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AzuraX is offline
Old 03-15-2013, 09:01 PM


Name: Kross Sunset
Nick Name: none
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sin: Pride
Element: Fire
Power: He can shape fire into doing anything he pleases.
Talent: Lowering other people's self of steem by proving he can do things even better. He is talented in all areas and a lot of people either hate or love him.
Speaking Color: Dark Red
Symbol: Fireball
Personality: Kross can be a show off and prides himself on his talents. He likes to prove he is better than other people and outshine everyone. He can be a bit sarcastic and mean when people try to challenge him. He is blinded by his pride a lot and it tends to gain him enemies.
Likes: He likes attention, being popular, being on the top, and more that anything he loves being better than everyone else.
Dislikes: He hates people who try to beat him in any area.
Bio: Kross grew up with his twin brother with a single father. For a long time Kross only had Seth by his side. The two supported eachother as their father ran out on them. Once Kross was out of highschool he promised to work with Seth to do even better. This promise lead him to the top and his sin slowly has started to awaken within him.


---------- Post added 03-15-2013 at 05:23 PM ----------


Username: AzuraX
Name: Seth Sunset
Nick Name: SS
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sin: Sloth
Element: Darkness
Power: He can create shadows, pure black energy, death, and summon nightmares.
Talent: Seth can cause someone to die in an instant.
Speaking Color: Dark Slate Blue
Symbol: Skull.
Personality: Seth is consumed by hate and the urge to kill. He is considered every dangerous and heartless. His ice eyes are filled with no love and he wants everyone around him to die.
Likes: Seth enjoys death and black attire.
Dislikes: He hates to see people happy and anything bright.
Bio: Seth grew up with his twin brother Kross, but he had many secrets. When Kross wasn’t around Seth was constantly abused by their father. This started to turn the hate in Seth and twisted him. The night after Seth tried to finally end their father, the man ran away. To this day Seth swears his revenge if he ever sees his father again.



Name: Ren Louket
Nick Name: None
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sin: Wrath
Element: Earth
Power: He can control any type of life form whether it is human, beast, or plants.
Talent: Ren can speak all languages and specializes in mind control.
Speaking Color: Dark Green
Symbol: Leaf
Personality: Ren loves to fight and get in trouble. He is probably the biggest trouble maker in the world. He loves to spread lies that causes people to conflict and tries to constantly cause the anger in others to explode. He can be very energizing, but if you hit the wrong button he is quick to snap. Ren is well known for his anger issues and he can’t seem to control himself when he is upset.
Likes: Ren enjoys sports and anything involving violence. His favorite is boxing, where he usually beats up his classmates.
Dislikes: Ren hates it when things are peaceful. (It makes his element very ironic.)
Bio: Ren grew up with a military family, constantly moving from place to place. Ren was usually alone and the stress inside was always bottled up. He used to be a very silent child, but in his teens his bottled up feelings popped. Ever since he began fighting with people who were his enemies he began to discover how much he loves to fight. This was only the beginning of wrath’s awakening.



Username: AzuraX
Name: Scarlet Everein
Nick Name: Scar
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sin: Envy
Element: Ice, water, and gas.
Power: Scar can control any water type.
Talent: Her best talent is shaping ice into anything she wants and singing.
Speaking Color: Teal
Symbol: Water
Personality: Scar almost never talks. She is very awkward and usually holds a sad expression on her face. She constantly compares herself to others only to think that she is much worse. Scar envies everyone and thinks that everyone is much more talented than herself. Her self esteem is very low and that causes her to be an outcast.
Likes: Scar likes singing but she doesn’t do it often.
Dislikes: She hates everything about herself.
Bio: Scarlet was born into a musically talented family who loved to travel to play consorts. At first she was inspired and began to produce her own sounds. Not much later her parents began to disprove, calling her untalented and deaf to tunes. Scarlet began to believe this more after her friends mocked her playing and singing. From there on Scarlet began to lower more and more until she thought of herself as useless and envied everyone.


Last edited by AzuraX; 03-17-2013 at 12:16 PM..

