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Old 06-24-2012, 11:38 PM

The guards search all over to the kingdom before reliezing the prince had left the safely of the castle once again. Jiro was a very rebelious prince and always was skiping out on his princey duties to wander in the kingdom. Either some where in the forest or one of he neighboring villages. He did keep his identity a secret from the people so no one knew who he really was. There was that time that the kingdom across the ocean was near close of declaring war on his kingdom. So yea it was no wonder why the guards was always so high alert when the prince turns up missing so much.

Jiro pulls the hood of his cloak over his head. As it felt good to be almong the people dressed like they do. He grabs an apple and pays the man before he walks down the street. He tosses the apple around in his hand while watching people do their day to day things. It felt good only wish he could live this way and not being told what he should do, how to act or what to wear.

He continues walking down the street was about to take a bit of his apple. He saw a struggled with some homeless children and another people. It was sad that he saw homeless children on the streets. Times was bad but he never thought it was this bad. Jiro wasn't sure if he should go over there or not. One thing he didn't want to blow his cover opening no one never saw a picture of him. And he didn't want to start anything either.

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Old 06-25-2012, 12:21 AM

He was scruffy and ill kept, only his weapons gleamed. The man strode purposefully trough the market, intent on his own business. There were many things to take care of for a wandering warrior, a free lancer. Desmond had come in with the last caravan, and now needed to search for some other work. This was the capital of the kingdom, it's heart. There was certain to be something here for the blonde.

A commotion caught his attention. With a snarl the wiry man moved across the crowded square to pluck up the rag covered children. He faced the others, and plucked out a few coins from his money bag. "This should be enough to pay for their bread, now go before you get me any angrier!" The well to do vendor grumbled silently, but walked off after Desmond sent him another glare.

His eyes fell upon a suspicious looking cloaked man. It was a rather warm day, and covering one's face like that ... He moved with long strides to try and peer beneath the hood. "I wonder what you're hiding under that, since I can't really see any other reason to wear such a stuffy thing on a beautiful day like this." He was almost tempted to push the hood back with one of his sun bronzed hands, but stopped himself in time.

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Old 06-25-2012, 02:06 AM

Jiro blinks watch this warrior come and paying for the children's bread. He sighs deeply glad someone decide to help out watching the wiry man walking away after being paid. Was about to turn around but found that this man had saw him and how he was dressed. He nearly froze right there when the warrior came over. Jiro was about to run away there but he stayed not sure why, he just did.

"Uhhh yes I know its a beautiful day. And yea it does seem odd for me to be out here with the cloak on. But I get sunburn to easy and this helps me be protectived by the sun." the prince lies after hearing that. He watches the other male, it look like he was about to pull his hood back but he was just glad he didn't. "Any way I should thank you for what you did for those children." says softly. He trys his best not to talk like he does at the castle. So polite. He peeks out alittle from under his hood at this warrior but trying his best to keep his face covered.

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Old 06-26-2012, 10:42 PM

Desmond let out a huff of indignation, and shook his head."That's the flimsiest lie I've ever heard. You're lucky that I'm not nosy, so long as you mean these people no harm." The man wasn't protective of people usually, but this was where he'd grown up. This place held a special place in the warrior's heart, though in truth perhaps it shouldn't have. The capital, pfft... It was so full of corruption, from the bottom up!

It was no wonder a rebellion was beginning to brew in order to overthrow the current monarchy. In truth, the blond wanted to jump into that fray. Yet, Desmond couldn't do so. Not when there was still so much he didn't know. It was yet another reason why he'd decided to return home in these troubled times.

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Old 06-26-2012, 10:54 PM

He couldn't believe his hears he would never hurt his people. No matter how rebelious he was toward his father. There was just some things he didn't agree with and always was butting heads with his father. Only when he becomes the next king he can make the changes about it. Right now he felt like pulling his hood down and giving this warrior a peace of his royal mind. But he didn't cause there had been enemy spies who knew what the prince looks like. "Right..." he was about to say something but someone bump into him. His hood falls back without him knowing about it. His long blond hair flows out from under his hood. As he did have a light fair tone of his skin but it made his blue eyes pop out abit. It was a common trait for the royal family to have blue eyes especiality the men.

