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The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 09:55 PM

Name: Jenaka (Jenny)
Age: 25
Weapons: Longsword, whip and knives

Last edited by The_Moons_Whisper; 01-18-2012 at 09:59 PM..

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Old 01-18-2012, 10:00 PM

Name: Lord Kei
age: 30
Weapons: long sword used dark magic

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 10:15 PM

Jenaka nodded to the villagers as she walked through the small marketplace. After she'd parted ways with the infamous Lord Kei, she'd hired herself out as a protector. It wasn't like she asked for a lot, knowing villages rarely had much to offer. She only asked for what she needed to survive. In return, she kept them safe from bandits and occassional 'wanna-be warlords' that tried to test themselves against her. She answered to a different name since she left Kei's company. She didn't want to be hunted by everyone, especially those looking for revenge for her evil campaigns. Finally coming to the local tavern, she sat on the far stool at the bar and just observed.

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 10:30 PM

Lord kei was in the throne room like always but when he heard of that girl ruined everything again he was mad he sent killers to find her and bring her back alive. Lord Kei wanted for weeks and she was to strong for them and knew it too. Lord Kei left his home and went to find her as well they were in war with another place in japan.

Lord Kei hid himself from others and tried to look for the girl and than saw her looking around and kept from her and wanted for her and him to be alone. It was night and Lord kei walked around and was on the roof tops and than look at her alone and said "I think it is time you must die." Lord Kei jumped down and looked at her.

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 10:40 PM

Jenaka talked a few times with villagers, reassuring them they were safe. Once night fell, she walked around the village doing a patrol. She growled a little when she heard his voice. She pulled her sword and faced him. "I think you need to leave, Kei." Her voice had acid in it. He had the balls to come and try to kill HER!

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 10:49 PM

Lord Kei looked at her and laughed evil and looked at her evil "Why should I you don't know why i'm after you." Lord Kei looked at you and said "by the way you better leave town i heard the guards here is the lord up that road and he is evil more than me so you better leave town before the war starts." Lord Kei looks at him and winks at her and than he gone by black mist.

Lord kei looked at the guard from the other lord and they were nice but Lord kei put a spell on them to be evil and to kill her and he smirk " you will become mine Jenny no one will have you but me this war will be your fault." Lord Kei left and ordered his men to follow her everywhere.

Lord Kei went to his room and watch the village dying.

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 10:56 PM

Jenaka actually listened to Kei, though he sounded like he was up to something. She'd been by his side for ten years, she knew when he was trying to pull something. She wandered the town, keeping an extra eye out for trouble. A scream was heard from a nearby house about an hour later and she sprinted for it. She got there in time to catch the gaurd breaking in to a home. She grabbed a staff and knocked him off his feet. His head hit the table and it knocked him out. After tying him up, she sounded the alarm, making the gaurds gather around her. "We're under attack! Capture, don't kill! There's something wrong about this." They nodded and spread out, capturing a total of twenty attackers in a matter of minutes. They locked them up. As soon as it was clear, she snuck in to the ruling Lord of the land's castle and in to his bedroom. She stood there over him. "Why are your men attacking the village?" She had her hand on her weapon in case he tried anything.

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 11:05 PM

Lord kei best men called as the five walked to her and laughed her "you really are dumb girl Lord Kei order us to take you back to him as wife or this war will be on you as in you will die in the war." The five looked at her and laughed and they were ready to kill her or take her but they knew she was strong each.

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 11:10 PM

Jenaka growled and took a stance. "You think you can take me?" She was ready to kick all their butts. They knew it too. She wasn't too thrilled about Kei's plan, but she would take care of him later.

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 11:16 PM

The five looked at her and than some guards came and will fight her for a long time "you better not lose Jenaka." they smirk and left as well. The five went back to the lord and it as been set as well. Lord Kei was pleased and than went to the throne room and looked his kingdom and knew this world will be in the dark ages forever with a king and queen of darkness. Lord Kei smirk and laughed.

