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So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 08:15 PM

A young man/woman finds themself in trouble one night while heading home. They are attacked by muggers, only to be saved by a teenager and an older man. The man offers the man/woman a job, where they have to raise young boy to become powerful hitman. The teenager takes it, simply because of the large amount of money offered to them, and the protection they are given for taking the job. Yet, as time goes on, they begin to discover that the group they work for has somewhat cruel intentions for the boys once they have finished training, and even from the moment they are taken in for training. They've become close to their trainee, will they let what's happened to so many boys before, happen to them?

One of the things they do to the hitmen before taking them in for training is that they wipe their memories completely, to join the hitman and trainer together, the trainer must name them, it's like a special ritual thing.

Name: Analeese Marie Staunton
Nickname: Ana
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Occupation: Will become a Trainer
Brief History: Ana grew up in a rough city where it was expected for everyone to know how to handle guns or other such weapons. Because of this, she has a background of using and teaching others how to use simple guns and blades. She was from a family of five, growing up with both parents and two older brothers. Her eldest brother however was shot and killed in a gang fight when she was fifteen. Ana moved out the second she turned 18, living in the roughest part of the city making a living of stealing, occasionally working in a corner shop and teaching people how to use certain weapons.

Last edited by Remaro; 11-06-2011 at 08:17 PM..

\ (•◡•) /
Annalesia is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 10:55 PM

Name: Sabin Aeron Salvatore
Nickname: Paris
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Occupation: To be trained as a hitman
Brief History: Sabin has been on his own for awhile now, living in an apartment downtown, spending his nights at the downtown nightclubs, and his days wasting away the hours however he can. As a kid both of his parents died in a car accident, having gone off a bridge, leaving him and his little brother to fend for themselves. They went in and out of foster homes for what seemed and eternity until Sabin turned seventeen, old enough to gain governmental permission to be his brothers gaurdian and move out on their own. Last year, though, when walking home from school his brother disappeared, leaving Sabin completely alone.

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 07:28 AM

He looks awesome!! Where would you like to start the rp off? It could be when they meet for the first time after my girl's been enlisted as a trainer?

\ (•◡•) /
Annalesia is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 12:34 AM

Thank you! I love that man :)
Would that be at the mugging? What would the setting for that be?

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 08:05 AM

The mugging scene would be a bit before our two characters meet, but we could skip it (I'd mention it in my intro) and go straight to the bit where they first meet? Which would be my character meeting yours to train

\ (•◡•) /
Annalesia is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 01:56 PM

Though, if we started at the mugging scene it would be a good opener for our characters to establish personalities and such?

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 02:05 PM

Good point ^^ I'm happy starting at that scene then :3 Would you like me to start?

\ (•◡•) /
Annalesia is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 02:09 PM

Yes please! I'm leaving for school in a few. Today is my brithday, so I'll try to get on, but I can't be sure! :)

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 02:10 PM

Alright ^^ I'll get to it then! And really?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! *throws confetti, balloons and streamers your way* Have fun :3 There's no pressure to get on and reply or anything XD Just enjoy the day XD

\ (•◡•) /
Annalesia is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 02:17 PM

Thank you! :) *reaches hands out and catches conffetti* I will celebrate for the both of us!

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 11:08 PM

((Wonderful! I hope you have fun :3))

For criminals, they clearly weren't that good at being sneaky. She had been able to hear them following her about five minutes ago, had even tried to make it fairly obvious that she had known they were tailing her in an attempt to put them off actually doing anything, to no avail. Several blocks later and the two men were still behind. After a couple of seconds longer, Ana finally whirled round, her eyes narrowed angrily. This wasn't the first time she'd come face to face with some form of danger. In these neck of the woods it was expected, and if you didn't know how to defend yourself, you didn't stand a chance.

Perhaps that was why it was generally permitted for most citizens to carry some form of weapon.

Quick as a whip, Ana pulled out a small blade, the only defence she could afford at the moment. The two men merely chuckled at the pitiful attempt to keep them from their goal as they stalked slowly towards her.

"Put your hands up and take off those pretty bangles"
One of the men sneered, referring to the couple of gold bangles Ana wore and had worn since childhood. She froze, not responding, looking wildly around for either assistance of some kind, or an escape. Surely lady luck was feeling generous today.

\ (•◡•) /
Annalesia is offline
Old 11-09-2011, 01:16 AM

A heavy sigh escaped Sabin's lips, the coldness of the brick wall he was leaning against nipping at his back. The bitter cold behind him sharply contrasted with the heat in front of him, his girlfriend leaning into him, her face nuzzled into his neck. As he puffed on his cigarette the girl whispered sweet nothings into neck, her lips brushing against the skin, an occassional nibble drawing him back to reality. In the distance he could hear ruckus in an alleyway, but then again that was pretty much the common backdrop noise; so common that people have a tendency to merely block it out, and continue on with their day.

"They're sure making a fuss over there," she commented, her breath hot against his neck, a welcome contrast to the coldness of the brick wall.

"Mhm, as always," Sabin sighed, his lips pressing around his cigarette again, inhaling the nicotine he craved, eyelids fluttering to combat the dryness of the wind.

The answer must've been enough to satisfy his girlfriend, because she became silence under the drape of her hair again, sighing into the nape of his neck. His free hand reached up, weaving through her hair, fingertips brushing along her scalp tenderly, eyes watching the shapes in the sky change morph with the wind, inching across the sky.

((Is he supposed to come help her, or is it someone else that helps?))

Last edited by Annalesia; 11-10-2011 at 04:19 AM..


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