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Old 06-27-2012, 01:49 AM

Eyebrows raised, the warrior tugged a lock of his dark blond hair with a frown. Apparently he'd been speaking with the prince. He'd seen the man before on processions, but had never imagined he'd be so foolish as to wander about in disguise without a guard. Roughly, Desmond grabbed the man's arm and pulled his hood back up. There were rebels about, he knew that much, and seeing the prince like this would send them in a frenzy.

Though he didn't exactly agree with the current royal laws, that didn't mean he wanted someone innocent of that killed. "Come now princeling, how could you be such an idiot!" They were hidden now in an alleyway, and no one would hear their words because of a portable spell Desmond had bartered for during his travels. It would muffle their voices, making their words sound like random sounds in the crowded market.

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Old 06-27-2012, 02:06 AM

Jiro blinks felt the other grabbing his arm then put the hood back on his head. Guessing warrior did know who he was. Not sure what the other was thinking but it was apparent he was mad that he would be out here without an guard. He gets pulled down the alleyway while he was being scold to. Jiro sighs deeply "Do you mind not being so rough on me? I have my reasons to being out here if it is dangerous out here or no." says pulling his arm back. He rubs it alittle bit and looks at the warrior. "I was only see how life was in the villages of the kingdom." sighs deeply and stretches.

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Old 06-27-2012, 02:15 AM

"Noble reason, but what happens if you die, leaving these people with no other successor to the throne? It would leave to a civil war!" Not that one wasn't brewing right not to depose the current royal family. Desmond caught himself wondering what might happen if this prince disappeared. It would be easy to kidnap him, to take him away and watch as the family scrambled to find it's heir and the kingdom plotted to depose time. The prince would be safe at least. It was kind of twisted really, when all he wanted to do was find in what way the younger man was romantically inclined.

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Old 06-27-2012, 03:37 AM

Jiro sighs deeply as he leans back against one of the buildings. "Oh..yea I didn't think about that...since I am the only heir." staring down before he looks back up at him. "I guess I better head back to the castle. I'm sure the guards are already searching for me." pushing himself off the wall fixing his hood. He stuffs his hair back under his hood.

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Old 06-30-2012, 12:52 PM

He rolled his eyes and fell into step beside the other man. "I'll escort you there, since you have no guards right now." Desmond couldn't believe this prince! If the rebels ever found out that the royal had been walking the streets, they would curse the fact that they'd missed this opportunity. Then there was how they would react to Desmond going behind their backs and helping such a prize get away.

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Old 06-30-2012, 07:36 PM

The prince sighs deeply as there used to agrue with someone. So he go ahead and let the warrior escort him back. Jiro heads back to the castle gates. He would think of something "If you are looking for work..I'm sure my father will give you something says." He brushes some of his hair back alittle under his hood while he looks over at the warrior. "He is always trying to find more warriors to serve..If that is ok with you.. I can talk to him about it..I'm sure there is something he can do for you..." One thing he was sure his father would be upset again for his only son sneaking out of the castle again.

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Old 07-01-2012, 01:43 PM

As they walked the tall man kept an eye out for trouble. Certainly, there were those who would want to harm the prince if they knew it was he. Then again, Desmond did cut quite the impressive figure. When they arrived the warrior peered at the tall castle with it's grey stone and guards at every available spot. Maybe it would have been better if they had used the back gate, it would have been more inconspicuous. "Perhaps I could become your personal guard. That way if you decide to sneak out again, at least you would always have someone by your side to offer up some protection." Not to mention the fact that it would be a steady job.

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Old 07-01-2012, 05:06 PM

Already one of the guards had spotted him and the warrior returning. He was sure he was going to catch hell from his father. "Prince Jiro there you are. Your father is going to be angery again at you for sneeking out" say one of prince's servents rushes up to him. Jiro sighs deeply "Yea I'm sure he is..." mumbles to himself and pulls his hood back from his head. He then turns around looking at the warrior "That could be a possiblely..that is up between you and my father. One of the guards will escort you to the throne room." as he was grabbed by his servent and gets pulled away. "I will be there shortly once I have changed." says before he was dragged into the castle.

