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Old 09-01-2010, 05:43 AM

Children have fallen under an epidemic of comas. Doctors don't know why this is. They have no leads as to why there are so many comas among children until one day, the person causing these comas came out in the open. This man had been stealing the children's nightmares and unleashing them on the world. The child whose dream was stolen ends up in a coma. For children to get out of their comas, their nightmares must be destroyed. A group of young teens assest in destroying all nightmares that have been released, but can they keep their identities a secret even among the other teens?

~PM profiles.
~Semi-lit: a complete paragraph with four complete sentences and the least amount of mistakes and mispellings.
~There are six "superheroes" max.
~Powers are allowed, maximum of three.
~Don't be rude to others. Interact.
~Use some form of OCC.
~Evil dude only attacks at night, so the teens do go to school during the day. None of them know about each other yet.
~Have fun.

Teen Profiles

Evil Dude Profile
Power: steal children's nightmares and use them as his own personal army

Evil Minions/Followers
Power (optional):

Other Characters

Username: flamethrower1391
Name: Takayumi Nakamura
Age: 17
Powers: pyrokinesis, telekinesis
Personality: serious, doesn't take crap from others
Bio: Her little brother, Jaz, was put into a coma, and now she vowes to avenge him and kill his nightmare.


Username: Eiiri
Name: California Devin
Age: 17
Powers: Metal manipulation, speed
Personality: Fun loving, doesn't take things seriously, except when hunting nightmares
Bio: She ran away from a strict, traditional family a couple years ago, but began to fight the nightmares when learning her younger sister fell into a coma. She holds almost no loyalties but only wants to live a fun life.

Unsername: Lord Pesca

Name: Felix Arcsaw

Age: 17

Powers: Telekinesis, and the ability to control large quantity of puppets at a time.

Personality: Usually pretty funny in general... but gets serious whenever nightmares are concerned.

Bio: Oldest child of eight, his house is ALWAYS loud. At least it was until the nightmares. He lost three younger brothers, and four younger sisters. He has sworn to personally kill the one responsible for the nightmares. He learned his power of telekinesis while doing a puppet show for some kids once. He was then able to use up to seventeen puppets at once. He usually uses cards as a shield, but he also uses them to attack occasionally. Puppets almost always work because they scare the living shit out of most people...



Username: Sezumie

Name: Eclaire Bijou [French]

Age: 16

Powers: Manipulation over Shadows/darkness, super strength.

Personality: Eclaire is ignorant, cruel, disobedient, and is very quick-tempered. So if you wish to piss her off you better know what's coming. She has a soft side for cats, but with refuse to show it. She is also very touchy on her past and on her family. Lastly, her detention record is about as colorful as her language and manners. [don't worry, she cuss all the time. Maybe in french~]

Bio: When Eclaire was born, her mother went into a coma a few weeks after she was born, so her father took care of her until her mother recovered. After her mother recovered, however, Eclaire's father died, but not before teaching Eclaire how to pro wrestle. Her mother hated her, but all her attempts to abuse her were futile, Eclaire turned out to be the one abusing her mom, for not being there for her and whatnot.

Soon, her mother called the police, and they took her to a delinquent school. That didn't work, she became the boss of all the other guys in the school and created an attack against the security. They escaped, but Eclaire was dragged off and plopped into a school, where she realized her powers. She usually uses them to scare the other students, but if a nightmare is in her way, depending on her mood, it may take long or no time at all; to slay it. Her worst fear is anything girly, she recoils at the sight of anything cute besides cats. At times, she may go crazy and cut them to pieces. She's claustrophobic, hard to please, and is willing to help others put people into their place.



Evil Dude
Username: Sezumie

Name: Ivan Innoketi [Russian? He doesn't say.]

Age: 20

Power: Steal children's nightmares and uses them as his own personal army

Personality: He doesn't speak too much, since he thinks he may be found out. Ivan is an outsider because of his oddly colored hair and bloody bunny. He has that mysterious aura about him. He is still suspicious to some people because of that bunny.

