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Runevine is offline
Old 02-20-2012, 07:45 AM

Profile A

General Information
    • Name;; Alice Harper
      Age;; 18
      Height;; 5'3"
      Weight;; 130lbs

    • Power;; Ice
      How it's used;; Having Ice as her element, her body is far below the normal temperature for an average human. While someone would be at 98.6 degrees, she's at 30 or less. She can survive in extremely cold climates without having to worry about freezing, although it does get a bit more difficult once things get pass -10. Not that she ever has to worry about weather like that all the time.

      Her actual abilities in battle, though, would naturally have to do with freezing.

      Field type The hardest one for her would be freezing the entire field. It's possible, but the ice ends up melting after "5 turns" ( 5 turns meaning: my post, your's, mine, your's, mine. ) Doing this takes up quite a lot of energy, so keeping it frozen any longer would just make her pass out on the ground. She needs one waiting period until she can fight with her element again. ( Basically, after the field has been frozen, she can't attack with ice. She will also be a bit too tired to actually run after anyone. The most she can do, until it's her turn again, is slide away on the ice. Due to this, she won't do this all the time. Or at least, not a whole lot after the first time she discovers this ability )

      Long range This takes up the least amount of energy. She can create ice needles around her and send them flying towards the enemy. Although, the downside to this is the fact that she cannot control their directions completely. Once she decides on a direction for them ( she can only send 6 at a time. ), they go straight that way. They cannot curve or follow the opponent.

      Medium range Alice can cause spikes made out of ice to appear out of the ground. It's initiated by her punching or just basically hitting the ground with her hand. The spikes can't go a very long distance and just like her needles, it will only go in one direction. Shortly after the spikes are made they will melt, so it's a hit or miss.

      Short range She has no elemental type fighting abilities for short range. She will generally just try to punch or kick the enemy, but mainly punch. She has no power in her legs. She just barely has some fighting strength in her fists.

      When her ice melts into water, she has no use for it. She cannot control water, for whatever reason.

Personal information
    • Personality;;Alice is very blunt, generally saying things on her mind without thinking about how it might effect someone first. This also seems to be her plan of action when it comes to complex situations. Instead of sitting there and trying to plan things out accordingly, she might end up just heading straight into the frying pan.

      This isn't always the case, but it generally ends up this way.
      Biography;; Growing up in the Harper home wasn't necessarily the best.

      Growing up, her parents both had pretty decent paying jobs. It was enough to get food on the table and anything Alice would need for school. It wasn't like she had ever asked for much, expect an occasional toy or video game. She wasn't bratty, instead she was a very quiet young girl. Never saying more than she needed.

      Then again, it might have had to do with her parents constantly fighting. Be it because of the father's constant drinking or the mother's constant gambling, they never failed to have an argument every single week.

      Any time Alice had tried to say something, tried to stop them. . Her parents would take the anger out on her instead. Naturally, after the fight was over, both of them would come at separate times to apologize to her. Telling her it wasn't her fault, it was because "mommy and daddy just don't see things eye to eye".

      Eventually it gradually got worse and worse until a divorce was filed. It was settled that Alice would get to live with her Mother, who ended up moving to a new area far away.

      Life went on.

      Alice ended up going to a new school and didn't have many friends. It wasn't because of her looks, though. Nor because of her personality.

      For some odd reason, around the same time crimes had been sky-rocketing in the area, her body temperature seemed to get lower and lower. When someone mentioned her giving them the cold shoulder, they meant it literately.


    • more drawings to come. Art by Runevine.

Profile A

General Information
    • Name;; Kyle Lerousse
      Age;; 19
      Height;; 5'8"
      Weight;; 145lbs

    • Power;; Poison / Acidic type properties.
      How it's used;; Having both a Poison type element and an acidic one, it's obvious that he can cause people quite an amount of pain. It's also fair to say that these two elements don't have much of an effect on him. Getting bitten by a venomous snake can just be tossed aside as a regular bite. The bite itself will hurt, but the venom will have no effect. Of course, that would also depend on how strong the poison/venom is.

      The more venomous they are, the more it'll hurt him. It just won't kill him.

      Field type He can create a poison miasma, which is basically a giant fog of poison. It takes quite a bit of energy to do this, but it also isn't deadly. The only way it could become deadly would be if you stayed in this type of environment for 10+ hours. Then, perhaps, your lungs would end up collapsing. Kyle has never tried this and can't keep the poison up long enough to figure it out.

