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Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 06:54 PM

At the end of the year 1915, the British Crown secretly created a special force tasked with refurbishing the Nation's treasury for the Great War after it continued far beyond what was anticipated and nearly bought Britain to bankruptcy.

This newly fledged force was born the next year in the Grey Hare's Burrow, a disaffected prison and had as members various British felons previously condemned to execution. The prisoners were offered a chance to prolong their lives in exchange for stealing and extorting money from enemy nations, therefore taking advantage of the chaos of war and refilling the Kingdom's coffers.

The project was a success until the War ended.

As soon as the last peace treaty was signed, His Majesty George V decreed that the project was to be terminated and ordered the MI5 to round up the prisoners into the prison and seal all the exit, condemning the prisoner to a long and painful death for their service and insuring that the project would never be brought to light.

That was not to be, however, as three of these prisoners were skillful indeed. One was a powerful witch, as skilled in her witchcraft as she was in subterfuge, as she managed to keep her arcane powers from all until that grave moment. The second was a masterful surgeon, his madness but fuelling his surgical genius. The third was a brilliant engineer and was not afraid to blend machine to flesh in what he called perfection. Those three decided to collaborate, aided by the fury and growing madness of their fellow unfortunates.

Until death they planned, carved, crafted and wrote their last hope of life. It took days until their food reserves were consumed, and a week after that for their water source to go stale and still they slaved over their creation until their dying breath... and even after it left their parched lips. Indeed, they created a golems made of the corpse of their comrades, crafted by both machinery and surgery and given life by dark magic. They linked their psyche to the newly made golems and proceeded to crawl their abominable vessel to the surface, intent on finding more suitable vessels for themselves and their comrades, still bound to the sealed prison.

Soon enough, they came upon what seemed to be a circus troupe headed their way. This one would do nicely, they thought. Next came a ragtag troupe of actors, both groups easily overpowered by the creatures and brought to the prison, soon assimilated to the now hive-like mind of the prisoner's spirits.

The addition of these artistes brought on a new interest in all, and soon the idea of recreating the doomed project in their new image had all involved in a flurry of activity, greed and excitement. They now knew how they would both get their lives back and live like royalty!

An hitch in their plans soon appeared, however, as it seemed that not only golems were the sole beings capable of containing the now massive mind of dozens of individual, but those golems were fast rotting, prompting the engineer and the witch to make an emergency vessel out of an old typewriter and the surgeon to send the golems to a neighbouring orphanage, kidnapping it's young wards and bringing them to the prison and miraculously finding a few who could read.

A few years passed with the only the literate and clever surviving and flourishing in the inhospitable lair of the newly made Grey Hare Society.

And thus our story starts, as the now young adults finally graduating from the school of petty theft for their subsistence and entering into the most critical and most likely fatal chapter of their lives.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 06:56 PM

January 1919

You woke up in a dark cell surrounded by many other children, each seeming as lost and scared as you, yourself, felt. You did not remember much but a grotesque shadow suddenly appearing over your bed and a great blow followed by the blissful embrace of oblivion. It smells of rot, blood and fear in there, and as you start to look around you, a door you did not notice previously opens, letting in an horror you wish you would never have witnessed. The creature seems to be made of rotting flesh roughly stitched to bloodied metal frames, strange symbols covering it's humanoid figure in dark patterns. As it advances, more enter amidst the terror filled screams and cries of your companions of misfortune... maybe you are amongst them, a distant part of your mind notes, as you are too terrified to notice.

The first creature advances to a small desk hidden in a corner of the cell and place upon it an old typewriter filled with sturdy-looking paper while another one, to the astonishment of all, began to speak in a strangely multifaceted voice.

“Welcome to you chance of a new, more productive and lucrative life, my children. Here you will ether change for the better or die as the miserable wretches that you are. If you wish to live, use this typewriter to commune with our spirits and learn our ways, if you wish to stay the way you are, we will promptly dispose of you. Choose wisely,” it said, motioning to the writing tool in question.

The machine suddenly starts to type a message on the previously blank paper, terrifying you all even more than previously. Hopefully, you can read...

In your orphanage, the rate of literacy was 75%.

Do you know how to read?
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Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 05-20-2012, 08:05 PM

((Am I to create a post?))

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 08:06 PM

((Go Ahead, I'm waiting for visitors!))

