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Awkwardly Wistful
Awkwardly Wistful is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 03:59 AM


Name: Julia Elle Jennings
Age: 19
Picture: Black hair, blue eyes

Name: Leonardo Wade Wilston
Pseudonym: Dawson Graham Kostello
Age: 23 and counting.
Picture: Here


Leonardo is on the run; all over Europe he has been chased. Finally, he devises a plan. To hide in the high society of London for a while. No one would expect him to be hiding there, it being such a public place to hide. (And so unlike him.) So, he hides under a false name, aquires a place of his own, (with the help of some long ago, and long time acquaintances,) some trustworth help for around the house, and hides for a while. After being on the scene of London's High Society, attending the balls as required, he decides, what better way to fit into society than to marry a girl? The perfect cover. Of course, after a while, he would leave her alone and get on with his life. But as soon as he and Julia are married, something goes wrong. He is discovered, and when he goes to flee, Julie decides to tag along, making his journey all the more difficult. But she devises plans to help him hide, showing she was tougher and smarter than he had origionally thought.
The story continues until they can run no more and must face facts for not only their well being, but with their own strange relationship.


Julia Elle Jennings; Daughter of Johnathan and Lucille Jennings.
You are hearby cordially invited to the ball of Gabriel and Grace Howards.
It shall take place tonight, and 9 o'clock sharp.

"Julie, an invitation just arrived for you." Lucille called up the stairs, the invitation in her slender fingers.
"Coming!" The raven haired girl called down, clad in her favorite blue day dress. It accented her eyes perfectly, the color the same saphire blue. It was low cut, with lace, and sleeves that went to her elbows. "Who is it from?" The dress also made her skin look like porceline.
"The Howards family." Her mother replied, handing the invitation to her daughter. "Do you want to attend?"
"Of course Jewels will attend." Her father interupted, coming to put an around around her shoulders. "The girl is nearly twenty, in the fall, and hasn't snared herself a husband yet."
"Daddy." Julia's full lips turned into a frown.
"Well, I need to give that dowry to someone." Johnathan jested, tugging his oldest daughter into the formal sitting room. "And I prefer to give it to a husband."
Julia pulled away from her father and crossed her arms, sitting in a rather large, puffy looking red velvet chair. "Would you quit with that already? I've told you a thousand times..."
"Yes, dear. We know. Love will come when it may." Lucille interupted.
Julia rolled her eyes. "I will go. It's courting season anyway."
"What will you wear?" Lucille asked, almost sounding eager.
"I think..." Julia paused, unfolding her arms and placing her hands in her lap. "My wine colored dress. It's so beautiful."
"Oh, darling I love that one." Lucille clapped her hands together in approval.
"Yes, yes. All good. Carry on with your day then." Johnathan told the two of them, having no patience to talk about fashion.
"Yes father. I will see you later." Julia curtsied before leaving to attend to her lessons again, turning to go out the door, her hair falling over her shoulder. It was pin straight; she would have to do something about that tonight.


Julia finally deemed herself ready to attend the ball, she left her home about a half and hour before the doors to the Howards home was to open for the dance. She had worn her wine colored gown; the low cut front and back, sweetheart topped, cap sleeved, and black lace covered gown. It was her favorite by far, the extravagance of the gown surpassing most of the other she had in her closet. Julia had even gone so far as to wear elbow length black gloves. Her hair had been pinned up in a delicate pattern, only a few ringlets hanging down her almost bare back. She felt stunning, and she hoped others felt the same way.
Her parents had accompanied her as usual, her mother all in a tizzy about the men and the dresses and the dancing. Her father was paying not an ounce of attention to her, although he was smiling as he pat her knee. Julia was listening to most of it as well, although she didn't really care at the moment. They were approaching the house; lights were everywhere, and music from the orchestra was pouring out of all the windows. She was excited, toying with her necklace.

The crowd for the party was large, people pouring out of the hallways and garden and dance floor. There was hardly any room for her and her parents to enter. But once they were inside, Johnathan ended up leaving them to chat and smoke cigars with some other gentlemen in the library while her mother and herself went to talk to a few of their friends. Julia had been a little distracted though; she had spotted a new face. A very handsome face admittedly. Her saphire eyes watched him casually while she chatted with some girls, wondering who he was. The girls didn't seem to know either. Maybe she would meet him. Who knew?

