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I ate Jesus, he tasted like stai...
Nekochan5345 is offline
Old 01-07-2011, 04:55 PM

Name: Jeremy
Age: Almost fifteen
Race: Raven Demon
Pic: (He looks much older than this but it was the best animeish pic i could find)

Name: Roman
Age: 20
Race: Sorcerer

Last edited by Nekochan5345; 01-07-2011 at 04:59 PM..

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-07-2011, 05:19 PM

Name- Karasu(means Raven)

Age- Almost fifteen

Age after time skip- 215

Race- Raven

How she looked in 1811

How she looks in 2011

Last edited by Sinsue Hoshigo; 09-03-2011 at 03:02 AM..

I ate Jesus, he tasted like stai...
Nekochan5345 is offline
Old 01-07-2011, 06:03 PM

Once upon a time nearly 200 years ago there lived a rather wicked Princess and her loyal servant, her ever serving brother. They both lived in the Royal Palace, as most of noble blood do, that was so large and so very, very beautiful that it was the envy of all the land and maybe even the world. But there was unrest in their kingdom and it would soon get much worse...
It was nearly dusk when Jeremy finally returned to the Palace and his body ached from the daylong journey on horseback. Despite how stiff he was from the days events, he still rushed as fast as he could to the Princesses chamber for he was very, very late. He had been out all day running small errands and such which included visiting a local nobleman. As luck would have it, or lack there of, his kinsman gave him a "Urgent and crucial" letter that needed to be delivered as soon as humanly possible. Jeremy took this to heart, though he hadn't the foggiest idea of the letters content, and galloped home as fast as he could.

The Palace was practically buzzing when he entered, all the servants buisy preparing for dinner and whatever else they needed to get done with before the princess made her appearance downstairs. Remy weeved his slim figure through the crowd rather gracefully, trying very hard not to knock anything over and made his way to his sisters quarters.

Two soft knocks sounded on her door as Remy pulled out the letter and straightened his collar to at least look a bit presentable.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-07-2011, 07:55 PM

The young princess had very few fans. Most hated her and some even tried to over through her. All attempts felled, however. She wasn't always so cruel and mean for she had a brother whom she loved dearly. She was kind and sweet till she was taken away from her beloved brother at a young age only to have him as her servant years later.

No one dared to stand up to this royal pain though the ones that did found themselves either dead or rotting in the royal jail. She was a spoiled little thing though she still had a heart... just not to many since she knew they often hated her.

Karasu looked up from where she had been playing with her kitten on the bed and stood going to the door with graceful steps. She smiled some at her brother... she knew it was her brother though often times that was clouded by how she had been taught he was her servant. "Hello Jeremy. Where have you been all day? I only sent you on one errands?" she asked though didn't seem mad at all. She was in a rather good mood today though she was about to find out some news that would tick her off big time.

A far kingdom from her own though not too far to travel, had a prince that had been courting her for some time now and she was deeply in love with him. Though there was another girl that was in love with him, a nobles doubter of the kingdom closest to the prince. She didn't know but secretly the prince had a fondness for the young maiden and was finding Karasu's cruelty to her own kingdom rather distasteful

I ate Jesus, he tasted like stai...
Nekochan5345 is offline
Old 01-07-2011, 09:13 PM

Jeremy smiled at his sister as she answered the door.
"Hello Your Magesty, I'm horribly sorry I'm late. I hope I didnt keep you from anything," He said cordially and stepped inside.
He let out a little sigh and let himself relax slightly for the first time all day as he stood, perfectly content with the to be out of the hustle and bustle of the hallway. He had always liked Karasu's room, or anywhere that she was really, something about her presence comforted him though he wasnt sure quite what exactly it was about her that had that effect because it surely didnt count for her subjects who, usually, feared or hated her.
Running a hand through his stick straight raven hair he clutched the letter and several other items that he had picked up on his days journey close to his chest. He wasnt much of a shopper or one for doing errands but he had gotten used to it and as long as it was his sisters will it would be done without question.