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 03-17-2013, 12:40 AM

Name: Calcifer Archer
Nick Name: Cal
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sin: Greed
Talent: He can make peoples greed bloom till they have get themselves in trouble.
Speaking Color: Goldish
Symbol: Lightning Bolt
Personality: Cal is very full of himself and always thinks he is right.
Likes: He likes to pride himself in everything he does and even if he does it wrong will say how bad it was.
Dislikes: He hates having his pride ruined.
Bio: Cal grow up as a single child but his parents didn't pay attention to him till he started to steal things. He soon got himself in trouble with the law but that didn't stop him till all he knew was greed.

Name: Rena Star
Nick Name: none
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sin: Lust
Element: Air
Talent: She can take the breath from peoples bodies. She also uses it to lift her skirt at just the right moments.
Speaking Color: Purple
Symbol: Tornado
Personality: Rena has a very self centered view of the world and only things of herself.
Likes: She likes to about her looks, makeup, and hairspray.
Dislikes: She hates people who think they look better then her.
Bio: Finx grow up as a single child both her parents payed her to much attention and made sure to tell her how beautiful she was. As she got older and other people started to say the same thing she become very concerned with her looks and began feeling the need to make people happy by looking good.

Name: Annabella Gray
Nick Name: Anna
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sin: Gluttony
Element: Light
Talent: She can turn off the light without having to get up.
Speaking Color: Plum
Symbol: a plum
Personality: Anna doesn't have much of a personality but when if you ask her she'll say slow like a sloth.
Likes: She likes food but chocolate is her favorite
Dislikes: She hates working.
Bio: Anna grew up rich so she never had to do anything for herself and over the years it got worse. Know shes stuck as the sin but is to lazy to correct it.

Name: Finx Sunfara
Nick Name: none
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Speaking Color: blue
Personality: Finx is kind and gentle but she gets into trouble a lot.
Likes: She likes chocolate, playing the piano, and long walks
Dislikes: She hates vanilla, stubbing her toe, and school
Bio: Finx is a normal girl who parents are normal enough maybe a little over excited sometimes. Though know she feels like shes being watched.

Last edited by finx15; 03-18-2013 at 06:43 PM..

AzuraX is offline
Old 03-21-2013, 03:08 AM

Pride and Sloth

Seth Sunset smirked as he eyed his struggling prey that was now gasping and coughing on the cold stone pavement. The sun was peeking out and caused the shadows to shift, but Seth soon had them under control. With a snap the shadows tense before attacking the slowly dying man. Seth grinned as the man sent out his last scream before the shadows and death confused him, turning the victim into an ashy corpse. But now Seth waited, he waited for curious minds to seek the source of the scream. Oh how thrilling it was to wait for his next target, but he was soon crushed by disappointment.

Kross sighed as he heard a sudden scream, and knew right away where his twin brother had wondered off to. Kross got up from his new sitting spot and hurried to find his brother. Kross felt more angry than usual, not because of his brother's actions, but because now Kross probably wouldn't get the the meeting early. Kross prided himself in being at the very top, even if it meant beating everyone else to a mere "family meeting".

As usual, the scene of corpses on the ground didn't surprise Kross. He knew his brother loved it, and why deny him what he loves? As long as Seth didn't mess with his pride, Kross didn't mind what Seth did. They were twins anyways, so he couldn't help it. Even if his twin shamed him it wouldn't matter because he was bounded to Seth. Sure their disires were a bit different, but so what? He pat Seth's back and walked to the meeting happily.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 03-21-2013, 06:31 PM

Calcifer walked toward the meeting place wondering if the others would be there or if once again gluttony wouldn't bother to show up. He sighed and started to play around with peoples feelings as he walked enjoying how confused they were.

Rena giggled at the look on boys faces as she walked by she liked to flunt her powers everywhere she went. "Hello Kross." she said spotting pride "We'res you're brother?"

Annabella couldn't believe she was going to meet the others usually she didn't because it went against the very fabric of her sin. She sighed wishing the meeting place was closer or that she would pump into one of the other girls sins not the boys because they freaked her out.

