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Chieko is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 08:10 AM

To be honest, I had never heard of a Drabble before. But, reading more about them here, I came to realize that I too, could write! For some reason, when I choose to write a story, I always try and make some long, epic thing. Well no more! Please enjoy.

My List:

1. Hamster
2. Cheese
3. Nickles
4. Ojibwa Dream Catcher
5. Whales
6. Popcorn
7. Wine
8. Garden
9. Bunnies
10. Water

I'm going to try and make these from the point of view of my character, Chieko.

...I make no promises they'll be good, either!

Dead Account Holder
Chieko is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 08:32 AM

Drabble 1: The Hamster

The wind was warm today, and it lazily moved over the grass of the yard Chieko sat in. The pink haired girl sleepily watched the long blades of grass sway in a gentle dance, the vibrate green broken up by the girl's blue dress spread out on the ground. She reached up to push some hair out of her face, before she looked down at the feel of something bumping against her leg. A small hamster looked up at her, looking boggled at the fact his path through the grass was blocked by this giant in a strange blue fur. Chieko reached down, and gently picked the small animal up, finding no resistance. The creature was obviously tame as she held it in her hand, watching it snuffle her fingers and palm to get to know her a little better. She couldn't help but wonder how it had come to her house, outside of town, but she supposed, just perhaps, it had been looking for the same thing she was. A little piece of heaven she could call her own. A little patch of earth that could be a sanctuary for her weary, globe trotting soul. The hamster looked up at her with big brown eyes, watching her as she regarded it carefully. She reached her other hand over, and gently stroked a finger down along it's head, giving it a bit of affection it probably hadn't had since it left it's previous home. "Would you like to stay here with me?" She asked, her voice soft. The question remained unanswered, but, by the way the little animal relaxed in her hand, she knew it probably would enjoy the comforts of her home, and she would welcome it. She moved to stand, slowly, as not to startle her tiny new roommate, and turned to head into her large, derelict house, another 'creature' she had adopted. "Just don't go running off and getting lost, alright...? I don't think I have your own little home in my home yet, but, I'm sure I could make a temporary thing for you, if you don't mind." She realized she was still talking to the hamster, and she sighed a little. Perhaps she was lonelier then she thought. But, now that she had something to care for, the loneliness both human and hamster felt, would be at ease.

Dead Account Holder
Chieko is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 03:15 AM

Drabble 2: Cheese

The sizzling of grilled cheese sandwiches was always something Chieko enjoyed, particularly when she first threw the buttered up piece of bread in the pan. The smell of melting butter, and the sight of cheese becoming fluid from it's solid state, accompanied by the sound of the forementioned sizzle made the pink haired girls mouth water. OH! She could taste them right now. But, peering into her fridge, she saw only a loaf of hard bread, and an almost empty tub of butter. There was no cheese to be found. Woe crept into the girls heart, and she looked to the sky, trying to think of a way to bring cheese to her. Unfortunately, she was painfully out of money, and with few job aspects in the future. She wrestled with her brain, attempting to think of some way to earn some money quick, or be faced with a lack of cheese for a while, but alas, it was for naught. Grumbling with her uncooperative mind, Chieko went outside to her bike, and climbed on, now finding the need to escape her cheeseless house and find something else to occupy her thoughts. As she peddled away from the house of dissapointment, she headed into town, occassionaly bumping on her bike seat as she went over a rough patch of road. The ride became smoother as she rode onto the smooth cobbled stone of the town, and she looked around at the people wandering by. Being a Saturday morning, the streets were already quite busy with shoppers and the like, but, above the bustle of the crowd, Chieko could hear quite the commotion. As she rode towards it, she noticed that a girl dressed like a Dutch maiden was angrily waving a tray at a man, who was desperatly trying to reason with her. The girl was not having any of it, however, and soon she threw the tray down, and stomped into the store. Quickly, she returned, dressed in normal clothing, and after giving the shop owner a wilting glare, she stormed off. Chieko watched as the man picked up the tray, looking around in dispair, and an idea struck her. She quickly hopped off her bike, and waved to the man, attempting to get his attention. "Excuse me! Are you looking for someone to work for you?" She asked once the man had looked at her. He seemed to boggle for a bit before he agreed to hire her, and she was quickly in costume, standing outside with a large tray of cheese samples. It was a subtle form of torture, holding the cheese she desired so for her delicious grilled cheese sandwiches, knowing the it would be hours before she could taste the melty goodness that was hot cheese. As the day passed, however, she began to realize just how hard the life of a sample lady was. Sleezy men hit on her, old women told her that young people's cheese wasn't as good, and dogs chased her. It was a hard day, but at the end of it, the man handed her a little sum of money, and that was it. As she looked down at the meager pay, she couldn't help but realize that her legs hurt, her feet hurt, her back hurt.... she didn't even want to make the sandwiches anymore. As she let out a long, defeated breath, the man who owned the shop came out, holding a package. He gently patted her on the arm, knowing the grief of the day, then handed her the large square package. Once she returned home, she was suddenly pleased to discover she had been granted a large brick of aged cheddar. The smell wafted up to her, and she inhaled the smell softly as she hurried into the kitchen to make her delicious melty grilled cheese sandwiches. It was there she made the most rewarding, delicious sandwiches of her young sandwich making life.


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