Despite being a servant to his sister, Remy did not mind his station in life in the least, though, if chance would have had it he would have been prince as he was a part of the royal line. He never held any of this against his sister, he had tried when he was younger, oh yes very hard in fact, but he never could, he adored her far too much and was helplessly and irrationally dedicated to her.

"Actually," He began again after a moment as he pulled out a few bits of clothing he had picked up for her at the tailors and placing them on her bed for her to see, careful to steer clear of the cat hair, "I received a message from Lord Irons, he held me up for quite a while but he insisted that i deliver this to you"

With taht he pulled out the letter and handed it to her.

Last edited by Nekochan5345; 01-07-2011 at 09:31 PM..

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-07-2011, 10:13 PM

"No you kept me from nothing." Karasu smiled after letting her brother into her room and taking the letter into her hands and opening it carefully. She read through it carefully and tears filled her eyes. She whimpered some at the litter as she sat it on the table next to the chair she was sitting in. She put her head in her hands and cried some feeling betrayed at what she read. The letter had described how Iron didn't love her anymore and how she should just give up looking since it seemed no one else wanted her either. She felt hate for the one that she knew was to blame for Iron leaving her. It was one of the nobles girls from the neighboring kingdom to Iron's kingdom.

I ate Jesus, he tasted like stai...
Nekochan5345 is offline
Old 01-07-2011, 10:29 PM

Jeremy watched as his sister fell apart at the letter.
"What is it? Whats wrong?" He asked hovering over his sister worriedly. Seeing her loose her composure was never a good sighn and terrifying. He swallowed down the lump of sympathy that had risen to his thought and attempted to comfort his sister. What had Iron sent exactly? He had seemed fairly cheerful when he had his meeting with him. He grind-ed his teeth angrily as a cold anger welled up from the pit of his stomach. With a sigh to calm himself he returned his attention to calming his sister instead. He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and waited for her to settle down a little.

"What has upset you so sister? May I see this letter?" He asked soothingly.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-07-2011, 10:35 PM

Karasu cried a bit more though kept wiping her tears away and nodded handing the letter to Jeremy. It wasn't the nicest letter and it certainly wasn't anything like the other letters he had sent her. Most of the others were loving and happy with kind words and comforting thoughts on how they would see each-other soon. She wanted the noble girl dead now. She, however, didn't know that her brother fancied the girl. She might not have later requested him to kill her... though she hadn't asked yet.

I ate Jesus, he tasted like stai...
Nekochan5345 is offline
Old 01-07-2011, 10:59 PM

Jeremy took the letter from her gently with a sympathetic a quick, sympathetic glance. Wit a bit of hesitation his eyes wandered down to the paper. It took him a moment for the words to sink into his mind. When they did come they flooded in like a raging river and knocked the wind out of his chest but it wasnt Lord Iron's words but the name of the girl that had seared his heart with her image.
"Miss Helena Terras..." The name passed his lips in a pained whisper as the letters words thrust into his heart like an icy dagger.
"To Her Majesty, Princess Karasu..." He read aloud and glared at the paper as if by will itself could render the words null in void, "I felt it only fair to inform you before the arrangement is made public...that I...find myself in love with a one...Miss Helena Terras. I assure you that it was not at all in my control, as matters of the heart often are, and that i will have to break off our own engagement as Miss Terras and I...a...are to be married," He swallowed, "I...I wish no ill will on you and hope that you will find happiness elsewhere with your new found freedom. I do regret leaving you so abruptly...but Im afraid im a slave to my love and my heart does not and has never belonged to you....Sincerely, Lord Henry Irons..."

He paused and craned his neck as far away from his sister and the letter as he could.
"They are...They are eloping...ELOPING," He exclaimed with a sudden spike of passionate anger but calmed himself back into his usual relaxed state, at very least in appearance, "Sister...sister are you alright?...what is to be done about this?"

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-07-2011, 11:19 PM

"No... No I am not... she is to die." Karasu hissed quietly and painfully not knowing that her brother loved the girl... though what was to be done? She was already ingaged... though it had seemed that her and the prince had also been ingaged before this accured. She cried seeming greatly disstress about this and completely unhappy with what was accuring. They had been CORTING! For the longest time he had been corting her how could this accure? Normally a royel will only cort one at a time... it hadn't much been heard of to cort two people at once... though that's what it seemed he had been doing all along.

