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xAngelic Girlx
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xAngelic Girlx is offline
Old 10-28-2007, 05:49 PM

This is a "BOARDING SCHOOL ROLE PLAY" And you can post your characters detail, just please fill this in and post it

Weapons(If have any):
Appearance (Photo or good description):

Ill do my role play character so you get the hint.

Name: Sasha
Age: 16
Description: She stays in a boarding school because her father is traveling the world.
Weapons: Two long swords and a bow.
Personality: Hard to know, but once you know her shes pretty nice
Appearance (Photo or good description):

She hides her wolf side and shes very good at it too, and if she sees someone getting picked on she helps them out. She can quite easily blush and is told she is very cute when she does so, once you get talking to her she will maybe open up to you alittle, it depends on if shes happy or not :)

I hope you got the idea, if you wish to role play one on one thats fine with me just mail me :). I don't mind role playing in groups, i just hate it when me or someone else gets left out.

DawnHikari is offline
Old 10-28-2007, 05:55 PM

can i join?

xAngelic Girlx
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xAngelic Girlx is offline
Old 10-28-2007, 06:04 PM

Sure :D

MaydayKoigo is offline
Old 11-24-2007, 07:03 PM

((Can I join? :D))

Name: May Koigokoro
Age: 17
Description: She loves learning new things in school, but is far more interested in creating friendships, be they romantic or plutonic. She's very shy, yet hyperactive and fun when you open her up.Shes kind, caring, and imaginative. She is always seeking for her soulmate as well as finding out her passion in life; her dream career/dream home etc but she doesnt know what that is yet.
Weapons(If have any): Witchcraft, and keeps a small dagger underher bed for emergancies.
Appearance (Photo or good description):
In casual clothing (as well as that picture) she's either in a simple summer dress, gothic style skirt and pretty tshirt, jeans and a fancy top. Her formal clothing is usually something like a emerald coloured gothic/renisaunce styled gown.
She has small delictae features, and is usually always smiling. She blushes easily also.

` Baby Face
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` Baby Face is offline
Old 11-24-2007, 08:13 PM

can i join?

Name: Nicole Leigh
Age: 15
Description: loves to read, very hyper, shy around people she doesnt know. kind love to be imaginative, she loves to have fun, lives for and not later. she is delicate and graceful.
Weapons(If have any): bow and one sword...
Appearance (Photo or good description):
weres a bow on her head all the time, she is weres tight jeans, and a purple shirt she has light blue eyes...

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Hunny.kuku is offline
Old 11-24-2007, 08:31 PM

(( May I join please? ))

Name: Aiko.
Age: Sixteen years old.
Description: The feminine boy has always took care of himself ever since he was five years old and his mother, which he was very close to , died. (His father had left him and his mother when he was three ). Aiko over time learned that he didn't need to depend on himself and decided to be on guard over his emotions. Despite being in control over his own personal feelings he loves to flirt around and try to seduce people on occasion.
Weapons(If have any): Here is what the weapon he has looks like.
Personality: He tends to build a wall between him and other people; He will be-friend others but tends to keep personal things to himself. Most of the time he is slightly obnoxious and has a bit of a attitude problem but at the same time he can turn very quiet and just ignore his surrondings. He has a very complex personality , It's always changing in a way. He also finds it entertaining to flirt and try to seduce people in a joking manner ( He is bi-sexual but leaning more towards gay. )
Appearance (Photo or good description): Here are some pictures of him I got commissioned.
A good picture.
A good refrence of how he looks in general.
His pink bubblegum hair and feminine features stand out the most .

xAngelic Girlx
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xAngelic Girlx is offline
Old 11-25-2007, 07:37 AM

You all can join :)

\ (•◡•) /
Divine_lil_brat is offline
Old 11-25-2007, 04:04 PM

((may I join?))

