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Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-21-2011, 02:46 AM

Trey Price

Age: 18
He is the oldest heir to the Price family fortune and is the most heartless boy around. When he was little he used to actually steal candy from babies. The only reason he's never been to jail is because he is the prince. He loves his life but sometimes he feels like he's doing something wrong and he wants to start over.

Quia Price

Age: 17
She is youngest heir to the Price family fortune. She is very sassy but has very good manners and etiquette in comparison to her older brother. They are very close, though and he always takes care of her, but she hates all the attention that people give her for being the smarter one of the siblings and being the second heir.

Lenelle Brown

Age: 18
She is one of the only people who can see past Trey's evil and to the good inside him. She thinks she may love him but is really not sure. He is her best friend, and vice versa, but she really wants to take it further. It hurts her when she sees him hitting on other girls and makes her feel heart-broken when he is rude to innocent people, but sometimes you just have to look past the evil with guys like Trey.

Jerome Price (King Price)

Age: 36
He is the king of Rapcity. He is the most cherished king in the history of the city, and would never purposely steer the Rapcitanians wrong. He feels his son is able to be changed and is devoted to fixing him before he becomes a true adolt at the age of 21. He has no queen because he was not elected king, but he was prince before so he was just sent to the throne with no queen. He does get lonely since most women just want him for his money and power.

Last edited by Drexy4ever; 12-21-2011 at 04:25 AM..

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 12-21-2011, 03:13 AM

Sasha Mcguire
16 years old.
She was raped one night and that very same night she was kidnapped and brought to this horrid place, it stinks and she is in a cage she used to be a princess until she was kidnapped and stuff. She is pregnant and isnt showing...She wants rights with everybody. She doesn't know what to do, she doesnt like this and now feels bad about people that she hated and was mean to.. She is quite sassy, sweet, shy, and used to be selfish but isn't now.

Stacy Love
17 years old
She was kidnapped one night to come to thing strange place. She used to be a model , yes a model.. at this age. She is still a virgin and is proud of it. Hopefully she'll stay a virgin for a little longer. She hates the dark place , not moving. People buy other people here. Its weird. she remembers talking about the slavery.

Ashley Fay
16 years old.
She was born in France, learned English. But acts like she doesn't know English sometimes. She was kidnapped too one night brought to this one place. Hmm. she is a virgin. She can dance really well. she actually wants to be a pole dancer when she is older.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-21-2011, 04:05 AM

Trey walked over to his window and looked out over the kingdom of Rapcity. It was beautiful. The skyscrapers reached to the clouds and the sidewalks were so shiny they looked like they could've been paved with gold. He sighed and looked up abruptly when he heard a rap on the door. "Come in." he said, still facing the window. His sister, Quia, walked in solemnly, knowing he didn't like to be disturbed when he was doing his daily gazing over the city. "Uh, daddy said he wants to see us. It's kinda urgent." she said, her head down. Trey turned slowly, then walked over to his sister. "Fine." Trey said, sounding extremely annoyed. Quia lead the way to their father's room. She opened the door, to reveal their dad doing the same exact thing Trey had been doing. He turned around when he heard the door hit the wall."'Kay, you two. I think you know what this is about." he said. Trey sighed angrily and Quia folded her arms over her chest. They both did know. It was evaluation time. The time when they were both to be evaluated to see if they were doing good so far on the road to becoming the best future king/queen possible. Trey almost always got D's on the report card for it and Quia always got B+'s. But that didn't mean she liked them. She let out a sharp exhale of air and rolled her eyes. "Daddy, you and I both know that we don't need these stupid tests. We been takin' 'em since we were five 'frickin years old. We deserve to have at least one year without 'em." she said angrily, not looking forward to the two weeks of constant testing. "Yeah, and you know that I always fail 'em anyways so you might as well not test me." Trey said, matter-of-factly. Quia nodded in agreement. Just then, Lenelle, the king's seceratary burst in looking really frazzled but excited at the same time. "Mr. King, guess what? The new servers are here! Finally, right? We've been waiting for weeks!" she said excitedly. They'd all been waiting for weeks to replace the last servers, who'd quit because they'd found better jobs. The king clapped in excitement. Quia clapped along. "They're from the same company as the last, so I expect that they'll be just as good as Deena, Marissa, and Alice. I believe their names are... Ashley, Stacy, and Sasha." Lenelle said, reading their names from her clipboard. Trey sighed, reminded of his small fling with Alice. He shook his head quickly and tuned back in to what Lenelle was saying. "Come with me downstairs to meet them!" Lenelle said excitedly. Everyone piled into the elevator and waited patiently to meet the new maids.