I ate Jesus, he tasted like stai...
Nekochan5345 is offline
Old 01-07-2011, 11:33 PM

"Die..." He whispered as he suddenly felt nauseated and had to hold onto the bedpost to keep himself from fainting. Helena's image flashing before his eyes as his heart felt about to burst from the pain of it all. The betrayal was not just his sisters to bear, the only difference was that Helena, sweet, innocent child, knew nothing of his love with her but Lord Iron, Lord Iron was betrothed. That made him an all new level of low. Irons...He shuddered at the thought of him touching her. He took a few breaths to calm himself before turning to face his sister, his entire form trembling.

"Buh-But why her? She is innocent in this... Lord Henry Ir-" He stopped to compose himself, "Sister, please, allow me to bring you something to calm your nerves...Think on what you are proposing. Murder and scandal. Tread lightly...your already balancing on the edge of a knife with the people and nobles, you need to keep your head on straight. Nothing rash my darling i bring you some tea?"

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-07-2011, 11:51 PM

"They're engaged! One isn't just to fault and all would know full and well that we were courting... he wouldn't have gone off on his own... he had even said that he loved me..." Karasu scowled some though nodded. "Fine..." she muttered looking away still crying silently though. She knew as well as anyone else that Iron had loved her and would do no such thing as this without being provoked... it wasn't like him at all and many would agree to that. The penalty for territory was often death... well more of adultery witch this could be considered... and she was to blame.

I ate Jesus, he tasted like stai...
Nekochan5345 is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 12:07 AM

Jeremy couldnt stand to be in the room for a moment without breaking down with his sister. So, quickly, he left the room and went to get that tea.
He returned, tea in hand and served it to his sister.
"Kara...Im so sorry...for all of this. We will handle Lord Iron...together...hopefully without violence are weak. Weak and cruel... Weak for the beauty of woman and Helena..." warmth flooded to his cheeks, "Could kill a man with her very looks..."
"With her penny red hair that shines like a sunset and her eyes, bright and cerulean, her kind face...the face of an angel,' He thought.
"I know Miss Helena...she would never do something so horrible." He said desperately.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-08-2011, 12:18 AM

"Iron would never... could never... he... he's a prince... he wouldn't... he... he was raised by traditional parents... kinda like use though... different." Karasu murmured taking the tea and sipping on it as usual. It seemed she had thought on this allot though was too angered by this not to think that he deserved to pay.... that that girl deserved to pay. "You know as well as I do what the price for adultery is... and she's the one that committed the crime..." she murmured still not really seeing that her brother had fallen for this girl... though right now she hurt too much to notice much of anything else but the pain.

I ate Jesus, he tasted like stai...
Nekochan5345 is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 12:51 AM

"Being a Royal doesn't make you a saint Kara..." he said with a rather sad smile, "And our parents weren't saints either..." 'They had us separated for example', he thought to himself, "One cannot blame ones upbringing on all of ones actions. Free will is free will. And all must make independent decisions from their parents, from their partners..."

He sighed, "I will level with you...that they are both at fault and they must be for this eloping to take place. I will grant you that...But, dear sister, according to this lands law the punishment for adultery is not murder. Prison, yes, but murder!? You must see that! I know that you are my master but listen to my words. You must tread lightly on this matter if for no ones sake then your own. Lord Iron and Helena- Miss...Terras i mean," He said as if her name caused him physical pain, "Are...greatly respected and loved throughout the land, if you act with could be the death of us all...Please my dear sister...think with that great brain you have been blessed with rather than with your wounded heart..."

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-08-2011, 01:26 AM

Kara thought on this for a few minutes as she sipped on her tea slowly alowing herself to take her brothers words into concideration. "Not meaning you harm my dear brother... but the law is death if I remember correctly... I am not sure what else to do on this matter. They were not meant to be anyway... it is not commen nor advised for a royal to be wed to a commonner nor a noble but a royal to a royal." she pointed out quietly not looking up at him just watching her kitten some as she sipped her tea quietly.

