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chibilady18 is offline
Old 01-02-2008, 10:18 AM

I'm not sure that this is the right place so if not someone please tell me!

Hi there everyone^.^ My name is Chibilady and I'm an artist and a soon to be writer( I hope ). You see I'm starting a web comic to help improve my artistic skill and get some of the idea's out of my head.

any way I'm basing all the super hero's off of a set of joke hero identities me and my 3 best friends made up in New York on our must resent vacation.
Now being as they started off as a joke they of coarse have had to be converted to having real super powers instead of the lame ones we made up and I have done that in all but one case.

Her Name is Ray Ruby and her codename (super hero identity ) is Dust Might! ya I know its a sorta lame name but bare with me here.

Dust might gets her powers when Spick and Speedy Inc. the house cleaning company Ray works for is hired to clean the house of a mad doctor.
Doctor Jagner isn't the best house keeper though and only has his house cleaned when all his Mad doctor friends come over to see his new inventions. ( so not to often ) as a result his house is inconceivably dusty and as Ray starts to vacuum she stirs up about 10 years worth of dust and then trips over the vacuums cored pulling it out of the wall. When she bends down and plugs it back in she is unknowingly doing so at the same time the Doctor charges his Partial Genorater which coses major feedback threw the entire house and shocks her with partial mater as she inhales a huge amount of dust.

and thats how she gets her powers^.^ I just don't know what her powers are yet....

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Aero is offline
Old 01-02-2008, 10:28 AM

It seems really immediate and the information is thrown at you, but I'm one to take my time with detail. xD

Do you want your outcome to be like so it's getting to the point and not like a paragraph on the explanation of Dust's looks?
Or more you explain it well enough so there's imagery going on in the head?

You can make it a bit more detailed as to how your words written, or make it allot more, but judging from your writing, it doesn't matter. xD

But writing for artistic ideas, I'd recommend explaining each person as they arrived, the setting that they're in and the timing, the day, the beautiful view etc. ^.^

Edit: PS, I'm not an official writer, but I write poems and people seem to love them. I once in awhile create some random stories but poems are easier in my mind. xP

chibilady18 is offline
Old 01-02-2008, 09:14 PM

Thanks for all your suggestions but the thing you have to remember is that this is a comic book. so even if it seems like I'm throwing it all at you right now the thing you have to remember is that I'm going to have to draw a picture for everything that happens, so to make it any monger would drag it out and make it uninteresting on paper.

as for what Dust looks like I can Scan a picture for you all in a little wile^.^

Silverah is offline
Old 01-04-2008, 03:39 AM

With the name "Dust Might" and that backstory, a few things come immediately to mind:

1) She can shrink to the size of a particle of dust but maintain the strength she would have as a normal-sized human being, which is kind of useless, but pretty cool none the less.

2) She can gather dust out of the air and turn it into, like, a tornado or something.

3) She can talk to microscopic organisms!

Do any of those look promising?

chibilady18 is offline
Old 01-07-2008, 12:17 AM

Silverah: ya those are great suggestions thanks so much! I think I might use one of them^.^

HoundstoothHearts is offline
Old 03-02-2008, 10:25 PM

If I was writing that, I would have her power be that she can become dust, either full body, or parts of her body, and can fly, if the wind is right.

That's just my two cents.

Fin Raziel
Fin Raziel is offline
Old 03-05-2008, 06:11 PM

You might want to give us a feel for your audience. Is this a young adult story, meant to be comical? Or is a silly children's story? Or did you mean to turn it into a comic, period?


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