Last edited by Drexy4ever; 12-21-2011 at 04:30 AM..

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 12-21-2011, 04:24 AM

Sasha was in the stupid car driving to this one person's place. Not sure what to think. she looked over at her friends to see what they are doing. One was drawing on their arm. What if they do accept her about carrying a child at this young of a age. They must understand. She said " just hopefully we can be nice and they'll be nice back right?" Ashley and stacy weren't to fond of that idea. Stacy let out a exhale of air out of her mouth she said " but if they are rude right of the bat.. then what?" Her French accent coming out. Ashley sighed and said " i know right.. that's what i am worried about to.. Plus we were kidnapped and sold to these. People. " Sasha sighed and said " i wont let that happen since i'm a protective person and soon to be mother." she sighed. " Also, you forgot they forced tattoos on us. Hearts on our wrists. what does that show. " Sasha and Ashley exhaled and said " yeah " It got quiet until they stopped at the place. Wow. Even the outside was unwelcoming. Sasha got out the car letting Ashley and Stacy out. They slowly made their way to the entrance. Sasha had her mini skirt and halter top on. While Stacy was wearing a white dress. Ashley was wearing a black dress.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-21-2011, 04:39 AM

King Price stood at the door of the estate and waited for the new girls to come out of the car. Lenelle, Quia, and Trey lined up behind him. "Remember, Trey, you ain't havin' anything with these girls. After you went with Alice, she stopped takin' care of the roses I planted outside. She got too comfortable. You just gotta keep cool. And if you need some female companionship, just hit me up." Lenelle said to Trey, trying to make sure that the new maids would actually work instead of flirt with Trey all day. And to make sure he was all hers. Quia giggled silently, knowing that Lenelle had a crush on Trey and thinking it was cute. Trey said nothing and barely acknowlidged that Lenelle had even been talking to him. King Price just stood erectly and waited for the newbies to enter so he could introduce himself. He hoped they were as good as the last. They had done the laundry like angels.

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 12-21-2011, 04:52 AM

Sasha stopped to turn and look at her friend's were slacking. She was going pretty fast for some one pregnant. she looked at her stomach she still couldn't believe it. she had be touched so many ways. She bit her lower lip and gasped as she felt stacy's arm around hers. Sasha looked at and said " arent you gonna speak French we all can it will be funny as heck. " ashley giggled ' right. " she bit her lower lip standing on the other side of Sasha.. " Have you picked a name yet." Sasha said " no... not yet im waiting until i know the gender " As they came in the castle. Ashley said " oh well you know its always nice to not know the gender. " she giggled slightly. Ashley shook her head and said " les gens wow ( wow people ) " She bit her lower lip. Then, she said " Sa va être drôle quand ils ne me comprennent pas. ( Its gonna be funny when they don't understand me.) " Sasha nodded " Oui ( Yes ) " She smiled. Ashley closed her eyes but smelt something.. Stacy said " um Ashley is French, she is from France, so she doesn't understand English very well " Sasha giggled about the joke Ashley told.. about some people...

( awww i was thinking that maybe Trey can have one girl for his sake.. okay.. :P )

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-21-2011, 05:20 AM

(He can, because just because Lenelle doesn't want him to doesn't mean he won't.)

Lenelle shushed everyone as the new maids came in, even though no one was talking. "Hello, ladies. Welcome to Rapcity!" she said in her cheery fake commercial voice. Trey nodded a hello, and said nothing else, feeling kind of excited to have some new women in the house. At least one of them could replace Alice. Quia clapped her wrists together like she always did when she was over excited. She already knew she could be friends with these new girls just like she'd been with the old ones. King Price could hear her wrists slapping together crazily and turned around and held them until she stopped fidgiting. She calmed down then returned to doing a small smile and friendly wave. "Geoff! Please come here." King Price bellowed to Geoffrey, the main butler. Geoffrey walked over, proud to present himself, and stood firmly next to the king. "Please escort these women to their rooms. And after they are situated, we can have our meet and greet." King Price said. Geoffrey nodded and waited for the girls to follow him to the maid's rooms.

