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Skyler-hir is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 07:19 AM

THe Demon's Feeding

This is a private Rp For ChiNoMizuumi And Myself

Setting: Modern day City life. All things supernatural are real. Lycanthropy is a disease and Vampires have been given rights as citizens.


About You
OOC Name: Skyler-hir or Skylar
Real Age: 20


About Your Character
Character's Full Name: Wrath
Nickname: Anger, Violence,
Gender: Male for the most part can change forms as necisary and has no real care for its gender
Race: Demon
Sexual Orientation: Doesn't matter to him
Age: 3000
Height: 6'8"
Appearance:Demonic Manifestation:His True form, Though human in shape that is the only simularity. Wrath is muscular in appearance with spikes that cover a gret majority of his skin, which is a deep red almost black in color. utop his head are two great horns that point down from the sdes of his head just aboove his ears and frame his jawline. He bears great bat light wings on his back. the hair on his head goes down to his shoulders and is brown and he bears a long brown goatee on his chin
Distinguishing Marks What appeares to be a brand of some kind on his chest were his heart should be. Bears a symbol thought by many to be hells mark of wrath
Weapons: can use anything as a weapon when fully manifested
Powers: Wrath has the ability to Feed off of anger and manipulate people through it. Making them act out in violence and rage and even changing their beliefs if the anger is deep enough. The method he generally uses to get the most " food" out of someone is to attach himself to them and uses his intellect and cunning as well as sadistic manipulating tones to incite anger and rage in a person. He then guides them as a whisper in their minds making them tools to spread his feeding base. If He takes particular liking to a vessel he will connect himself further, actually possessing his victim from were he can slowly devour their soul.
Personality: Wrath is just that, he is the manifestation of anger violence and hate, and is happiest when whitnessing acts of any of the affor mentioned. Wrath however despite his pleasures can be quite calm at times when his hunger for anger and pain are sated. And he has been found to be quite the intelectual once he is calm, he is prone however to fits of rage and violence. the only things that come nearly as close to his love of anger and pain is his hunger for souls. usually when sumoned it is to kill someone and thus he is fed in that way but when summoned without either a sacrifice or a targeted soul to claim he has been known to kill the one who summoned him. The only thing he loves more then feeding on anger is devouring a human soul. which bolsters his power and gives him a more permanent vessel

Bio: Though it is theorized that Wrath has existed since the dawn of mankind the earliest refference to his existance as a demon was found three thousend years ago, when pegan worshipers called him from the demon realm and payed sacrifice to him. Throughout history wrath has fuled war and violence on many different plains and scales. The greater the conflict and the more passionate the combatants the greater satisfaction the demon gained from their battles.

Even in more recent times, hystoric fits of rage all his doing, all to satisfy he need for pain and anger. The demon grew in time to such a power that he brought entire nations to wars. The middle east being his favorite target to inspire the wrath of god in the battles over the holy land. The fools unknowingly giving power to a demon they had no idea about. However peace always came in long enough intervals though short as they were to cast the demon back into the demonic realm.

There he has waited in silence absorbing the anger and violence of the world, building his strength. Waiting for a human to call him up again. waiting for someones wrath to become so strong that he could use them as a vessel. Waiting for his chance to enter the mortal realm again and bring Chaos and Pain to them all.

Last edited by Skyler-hir; 10-03-2011 at 11:33 AM..

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 08:27 PM


About you
Name :: ChiNoMizuumi (Mizu for short)
Real Age :: 16

About Your Character
Name :: Miyuki Sasaki
Nickname :: Miyu, Yuki
Race :: Human
Sexual Orientation :: Straight
Age :: 18
Birthday :: September 5, 1992
Height :: 5'4"
Appearance :: The average human, pretty much. Her hair is a light, faded grey with some strands of white due to a genetic deficiency. Her skin is pale. Her eyes are also a faded-looking grey, almost white, due to the genetic deficiency. Miyuki is also incredibly skinny, and probably malnourished at that.
Distinguishing Marks :: Miyuki has multiple scars from an incident that I'll explain in the "Bio". There is one slightly faded scar on her right cheek, and two other extremely deep ones running down the length of her right arm.
Personality :: Miyuki has been the shy, but sweet, loner type girl all her life. She had very few friends as a child, but they were all very good friends. To her, it didn't matter that she didn't fit in with everyone else -- they were put off by her pale hair and eyes, which were caused by her lack of a certain gene. What mattered for Miyuki was being happy. However, after the "incident" (which I still have to explain), Miyuki became an abused child who became alone in the end. She turned into a somewhat heartless and cold girl who only wanted revenge on the one who turned her life upside-down. She wanted to do whatever it took to kill him.
Bio :: Miyuki was born to two very loving parents and raised in a lovely, sheltered neighborhood near the ocean. She had two younger brothers who were the loves of her life, in a sisterly manner. There was never too much strife in her family, nothing to complain or cry about.