Last edited by Awkwardly Wistful; 07-23-2010 at 04:07 AM..

Dmitri Blair
The Avid, Slightly Crazy Kid.
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Old 07-27-2010, 10:30 PM

Dawson Graham Kostello; Son of Marc and Lillianna Kostello.
You are hear-by cordially invited to the ball of Gabriel and Grace Howards.
It shall take place tonight, and 9 o'clock sharp.

Leonardo looked down at the invitation, smiling slightly. He was new in town, and yet he still was invited to one of the most prestige of the local balls. Of course, the man had never been to a ball, and knew hardly what to wear. He stood in front of the mirror in the room he had commandeered to stay in while he was in the society. Having taken on the name Dawson, the lad had found ways to make himself fit into the high society. He was staying in the home of an old couple who he convinced were his very own blood relatives. Simply gullible. 'Dawson' looked about the room for a moment, the pale gold tapestry and the gold and mahogany bed, everything seeming so lush and comforting. Slowly, breathing outwards in a sigh of relief, the man ran his hands through his dark hair.

The elder woman he was living with soon called up to him. "Dawson, sweetheart!"
"Yes, grandmother?" He called back to her, moving to open the door and step into the hallway facing the lovely spiral staircase.
"Are you doing to the Howards' ball, tonight?"
"Yes." His voice, usually very musical, was slightly strained. He would have to hurry if he was going to be there, and knowing this woman, even so little as he did, she would ask him to do something beforehand.
"Splendid! Could you happen to do me a favor before you leave?" And there it was.
"Grandmother, I am really in a rush. Could I please do it when I return?" There was a little silence. Sounding as though the elderly lady was mulling it over in a soft whisper.
"Alright, dear! Don't be late tonight and have fun!"

Dawson sighed, thankful she had let him slip this time. Reentering his room, he opened the chest on the floor at the end of his lavish bed. The trunk was nicely carved, but worn. Inside it, it had a silken red lining, folded clothes slightly askew from his many times of shuffling through it for a quick disguise. He found a pair of pinstriped, well ironed pants and a white shirt. Changing into the outfit, he gazed into the mirror at the pants beginning to slip down. "Shit.." he whispered, grabbing his suspenders. Putting them on, he smiled his most dazzling smile. "Perfect." Grabbing his black blazer-coat, he made his way out of the house.


Once the man arrived at the door, he was welcomed by a group of women and a few men, wanting to hear more about his previous home in Paris. Naturally, he loved the attention and began to talk as they moved around the room. Once the girls had left, he was simply talking with a few of the other men about how the girls chatter so much. That's when he noticed he was being watched. A beautiful girl in a red dress was watching him from across the grandiose room. He winked her way and smiled a bright smile before continuing his conversation.

Awkwardly Wistful
Awkwardly Wistful is offline
Old 07-28-2010, 12:27 AM

"Who is he?" Alice asked. Alice was one of Julia's good friends. She was traditionally beautiful; blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin. Julia had always been a little different. Not many of her friends had dark hair. In fact, no one in her family had hair like hers. Her mother was as blonde as could be, with freckles, and such. Actually she was more a strawberry blonde.
"I don't know..." Julia mummbled, watching as he crossed the room, talking to several men.
"Well, he's good looking." Alice commented, flipping her fan open and fanning herself.
"You think every guy is good looking, Alice." Julia laughed, folding her hands in front of her.
"Well, most of them are! And he is no exception. He's pretty good looking." Alice smiled at Julia, shoving her softly.
"Quit it." Julia laughed.
"Well, I bet you have a chance with him."
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm already taken, at least at the moment."
Julia rolled her eyes.
"But you aren't. And you're beautiful. Hardly anyone here looks like you. You're gorgeous."
"Stop it." Julia blushed, taking the fan from her friend and smacking her arm with it.
"Girls, girls. Quit gossiping. It's a terrible habit." Lucille smiled and winked, knowing she was a terrible gossip.
Julia looked towards the stranger again, seeing that he winked at her, she blushed. "Oh my." She somehow couldn't stop looking until Alice grabbed at her hand. "He winked at me..." Julia smiled, flipping open the fan to cool her cheeks down.
"Who dear?" Lucille asked.
"The mystery man." Julia replied, looking towards her mother.
"Wow. He must like you!" Alice chimed, happily jumping up and down. "I wonder if he'll come and say hello to you?"
"I hope so!" Lucille replied.
"I do too." Julia looked back towards Dawson, still fanning herself.

