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Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 11-24-2010, 04:58 AM

Name:Mika Marcella Cosette Adams
Personality:Mika is usually happy,hyper active,very cheerful.She loves animals.She is very caring.She loves animals and hates to see others being bullied or in pain.She always tries her best to make things better and cheer people up.

Marcella was sleeping peacefully in her friends bedroom.She was actully sleeping in the bed and completely naked with her friend?When she opened her eyes she looked around the room noticing this wasn't her room.She then began to remember she was walking with him to his house.They began to study but then it all went black and she realized what happened.We were suppose to be studying but....we ended up like this. She thought to herself as she layed in the warm queen sized bed under the covers.She looked over to her side seeing him sleep.

She knew it was bad they did this since he had a girlfriend and she had a boyfriend.But..he looks so cute... She thought to herself as she then had a deep sigh past by her lips.

Last edited by MoodyBats; 11-24-2010 at 05:00 AM..

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Old 11-24-2010, 05:16 AM

Name: Alfonze Liam Grant
Nicname: Lee
Age: 18 1/2 years
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Yuu is incredibly intelligent. He's in the top five of his class. Although he's smart, sometimes he misunderstands feelings and he gets in trouble with his girlfriend. Yuu is constantly stressed out, but you can't tell. He doesn't let a lot of his emotions out sometimes. He likes to help other people with their problems and ignore his own. One of his favorite pass times is gardening. His favorite foods are usually sweet and bad for him, but he can't help himself and he's also an excellent cook.

Yuu had been sleeping for what seemed days. He felt an urgent need to sneeze and that's probably the only reason he woke up. "AAAACHOOOOOOOO!" he swung forward in his bed and felt his glasses take flight. Yuu went to whipe his nose with the underside of his hand, but found that to be excedingly gross and so reached for a kleenex as best he could, spilling a glass of water over his side table as he did. When he'd finally whiped his nose and found his glasses somewhere by his feet, Yuu realized he was naked. "What the--." His stomach lurched a bit, but he forced the feeling back down. He looked around, feeling the breeze of an open window on his back. It took him just a little while to find Mika, naked, next to him. For a moment, it registered as okay. "Oh hey Mika... why are you.... OH MY GOD DID WE!?!?!" He felt his stomach lurch again and this time he rolled his naked body out of bed and threw up into the garbage can next to his bed. He must've gotten drunk last night somewhere... "What's going on Mika?!?"

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 11-24-2010, 05:28 AM

Mika shot up when he sneezed.jeez he scared me.She thought to herself.She looked over at him covering her chest with her arm hearing him shout."Jeez don't yell so loud!"She shouted at him."Yeah we did do it."She said as she stood up."I..I don't even know how i let this happen.I have a girlfriend and i have a boyfriend plus your parents will be home any second now which means i need to get out of here before they catch us both naked.My parents are going to kill me!"Mika said as she began gathering her clothes.She could tell he seemed a bit scared and maybe even angry at what he saw."You think i know everything!?You got drunk and it pushed you towards doing this!!"She shouted in anger.

Mika's parents were very strict.Her dad worked for a large organization.And her mother worked at a world large Business.If her parents found out she would pretty much be dead meat.Mika had never slept with anyone.Not even her boyfriend.Yuu was her first."Im sorry..."She told him as she held onto her clothes making sure she had everything so she could get dressed.Her head was killing her and she felt dizzy.She felt sick to her stomache.She even felt like vomiting.i think soon i might vomit. she thought in her head.She then remembered after they studied Yuu did have alcohol in his house and Yuu did have a few drinks.Which drove him to do this with her.Mika covered her mouth."I don't feel so good."She said as she just dropped her clothes and rushed to the bathroom closing the door behind her.She knelt down on the ground and threw up in the toilet.

Last edited by MoodyBats; 11-24-2010 at 08:19 AM..

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Old 11-25-2010, 02:55 AM

Yuu peered up from the basket and sighed heavily. Was this his fault? He slumped back against the frame of his bad, pulling his knees up and laying his head in his arms. "What happened..." he asked himself. His stomach churned again, but he managed to keep it down. The light, the sounds, the way he felt must all be part of a hangover. Why did he get drunk? "Mesa!" he whispered. His girlfriend... She and he had fought... Over what though... Money? No... He couldn't see her much with his job anymore... And he was going to tutor Mika in Algebra. Yuu grimmaced and rubbed his temples, trying to remember.

