed to have near to no romance in it. She really did hate those stupid romance novels with the sparkly vampires, and the love triangles. Every romance story seemed to be the same, so what fun were they?

With the book in her hand, Lottie made her way over to a window with colourful curtains strung on it. There was only one other person there--a brunette with glasses--so Lottie figured she'd be safe from the constant judging. With a bit of a huff, the young girl plopped down in the seat across from the brunette, and opened her book, letting herself be surrounded by a completely new world.

((Hope this is ok))

EchotheOutLawWolf is offline
Old 12-18-2013, 02:02 AM

As she read her little book her mind began to wonder off as her toke all the knowledge of this wonderful book that she would sometimes have trouble learning. Though she surprisingly she would get perfect grades on her Summoners night class. Back straight and closed together as she read after she pushed her glasses up, she must have been slouching earlier. As she did so she began to red some of the text out loud in a soft voice keeping other from hearing her if one decide to come in the library.

The book began to slightly glow of a blue to purple hue as well as her eyes changed as she read. Her glasses whiten from the soft light until she stopped, her eyes still a purplish color she looked outside to see her reflection but it was quite hard to see at first since her vision was a little blurred for a while. Lilith had removed her glasses giving her a better look of it and once did a bird was on the window shill, her brow raised looking at it for while seeing it was not a regular bird , a beautiful raven and spots of blue designs on it almost alike a humming bird or blue jay. Its eyes purple colors…like hers, hm. She must be mimicking this bird she seen as she could see herself for a while before it went off to whatever birds do.

Lilith began to whistle a little shadow blue tone for a while until she heard someone coming over to her side, quickly she stop and magic wore off. She didn’t know much of students here even if she was here for about one and half years, the school had a two different type of students here, one for regular students and the other who was born with magical arts and such like she. Of course the principal always wanted us to be careful on how we show our magic around day class students since most of them were human didn’t know how they would react.

Looking at the person she seen it was female with white and red hair, it was pretty she never seen colors like that on person before nor a human before, while she assumed the girl was human since she doesn’t pay attention much. Seeing that the girl was reading as well Lilith decided to go back to hers before speaking a bit. “Hello.” Her eyes didn’t lift from her book as she did so.

[OOC:. Yesh that's fine ^^]

Last edited by EchotheOutLawWolf; 12-24-2013 at 03:47 PM..

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 12-18-2013, 09:17 PM

Lottie looked up at the sound of a small female voice. Her black rimmed eyes went over to the brunette across from her curiously, before she uttered a rather cold sounder "What's up?". She tucked a strand of her red dyed hair behind he ear before her eyes fell back onto her book. It was odd so far, to say the least, but that was what she liked about it. She always loved the weird ones, the ones that only one person could seem to think of. Biting her lip slightly, her eyes slid back up to the brunette. Something about her scream "weird". Of course, not in a bad way. Lottie would never think that "weird" was bad. She hated the cliche-ness of life, and people. The weird ones always had her attention, rather than the normal one. It seemed that everything "weird" grabbed Lottie's attention.

"What're you reading?" she asked, slightly cursing herself for her voice. Whenever she talked to strangers her voice seemed to become fierce and cruel. It was as if her own voice wanted people to start weird rumours about her.

((its short...sorry))

Last edited by Naruto forever; 12-23-2013 at 09:15 PM..

EchotheOutLawWolf is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 08:50 PM

She looked up at her when she asked her what she was reading at first she didn’t say anything at first. “…A book about the Paranormal...” Lilith spoke looking at her book again as she closed it, the book saying its title, Paranormal. She used magic to change just the cover just in case she decided to get a glimpse of it hearing her voice she glanced at her longer then she would anyone else.

As she was going to say something about it point out her cruel tone, but decided not to. Maybe it wasn’t her fault for it though she shrugged it off and decided anyway. “Quite a tone and voice you have...” She said with a natural blunt tone of hers with a more mature voice.

Lilith began to speak again. “Same question for you, what are you reading?” She had a small smile on her face but barely noticeable.

[OOC:. It’s fine and sorry for not posting was pretty distracted by something >.>; and people.]

Last edited by EchotheOutLawWolf; 12-24-2013 at 03:50 PM..

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 12-23-2013, 12:34 AM

Lottie felt herself twitch slightly at the mention of her tone. She didn't say "sorry", or anything along those lines though. She simply bit her lip a little, before running her hand over her book. She did raise her eyebrows though at the mention of the paranormal. Of course, that was a rather broad term, but the word itself had always interested Lottie. The thought of another world out there, one that people had no idea about, made her eyes sparkle with curiosity. Maybe that was why she enjoyed The Harry Potter series so much.

"You're interested in that? Is the book good?" she questioned, feeling her voice starting to come off as more curious rather than cold.

She looked down at her own book, taking in a couple of words, before looking up once more. "Project Cain," she answered, "It's about a clone of a mass murderer so far."

((It's fine. Mine are pretty short too ^^;))

Last edited by Naruto forever; 12-23-2013 at 09:16 PM..

EchotheOutLawWolf is offline
Old 12-26-2013, 12:14 AM

When she questioned it almost made her frown a little then a smile slightly grew on her face when the girl looked like she had a spark of interest in it. “Of course...” She said with a nod the book was an interesting book that had checked out and she was glade for it or she would have put it back where she found in it in this library.

Lilith let the title sick in a bit before she answered. It had a ring to it so it sounds good. “Project Cain… sounds like an interesting book. “ She glanced a little outside seeing that some of the students where leaving from the courtyard. She didn’t pay too much mind about it then decided to introduce herself.

“I’m Lilith Microlin, and you are?” She asked after to stood up and hand out for a hand shake. From the looks of it the first bell had rung for first class, but luckily she was late...well yet anyway.

[OOC:. Happy Holidays !! Alos sorry for not posting an while I was busy with stuff holidays and everything.]

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 12-30-2013, 06:39 AM

Lottie bent the corner of the page she was on as she closed the book. This conversation seemed to be actually going somewhere, so she had no intention to keep reading. She let the book slid onto the ground, before nodding. "It's good so far," she answered.

She looked up at the darker haired girl, ignoring the sounding bell, signalling that first period was starting; she was usually late anyways, so who cared? With the tiniest hint of a smile plastered on her face, she shook the other girl's hand. "Lottie Tanners," she replied, "Lilith is a pretty name. I like it."

She looked out the window, watching as a couple of students ran so that they wouldn't be late for class. In all honesty, Evelyn had given that up long ago. The teachers expected her to be late, so she let herself be late. It was more relaxing that way anyways. Plus, her first period was English, a subject where the teacher was easy-going, and where Lottie was actually good at. It also helped that the teacher seemed to love her for some reason. It was odd really. Most teachers hated her, but this one teacher seemed oblivious to that.

((You too...well belated christmas. And it's fine. :) ))


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