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Graxdon is offline
Old 01-24-2012, 09:50 PM

Your eyes open slowly as you find yourself lying on a bed in a strange, but beautiful room. Everything in here, the dresser, the bed, everything screams of high class and lots of money. It's then that you notice two things. The first, a mannequin exactly your size is in the middle of the room with a beautifully made, though macabre in style masquerade outfit. The other, is a ventriloquist dummy made to look just like you do now in your normal clothes. As you stare, it looks up at you and speaks in a dark voice, "Greetings, my dear guest, and welcome to my home. You have been lucky enough to be chosen to spend a week here with the possibility of receiving wonderful rewards. There is, of course, a catch... well, two catches. You'll find in the envelope within the night stand drawer are individual instruction that you must carry out if you wish to make it through. The other catch is that I have invited several... unusual individuals to dine here... upon you. If you wish to win, you must survive, if you wish to survive, you must know fear... and conquer it. Oh, also, do try not to get lost, my home is a very large complex of buildings and gardens, one could even call it labyrinthine. If you go into the hedge maze, take extra caution not to get lost, it likes to change. Now, I bid you good evening, and good luck."



1. This is a horror RP, your characters are naught but mere mortals (for now), they can get scared

2. I'd like this to be literate please, no posts less than four, good sentences and no l33t speak

3. PM profiles to me

4. No god-modding characters or killing characters unless you talk to the owner about it

5. Only one person gets to be something supernatural (vampire, witch, lycanthrope, etc.), or just aware of the supernatural world. First come, first served

6. I'll post more rules if necessary


Picture: (Anime only)
Psychosis/phobia: (if applicable)

Last edited by Graxdon; 01-24-2012 at 10:07 PM..

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Graxdon is offline
Old 01-25-2012, 06:42 AM

Username: Graxdon
Name: Franklin Jakovy
Age: 16
Job/hobbies: High Schooler/ dress designing
Picture: and my masquerade mask
Psychosis/phobia: Claustrophobic
Likes: Old style high society fashions, romance novels
Dislikes: Ignorance and slobs
Personality: Kind but I have a tendency to be overly critical and brutally honest.
History: Son of a rich banker and world famous fashion designer, Franklin's father was slightly disappointed when Franklin showed more interest in following in his mother's footsteps, but still does everything to support his fashionista of a son. All his life, Franklin has gotten everything he could have ever wanted, the best schooling, the best clothes, loving and supportive parents, Franklin has lived a life without want, and has loved all of it. Now, away from anyone he knew and everything he had... can the girly little rich kid survive?


Originally Posted by Esmme
Username: Esmme
Name: Astryd Reed
Age: 18
Job/hobbies: Artist and Singer for a band
Picture: Astryd has dark green eyes and bright red hair.
Psychosis/phobia: She is known to fear spiders and rats something fierce. Astryd was once diagnosed with depression, and tends to be very pessimistic about nearly everything. After being left by her best friend, she tends to not trust people.
Likes: Music, art, being alone.
Dislikes: Spiders, small animals . . . animals in general, heat, fire, and blood.
Personality: Known as a bit of a recluse, Astryd tends to keep to herself. She sang with her friend in a band, but the night she "disappeared" she was out having fun with that particular friend. Apparently Astryd was abandoned on the side of the road with a terrible hangover and no memory of what happened.
History: She grew up in a back-alley home that was falling apart and ready to die. Astryd was never good with her family, had few friends, and ended up being the brunt of everyone's anger. Silence and solitude became her friends, and she soon sank into the habit of expressing herself through art and music. After joining a band with her only friend, Astryd began to feel like she belonged.
She didn't. Finding herself betrayed by the only person she ever trusted, Astryd has found herself falling into depression once again.

Username: Esmme
Name: Rai Safe
Age: 19
Job/hobbies: He doesn't seem to have a job . . . but he seems the type to kick the crud out of someone with hand-to-hand combat.
Picture: Picture 1 Picture 2
Rai has blue eyes and silver hair.
Psychosis/phobia: Water freaks him out, especially large bodies of it. He fears losing those he holds dear.
Likes: Sweet foods, music, beauty, feeling "in control."
Dislikes: Intense light, large open spaces, being alone, water, fire.
Personality: Usually fairly emotionless, Rai will occasionally show emotions more intense than many of his companions are used to. He practically radiates them, really. He can't stand to lose a fight . . . especially since he's rather confident with his physical abilities.
History: He isn't very forthcoming with his past, though it is obvious that he has lived a very active life and has traveled quite a bit. Apparently he went everywhere with his family.
He lost his father and brother to a sinking ship when he was 18. What was a happy time turned into the most horrific nightmare Rai has yet to forget. He still dreams of the cold water and frost that took his family from him.
From that point on, he changed. After that change, he dedicated himself to improving. He would never be weak again. He made a promise: he would never be too weak to save his loved ones again. Never would those he cared about be taken from him again.
Originally Posted by o0Calyx0o
Username: o0Calyx0o

Name: Mellony Merwick

Age: 17

Job/hobbies: In college. She wants to be an engineer.

Picture: (obviously, though, in different clothes. She's not wandering about in a nightie.)

Psychosis/phobia: Blood/doctors/needles; honestly, anything to do with medical practice.

Likes: Animals, knives, math,

Dislikes: Needles, syringes, blood, people touching her without her express permission, hospitals, medicine, coughing

Personality: Mellony is a smart, socially awkward girl. She graduated high school early, and started college at sixteen. She's painfully shy and awkward around people she hasn't known her entire life, and tends to stammer and ramble about odd subjects. The sight of her own blood will send her into a panic.