At least, that's how it was for the majority of her life. When she turned 18 and finally entered her senior year of high school, she had somehow ended up with a boyfriend. For almost 4 months, they were together, and it seemed like a perfect match. Then, when her parents decided to move closer to her father's workplace, that "boyfriend" ended up going insane. On one cold winter day, Miyuki's father had taken the boys to the museum while Miyuki and her mother went to the movies. They were right about to meet up with each other at home when Miyuki's so-called boyfriend came out of nowhere with a gun, shooting the girl's father and brothers dead. However, when he saw that Miyuki witnessed the entire thing, he fled the state completely.

That began the horror. Miyuki's mother became estranged because of the incident and took it all out on Miyuki. It started with mere screaming. Soon enough, it transformed into slapping, punch, kicking, and the like. In the end, everything boiled into burns and cuts. On one unfortunate day, Miyuki yelled back at her mother, trying to defend herself, which made something snap in her mother's head. That night, she killed herself by hanging herself in the basement. Miyuki became scarred, physically and mentally, after the entire incident. There was nothing left for her -- no school, no job. All she wanted now was to kill the cowardly bastard that decimated her family. She decided that she would pay any price to get the job done.

Picture ::

Skyler-hir is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 12:37 AM

Night time in the city was always an interesting time when you fed of the anger and pain of others. It was a time of confrontation, and for those with frustrations a time to vent their anger. Wrath could just float above the city all night and absorb the ambient anger that radiated from the city like a furnace. But he was far to hungry for that, and ambient anger wasn't as filling as going and finding someone who held a great deal of anger within them. Those were always fun, but then sometimes he found those who could cut their anger short. A perfect example had being his last actual meal.

The poor man had just lost his job and had come to the bar to try and unwind and think about what he was going to do. Wrath had found the perfect antagonist to make the man even angrier then he was before. Which after a little bit became a brawl that spiraled out of the bar and into a back alley. The man who lost his job had the upper hand in strength and was let loose in a wild rage fueled by wrath and ended up nearly killing the man who had insulted him. However when the man no longer moved, fear and rationality returned to the unemployed man and he lost all traces of anger in exchange for guilt. That was a terrible shame. But it meant that he was going to have to search better, human's were not as brutish and easy to control as they once were. That didn't mean he wasn't any better at getting what he wanted from them. It just meant people could rationalize through petty frustrations.

What he wanted was true anger, hatred and pain. Something he could feed from for a long time with little risk of losing their interest. People who truly hated were hard to find but they were also the easiest to control and the most filling So it was worth all the effort required. Floating over the city he now searched for the deepest anger he could find, someone who could sustain him. There were many to choose from. A wife who hated her husband, He could milk that for a good couple of days, but it was to short. He could easily push her to kill him and that would be the end of it. No it was too convenient, he needed more so much more. Just as he was about to settle for an angry cop he sensed something more potent.

It lingered on the streets alone, The source of the anger unknown and not present but it was unlike anything he had seen in a long while. It was something more akin to a warrior searching for vengeance in the days of old. This peaked his interest greatly and with his target now in mind he descended upon the city into its streets. Vengeance was just another for of anger. And if a person was truly set on it then this person was the perfect food for Wrath's mood. He found her finally walking down the street. She radiated her need for vengeance as though it was her only driving force. This was perfect. But he needed to examine her first and see if this was true vengeance she wanted. Being a demon it was hard for humans to sense them, most would sense a feeling of negativity or evil but few could see them without being allowed to. So he followed her closely to observe her for a while. To see if she was truly the meal he wanted. Time had taught the demon patience. And he was not bound to anything this time. He could watch as long as he needed

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 12:59 AM

The night air was cold... harsh; in a state that whipped at the pale girl's face just like the lashing hand of her mother. Miyuki couldn't help but shove her hands in her pockets -- the hands that tried to save her mother and bring her back to life after she had hung herself that very night. All Miyuki could do was shiver and painfully remember watching as her mother's frame swung back and forth from that rope.

