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That Mutt Thing
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Old 11-25-2009, 11:10 PM

Welcome to Shougun Academy for the paranormal

This four story high school is not just your normal academy. With in its confines is a series of teenagers that are far from normal. Yokai, japanese demons and spirits, roam the halls and attend classes as if they were normal human beings. The teachers here train them to survive and to blend in with the humans society and ways. Behind the school lays the dorms for the students. Two buildings separate the lower level yokai from the higher level yokai. The dorms are co-ed but don't let that fool you. There's a house mother or den father that patrols the buildings to make sure no trouble occures.

All students are required to take on a human form during class [Unless the teacher says other wise]. However once classes are over students may take on their true form but only on campus grounds. Outsiders are to be promptly directed to a teacher or the office. Should a student encounter a human and they by chance see their true form a teacher will step in and take over.

I. Respect the Mod. That's me. :D Thank you.
II. Be Semi-Lit to Literate please. No one liners. Try and post at least three or four!
III. Have fun! :D No Godding or anything along those lines.
IV. Teachers are always going to be more powerful then students.
V. Only Japanese Mythology is allowed. This is a Japanese Role Play after all!
VI. Rules are subject to change. :D I can and will refuse anyone I want.
VII. Have fun!

Last edited by KyonKyon; 11-25-2009 at 11:50 PM..

That Mutt Thing
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Old 11-25-2009, 11:11 PM

The Skeletons

All profiles are to be PMed to me. Please title them 'Yokai Teacher' for a teacher or 'Yokai Student' for a student.

Here's a link to a list of Yokai:


Species: [What Yokai is your character]
Teacher of: [what does he/she teach]
Appearance: [Yokai and Human. Pictures are acceptable]


Species: [What Yokai is your character]
Appearance: [Yokai and Human. Pictures are acceptable]
Year: [Freshman, Sophmore, Jr, Seinor]
Classes: [Select up to six. Nothing less then four]

Last edited by KyonKyon; 11-25-2009 at 11:48 PM..

That Mutt Thing
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Old 11-25-2009, 11:12 PM

The Profiles


P.E. - Taken
Wood Shop
Home Economics

Name: Shiro Kurosagi
Age: Physical: 24 True Age: 956
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Species: Okuri
Teacher of: Physical Education
Personality: Not the kindest of the teachers. He seems to be quite cruel when it comes to his teaching methods. Students should be careful not to cross him or he won't think twice about making your life miserable. He seems to be more of the loner type when it comes to communication with other teachers and would rather keep to himself then to socialize with him. His likes and dislikes have yet to be discovered and his ice upfront usually throws people off and pushes them away from him.
Appearance: Human: Yokai:


Name: Mya Hitaro
Human Age: 18; True Age: 214
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Kitsune
Personality: Mya is usually pretty quite, she likes to keep to herself, except when around friends. She loves to draw and paint. She very independent and happy. But she won't think twice about dropping you if you mess with her.
Appearance Yokai- Appearance Human-
Year: Senior
Classes: Music, Art, English, P.E., History, & Science

Last edited by siaasgn; 11-30-2009 at 04:31 PM..

That Mutt Thing
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Old 11-25-2009, 11:12 PM

The Dorms

All students will be given a dorm room when accepted into the role play. I will tell you which one and what floor.

Dorm Building Shogushin
[ This Dorm is home to the higher level yokai ]

Dorm Mother/Father:
Floor Six: [Open]

Dorm Students:
Floor One: Mya Hitaro (Kitsune) [Open] [Open] [Open]
Floor Two: [Open] [Open] [Open] [Open]
Floor Three: Public Area. Vending machines, living room, game room.
Floor Four: [Open] [Open] [Open] [Open]
Floor Five: [Open] [Open] [Open] [Open]

Dorm Building Muishi
[ This dorm is for lower level yokai]

Dorm Mother/Father:
Floor Six: [Open]

Dorm Students:
Floor One: [Open] [Open] [Open] [Open]
Floor Two: [Open] [Open] [Open] [Open]
Floor Three: Public Area. Vending machines, living room, game room.
Floor Four: [Open] [Open] [Open] [Open]
Floor Five: [Open] [Open] [Open] [Open]

Last edited by KyonKyon; 11-27-2009 at 09:59 PM..