AzuraX is offline
Old 03-22-2013, 04:34 AM

Kross noted his other family members as he joined in. He wasn't surprised that Ren and Scar weren't here. Ren took his time and Scar was always late. Something Kross hated was being late. He nodded to his cousin and smiled, patting his head. "It's nice to see you too Calcifer."

Seth grumbled as he came in behind his brother. He was still a bit upset because his fun was suddenly stopped. He slowly let it go, but only for Kross. If anyone else ever tried to ruin it they would end up a fried corpse. He found his place in the dark corners, enjoying his own company of shadows.

Ren popped out as he usually does, in a sudden big bang. The door flew open and Ren dashed in like the crazy teenager he was. Right away he pounced on Rena, hugging her and trying to act cool. "Hey forget these losers Rena, I am way cooler than them. Mr. Prideful over there might deny it, but I'm the baddest boy here." He smirked, kissing Rena's cheek before skipping to a seat.

As always, Scarlet was the last to enter. She blushed in embarrassment as she noticed everyone else was here and hid herself in a corner. Scarlet wasn't much of a talker and she envied her family. Everyone here was so pretty, or at least everyone but her. She looked at everyone from beyond her red bangs before shyly glancing off. She wished she was confident like Rena was. She could talk to anyone and win over a guy's heart in a second. As for Scarlet, it would be amazing even if people wanted to be her friend.

Last edited by AzuraX; 03-25-2013 at 12:30 AM..

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 03-23-2013, 12:34 AM

Anna smiled at the others "Hello everyone." She reached out for Scarlets hand out of all the sins Anna thought Scarlet was the best to hang around. The other intimidated her and even Rena tended to scare her though Rena stood up for the other to girls it could get intense some times.

Rena scowled at Ren. " Why is it that you try to make Kross mad all the time?" She sat down next to Anna like usually it as a thing the girls against the boys. She liked the boys fine but they could be mean to Anna and she liked scarlett fine as well.

Cal scowled at Kross before sitting down "I'm glad we're all finally together." he glanced at Anna who tried to use Rena as a shield as usual. "So what's on the table this time?

AzuraX is offline
Old 03-24-2013, 02:18 AM

Scarlet gave her second cousin Anna a small smile. She was the only girl who treated Scarlet with kindness. She found that very touching and loyally followed Anna. She wasn't even very envious when with Anna. Somehow she seemed to bring Scarlet to a happier side. Sometimes she wished Anna could always be around. But that was too selfish to ask for, so she didn't say a word as she sat down.

Ren grinned his signature grin, that offal true devil. He winked at Rena and chuckled amusingly. Then he sneaked his hand onto her juicy plump chest while embracing her. "Oh come on. What makes you so attracted to Kross? He's a cool man with no room for love. Forget him and be with me already. He doesn't want a beautiful girl like he so he's just begging to miss out on your sexy body." He smirked, excited. If she began to fight him it would only make him happier. There was no way to beat Ren into some colon sense.

Kross made for a seat, ignoring Ren as usual. He found that fighting Ren was useless so he simply tuned to man out. He tended to be ashamed by Ren a lot though. Ren had no control at all, and that's what got him into tons of fights. He couldn't go a day without hearing that Ren got into a fight. There was even a time Ren was in the hospital after getting stabbed by a knife and that very night he got kicked out for fighting with his room mate.

Seth was the only one left standing so he took the stage by unwrapping a giant brown map. In the middle was a giant collage and he pointed at it. "This is Blaize University, aka our new target. This school is said to full of females, a school for all girls. But there's a rumor of a giant power sorcery in the old tunnels of the school. That means we will have to dress up as girls and find a way to that power source. This source will help us discover more of our powers and maybe we will finally be able to destroy this world just as we were made to do."

Last edited by AzuraX; 03-25-2013 at 12:30 AM..

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 03-24-2013, 11:44 PM

Rena grabbed Ren around the neck and started to choke "AT LEAST KROSS IS A GENTLEMEN YOU UGH!" she snarled before tossing him away from her "honestly."

"Why can't just us girls go and see if its there?" Anna asked then smiled "Not that it wouldn't be fun seeing you boys dressed as girls but just why?"