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 12-21-2011, 05:45 AM

Sasha looked at thee girl who was clapping with her wrists. She looked at them all confused. Ashley smiled seeing how she spoke. Stacy looked at Trey. Smiling she put her hands behind her back and looked over at the lady who spoke she said " Bonjour, mon nom est Stacy ( Hello, my name is Stacy ) " She smiled like she was innocent she sighed. Ashley said " et je suis Ashley ( and i am Ashley ) " Sasha gasped as she was elbowed in the ri she chocked a little and then said " et je suis Sasha ( and i am Sasha ) " Sasha seen the butler waiting for them She was about to walk but Ashley tried to trip her sasha said " hey watch it we have to be careful for the... " she almost gave it up and then paused " .. muscles " Ashley nodded " oh.. oui..(yes) the muscles " Her french accent coming out every time she spoke. Sasha caught herself " oui ( yes ) " Sasha looked around like she meant to say it. She smiled nervously she almost said she was pregnant.. not good when you just met some one.. Her hands behind her back following the butler. Stacy and Ashley followed her. Sasha whispered " that was a close one... we almost told them i was pregnant.. " Ashley said " that wouldnt be good we dont want to find out if you give labor, either you keep the child or they get it and do what ever" Stacy shook her head. Sasha hid her face with her hands.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-21-2011, 06:27 AM

Trey's eyebrow raised when he saw that the girls spoke French. He knew for a fact Geoffrey new it, because he'd helped him study for his French test back in 6th grade. He decided to say hi to those chicks later, though. He needed to go find his old French class book. He semi-jogged up the stairs, causing Lenelle to follow him and Quia to bite her lip and head toward the maid's rooms.
Trey took the stairs and made it to the 3rd floor in no time. He darted to his closet and began looking for the book. Lenelle walked up behind him and giggled nervously. "Need any help?" she asked quietly. Trey backed out of the closet and nodded no. He could've sworn he'd kept the book. But it didn't matter. He had Geoffrey and the translation app on his ipod to help him out. Lenelle bit her lip as Trey whipped out his black ipod and began tapping the screen. "They seem really nice. They remind me of Marissa and Alice. Remember how they could only speak spanish when they first got here?Good memories, right?" she asked, trying to get Trey to notice her. He nodded but continued frowning and tapping the screen of his ipod. Lenelle sat on the bed and waited for the king or Geoffrey to come up with an assignment for her.

Quia followed Geoffrey and the girls to the maid's rooms in the back of the first floor. The rooms were connected by hallways and had doors inbetween them. They first arrived at Deena's old room. It was closest to the main hallway. Quia couldn't understand what Geoffrey was saying. He was speaking in French to Stacy. Based on his hand gestures, he was telling her that this was her room. He then lead Quia and the other two to the next door inside of Stacy's new room. He said some things in French and Quia heard the name Sasha. Then, Geoffrey lead the last girl to the room connected to Sasha's and told her that that was her room in the same way he'd done before. Quia looked at Sasha, who's room she was still in, and smiled at her.

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 12-21-2011, 06:37 AM

First Stacy was dropped off she took a look around her room, She sighed. She bit her lower lip once she was done she layed on her stomach on the bed thinking how this life should be.. She didn't know. She closed her eyes she was really tired. Sasha went in her new room wandering in it. looking around how it looked it seemed suitable for her enough. She went and laid on her back humming. she was happy. Wondering what the people thought about the French whole thing. She went to the mirror looking at her stomach soon it will show then what should she tell every one. she looked down noticing some one still in the room she smiled a little. Ashley was laying on her bed. wondering. She sighed she didnt know. She bit her lower lip and thought of going back to just french but then again the hot guy. ugh.. she put a pillow over her head. Sasha just sighed and thought she looked fat. she looked at the girl and said " do i look fat.. " she sighed she didn't know if she wanted to keep the kid . She was Raped. This was a rapists child. But then again she can teach it from not doing that. No matter what it takes...