      What this actually does is just make breathing harder. It's also a way for him to find a place to hide or get away quickly if needed.

      Long range N/A

      Medium range N/A

      Short range Like a snake, Kyle has a rather venomous bite. While it might not be a lethal as a Malayan Coral Snake, causing a kill within just 5 minutes, his bite would take a few days. Although, while it takes a very long time to kill, it makes up for the agonizing pain it also ensues. The antidote isn't hard to find, as you can, strangely enough, use any sort of anti-venom and be healed in minutes.

      To make up for lack of Long range and medium, he also has this same poison in his nails which have grown out to be "claws" of sorts. Scratching you would cause the same problem as biting.

      His acid does not work on skin, much to his disappointment. It will only work on material objects like a wall or clothing. It deteriorates the object, but while he cannot melt or destroy the skin, he can still hurt you. Although, this can only happen if he concentrates enough and has a grip on you for some time.

      Due to his abilities not being much help on the offensive side, unless he seriously gets an inch away from you ( and let's face it, how often can someone bite the other person in battle? ), Kyle will use weapons to help him. His main, long range weapon, is a spear. Inside his bag, though, are throwing knives.

Personal information
    • Personality;; Kyle is a pretty greedy guy. If there's something he wants, he'll definitely try his best to get it. If something gets in the way of what he wants, he might try to talk them out of it due to the laziness to actually fight. Although, if it comes down to it, Kyle WILL fight and isn't one to just show mercy. He makes sure the message is clear.
      Biography;; As a kid, Kyle was generally spoiled rotten. His parents weren't loaded, but his Aunts and Uncles definitely were. Every birthday, Christmas or just a family outing, they made sure to buy their favorite nephew everything he wanted. It ranged from candy to video games and a new bicycle. All of this was ruined the moment they found out that Kyle's mother was pregnant with a baby girl.

      Suddenly all the attention was off of him when she was born. Now his sister achieved all of the presents, she got all of the money despite being just a little girl. Sure, he got money too, but it definitely wasn't as much as it used to be. It got tiring to him. He wanted it all and planned on it becoming that way.

      His wish came true a few years ago when he discovered an odd power of his.

      He could melt metal and caused pain to people like no other.


Last edited by Runevine; 02-21-2012 at 10:43 PM..

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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 02-20-2012, 08:11 AM

Profile A

General Information
    • Name;; Alexandria Murkavin
      Age;; Eighteen
      Height;; Five by Eight
      Weight;; One hundred and Four pounds.

    • Power;; Fire
      How it's used;; Fire is hot, so naturally having Fire as her element, she is hot. Very hot. Her body heat is unnnaturally high for a normal Human Being and even some animals. She can survive in extremely hot climates without having to worry about heat stroke or worst, but if it gets to cold itdoes get a bit uncomfortable for her.

      Field type She is able to set the field ablaze and completly cover the ground in flames that, if it's an enclosed space, can quickly suck the oxygen out of the air, choking the enemy and rendering them breahtless. Doing this takes up quite a lot of energy, and because fire is such an unpredictable and dangerous entity she uses this method sparingly and with caution. Once used, she cannot attack for 5 turns but depending on her emotion it can sometimes last longer and render her completly unable to move.

      Long range She can create fireballs around her and send them flying towards the enemy. These are the easiest to do and she has already mastered them completly and is able shoot several at once thanks to practise. The only downside to this is the fact that she cannot control their directions. Once she chooses a direction there they go. Normally they only last a short length and evaporate if they are thrown to far but this will develop with time.

      Medium range She can also turn her whole body into a flaming torch. She controls the fire to surrround her but not burn her so that enemies are unable to touch her or get near her. The range can be controled but it takes more energy to push it further then it would to keep it close to her skin. Unfortunatly any water will put the fire out and as said, it does take alot of energy to use so she cann;t use it for very long.

      Short range She can also use the fire that surrounds her to push any enemies within inches from her away with a single hit and can use her body heat to burn any enemies that touch her. But this all depends on her emotions and how strongly they are controling her. She can also use her fireballs at close range if need be but there is a chance she can burn herself if she is not careful.

      Any water or ice can knock her to the ground and keep her there until she either dries off or can get away. She can create fire but only if her body allows it, usually she carries a small lighter or a pack of matches with her at all times.
      Most times she can only multiple it and contrl what's already there.