AzuraX is offline
Old 03-25-2013, 12:29 AM

Ren grinned in victory as she started to fight him. He didn't fight back just to see what she planned. When he was pushed away he was slightly disappointed before he finally got to a seat. Sighing he listened to Seth talk on and got on his signature grin once more. "All girls? I'm in."

Seth ignored the fighting in the back ground as they gathered plans. Clearly the boys was the issue here. Only a few could probably pull off being a girl but some when a bit on the big side from working out, or in Ren's case there was constant fighting that built him. "I'm going to have to say Ren is too big to fit in here. You have made your self too built up. As for Kross and I, I think it won't take us long to figure out our disguise."

Scarlet slumped down as soon as she heard about an all girls school. In her highschool years they were her constant enemy. Whenever they saw her they would attack her without mercy. She shivered as she remembered their laughes and clung tightly to Anna. "I... I don't think I wanna go..." She spoke very softly, her voice meek and shaky.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 03-25-2013, 04:55 PM

"Don't worry Scarlet Me and Rena will look out for you and just think we get to dress the boys up as girls." Anna smiled "Even Cal." she grins evilly at Cal

"Do we really have to do this I mean the girls can handle themselves heck Rena can handle all three by herself." Cal grimaced he didn't like the idea of dressing as a girl.

"For once I agree with Seth we can't go just the three of us the thing might be to heavy for just us." Rena sighed "well have to have Seth play are father or something theres no way well get in with out a person playing are adult."

AzuraX is offline
Old 03-25-2013, 06:49 PM

Scarlet glanced at Rena and hid behind Anna. Rena was so pretty compared to Scarlet, who thought herself to be the ugliest thing on Earth. She shyly looked away, not wanting to look at Rena anymore. "Are you so sure about that? I don't know..." Scarlet sighed and looked at the map.

Kross looked at his cousin in agreement. He'd lose pride if he dressed as a girl even for a mission like this. He glanced at his brother, feeling a bit on edge. He didn't think he was totally up for it. "Rena is right but... dressing up as a girl? Are you sure about this? Seth could never pull off being our father though."

Seth nodded as he listened to them all. Once he had listened he responded with a naturally lazy answer. "Look this is a mission, and we can't deny it. Since the girls need someone strong we will naturally help them. Unless you want to loss pride in being a man that is. Ren will act as out father, since that's the only way he will get into school."

Ren grinned even more as he listened. He began to dance in his chair, seeming the most excited for this. He hummed his signature victory tune and stood up even though it really wasn't necessary to do. He smirked as he looked at Seth proudly. "I'd be more than happy to act as the father."

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 03-27-2013, 12:10 AM

Rena nodded "Good...Do they have uniforms in this school? If they do we'll need time to make some big enough for you boys so no one notices you're man parts" she gestured to Anna's dress as an example.

"You know if you have to wear a dress or skirt you'll have to shave you're legs" Anna smirked evilly "Oh that should be fun." she looks to scarlet "How about you and me go get the make up they'll need?"

AzuraX is offline
Old 03-27-2013, 01:53 AM

Seth sighed as he stood up and looked at the other guys. "Yes, we will have to buy long skirts and wear bows around our collars. The uniform colors is white, blue, red, and black. We should get them in the mail."

Scarlet smiled and nods gently. "We will teach them since boys don't know how to. It will be a lot of fun to do." She got up happily and looked at the school map.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 03-27-2013, 06:55 PM

"This should be fun I haven't gone to school in years." Anna said "I can't wait to teach you boys the fine art of walking in a skirt."

Rena snorted "Oh yes this should be good its not often we get to have this kind of fun." she grinned evilly "We'll start by shaving legs then we you can move again well work on other things."

"Do we have to shave are legs?" Cal asked hoping she would was wrong. "I mean really."

"Of course you do." Rena stood up and walked out so they chould see her legs "Though we wear nylons you can still see threw them which means we have to shave almost daily."

AzuraX is offline
Old 03-27-2013, 07:12 PM

"Sorry guys but Rena is right, we will have to suffer a bit and shave. Unless you want to look like a creaky girl with hair all over her legs. Think of how unattractive that is... I mean it's totally gross when girls don't shave. No offence or anything but it's a major turn off." Seth shuddered just talking about it, clearly disgusted.

