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Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 04:16 PM

Ok, here I will practice my suspense building, my mystery keeping and my writing skills all in one shot. I will try to make short stories of various events while trying to keep the protagonist and his/her/its crisis as ambiguous as possible until the very end.

Here's the first one I made in the Summer Boardwalk;
Prompt 1: The Chase Scene.
By Artsydaze.

The Watery Fright.

The moment he became conscious enough to remember it all, he knew he was in trouble.

Waking himself from his slumber took the boy precious time and extricating himself from his blanket seemed to take even longer, instilling into his being a deep sense of dread at the thought of being caught by Her. Finally freeing himself from his restraints, he scuttled away as fast as his little legs could bear, reaching for the door just beyond his grasp. Just when he turned the brass knob, a sound just beyond the only other door of the room made his heart jump in his chest. She was back.

Wrenching the door open with all his might, he bounded into temporary safety and closed the door behind him, just in time to hear his previous sanctuary being infiltrated by the enemy. There was no time left. Heart beating frantically in his tiny chest, the boy ran up the stairs, as fast as he could, the dark closet at the top of it looking particularly inviting in that moment of crisis. Finally reaching it in time, he hid.

Trying to quiet his harsh panting, he hope that She didn't see him yet, as hiding was his only hope until reinforcements arrived. There would be no such thing today, he knew, and that fact made this early evening all the more bleak. As the last rays of sun died beneath the crack under the latched door, he waited. As he heard Her go up the stairs, he stifled his breathing as much as he could as She slowly walked by his refuge. Straining his ear until he could not hear Her any longer, he burst out of his hiding place, sprinting to the safety of his bedroom. As he was merely a few meters from safety, he felt himself being jerked back and dragged to a unspeakable fate.

She caught him.

It was over.

It was Bath Time.
Obliviously, the next ones won't have a title to keep things as mysterious as I can ;)!

I hope you'll like them and drop reviews!

You can also give me your own prompt and I will try to go with it.


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