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 08:10 PM

Ruthie was shaking in her torn dress. She didn't know what was going on, and she suspect no one else did either. Tears ran down her dirt covered face making her eyes sting. Dee sposie of? She thought. I don't know what that is, but it don't sound good. She rubbed her eyes and stood, then inched her way to the typewriter.

(( I may have difficulty with keeping her in an accent, so it'll be hit and miss... and I hope that was an okay intro. OZL ))

The 4-sided dice lands on 3

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 08:20 PM

((Perfect, Wren!))

As Ruthie looked in the written message, she was relieved to see that she could read it, and therefore had the choice to either refuse to approach the typewriter and die, or respond to it's inquiry.

We see you can read, young ones! If you choose to answer or quiery, we will make you into our image. The first thing we will ask is for you to answer these simple question about yourselves. Please proceed in an orderly manner.

Hair Color:
Skin Tone:
Eye Color:
Do you have any physical deficiencies?
Do you have mental illnesses?

After you are done, wait for further instruction. If our language make you confused, ask the golem holding our vessel for help in dumbing down our speech.

What would Ruthie do?

Last edited by Artsydaze; 05-20-2012 at 08:29 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 05-20-2012, 08:20 PM

Her eyes opened into what she first mistook for complete darkness. Where was she? Looking around at the other faces of children, some of whom she recognized others of whom she did not. What was this place? Sights and smells surround her that made her feel, at best extremely nauseous. She fought with her stomach not to vomit on the floor but knew there was nothing in her stomach to vomit.

The children around her, she studied them, a way not to think about her stomach, they all had the same fear in there faces as she did. No one knew anything more then she did, or maybe they did and it was just that bad. Questions flooded into her mind even as she tried to stop them. Where was she? Why did they take her? Why her?

The door opened and her nose filled with the stench of rotting flesh. A fresh wave of nausea overtook her but the fear was worse. She heard the screams, may have even been one of them but she couldn't be sure.

She saw the typewriter. She knew what that was, at least she thought she did. It was best to listen to....that thing. Slowly she inched her way forward, scared to death of dieing. She looked down at the page.

The 4-sided dice lands on 4

---------- Post added 05-20-2012 at 08:21 PM ----------

((Did I do that right?))

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 08:24 PM

((You both did very well, I was afraid that someone would mistake the dice throw for just that, but you seem to have understood :)!))

The girl's eyes lit up as she discovered that she understood what was written on the page. She now had to choice or acting on it or embrace death.

We see you can read, young ones! If you choose to answer or quiery, we will make you into our image. The first thing we will ask is for you to answer these simple question about yourselves. Please proceed in an orderly manner.

Hair Color:
Skin Tone:
Eye Color:
Do you have any physical deficiencies?
Do you have mental illnesses?

After you are done, wait for further instruction. If our language make you confused, ask the golem holding our vessel for help in dumbing down our speech.

Last edited by Artsydaze; 05-20-2012 at 08:29 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 05-20-2012, 08:35 PM

She looked at the words she was able to understand. The fear did not leave her but a short lived burst of relief filled her. She could do this at least. She knew her choice would not amount to her death. At the very least not yet. They wanted to know about her then at least she could give them that.

She looked down at the keys on the typewritter willing herself to remember how to do it. Slowly she filled out the answers to the very simple questions.

Name: Raine VonDelmont
Sex: Female
Age: 12
Hair Color: A vibrant shade of red.
Skin Tone: Pale, almost white
Eye Color: Emerald.
Do you have any physical deficiencies? She can not speak, her vocal cords where damaged as a child.
Do you have mental illnesses? psychopathic tendencies, though not yet developed.

After you are done, wait for further instruction. If our language make you confused, ask the golem holding our vessel for help in dumbing down our speech.
She did not look up at the Golem when she was done for fear of looking at the thing but instead stepped away. Waiting....for what she did not know.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 08:46 PM

As soon as Raine backed away from the typewriter, the golem closest to the typewriter took the paper and gave it to a third monster who put it in a sturdy-looking file. As soon as it did so, the typewriter wrote another message.

We see! Raine, is it? Very well, you will now be instructed in the two branch of our new society and will have to choose to go train into one of them.

Do not worry, however, as that choice will not happen until your 15th year of age.

You will be trained in the art of pickpocketing and asked to pay a weekly fee for the betterment of the Society. You will be provided with a room to sleep into, but will have to provide for any further needs.