History: Mellony was born into a upper-class family. Her parents were both talented surgeons, and hoped one day to have their daughter follow in their footsteps. However, after having a patient die in surgery, his angry father- a colleague of her parents- attacked Mellony, infecting her with an aggressive strain of TB. She spent years in the hospital, undergoing numerous treatments. Eventually, she beat the virus, but it scarred her for life.

Originally Posted by Drexy4ever

Username: Drexy4ever
Name: Lenelle
Age: 17
Job/hobbies: Raps, crochets, creates stories

Psychosis/phobia: bugs, irrational fear of balls (dogeballs, rubber balls, excersize balls, etc.), Schizophrenia
Likes: lip-gloss and other beauty products.
Dislikes: Bugs, zombies, the voice in her mind.
Personality: Lenelle is very loud, and is usually happy unless she is having one of her episodes. They make her usually seem like she's talking to herself because of the hallucinations that come with them. She has a slow reaction time to most things, except zombies. In some hallucinations when zombies are there, she's able to run twice the speed of a normal person. She can always run fast when she's scared. She is often frusterated because people constantly say she is "drunk" or "tipsy" because of her slurred and broken speech during her delusional moments.
History: She is the daughter of a single mother who is particularly an evil, evil woman. She is constantly putting her down and sometimes hitting her, something that is portrayed in alot of Lenelle's hallucinations. She gets to see her dad every weekend, a time that she would pay money for. She is an all around daddy's girl, and loves him dearly.

Last edited by Graxdon; 02-04-2012 at 12:23 AM..

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Graxdon is offline
Old 02-04-2012, 12:28 AM

Franklin Jakovy blearily woke up in a strange, but fine bed and looked around. The first things he noticed was the mannequin with the fine clothes, and the other was the ventriloquist dummy that looked just like him. He let out a nervous squeek when the dummy started to speak. Once it was over, he gulped and went to the door and tried to open it. He let out a frustrated groan when it wouldn't open. After a few minutes he went to the bedside table and checked the drawer, finding the letter. He gulped as he finished reading, setting the letter aside, and started getting undressed. After a few minutes, he was redressed in the masquerade outfit, an old fashioned suit with black mask. There was a loud click from the door and it swung open silently. Franklin took a nervous breath, pocketing the note, and stepped out of his room.

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 02-04-2012, 02:03 AM

Mellony let out a small moan as she woke up, putting a hand to her head. Her eyes snapped open immediately as she realized that she was laying in between sheets that were definitely not the cheap cotton things on her dorm bed. Her next thought was that maybe she was at her parents, but that didn't make sense either. Sitting up, Mellony took a good look around the room, her eyes falling first on the well-dressed mannequin in the corner, and then the strange puppet in the chair.

Swallowing, Mellony climbed out of the bed, taking a tentative step toward the dummy, which bore much more than a passing resemblance to... her. She jumped back in surprise as its mouth opened, and it began to speak.

“‘Dear guest?’ ‘Wonderful rewards?’ He kidnaps me and then expects me to play this sick game?” Mellony muttered as the doll finished its speech, looking around the room again. She walked over to the nightstand, pulling open the drawer and then the letter inside it. Opening the envelope, she pulled out the paper inside and began to read.

Dear Ms. Mellony Merwick,

Within the most northeast building of the complex, there is an old hospital building. Within, in the building's center building of the center floor, there is the surgery room. Within that room, there is a box with your name on it that holds something of great use to you. Good luck.

The Host

Horror washed over Mellony at the mere mention of the location of her ‘useful item.’ How could this psychopath even know about her phobias?! You’ve got to be kidding me. This is some kind of sick joke… I’m not playing this game, I’m out of here. Mellony thought to herself, running toward the door and trying to pry it open. The knob refused to turn, and no matter how viciously she pulled or kicked, the door stood strong. “Oh what now?” She demanded to the room, looking around to see if perhaps there was another way out. Her eyes, again, fell to the mannequin. Wait. That… thing, She glanced over at the ventriloquist’s dummy, talked like this was some kind of party. And I’m not exactly dressed for one. Biting her lip, she walked over to the dummy and pulled the dress off. As a second thought, she pulled the sheet off the bed and tossed it over the dummy. Who knew what other functions it had. She quickly changed into the gown. It fit her perfectly, and she found herself trying not to think about how this head case could have possibly gotten her measurements. Grabbing the mask from the mannequin’s face, she slid it on. There was a ‘click’ from behind her, and she walked back over to the doorknob, not surprised to see that it was now unlocked. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out into the hallway to face whatever this guy had to throw at her.

((Pics of Mel's dress and mask:

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-04-2012, 04:05 AM

~ Rai Safe ~

The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was darkness. After blinking a few times, the world seemed to settle into place about him. Rai slowly sat up, looking around him in confusion. Where am I? Just as he was lowering his feet to the floor, a voice startled him out of his thoughts. With a small sound of surprise, his blue eyes locked on the puppet that spoke in a hollow, dark voice.
"Greetings, my dear guest, and welcome to my home."
As the macabre manifestation continued to speak, Rai's gaze never wavered. Instead, he slowly stood and took a closer look at the room. Fine fabrics and rich, heavy objects filled every surface and furnishing. It was incredibly wealth-oriented. "Why am I here?" he asked, but it seemed that the talking dummy would answer no questions. Rai's gaze was directed toward the mannequin in the middle of the room.

"What the hell?" With whisper-quiet steps, he moved toward the dressed stand. It looked as though everything there would fit him. With a hesitant hand, he reached up to touch the mask. It was a simple strip of black fabric, yet it looked thin enough for him to see through. There were holes cut for his eyes. "I don't understand." Why was this happening? Was he dreaming?
He moved to check the door, but found it locked. Uncertainty clouded his mind as he checked the room for a way out. Nothing. That's when he decided to humor himself. Fine. He moved toward the drawer that the dummy had told him about, slowly reaching out to pull it open.