I ate Jesus, he tasted like stai...
Nekochan5345 is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 01:48 AM

"Not when our father ruled it wasnt and under the written law it is only prison, but with you as our ruler it might as well be!" He suddenly spat but quickly retracted, "Forgive me...I did not mean to raise my voice but...Sister please i beg of you....if you are to end this arrangement between them...why not the prison? Why not? Those who have wronged you will suffer, more than in heaven...or even hell perhaps...but it might save us from the public scrutiny."

He stared at his sister hopefully. He had never in his life acted like this, never once revolted in such a manner, especially to his sister. But he was suddenly thrown into a desperate situation. He felt no anger towards ether of the lovers, as usual he could not blame them for their love, how could he when he was himself so helpless to it, but a seething hatred of Lord Irons was growing for the fowl treatment of his sister and envy for the love of the lovely Helena. Her survival was more important than his, but if his sister ordered would be done as it always was. He felt the wound in his heart grow at that fact.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-08-2011, 02:21 AM

"And how are we to arrest them? We can not arrest a royal how are we to arrest a noble?" Kara frowned after staring at her brother shocked at his outburst. He had never defied her... he was her most trusted servant, he never did her wrong. She couldn't ask for a better one... though in a way she did wish that the circumstances were different... that he could be a royal too. Why couldn't both of them have shared the thrown? It was rather stupid in her eyes why they couldn't.

I ate Jesus, he tasted like stai...
Nekochan5345 is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 02:32 AM

Jeremy paused for a long moment that seemed to last a lifetime.
"Perhaps...Perhaps we...could arrest them in secrete...when they are allone..." He said slowly, hateing the words as they came out. But as he began to think on it there really was no good option, arrested or murdered there would be a public outcry. There was no way out of it if anything was to be done. And his sister was determined to act, there would be no stopping her will. He himself would follow it.
He placed his head in his hands with defeat and sighed. He ruffled his hair with exasperation before lifting his head and locking his eyes on his sister.
"You are right...there is no way out of it...if there is to be anything done about the matter..." He said, "I will stand by whatever your will may be my lady...but please, grant me this one thing. Wait a day at very least. Let your temper cool and let with them, Lord Iron at very least. Some...arrangement might be made...and if not...i give you my word i will not question your judgment ever again"

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-08-2011, 02:40 AM

Karasu listened to her brother though was not looking at him. She nodded slowly and sighed. "Very well then... how about we go to the dining hall? I believe supper is just about finished." she murmured standing some after she had finished her tea. She was not happy in the least though she would listen to her brother for now... though she didn't believe she wanted to come face to face with her almost lover.

I ate Jesus, he tasted like stai...
Nekochan5345 is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 02:49 AM

Jeremy let himself relax at that.
"Thank you..." He said, suddenly sounding very tired. He pulled on a smile and offered his hand to his sister.
"Well then, to the dining hall then and well forget all about this unhappy matter for a while shall we?" He said, a truer, more hopeful smile tugged at the edges of his lips. Despite all her flaws, Jeremy did really adore his sister and admired her greatly. For now, he would put the affair out of his mind and they would and they would eat and speak on happyer terms. Or so he hoped at least.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-08-2011, 03:05 AM

"Okay." Kara smiled some taking her brothers hand as they went to the dining hall.

(sorry it's so short DX is kinda stuck now... shall we skip?)

I ate Jesus, he tasted like stai...
Nekochan5345 is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 02:05 PM

((Sure When and where to?))

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-08-2011, 02:08 PM

(Do you want to do it so she does tell him to kill the girl? Then say... do you want to play out how that happens or skip to when the castel starts to fall under attack?)

I ate Jesus, he tasted like stai...
Nekochan5345 is offline
Old 01-08-2011, 03:51 PM

((Id like to act it out, but as to whether or not you want her to have him kill the girl, thats entirely up to you. Do you want to skip to the next day and meet the other two characters? because id like to at least use them before we slit their thoughts XD))


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