Do you accept these conditions?

Last edited by Artsydaze; 05-20-2012 at 08:55 PM..

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 02:26 AM

Ruthie remembered how the head Mum had a box with keys like this one, and how one of the kind ladies had showed her what the keys did when they were touched. She looked at the squiggles Letters, she thought They're letters and began to type her response:

Originally Posted by Artsydaze View Post

We see you can read, young ones! If you choose to answer or quiery, we will make you into our image. The first thing we will ask is for you to answer these simple question about yourselves. Please proceed in an orderly manner.

Name: Ruthie
Sex: Female
Age: 11
Hair Color: mouse brown, but darker because of dirt
Skin Tone: pale, but slightly olive toned (hint of a foreign parent)
Eye Color: tawny/ golden brown
Do you have any physical deficiencies? she is small for her age; 5ft tall. Thin; near-starved
Do you have mental illnesses? none that have been told to her

After you are done, wait for further instruction. If our language make you confused, ask the golem holding our vessel for help in dumbing down our speech.
Ruthie fiddled with the hem of her dress and wiggled her toes, waiting for the voice to tell her what to do next.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 02:42 AM

The typewriter golem took the freshly completed sheet of paper and gave it to a another, this one holding an empty folder. As the golem put the paper into the brown file, the typewriter seemed to take a life of it's own again, quickly writing on another paper, waiting for Ruthie's perusal.

We see! Ruthie, is it? Very well, you will now be instructed in the two branch of our new society and will have to choose to go train into one of them.

Do not worry, however, as that choice will not happen until your 15th year of age.

You will be trained in the art of pickpocketing and asked to pay a weekly fee for the betterment of the Society. You will be provided with a room to sleep into, but will have to provide for any further needs.

Do you accept these conditions?
With a soft 'ding', the contraption stilled once more.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 02:48 AM

Nathanial awoke to find himself in a dark and strange place. How did I get here? For the life of him he couldn’t remember how he or any of the others got to the unwelcoming place. His nose wrinkled as it filled with the smell of blood and rotting flesh. The smells were overwhelming and made him nauseous. He fought the urge to vomit knowing that would only make things worse.

The boy looked on either side of him, but he didn’t see his sister. His grey eyes widened as he realized the two of them had gotten separated without him knowing. Looking about he tried to spot his sister among the numberous other children, but it seemed she wasn’t there. Maybe she had been lucky and wasn’t taken away. Dawn I hope you’re safe.

Hearing the door open he turned his attention in the direction, but soon regretted it as the stench of blood and rotten flesh in the air became thicker. The creature that stood there terrified him, like it did all of the others around him. Screams filled the air and for all he knew one of them was his own. His mind raced with questions and thoughts. All he wanted was to get out of here and if his sister was here to take her with him.

He glanced at the typewriter. He recognized it or at least he thought he did. Even though he hated the thought of doing what the creature wanted he knew that right now it was best to just do as it instructed. Slowly he crept over to the typewriter, wondering if this would be the last thing he ever did. He looked down at the page.

The 4-sided dice lands on 3

Last edited by blueblackrose; 05-21-2012 at 02:57 AM..

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 02:54 AM

Do you accept these conditions?
Ruthie looked at the key box and squinted her eyes. Con...di...ti...ons? Con, diti, ons? Condi, tions? Ruthie bit her lip and looked up at the thing, her eyes wide. "Wot does that big word mean?" She asked quietly.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 02:54 AM

((Great! May want to put the thoughts in italics or something ;)!))

Nathanial quickly scanned the freshly written page with his eyes, managing to read it's contents without much trouble. The sheet of paper displayed what seemed to be a blank file and a welcome message.

We see you can read, young ones! If you choose to answer our query, we will make you into our image. The first thing we will ask is for you to answer these simple question about yourselves. Please proceed in an orderly manner.

Hair Color:
Skin Tone:
Eye Color:
Do you have any physical deficiencies?
Do you have mental illnesses?

After you are done, wait for further instruction. If our language make you confused, ask the golem holding our vessel for help in dumbing down our speech.
He now had the choice to either comply with his captors' demands or forfeit his life in a show of defiance.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 02:59 AM

The golem looked down at Ruthie with eyes like black abysses and, seeming to read her soul and mind, it said in it's strange voice:

"We ask if you agree with the things written on this sheet and if you will follow them of your own will," it said, looking at her in askance to see if she understood.

