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Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 04-28-2015, 07:30 PM

A new threat rises in the South for the great Kingdom of the Dragon. A attack foiled by a child as started the gears of fate. The great King of the Dragon Kingdom has ruled his vast land made of many villages and great cities for years. Under his rule the land has prospered and advanced far pat many of it's boarding neighbors. However with the threat of war growing from the Southern kingdom fear as started to weave it's way into the hearts of the Drakon Kingdom. The great King himself fears for his own safety and the safety of his family. The kings greatest fear is losing his Son the Prince of the Dragon Kingdom. Therefore the King has chosen Fox to be his son's new protector. With assassins everywhere this will be no easy task. It does not help that the King is at his life's end. The King does not have many more years left. Therefore it is imperative that the Prince be ready to take over the kingdom and live to do so.

People of Note:
The King (Dragon Emperor):

Age: 43
Bio: To many he is just The King or Emperor. However Ty is just a normal man with many responsibilities. In his life he has gained much but lost even more. His one regret is losing his beloved love and Queen to a attack that killed hundreds of his people. However his last wish and goal is to see his Son take the Thrown and find a Queen that his Son can love with all his heart as his beloved Queen wished. Unlike most His Queen wanted their Son to marry for love not power. However love is far from Ty's mind with a war looming in the air. His main concern is protecting his people and Son. He prays that he can teach his son to be a man that people can respect.
Dueling Dragons:

Age: 26
Bio: The Dueling Dragons are Sakura's older brothers Ichiro (the one the left with the scythe.) and Eiji (the one on the right with fan.) The brothers have taken the roles as generals for the King and Prince as well as military Advisers. The pair are both protective of their sister and her secret. Both brothers are proud of Sakura and do their best to help her. Pretending to be something your not can be hard to say the least. Not to mention when your head in on the line if found out by the King or Prince. Many only see Ichiro and Eiji as Ryuu's sons. Many see Sakrua's male persona as a adoptive son due to the drastic difference in appearance.

Sauska (The Wolf):

Bio: Wolf is the name given to Sauska the traitor who helped the Southern Kingdom attack the Dragon Kingdom and almost win. Wolf was once trained by Sakura's people and is one of their top families. However his family sided with the Sourthen Kingdom believe that the King was to weak and didn't share his values. Wolf himself had grown tired of putting his life on the line for a King who didn't care. His own people forced to fight while the Kings own people lived happy lives. Wolf had seen enough of his people die and even their women being harassed while the Dragon Emperor did nothing. Watching his beloved Sakura fall and the King do nothing is what drove him over the edge. He had never meant to hurt Sakura she was never suppose to be there. He had planned on going back to the village and taking her with him. She was his closet friend and more to him. The pair where the only ones who could beat each other.

After the raid and a few years Sauska had become the leader of the Southern Kingdom. He has every intent of watching the Dragon Kingdom burn and pay for the sins of their King along with what happen to his village. It was because of the King his village had been destroyed along with his dreams of Sakura.

General Lang (Demon):

Bio: Lang or Demon as he is often called is a monster to put it nicely. He cares nothing about love, innocent or morals. Lang only cares about power and how he can gain it. Lang has set his eyes on his dear brothers thrown. The truth is the dear Dragon King had two sons however one was stolen at young age. The King nor the Queen fought for him when the captures came like they did his brother. It was something that Lang has never forgotten or forgiven. With the help of Wolf he plans on taking his Revenge.

The Dragon Prince
Originally Posted by Briar Rose
Ryoko(The Dragon Prince)

Age: not telling it's below him to do so.
Bio:Ryoko, commonly known as the Dragon Prince, is the only son, and thus heir to the throne of the Dragon Kingdom. He was raised to take the crown, instructed in every detail that an Emperor should know, and he was very fastidious in his learning. Still heavily mourning the loss of his mother the Queen, he hides his pain behind a facade of practiced royal aloofness, throwing himself further into matters of state and the impending war with the southern kingdom.
As Ry's father is near his death, the mighty Dragon Emperor assigned one of his most trusted warriors to the weighty task of protecting his only son. An assignment that Ryoko (mostly) only heeds to please his ailing father.