The wood scraped lightly, and Rai immediately withdrew the letter inside. His eyes scanned over it swiftly . . . before frowning and looking toward the clothing that looked tailor-made for him. I see. Blue eyes narrowing, he stepped toward the mannequin again and took the clothing from it. Within moments he was dressed in surprisingly comfortable black pants and boots, with a startlingly clean white button-up shirt. The finishing touch was the long coat that fit perfectly.
If this is a dream, then I will see it through to the end.

Reaching up to massage his throat, Rai coughed lightly. I need a drink. He looked toward the door again, and just as he tied this mask on there was a light click. "Of course," he muttered to himself. As he stepped out into the hallway, one line from his letter kept spinning through his mind.

This prize lies at the bottom of the fountain within a safe that requires your fingerprint to open.

The very thought of water sent shivers down his spine. Trying to wipe away the feeling of unease, he listened for a moment. Movement? He carefully slid the letter into his pocket, his blue eyes narrowed. The hallway was dark, though it wasn't the dark that scared him. Not much did.
"Hello?" he called out softly, not necessarily sure if he wanted to broadcast his presence. That was when he heard the slight rustling of thick skirts. Silently following the sound, Rai moved in the opposite direction of the other person. He didn't want to meet anyone else here. Not if the mannequin and dummy had anything to do with their arrival. With my luck, the people here are an even worse freak show.

Now . . . to find this well that the letter spoke of. Rai closed his eyes for a moment before choosing which hallway to take next. Hopefully he could keep track of his way back to the room. He'd need to rest eventually.


~ Astryd Reed ~

With a gasp, the redhead shot up in bed. She rubbed her bare arms and shivered . . . and then caught the vaguest scent of jasmine. With a hum, she stretched her arms over her head and yawned. She must be at her friend's house. Lilly always had the nicest things.
Looking around with an amused smile, she slowly let the expression melt away. This isn't Lilly's. Her green eyes widened in surprise and she nearly flew from under the covers when the dark voice from the dummy began to fill the air. "Ohmygosh!" When she found that it wasn't moving, other than for speech, Astryd slowly got out of bed. The entire comforter went with her, dragging heavily over the smooth floor and carpeting as she reached for the puppet's familiar face. It looked just like her.
"What letter?" Curious green eyes flit toward the drawer near the bed. She was swiftly opening it, scanning over the contents. "I'll do anything to get out of here!" Sadly, her heart fell as she saw what escaping entailed.

Dear Ms. Astryd Reed,

In the basement of the main dining hall you will find a gate leading to the sewer system for my complex. Navigate through the darkness to the main sewage control room. Do be careful while down there, there's all kinds of vermin that dwell below.

The Host

Tossing the letter back in the drawer, she growled in frustration. "N-no!" She shuddered when thinking of the "vermin" that the host mentioned. When she was young, she'd opened the cupboard to get a cup when a rat leaped out at her. The thing had bitten her cheek and finger before scurrying away, and Astryd had been traumatized ever since. Rodents, vermin . . . anything that clicked, clacked, squirmed, wriggled or scampered made her skin crawl.
Her eyes lingered on the wonderfully-dressed mannequin . . . but Ms. Reed wasn't about to wear someone else's clothing. "Heck, no!" She reached for the door, the blanket still wrapped tightly around her. After a few pounding thuds and unsuccessful attempts to open the door, Astryd finally fell back against it. Frightened tears filled her eyes as she fought to regain her breath. I was with Lilly! I was with her! Where am I?!

There had been . . . a party. And now she was here. Shivering, despite the blanket, Astryd finally stood. Getting closer to the mannequin, she reached out to feel the fabric of the dress. It was soft . . . and somehow, she wanted to know what it felt like to try it on. "Alright," she whispered, dropping the thick blanket and carefully pulling the dress down. "I guess you don't want me in jeans and a t-shirt, do you?" Her whispered words were the only sound she could hear . . . and it unnerved her.

When she was dressed after a few struggle-filled moments. Instead of wearing the impossibly difficult heels that were provided, Astryd left her black Converse shoes on. "I will not wear those." She eyed the heels for a few more moments before reaching for the mask. It was a dark lace, with small feathers that entwined with her hair when she tied it on over her eyes. The feathers were strange, but Astryd took to stroking them. They were soft, and somewhat comforting. With a shiver, she squeaked. The door unlocked on its own.

After standing frozen for a few moments, the girl headed to the door. It opened with a small screech, and Astryd found herself in a long hallway. "Is anyone out there?" she asked, her voice carrying through the darkness. "Hello?" How was she going to find the main dining hall? If she wanted to get out of there, she had to do it. "Can anyone hear me?"
She started walking slowly down the hall, hoping to find someone so she wasn't forced to listen to her own breath and heartbeat. It would be nice to hear someone else talk.
Es apologizes for any delays - she has just moved and is piecing things together again. If Es is behind on something, feel free to poke her.

Last edited by Esmme; 02-04-2012 at 04:10 AM..