Normal people would be somewhat glad to be rid of an abusive parents. Miyuki's mother would whip out her anger every other hour, scarring the girl's poor fragile body until she was satisfied. Her entire frame was scarred: one on her cheek, others on her arm, and several that had already faded into the pale color of her skin. But Miyuki still wanted her mother around. She didn't have any other family because of him. Her so-called "boyfriend" had killed them off; first her father and brothers, and now this. It was a bitter, everlasting deterioration of her family that just threatened to tear her apart from the inside out.

He killed them all...
And now he needed to pay. Repent. Even if it meant that she would kill him.
But she had to find him first. After the shooting of her brothers and father, that coward fled the state. All he wanted to do was escape the major suffering that Miyuki would dole upon him. If only he stayed longer to accept his punishment...

Miyuki stumbled into a nearby park where she collapsed in the middle of the woods, clutching her head, sobbing her eyes out. "I'll find you..." she mumbled amidst the bubbling of her tears. "I'll find you, and I'll kill you!" She screamed at the sky, her lungs throbbing as cold air forced its way into her throat. "I'll kill you and make you pay for destroying them!" With fists clenched as tightly as they went, blood dripped from her closed hands. Then, she lifted her bloodied fist into the sky, droplets of scarlet falling onto her cheeks, streaming away from her deranged eyes. "I'll kill you and then finally kill myself after I make you repent! You coward! My blood will be on your hands!" Her high-pitched, booming voice filled the empty void of night, filling it with malice. Everything felt horrible, more horrible than usual. The negativity just felt like it was closing in on her, faster and faster, almost to the point of engulfing her completely. "What have you done to me...?" she whined quietly, bending over to press her forehead to the earth, covering her head with her overly-thinned arms.

(bahhh it's not that long >.> ... dunno what happened... but here XD))

Last edited by ChiNoMizuumi; 10-05-2011 at 09:49 PM..

Skyler-hir is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 02:04 AM

Oh she was an angry one indeed. The wounds that caused her rage were fresh and bleeding. And it was palpable even in her silent march. She wreaked of her anger. Overflowed with it and it was marvelous. She would be the perfect meal, maybe even the perfect host. It had been quite some time since he had come across someone so raw with there rage. And he was definitely going to pursue her further. He wanted to be sure she was alone before he confronted her.

He followed her as she crossed town. With every step her anger built and Finaly she broke down in the middle of the empty park. It was almost something beautiful to him. Watching her release her anger into the night. He fed on it and it was the most satisfying thing he had fed on since his return to the mortal realm months ago. It was glorious but a demons hunger was never satisfied. He continued to feed from her until his power began to engulf her. He could see into her now, he knew her reasons and her drives. The man that killed her family would pay indeed. Wrath had a plan. Was she truly willing to give all to kill that man. If she was then this would go perfectly.

Knowing the effects he could have if he let his power roam free he called it back into himself, an act of mercy, as his presence alone could drive her to do terrible things. No he needed her whole for this. She was such a frail thing but when he was finished she would be stronger then any human. He would give her the power to kill him. She would need it too. Thinking for a moment he thought of how approach her. Most humans would be frightened by his true form, but then perhaps his true form was for the better. Perhaps not yet, though. He would have to reach her rationally before revealing his monstrous form. Yes he knew what he would do.

Letting his power fill the woods around them once more he gave it a different feel, It was just power now. A sensation of energy. Something warm in the cold of the night. " What is it that you wait for human?" His voice flooded into the clearing around her, but only she would hear it. it was a frightful sound, a mix of many voices. One male, one female, and one that held below the the others, a monstrous grumbling sound that couldn't be described as anything human. " You wish to see him die yet you have not found him? What is it you need?" He said remaining invisible to her. All he needed to know was what she needed, be it power or strength even knowledge he could give it to her. As a demon he knew a great many things. Finding one human may be difficult for some but if there was a line of hatred he could follow it. He savored her left over anger even as he stood over her. But he couldn't wait for the chance to feed from within her. All she had to do was give him the key.

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 08:29 PM

As warmth started to envelope Miyuki, she stood on her own two feet and looked around. She felt no fury or rage, only this strange warm energy that seemed to spread through the entire area. It was almost soothing for a while, until a voice started to speak. The girl gasped, her eyes going wide in absolute terror, as she staggered backwards and thumped onto the ground. Yet, she knew there was no way out – the energy completely surrounded her, threatening to take her.