Scarlet nodded happily as she glanced at Anna. Then her attention went to Rena as she spoke. Not having really anything to say of her own she sat back down in her chair. "It shouldn't be too hard to get the boys dressed up. It's the part of getting them to appear more feminine that will be hard."

Kross shook his head gently, still not totally for it. He sighed as he crossed his arms stubbornly. "This power source better be big Seth, because I'm not dressing up as a girl for something tiny. I will be mad if the source isn't any good."

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 03-27-2013, 08:09 PM

"Well girls lets go get we need to begin the process of turning them to girls." Rena stood and waited for Anna and Scarlet.

"This should be so much fun." Anna smiled taking Scarlets arm and pulling her along with her as she followed Rena to get supplies.

Last edited by finx15; 03-27-2013 at 08:14 PM..

AzuraX is offline
Old 04-02-2013, 06:33 PM

Scarlet smiled as she followed the two girls happily. She was very excited so she couldn't hold back. She found herself helping the two out in gathering items like makeup. After she had found them all she called the boys in. Feeling excited she awaited fir their first victim.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 04-03-2013, 12:19 AM

Cal decided to just get it over with and went into the room the girls had chosen for the torture room. "All right lets do this." he said down with a sigh and waited.

"Take off you're shirt." Rena said with out hesitation making Cal just stare at her. "What are you deaf?" she reached forward and pulled his shirt off of him. "Hmm not to much hair you'll pass there. Lets see I think a B cup would go well with you're're hair needs to be lightened and styled." she pulls away "I think a blue color out to make you're eyes'll need foundation and well honestly you need everything in the face area to be lotioned cleaned and made over." she smirks "Pants off."

Cal gaped at her opened mouthed not sure how to react he knew Finx could be blunt like a knife sometimes but he hadn't expected her to come out and say something like that.

Rena sighed and pulled them off "Goodness you need to shave. Well shave and then you can get ready. Oh her are some nylons. Send in the next victim."

Cal walked out shaving cream and razor in hand after putting his cloths back on. "Next."

Last edited by finx15; 04-06-2013 at 11:58 PM..

AzuraX is offline
Old 04-07-2013, 06:24 PM

Scarlet watched in amazement as Rena perfectly worked on Cal. She had the right ideas and Scarlet found herself agreeing to each. Feeling a bit inspired she staring at Cam's body. "Don't you think he needs a bit of curl to his hair? In fact I don't think he would look bad if we curled all of it. Atleast get his hair more wavy. It would help, don't you think so?" Scarlet smiled a bit as she looked at Rena for approval. She prayed that Rena wouldn't be too harsh on her, but Scarlet could handle disapproval as well. She had plenty of it in her family after all.

Seth gulped as he took the stand when Cal called next. He glanced at his brother nervously before walking into the bathroom. He glanced around the area that felt tight and compressed due to his sudden edge. How he wished he could jump off it too. Sighing Seth sat down and awaited his trail, and possible doom.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 04-07-2013, 11:58 PM

"True we'll tell him later." Rena smirked as Seth sat down "Well, well look who's next." she examined him "Luck for you, you already look like a girl." she fixed up his hair and gave him a quick make-over. "Alright shirt and pants off."

AzuraX is offline
Old 04-29-2013, 03:20 AM

Seth gave the same expression Cal did when she ordered him to strip. He was hoping that he wouldn't have to suffer. And who knows what Tina will do to his brother... Probably torment him. Gulping he nervously took off his shirt, and then his pants. All he had on now was black boxers with skull prints all over it. Glancing away, Seth stood in shame. He felt all his pride as a man being taken away. "Just go easy on my brother okay? I don't care what you do to me but I don't want him to suffer."

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 01:40 AM

"Very nice boxers those will have to go in favor of briefs more easily to mistake them with panties." Finx smiled "You look unhairy so you'll do there I would say a B cup for you. Luckly you already look like a girl with that hair it just needs to be straigtened and fluffed a little."


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