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Old 02-08-2011, 08:29 PM

This is an spin off for Angel and Spike.

After the death of Buffy both Angel and Spike who they loved. Angel returns to get things in order for the Scooby Gang and to met with his children. As even with Buffy's death they still have to fight the good fight between good and evil but now have to fight an different thing.

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-08-2011, 09:30 PM

Angel stalked the city of Sunnydale. His face was hard and lean as rain water trickled down his face. He had just left the remains of the Scooby Gang with a broken and disheveled Giles. They were all morning the loss of the Slayer, but the loss seemed to hit her watcher harder than anyone. His eyes were sunken and he was sporting a three day beard.


Angel recalled the conversation he had had the with the watcher:
"We'll be all be alright Angel. Alexander, the girls and I can handle ourselves. It is Spike that I am worried about." The watcher sighed and passing Angel a snuffer of scotch.
" Spike?! What is he still doing here? I thought he left a long time ago." Angel's hackles rose at the mention of his wayward child. Things had been tense since Spike had tortured him for the Gem of Anarra. He had never blamed Spike for that day, he had done much worse to the boy as Angelus. He could still see his boy's broken form as he moped around the mansion in a wheel chair.
I should have done something for him. Angel knew that if he had given his child even a few sips of his rich sire blood Spike would have been heal almost immediately.

"Well Angel, he did leave for a while, but after he the Gem of Anarra incident, he came back to kill Buffy. Needless to say he was beaten and We thought that we had heard the last of him. From what I have found out from Spike his was kidnapped and tortured by a group of military agents called the Initiative. They had implanted a chip in his brain that prevent him from feeding off humans. He started to help Buffy and the children a while ago and we have been bringing him food. Recently he had fallen in love with Buffy and things had become complicated and tense. Spike had been very good for all of us though, particularly Dawn. Then Buffy was killed and well... " Giles threw back his glass of whiskey and sighed, "Dawn went down to his crypt a few days ago to check on him, when she arrived....he...she found him half dead and he attacked her out of hunger. Luckily the chip was still active and he only hurt himself. To prevent him from hurting anyone else or himself again I had Willow bind him in his crypt until you could get here." Angel felt himself start to growl low in his chest. His demon half screamed and roared in anger.
How dare they hurt his child! William was his and his alone! The glass shattered in his hand spilling scotch every where. Giles pulled away from the growling vampire.

"Why the Hell did you not call me sooner Giles!" Angel slammed his hand against the table cracking it.

"I didn't realize it was that important to you. We thought that we would be able to take care of it," The watcher stood up and reached for an old book out of his bag, "That was until I found this at the Mansion. I believe this is Spike's." Angel took the old tattered book. He could smell his child all over it.

"His poem book..." Angel opened the cover to find a more current note from his child on the cover. It told whoever to found this to return it to Angel.

"I remembered from my lessons at the Academy that you two were the closest of the vampires in the Aurelius Clan. So close as to inspired rumors that he was your childer and not Drusilla's. That note seems to confirm that rumor if not create a few more. There are quite a few detailed poems in there," Giles blushed a rare sight indeed. "He needs you Angel and as your child only you can heal him at this point." Angel turned the book over in his hands.

"Tell me where to find him."

Angel stood outside of the tomb where Giles had told him to find Spike. He opened the door and heard an agonized roar. He could smell dried blood and William. He went down the ladder into the hole and followed the agonized cries of his child.

He stopped and gasped in horror at the sight that beheld him.

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Old 02-08-2011, 11:31 PM

William was curled up in an ball as he was shirtless and shoeless so the only thing he would be wearing was his pants. He cries out again mumbling in something. As he was illusioning that he was being tortured and screaming out in pain. As it didn't matter what was the floor even if it was an rat he was illusioning that they was biting him. He shivers pants hard as he didn't even sence Angel was even there yet. As he tosses and turns on the floor as the thirst was to much and also the chip in his head didn't help either. As that was the main cause of how he was that he couldn't feed that was just making him go crazy.

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-09-2011, 12:50 AM

Angel walked slowly over to his shaking child. “Spike, Spike I’m here child.” He knelt a few steps away from Spike and waited for the hungry vamp to male a move. He has seen vampires in such a state rip apart their own childer in a rage. Angel tried again to get Spike’s attention, but he could tell that the boy was too wrapped up in his pain. “William LOOK AT ME!”