Name:Rainie (Rain to most) skii Rampancy
Description:Rain's life has never been normal for as long as she can remember. Her father was a wealthy man and sent her off to learn the ways off the world. In other words, Rain was getting in the way of his business and he needed her out of his hair so he could remain a powerful figure. Her father was nothing more but a whisper in the wind now. She had traveled for many years but now is forced to remain her until her father calls for her and her pet, Silver. A neko given to her by her father when she turned fifteen, he never left her side.
Weapons:Her Pet Neko, a silver dagger kept under her dress on her right thigh or tucked in her boot.
Personality:See Appearance
Appearance: Her lips were such a soft pale pink, they almost took the look of fain silver accented by a pale purple. At first glance, it would look as thought she suffered from the lack of air, but upon looking closer, it seem natural to her looks. Complimenting her Bittersweet garnet high lighted flaxen wisps of
hair that adorn her face, framing her face for the world to see. The deepness of her vermilion eyes, seem to catch the light from her hair so well, giving her eyes an eerie twinkle. Though strands of lose hair from her bangs often shielded her eyes from the world, as if not wanting to share their depths with the common folk. Her fair skin hued with a fain light tan, giving her a creamy complexion. Though she only stood a mere 5'7, her young agile legs seemed to be endless as well as those playful curves along her supple body. Upon first glance, her body would seem soft untainted by burden of labor but with a closer look it proved to be a different story. That soft body was more resiliency and deadlier than most would guess. Those vermilion orbs always changing with the slightest change in pitch of her honey thick voice that bubbled from her lovely throat.Her manners a whirl wind of color and shapes as her mood swept over her without notice. Yes, she truly was a commodity all of her own making and doing.

xAngelic Girlx
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xAngelic Girlx is offline
Old 11-26-2007, 06:16 PM

Yea sure :) Okay we can start role playing now. anyone can start but not me i hate starting xD

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Hunny.kuku is offline
Old 11-26-2007, 10:38 PM

(( Um. . I will post I guess..Uh I typed up a introduction for after first period. I hope its okay. ))

Aiko bit his lower lip impatiently, his leg swinging back and forth almost violent as he eagerly stared at the small the clock that went by slowly in a tormenting manner. The boy tried to pass time by looking at the lame motivational posters that littered the walls , and to be honest had no effect on him.Raising a brow he turned his head away from the posters, his pink eyes found their way to the 'evil' clock as he chewed on watermelon flavored bubble gum. He had to restrain himself from pulling out his small pocket knife and stabbing the non-living clock, along with the teacher. Then strolling out the door of his first period class with a satisfied look on his face.
After hearing the beautiful sound of the bell, telling everyone that first period had ended, Aiko gave a sigh of relief and raised from the cold blue seat . Aiko grabbed a single sheet of paper covered with nonsense doodles and the number two pencil he brang to class.
Walking past the alarming number of familliar and new faces, he came upon the one that made his famous smile falter. Taking in the mans features , he held in the fear that he tried his best not to display. The male made his heart beat and breathing increase. His vision became partially disorted ; eyes starting to water up at teh piercing gaze and cruel lips. This man was very malice, he knew from experience. Aiko found himself gripping his bandage wrapped around his arm. Aiko just brushed past quickly ignoring the rash look he had recieved from the other. He knew he would get some form of harm later on from this action. It was never anything sexual that happened by the cruel hands , only pure violence. Although - he was familliar with the different types and textures of skins brushing and and feeling his own skin, and feeling others.
Walking out of the double doors of the building he went against the brick wall of the building, it was mostly hidden - He didn't want anyone to see him like this. He sunk slowly down the wall.
Feeling the cold sensation of something roll down his cheek , he was a little shocked to find that it was a tear , Not familliar with tears , but blood.

\ (•◡•) /
Divine_lil_brat is offline
Old 11-27-2007, 12:28 AM

Rain seemed slightly annoyed as she walked about the campus looking for one of her classes. She wasn't use to this environment nor did she want to get use to it. She looked at all the students passing by her in the halls as the bell rang signaling the change of classes. She had been late that morning, not use to getting up at the sound of bell. If it wasn't for sliver waking her completely she might not have shown for her first day at all.

She huffed as she read the paper in her hand telling her what class she was to go to. She rolled her eyes as she looked up into a group of students that were giving her odd looks. She didn't pause if her steps but instead walked through the group with nothing more than a smirk to her lips. She didn't care what these people thought of her, she would only be here for a couple of months.

