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MORBiDUS is offline
Old 10-29-2009, 02:06 AM

This is a private RP between Chagera & MORBiDUS

The Four Ages :: an impressive MMORPG featuring a medieval fantasy setting, players find themselves working together to complete quests, defeat monsters, collect rare and valuable new items and advance their 'characters.'

Due to advancements in the games customizations and settings, it can be almost impossible to recognize who you're playing with. When users step into the world featured in The Four Ages game, its almost as though they've donned a completely new identity from their own. The endless possibilities to this are quite impressive, although some fear its for the worst.

Two players in particular, find out just how hard it is to distinguish a person you know in real life from one you know in the online world...

Last edited by MORBiDUS; 10-29-2009 at 02:08 AM..

MORBiDUS is offline
Old 10-29-2009, 02:41 AM

The echoing screech of a large boar-like beast consumed the area; a grassy plain. The only thing that could compete with it was the thunder of its six hooved legs, its squeel as it charged forward and then ---

-- the cracking of its skull.

The sound was unnatural even for the game, a fine display of the sort of special effects they'd tied in. A tall, well built yet slender man stood above its freshly fallen corpse, the quake it'd caused from its body impacting the ground still causing the it to shake. The silver maned boar began to disintegrate, the man gaining his experience and picking up his new earned treasures it'd left behind.

The character was Nawhi, a knuckler monk who used his bandaged fists to deal with opponents. His appearance was mainly that of a human with few other characteristics that set him aside; long, brown rabbit-like ears with black tinged ends standing straight, peaking out from behind locks of pale blond hair. His nails held a sharp point to them and his bare feet seemed a little larger than normal. Although his skin tone was the same brown as his ears, the rest of his body was of human flesh and held no signs of fur. Other details made him stand out a little more than race, however, such as the tattoo marking of an eye up his bare chest and another smaller version of it that repeated on his upper left arm. A tattered white cloth that held the same symbol tied around his waist and covered black pants of a lose, flexible material.

Behind that character, on the other side of the monitor smirked Lyov - a young man with a bit of an addiction to the MMORPG. Once he'd finished with the area, he made his way back to one of the main towns, wanting a change of scenery from battle with monsters. He walked up to a nearby shop, thinking about discarding a few things in his inventory and maybe purchasing a couple healing items.

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Old 11-02-2009, 09:41 PM

A young man stood in one of the weapon shops looking over Maces, checking their stats against the large one that was currently strapped to his back. It was clear by the long robe that trailed the ground as he walked that Albiorix was a magic user of some sort.
For the most part physically the thing dark haired young man was human looking with the exception of the silky black horse like tail peeking from his robes and slightly pointed ears. Then there was the horn, it was not a racial specific thing it was what set apart summoners from other casters.

"I'll take this one " He told the shop keeper as he picked set down his old mace and picked up the newer wooden one.

"That's a healers mace" The Shop keep said looking a little confused.

"And I'm a Healer" Albiorix clarified looking a bit put off. It was pretty much the same every time he went out. It made him wish that the user run shops would just go away.

Just as he had predicted the shop keeper frowned and said "But your a summoner..."

It was true that most summoners were combat classified, but there were a few who were healing classified. And of course here came the questions.


Cameron sighed and pulled off his headset as the shop keeper began the long list of questions that accompanied the 'your a healing summoner?!'.
He hated this. There were so few of them, but among healers they were actually sorta op if they were set up right, but the GM's hadn't done anything about it.

Cameron was the player of this summoner, he was a tall young man with dark red hair and hazel eyes, freckles dotted his cheeks and the rest of his body as well. He just sat back and waited for the other Player to stop and give him his mace.

MORBiDUS is offline
Old 11-05-2009, 11:25 AM

Nawhi had just finished buying a dozen mana potions, a not necessarily satisfactory purchase but one that was more or less required in the grind of things. Or at least, unless you wanted to sit there and wait for your points to sluggishly build back up -- which wasn't exactly a preferred or even effective stragedy.