Bio: Ivan's family is unknown, but deep in the forests of Russia, archeologists found a boy next to a capsule that may have came from space. The scientists send him to France where her was researched and evaluated. He soon escaped and wandered his way to Eclaire's house,

Eclaire was different when she was young, more sweet and caring, so she took Ivan in and cared for him. Where she showed him her [still developing] powers. Turns out they were seen and the scientists captured them both. The father requested his daughter to return, so they released her after a few tests. Eclaire vowed to Ivan before she left, that they would meet again. They never did, and Ivan slowly forgot about her, only having a few memories of her left. As revenge against all the scientists and other people against him in the world, Ivan vows to steal the nightmares of children and use them as an army to wipe out every person against him [pretty much everyone.], and to somehow find his "little sister Bijou [a.k.a Eclaire]" again.


Evil Minions/Followers
Toxic Doll
Terra Valkyr
Power (optional):
{{speed by shadows}}
{Shadows only, cannot use speed in light}

[internal/external healing]
{{Only can heal others with own blood;}}
{{Living being's blood only heals her}}


{{Rise and Command the dead}}
Socialite; loves being known, very outgoing, but can be shady
As a child she was always top of her game in aerobics and gymnastics. Though, some found it sort of strange that such a small girl could be so fast, and so flexible. Thats when finally she was taken and poked and probed by people wanting to understand what she was. Within later years, she became very violent, and escaped these people. With her ability to manipulate the dead, she kept people far from herself, so she could at least live a decent life. If only there was someone that could rid of these curious lab coats!

[[normal and alias]]
Other Characters
Username: flamethrower1391
Name: Keyosi Nakamura
Age: 18
Personality: fun-loving, caring, intelligent
Bio: His little brother, Jaz, was put into a coma. When he heard that his sister was going to destroy all nightmares and take down their master, he decided to create some gadgets for her to help her achieve her goal.

Username: flamethrower1391
Name: Jazuchu Nakamura (Jaz)
Age: 13
Personality: kind, gentle, out-going, mischievious (sp?)
Bio: He was put into a coma after his nightmare was stolen. He keeps reliving the same nightmare over and over and wishes it would just stop one day.

Username: Soturo Ayami
Name: Devon Jun
Age: 19
Personality: What do you mean personality. I act how I act when with people I know but I also act the same way around people I don’t. Oh sorry, I’m nice I suppose, a bit nosy. Ask me for help I will help you. Nothing special.
Bio: I’m an orphan. My mother died when I was born and my father wouldn’t accept me as his child so I was brought up with a few of my cousins and my uncle. My uncle was a computer hacker that worked for the government. I’m not really sure about the details of his job but he taught me a lot about what he knew about computers. He is more my father and they more my family then my actual one. I just graduated from HS and started college online. I feel a bit safer there. I always have my computer with me at all times by the way. Recently I have noticed that there are some weird things on the internet. Hospital records, kids with strange powers, stupid monster stuff. Its like something out of WoW. I asked Jeff but he hasn’t said anything. Ah well. I’ll ignore it until its important to me.
Appearance:Devon (hair is dark brown)

Last edited by flamethrower1391; 09-12-2010 at 02:14 AM..

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 09-01-2010, 02:27 PM

Teen Profiles
Name:jeffery leon
Age:[14] 18
Powers:technolgy maniulation
Personality:catious and careful
Bio:most of his history is unkown but he has been known to have a reletive who has been sent into a coma and has gone out to seek his brothers return to the world of the awake.also has been working on this for two years now and the creatures only seem to be getting stronger.

Diguise:varies on location

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Old 09-07-2010, 10:25 PM

(Andraus, you have to PM me to be accepted.)

Soturo Ayami
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Old 09-10-2010, 01:47 AM

Click, click, click, click, click.