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 11:21 PM

Jenaka fought off the gaurds easily. She then moved outside the castle and moved off to an open field. "Alright, Kei. Show yourself. Stop being a coward and face me like a man."

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 11:28 PM

Lord Kei smirk and said "oh your not ready to fight me yet little one." Just than a big black hole was under her feet and took her away from here on the other side of japan it would take her 5 days to get her back to Lord Kei home. "now come and find me my love."

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 01-19-2012, 03:50 AM

Jenaka scowled when she found out where she was. "You're a coward, Kei." She knew he could hear her, she wanted him to. She didn't see that she had any chance of getting at him soon, so she just wandered until she found a small town to stay in.

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 01-19-2012, 05:28 AM

Lord Kei laughed and than knew she would get here and fight him as well and than sent the five to try to get people to hunt her down for money on her. Lord Kei went back to his room and sat on the bed and waited for a while "You will be mine Jenaka you will be mine forever." Kei laughes.

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 01-19-2012, 05:25 PM

Jenaka was getting sick and tired of Kei trying to get her back. His methods didn't even make any sense. Why would he send her days away if he wanted her to face him. It wasn't like he needed time to prepare or anything. They were pretty evenly matched. She just thought him to be insane, especially since the last time she saw him. Soon, she fell asleep on the bed in the inn she stayed in. Her knife in her hand, resting on her stomach.

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 01-19-2012, 11:14 PM

Lord Kei sent people to find her but he was going to put a spell on her so she will be nightmares forever. Lord Kei put a nightmare spell only when she sleeps. Lord Kei wants her to be feared and to learn things about herself and Lord Kei knows of it to. Lord Kei lays on his bed and thinks how the spell worked on her yet. The five got there than than order the guards to lock her door with a spell and windows so she will be feared by her nightmare.

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 01-20-2012, 04:54 AM

Jenaka started having nightmares, making her tense in her sleep. She fought against the nightmares she soon realized were caused by Kei. She woke later with a start with a hot sweat. With knife in hand she moved to the door. Finding it locked somehow, she climbed out the window and started down that street.

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 01-20-2012, 06:22 AM

Lord Kei knew she got out of her nightmares he put on her she was strong after all and than told the five to tell the guards to try to kill her. The five ordered the guards to find her and kill her and they went after her and than guards saw her and ran to her and try to kill her.

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 01-21-2012, 01:03 AM

Jenaka fought off everyone that came her way. She had to hold herself back from killing them. It wasn't like she was trying to go back to what she used to be with Kei.

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 01-21-2012, 02:42 AM

Kei was getting more mad the five are useless than Kei got up and than got his outfit on and than goes to find the girl and will hurt her. Kei got there fast "Have you learn nothing girl!"

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 01-21-2012, 03:19 AM

Jenaka looked at Kei when he came to her. She didn't look as mad as she usually did. "You're the one that doesn't learn, Kei. Did you ever wonder why I left in the first place?"

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Old 01-21-2012, 07:13 AM

Kei looked at her and and than walked to her slowly and said while walking to her " you will never understand why I'm doing this I'm doing this cause you must see what i saw in you years of you working for me. I always loved you but you loved someone else and I killed him so you and I can be together but no you left and after the war and the war is getting worse you don't know how bad it is going to get." Kei looked at the sky and was getting worse "I sent you here to learn about yourself and why you must not fight me and yes I wanted to kill you but this is not about me it is about you now. find herself what you are and maybe we can fight." Kei left and went to her home and knew she must be alone to understand the war she fought in and the war now as well.

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Old 01-21-2012, 08:40 AM

Jenaka sighed, knowing that he would never understand. She'd never loved that other man, not in a romantic way. Kei had always been overly jealous. If he'd just accepted that she liked a guy and was his friend than they would've been fine. He didn't need to kill that poor man. That had been the straw that broke the camels back. She just sat on the ground, tears coming to her eyes. It had been the first time she'd even thought of anything but revenge since she left him.


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