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luci_in_the_sky is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 08:47 PM

Personally, I find the art in Princess Ai adorable and awesome! I only have the first two books, but I'm really wanting to get the third! Anyone read it? It has a wonderful goth appeal. And I happen to love that. It's like a dark and magical story! Enchanting, in my opinion. :3

redwolfserena - de-activated
Neko-Hime (Kitty)
redwolfserena - de-activated is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 09:50 PM

havent seen it YET, planing to watch it soon (:
I hear its pretty good~

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luci_in_the_sky is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 11:31 PM

I thought it was cute, from what I've seen anyway. It had that cute romance and everything. xP

FlorathePrincess is offline
Old 08-27-2011, 11:10 PM

one of my fave anime~~~<3

Javert is offline
Old 08-30-2011, 08:05 AM

I really enjoyed the first series. The art was nice, and I liked the story, too. Unfortunately, I have yet to read the second trilogy, or Rumors from the Other Side. ^^;. I'm not sure if the second trilogy was ever finished, either, due to Tokyopop's going out of the manga business. D:. If it wasn't finished, then it's a shame. It was a good series. :(.

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luci_in_the_sky is offline
Old 09-01-2011, 06:06 AM

Gaaahhh, I'm so out-of-touch with manga and anime! X_X Tokyopop went outta manga business?! Whyyyy? And Princess Ai is now an anime, too?! X_X Where have I been...? I feel ashamed. v.v


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-10-2011, 02:00 AM

Wait! AI became an anime!?

And no....the second series was never finished. It left off at such a terrible place too *grumbles*

RIP Tokyopop.


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