Devon's pen rapped against the wooden surface of the desk. It was a long day. It was a nice day. What a waste to be inside on such a day, it made her antsy. She wished she had taken the chance to graduate early, it would have been easier and she would have started on her major early.

'Only five more years left...' She reminded herself as she sketched briefly a broken butterfly on the edge of her notebook. Sometimes it was a hassle just to be here. She was only here to take a test as it was Devon didn't even need to be here. She would have left had it not been for the minimal time period required.

Right now she was trying a major in computer science and minoring in child psychology. Opposites? She thought so it was why she was taking them. Her eyes drifted over to a window ignoring her finished exam. It was too easy and the day was too nice to waste it away in here. The hands on her watch seemed to be mocking her progress. She wished she was able to whip out her computer. However she would fail the exam if she did it now. The minutes ticked by like hours.

Devon was feeling the strain of it all when finally she reached down and lifted her suit case, took her paper up to the proctor and bolted out of there as fast as her walking pace would allow. She could go the cafe for coffee and type hack away at the security systems of the nearest building. It wasn't entirely illegal since Devon was sort of being paid for it. If the girl handed her uncle Jack's business card while she was explaining the problems in their systems and she'd get paid by her uncle for promoting his side business. It was honest enough work.

Sighing she placed herself at a table and waited for a waiter. She'd order her coffee while she typed away at her computer.

Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 09-10-2010, 02:22 AM

California yawned, the classroom was too hot and the class was too boring. She was half-asleep, her head on her arms as she leaned across her desk, her dark black hair falling into her face. She knew that she had been staying up too late in the past few weeks, but she was determined to find her kid sister's nightmare. She had been determined to find it when her older sister came to her and told California what had happened. That night she had gone out to fight nightmares until she found the correct one.

The bell rang for the last time that day, making her jump, again. The bell had startled her for the entire day. She made her way through the school, going through it more asleep than awake. Grabbing her messenger bag, she slung over her shoulder and walked towards the exit of the school. Throughout the school day she heard talk about the mystery teens who were fighting the nightmares, people thinking it was just so cool. 'They don't know anything,' she thought, shaking her head and putting on her headphones.

No luck last night, will try again tonight she texted her sister as she walked out of the school. As little as she spoke to her family she had started to let her sister know how she was doing in helping her kid sister. California debated what she wanted to do until nightfall. She finally decided that she would not make it through the night without coffee, so she turned and headed to a local cafe. After ordering, she chose a small table in the corner, so she could see everything in the cafe. Pulling out her iPod, she switched songs, then continued watching the people in the cafe.

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Old 09-10-2010, 08:22 PM

Takayumi sighed as she leaned back into her chair and looked up at the ceiling. The class was completely boring. She had fallen asleep numerous times after being rudely woken up by the teacher and others sitting around her. She didn't care for the class. She had good grades anyways.
The bell ran, and she quickly bolted out of there. There would only be a few hours before dark, and she had to see what this new gadget her brother had that he wanted to show her. She found him sitting on the steps outside of the school with his messenger back on his lap.
"What do you have for me?" She sat down beside him, after looking around for anyone who might be evesdropping.

Keyosi dug in his messenger bag for the new gadget. It looked exactly like a flip cellphone. He held it out for her to take a look at. "With this, you can detect nightmares before they even began wrecking havoc. I'm working on one that can detect where this guy is, so you can stop him before he even has a chance to awaken a nightmare." He pulled out a few other detectors. "These ones are for the others. When you guys meet tonight, give them these and explain what they do." Keyosi put them back in his back for later, go up, and walked out into the parking lot with his sister walking in step beside him.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 09-10-2010, 08:34 PM

recently exiting class heads down to the park were i used to play with my little brotehr at and looks out at the childern".....if we cant stop this guy....they could be next...."sighs and looks at watch .it was 5:45 and he had to mee the otehrs at 7:30 tonight"gonna be one hell of a be prepared....."grabs his half sword and walks off to the meeting place

Sezumie is offline
Old 09-10-2010, 08:42 PM

Eclaire sat in the car of the taxi, headed for town, she only packed one suitcase, but she had enough stuff in there for herself. A picture of her and her dad, a large wad of money that she got from the school, her clothes, and a cat doll. She looked out the window at the passing colors, the taxi was going a bit fast so she couldn't recognize the town. She was able to see a cafe, and noted that she would go there sometime later. The people who were looking at the taxi recognized who she was, and turned away and walked faster. Eclaire sighed, it was very common nowadays. She looked forward when the taxi suddenly stopped.