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 02-04-2012, 05:57 AM

((Changing my text color since Esmme stole mine, ;P))

Where IS everyone? Mellony thought to herself as she walked down the dark hall. I can't be the only one here, can I? She vaguely recalled the dummy mentioning something about 'unusual guests' brought there to... she shuddered, 'dine on her.' Let's hope I don't run into one of THEM... whatever THEY are. Mellony started as she heard another voice- it sounded human, or at least she thought so- calling out somewhere in the house. Swallowing hard, she took a step toward the sound. "He- hello? Is- is someone there?" She called out, taking a few steps forward and making a solid effort to not trip over her ridiculous dress. Even if it was one of these mysterious 'guests,' it was better than being stuck alone in this crazy place.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 02-04-2012, 03:09 PM

Lenelle woke in a fetal position, breathing heavily and letting out loud sounds like she always did when she woke up. She slowly poked her head from the covers, waiting to see something standing there over her like she did every morning. But instead of nothing, she saw a doll, staring straight at her. Her eyes darted around the room. It looked similar to her gramma's room. Very delicate and well-put together. There was a mannequin in the center of the room that scared her back under the sheets. It was too life-like, and gave her the feeling that someone else was in the room.

Lenelle slowly stepped out of the bed. She immediatly became alert when she heard a raspy voice begin talking. She instantly turned her head toward the mannequin. It wasn't moving. She looked at the doll, who's jaw was going up and down as it gave her instructions. She walked to it, and it's eyes followed her. She felt it's hand as it spoke. It was so small, so pretty. She watched as it ended it's last sentence and she patted it's head. She walked to the drawer that it'd told her about. She pulled out her letter.
Dear Ms. Lenelle Nolastname,

The greenhouse has a bit of a bug problem... actually, a big bug problem. I know you have a problem with such things, but you should know that there is a gift for you, somewhere within the greenhouse. Once you retrieve the gift, the bugs will no longer be an issue. However, if you do not retrieve the gift by tomorrow night, the bugs will be released from the greenhouse and will be all over the complex. Enjoy the flora.

The Host

Lenelle sighed as she read, sure that the said "bugs" were zombies. How could they not be? Everywhere she went, she saw zombies. Her doctor said they were just her hallucinations, but she couldn't believe that. She could never believe that when she'd screamed in terror oh so many times for help. When she'd shot them and punched them. They were real. She felt a wonderful twitch surge through her body, a feeling that made her scared and excited all at once. She went toward the door, ready to go complete her task, but it was locked. She pounded on it, screamed, and bashed her head into it. It wouldn't budge. She began to cry slightly, whimper as teras slowly fell from her eyes. She was trapped. Her mind began to swirl and she could see her friend, Cortessca, sitting on the floor beside her. "Them clothes is real nice. I wonder if they can fit you. You'd look like a dang on Barbie doll in them threads." she was saying. She slowly faded away.

Lenelle wiped her eyes and looked over at the clothes. They would looked pretty on her. She got up and walked toward them. They were pink, with white bows and frills all over. She felt the fabric. It was silky soft against her fingers. Lenelle quickly looked around to make sure no one could see her. No one could. She quickly stripped and put the clothes on. They were a little tight in the torso area, but other than that, they were perfect. She looked in the mirror. Cortessca had been right. She did look like a Barbie doll. She continued to look at her bottom in the dress, loving the extra push it gave her. And the shoes, the baby pink stilleto heels that'd come with the dress, were gorgeous on her.

Finally, Lenelle calmed down fully and walked back over to the door, ready to try again. She usually did get trapped in places because of her poor attention to detail. She usually did turn the doorknob the wrong way, or forgot to unlock it. She turned the knob, knowing it'd open. It did. She held the letter in her hand still, wondering where the greenhouse was and what type of bugs were there.

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 02-06-2012, 03:57 PM

((Don't tell me this died already...))

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Graxdon is offline
Old 02-06-2012, 06:02 PM

(there isn't any kind of order you guys, feel free to just post)

Franklin's eyes brightened as he looked left at hearing someone say 'Hello' and was about to head that way when he heard someone else say it to the right. Franklin smiled and called out, "This way! Hey, over-" the floor opened up beneath the young man, causing him to drop through before snapping shut too fast for anyone to hear his scream as he fell into the darkness.

A voice called out through the house, "Good, you are all awake... let the games begin!" Deep within the bowels of the various buildings through the complex, doors and cages opened as their occupants awoke... and all hungered.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-07-2012, 06:07 PM

((:XD So sorry! I was super busy, and forgot to mention it. :cry:

Also: I sowwy for stealing text color. :sweat: I didn't even realize it!))

Astryd heard a reply somewhere down the hallway. Tilting her head, she slowly headed in that direction. "Yes!" she called, quickening her pace. Her Converse made it easy to speed up. "There's someone here!" She didn't even think of how the other occupants might be the ones to "dine on" her. Just as she saw the form near the other end of the hall, the redhead sighed in relief.

That, of course, was when there was another voice. It came from the opposite direction of the girl's voice. It ended suddenly, and Astryd felt a wave of foreboding sweep over her. Instead of going back toward the suddenly halted words, she moved toward the living figure at the other end of the hall. "Are you . . . a friend?" She didn't know what else to say as she slowly approached.
The other woman [Mellony] looked young, just like Astryd herself. College-aged, perhaps. She had dark hair and a nice complexion, one that made Astryd's green eyes narrow in suspicion. She'd better not be a trick. She needed company, and she needed it something fierce.

"I'm Astryd Reed," she said when there were still a few feet between them. Stopping, and not letting the other girl get any closer, she smiled slightly. "I woke up here a few minutes ago. Do you know where we are?"

The voice that echoed through the house made miss Reed shiver and wrap her arms about herself. "Games? I didn't sign up for this. Lilly's going to get an ear-full for this." Shuddering again, Astryd shifted her weight to her other foot. "I need to get to the main dining hall. I'm guessing that's . . . somewhere outside of these hallways. I'm not keen on going alone, but I'm not ready to get stabbed in the back again."
Warily watching Mellony, the redhead shifted uncomfortably. Something deep inside told her to keep moving. I feel like I'm being watched.