The monk trudged through the groups of shopkeeps, giving petty attention to a few items but ultimately not finding anything that really caught his eye. There were maybe one or two of the same race as he and a few of differing race but similar class - yet, the game offered enough character-based customization the same face was rarely seen twice, if you ignored the twinned users who did so on purpose. Nawhi smirked a little as he peered down at some stat-adding accessories, overhearing what sounded like a begrudgingly painful conversation. A nearby shop-running player was asking what appeared to be a summoner a thousand questions or more, although by the sounds of their one-sided conversation the summoner was a little more than the average summoner.

Although it wasn't completely unusual for people to derive from the base builds, it was unusual to run into those sort of people. And of this type. Nawhi kept an ear out for the conversation, the idea of a 'healing summoner' class brought about some interest to himself, although not the kind of interest that he'd bombard with so many inquiries. Finished looking at the aforementioned wares he decided it was time to intrude, before the summoner began to lose hit points from the man's persistent blabbering.

"Yeah, he's a healing summoner, have you never seen one before? Don't you have more items to be selling?" Nawhi commented, interrupting and intruding on their conversation. The shop keep stopped his questioning only to start critcizing Nawhi for his apparent rudeness. The monk had to admit he was usually much more kinder with situations ingame, but at times it was the only way to deal with certain players. He also had to admit he had never seen a healer-summoner either, but it wasn't something he was about to put into words.

Instead of furthering the conversation Nawhi looked to the summoner in question, spoke over the other player who still rambled. "I mean, you could write a book about your build. But until that comes out for him to read, have you got any interest in finding a couple mobs to do away with?"

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Old 11-05-2009, 05:25 PM

Cameron's attention to the bag of chips that were laid out on his desk was diverted when another PC appeared and started to lecture the Shop Keeper.

Albiorix looked over at the Monk who'd so kindly interrupted, he was pretty grateful that the man had acted as he did. It wasn't every day some one rescued you from one of the one of the worst circumstances in the game. Idiot Players.

He folded his arms watching him approvingly as he let him lecture the shop keep, he'd already paid for and equipped his new Mace. The branch like implement was hanging from his back now.

Then the man turned to him, he wasn't surprised at the offer to go run some mobs. As in all MMO's healers were always a good thing to have around.

"You know what yeah, sure. I need to break in this new gear anyway" He said with a smile "And I've been itching to try out some new strategies as well. If you don't mind me using you as a test subject?"

Most people were a little wary of a healer that was trying new things, but as a summoner it was rather difficult to find a strategy that worked every time. And every healing summoner he'd met had a different strategy, and of course every strategy varied depending on world conditions as well, mostly due to each monsters individual elemental designation.

MORBiDUS is offline
Old 11-07-2009, 05:45 PM

Lyov smiled as the summoner had suggested using his character as a 'test subject' -- it would be an interesting mobbing experience and it meant free healing. Besides, he was growing bored on his favorite game and needed something new to bring about some form of amusement. He adjusted the mic on his headset, dove back into the game.

"Heh. I don't mind, sounds like it'll be a decent run," Nawhi responded, whatever the shop keeper was chitter chattering about behind them he'd long since started ignoring. The monk was entertaining the idea a lot more, a slight curiosity of how a healing summoner worked teetering on the edge of his mind.

"Have any areas you'd want to perfect your strategy on?" He asked. If not, the monk had a couple in mind - decent spawn rates, decent exp, although not always the best loot in ratio to it. Yet, the exp was well enough the items he could have cared less about.

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Old 11-07-2009, 06:48 PM

Albiorix smiled and nodded a bit "Heh...anywhere is fine" He said as he stuffed his hands in his pocket a bit. "Somewhere with lots of monsters though I need to work on healing in large mobs with some of these summons"

He turned his back on the shopkeeper and started to walk to one of the teleporter gates. A large circle set on the ground with a mob of people surrounding it.

"Your party leader so You set the destination" He called smiling.


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