"Here we are missy, your new home." He smiled, but the driver was missing some teeth,"Here's the address for the school, not far from here too." He said as Eclaire got out of the car, the house was roomy, but there weren't many others nearby. The car sped off before she could turn. She saw the cafe though, but she needed to walk around for a bit. She came to the school, well, more like near the parking lot, The wind picked up and her hat flew away, getting stuck in a tree. Eclaire saw other people in the area, so she couldn't use her abilities to get it, so she ended up staring up into the tree, hoping her hat would fall down.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 09-10-2010, 08:45 PM

walking by the school when seeing a girl looking at a hat up in a tree"'hmmmm must be hers"he thought then walked up to the tree climbed it and grabed the hat and htrew it down to the girl"there ya go miss"jumps down

Sezumie is offline
Old 09-10-2010, 09:48 PM

Eclaire caught the hat and looked at the man who got it for her,"Thanks," She mumbled and started walking away. She picked up her suitcase and walked away, she had to get home since she had to unpack her stuff, visit the cafe, and scare a few kids who lived in the neighborhood. Sighing, she walked along the sidewalk that led to her house. She didn't even take a second glance at the man who helped her get her hat, he seemed weird to her anyway. She didn't usually see other people helping her unless they didn't know who she was, but almost everyone who watched the news knew about her abusing. So she figured that he was one of those people who hear rumors but doesn't believe them or something.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 09-10-2010, 09:52 PM

"i no who you are eclaire thing is it dosent bother me"jumps down to tree and walks by her

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Old 09-10-2010, 10:06 PM

(Andraus, you were not accepted nor did you follow the rules. You are not part of this roleplay, so do not post.)

Sezumie is offline
Old 09-10-2010, 10:07 PM

At those words, Eclaire suddenly stopped. Sharply glaring at the guy next to her, she said,"You have no right to address me as a 'thing' because I could very much kill you now, but I have some where to be." With that she huffed wand walked away, more quicker this time. "Idiot, and don't follow me, you look like some perverted stalker." She turned the corner that led to the cafe and walks in. She sits down at a table and looks at the menu, ignoring the whispers and rumors that were flying across the room.
[meh, at least i put this up so i can go to the cafe~~]

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Old 09-10-2010, 10:26 PM

Keyosi looked at his watched. "You're meeting is soon. You better get ready. I'll be at the hospital until 7. If you need anything, just speak over the intercom." He climbed into his car and started the engine. The clock read 3:30. "Be careful, okay?" He waved goodbye as he drove away. They were hoping to find their brother's nightmare tonight. He had little faith they would find it though. They had no clue or trace of where it could be.
Takayumi watched her brother leave. She knew how hard it was for him to not be fighting along side of her to save their brother and all of the other children who were put under the same fate. She turned and ran toward the forest. She had to quickly get her disguise on and get to the meeting place. She couldn't afford to be late this time.

Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 09-10-2010, 10:57 PM

The alarm clock on California's phone went off, not loudly enough for her to attract attention to herself, but enough that she could hear it. She quickly finished her coffee and left the cafe. Her apartment was nearby and she got there quickly. Instead of taking the elevator to her floor, like most others would on the seventh floor, she ducked into the stairwell. She ran up the stairs as fast as she could timing herself, like always. Checking the timer on her watch, she concluded she did not beat her previous time. Oh, well, she thought as she entered her apartment. Because of how fast she could move, she was always racing herself. She changed her clothes, out of her school clothes and into her disguise. She also took her hair out of their usual ponytails, brushing it down.