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 03:05 AM

If it gets me out of the home, do it. Ruthie chewed on her lip and nodded at the strange man. "Yessir." She said in her quiet tone. She shook involuntarily, hoping it was only due to the cold.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 05-21-2012, 03:08 AM

((A post before bed))

She looked down at the fresh ink in front of her, contemplating the words. A pickpocket, thats what they wanted from her? She looked up at the Golem for the first time and instantly wished she had not, these things would take some getting used to. She thought to herself, Steal or be killed? Its really an easy choice.

She looked at the last statement:

Do you accept these conditions?
Despites the fear she felt at the unknown ahead she held her hands steady as she typed "yes"

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 03:10 AM

The golem nodded once, solemly and motioned to the typewriter to Ruthie.

"Choose to either accept or agree to our offer, and write your answer on the typewriter. If you agree, we will start your training tommorrow morning."

I seemed to not be inclined to violence right now, and stilled once more, turning as motionless as a statue, not even breath making his putrescent torso move.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 03:15 AM

Looking at Raine once, the golem picked up the last sheet and gave it to it's brethren to file away. In it's deep voice, it tolde her to find an empty room to sleep for the night and to return as she woke up.

"Do be aware, however, that you are not to leave under any circumstance, young lady."

It's duty done fore the night, it turned back to the other orphan still waiting to seal their respective fates.

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 03:16 AM

Ruthie bit her tongue and squinted her eyes closed and shook her head. So stupid! Of course, I have to use the key box... She opened her eyes and inch closer to the typewriter. Her hands shaking, Ruthie typed Y E S .

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 03:20 AM

Reading the page he's eyes narrowed slightly. Into their image? What is that suppose to mean? Who would want to look like a monster like them? He kept silent and made his reply. For now he would play it safe.

We see you can read, young ones! If you choose to answer our query, we will make you into our image. The first thing we will ask is for you to answer these simple question about yourselves. Please proceed in an orderly manner.

Name: Nathanial Klein
Sex: Male
Age: 13
Hair Color: Auburn
Skin Tone: Pale
Eye Color: Grey
Do you have any physical deficiencies? Has many scars on his back and his left knee is weak.
Do you have mental illnesses? Insomnia and pyromania (which hasn't started to develop yet)

After you are done, wait for further instruction. If our language make you confused, ask the golem holding our vessel for help in dumbing down our speech.
After answering the questions he took a step back, wondering what else these things truly wanted.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 03:20 AM

Seeming to smile for a brief moment, the golem took the still fresh paper and gave it to be put into the same folder as the previous one.

"Very well, you are to find an available room and sleep for the night. Come back here when you wake up, we will start your training then. Do not leave these prison wall under penalty of death."

Motioning the young girl to the only door out of the cell, it turned back to the other children.

---------- Post added 05-20-2012 at 11:26 PM ----------

Taking the file and looking at it briefly with his non-existent eyes, the golem gave the file to another one holding what seemed to be a dark folder to be secured away, the typewriter already typing away at an alarming speed and stopping once it's message complete.

We see! Nathanial, is it? Very well, you will now be instructed in the two branch of our new society and will have to choose to to go train into one of them.

Do not worry, however, as that choice will not happen until your 15th year of age.

You will be trained in the art of pickpocketing and asked to pay a weekly fee for the betterment of the Society. You will be provided with a room to sleep into, but will have to provide for any further needs.

Do you accept these conditions?
Both typewriter and golem seemed to wait for the young man's answer.

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 03:57 AM

(( It's time for me to go to bed for the night, I hope this suffices as we don't have too clear of a layout of the prison. :sweat: ))

Ruthie shuffled out of the room full of children into the dark hallway. She stumbled to the nearest wall and used it as a guide. The wall itself was cold and slightly damp. Ruthie sniffled and made her way down the hall, hoping to find a room.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 04:07 AM

He moved closer to the typewriter to read the freshly printed words. Being a pickpocket should be easy enough right? Dawn and I survived on the streets before we were sent to that orphanage. He steadily typed, Yes, before moving away from the typewriter once again. He knew that what he typed would seal his fate, but even so at least now he was out of that crumby orphanage.

((This will probably be my last post for the night.))


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