Dmitri Blair
The Avid, Slightly Crazy Kid.
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Old 07-28-2010, 12:42 AM

Dawson smiled as he saw the dark haired girl blushing over his wink. He nudged another of the men and pointed casually towards the girls. "Do you know the name of the dark haired wonder over there?"
One of the men glanced and nodded, "That's Julia Jennings."
"Is she courted by someone?"
"I do not believe so. But these ladies can be quite a hassle. I have my own.." as he continued on, Dawson blocked him out, looking the beauty up and down a few times before catching back onto the end of what the man said. "...but I plan to marry her anyway."
"Oh really? Well, good luck to you, sir." He took a deep breath.

Making small conversation, he made his way out of the loop of men and away from the group. The tall male wandered on for a moment before entering the garden. There was a tall white gazebo, garnished in sweet pinks and blues, the stairs and everything flawlessly done up. The man climbed the stairs, leaning onto the railing for a moment, thinking. His mind was filled with thoughts. If he stayed, he might get caught, but if he didn't get caught, could he even.. blend in?

Running his fingers along the rail for a moment, he sighed. "Why, oh why.. this is too difficult.." he mumbled to himself, unaware of his surroundings.

Awkwardly Wistful
Awkwardly Wistful is offline
Old 07-28-2010, 05:28 AM

"Hey, he's going outside." Alice called, moving to watch him leave to the garden. "Follow him Julie!"
"Follow him? How indecent." Julia replied, watching him stoll outside.
"Oh please." Her mother smacked her arm. "Just go and talk to him. You'll be all alone, it's quiet, romantic." Lucille gave her daughter a shove. "You're not getting any younger."
"I'm only twenty mother!"
"You should be married by now!"
"You two," Alice interupted. "You really shoudn't bicker here."
"Alright, alright. But go follow him!" Lucille shoved her daughter again, shooing her away.
"Mother, you're terrible." Julia told her as she glanced back at her companions before moving to go outside.
It was quieter outside, a little chilly, but rather enjoyable to the heat and noise of the ballrooms and dinning. Julia spotted Dawson out on the gazebo, standing by himself. Gathering up a little courage, she took a deep breath. picked up her skirts, and started up the path for the gazebo. As she was climbing up the stairs, she heard him mumble to himself.
"What's so difficult?" Julia heard herself asking quietly, standing at the top step of the stairs, one gloved hand on the railing, the other holding her skirts from her feet. She saw his startled expression and blushed. "I'm sorry if I frightened you. I only meant to say hello." She paused, moving to stand more in the gazebo. "I saw you from across the room, and well, I thought you wouldn't mind."

Dmitri Blair
The Avid, Slightly Crazy Kid.
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Old 08-04-2010, 02:24 PM

Dawson was slightly started when he heard someone approach. Turning around, he noticed it was the beauty from across the room. And beauty she was indeed, especially up close. She had black hair and pretty eyes, skin like a doll. Leaning against the banister of the gazebo, he smiled. "Oh yes, I'm actually happy you followed me out.." He looked down, to show slight nervousness, even though on the inside he was calm. "I was far too nervous to approach you.."
Looking back up, he smiled, holding out his hand. "I'm Dawson. Dawson Kostello. I'm kinda new here, if you haven't already noticed."
Now, Leonardo had learned so many tools of the trade, little tricks to make people believe he was who he said he was. He had made Dawson out to be a shy, yet confident man. Intellectual, but not cocky. He had to keep his character, despite how he was really a mischievous, sometimes womanizing man.
Smiling gently, he looked down. "So.. You must be Miss Julia Jennings?" Of course, he knew who she was anyway, but he figured he should be polite.