Yuu's foot hit a bottle as he flung out his leg. "Wha?" he opened his eyes and looked at the empty Sake bottle. It was an import his father had brought from Japan on a business trip. He groaned. "I'm screwed... Wait... Mika's only fifteen.... Oh my god... OH MY GOD!" Yuu began to hyperventalate. He felt his asthma kick in. He was a statutory rapist!!! He couldn't breathe. Yuu's eyes began to get wide with fear. He heard Mika run off to the bathroom and hurl. Was she hung over too? Yuu felt his heart sink... They'd been friends since elementary, he was always three years older than her... He was like her big brother.. How could he!? Yuu stood up, and as he slipped a pair of PJ bottoms on, he approached the door. The room spun when he walked, but determination made him strong enough to get to the door. "Mika... Oh Mika I'm sorry.... Are you okay? Do you want me to help you?" He didn't much care if his parents came home or not... they wouldn't say anything. They'd think it was Mesa... Yuu tapped the door... He knew Mika had been a virgin... He hadn't been but she was. He prayed she was okay... "Mika... Please...."

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 11-25-2010, 04:50 AM

After she was done vomiting she flushed the toilet.why do i feel so sick..i didn't even drink. She thought to herself."Its fine."She said as she opened the bathroom door.She had a banging headache and she felt dizzy and sick.As she began to walk the room was spinning and her legs got weak and she collapsed in his arms but she was still conscious.She felt really dizzy.She wasn't sure was going on."I didn't even drink but i feel so dizzy and my head hurts."

She wasn't sure what was going on."Your parents will be home soon.I need to go home."She said but she was obviously in no shape to go home alone.Or even get up.

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Old 11-25-2010, 05:11 AM

Yuu looked down at Mika and sighed. "No, you're staying here Mika... You're not feeling well because of the blood loss I'm guessing... I'm sorry. Here..." The boy picked her up and sat her on the couch in his room. He then striped the linens from his bed and tossed them in the hamper. He went back to Mika and helped her put her clothes on. "I asked you to stay with me because I was fighting with Mesa, okay? You're parents will understand and so will mine... I'll say you slept in here and I on the couch... I have laundry to do... Don't move, okay? I'll bring you some breakfast in a minute... You should probably call your boyfriend. It's the afternoon and he's probably livid.." yuu kissed her forehead and sighed. He put her in his bed before leaving, taking the hamper with him..

Although a senior in highschool, he wasn't stupid. He could do his own laundry when needed and could cook. Yuu went to the laundry room and dumped his sheets into the washing machine (AFTER some stain care from Shout!). He then put in the detergent, some bleach and let it go. The boy scratched his head and sighed heavily. "Poor Mika..." He stumbled into the kitchen. The last thing he wanted to see was food, but Mika needed something... Something small... No dairy... He raveged the cabinets and found some crakers and then to the fridge for ginger ale. It wasn't long before he was back in his room with some carefully planned breakfast of unsalted pretzels, crackers, and ginger ale with ice, not to mention some tums and a tylenol for them both. "I'm so sorry Mika... Please, please eat and feel better. I don't know what else to do..." His faced turned into a pained expression as he watched her.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 11-25-2010, 05:39 AM

She layed down having the back of her hand on her forhead.She felt so sick to her stomache.She closed her eyes for a minute.She felt like she was running in circles.She had a deep sigh passing her lips.She knew he felt guilty.She then got her phone out and dialed her boyfriend's number."Hello..?Yeah its me.I am going to stay at a friends house tonight.My friend is teaching me algebra so i can get on A on my test.Okay i will.Talk to you later."She then hung up and sat up.

Once Yuu came back she nodded."Im sorry if i am making you feel bad..i mean i know it is your fault that you did do it with me but..your still my friend.And you taking care of me makes me a little less upset.It makes me smile to see you care about me."

