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Old 07-01-2008, 10:08 PM

If You Have Not Seen The Entire Series, This Will Be Full of Spoilers!!! Also It Occurs In The Same Setting As The Movie!

:: The Beginning ::

After losing their mother, Alphonse and Edward Elric attempt to bring her back using the forbidden science of human alchemy. However, alchemy operates on the theory of equivalent trade, and breaking the human alchemy taboo carries a heavy price. Ed loses his leg, and Al loses his body. Ed is able to seal Al's soul inside of a huge suit of armor, at the cost of his arm. Years later, Ed (now with two mechanical limbs) and Al (still trapped in the armor) leave their childhood home, each brother concerned with the other's happiness. Ed, who has a natural talent and skill for alchemy, becomes nationally certified and is soon known everywhere as the "Full Metal Alchemist." Their true objective is to search for any information on the fabled Philosopher's Stone, hoping it will allow them to regain their old bodies. All of their hopes rest with this mythical stone, which may not even exist at all. However, the brothers soon learn that they are not the only ones after the powerful stone.

:: The Story ::

Five years have passed since the creation of the last Philosopher's Stone. Many people died during that time and many lives were changed forever. The Elric Brothers have disappeared into the gate and apparently they are gone forever. The two brothers are now living in the city of Munich, in Germany. Cut off from the world of alchemy, they must find a new way of life.

Back in Amestries, Roy Mustang has finally achieved his goal of becoming Fuhrer. His secretary is none other than Riza Hawkeye. Winry has been home helping out with the family business.

For now, all has been rather peaceful, (granted the Elric brothers are in the middle of a war era.) however problems are about to arise. Not only, are the Elric brothers in Munich but so are many others. For example, all seven Homunculi, Kimblee, Archer, Hughes, and God only knows who else.

Kimblee, and Archer are doing research to create the Philosopher's Stone and to recreate the Gate. If they can pull that off they may have some chance of getting home.

Back in Amestries there have been new problems as well. Several new Homunculi have appeared and they have been causing more than a few problems. Strangely, these beings have the ability to cross worlds by creating portals.

Within the military, things have been a little hectic. The Fuhrer has ordered the state alchemists to begin researching the Philosopher Stone. He hopes to use it to bring back the Elric brothers but he has no clue of what exactly lies beyond the Gate. Some members of the military agree with the idea, but others are strongly against it and are determined to make him reconsider his decision.

Still there are rumors that a branch of alchemy known as Blood Alchemy, can be used to access the gate and because of multiple requests, Mustang has allowed several alchemists to research the theory. Though, this form of alchemy is rare. (Only three roleplayers will be able to use it. First come, first serve.)

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Soquira is offline
Old 07-01-2008, 10:09 PM


Well, seeing how we need rules in society to keep utter chaos from ensuing, we will of course have them here.

♥ First off, literacy is important to me. I want to be able to read your posts, I know nobody's perfect but please try to watch your spelling and use basic grammar. I'd like at least a paragraph per post.

♥ Follow the TOS. Cybering is a no-no. Time-skips are all right though.

♥ Godmodding is unacceptable.

♥ Please PM your profile with the title as 'Moonlight.'

♥ Please stay active. It is rather annoying having somebody join and then never post, or if they post once and never come back. Say before quitting and please tell me if you are going to be gone for awhile [If possible.]

♥ I have the right to add and remove rules. I don't know how often I'll do that, but I'll say if I have.

♥ You are allowed to play multiple characters. You may play as maximum of six.

♥ And most importantly.........
Have fun.

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Soquira is offline
Old 07-01-2008, 10:10 PM

Character Name:
Short Bio:
Race: (Human/Homonculus)
Military(If yes, rank):
Alchemic Title:
Font Color:
Side of Gate:
Relations:[I'll let you have relations, and friendships with cannons, seeing how many of them have mysterious pasts, but if its clear in the manga/anime they don't have a wife and kids, don't do those. Ex-lovers, siblings and friends are fines.

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Soquira is offline
Old 07-01-2008, 10:12 PM

Character List-


Edward Elric:

Alphonse Elric: Mr-

Maes Hughes:


Frank Archer:







Dante(She's in Lyra's body):





Alphonse Heidrich:


Roy Mustang:

Riza Hawkeye:

Denny Bloch:

Maria Ross:

Jean Havoc:

Cain Feury:












The New Homunculi- [You need to make a profile for these characters.]