“What do you know?” Miyuki laughed in an estranged way, forgetting her fear and replacing it with a kind of insanity. “How do I know you’re not a hallucination inside my head? Perhaps, this is just my way of trying to drive myself to the brink of madness.” Her laugh transformed into small, nervous giggles, until she stopped laughing and let reality back in. She was supposed to be frightened, and she felt it again. Wrapping her arms around her torso – trying to keep herself in one piece – the girl stared blankly into the area in front of her. She sensed a center of the energy there… somehow. Standing up slowly, she walked towards the center, following the path of energy, until she could feel it just a few feet away. “I want… what I want is to find the man who ran away from his crime and punish him like he should have been MONTHS ago. I want to find him… and kill him. The bastard needs to pay…” Trembling, Miyuki recalled the entire incident again, uncontrollable tears streaming down her cheeks. “He has to die!” she screamed, the fury overpowering whatever warmth was remaining in the air. That was the only strength she had – her hatred.

Last edited by ChiNoMizuumi; 10-05-2011 at 09:49 PM..

Skyler-hir is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 02:50 AM

Wrath could sense her fear the moment she heard his voice. But he didn't want fear he wanted her rage once more. He smirked an invisible grin as she tried to dismiss him as a figment of her rampant imagination. But oh was she wrong, so terribly wrong to think he was fake. He was just as real as she was. Just as true as time, space, and the universe she resided in. He Remained silent as her facade faded and fear began to grip her once more. It seemed she could feel where he was. Which was fine. She came to stand before him, and he smiled as he felt the rage of her resolve. The moment she became angry he began to feed from it again. It was so good, this rage she felt. It was perfect, and he wanted it. But more so it showed him what was inside her. The memories of the man who did this to her. It gave him an idea that he worked through his mind while she screamed out her hatred once more.

He backed away from her when she was finished. calling back all that energy to him. He had ways of getting to people. He changed his form while remaining hidden from her into the form of the man she hunted, the one she disired to kill, Then stepped forward out of the darkness and into view of her once more. " This is the man you seek to kill. The man you loath so much." He said as he stalked toward her. Every feature was exactly as she remembered. Even the voice, though barely audible beneath it was the monstrous voice as well. The closer he got to her the darker the mans eyes became until they were no longer the eyes of the man she knew. Then they began to glow a deep crimson, much like Wrath's true eyes did. This would be a test of her resolve for this. A game as it were. He had to make things interesting somehow. He faded like smoke from existence but wasn't done messing with her yet.

He moved behind her and took her form. With his power he tugged at her rage and made a phantom of the man appear again before her. " What would you give to kill him? What would you sacrifice for the power to make him suffer as you have?" He whispered in her ear from behind her placing his hands on her shoulder . He matched her form perfectly but the eyes glowed the same crimson that they had when he was in the mans form and his voice though it now sounded like hers held that demonic undertone as well. He spoke softly, invitingly almost, and she would feel power from his touch like energy flowing into her. He would gauge her reaction to it well enough. He wanted to hear what she had to say.

Last edited by Skyler-hir; 10-05-2011 at 09:26 PM..

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 09:48 PM

By that point, Miyuki was trembling with a mixture of anger and fear -- anger towards the memories of that man, and fear towards the unknown that had seized her attention. It was only when she saw that man again, that vile murderer, that she nearly lost it. Rage consumed her completely, and she wanted so badly to wring his neck and hang him from a tree like her mother had done. It was a suitable punishment -- hang from a tree and then be laughed at by the girl whose life he had demolished. And when he talked... it sent her up the wall. It was all the same! The looks, the sounds, the feeling of his presence. It was disgusting to Miyuki that she suddenly remembered the times they had shared together -- good times. How could he? How could he do this?

Her resolve was set.
She was going to make him feel the same pain she had, torture him essentially, and then kill him.

About to lunge forward, the girl saw the eyes of her murderer change into a bright red -- so it wasn't him. It was just a shadow of her fury manifesting itself in whoever gave off all that energy. It was unlike anything she'd ever seen before.
It was then that Miyuki gasped, feeling hands on her shoulders. The man in front of her vanished, but now, she was standing behind herself! There was a second Miyuki with its hands on the other's shoulders. What... amazing power... Miyuki thought to herself, staring in awe at the image of herself.

"What I would give to kill him..." the child restated, a devilish grin forming on her face and she turned to look at the new phantom. Just that made her burn with rage. "I would give my life to kill this coward. I would give anything at all to make him suffer. But, you know that, don't you? You who can see into my soul." Swiftly, Miyuki slashed at the ghost of the man, sending the image flying into rings of smoke. Then, she turned around, eying her copy curiously. For some reason, she could feel that very sensation of being able to be read inside and out.