The guard moves over and bows to the warrior "We must thank you for bring back his royal highness, the prince. His majesty is waiting for you in he throne if you may. I will show you there" the guard says before turning around and heads to the castle doors.

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Old 07-02-2012, 10:16 PM

The warrior rolled his eyes and moved away, letting himself be escorted trough the castle. He wondered if perhaps this was a good idea. Desmond wasn't one to let himself be tied down, and this would certainly be doing that. Still, the blond had the feeling that guarding the prince would never be boring. The young man appeared to need a keeper, and he was certain he would be the man for the job.

As he walking into the throne room, he bowed to the richly dressed king. "Before you speak of rewards, and thanking me, I wish to ask for a position as the prince's personal bodyguard."

The king seemed to consider it a moment, but said nothing as if he was waiting for someone to arrive. Probably the prince himself.

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Old 07-02-2012, 10:50 PM

Jiro walks into the throne room. As he wasn't dressed in his commoner clothes anymore. His suit was all right but with a black vest under his jacket which was somewhat jeweled out. Also around the prince's neck was a pendent with their families crest on it. And he wore a red cape that was hook to his jacket. His hair was tied back into an ponytail. His father didn't understand why he just won't cut his hair but Jiro like to have long hair. Just as long he keeps it back.

The prince looks over at the warrior before making his way over toward his throne. His father watches his son before he turn back to the warrior. "I think it is wise for my son to have a personal bodyguard..seeing he always tends to leave the castle unattended." The king looks over to his son. "This kingdom has become a dangerous place know better Jiro."

"I know that father...but you know my reasons." Jiro says looking around around not wanted to look at him. Cause he could feel his father's look at him.

"So I will except the warrior's request.." looking back to the warrior. "You will be the prince's personal bodyguard..from this day forward. Good luck..I'm sure you won't be bored with him around.. He has such the same free spirit as his mother." sighs deeply

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Old 07-02-2012, 11:01 PM

Desmond bowed and murmured a soft 'thanks' as the monarch stood to walk regally out of the throne room. The moment he was gone, Desmond strode forward to glare at the prince with his arms crossed. There was a rather dangerous gleam in his eyes that brooked no argument as he spoke. "Now Prince Jiro, I do believe we have a few rules to go over considering how we met." He lifted a hand and pointed at each finger as he listed something off.

"Anywhere you go, I go. Be it for a walk, to meet a lover, a royal procession or a meeting of state. I go with you, no questions asked and no arguments. I taste your food before you eat, I taste your drink. I'll be checking all your practice weapons, your saddles and carriages. I always enter a room before you to check for any potential danger." Once the rather lengthy list was done, he let his grey eyes rove over the prince.

"Do you understand, my prince?" He would take his duty very seriously indeed, if only because he didn't want to go out on the roads again. Not when he knew a rebellion was brewing and the man he felt attracted to would be a likely target when it broke out.

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Old 07-03-2012, 12:27 AM

Jiro sighs deeply watching his father walk out. Of course he was ok with having an personal bodyguard. Since there was never one that wanted to watch over the prince. Many others had quit or either moved up in other ranks. Yawning alittle before he stands up from his throne and looks over at Desmond. He gulps alittle seeing that gleam in the man's eyes. Listenin to what he said as it was alot.

'Geez I hope he doesn't follow me every where..especial to the bathroom when I bath...' the prince would thought. As a slight blush comes across his face just picturing the warrior doing that. He takes a deep breath once after hearing at the rules he had said. "Yes I understand. I can live with that." says calmy. Stepping away from his throne "Anyway its time for my lessons since I skipped them this lease its sword training today.." say. Hoping the warrior wouldn't get on his nerves to much.