His roar shook the room and small pieces of ceiling toppled down and the boy looked up frightened at his sire. Angel pulled the distraught creature into his arms and started to hum an old Irish lullaby. “It’ll be William. I’m here, I won’t leave you.” He ran his hand through Spike’s now long hair and put his wrist to Spike’s mouth. “Please child you have to eat, you can’t die I need you, the Scooby’s need you, and Dawn needs you please William.”

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Old 02-09-2011, 01:02 AM

Spike looks up at Angel with an blank look as he got shake. He didn't know what was what in the state he was in. But he could tell it was Angel that was forcing him to notice him for once. He closes his eyes winces even Angel's touch was almost painful even if he was imagining it.

He felt Angel's wrist move to his mouth which it was instincts as he sinks his fangs into his sire's wrist. He did want he said cause a few names had made him remind himself. And since Angel wasn't human the chip wouldn't cause him any harm. He soon felt more like himself as the blood lust slowly goes away.

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-09-2011, 02:34 AM

Angel moaned as Spike took mouthful after mouthful of his blood. “That’s it William, it will be alright.” He rubbed the sick vampire’s back as he finished drinking his fill.

“Spike, can you hear me ? Can you understand me?” Angel pulled his face up so he could look Spike in the eyes. “Child it’s your sire, speak to me!” Spike’s eyes were still clouded over. Angel frowned and let the his child rest his head against Angel shoulder.

Angel was discussed as he looked around the dank crypt. How could Spike live in this filth. He found Spike’s duster amid the carnage and maneuvered the vampire so he could wrap it around Spike’s thin frame. The boy had closed his eyes and leaned in to what little warmth his sire provided. Angel checked his watch and saw that the sun had risen. Well I won’t be taking him back to my hotel. He gathered a few rugs and found a small warm spot in witch the two of them could sleep. He pulled the boy closer and kissed his head and for the first time in the longest time he felt like things just might be alright.

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Old 02-09-2011, 03:00 AM

Spike whines alittle once after he finishes feeding from his sire. He was still pretty much out of it and it would take him an while to regain his vison. He could hear Angel but he was far to weak to speak. He would soon falls asleep once Angel got themselfs comfortable. He leans against his sire's arms while he sleep as the shakes and the pain had vanish quickly once he was asleep after he got his fill.

About five or six hours since Angel had found him and gave him blood. William wokes up with one major headache and groans "Bloody hell feel like I been hit by a train thousand times." says in his own britsh accent. He opens his eyes and stares up at the ceiling of the crypt before he felt arms around him then looks over seeing Angel there close to him.

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-09-2011, 03:09 AM

Angel felt Spike stir in his arms and tightens them around his child not wanting him to leave his arms just then. He nuzzled Spikes neck taking in his sent and then licking his neck. He felt a shudder race through Willam. “Glad to see you haven’t changed too much. How are you feeling?”

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Bellinda is offline
Old 02-09-2011, 05:28 AM

Spike lays his head back against Angel's shoulder once after he shivered from Angel's lick. As he chuckles some "Alittle weak but other wise I'm good. How did you find me?" says he knew mostly everything leading up to Willow sealing him in this place after trying to hurt Dawn. But everything else was still abit cloudy to him. More importartly he was just glad to see Angel was back but he was confused as well still.

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-09-2011, 06:07 AM

“Willow came to my house in LA, after…after Buffy was killed. I came here to check on the kids and help in any way I could. Giles told me what happened to you and gave me this.” He pulled out Spike’s poetry book, “I didn’t know William, of I had known I would have come sooner. After everything that happened with Dru and the way that I tortured you I thought it was best if I just went away. When I read this I knew I was wrong can you ever forgive me?”

Angel searched those pale blue eyes for any type of answer. His child was always so hard to read. After everything that had happened Angel knew that Spike could be the one constant in his life .“Please William…” His old baroque crept back into his voice as he looked at his child.

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Old 02-09-2011, 01:16 PM

Spike listens to Angel before he looks down seeing the book."I see then I am greatful to her even thought she sealed me here..but how? I thought no one could come in and out of this place." At first he didn't want to take it but he did take it and held it close to him. He closes his eyes and sighs gently to himself as he opens his eyes looking up into Angel's eyes. He was always hard to read as no one knew how Spike felt or would say. "Yes...I can forgive you.. after all you saved me from myself and found me before I completely went mad and tryed to kill myself."