As Rai moved down a few hallways, he heard the light sound of words behind him. With a frown, he quickened his pace to put distance between himself and the others. There were more confused souls here, lost and frightened.

As the dark voice called out through the building, the youth tilted his head. Blue eyes scanning the dim light, the male smiled grimly. Games? I'm ready for a bit of fun. He found a staircase of sorts, though he couldn't see beyond the first set of stairs. One would think that the fountain would be on ground level. Most likely outside, perhaps? Or . . . in a main room. Resolving to check the house first, Rai nodded to himself and kept moving.
Warily eying the darkness as he descended into it, he tried to ignore the fact that he was hungry. With his luck, there would be nothing to eat. At least, nothing he deemed "Kosher." Wrinkling his nose, Rai forced himself onward. He would find the fountain, and he would get this game finished so he could return to his life. This wasn't what he wanted. Perhaps this dream would end before he reached the fountain, anyway.

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 02-07-2012, 06:19 PM

((Haha, I was only teasing, Esmme. It's cool.))

Mellony had just about given up hope on finding this mysterious speaker, when another figure came around the corner of the hall. Another woman, her age, dressed in a sleek red dress. Looks like I'm not the only one who had to change for the party. She thought idly, noticing that- despite the dress- the other woman was wearing a pair of converse. Mellony was sort of glad she wasn't the only one who found those heels ridiculous. "A friend? I hope so." Mellony said. If this girl was like her, she'd gotten the envelope with the letter too. Mellony couldn't blame her for being cautious. "I'm Mellony Merwick. And no, I have no idea. I just woke up in this place too." She admitted.

Mellony jumped as a voice echoed through the hall, speaking about games. She had to say, she shared Astrid's opinion. "Lilly?" Mellony questioned. Then, she shook her head, "Sorry, I didn't mean to pry. You said you needed to get to the dining hall? I don't know my way around this place either, but maybe we could help each other out. I have to get to the... the..." The 'H' word refused to come out of her mouth. Mellony shook her head. "To the northeast wing. Maybe that'd be easier from the hall? Or if I at least knew what direction northeast is..." Mellony did NOT fancy having to check all four corners of the house for the... the dreaded place that held her clue. She hoped desperately that Astrid would consent to staying with her- Mellony was so freaked out over this whole situation that anyone would be good company.

Even if that anyone may have had intentions to turn her into dinner.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-08-2012, 12:49 AM

((:kiss: I figured! Haha!))

"Good to meet you." Mellony. What a nice name. After listening to the other girl's plight, the redhead began to trust her even more. They shared the same horror-like experience. They woke up without a clue as to what was going on.

Astryd smiled tightly and nodded. "We can always start looking. Together." The redhead wrinkled her nose when she thought of the last time she was with her friends. I was drugged at the party, and woke up here. Yeah. Thanks a lot, Lilly. Just thinking of the grunge-dressed rocker girl made Reed's lips curl into an ironic smile. So much for close friends.

"Lilly was my last friend," she explained shrugging her shoulders and starting down the hall. They should get moving before anything strange happened. "Do you have any friends?" Astryd mentally smacked herself. What an odd question to ask someone. "Close ones, I mean."
Astryd kept walking, peeking around corners before walking down other hallways. She kept a pattern: two rights, two lefts. At least that way they'd move in one direction instead of circles.


((:XD We should have them run into someone else along the way. :lol:))

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 02-08-2012, 05:29 AM

((welp, they could run into Rai if he wasn't being a jerk and running off, lololol))

Mellony started after Astryd, not wanting to fall behind, which would be all too easy in her ridiculous outfit. Now that she'd found someone, she didn't want to lose them. She felt confusion at the way Astryd talked about Lilly, but then blinked as the other woman asked her about her own social life."Uh, well, no, not really." Mellony admitted. "I'm usually studying, see... I'm a sophomore in college. An engineering major." She said, a little proudly. She wouldn't usually be so prideful about her education status, but it was something good to focus on other than their current situation. "I don't have a lot of time for socializing."

Mellony felt awkward, having admitted that she was basically a geek and a loner to someone she hardly knew, but the thought was pushed to the back of her mind as she spotted something that could prove useful to the two. "Hey, is that staircase?" She said, seeing what appeared to be the end of a handrail. Certainly, the dining hall would be on the floor below them. Right? And maybe that'd lead to a way out, or at least give Mellony an idea of what direction she needed to go.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-08-2012, 07:27 AM

((*giggle* Awh, but that's his personality type! :lol: *tugs on Rai's hair* Get over here, boy!))

With a tense smile, Astryd nodded. "Engineering. Wow. That's a far cry from where I'm headed." Forcing a smile, the redhead continued walking. It was nice to make small talk with a stranger, even if she wasn't usually the type to enjoy the company of someone else. "I'm an artist."
Trying to think of something to say that would fill the slight awkward silence that flit between them, Astryd was saved by Mellony's question. "Staircase?" Moving forward, the young woman peered down the stairs warily. "It's completely black down there. I can't tell where it leads." Her green eyes narrowed as she kept looking, pausing when she saw something move. Standing frozen, the voice from earlier seemed to echo in her mind.

We could be something's snack. Reed swallowed quietly, glancing back at Mellony. "Did you get a creepy doll that talked about being someone's meal? Or was that just me misunderstanding?" She could have sworn she saw something reflecting light down there.
The thing that scared Astryd the most was the fact that she had no weapon. Mentally making that a priority, the daring girl took a step down the first stair. "You didn't happen to catch what kind of things will be doing the eating, did you, Mellony?"

\ (•◡•) /
Graxdon is offline
Old 02-08-2012, 06:01 PM

(guest monster appearance!)