Last edited by ChiNoMizuumi; 10-06-2011 at 09:08 PM..

Skyler-hir is offline
Old 10-07-2011, 05:07 AM

Wrath smiled at the rage he was making her demonstrate, feeding from it as it welled from her. He couldn't have picked a better meal if he had to view over the entire world. This was perfect and it would only get better. At least for him. He enjoyed toying with humans so much, and it was for her benefit. Once he was sure of his plan She would receive power beyond her imagining. The things she would be able to do with it even more astonishing. Going night and day without sleep or food, gaining unnatural strength. Before it was over she would be able to make him suffer for eternity and Wrath new that was what she wanted deep down inside herself. And wrath would give her what she wanted

With the phantom gone She looked at wrath who used her form, It was meant to be comforting, as odd as it was. He smiled a smile that seemed unfit for her face. She was willing to give anything eh. Good for Wrath. The slender frame of the form he took began to slink toward the young woman before him. Its movements almost predatory as he walked toward his soon to be food source. Once she stood just in front of her he took her hand in his left and raised his right to her cheek. The moment the second touch was there he filled her to the brim with his power. Only a taste by comparison to all that was there. Meant to entice her further.

" Oh i can see within you child, I know you want more then just his death. You want him to suffer hundreds of times over for the pain he has caused you. I can give you this power and more, and with it you could make him suffer endlessly for his crimes. With my help he could suffer for all eternity at your hands. Punished relentlessly for his sins. One night of torture and then his death wouldn't be enough to make up for all he has hurt you with." He said raising his hand to her forhead then letting go of her hand and moving around her so that he was behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind her and leaned agaist her neck once more.

" Give me your name, then all you need do is call out my name and open yourself to my power. Together we will make him suffer more then the world has ever known in all its years. Let me in and i will show you how to wring agony from him like a drenched cloth. " He said to her in her ear again, still using her voice though in a much darker tone. The tone of dark promises. She probably didn't know his name. Which was good. A demons name gave it power when said, but also gave power to the one who said it. If they were strong enough to resist the temptation to use that power for evil that was. Once he had her name he would give her the clue to his. Because a demon never just gave out its name either. The last exorcist to try and defeat him didn't get a name out of him at all. The one before however had, only after several hours though. But once he had her name and her willing consent to enter her it wouldn't matter She wouldn't be able to use his name as a weapon against him.

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 10-07-2011, 09:19 PM

Miyuki was taken aback by the sudden touch, and then felt her muscles spasm uncontrollably, once, when that hand found its way to her cheek. That one touch caused an entire waterfall of energy to course through her, and it felt amazing. Never had she felt so much power inside of her. She felt as if she could bring the entire world down on its knees with the amount of power that flowed in her veins. It was inhuman -- she knew that -- but it was perfect. With no problem, she could definitely torture that sick man all she wanted.

"Eternity..." she muttered after feeling the other press into her neck. Unintentionally, her hand wandered over to lightly lay on top of the ones that wrapped around her. A vicious smirk grew onto the child's face. "I could make him pay for an eternity. Now, that would be... absolutely lovely." Her eyes shifted to look at the other's crimson ones, trying to see into it, trying to see what kinds of powers he... or she.... or it had. It was almost a given that just looking at the crimson-eyed being would give you a certain chill, its powers being greater than anyone's.

"I... care not what this entails," she suddenly blurted out. There was a little feeling in her gut that told her not to trust this thing completely for it would probably try to devour her at some point -- at least, that was what her 'feeling' said. She really couldn't even fathom what might happen to her in the end of all of this. "I don't care if I die after this little 'expedition," which I have a feeling will happen. And... my name... My name is Miyuki Sasaki. Use it how you wish."

While staring at the ground, Miyuki grinned nefariously -- merely thinking about the methods she could use to torture that fellow was making her twitch with anticipation. Oh, how she'd make him suffer... suffer and then rot as a limp corpse. Perhaps, she could kidnap his family first; that always caused people pain -- seeing their loved ones pained because of the things you did. No matter what, the girl would make sure to make him cry and beg on his knees for mercy.