A single sigh fell from her lips as she slipped into her seat in her English class. She looked about the room, as she rested her chin in the palm of her hand. Those streaked flaxen locks framed her face as the bored expression began to lighten. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here, Silver seemed to like the town and area and he always seem to know what she liked. So maybe this time she wouldn't fight being in a new place but rather go along with it.

` Baby Face
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` Baby Face is offline
Old 11-27-2007, 03:33 AM

Nicole was lost... she had never been to a boarding school and was very unhappy that she was swnt to one this year.... she had no friends here... she was looking for her first class trying to find it was the hard part.. she hated... this school all ready... she missed her friends her old school.she looked at the paper agian telling her where to go. she only wanted to be in meth but she didnt have that till 4th period. she found the class she was supposed to be in but she didnt want to go in all alone and not knowing anyone...

Scion of Blood
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Old 11-27-2007, 10:41 PM

Name: Dante
Age: 18
Description: He was sent to the school after his parents died in a car accident. He is new, and mostly avoids people due to his personality
Weapons(If have any): .357 Magnum and a Katana
Personality: Dante is a selective mute. He mostly comunicates only through gestures or simple yes or no answers. He does this not becuase he is unfreindly. He is a very kind and emotional person, but he burries it under a wall of coldness. He also has conflicting wants. he wants to find someone who would spend time with him, a freind. but he also wants to be alone, to keep others from being hurt
Appearance (Photo or good description):

Scion of Blood
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Old 11-27-2007, 10:44 PM

Originally Posted by Divine_lil_brat
Rain seemed slightly annoyed as she walked about the campus looking for one of her classes. She wasn't use to this environment nor did she want to get use to it. She looked at all the students passing by her in the halls as the bell rang signaling the change of classes. She had been late that morning, not use to getting up at the sound of bell. If it wasn't for sliver waking her completely she might not have shown for her first day at all.

She huffed as she read the paper in her hand telling her what class she was to go to. She rolled her eyes as she looked up into a group of students that were giving her odd looks. She didn't pause if her steps but instead walked through the group with nothing more than a smirk to her lips. She didn't care what these people thought of her, she would only be here for a couple of months.

A single sigh fell from her lips as she slipped into her seat in her English class. She looked about the room, as she rested her chin in the palm of her hand. Those streaked flaxen locks framed her face as the bored expression began to lighten. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here, Silver seemed to like the town and area and he always seem to know what she liked. So maybe this time she wouldn't fight being in a new place but rather go along with it.
Dante sat there, reading. He heard the sigh, looking at the woman. He seemed curious. he tapped her on the sholder. 'New here?" he asked in a quiet, very formal voice.

\ (•◡•) /
Divine_lil_brat is offline
Old 11-27-2007, 10:53 PM

Originally Posted by Scion of Blood
Dante sat there, reading. He heard the sigh, looking at the woman. He seemed curious. he tapped her on the sholder. 'New here?" he asked in a quiet, very formal voice.

She snapped from her day dream with a poke as the images of the last place she called home fell from her thoughts. She looked over her shoulder that had bneen tapped to the boy who was addressing her. Those vermilion eyes glanced him once over before she decided he was worthy enough to hear her speak. She always thought highly of herself and now that she was in a new place, that wasn't about to change.

"yes, how did you know?" she tossed some of those garnet streaked flaxen locks over her shoulder as she leaned back into her seat as to get a better look at him. Her voice was teasing if not underline with sarcasm that often took home in her voice. "Do I look that out of place?" she chimed as a chuckled bubbled from her throat.

Scion of Blood
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Old 11-28-2007, 12:04 AM

Originally Posted by Divine_lil_brat
Originally Posted by Scion of Blood
Dante sat there, reading. He heard the sigh, looking at the woman. He seemed curious. he tapped her on the sholder. 'New here?" he asked in a quiet, very formal voice.