A woman's voice called out from behind the two girls as they were walking, "N-no, keep away!" It was followed by a scream that was swiftly cut off before there was silence. Then again, the woman's voice called out, "N-no, keep away!" and once again let out a piercing scream, this time closer. The sound of staggering footsteps was now audible as, whatever was approaching grew closer, calling out for a third time, like a broken record, "N-no, keep away!" and then the same scream. A figure came into the light, a skeleton dressed in a beautiful masquerade dress like theirs with shadows moving within among the bones, a cell phone hanging from a plastic cord around her neck like a necklace. The voice cried out again, the source being the phone, "N-no, keep away!" and then the scream as the skeleton reached out towards the two girls.

A voice called out to Rai, "Well, wot 'ave we got 'ere?" Three men dropped from the ceiling in a loose triangle around Rai, all dressed in biker leathers, and all looking starved. They also had large canine teeth, long sharp nails, and yellow, cat-like eyes. The one who had spoken, the one standing in from of Rai, licked his lips as he looked him up and down, saying, "Looks loik we've got ourselves a meal 'ere boys!" One of the others shook his head, saying, "But boss, 'e's one of us, won't we get sick in the 'ead if we drink 'im?" The leader glared at the other vampire as he screamed, "WOULD YOU RATHER DIE OF THIRST! WE 'AVEN'T GOT TIME TO FIND A PROPER MEAL!" The other two nodded in agreement as the took a more aggressive stance.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-08-2012, 06:41 PM

((O______o' Yeah. I would run crying. :XD In both instances.))

With a frightened cry, Astryd lashed out with her arm. She managed to knock the skeletons arms out wide, making the macabre being stumble slightly. Realizing she'd just touched the dead thing, the girl's green eyes widened.
"Holy shi-" Astryd fought the cold, clammy hands of fear that reached up and clutched her heart. Reaching for Mellony's arm, the redhead yanked her down the stairs. Possible trouble as opposed to real trouble? She'd take it any day. The cellphone's repeating cry chilled Reed, and she found herself shaking as she moved down the stairs. "Keep moving!" she said, trying not to pull her new companion too fast. The heels on her feet would cause her to trip . . . and this was no time for a sprained ankle.

"I do not want to end up like her!" They wouldn't . . . would they? The thought was horrid, and Astryd fought against the frightened panic that was welling in her heart. When they finally got to the bottom of the stairs, the redhead chose a direction. "Let's stay close to the wall," she said, her trembling fingers reaching for the wall in question. They had to keep moving. Who knew if that thing could make it down the stairs?


"Well, wot 'ave we got 'ere?"
Rai was deep in the darkness of a larger room. He'd had the intention of exploring it for other possible exits when he was surprised by the voice. Tensing, the youth grit his teeth and focused on the lanky forms that surrounded him. Their stench immediately marked them as vampires . . . as did their glowing eyes and lengthened fangs.
He met the gaze of the leader as he was examined, his blue eyes narrowing as he heard that he was about to become their meal. Rai had been about to say something about it when a second vampire spoke up, stating that it would be . . . unhealthy for them. "Most unwise," Rai hissed, taking a step back from the leader. The uniformed hisses that came from every one of his attackers meant bad news. News beyond bad. No one fought vampires, and Rai was no exception to that rule. As dread formed a heavy fist about his mind, the male visibly kept calm.

One man against three was a set of horrid odds. Three vampires against one man? Could this get any worse? The darkness didn't seem to hinder Rai as much as it should have, though it was certainly a disadvantage. It would have been easier with light.
"Stay away from me," Rai said in an even voice, his eyes glowing with the anticipation of the coming fight. Once again, his throat burned. Resisting the urge to reach up and rub it, Rai grimaced. I'm thirsty.

((Okay, so Grax officially makes the coolest scenes with creepy occurrences. :sweat: By far.))

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 02-08-2012, 07:09 PM

((Yeah, he wins- also, what did those vamps say about Rai being one of them? 0.o))

"An artist? Wow, that's great. I have, like, no artistic talent at all." Mellony said admiringly, then looked down the pitch black stairs from over Astryd's shoulder. "And yes, there was a freaky doll was in my room too. And I don't think it was a misunderstanding- there is... something in this house that wants to make us dinner."
The words didn't make her feel any better as she heard the sound of something moving behind her. She leapt as a woman's scream pierced the air, turning to see a skeleton dressed in a similarly themed costume coming toward them. The screaming appeared to be on constant repeat from the phone around its neck. "Wh-what the h*ll is that thing?!

Mellony hadn't even realize how close the monster had gotten until Astryd smacked its arms away, then grabbed onto Mellony's arm, dragging her down the stairs. Mellony felt bile well up in her throat as the sudden touch dredged up terrible memories, but forced herself to swallow it. As they reached the bottom, Mellony was too focused on not having a panic attack to argue with Astryd's directions, putting her hand against the wall and following after the redhead. "It shouldn't even be able to walk, it doesn't have muscles or tendons, or... anything! What is going on in this place?!"

Last edited by o0Calyx0o; 02-08-2012 at 07:14 PM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-09-2012, 06:48 AM

((O___o' One of them. Ugh.))

"I-I don't know," Astryd tried to get the picture of the skeleton out of her mind, shuddering as she did. "I just hope it can't get down the stairs." She glanced back, but it was too dark to see the top. If anything, they were wandering around blind now. The dim light coming from the opposite side of the room marked an exit, but who knew how large the room actually was?

