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ToriKat is offline
Old 03-23-2007, 11:25 PM

  • Which media have you not had the opportunity to work with and wanted to?

    Real media wise, I never got to work with oil paints. In my senior year of high school in studio art AP, my teacher promised to order some oil paints sets for us. (There was only three of us.) She kept saying she'd get them...and in the end, the only paints we got to work with were these terrible quality of acrylics! They were SO watery and weak. I didn't think it was POSSIBLE to have such terrible paints. When my painting was done, for some reason, it was just a canvas TINTED with whatever colors I had put down. It was fine because later, some students from another art class terrorized our storage drawers with black paint, ruining months of art works. Needless to say.....only one of the students managed to pull art from previous years to submit for the AP review. :/

    So in a way, I was glad we didn't get to use them. Probably would be terrible quality or something OR ruined by brats...

    The other one I wish I could've done was animation. <3

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 03-23-2007, 11:36 PM

i haven't gotten the chance to try out oil paints either ^^;; the uni i went to didn't offer classes in them and my HS only did acrylic paintings or photography. And now that i mentioned photography, I've only had the chance to do black and white, id really like to develop my own color photography as well, it seems like a lot of fun, though i had tons of trouble getting the film on the reel all the time ^^;;

and in non-traditional media, id like to take classes in how to draw and color in Photoshop ^^;;

Murchu Volpe
Matticus Chufoxtrain
Murchu Volpe is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 12:03 AM

I never have gotten to work with oil paints either. They may be fun. I've just recently gotten my first serious experiences with charcoal, in my Drawing II course. Though now that I've done several works in it, I convinced the teacher to let me do our last one digitally, so that should be fun. I really prefer the control I have over digital, as opposed to how apt I am to screwing things up traditionally. ><; But I can't deny the nice aesthetics of completed traditional works.

I'm majoring in Animation, actually. It's a lot of work, but pretty fun. <3

I'd still like to work a lot more with sculpture, before I finish college.

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Old 03-24-2007, 01:16 AM

ack that brings up a good point, i haven't ever tried sculpture either ^^;; though generally I'm quite shite at 3d type stuff unless I'm building stuff with wood.

Murchu Volpe
Matticus Chufoxtrain
Murchu Volpe is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 01:20 AM

I got a big chunk of air-drying clay and sculpture tools for pretty cheap at a local art store, to practice with. And a smaller batch of never-drying and of firing clay. >> Haven't had much time to experiment with it since I got it. My final project for Design Principles II is going to be made out of it, though, so I'd best get familiar quickly. xD;

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 01:24 AM

heheh lol don't you love projects like that. i think my 2D design class was all using black ink the whole semester, and at the very end they wanted our final project to be in watercolor. after all that black and white it came as a bit of a shock to use colors *le gasp*

Murchu Volpe
Matticus Chufoxtrain
Murchu Volpe is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 01:33 AM

Ah, that's just what my 2D design (Design Principles I) was like, except it was black ink the whole way.
This semester, we're doing a progression. The first was a 2D design, and the final is fully 3D, moving up inch by inch through several stages, all relating to one another. I'm just about to start the second to last stage. <<;
And we can use color or any material under the sun for these, so it's a bit more fun.

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Enniel is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 02:28 AM

Yeah I really want to work with oils as well. My art teacher just didnt have the budget for it .

ToriKat is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 03:16 AM

  • @Jitsumi1221: Ah! Photography! :D I took it in high school and I loved developing black and white films. Doing color yourself sounds interesting.

    @Murchu Volpe: Charcoal digitally? Like on Painter or something?

    The most I've done with sculptures were with clay once in seventh grade and once during my free time. ^^; Would've been nice trying different types.

Tre Le Coco
Tre Le Coco is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 03:35 AM

Ditto, i never got to use oils either :( the year below us destroyed them XP They got detention and stuff, but still...mess everywhere :(

Murchu Volpe
Matticus Chufoxtrain
Murchu Volpe is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 03:40 AM

Tori: Nah, just working in greyscale in photoshop, painting any way I like. I can't get my tablet to work right with Painter, anyway. ><; I've got a WIP thread for it in the Art Post forum.

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ProdigyBombay is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 04:06 AM

I really want to try silk screening and make my own T's. :'D

Murchu Volpe
Matticus Chufoxtrain
Murchu Volpe is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 04:21 AM

Originally Posted by ProdigyBombay
I really want to try silk screening and make my own T's. :'D
Oh, they have that as an elective here at college. I really hope to take it soon, if I can fit it in my schedule. <3

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Old 03-24-2007, 04:53 AM

I've gotten a chance to work with just about everything. I'd like to do more printing and different kinds of printing. I did mostly relief and monotyping. I did a couple screen prints, I'd love to do that again.