Skyler-hir is offline
Old 10-10-2011, 10:08 AM

Wrath now held a continual grin at his work. It had been a long time since he had a human so willing to give them self to him, his plan was working flawlessly. This angry young creature would soon have what she desired, and he would have a most fofilling feeding frenzy off the anger she produce. It would be something symbiotic for sure. He would give her all the power she could handle and she would constantly feed him. It seemed a fair trade to the demon but then any time he got to feed he was willing to give a little.

He grinned wider as she gave him her name, perfect. There was a reason for this exchange of names. IT was a ritual more or less. One she was unknowingly preforming. In giving her name it created a pact that they would both sign. "Miyuki Sasaki" he said, to put his signature on the it so to say. It allowed him to see completely within her now. To take in her knowledge and thoughts. He grinned through the mask he wore of her form. He could already see now the gears turning in her head. Thoughts of how to make the suffering even better filled her mind. Kidnapping the mans family was a particularly juicy thought. One the demon liked a lot his power would not be wasted at all. Which was great.

" Someone has already gotten into the spirit of things i see." he said with her voice almost in singsong, this was absolutely perfect. " Keep thinking those thoughts. Crave to take pleasure in in act, know the pleasure it will bring to make them suffer as you have." He said walking around her to face her once more. His eyes glowing deeper red then before stared deep within hers She was ready.

" I am the ageless sin. Pain immemorial. Anger unbound. Furry unconstrained. Speak my name. Find it within your soul. The word is in you, you have been raised to fear it, to avoid it. but that rule has been been broken. Embrace your rage, learn to find the pleasure in satisfying that carnal urge to bring suffering to those who harm you. Speak my name and surrender all to your fury. Let your rage free and you will know the pleasure of your sweet vengeance." He said to her his eyes locked to her's creating the connection he would need to enter her. The world around them both become black as the deepest abyss. Behind him a shadow of his true form stood like a phantom barely visible to the most well trained eyes.

His name was known deep within all humans. Tried to get past it with rational thoughts, gods warned against it, claiming it to be a sin. One of the worst in fact. But it was in their nature to hold onto it. Sometimes they gave into it. And depending on who you worshiped that was how deep in hell you went. But she would know the word. And when she spoke it the pact would be complete. He would become a part of her. The first few hours he wasn't about to warn her. It would be like nothing she ever experienced. Wrath, inconceivable Wrath would take over her consciousness. it had been seen many times before in his doing. god save the soul that came across her during that time. IT was something he waited for eagerly.

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 10-11-2011, 01:32 AM

Shivers cascaded up and down the child's already swaying spine. It was the being's offer of power, of unconstrained fury, that seemed to rock her. This was what she wanted from day one -- the ability to find and kill that man, that beast, who destroyed her family. She made plans. She screamed her ideals. She craved for his body to lay limply on the ground.

Yet, when he mentioned "ageless sin," Miyuki's eyes widened. Before, she didn't think that she could ever guess his name, but now, it was different. Everything he said came back to her in a flash from her past -- her mother's stories. As a child, Miyuki's mother would tell her stories to prevent anything like this from happening. They were the stories of the deadly sins and how to never approach them. These types of stories were uncommon in times such as these where lycanthropy was rampant and vampires had full rights because the sins were everywhere. No one could escape them.
Violet vanity -- the sin from which all others arise.
Green envy -- desires for what others claim.
Light-Blue sloth -- the avoidance of any work.
Yellow avarice -- the desire of wealth and ignorance of the spiritual realm.
Orange gluttony -- an inordinate desire to take more than one can chew.
Blue lust -- an inordinate desire for the pleasures of the body.

It only leaves... Wrath-- anger unbound, fury unconstrained, the one who spurns love and opts for hate.
This being was Wrath. Miyuki was smart enough to figure that out, but her once not contained rage was now replaced by fear. She knew what would happen to her from the stories -- her soul would be eaten, and then dismembered over and over again.
Isn't that what she was prepared for? Why was she so frightened now? The child said that she'd do whatever it takes, and that's exactly what she'd do -- her anger still flowed beyond the fear, soon enveloping the fear as quickly as it came.

"I know your name, but I will not say it..." she mumbled, staring at the being through narrowed eyes. "I know your ways and how much you love other's hate, how much you crave it. And you'll have my hate, but you'll not have me say my name. I know... I know your game." Quietly, the girl stepped away from Wrath, her fists clenching into balls. "You may not like it, but that's what my decision is. With or without you, since your terms have just been somewhat skewed, I will find the boy and kill him. I'll kill him family, too, maybe..." A treacherous smile crossed her face. "Perhaps, I'll torture them all slowly, painfully -- with or without you."