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Old 07-03-2012, 12:46 AM

Desmond smirked a little upon seeing the way the prince blushed, but didn't show any other sign of his amusement. He nodded quietly as Jiro explained about his lessons, and fell into step slightly behind the prince as they walked to the training grounds. The warrior did his best to familiarize himself with his surroundings and memorize the route.

When they arrived in the training area, he glanced around and grinned when he saw the training master. So this was where old Jarvis had ended up! At least he wouldn't have to worry about the prince's training weapons at least. That man had been one of the most successful assassins, as well as mercenaries, out there in the companies.

He moved aside to let the prince pass, but not before reaching out to catch his arm. "I hope you pay attention here. Though I'll try to always be by your side, there are situations where we might get separated."

Jarvis eyed the pair with amusement before belting out a few words. "Jiro, get here now and find your sword! No dilly dallying with that flirt!"

At that Desmond blushed slightly and shook his head as if to tell the white haired man not to mention his reputation or his attraction to men. Of course, he was also attracted to women, but out on campaigns it had been easy to see that he liked men just as well. Now to have it called out like this ... It could cause problems.

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Old 07-03-2012, 02:03 AM

Jiro could felt Desmond following closely behind him. He was praticely that close to the prince he could feel his breath on his neck. It just seem he would be ok with Desmond around. Walking outside he heads to the training grounds to pratice with his swords master. He unchips his cape from off his jacket before walking past. But felt Desmond grab his arm and looks over at him. "Uhh..ok..." says looking at his bodyguard before looking over at Jarvis figuring he knew the swords master.

The prince looks back over at Desmond and nods as he did understand. Plus he was sure that Jarvis that wasn't going to go easy on him either even if he was the prince or not.

"Uhh yes Master Jarvis!" says before moving away he couldn't help but to think about what Jarvis said about Desmond being a flirt. That really played at his mind alittle while he moves over grabbing his sword. No one else touches this sword but him since it was special made for him.

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Old 07-04-2012, 12:48 AM

The sword master put the young man trough his paces for a while. It was a rather more intensive training then usual, as if Jarvis had decided that now his pupil was ready for more. Or perhaps it was the fact that Jiro now had a competent bodyguard in his eyes. In any case the prince was sure to have an unusual amount of bruises upon his person after this weapons session.

All the while Desmond waited to the side until Jarvis was finished with the wayward prince. He moved forward with a smirk when the weapons master signaled that he was finished with Jiro. "Prince, do you need help getting your room? Shall I carry you?" A spark lit his grey eyes as Desmond flirted shamelessly with Jiro. He would have been shocked if his outrageous offer was actually taken seriously.

(Jarvis is an NPC character, so you can control him too)

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Old 07-04-2012, 01:21 AM

Jiro knew he would be sore tomarrow with this training as Jarvis was very good at what he was doing. And Jiro would need the skills if him and Desmond get seprated or something. But he prayed it didn't would happen cause he wasn't sure if he could take another person's life. The prince winces alittle cause he was on the ground after that last attack from Jarvis did not him off balance after it. Getting up off the ground and brushes himself off. He blinks hearing the offer from Desmond. Jiro shakes his head "No I'm don't need to.." says blushing alittle at Desmond's flirting mood.

Jarvis couldn't help but to chuckle alittle at what was going on. "Don't you ever stop flirting with men, Desmond?" Desmond hasn't change one bit from what Jarvis thought about him.

Jiro looks over at Jarvis before looking back at Desmond. "I think I'm going to go and take a bath..." says. he moves over and puts his sword back. he grabs his cape and heads inside.

"You better take good care of Prince Jiro. I sence something that isn't going to go well soon." Jarvis watches the boy head inside before looking over to Desmond. "You better catch up with him..but don't do anything I would do." chuckles alot.

It didn't take long for the prince's bath water to be put in the large garden tub. Jiro winces as he pulls off his clothes already there was some marks already showing from the training. Hoping they wouldn't be to bad but yea he was already getting sore. Jiro slowly walks into the water as steam was everywhere in the room so it was hard to see anything. The prince slowly slides into the hot warm water and takes a deep sigh sitting back as he closes his eyes to relax.

