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Psychobeautyfantasy is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 06:46 AM

Here's the ooc you gais!! :D

Accepted ProfilesX

Originally Posted by Psychobeautyfantasy

188 years old

Freckles is an Illusionist. He awes the crowd with a variety of what people thing are tricks, some very deadly. Disappearing acts, healing wounds perfectly in front of an audience, showing them monsters and creatures that would never exist and that seem out of pure nightmares.

Illusions just trick the senses, not real, and can do no harm. They can be kept up for quite some time, although it takes a toll on him. Freckles is a lower class demon. He is prone to forgetfulness, and sometimes illusions may seem a bit too real for him, or he may even see them when he didn't mean for one to be up. In his free time he works on fixing and creating mechanical animals, making them realistic, but with some drawbacks on their designs. He is hyper at times, enjoys teasing people, and talks a ton. He is friendly and loves giving out nicknames randomly to others. He worked with the circus the first time, and came back as soon as he heard word of it up and running again. Freckles is serious about the circus and would do anything for the perfect act. For him the ring is his life. His sister is Bunny.


136 years old
Bunny's act works with her mechanical animals. She has her monkey named Teddy, her favorite, a tiger, and even a large spider. Her act is to give a realistic puppet show, she prefers a dark tea party, dolls, and figures that are human like or animal like are the actors of the dark play, a simple plot, usually treading on sinister themes.

She enjoys caring for the animals in the circus, and can tailor a bit, but not much. Like her brother, she is a lower class demon, with powers in puppetry, giving fake life to inanimate objects, that has become a part of her act. Bunny is shy and not as outgoing as her older brothers. Still she can find her way into trouble. She does not lie, instead straight out telling the truth as she sees it. She is sweet and loves to just keep occupied by doing tasks for the circus. Bunny was dragged along by her brother to the circus and had to follow to keep him in line. Loves anything dark and cute. Overall she is easy going.

204 years old
Damien is great for the knife throwing act, he can also assist others in dangerous acts, because he does not feel any sort of pain. His bloodline had the ability to not feel pain to be better soldiers. Damien also heals quickly thanks to the demon blood, heals much slower when enchanted demon blades are used.
He is quiet and does not talk much, he can be a bit perverted at times. He is more of a go with the flow kind of guy. He is a servant to a Demon prince from a certain kingdom, and a deal was made. He easily shows that he does not want to be there.

Originally Posted by Ana_M

Ajax but goes by Jack
112 years
He flies from high above, lights are wrapped around him and he's wearing glitter, he swoops down to the crowd and uses his small understanding of time magic to re-show them something happened seconds before. Sometimes he'll show them something that will happen, especially since he tends to come on when another act is going on, so he'll show them what happens before it happens and what not. When he's in an actual good mood he will throw candy to the children.

Jack is a compulsive liar, and he's annoyingly happy. He also laughs way too much, he finds the most serious things the funniest. Jack ran off from home, and home is where his master lives. He lives in a family and race of servitude. If his master really wanted him back, it'd be easy. Jack is that bounded to servitude, especially to that master. For generations the two races have been co-living this way, and Jack was the first to try to break it. He's looking for a permanent way to sever the bond him and his master share.

Rilaeru goes by Rila
21 years old
She's a necromancer through blood, so for her act she kills someone, depending on her mood it changes how she kills them. The victim is usually someone they picked off of the street, a human. She will then raise them from the dead and nightmares will captivate the audience. Each time she raises the dead she looses a tiny bit of her soul. And when she hits rock bottom, something not very good will happen. The creatures she raises are not the same as they were in life, they're completely different, monsters.

Rila comes from a poor family, she talks just as much as any average human. However, she's full of herself. Has a big ego. She lets her actions speak before she boasts, and she believes in the old ways where necromancers used to be held in high regard. She's adamant about her beliefs. The scythe she keeps is a family heirloom.

Sophronia Donly Kaherin
19 years young
Her love of fighting and creating objects from clockwork makes her act consist of throwing her throwing knives and daggers at someone, sometimes when she was in an angry mood she may use her guns on the person. That's really all there is to her act. She also helps backstage with the mechanical animals and other stuff.

She's somewhat of a niave girl, very innocent and severely lesbian. She doesn't often tell people any of this though. Her love of fighting drives her into getting into fist fights and sometimes practicing sword fighting and she definitely hunts. The girl is extremely stubborn and hates the idea of not achieving what she said she'd do. She also knows a little of magic, she learned under a wizard so what she did learn, she learned well.
Originally Posted by Kiyoto

To Long To Keep Record Of Anymore

Clowns are supposed to be funny right? Well, Dusk is the opposite. He feeds off of people's fear as well as laughter, it makes him stronger. He commands the shadows and is able to dive into people's minds finding their gratest fears, and twist them as he pleases. Sometimes having them face it in the ring, sometimes facing it himself. His act is most often fast pace and very deadly, but always very large and extravigant.

Often called the daredevil or tamer of the circus, he does not show any concern for his life when pushing the limits. Dusk is quieter, keeping to himself and in his trailor or the shadows most of the time. To normal people, he is often concidered a freak due to the hand people can not explain. He has always been loyal though when needed he will help out his fellow members of the circus. He is a tad on the serious side, and very mysterious. Do not bother to ask about his past, for he never answers.

Ren Nightclaw
Ren is a shapeshifter, and an acrobat. She does a dangerous trapese and highwire act with various dangerous things under her and no net. She loves to dance, and to move around the entire stage, at times over the audiance.