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Old 11-25-2010, 04:10 PM

Yuu wasn't going to tell her how much it bothered him that she said it was all his fault. It made him seem even more like a rapist and crushed him completely, not to mention made his anger level rise. Instead of yelling he nodded and went back to laundry mumbling, "All my fault... Doesn't it take two to tango? I mean, I don't think she ever tried to push me off... Grrr" Yuu punched the side of the washing machine as it began to rumble the loudest. He would strike this from his mind, even if he had to stop talking to Mika... This didn't happen.. They didn't happen... He didn't know what else to think if she honestly thought it was all his fault. When the washer had done, Yuu put the sheets in his dryer and went back to his room. He was glad he had a private bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower... If you aren't strong enough to take one I'll give you some soap and a wash cloth and you can wash yourself like that... Okay?" His voice had taken a hard tone and he didn't even look at Mika as he gathered his clothes from the closet and dresser and went to the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 11-25-2010, 10:30 PM

Mika just nodded.She didn't feel like getting up at all.She just ate her crackers and drank her ginger ale while she was deep in thought.She tried to remember what happened.But she did remember she did try to push him off."I should've tried harder."She told herself.She put the ginger ale and crackers on the nightstand and just layed down on the bed sulking a little.what if im....!? She then realized she could be pregnant!"No!No no no!This is really bad!"

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Old 11-26-2010, 03:20 AM

Yuu was leaning in the shower, letting the water drip down his body and trying to forget everything. He didn't want to tell her that he'd just... How could he forget his childhood friend? "How could I do this...?" his voice cracked as the water slipped into the cracks of his mouth. He coughed. The was no use to worrying about it.. Eventually they would have to talk about it. A deep sense of self-loathing shrouded the boy as he turned the water off and left the shower. He cleaned himself up, put on his clothes--a navy blue T, a pair of bermuda shorts, and plain white socks--then exited the bathroom. He peered into his room with little intrest. Mika was laying in his bed and in the distance, Yuu could hear the dryer kick into high gear. He thought about telling her to leave, but he didn't feel it would be right to. Instead he left the room frowning.

The front door opened. "Hello? Yuu!!!" His mother cried. Yuu smiled to himself, setting the worry into the far back of his mind and went to hug his mother. "There you are! Is everything okay dear?" Yuu smirked. His mother was an airplane attendant and was gone often. There weren't many days he wasn't happy to see her bee hive hair and the cherry red smile. Yuu's father was a general in the military. He didn't expect to see his old man that day, only because he was away at training and was teaching basics to the new recruits.

"Hey, before you go any further, Mika's here. She's in my room. She came here last night for tutoring and got sick. I told her to stay here and rest." Yuu smiled up at his mother who looked worriedly down at him. "Her parents know."

"Does Mesa?" his mother smirked. Yuu frowned and looked away. "No then? Ha ha." Yuu was aware that his mother hated his girlfriend.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 11-26-2010, 03:36 AM

While Mika was laying on the bed,she hid herself under the covers.She could hear Yuu and his mother talking.No one really knew but her boyfriend Drake had an anger problem.He hid that from everyone.But he had lashed out a few times at Mika but she had calmed him down.Though she was scared what he would do if he found out that she slept with her best friend.She was scared and curled herself into a ball trying not to cry.

Mika just listened to Yuu and his mother talk.She stayed under the blankets not wanting to come out.She felt like she just wanted to hide from everything.Though she wanted to check if her conclusion was i pregnant..? she thought to herself.She then looked in her purse getting off the bed but collapsing onto the floor on her side as she yelped out in pain making a huge thud from upstairs.Yuu and his mother could probably hear her.ow that legs feel numb. She thought to herself trying to lift herself up with her elbows and her palms of her hands.

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Old 11-27-2010, 07:06 PM

Yuu and his mother hand gone to the kitchen. Yuu sat down at the island bar as his mother went to make herself some breakfast as it was still early. "Oooo, it's been such a long week. We went to Hawaii and then all the way to Taiwan... Fifteen stops in between! Can you believe that Yuu? They think we're work horses." Yuu smiled and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket in front of him. He was still a bit queasy, but seven years of theatre and acting classes can teach you the most amazing things. His mother continued to move, talking about how crappy her job was until a thud came from Yuu's room just above the kitchen. "What was that? Was that Mika?"