She grabbed her phone and keys, then took one last look around. Concluding that she left nothing behind, she left and locked her apartment. She ran to the meeting place, moving took fast for the majority of people to notice her. When she got there, she realized she was the first one there, again. She sighed and sat down, she hated waiting, but its what she got for always being the first one there.

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Old 09-11-2010, 12:23 AM

Takayumi jumped into a tree and looked down nearby to make sure no one was there. She threw her bag onto the wide branch. She took of her sweater and dress to reveal what of her disguise that she had on underneath. She pulled out the rest of her clothing from her back and put it on in a hurry. She always had her disguise with her just in case she had to do a superman and speedily change in a phone booth. Too bad one of her powers wasn't superspeed or else it might work. She threw the clothes she had been wearing in the bag, zipped it, and hung from a different branch for when she came back for it. "I really do hope I'm not late this time." She jumped out of the tree and ran in the direction of the meeting place to find that there was only one person there so far.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 09-11-2010, 02:21 AM

Devon watched as the girl walked away from the cafe. That was odd. Not that she hadn't seen her before, she came here a lot. Though it was normally with a group of...friends? She didn't know for sure, she had never bothered to talk to her. The girl seemed a bit nervous. Devon began to wonder if she was alright. Maybe she should follow her and see what was going on? No that would be considered stalking wouldn't it, especially if she was headed home.

Slightly perturbed by her curiosity Devon sipped plaintively at her cup of tea. She had ignored the coffee and went straight for a cup of chai. It would wake her up better then the coffee she had almost ordered.

Still people watching as the encryption on this buildings system was harder to crack then normal. She wouldn't be able to slip in as easily as she imagined which was actually a good thing. She was using one of her low grade hacking programs, with out her seven computer set up at home she would have to wait for the program to run through to run the next, instead of all of them running at once. Shaking her head she watched as another girl made herself comfortable. She was different from the others she had seen so far. Not a bad thing just different. She studied her for a few moments still sipping her tea. She was feeling to need to talk to some one and seeing as they were technically the only ones still here and sitting alone it made sense.

Devon shrugged. She was not one to do thing sporadically. She'd wait until it was necessary.

Toxic Doll
Toxic Doll is offline
Old 09-11-2010, 02:31 AM

Humming softly and staring up at the clouds as she laid onto a park bench Terra smiled wickedly. She put up her hands and stared at them as the light's rays danced from between her fingers and warmed her face. What an incredible day for some so called socializing. As much as Terra wanted to chat with people she knew it would be rude to just invade people.

Terra sat up and opened her backpack, digging around for anything she could find to entertain herself. She found herself pulling out last year's school year book, quite a large thing, then again the school was well populated. She skimmed through the pages and tilted her head as she seen some unfamiliar faces "He's quite a doll~" Terra pressed her finger onto one of the pictures, and then followed to the column of names. "Arcsaw, Felix; why haven't I gotten to know you" Terra laughed at herself and continued scanning the pages. "No one else is anymore interesting~ ... Arcsaw, Arcsaw, Arcsaw... Oh wait!" Terra hopped up and clutched her fists "I remember being a tutor for an Arcsaw! ... I wonder.."

Wearing her casual apparel she sprinted off to the place she remembered where this Arcsaw girl had been. And there it was, a solemn building, that made her even quiver. "Use to have a lot of life.." She walked up the steps and hesitated 'What if he isn't even there, or.. What if this is the wrong house?' She tapped her toe thinking for a moment, and finally brought up the courage to do it
knock knock knock

Last edited by Toxic Doll; 09-11-2010 at 02:37 AM..

Lord Pesca
Lord Pesca is offline
Old 09-11-2010, 03:17 AM

(Hey, I'm a guy hahahah! Or are you talking about my sis (imaginary sis...) BTW sorry for not posting yet... Ive been gone all day...)