"Wait . . . did you hear that?" Reed paused, frowning at the darkness. From somewhere nearby there came a loud voice, like someone yelling. The accent wasn't familiar, and neither was the voice. "Was that someone talking?" Astryd slowly kept moving forward, not wanting to draw the attention of whatever it was out there. It sounded angry.
"Let's just stay quiet," she breathed over her shoulder, swallowing the fear that rose in her throat. "We need to find some kind of defense."

((CREEPY. Just . . . strange. This place is going to throw us all for a loop, I'm sure. :lol:))

\ (•◡•) /
Graxdon is offline
Old 02-09-2012, 07:08 AM

The three vampiric hooligans let out hungry growls and hisses before clumsily darting forward at human speeds, the leader shouting, "I GET FIRST BITE!"

The skeletal creature could still be heard following the two girls before the sound of clattering clothes came from the stairs. The bundle of bones and clothes fell down the stair case before coming to a stop at the landing, the skull rolling away from the rest to come to a rest at the girl's feet, "N-no, keep away! AAAAUGH!"

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 02-09-2012, 06:03 PM

Mellony looked back over her shoulder as she heard the sound of something clattering its way down the stairs. "Well, it sounds like it tried, in any case..." She murmured. Let's just hope it can't put itself back together again... She swallowed, turning back around to follow Astryd toward the small light at the end of the room, trying to stay quiet enough that they wouldn't attract the attention of anything else in the house.

That plan went out the window when she felt something brush up against her skirt and that horrible scream again, from right behind her. Mellony leaped around with a scream, kicking furiously against whatever had touched her. Her foot connected with something solid, and she heard it roll away and bounce off something in the darkness (god she hoped it was just a wall or the stairs) before she realized that there was a small light coming from near her feet. Bending down to examine it, she realized that it was the cell phone that had been around the skeleton's neck. Which meant that the thing she'd just kicked away was... Mellony shuddered, but picked up the phone anyway, hoping she could at least stop the screaming. "How do I turn you off?" She demanded of the small phone, trying a multitude of buttons before finally finding what looked like the call end button and pressing it. The screen lit up from the effort with a notice of 'call ended.' Still shaking horribly, she turned back toward Astryd, holding the phone up like a small, not quite as useful flashlight. "Well, at least we have a light now." She offered, hoping that would make up for her not quite so quiet moment earlier, walking back over to the other woman.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-09-2012, 10:27 PM

Astryd let out a muted cry as the skeleton clattered its way down the stairs. When Mellony picked up the phone and started pressing buttons, the redhead grimaced. "Hurry!" she hissed quietly, her eyes wide. The voice she'd heard earlier yelled something out, but her new companion's scream covered it thoroughly. Who knew if the strangers had heard the girls or not.
The weak flashlight-like quality of the phone made Reed smile weakly. She noticed that Mellony was shaking. Astryd clenched her fists to fight against her own trembling. "Yeah," the artist said, swallowing and glancing at the headless skeleton warily. "Let's keep going." Turning toward the dim light at the end of the hall, Astryd was glad to have the glowing phone screen at her back. Even that little bit of light helped keep her fears at bay.

By the time they got to the end of the darkness, there was a sound unlike any other. After many thuds and cracks, the most bestial sounding hiss she'd ever heard came from the doorway before them. Astryd froze, unable to see in the blackness in front of them. Carefully reaching back to keep Mellony's new phone back, the redhead shuddered. "I don't think we want to broadcast our presence," she breathed. When she looked around the corner again, she nearly screamed.


As the three vampires charged, Rai grit his teeth and tensed. "Fools." He was confident - unafraid. He knew how to use his body, and Rai was certain that he could best this group despite their freakish heritage. The sounds of a battle filled the darkness as the fight began.

When it was over, Rai was gasping for breath. Many scrapes and lacerated cuts covered his uncovered skin. The vampires had been strong, but not fast enough. With a hiss, Rai reached up and wiped away the dark blood that dripped down his cheek. Damn. If he thought he'd needed a drink before, now he was dying of thirst.
Looking down at the crumpled bodies of the vampires, he grimaced and turned away. I killed them. He'd never killed before. There were fights during which he'd gotten carried away, but never had anyone died because of him. The vampires' necks were broken, and their heads lolled at awkward angles. The blackened blood on Rai's fingers was from their corpses.

Finally stepping away from the trio, Rai closed his eyes and headed for the closest door. He froze in the doorway upon seeing a dim light. Just before him, a redhead leaned out to look into the room . . . and met Rai's gaze instead.

"OHMYGOSH!" Astryd lashed out with her fist, panicking when her blow was caught in the man's palm. She tried kicking him, but the male pushed her off balance. Stumbling back, the girl caught herself against Mellony. Staring, Astryd slowly came to recognize the utter confusion in the man's eyes. He looked like he'd been in a fight . . . but he was wearing nice party clothing. Was he one of them?
"Stay back!" Reed said, readying herself to launch another kick.

"Be calm," the silver-haired male said, lifting his hands to show he meant no harm. Looking from one female to the other, Rai swallowed thickly. "You must be some of the other guests." No emotion moved over his face, and he reached up to wipe away the dark liquid that slowly trickled down his cheek. "It is not my intention to harm or frighten you, but I wouldn't go this way."
His blue eyes seemed extremely pale in the light, and when his gaze moved over the hallway he seemed to stare right at the skeleton behind the girls. Is that . . . what I think it is?

\ (•◡•) /
Graxdon is offline
Old 02-09-2012, 10:43 PM

The skeleton, having followed behind the girls reached out silently since it no longer had its 'voice,' and tried to grab Mellony's neck from behind as the girl's voice whispered from the phone, "The Vashta Nerada... HUNGER!"

A voice whispered to the bug-fearing girl, "Leeeeneeelllleeee... where are you Lenelle? Don't you want to join the paaaaarrrrty?"