Yuu perked up and stood, "I... I'll go check on her Mom. I thought she was still asleep..." He dropped his apple onto the counter and ran to the stairs, quickly climbing them and going to his room. When he flung the door open, he saw Mika on the floor. Yuu went to her quickly and picked her up bridal style. "Mika stay in bed. There is no reason for you to be out of bed until you feel better okay?" Yuu sat her back in his bed and sat on the edge, hoping she was okay.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 11-27-2010, 08:07 PM

Mika burried her face into her knees.She was scared.Anyone could see that.But the question was did they even know why?She held herself underneath her legs."I don't know what to do i feel so useless."She said as she began to cry."I feel like i am a burden to you."She told him."I need to go home.Even if i don't feel better."She said looking up into his eyes.

She needed to get her bag since her mother always thought she would have sex with somebody."Can you do me a favor?"She asked."I need my purse."

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Old 11-27-2010, 08:45 PM

Yuu rolled his eyes. "A burden? Really Mika? You're not a burden, especially after last night. No... You're going to stay here until you feel better... you have to be hurting.." Yuu smiled and then frowned as she cried. He wasn't good with that kind of stuff. He shifted uneasily on his own bed.

When she asked, Yuu went searching for her purse diligently and found it on the chair in the corner of his room. He picked it up and brought it to her, tilting his head. "You okay?"

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 11-28-2010, 01:17 AM

"Yeah i just have a headache."She told him as she tug in her purse.She did see her mom did sneak a pregnancy test in there.Her mom did that since her mom actually got pregnant with Mika when she was around does my mom always know what i am thinking she wondered. "Sorry i probably scared you.I didn't mean to."She told him."Well im going to go to the bathroom."She said taking her purse and going into the bathroom carefully walking a bit wobbly.But she made it to the bathroom alright.She then closed the door getting the test out and reading and doing as the instructions said.

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Old 11-28-2010, 05:20 AM

Yuu raised an eyebrow watching he walk away. He wondered what she was up to in there. He blushed and made the thoughts go away before standing up and walking back out the door. What was he supposed to do? Sit there like a creep? Yuu heard a familiar twinkling in his room. "My phone!" Yuu ran to his side table and pulled out his cell phone from one of the drawers. He checked the I.D. It was Mesa, his girlfriend. He gulped and opened the phone to answer. "Hello?"

"Yuu? Yuu, sweetie, I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to get mad.. Can i come over and talk to you about this?" the voice choked. Yuu heard her clearly, her voice breaking like she was about to cry. Her frowned and looked at the bathroom door.

"Mesa... I... It's early, won't your parents be upset with you coming here so early after staying out so late last night?" He was trying to buy time. He heard some silence on the otherside, followed by a sniff.

"Please, Love?" Yuu felt torn and caved in. At first he nodded and then sighed into the phone realizing she couldn't see him.

"Yes, just... My mom's home... Just be quiet, okay?" He heard her squeal and then her reply. He closed the phone and sighed to himself, then groaned. "Mika! Mesa is coming over... Just thought I'd tell you." He felt horrible, but he was a people pleaser. It was hard for him to say no to anyone.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 11-28-2010, 05:27 AM

After a few minutes she had to wait for the test results.In three minutes she got it and it came up as a pink plus sign.great...just what i need. She thought.Though hearing Mesa was going home she hid the test behind the toilet so no one would find it.She then got out of the bathroom." going to head home i feel better."She told him.She didn't want to leave but she didn't want to deal with Mesa and her yelling.

Mika was standing fine and walking fine as she walked out of the bathroom.She was stumped on what to do but she probably had to go home.But hopefully mesa nor Yuu would fine her test.But she had a feeling they both would.

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Old 11-28-2010, 05:56 AM

Yuu looked over at her and smiled seeing her walking fine. "You don't have to leave Mika. It just Mesa... I mean she said she was sorry. I bet she won't yell. Do you feel better, if so are you sure? I mean, you were pretty bad earlier." He was hounding her. He didn't want her to leave him to his Girlfriend. Yuu bit his lip and walked with Mika to his bedroom door, silently praying she would stay. Downstairs, he heard his mother turn on the Tv. She'd be eating hot cereal and was probably in her pjs by now. He went to her and sighed. "Mesa's coming over to talk. We had a fight last night and she wants to talk about it I guess. Be nice okay?"