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-21-2011, 06:54 AM

"Oh!" Quia said, shocked that the girl spoke english. "No, honey, you ain't fat. You're skinny..." she said, questioning this girls security. Although, Quia had always been fairly judgmental. "Um, I'm Quia. What's your name?" she asked, feeling a little awkward in the room she'd spent so many hours in crocheting with Alice. Now it felt funny. She sighed and took a seat in the chair next to the door to Ashley's room.

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 12-22-2011, 05:11 PM

Sasha looked at the girl and said " oh.. " she smiled a little and then layed on her back sighing. But then put her hands behind her lifting herself up " Im Sasha.. " she smiled. She was happy. Ashley was humming some song. She was tired. But she can't just sleep they're in a new place. So many things to wander around. Lets see, She smiled maybe they want us to wear something else? Like something special, she goes to the closet opening it seeing a little maids outfit. Hmm okay. She smiled. Stacy was in her room smiling. She was happy they were there but. she looked at her wrist a heart tattoo saying they are slaves. She frowned. She wasn't happy. She didn't like being marked , she hated being some kind of property.. But she couldn't get that guy out of her head. He was hot.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-22-2011, 05:43 PM

Trey nodded in happiness when he found the app he'd been looking for. He plopped himself onto the bed next to Lenelle and began laughing in excitement. "You found it.". Lenelle stated, not even having to look at him to know it. Trey didn't answer. He just typed in his favorite catch phrase and read the screen. But apparently, 'Honey, you is fine.' didn't make sense in French. He kept typing in different compliments while Lenelle just blankly stared at him. "I don't think they'll go for you, Trey. I mean, you're fine and all, but I just wasn't gettin' that type of vibe. Y'know?" she said. This caused Trey to look up. "Girl! I'm caramel-coloured, I got abs, and I'm suaver then Billy Dee Williams. I bet you they'd maul me down if they weren't scared of gettin' fired." he said in a confident tone. Lenelle nodded and stood, feeling kind of sad. It was obvious Trey didn't like her. And it was even worse because he liked most girls. She walked out without another word.

Quia examined Sasha. Then she thought she saw something special on her. Something like a... like a glow. Maybe it was sweat. But there was something different about her. She walked over to the mirror and pretended to fix her bangs, but instead looked at Sasha in the reflection. She definitely had some type of glow. It made her skin radiant. It was the type she'd seen on pregnant women... she thought about it and then put it aside. It was too quiet in here and the air was densening. She smiled at Sasha one more time before walking out of the door and going to go contemplate something.

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 12-22-2011, 06:11 PM

Sasha smiled she bit her lower lip and then closed her eyes, Man why did she have this happen to her soo early. Plus being raped... she wanted to cry. She was scared that it might happen again. she put a pillow over her face slowly and silently cried not wanting the person in here to know about was going on. Ohh wait.. she remember the doctor when she was told she was pregnant that there was some people that can tell if your pregnant like a certain glow. Ughh.she frowned she removed the pillow. About to speak but she seen no one. Oh no. What if she was one of those people. What if she tells them. Oh no she would be screwed. She wanted to cry even more. Which she did.

Stacy was in her room smiling twirling and dancing. She was wanted to sing... She smiled. she was thinking about her old job. A model. The photographer was so... hot.. She smiled she then wondered about the meet and greet whole thing... She got out of her room. As she seen Ashley get out of her room. " aimez-vous votre chambre? ( Do you like your room?) Ashley smiled and then said ' oui et vous? ( yes and you?)" Stacy said " Oui (yes)" She smiled. Ashley giggled and then said " eh bien je vais dessiner ( well i'm going to draw ) " Stacy giggled and nodded " ok moi aussi ( okay me too )" they went back in their room and did what htey were gonna do. Draw.

Last edited by BeautyMonster; 12-22-2011 at 06:44 PM..

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-22-2011, 09:48 PM

"Okay, Geoffrey, lets get everyone together for the meet-and-greet." King Price said excitedly. Geoffrey walked over to the intercom on the wall in the dining room and told everyone to come downstairs to the dining-room. King Price sat at his usual seat at the head of the table. Trey, Lenelle, and Quia arrived shortly. Trey and Quia sat at their usual seats on either side of the king. Lenelle sat next to Trey, and they waited for the new maids to arrive. The last seats left were the two next to Quia and the one next to Lenelle.