Skyler-hir is offline
Old 10-12-2011, 07:33 PM

Wrath was almost there he could feel it. She was so far gone it was almost certain. But again her human nature to fear power of sin overpowered her. Even gave her strength enough to fall back into her senses. He felt the fear in her before she even had time to speak. This brought a frown to his face. His feeding would be cut short it seemed. Cursed humans and their resolve to be reasonable. It seemed she knew all to well of his power now that she figured out his name. She feared true sin even though she was willing to commit to preforming it. He was sin itself to her. Oh how the gods loved to create fear. He offered her nothing worth fearing, at least not for her to fear. Even if he could potentially feed on her very soul, which he could, he would not until she had fulfilled the purpose she set for herself. The rage she held in her would have kept the demon sated for quite some time.

He could see the gears turn in her mind as she tried to deal with him, tried to bate him. Believing that she could bargain with the demon using her anger as the trading point. But She had made a key error if resistance was her shield. She had already given him her name. Whether she was aware of the gravity of it was to question. But his part in this was already set. She had given him the power to see inside her thoughts. He could see into her soul and find her drives but now he knew what she thought at all times. and that would be his weapon in the future. If she was unwilling to say his name for the moment the perhaps in time she could be made to say it. If she tried to say it in an attempt to expel him from her presence it would be met with dire consequence. At least for those around her. He hated true possession but would resort to it if necessary.

" Your mother taught you to fear my kind well didn't she?" he said to her his face neutral. " The rage you permeate will be enough to sate me. But can you really do what you say without my help. Can you stare into the eyes of the people who have little to do with your vendetta and make them suffer as you have. Can you use their suffering as a weapon against the man who caused all of yours. Or will the conscience your mother instilled in you make you too weak to do it." He said, in her raged filled state it was easy to say such things, bud did she really mean them. He doubted even she was sure,but if she wanted to be reasonable then so could he. He would test her of that as well.

" My offer still stands for you Miyuki. But I'll make you another offer as well. If you fear loosing your soul so much then why not give me theirs. I can give you some power in exchange, and you can use it as you see fit. I would have you know that whether you take the offer or not you are becoming the thing you fear the most either way. With or without my help you will become me, if your vengeance is all you truly have left the its already to late for you. You said it yourself, you will take your vengeance and then kill yourself, that is two of my sin and hell will not be kind to you. If you are going to go as far as to damn yourself Then my offering is an escape. Either way i will be sated child. But my offers are still yours to take." The demon said to her in a tone foreign to her own. wisdom of thousands of years. She wanted reason then he gave it to her. He spoke only solid truth. But she still had to chose

\ (•◡•) /
ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 10-12-2011, 08:15 PM

Something slightly snapped in the child's mind again, causing her to snicker and laugh maniacally, throwing her head back. Had he not realized this at all? The fact that she didn't want the easy way out. She knew that everything that was about to happen would plague her with endless, ageless sins, sending her into the deepest abyss of hell. This was exactly what she was ready for... because she knew that she should be damned for it all. It was murder.

"If you can see into me as much as you say," Miyuki started, her rage and her fear settling in a sort of equilibrium and a few tears streaming down her cheeks. "Then you already are aware of the fact that I intend to damn myself to the deepest pit of hell that there is, and I plan to suffer there for as long as those of Hell see fit." The smile on her face was contorted into some kind of agony -- split between her desire for vengeance, her rage, and her self-sacrifice just for the death of that scumbag. "I made up my mind to not be weak at this point... To just do this, quell this never-ending rage, and leave peacefully. I will leave things right, even if I am pulled apart as a result. As for your "other" offer, I will happily agree to it. Whoever I take, their souls will be yours." Wiping her face with one hand, Miyuki looked down at her feet and frowned at the memory of the shooting -- her resolve was set and strong.

Then, her mother again invaded her thoughts, and she clenched her fists. "As for my mother, she has definitely taught me to fear your kind and every other kind there is. She seemed to know... a lot about you all, now that I think of it." Truly, it had always been so odd to the child whenever her mother would tell her stories of hellish demons, bloodthirsty vampires, and other supernatural entities. It almost seemed as though she experienced it or was any one of them. However, the girl, the former and the latter didn't seem too possible. "Whatever..." she mumbled, flashbacks of her hanging streaming into her head, her fury building up again. It was as if she couldn't control it anymore -- the hate, the disgust, the need to just end this already.