That Mutt Thing
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Old 11-25-2009, 11:47 PM


That Mutt Thing
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Old 11-25-2009, 11:49 PM


That Mutt Thing
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Old 11-27-2009, 02:43 AM

[Waiting for any responses]

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Old 11-27-2009, 10:58 PM

Mya groaned softly as she rolled out of bed. She looked at her alarm clock and saw she had an hour to get ready. Frowning, she got up and went to take a shower. She then straightened her short purple hair and applied a little bit of make up. She pulled on her clothes and left with thirty minutes to get to class. She breathed in the morning air and took her time walking, stopping only to get a bit of breakfast.

((OOC: Oh, I just realized the link I sent you for my human appearance is a dud. Coul you switch it out with this one please? Thank you))

That Mutt Thing
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Old 11-27-2009, 11:50 PM

The deepest of breath couldn't calm a mans soul when it was on the edge of bursting. However what would happen if there was no soul? Well, that sort of creature came in the form of a black haired teacher. He'd set up his schedule for the day and had taken a break outside the school. Watching students filter inside to try and get to their classes before they started. His eyes shimmered with a golden hue, giving away his true nature beneath such a fair human facade. Most students didn't look at him and those that did made sure to keep a good distance away from his form as they booked it to class.

No he wasn't a 'sweet' teacher and wouldn't think twice about giving out detention or working a student even harder during physical education.

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Old 11-28-2009, 04:35 AM

Mya looked down at her schedule and saw that she had P.E. first. She groaned softly and went around the back way to smoke a cigarette before she went to class. She made sure no one saw her so that she couldn't get in trouble for doing it on campus. She went to the dressing room and changed into a pair of black spandex and a hot pink t-shirt. After tieing her tennis shoes she walked out to the track field and started jogging around a couple of times to get warmed up before she stretched. She had figured out that she was actually about ten minutes early to class.

Last edited by siaasgn; 11-30-2009 at 04:36 PM..

That Mutt Thing
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Old 11-29-2009, 07:57 AM

As the students filtered into the school he'd start towards his territory. Surely there should be a few students there by now. As expected one had already arrived and was even jogging around the track. Lips would remain in a firm line and he'd simply move to lift up his clip board and browse over it. Then lowering it glanced back over to the girl jogging around. Surely she wasn't expecting any extra credit was she? Better not be. He wouldn't be giving her any.

Last edited by siaasgn; 11-30-2009 at 04:31 PM..

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Old 11-29-2009, 05:27 PM

Mya saw that the teacher was walking up to the field. "Morning Sir." she said as she came to a stop. She then went to stretch just as the rest of the class was just now making it out to the field. She looked at the time and shrugged as she sat on the ground and put her legs in a wide v shape. She breathed in deeply and leaned to one side, holding onto her foot. She held that for a while, stalling so she wasn't completely done before the rest of the class.

Last edited by siaasgn; 11-30-2009 at 04:35 PM..

That Mutt Thing
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Old 11-29-2009, 08:55 PM

Waited until the entire class had finally arrived. Then he'd promptly bark order at them to start streaching. Lifting his clipboard up and then turning to peer from one student to another. Having each one tell him their names so he could mark them off on the roster. Then finally he came to a halt at the purple haired woman. "What's your name?", and once she'd given it he'd mark her down. Then tucking the clipboard under his arm he'd gaze from one student to another.

"Today we're going to be playing American Football. This will teach you how to dodge any attacks from the humans or any dangerous yokai. Now pair up and take turns trying to tackle one another"

Last edited by siaasgn; 11-30-2009 at 04:31 PM..

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Old 11-30-2009, 09:53 PM

Mya gave him her name and continued her stretches. She looked around for a partner. "Excuse me, Coach Kurosagi? Are we going to be using our yokai powers?" she asked, still waiting for an open partner. She finished stretching and stood up. Her hands on her hips, she waited for everyone to start. She played with her hair and continued to look around.


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