Felix was sortof laying/sitting at the same time on his couch in his house, listening to Blink 182. He fell asleep sometime after "All the Small Things". Raine Arcsaw, his sister, sat on a chair in a white room. The shadow of the chair grew bigger, and bigger, until it contained the whole room. Raine looked like she wanted to move, but couldn't. All of a sudden, the darkness consumed her. She was gone. BOOOM BOOM BOOM! He heard a knock at his door, which woke him up. The accustics in the room were strange, and whenever someone was knocking at the door, it seemed like they were pounding.

Felix yawned, and stood up. Sitting on his lap was his favorite doll, Tigger. Felix has been able to make him talk since he got him, back in First Grade. "There's a human at the door!" He said to Felix, in his goofy cartoon voice. "I know it's not a tigger because I'm the only Tigger around! Plus, she can't bounce like a tigger can." This made Felix laugh. An odd sound, because He hasn't been able to laugh at much these days. All of his siblings were in a coma. He's been living practically alone for the last month or so because his parents were on tour for a year.

Finally, after a minute of stretching, he answered the door. He saw a familiar looking girl at his door. He then realized that she had tutored his sister, Raine, for awhile. "Uhh, hi," Felix said to her, "Anything I can do for you?"

Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 09-11-2010, 03:36 AM

California looked up when the other girl arrived at the meeting place. "Oh good you're here, I was worried I got here too early, like last time," she said quickly, laughing a little bit. She stood up and brushed off her clothes and smiled at the other girl. It was nice to have someone else there, she hated waiting alone. She knew pretty much nothing about the others, including their names. They might have told her at one point, but she had trouble remembering names and listening. She wasn't even sure if she had ever told the others her name.

Toxic Doll
Toxic Doll is offline
Old 09-11-2010, 03:48 AM

Terra took a step back and tilted her head slightly "strange" she examined him side to side "I imagined you being a lot taller" Terra snickered and then giggled at her own little joke "I thought I should stop by, err~ To see how things were?" She tilted her head then to the right, feeling a bit awkward. "Well, I mean.." Terra paused and let out an exhausting sigh "I mean, I've got nothing better to do~ So I thought I'd stop to chat with you, because well, we never really did talk" She slapped her mouth shut, feeling foolish for telling the truth for once.

Terra crossed her arms and frowned "I don't mean to intrude, if I have, I'll leave- it seemed like you were busy." She said hastily and turned her back, though she really wanted to talk with him, she just didn't feel that now was the best of times. Terra glanced back over her shoulder and sighed quietly to herself "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have stopped by, I didn't mean to bother you" She whispered as she walked a bit away from the porch. There was just to much energy that she could feel, Raine.

But all of the other Arcsaw children where in comas, they're not completely dead..

Terra controlled herself from necromancing whatever it was that was trying to rise, though usually by her own aura, it would usually bring up the dead whether she summoned them or not. She frowned, slowly pacing away, more and more from the porch, and now stood on the sidewalk "I.." She couldn't find the words as she felt herself tremble from head to toe, she grasped herself tightly as she felt herself weaken. 'Don't, not in front of him' Terra felt her knees buckle, she couldn't keep herself cool, but luckily, she kept control. "I should.. Go.." She lifted herself up from the ground, but not for to long.

{{ooc: = w= I know I know, just was referring to the departed... Terra's not so use to necromancing 8'D so she strains herself a lot when she holds back that power =w =; Ohh but the stories she has to cover them up..}}

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 09-22-2010 at 04:29 AM..

Lord Pesca
Lord Pesca is offline
Old 09-11-2010, 03:57 AM

(Ahhh okay hahahha!)

Felix blinked in surprise. He felt short all of a sudden... This was all... random. Nothing really made much sense... unless she was close with Raine... That might be why she seemed... depressed.

"It's okay... I needed to go, but I can wait a little bit... would you like to come in? There isn't much here, but at least there's something... Do you need to sit down?" I asked her, leading her inside. The house was VERY unorganized since Raine... but Felix always knew where everything was, so it didn't matter to him. But he really needed to at least dust every once in awhile... the place was a mess.