      Fire in unpredictable and cannot be fully controlled so Alexandria only uses her powers when she knows she is able to control it or if she is in the right setting and need for it.

Personal information
    • Personality;; Alexandria is complicated at best. That's literallythe only way to describe her. One moment she could be the most happiest person alive, the next the most lowest person you know. Slightly self concious and even a little insecure about who she really is she goes through life with a smile planted firmly in place, even if it means nothing. She is usually a very happy-go-lucky girl that certainly shows in her bubbly attitude and overly confident thoughts. She is one to talk first and think last which can normally get her into alot of trouble at times, and extremly unpopular among the lesser students at the school.
      Biography;; For Alexandria life was good. Always has been and as far as she knows it always will.
      Her parents were wealthy and she grew up having everything she ever wanted. Sure her parents weren't always there to tuck her into bed and give her a kiss goodnight but they made up for it but never saying no whenever Alexandria asked.

      There's not much to say about her life except that for her, it's perfect but as she grew up her body changed. Not only was her anger fiery anymore, it was also her body. She had a constant fever and yet she never felt ill. Not that it really stopped her from having friends, her heat only made her popular and along with her role as Head Cheerleader her popularity only rose higher and higher with every fireball she threw in routines.

      Not that anyone really questioned the exsistence of these fireballes.

Profile B

General Information
    • Name;; Jakob Sovinus
      Age;; Nineteen
      Height;; Six by to
      Weight;; One Hundred and fourty two.

    • Power;; Shadows and Darkness
      How it's used;; Jakob thrives in the dark, it's where he is most powerful. So naturally he is a night owl that hunts during the dark. During the light or exceptionally sunny days his power is weakened but he is still able to use it to a small extent.

      Field type Jakob has two field abilities. One is a large black orb that he can emit from his center to cover the field in darkness and pitch black so as to completly blind the opponent. This only lasts for 3 turns though but it does leave the oponent's eyes covered in dakness for 2 more turns.
      He can also use his shadow as a 'second body' and can use it to teleport himself through it to another location. This attack takes less energy during the sun surprisingly but the length can only go so far. He can also use these shadows to hold enemies to the floor if they have been knocked down, letting him give the final blow.

      Long range He can use his Shadow's as said, to hold his enemies but he can also cover the eneimes sight so that they are temporarily blind and cannot move. This however only lasts for 1 move and he can only blind two people at a time.

      Medium range As of yet he has no Medium range attacks but his power is developing.

      Short range He can turn his body into a translucent form and can pass through anything but he mainly uses this to reach insde his enemies and cloud their hearts in darkness, killing them slowly as their fears and doubts rn through their minds.
      Usually he can only kick and punch and so he carries a single knife with him that he stole from one of his Uncle's.

Personal information
    • Personality;; Jakob is messed up. Not just mentally but also physically. He is mentally unstable and is basically suicidal on all accounts and at all times and because of this he is extremly sick and is slowly dying. He isn't one to talk unless it is needed and usually stays quiet until the time arises. He is a bit of a masochist but not for the normal conventions of cutting and bleeding. He finds 'creative' ways to hurt himself. And not only does he do this to his physical being he also messes with his own mental state which makes him even worst.
      Biography;; Jakob doesn't know much about his life or childhood. All he knows and remembers is that he lived with parents that beat him constantly and never seemed to give him the time of day. The Psychiatrists claims that there was an accident and somehow his parents had ended up both dead and blind with black shadows crossing their pupils and with him sitting in a corner crying.
      For now he is living by himself, if you could even call it living. He hasn't dealt well since he found his power and ran away from his old home. He is not all there you would say.


Last edited by sweet_serender159; 02-20-2012 at 02:01 PM..

Runevine is offline
Old 02-22-2012, 12:23 AM

The day was pretty much average for the young girl. Not many people to talk to and those she had to sit next to in class were generally seen wearing jackets. For her, it seemed to be a new way to make fun or her or something. Since Alice hadn't known anything was completely off her with temperature, it just seemed like it was a used like a "barrier". One of those immature ones about being too disgusted to even touch the young girl. It always made her wonder if she was honestly that bad. Like she had done some horrifically wrong. Maybe she even had a giant sign above her head that said: "WARNING, THIS GIRL HAS COOTIES. DON'T TOUCH HER." Way to go sign, you made her friendless.