Ren grew up travelling around on her own, looking for a place to belong. She had no one to look after her, so she became a master pitpocket and theif often using her skills for whatever she needs. Not much else is known about her

No one knows

Cheshire has the ability to summon demonic animals, as well as teleport by traveling through dimensions which at times he will show the crowd. He is also able to focus a darm magic like energy though his long claws wich are sharper then any sword. At the same time, he plays the role as assistant in various other acts. He has a high tolerence for pain and is a lot stronger then normal people, he also has the ability to transform into a cat.

Not much is known about Cheshire, other then he seems to be the ring leader's pet. He is often seen coming and going from the ring leader's trailor, and watching the other members. His past is a complete mystery. He is quiet and calm, but loves puzzles and tricks often getting himself into mischif. He has a habit of hanging around on top of trailors and up in the raftors of the tents.
Originally Posted by psymoski

Aurelius Crakter "Ray"
Ray is an Alchemist, creating creatures from the very soil under our feet. He loves creating floral lions, soil insects, and birds out of leaves. With a little earth and some time, he can create anything he can think of.

Ray has needed to get out of his cave in order to see what the world has been up to so far. When he started his alchemy hermitage, he stepped out of the light of the world and focused on his studies. He has kept himself alive all these years with the potions and spells he creates. He hasn't been near anyone for years, so he would be on edge when finally engaging with others.

He constantly carries around a wallflower vines that he wraps around his arm.

Profile Code
HTML Code:
[center][img]replace this with an image of your character[/img]
[size=1][i]Name goes here
Age goes here[/i][/size][/center]
Act goes here with any extra information.
(personality, history, whatever you want)

Last edited by Psychobeautyfantasy; 07-24-2012 at 01:41 AM..

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 10:02 PM

HTML Code:
[color=#D21245]I'm a pink you can see[/color]
[color=#7F0A0A]I'm a blood red[/color]
[color=#07A3C7]I'm a cyan[/color]
[color=#182F5D]Jack's other talkers[/color]
[color=#079F0B]Weee GREEN[/color]
[color=#1F5428]Rila's other talkers[/color]
[color="#7C522E"]Sophy's brown oAo[/color]
[color=#482E17]Sophy's other talkers[/color]
There Jessy and yay for list of colors ~

Last edited by Ana_M; 07-07-2012 at 04:57 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 11:13 PM

o.o...what are the colors for? XD lol

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 12:10 AM

She wanted me to provide her with colors, so I provided her with colors for her charries, and I posted mine. :yes: Feel free to add yours! OAO

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 12:11 AM

I'm gonna use this one for him.

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 12:11 AM

Wooahh that's a pretty color! O: It's like... a uh, what's it called? Foal blue.. No... Code blue.... I can't think of the word/s! D: Ohwell o-o

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 12:13 AM

on here it is slate grey XD, but it was like icy blue, perfect for him

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 01:50 AM

So that's what that is! :D I figured out the color I was trying to think of, Cobalt Blue XD

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 02:01 AM

I love cobalt blue :3

Psychobeautyfantasy is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 03:34 AM

o3o BWAHAHA! I win! ... okay, no, I just live. *dances*

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 03:34 AM

oAo Wee! :D

It's already 10:40pm here O:

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 03:37 AM

8:38 here o.o

Psychobeautyfantasy is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 03:53 AM

Oh yes, for you guys. :o Anyone can play the Ringleader. He stays to the shadows, and no one knows what he looks like. A lot of the events in the circus are caused by him, and he will talk to people. Ringleader stays to the shadows, and is anywhere there is a shadow. Species and form are unknown. :heart:

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 03:54 AM



Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 03:56 AM

I'm gonna make a shape shifter....

---------- Post added 07-06-2012 at 09:00 PM ----------

would it be weird for me to play a girl? o.o

Psychobeautyfantasy is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 04:06 AM

Go for it! And not at all! :XD

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 04:06 AM

XD lol ok

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 04:17 AM

Pfft, I wanna see you play a girl~. ;o I don't think you even have a female character in the other thread... GO~! :D I plan to drag a human (Sophy) in this one

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 04:18 AM

x.x I have played a grand total girl XD

Psychobeautyfantasy is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 04:19 AM

I'm going to add another character too. *pets Damien* He's a special child, that is why he is here.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 04:52 AM

Ren Nightclaw
Ren is a shapeshifter, and an acrobat. She does a dangerous trapese and highwire act with various dangerous things under her and no net. She loves to dance, and to move around the entire stage, at times over the audiance.

Ren grew up travelling around on her own, looking for a place to belong. She had no one to look after her, so she became a master pitpocket and theif often using her skills for whatever she needs. Not much else is known about her

---------- Post added 07-06-2012 at 09:53 PM ----------

yay o0o

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 05:01 AM

Ohhh her and Jack could work together, since he has lights on him and stuff he can come around and swing around in the air, it'd be lightful and awesome?! :D

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 05:03 AM

Lol, we have lots of ground acts, so we needed more off the ground acts.
o.o and yea they could work together at times if ya wanna

Psychobeautyfantasy is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 05:06 AM

And my newest dear Damien is in the Accepted Profiles! :D :heart: Poor baby! :XD I actually am horrible with female characters, it's not often I play them. I have a whole list of every OC I have. well, I have 11 females out of over 70 characters. It is sad. T_T

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 05:06 AM

lol you left the light sea green thing on her pro XD

---------- Post added 07-06-2012 at 10:06 PM ----------

This is my seccond actual girl character out of...all my characters o.o


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