She snapped from her day dream with a poke as the images of the last place she called home fell from her thoughts. She looked over her shoulder that had bneen tapped to the boy who was addressing her. Those vermilion eyes glanced him once over before she decided he was worthy enough to hear her speak. She always thought highly of herself and now that she was in a new place, that wasn't about to change.

"yes, how did you know?" she tossed some of those garnet streaked flaxen locks over her shoulder as she leaned back into her seat as to get a better look at him. Her voice was teasing if not underline with sarcasm that often took home in her voice. "Do I look that out of place?" she chimed as a chuckled bubbled from her throat.
He smiled. "I just never saw you before." he said, smiling. "My names Dante." He said, reaching out to shake her hand. his face was normally disentrested, but he seemed to open up for a moment.

\ (•◡•) /
Divine_lil_brat is offline
Old 11-28-2007, 12:14 AM

Originally Posted by Scion of Blood
He smiled. "I just never saw you before." he said, smiling. "My names Dante." He said, reaching out to shake her hand. his face was normally disinterested, but he seemed to open up for a moment.
She looked at his hand for a moment before taking it with a soft shake. "I'm Rain, get use to seeing me around. I think I'm staying for awhile." A soft smile broke onto her pale lips as a soft chuckle bubble from her throat. "Todays my first day, I was late but I'm back on track." she rolled eyes playfully before looking back up to him. "you've been here long??"

Scion of Blood
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Old 11-28-2007, 12:45 AM

Originally Posted by Divine_lil_brat
Originally Posted by Scion of Blood
He smiled. "I just never saw you before." he said, smiling. "My names Dante." He said, reaching out to shake her hand. his face was normally disinterested, but he seemed to open up for a moment.
She looked at his hand for a moment before taking it with a soft shake. "I'm Rain, get use to seeing me around. I think I'm staying for awhile." A soft smile broke onto her pale lips as a soft chuckle bubble from her throat. "Todays my first day, I was late but I'm back on track." she rolled eyes playfully before looking back up to him. "you've been here long??"
"2 years." he said,smiling. "Dont worry, you get used to the time." He said, a small smilie on his lips.

\ (•◡•) /
Divine_lil_brat is offline
Old 11-28-2007, 12:58 AM

Originally Posted by Scion of Blood
"2 years." he said,smiling. "Dont worry, you get used to the time." He said, a small smilie on his lips.
She nodded before saying anything. "So that makes you an upper class man, yes?" she tilted her head to the side as she rested her cheek in the palm of her hand. Flaxen strands falling to the right with the tilt of her head exposed her shoulders as she waited for his reply.

Scion of Blood
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Old 11-28-2007, 06:31 AM

Originally Posted by Divine_lil_brat
Originally Posted by Scion of Blood
"2 years." he said,smiling. "Dont worry, you get used to the time." He said, a small smilie on his lips.
She nodded before saying anything. "So that makes you an upper class man, yes?" she tilted her head to the side as she rested her cheek in the palm of her hand. Flaxen strands falling to the right with the tilt of her head exposed her shoulders as she waited for his reply.
He nodded. 'Yes, I am." He said, smiling. "Though i still have a while to go here."

\ (•◡•) /
Divine_lil_brat is offline
Old 11-28-2007, 06:37 AM

Originally Posted by Scion of Blood
He nodded. 'Yes, I am." He said, smiling. "Though i still have a while to go here."

She smiled with a soft nod, causing those flaxen locks to bounce. "How much longer?" She questioned with a quirk to her brow as she found herself resting on her desk. She was still sleepy from her early morning bouts with her alarm clock.

Scion of Blood
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Old 11-28-2007, 06:45 AM

Originally Posted by Divine_lil_brat
Originally Posted by Scion of Blood
He nodded. 'Yes, I am." He said, smiling. "Though i still have a while to go here."

She smiled with a soft nod, causing those flaxen locks to bounce. "How much longer?" She questioned with a quirk to her brow as she found herself resting on her desk. She was still sleepy from her early morning bouts with her alarm clock.
"2 years." he sighed, looking away.