Skyler-hir is offline
Old 10-24-2011, 10:23 AM

The demon had seen enough, There was more then one way to skin a cat after all, and he was far from out of tricks. There were those who wouldn't give themselves over to a demon even with the power he offered. Tantalizing as it was some people were strong enough in conviction that swaying then was difficult if not impossible, it seemed she would make this a challenge indeed but that was ok. Time had taught wrath patience unlike his name would suggest. When You existed forever there was really no big deal i n waiting longer for something. He was disappointed that reason claimed another victim in his crusade. But then what would be the fun if no one resisted that dark temptation. He would be fed better, but it wouldn't be as satisfying.

For now he would have to deal with her ignorance and accept things for what they were. They were going to be " partners in this for a while there would be other opportunities. He didn't trust her upbringing though. Once tonight already it denied her her deepest desires making her question what she wanted. He would test her with the first one she took. See if she could really do what she said. Could sh torture them one by one until the one she wanted came forward. He wasn't sure. But he coul see her thoughts now and her memories. HE could see the family she spoke of. The question was who was first. He wanted to know.

" So then what do you wait for child. You know where to begin your hunt. Lead the way. When the time comes i will show you how to give their souls to me. Who among that family shall be the firths step in your pathway to vengeance?" He asked her ready to get things rolling Despite the trouble she caused the meal was worth it. Her anger was till thick though diluted by her fear of him. It wasn't going to matter soon anyway/. Once the dice began rolling the rage would return full swing. and he would be Feeding well with every toss. His game was just getting started. But it was her roll now

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 11-12-2011, 02:50 AM

Where to begin the hunt? Was it so simple that she could merely say a few words and they would go from there? Oh, how Miyuki wished it was that simple, that easy to finally go through with her revenge. No matter how painful it would be in the end, the girl's heart could rest easy in hell knowing that the murderer of her family was dead and probably suffering a horrible fate, as well. For now, she wanted to start with everything that was painful for that bastard. Mother, father, sisters, brothers, grandparents... Everyone.
But first... perhaps... she'd start with something a little less painful.
"The first step will be his grandparents. Takahiro's grandparents. That's his name..." she spat out with contempt. Miyuki's fists clenched tightly, and a slightly menacing smile crossed her face. "They live in the next town over. They are my first victim. Come." Shoving her pale hands into her pockets, the girl started to walk out of the demon's black abyss -- things like that didn't faze her anymore. She wasn't afraid of the darkness. Him, yes. But, darkness and evil and the like? Not anymore. She tried to hide the agonizingly deep scars on her forearms from the demon Wrath as she walked out of the park and towards the train station. Her hair, long and gray, covered the majority of her face, covering the scar on her cheek, as well. All of these marks were constant reminders of her abuse -- constant reminders of her hate -- constant reminders of why she was going to do all of this.

((I'm sorry that it took a while... this is actually the first time I have a REAL moment of free time to be online and just do whatever I want... >.> So yeah... it's... kinda short, but I'm hoping that it's okay...))

Last edited by ChiNoMizuumi; 11-12-2011 at 02:52 AM..

Skyler-hir is offline
Old 12-21-2011, 10:55 AM

Time had taught this demon patience beyond measure. And in time he would get what he desired from her. For now though he would cope with her decision. He vanished from sight as she turned and left the clearing. didn't have to put effort in following her. After all she had given him her name He passively floated behind her as she traveled. Ever present, but silent. His power held in check from her. She would not feel his power again until he decided to give it to her. All human disired it, power to do as they pleased. and that was his weapon. In time she would find the truth. Whether it would be to late or not was the question and he would not answer it. For now he sat patiently waiting. feeding lightly on her anger and pain as they traveled.

When they did finaly arive in the town her first victimes were in. This was going to be fun. though the prospect of an elderly couples souls was not very appatizing. some older humans could be spiteful things. Bu these would be unsuspecting and innocent most likely. Still a soul was a soul. No matter how bitter. Still he was growing restless and wanted to see her rage in action. Without manifesting he whispered in her ear using her voice once more. " how will you do it Miyuki. In what ways will they suffer at your hands." he said, her voice producing a giggle of glee. " What do you plan to do." She asked " If you need help you need only ask. the things i could show you that you could do to them. their suffering would be most satisfying." he said in her voice filled with hunger and lust. the closest human sounds to just what he wanted the pleasure he would gain from witnessing this was unlike any a human could understand. He could show her though. He wondered how she would handle that.

( OOC: Im so sorry its so late. The holidays have been hectic i hope your still interested sorry sorry sorry)


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