Deep within the bowels of the residence hall, Franklin Jakovy groaned as he sat up, his new masquerade outfit covered in grim from his fall. He looked around in fear as he softly called out, "W-who's there? Hello?" A whisper of sound came from behind the young man causing him to spin around, only to see dark, grimy brick. There was a malicious, feminine giggle from behind, causing Jakovy to spin around, only to see more grimy brick. "Tee hee, you're a cutie aint cha?"

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 02-10-2012, 05:44 AM

Mellony caught Astryd as she fell back against her, but her eyes were on the male across from them. Another guest? He looks human enough... Then again, that skeleon had probably looked a lot more human once as well. Mellony quickly took in his rumpled clothes- party clothes- and then looked at his hands which were covered in bl... bl... blood. She had to fight to not run screaming from the room, instead focusing on his face. He was certainly handsome enough, she supposed. Her social skills with her own sex were lacking- she had almost no contact with men if wasn't absolutely necessary.

As the man spoke to them, Mellony felt herself calm down slightly. He was another guest, it seemed. Trapped there like her and Astryd. She noticed that the man was looking at something behind them, and dread filled her. Oh no... please don't say... Bony fingers closed around her neck from behind as the cell phone in her hand whispered. "The Vashta Nereda... HUNGER!" Reaching up, Mellony clawed at the hand grabbing her, reaching back to try and tug at the skeleton's wrist to force it to let go. For something without muscles, it had a strong grip, and it refused to let go.

"Get... off... me..." She choked out, her panic rising exponentially the long the thing touched her.Let me go let me go letmegoletmegoletmegoSTOP TOUCHING ME!!! Her adrenaline surged, and Mellony pulling on the bones hard enough that they snapped, clattering to the floor as Mellony staggered forward into Astryd, shaking like a leaf as she turned to face the creature that had chosen to stalk her and Astryd.

((Also, as a reminder, bold means talking- Mellony yelled that 'stop touching me' without realizing it.))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-10-2012, 06:12 AM

Eyes wide, Astryd managed to actually scream when she saw the skeleton grasping Mellony's throat. When the dark-haired girl stumbled into Reed, the redhead's eyes were bigger than saucers. Her companion staggered forward, running into the artist with the shaking force of a scared youth. "It's not dead!" she said shakily, pulling Mellony after her. At that point, Rai was the lesser of two evils. Astryd would take a stranger over being strangled by a skeleton any day.
Pushing past Rai, who remained in the doorway, Astryd pulled Mellony after her. "It's alright! Calm down!" Shuddering, the redhead licked her lips and wrinkled her nose. If she wasn't mistaken, the coppery smell of blood filled the air. The room around them was too dark to see properly, but she had the feeling that the sounds she'd heard earlier signaled something terrible. Just as Reed opened her mouth to say something, her foot caught on something.

With nothing to stop her fall Astryd tripped, bringing Mellony down with her. It wasn't until she realized what she'd tripped over when she let out a muffled yelp. "Oh, SKIES!! It's dead!" Lurching away from the nearest corpse of a vampire, her green eyes widened further. She couldn't see, but the smell of blood and feel of sticky substance coating her hands from where she'd tried to touch the thing were vivid signs of death.

Rai followed the girls, his pale eyes reflecting the dim light that came from the phone that remained in Mellony's possession. "Hush," he whispered, expressionless as ever. "You don't want to bring more." He reached down and pulled Astryd to her feet, moving toward Mellony with a strange expression on his face. "A blood bath is the last thing we need right now." Taking Mellony's arm, Rai pulled her to her feet.
"You should move on. This area isn't safe." Though, honestly, Rai had a feeling that there was no longer a safe place within the building. Looking at the still-glowing phone, the male frowned. "That's a beacon. You should get rid of it."

"W-we'd be blind," Reed said stammeringly, forcing herself to breathe deeply. Keeping herself from looking down at the body near her feet, the woman brushed a damp spot on her dress. It made her shiver to think of what the sticky liquid was. Blood. Swallowing deeply, Astryd cleared her throat and tried to make herself sound normal again. "Look we just want to get out of here. We need to see where we're going to do that."

((PSssh, I'm thinking make Astryd get separated from Mellony so that Mellony is forced to go with Rai. :rofl:))

\ (•◡•) /
Graxdon is offline
Old 02-10-2012, 07:41 AM

The skeleton had stumbled back when it's hand was torn away and held its new stump up to its non-existent face. By the light of the phone, it was too dark for the girls to make out, but Rai could see a shadowy silhouette in place of its missing hand and head, and he could sense that this thing, it wasn't the skeleton... it was simply a vessel for the strange shadowy substance. He knew, because he could also tell it was alive! "The Vashta Nerada have been hungry for so long, hostages to the host... we will take your flesh!" The creature lunged forward towards Astryd, forcing her to back into a wall... and then through it. Rai and Mellony could only watch as the wall swiveled like a revolving door, taking Astryd from the room. The skeleton banged into the now immovable wall, staring at it for a few seconds before turning to Rai and Mellony and moved forward. It seemed to Mellony, who had seen this thing moving more than Rai, that this creature's movements were becoming less awkward... and faster!

The room That Astryd found herself deposited in appeared to be a study, books along the shelves with a desk and a lounge chair set next a fireplace. The room was vaguely lit by the dying embers of the fire, but lit enough to reveal a three pronged candle-bra, the candles waiting within it and a box of old, strike anywhere matches. Another odd addition sat upon the desk... another ventriloquist dummy, this one of a young woman dressed in a punk style outfit... including a cell phone hanging from a necklace around it's neck. It was coated in a thick layer of dust, obviously having sat there for many years.


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