Yuu's mother looked at him with a mouth full of oatmeal and frowned. She really didn't like Mesa, mostly because she didn't feel that the girl was right for her son. Yuu ran away from his mother and back to Mika. "Please?" He begged her. As he was begging, the doorbell rung... and rung... and rung... It had to have been his girlfriend calling. He paniced and hid behind Mika for a moment. "I... I should get that... can't pretend I'm not here..." He took a deep breath and went to the door.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 11-28-2010, 06:02 AM

Mika rolled her eyes."Fine i will stay but i am going to be downstairs.After she is gone i might go home unless you plan to keep me hear still by then"she told him."You two probably want to be alone anyway.Not that i really care though."She said walking downstairs sitting at the table She smiled at Yuu's mother."How was work for you?"She asked.She and Yuu's mother usually had good talks together.She then wgot out her books pretending to be here to study.Obviously she hated Mesa..i want to go home...i would even go to my boyfriends place. she thought in her head.

Mika was usually stubborn and she acted like she didn't care what people said to her.She was the type who could hide her emotions well.Though the pregnancy test behind the toilet was slightly peeking out.Mika hadn't noticed that though she just wanted to get out as soon as possible.

Last edited by MoodyBats; 11-28-2010 at 06:06 AM..

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Old 11-28-2010, 06:19 AM

Yuu flung the door open just as Mesa tapped the bell again. He cringed and she tackled him with a hug. Her arms wrapped around his kneck and her fet almost off the ground. Mesa was a tall, very tan girl with bright green eyes and dyed black hair. Her nails were perfect, her shorts were short, and her top was very badly cut to show off more skin than normal. Yuu frowned at her and sat her down. She gave him a small smile. "Miss me?" Mesa puckered her lips and stole a kiss from him before he answered. Yuu laughed nervously feeling the cold stare from his mother as she shoved another spoonful of cereal in her mouth to keep from saying anything.

Mesa peered around yuu and waved at his mother happily, like she was immune to the death glare. Her gaze fell on Mika in the kitchen and her smile turned to a small frown. "Sweetie... Why is Mika here?"

Yuu gulped. "We are studying. I'm her algebra tutor remember? Come on Mesa you know this." He felt her glare hit him hard and she pulled a saracasitic smile across her face.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I must've had a stupid moment right? Duh." she frowned and marched past him to the kitchen. Yuu followed after her head down like a scorned child. Mesa's heels clicked across the floor angrily. He was getting ready for the yelling. He could feel it welling in her throat. He was always being yelled at by Mesa, but he never left her. He wasn't sure why he didn't. It wasn't like he couldn't get someone better, he just felt that... There was something about Mesa... "I wanted to talk about last night." Mesa sat at the table, looking up at Yuu as he stopped by her. She was going to do it in front of Mesa nad his mother to make a point that she controlled him... He scratched the back of his head.

"Mesa... Can't we go somewhere private?" He felt her cold look and she stood hastily. He looked at Mika pleadingly, but ended up being pulled by Mesa to the stairs and up them.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 11-28-2010, 06:28 AM

Hearing Mesa ask why she was here she felt irritated.she is so spoiled not to mention self absorbed. she thought to herself not bothering to look at anyone.Not Yuu nor Mesa.She hated Mesa.Mika was always irritated by her.She began to wait for Yuu and Mesa to go upstairs.She had planned after they were alone to go home.It didn't matter that Yuu wanted her here or not.What was she even doing staying here.For what reason?He had a girlfriend so she decided she shouldn't stay here any longer.

After Yuu and Mesa were upstairs she closed her books.She couldn't take it.She had to go home.A deep sigh past her lips.She put her books in her bag and stood up quietly getting her shoes on and walking towards the door.She didn't say another word.She opened the door quietly and left.She then began walking home.Mika's house was a bit far away but she didn't mind walking.As long as she didn't have to here Mesa's annoying voice.Mika crossed her arms over her chest.It was a bit cold outside but only because of the wind.Mika was still dizzy but she thought she could manage.She let out a deep sigh."Why does he constantly let her control him?Why can't he just break up with her?"She wondered in her head.

She flipped her phone opened checking for any messages.Luckily she didn't have any.She looked over her shoulder back at Yuu's house.

Last edited by MoodyBats; 11-29-2010 at 04:36 PM..


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