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-09-2011, 03:51 PM

“I asked Willow to lift the spell after Giles and I spoke. I think you were to out of it to notice when the spell had been lifted.” Angel spoke tracing the lines of Spike’s face. He leaned into the touch and Angel began to purr at the action. He had missed his child. Even with his sole he still longed for the companionship of his family. Having to set Darla and Drusilla was one of the hardest things he had to do. Angel’s inner demon purred in contentment matching the trills of Angel. He pulled his boy closer and tucked Spikes head under his chin. “William, Giles told me most of what happened but I would like to hear the rest from you.”

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Old 02-09-2011, 04:23 PM

Spike shivers again as he felt his sire's finger tracing his face. He sighs gently listening to him as he remain silent. He lays still as he gets pulled closer to him and closes his eyes. "I don't want to talk about it" Being very cautious about his past and the death of Buffy. As thats how he was he tends to keep things bottle up inside so no one not even Angel would know about it. He couldn't believe Giles told him about it. 'Giles should have kept his bloody mouth close.' he thought to himself.

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-09-2011, 04:54 PM

“Alright…” Angel knew not to push, the boy would talk when he was ready. William used to be so open and friendly, what have they done to you my boy? Angel was worried about his William. He had always been sensitive and with the state that he found Spike in Angel could tell he was not doing well. He made the decision that whether or not Spike liked it he was coming back to LA with him. “Spike we need to talk about what we are going to do. I don’t want to leave you here by yourself. I can’t risk you hurting yourself or anyone else. I want you to come back to LA with me. I’ve started my own Private Investigations firm and I could always use another pair of hands.”

William looked unsure as Angel continued to speak. “I’m not asking Spike. I won’t leave you here.”

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Old 02-09-2011, 05:25 PM

Of course he was stuborn which he had ever right to be as he didn't how he would be if he did go back to LA with Angel. He shakes his head and trys to pull away but Angel keeps his arms tightly around him. "Angel please....I can't...I won't" he was afraid he would do the same thing if he did return. He didn't want to take that chance he felt better here even if this place was not an good place to live.

William looks at Angel before he looks away as he was confused to why Angel care so much. He had changed ever since being held in that place for so long. They did everything to break him. And the chip cause him even more damaged to him. He didn't say anything cause he knew agrue with Angel wouldn't do any good cause he also knew Angel was as stuborn as he was.

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Old 02-09-2011, 07:05 PM

My poor boy…”Listen to me William, I know that you worry, but I promise that I will not leave you again…ever. You are MY child, I created you and I will not loose you again.” He pulled his child to his lips and connected them in a deep kiss. He hoped that William would feel his sincerity through his kiss. Angel could feel the other vampire tense then slowly sink into the kiss he wrapped his arms around Spike and pulled him closer. He rubbed his face against Spike’s cheek it was a simple gesture, but one they had often done when they were still together. Angel used to do this to comfort Spike.

The Boy had had terrible nightmares after his turning. Though Angelus was usually cruel, he had a soft spot for his Childer. He would sit by the hour and sketch Drusilla and William. William, particularly became the subject of most of his work. The only reason that that Drusilla and Spike had any relationship at was because, Dru was another of his children.

It felt so good to have him back in his arms again. He felt William start to shake in his arms and felt a few wet spots on his shirt.

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Old 02-09-2011, 07:55 PM

William felt the sincerty through the kiss once their lips met. He leans in closely and kisses him back as feeling Angel's face rubbing against him seem to calm him. He takes an deep sigh gently before he pulls back alittle and stares up into Angel's eyes. "I guess I shouldn't agrue. Fine I'll go back with you. It would be better than living here." looking around before he looks back over at him.

He felt better being in Angel's arms as he didn't want to admit it but he did miss him. But he wasn't about to say it. He closes his eyes and clings to Angel resting his head on his shoulder.

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Old 02-09-2011, 09:10 PM

Angel smiled at Spike’s response. “Whatever the Hell they did to you really messed you up didn’t it Spike. You haven’t been his cooperative since you were a fledge…” Spike glared at him and cursed in his accent slurring the words, but Angel could make out the phase, ‘bloody idiot Peaches’ a few times. He punched his sire lightly on the arm. Angel chuckled and gave Spike a quick kiss. “Do you have a hot plate or a microwave for blood? I have a few packets that Giles gave me. I am hungry so I know you are.”

Spike pointed to a battery powered warming dish and a metallic bowl. Angel discarded the rancid bowl and pulled out a few a small insulated bag. Inside were two packets of pigs blood. Giles had also given him some metal cups. He placed them on the warming dish and tore open the packets of blood. Angel poured most of the blood into Spike’s cup, then vamped out and tore into his own wrist.