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Old 07-04-2012, 01:47 AM

The man nodded and took no time falling into step behind the prince. Though of course Desmond remained at a respectful distance despite his constant flirting. It had been a long time since he'd felt such a sudden attraction for anyone, and under the circumstances it was best that it remained nothing more then that. Desmond couldn't very well be expected to focus completely on protecting the prince if he was attempting to win over his attentions.

Besides, the man was likely to be betrothed to a princess from another kingdom. If not now, it would happen very soon. The thought made the blonde frown a little as he arrived at the garden bath none too long after the prince. The warrior hesitated a moment before opening the door without announcing himself and closing it firmly after his entrance.

Leaving Jiro alone for even such a task as this was out of the question. Though flaming thoughts crowded his mind, Desmond was determined to do his duty. Closing his grey eyes briefly he took a deep breath and began walking carefully around the room to search for any possible dangers.

Once the task was done he positioned himself on the opposite side of the room, facing the door. It was a slightly unusual place to be sure, but Desmond couldn't help but want to look at the prince for a little while, wrong though it might have been. "I have a healing balm which could help with those bruises. Would you like me to set it near the bath?" In all seriousness, he wanted to apply the ointment himself, but that would have been pushing things without any reason to.

They had only met that day after all.

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Old 07-04-2012, 02:21 AM

It was hard being the prince with all the duties that came with it. It was just lucky for him he wasn't bethroned to anyone. But he knew it wouldn't last long since after all there was a ball that was going to be throne on his 18th birthday. And Jiro knew there would be alot of girls there waiting for him to be choosing to be his bride and future queen. Jiro didn't want to marry a woman cause he never was into them much. Something about women just got on his nerves. And he never got that way with guys.

Jiro stares at himself in the water and sighs deeply. He breaths deeply in the lavander of his bath water. Hearing Desmond in the room he looks up and could see him thru the steam. Nibbles his lip nervously as this was strange to him even thought he met he couldn't help to have a slight crush on his bodyguard. Then hears about the healing balm. It would help alot with his bruises. "Uhh no...I think it would be best for you to put it on me. I'm to sore to even move anything right now. And I know I bound to have brusies that I can't even reach either." says. Thank god for the steam cause his face was really red from blushing.

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Old 07-04-2012, 02:52 AM

With a shrug he picked up the jar from a pouch around his waist and moved closer to the prince. Kneeling by the young man, Desmond couldn't help but to tease him. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you actually want my hands on you. But princes aren't raised that way, hmm?" With a chuckle at his words Desmond scooped up some of the cool balm onto his fingers and began gently applying it to the bruises upon Jiro's shoulders.

His eyes remained on the blond's head without wandering, or so the warrior tried to attempt. He took in a great gulp of air as his hands went lower to ease some of the healing ointment onto the prince's waist, though Desmond didn't show any other signs of his thoughts. He had too much of an imagination for his own good, that was certain. "Is it helping prince?" Desmond frantically searched for an excuse to get out of this fast becoming awkward situation.

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Old 07-04-2012, 03:15 AM

Jiro would get out of the water and wraps a towel around him. Before Desmond came over to rub the calm on him. Sitting on the stool he keeps the towel tightly around the lower part of his body. He bits his lip alittle once feeling Desmond's hands on him rubbing the cool balm on him. It was very nice and he could admit it he liked it alot. But he wasn't going to say it outloud. "Oh shut up Desmond....I'm just saying...that its just easiler for you to do since you are already in the room." says. He looks over his shoulder at him before looking back relaxing as the healing balm was working. "Its not like I want you to kiss me or something." mumbles that to himself. But he couldn't help it as that just random popped into the prince's head.

He fixes some of his hair that had popped out his bun. Jiro stares at the ground feeling warriors hands going down to his waist. Seeing he didn't mind having Desmond's hands on him. It was one of the greatest feelings he ever felt. So gentle. Not something he would expected a warrior like Desmond to be. "Huh? is.." says whispering lightly. This was the first time the prince was so shy.


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