Toxic Doll
Toxic Doll is offline
Old 09-11-2010, 04:10 AM

Terra rose again and waved her hand as if she was alright "no no I'm alright really- I spose its just the heat" She realized that it wasn't hot enough to make someone collapse, she felt rather dimwitted at the moment and tried thinking of something else. "Err~ Cough cough?" It seemed more like a question than a fake cough, she was never really good at lying, but great with secrets, but also terribly weak in the knees when she felt the truth wanting to come forward..

She stood in the doorstep and looked around the home, grim, dusty, dark, it made her nose twitch. She looked up at him and felt a bit of an awkwardness, maybe it was just her.. "I really shouldn't.. I mean-" She couldnt think of anything that could get her out of that door, even though, she knew she would need to run so what ever was buried wouldn't surface.

Maybe she could scare him? 'What to do, what to do, what to do?! Terra just think of something!' Without considering the thought, she grasped tightly onto Felix and nuzzled his neck. "I've been so lonely" She fake cried, hopefully it would bug him out to where he'd want her to leave.

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 09-22-2010 at 04:29 AM..

Lord Pesca
Lord Pesca is offline
Old 09-11-2010, 04:22 AM

After she... asked/faked coughing, he realized she just wanted to leave. So when she nuzzled him he was trying hard not to laugh out loud.

"Well, err... I really got to go now, I'm sorry, but..." He didn't finish... He waved goodbye, and closed the door. He then burst out laughing. Twice in one day. Odd. "What the hell was that about..." he said to himself.

Then he saw the clock on the wall. "SHIT!" He yelled. He had to be at a meeting of sorts in five minutes. If he launched himself onto a rocket launcher he wouldn't be there in time. So he packed his essentials, and opened his door, leaving. His dolls were inside his bag, and so was his disguise. Tigger said before he left, "Ill man the fortress! Or is it Tiggering the fortress... no, that sounds like I'm going to blow it up... NEVER MIND! BYEEE!" he said to him, as he exited.

Toxic Doll
Toxic Doll is offline
Old 09-11-2010, 04:49 AM

Terra felt even more awkward by this point, being pushed out of the door, and having it shut into her face. And then witnessing him outburst from it and run, she watched in slight amusement as she crossed her arms. That reminded her, she had somewhere she should be heading, if, for any means, anyone would show. She stood there onto Felix's porch for a few more moments thinking of how she could avoid walking on the cement that cut onto the lawn. Instead of running, she decided to jump up on the roof, and flee, jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

Finally, safe ground.. Well, it was to her for the most. Such a dreary and shabby part of the town, it was actually kind of sad. Terra walked down the street and went down an ally path, unlocking a door that opened into a leather/latex wear shop. She grabbed a few things and headed to the dressing room, changing into her assassin's guise. She sighed in glad relief, as she felt comfortable.. Terra opened a case at the front desk, and took from it her two blades, and hooked them onto her belt.

Back onto the streets, Terra sped through the shadows, and was out into the still-bright-dusk. She tilted her head trying to figure something in her mind- What was she, Terra was always referred to as some sort of wicked witch. She frowned, and sat down within a shadow, hugging her knees tightly. "Those cruel lab coats.. Could I just be some person's nightmare, that manifested its own soul?" Her eyes shut as she felt upset, trying not to think of it as much. "Why is it.. That I really do feel alone.." She frowned and rested her chin on her knees as she looked down at the town from a building above "Even if I WAS a nightmare.. Would I even have a chance.. That of whom takes the nightmares, wouldn't he know about my existence? .. Would he protect me, or throw me in the line of fire- along with the other nightmares?" She sniffled lightly as she closed her eyes to rest for the moment.

[[ooc: my last post of the night, I'm off to bed everyone :] ttfn~ Ta Ta For Now]]

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 09-22-2010 at 04:29 AM..


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