Markers. I want to try markers. I've used some Trias and some other brand I forget that wasn't that great, but they were a friends and I just played with them a bit.

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 04:53 AM

oh yes silk screening is another one i forgot that really sounded interesting as well. we used to sell big bolts of raw silk at the store i worked in and i was always pawing at it, it has such a fascinating texture. oh and d'you know its a bit waterproof? not tons but if its drizzling it just rolls right off. I'm sure if its a heavy downpour its just going to soak through ^^

mmm aye i did black and white photography in HS also and had tons of fun with it. though i did ruin quite a few pictures because i was always putting the film on the reel wrong.. and it always took forever to get it on in the first place. i love the dark room though.

Aliena is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 06:28 AM

Oil pants here too. I mean, I did those paint by number oil paint kits when I was a kid, but that doesn't count. I actually have a number of oil paint instruction books that have helped me a little as I've been trying to learn how to create a background digitally. I've learned how to build up the elements of a work by reading these things.

Another I always wanted to try is...I don't know what they're called, but they're black and then you scratch little lines all over it, to reveal usually something metallic underneath. I guess it'd be a good idea to become well versed in pen & ink, so I could get the whole line/slash concept down first before I attempt something like that. But I was always so impressed with those things.

I'd love to try markers too. Real markers - not crayolas! :)

ToriKat is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 07:22 AM

Originally Posted by ProdigyBombay
I really want to try silk screening and make my own T's. :'D
One of my friends has a roommate taking silk screening! :D She's already made dozens of T-shirts for the class...One taking almost six hours, if I remember what I was told right. o_o;

I wish I could take it...but I'm not an art student. T_T

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fongmingyun is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 04:23 PM

Most definitely oil paints. I haven't got the money or the patience.

ToriKat is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 07:45 PM

Originally Posted by Aliena

Another I always wanted to try is...I don't know what they're called, but they're black and then you scratch little lines all over it, to reveal usually something metallic underneath. I guess it'd be a good idea to become well versed in pen & ink, so I could get the whole line/slash concept down first before I attempt something like that. But I was always so impressed with those things.

I'd love to try markers too. Real markers - not crayolas! :)

    I love those. XD The first time we ever tried anything like it, was in elementary. We first colored a sheet of construction paper with crayons. Then we took a black crayon and went over everything. From there, we used pencils to draw out our designs or image. It was pretty cool, but I remember my hands hurt from pressing so hard to get the colors really dark.
    Then in high school, our teacher selectively only let a few people play with actual ones. I didn't get picked. T_T But yeah, they're really, really nice.

    I love markers! I have some Prismacolors and some Copics. *wants to play with them more* :3

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ScarletStratholme is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 10:53 PM

Glass. So many of my friends have glass-blowing classes.. And a few of them are quite good at it. But..I never can fit it into my schedule cause it always overlaps with something else that's required. T_T

I've played with putting glass fragments together of different colors..but never got to do glass-blowing specifically.

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Old 03-24-2007, 10:57 PM

Not counting the art we did back in elementary school... I haven't worked with any medium except for the computer tablet sketchy and a bit of pencil shading I've been getting in to lately.

Honestly, I never even liked art until I got on these online forums.

So... I have a long ways to go! I really want to work with oils, but I think I should start with better pencil sketches first. (:

LunaMiel is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 01:32 PM

  • Oil paints most definately. I've had a taste of just about every other media though. Cept, 3D stuff. I havent done much of that besides clay pots and playdoh. D:

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ScarletStratholme is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 02:43 PM

I never really liked playdough cause it smelled funny, and a lot of the kids at my school used to lick it or put small pieces of it in their mouth and then spit it back out later and shove that in with the rest of the playdough. x_x'

ToriKat is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 05:03 PM

  • Playdoh did smell weird....I remember kids cutting them into the shapes of hamburgers and eating them. o_o;

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Old 03-25-2007, 06:08 PM

hhahaha omg where you all are people seem like they are eating playdoh left and right *shocked* i don't recall ever seeing anyone in my school eating it (though I'm sure some did).

oh wow and they give glass blowing classes at your uni *amazed* wow that would certainly be an interesting thing to take. i like to watch the people work with glass at renfest every year.


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