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 12-22-2011, 11:06 PM

Sasha sighed, oh yeah the meet and greet thing.. She exited her room as Stacy and Ashley did. She smiled. she was happy. Sasha wondered. She didnt know. Hmm. She smiled a little. Stacy linked arms with Ashley and Sasha wondering where to go. Ashley said "Je pense que nous sommes perdus ( i think we are lost ) " She sighed looking down. Sasha said " non ... nous ne sommes pas no we aren't )" But um it was kind of slow.. Stacy sighed and then wondered. She didn't know where they were going until they passed a room she giggled and then said " Oh, nous sommes ici ( oh, we are here ) " she sighed and then wondered. Hmm. She went over to sit. Sasha sat next to Quia. Looking down she wondered. Did she know that she was pregnant. She wanted abortion pills. Maybe she can go to the store. Hmm. She smiled maybe once she gets paid. Wait.. She looked at the marking.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 01:43 AM

Quia smiled at Sasha and scooted into the table. King Price was beginning his speech on what each maid was to clean. "Girls, there's not much for you to clean. This is a fairly small mansion. Just 9 bedrooms. But you all aren't cleaning anyone's bedrooms except your own. Here's what ya'all is 'sposed to clean. Stacy, you clean Trey's game room and the bathroom. Both are on the second floor. Sasha, you're 'sposed to clean the livin' room and the dining room. And Ashley, you need to clean the kitchen and the garden. You all can alternate and choose which hallways you want to mop but if they ain't mopped by Friday, I'll pick the first one of you all that I see." King Price said sternly. Quia stopped smiling once a plate was placed in front of her by Geoffrey and she began eating. Trey and Lenelle did the same. Geoffrey made the best chicken imaginable. And the shrimp-fried rice on the side looked really good. King Price peered at the girls waiting for them to take in their new assignments.

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 03:08 AM

Stacy looked at him as he said her name. Her job. Okay now her job was to find that. Hm. She hoped her friend Sasha would be okay with this baby going along she hope that she wouldn't choose abortion. she looked at Trey then down as she fixd her hair real quick then when she seen the food . It was yummy. she wanted to take a bite. oh. she couldn't stop thinking about Sasha. She then said " okay. " she smiled. Wait she just spoke English at least she didn't blow it for Ashley. Sasha nodded " merci ( thank you ) " she smiled. Ashley looked at them confused she smiled turning to her repeating what he said but in French. Then she smiled. turning the right way beginning to eat. Ashley eye's widened " oh " she said.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 03:41 AM

Quia's eyebrow went up, hearing the girl speak english. But then remembered that Sasha had asked her if she was fat, and that had been in english too. Quia stuffed her mouth with a piece of chicken to make sure she didn't ask any questions that could make her look like an idiot and looked at Trey tap away on his ipod. "Trey, put that damned thing away. You know there's no games allowed at the table." King Price said, right as Quia thought he would. She giggled at her pshycicness and smiled as Trey huffed and stuffed the thing in his pocket, knowing that he couldn't argue with his father. Lenelle smiled too and leaned closer to Trey, then looked at each maid indivisually, as if telling them telepathically that he was hers. Trey was doing the exact opposite and smirking at the maids like he was telling them like he was free to fly and single to mingle. Geoffrey came out and brought everyone orange and red soda drinks.

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 04:33 AM

Stacy looked down biting her lower lip. She heard about no toys. Hmm. She was sorta happy. she seen the look Trey was giving them she smiled. she was happy. She bit her lower lip it was sorta making her nervous. she then said " attendre mp 3 joueurs sont damnés? ( wait mp 3 players are damned?) " Ashley giggled covering her face she shook her head " non, ( no) " she face palmed herself and then bit her lower lip.Sasha just giggled and then said " la seule chose damnés est le violeur qui a mis la malédiction sur moi ( the only damned thing is the rapist who put the curse on me) " Stacy then said " attendre savent-ils français? ( wait do they know French?) " Sasha and Ashley shrugged. Sasha looked at the girl who was giving her a look of.. Oh.. okay. Ashley looked at Trey smiling a little. She then looked down. Not caring about what looks the girl was giving them.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:04 AM

Quia looked up, just in time to see Geoffrey's eyes widen like he'd seen a ghost. He covered his mouth and walked briskly into the kitchen. Quia stood and walked to him, not being able to stop herself. Trey nodded his head and decided to start questioning the girls so he would be able to pick his favorite. "So, any a ya'all like rappers?" he said in bad French, after whipping his ipod back out for a few moments. King Price hadn't seen that. He was too focused on why Quia had gotten up so fast.