Awkwardly Wistful
Awkwardly Wistful is offline
Old 08-05-2010, 01:00 AM

Julia arched a finely trimed eyebrow at him, folding her hands behind her. Her vivid blue eyes watched him quietly. "I did notice. I think every girl noticed." She smiled, moving to stand a little more inside the gazebo. It was quite an intimate place to be talking, alone. She was wondering if he had assumed she would follow him out. "You're quite the talk of the ball tonight Mr. Kostello." Julia informed him, taking a few more steps closer into the gazebo. "I assume you didn't escape the many gazes of the socialites, hm? They seem to have, a well, unique way to letting you know you're welcome..." She paused. "Or not." Julia smiled softly. There was something about the way he was standing that wasn't quite, him. Julia could tell that he was probably more charismatic, but she left it alone. She wasn't at all fooled by anyone; her father had made sure of it.
"What brings you to town?" She asked innocently, moving to the railing near him and setting her gloved hands down on it. "Business perhaps?" She hoped she was acting cool, while infact she was kind of nervous herself. She was by no means shy, case and point when she followed the handsome stranger. But she was by no means outragously bold.

Dmitri Blair
The Avid, Slightly Crazy Kid.
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Old 08-05-2010, 01:32 AM

Dawson smiled slightly, watching her as she spoke. She was quick, that was for sure, but he was certainly not giving up his guise. So he was the talk of the night? Didn't quite surprise him, that was always the case when he travelled to a new place. Some guy comes out of the woodwork, never seems to fail for conversation among locals. The people hear had been rather friendly, but many of the men seemed a little apprehensive when the women would look at him. Sure, he was different than most of the guys around these parts. His dark hair and bright eyes stood out in a sea of blondes and browns. His charisma was showing, but he couldn't help it. It radiated off him.
"I'm in town visiting family, long distance relatives. My grandparents, actually." He smiled slightly, being small with his talk. He didn't want to give away too much information, after all. that would ruin his plan.
He shifted slightly before running his fingers through his hair. "I'm actually not fond of business. My father owns a local business back home. He wanted me to take it over, but I simply couldn't stand the job."
Laughing softly, Dawson yawned. He hadn't gotten much sleep last night. The man had been looking through all of the old couple's photo albums, new paper clippings, articles from magazines; anything to get more insight into what his 'parents' were like.

Awkwardly Wistful
Awkwardly Wistful is offline
Old 08-05-2010, 06:38 PM

Julia smiled. "I see. That must be nice. Most of my family lives here in London." She told him, glancing over at the tall man. "We don't travel very much." Out of the corner of her eye she could see Alice and her mother spying on the two of them. She frowned but quickly recovered a smile. Her mother always had been nosy, and now Alice was learning from her! Turning her thoughts back to Dawson, she pulled a loose strand of curl back behind her ear. "More of a man of leisure then?" She teased, wondering where he was from and what kind of business his father ran. She'd never heard his last name before, nor had she seen anyone like him. He was rather different, almost exotic in a way. He was exotic here anyway. "Or was the job a bore? I can see if it was, because my father's job is a bore. He tried to teach me once, and I had no desire to even work with it. It was all numbers and things." What a twit she sounded like! She hoped he didn't think she was dull. Although her eyes were piercing and vivid, that wasn't always something that was a tell tale sign of smarts. Her eyes tore from his and looked towards the sky, the stars and few clouds floating above her. "It really is a wonderful night. It's much better out here where the air is clear than it is inside, what with all those stuck ups making the air all stuffy." Julia giggled softly. Good lord, she hadn't giggled like that since she was litle. "It was a good idea of yours to come outside." Although his spot was a little secluded. The gazebo was far enough away from the house that her mother and Alice would have to come and hide behind some bushes next to it.

Dmitri Blair
The Avid, Slightly Crazy Kid.
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Old 08-09-2010, 07:45 PM

Glad to be making conversation with the pretty girl, Dawson smiled slightly. She waas very cute, seemingly clever, and she had an air about her that made him want more. Now, Dawson was a ladies' man at times, but this was one girl that really gave him a start. She was clearly bright, but that wasn't all. She had a good head on her shoulders. Pity. Dawson shouldn't even have a head on his shoulders, considering all the crimes he committed over europe. "My father owns a minor manufacturing business. It was so dull I could have drowned in the place." he sighed, making up the sotry on the spot. It came natural to him, thankfully. He had used the story idea once before, when he was in Spain. "I'm actually not a London native. I was actually born over seas in the United States." He smiled. "Thankfully, though, my parents relocated back to Europe when I was young." He watched as she looked towards the sky, making a witty comment, and giggling. She was certainly unique, that was for sure. But he enjoyed it. Every single moment. "The people in there look at me as if I have three heads," he sighed, making a face, "do I?" He laughed casually. Jokes were something he never was good at, but they usually got a laugh or two.


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