Well, no, let's not say friendless. Alice did have some friends. She made them before all of this weird stuff began to happen, but because her family had ended up moving. . . the only connection she had to them was via internet. Not her most ideal way of hanging out or talking to them, but it worked. It still gave her some kind of a social life.

On the bright side, it was lunch time at school. There wasn't much for her to do but sit at a table ( in the shade ) and doodle in her notebook as she waited for the bell to ring. The food was pretty crappy at school, so it was rare for her to actually go and get some food. Not like she couldn't wait just two more hours until she got home to eat food there. ( Plus, then it'd be free! )

Sigh... Just two more hours until I can get home for the weekend. Just two more. I can survive that she thought to herself, tapping the pencil on table.

OOC:: I didn't know what to have Kyle do at the moment and Alice is free for whatever. Sorry the post isn't so great!

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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 02-22-2012, 01:33 AM

Alexandria smiled as bright blue eyes flashed back at her surrounded by dark lashes and dark eyeliner. Her dyed purple hair was straightened to perfection and was sitting neatly around her face. She smiled again as she double checked the clear lip gloss across her lips and the bronzer that crossed her cheeks before picking her black handbag from the bench in front of her and exited the girl's bathroom only to be greeted by her one of her friends Rebecca, "Hey girl!" Alexandria smiled and hugged her friend, "Nothing much, reading for last period?" She laughed as Rebecca rolled her eyes and [retended to die, "Hell no! We have Maths remeber?" Alexandria grabbed her friends arm and began to drag her towards the classroom, ignoring the stares from the other students.
She didn't mind the stares now, at first the bothered her, at first she thought it was odd that everyone seemed to wear almost nothing when around her but she had gotten used to it now. As she saw it, it was her bubbly and sunny personality making everyone warm in her presence. Little did she know that there was something a bit hotter bubbling under her surface.
"Lexi!" A cry came from the back of the classroom as she entered with Rebecca in tow. As soon as Rebecca entered the room tha jacket that she had hidden in her bag came out and was instantly on before she crossed the room. Alexandria smiled at the little nickname her group had made for her but frowed a little at the jackets, she didn't understand what they were about, it wasn't cold in the room. Rebecca had tried to explain it to her once but as soon as rebecca mentioned one of the female students having an overly cold shoulder to everyone she pushed the thought out of her mind and thought nothing of it. No student could honestly be that cold towards people.

(no thats totally fine. We can intriduce them in a little bit)

Runevine is offline
Old 02-26-2012, 07:33 AM

The lunch bell had rang before she even knew it, her eyes watching as everyone quickly got from their seats and headed off to class ( or began to block the halls much to her annoyance ). It wasn't much long afterwards that she had gotten up as well, grabbing all of her things and heading to her next class.

Not to her surprised, the boys and girls in the class that she sat near were wearing jackets. Yep, school was pretty much average.

As Alice continued to try and get into class, she had bumped into someone who's body temperature was far higher than her own. It felt as though her body was slowly. . .melting? She was definitely starting to sweat a bit on her forehead, which was weird.

"Sorry." Alice glanced at her before trying to get into the class.

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Old 03-09-2012, 12:30 PM

( Hi :)
I am so sorry about my absence. i needed a bit of time to srot out my life and kind of get through some things but i'm back and ready to rp again if you'd like to continue :) )

Alexandria looked up as the bell rang and threw her pens and such into her hand bag before standing and crossing the room, at the same time being grabbed by one of her friends Jason who winked and asked about a party he was holding that weekend, "So I'll be seeing your pretty little face at my place one Saturday?" Alexandria winked and nudged him off her, "Wouldn't miss it for the world." Of course she wasn't planning on missing it, Jason's parties were legendary at their school butof couse she wasn;t going anywhere near him the whole time despite the flirtasious answer.
Exiting the classroom she felt a bump into her back and turned to find the girl everyone had been teasing. And they were right, she was cold! Her eyes grew a bit wide and for the first time in Alexandria's life she couldn;t help but mumble a short 'That's okay' and moved aside.
She couldn't move from that spot, even when Rebecca and Jason called to her from the end of the hall, but she shook her head and forced herself to ignore her friends and folow this newly intriguing girl, thw whole time keeping a distance that she felt was safe for stalking. She didn't want to think of it as stalking but something about this girl was interesting. Despite the slight notice of her temperature she couldn't think of a reason this girl had no friends. Everyone had a friend in High School, even if it was only one. Nobody wanted to be alone through this time at all, and yet here the exception was, whether she wanted the alone time or not.


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