In the kitchen, Quia was asking Geoffrey what had happened, and he was telling her everything that the girls had just revealed. Quia's face twisted into of pure fear. That was so sad! She walked back out quietly and glanced at Sasha, then looked over at Lenelle, who was practically laying on Trey's arm, and Trey was flirting with the maids. Just like old times.

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 05:20 AM

Stacy giggled and then said " its not how you say it but okay ' she smiled.. she bit her lower lip. Sasha looked down still thinking about that night. She put her hands over her face and her elbows on the table.. Ughh.. Wait.. they know french.. oh no..that is just great, she sighed she wanted to cry... Ughh.. Ashley looked at Sasha then at Trey she smiled she said " Oui ( Yes ) " She smiled.Stacy smiled a little. She looked at Sasha... Sasha was seriously crying. she just blew her being raped. She then said " Je suis désolé mais je dois être excusé. ( Im sorry but i hae to be excused. ) " She then got up and ran to her room. She let her room door open , not meaning too. She laid on her stomach on the bed.

Last edited by BeautyMonster; 12-23-2011 at 06:01 AM..

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 07:14 AM

Quia, Trey, Lenelle, and King Price raised their eyebrows in unison, shocked at Sasha's quick detachment to the table. Trey rolled his eyes. He didn't like these maids like he liked the old ones. They were annoying. He remembered how Alicia had been easy-going and funny. So far, these chicks just seemed foreign and sad. By the look on Lenelle's face, she was thinking the same thing. Lenelle watched as Geoffrey collected their plates to put them in the wash and looked at the others solemnly before going into the kitchen. Quia knew what this was about now. Sasha asking if she thought that she was fat. Sasha rubbing her stomach. Sasha being raped. She was pregnant! They couldn't have a pregnant maid! That hadn't worked with Patty, the first maid they'd ever had. She worked less once she had her kid, out of tiredom. Plus, kids annoyed the crap out of everyone. No one in the house liked kids except her father and Geoffrey. She hated that she was having these mean thoughts after the whole rape thing, but she really couldn't have this. She sighed and walked away from the table again, this time returning to her room. Trey looked at Lenelle and his dad, wondering if it was okay for everyone to just leave like Quia had. Without answer, he semi-jogged back up the stairs, without giving it another thought. Now it was just Ashley, Lenelle, and King Price. Lenelle ate some of her chicken and peered at King Price, silently asking for further direction.

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 07:18 AM

ashley felt awkward at the table she smiled a little and then said " Alors .... ( So.... ) " She bit her lower lip. She couldnt believe this.. what.. was she gonna do, both of her friends ditched her alone with these... she smiled a little.

( will post more once i get back but post back )

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 07:42 AM

Lenelle finished her food slowly and looked up at Ashley, who seemed confused at what to do. She looked at King Price, who seem angered at the fact that everyone had left but hadn't used the intercom to go get them. She stood, patted King Price on the back and left to go talk to Trey. Now King Price was there with just Ashley. He had never been one to be good at forcing small talk, so he just finished his chicken then sat as Geoffrey cleared the empty spots like he always did. When Geoffrey was done, he went to his bedroom and suddenly remembered something. He used the intercom to get Trey and Quia back into his room. They came in at the same time. "Ya'all know we still didn't finish talkin' about your evaluation." he said, sounding like he wanted to laugh at the fact that they'd tried to escape it. They sighed in unison. "All you need to know is that is's this Friday, which means you need to know the maids well enough to trust with your life by then. Those are the types of realationships the teacher looks for between a master and his help." he said. He waved his hand and they left, knowing that signal to mean 'I'm done.'.


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