Mischief: Soquira

{If I forgot anybody tell me and I'll add them ^^; I've also placed the characters under which side of the gate they currently are on as you can see, and the Homunculi can start out on either.}

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Soquira is offline
Old 07-01-2008, 10:13 PM


Character Name:Mischief
Age:In actuality she is four hundred years old, but she appears to be a young girl who is maybe in her early teens.
Short Bio: A Homunculus, Mischief is the result of the failed attempt to bring back the daughter of a king. She has close to no memories of her past, and acts sweet and innocent when you first meet her. Confident and witty, though she may appear to be young and foolish she isn't even close to it. Mischief loves to cause trouble and will do just about anything. Though she generally tries to be careful not to leave clues as to who caused it all. Chaos is a favorite word of hers, and she finds humor in the suffering of others. She hates depressed people and people with low self-esteem. She always seems to find a way to know everything that goes on. Her biggest flaws are her stubborn nature, and her pride. Unlike other Homunculi she has no interest in the Philosopher's Stone or becoming human. Like any other young child she just wants to have fun. She can act immature and sweet one minute or sophisticated and refined the next. She seems to have a bit of a personality disorder to be honest.
Military:Nope. ^.^
Alchemy/Abilities:Other than being able to cross worlds she has the ability to manipulate the temperatures of the air and objects.
Alchemic Title: -----
If In The Military, Who Do You Work Under?:----
Other:She often develops crushes but they never last long. She carries around a white teddy bear.
Font Color:Deep Pink

Character Name:Flarissa 'Flare' Akito
Age:A real lady never reveals her age. [In her late twenties.]
Short Bio: Flarissa also known as Flare is the youngest out of four siblings. First came her brother Nikotsu, then the twins Vanessa and Luna and then of course Flare. Flare was raised in the city of Aquroya and and when she was born her parents were in their fifties. Now they have both passed away and the only family she has is her siblings and children. A long with a few cousins and other relatives nobody really ever has a chance to see. Growing up, Flare was never allowed to do much of what she wanted. Her parents were wealthy and they expected her to be a proper lady and marry somebody of an equally high social class. Well while her sisters were fine with doing that and her brother was off studying to become a doctor; she was less than happy with the idea. Her whole life had been planned out and she was constantly treated as though she was a fragile doll. Flare did not show any signs of interest in anything that excluded traveling and causing mischief. It was rare that she managed to stay out of trouble. Though it hardly ever caused any real problems. However when she turned sixteen that changed, She ran off with the paperboy who went by the name of Thomas Vale. The two left Aquroya and traveled to Riseempool. Nothing was heard of her for three months, and then the two came home once more with a surprise. Flare was pregnant. Her parents were pissed off as hell to say the least. Their daughter had run off with the son of the poor farmer and come back pregnant. To say that they were ashamed of it would be an understatement. Her sister Luna scolded her for it, and promised to try to help her out. Vanessa and Nikotsu both figured she had been harassed about it enough and decided against harassing her further. They also promised to help her out as much as possible. Flare never did like excepting help and merely walked off when they tried to help her with something, Unfortunately the pregnancy was a stillbirth. Flare was devastated by this and soon took to learning alchemy. A year later she tried to bring back the child using human transmutation. Needless to say it failed, and now because of it she can use alchemy without a circle. However she was told that she would never be able to have children again. She also gets sick rather easily.After this, Thomas left her and she hasn't seen him since. Her parents both passed away during the summer when she was twenty. When she was twenty one she passed her state alchemy exam and became a state alchemist. Shortly before the Ishval War she met another alchemist, Zolf Kimblee who she dated for a period of time before finally marrying the man. However after he was sent off to jail she never expected to see him again, though she saw him once briefly before the Philosopher's Stone was created.
Occupation:State Alchemist
Military: Yes, first lieutenant.
Alchemy/Abilities:She manipulates blood for her alchemy. As long as blood is sacrificed she can use it for any number of things.
She can use it ot heal, or even to kill. The main way she uses it to kill is a very painful way. As long as her own blood is sacrificed, she can
cause a person to bleed from every pore in their body, OR just a specific place she chooses. When healing, it can be anybody's blood, but as long as it is mixed with another's it can heal. Better hope they don't have an STD or something, huh?She can also create clones from blood, and create nearly unbreakable strings to control people/things like puppets. However, with her alchemy there is a price to pay. Each time it is used her life is shortened by a day. She has no dear of death though, she sees as just something that will happen eventually. She can also use bits of Flame and Earth Alchemy.
Alchemic Title:Blood Alchemist
Relations:Married to Kimblee.
Other: Flare is stubborn. It is rare that she will ask for help. She is a nice person but she has a rather short temper. She is also very loyal and once she trusts you it is hard to ruin in, Though it isn't easy to gain her trust. She is not exactly one to lie unless it is to save her own ass.
Font Color:Red
Flare prefers not wear the military uniform instead she wears this.


This is Soquira
Soquira made a fatal error and lost the game.

Kinjiru is offline
Old 07-10-2008, 11:00 PM

Can I join? I want to be Ed.
Sorroy that im not wearing clothes, im new here

there, now i look like him

Last edited by King; 07-15-2008 at 12:44 AM..


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