MaydayKoigo is offline
Old 11-28-2007, 10:01 PM

Originally Posted by ` Baby Face
Nicole was lost... she had never been to a boarding school and was very unhappy that she was swnt to one this year.... she had no friends here... she was looking for her first class trying to find it was the hard part.. she hated... this school all ready... she missed her friends her old school.she looked at the paper agian telling her where to go. she only wanted to be in meth but she didnt have that till 4th period. she found the class she was supposed to be in but she didnt want to go in all alone and not knowing anyone...
May entered the school grounds with her suit case dragging behind her, She was late, as usual, so late that she guessed everyone else had already been alocated to thier dorms. A family row had caused her to miss induction so here she was - when everyone else seemed to be starting class. She studied her accomodation details on the handbook that her parents had given her, since they didnt let her do any of the school planning she was at this point; totally clueless, as she studied the paper she didnt pay any attension to where she was walking. She had walked into the main bulding instead of the accomodatiob building out of stupidity, her usual intelligence was in no way present when she was this confused and alone.
"Oh Sorry, I wasnt looking where I was going" She said to a rather, lost and lonely looking girl of whome she had bumped into.
"Are you alright?" She asked her.

Dead Account Holder
Hunny.kuku is offline
Old 11-28-2007, 10:06 PM

Originally Posted by Hunny.kuku
(( Um. . I will post I guess..Uh I typed up a introduction for after first period. I hope its okay. ))

Aiko bit his lower lip impatiently, his leg swinging back and forth almost violent as he eagerly stared at the small the clock that went by slowly in a tormenting manner. The boy tried to pass time by looking at the lame motivational posters that littered the walls , and to be honest had no effect on him.Raising a brow he turned his head away from the posters, his pink eyes found their way to the 'evil' clock as he chewed on watermelon flavored bubble gum. He had to restrain himself from pulling out his small pocket knife and stabbing the non-living clock, along with the teacher. Then strolling out the door of his first period class with a satisfied look on his face.
After hearing the beautiful sound of the bell, telling everyone that first period had ended, Aiko gave a sigh of relief and raised from the cold blue seat . Aiko grabbed a single sheet of paper covered with nonsense doodles and the number two pencil he brang to class.
Walking past the alarming number of familliar and new faces, he came upon the one that made his famous smile falter. Taking in the mans features , he held in the fear that he tried his best not to display. The male made his heart beat and breathing increase. His vision became partially disorted ; eyes starting to water up at teh piercing gaze and cruel lips. This man was very malice, he knew from experience. Aiko found himself gripping his bandage wrapped around his arm. Aiko just brushed past quickly ignoring the rash look he had recieved from the other. He knew he would get some form of harm later on from this action. It was never anything sexual that happened by the cruel hands , only pure violence. Although - he was familliar with the different types and textures of skins brushing and and feeling his own skin, and feeling others.
Walking out of the double doors of the building he went against the brick wall of the building, it was mostly hidden - He didn't want anyone to see him like this. He sunk slowly down the wall.
Feeling the cold sensation of something roll down his cheek , he was a little shocked to find that it was a tear , Not familliar with tears , but blood.

Aiko allowed himself to express his sorrow for once , Always having kept it bottled inside. He covered his face with his shakey hands , glad that this place was outside of school and not visible to all the students in it; It was a rare place to find people. Angrily wiping at his face he did his best to put on a fake smile , he was good at acting and faking. He gave up on the attempts at smiles and gathered his knees to his chest. Breathing in and out slowly ; He promised himself that he would never show a emotion like that again - not in front of anyone , or to himself.

Aiko recovered quickly and wiped his eyes carfefully; not wanting to ruin any of his neatly done eyeliner as he sat against the wall blankly.

\ (•◡•) /
Divine_lil_brat is offline
Old 11-29-2007, 05:57 PM

Originally Posted by Scion of Blood
"2 years." he sighed, looking away.

She quirked a brow as he looked away. She was about to say something as the bell rang, signaling the start of the class. More students filled the room as she turned to see them. She rolled her eyes with a soft sigh. "I guess Hells about to begin." she smirked slightly before running her fingers through her hair as she looked up to him.


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