He placed the bleeding wrist over his childe’s cup and topped off the pigs blood with his own. He knew that Spike would need the extra energy to deal with the upcoming emotional stress. He waited until there was steam coming from the cups.

“Here drink up…” Angel handed Spike the cup with the larger amount of blood in it. Spike took it and began to drink quickly. Angel sipped on his and watched the boy. He was so thin…”Spike how are you feeling, truthfully. Don’t give me that I’m fine shit, I can tell that you have been sick for a long time…”

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Old 02-09-2011, 09:59 PM

Spike sets his cup down before he looks over himself. He looks back up at Angel "Truely? I feel like can't imagine what they did to is even hard for me to say it. No one would understand." looks away as he pulls away from Angel before standing up. His legs felt abit shaking but it was good to stand as he moves over and grabs an shirt from an mountian of clothes and slips it on. Only because he hated to see Angel staring how thin he was.

Angel stands up and pulls off the shirt cause it was old and dirty before handing another shirt from his bag which he bought with him that had extra clothes for Spike. He hands to over to Spike and he pulls it on as he looks up at Angel it was still hard to act like everything was ok cause it wasn't. He brushes his hand thought his long hair knew he need an hair cut until then he pulls it into an ponytail. "I look like shit don't I?"

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-09-2011, 10:35 PM

Angel gave Spike a small sad smile. “When we get back to LA Cordi will have you fixed up in no time. She is after all the head fasionista of LA.” Spike’s eyes grew about three sizes. Angel doubled over laughing. “Don’t worry she has toned down since she moved to LA…although there was the tie she cut her hair off.”

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Old 02-09-2011, 11:16 PM

Spike gives him an look and tilts his head "I think I can dress myself but can't believe hearing that about Cordi. Of course it been some time since I see her." chuckles gently. he watches Angel double over in laughter he could help but to move over and pushes him over. Of couse Angel grab an hold on his waist when he fell over back onto the soft rugs and stuff and bought Spike with him. He teases "Clumsy much?" staring at him and smirks.

artbabe33445 is offline
Old 02-09-2011, 11:45 PM

“Only when it gives me a chance to hold you.” Angel attacked the younger vampire’s neck, drawing a low moan. “See…wasn’t that fun?” Angel laughed and ran his hands over Spikes back. Spike suddenly pounced and tackled Angel to the floor. “Oh Boyo, I wouldn’t be starting anything that you can’t finish. It has been to long since I held you like this.” Angel pulled Spike down by the collar growling suggestively.

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Old 02-10-2011, 01:44 AM

Spike smirks felt him getting pulled down by his collar and stares into his sire's eyes. He never felt like this toward anyone maybe with Dru but it didn't last long of course. He still knew he was holding back only because his guard been up the whole time. He nods "Yea I don't think we should be starting anything yet...especial in this dump. How long before sun down?" Part of him was afraid to go out of this place not knowing what he would do but he figure he would be ok as long Angel was there.

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Old 02-10-2011, 02:13 AM

Angel looked at his watch, “The sun should actually be down about now, lets, get going.” He gathered up what little supplies that he brought and handed Spike his long coat. Is there anything else that you want to take with you?”

The vampire looked around forlorn at the dark crypt. Angel left him to think for a moment and went to check around the crypt for anything the boy might forget. He smiled as he found a chest in the far corner of one of the deeper rooms. Angel had given Spike the chest after his 50 deathday. It was carved with Galic symbols and a few magical protection symbols, Darla had helped him bind the magic to chest. It protected the contents of the chest so that time wouldn’t turn the memories to dust. The symbols buzzed as Angel traced them with his fingertips.

He opened the box and found what Spike had called is treasures over the last 200 years. Inside were many of the old sketches that Angel had completed. There was a doll, probably Dru’s and near the bottom he found a lock of his deep brown hair tried with a black ribbon. He turned quickly when he heard Spike enter the room. He didn’t look to happy.

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Old 02-10-2011, 02:26 AM

Spike brushes his hair back as he came back and found Angel had open up the chest. He quickly moves over and slams the lid of the chest close as he closes his eyes and didn't know what to say. He looks over at Angel "I know what you going to say..I have an reason for this..but shouldn't say it." look down at the chest and sighs some. "I hope you are not mad at me." says as he didn't even look up at Angel.


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