Age: 20
Bio: Sakura is one of the few surviving members of an elite family. She is the youngest daughter of the great Ryu who pasted in the great attack. Her father along with all members of her secluded village are trained at birth to be the elite guards to the King himself and his family. Her village was destroyed along with man of her people in a attack to kill the current King. Unlike the opposing Kingdom Sakura has found no ill will with the King. To her the King is a fair and just ruler just as her father and all the elders of her village had taught her a King should be.

Against her mothers wishes Sakura was trained at a young age in the ways of war and combat. The Elders had seen a vision upon her birth that marked the end of their happiness, but a hope for the future. Sakura was trained to be one of the best warriors. Instead of learning to be a lady she was trained to be a warrior and protector. Her mother tried to teach her what she could about being a lady. However bye the age of seven Sakura had already saved the King and her village from a invader from the strange lands to the South of them. The leader of the lands had managed to enter the palace. The Kings guards where easily out matched by the man until Sakura jumped in front of the King. She was dirty from her work in the mines and at her age looked like a small boy. She landed a killing blow to the invading man that started the ripples of events that lead to her life posing as a palace guard. However Sakura has a secret that not many know. Hidden beneath the surface of her armor and appearance as a guard she is really a girl. Many believe that the daughter of Ryu died and only his sons lived on.

Kitsune: Fox

Bio: Kitsune or Fox is the name that the men gave Sakura's male persona. Many assumed that Sakura was a boy since the day she saved the King. It also didn't help that she was trained in secret and was made to hide anything that would suggest she was female. Sakura died the day she saved the King and Kitsune was born. The King himself took pride in her. With age her power and skills have grown. She is the youngest to ever hold the position of guard and the other men let her know it. Most use the name Kitsune to mock her because they feel she has to many feminine qualities in her appearance. Her male persona does not have the bulk of muscles as most guards do nor the deep voice. Many wonder how her male persona can be so small yet powerful. However many have learned the hard way not to let her size or appearance fool them. She has defeated and punished many as her male persona


Sakura had woke long before the first rays of the sun graced the earth. It had become a habit of hers over the years. She had already bathed and dressed herself for the day. She still didn't recognize the strange she saw in the reflection of the water these days. She wished that she could be like the other ladies of the court. She would give anything to play, dance, or sing instead of practicing, defending , and fighting. She wished she didn't have to use the strong herbs to dye her long silk white hair black all the time. She had many wishes these days it seemed to her. She wished to smell like the beautiful cherry blossoms and to spend her days in the company of gentlemen instead of warriors. To be a lady instead of a comrade. She wished she could receive such lovely gifts that most of the men gave the women they fancied. Instead she received new order to hut and kill. Or to teach disrespectful men the finer points of combat.

The thoughts made her sadder than she had ever been as she went through the motions of her morning training. She was already in her armor hard at work before she would relieve the guard on duty protecting the Prince. She tried to forget all her wishes as she trained. However they only seemed to grow stronger the more she trained and the older she got the more things she wished she could change. No one had ever asked her what she wanted. She wanted to be a skilled dancer like her mother and a well loved lady of the court not a killer or the monster she was. However fate rarely played fair or that was what her brothers reminded her. There was a reason she had been chosen for this life. Among the men in the Kings court she was the best warrior he had besides her own brothers. However that still didn't bring her peace as she practiced.

After a hour she finished her morning training and walked to the eating area and ate her breakfast alone as normal. Not many people woke this early. It was something she had grown use to along with many other things in her life. When she was done she walked to the Prince's door and revealed the other guard who was grateful that he could leave and get some rest. It was strange how things had changed so fast. In under a year the kingdom had went from peaceful to sudden attacks from the southern kingdom at random times. At first the assignment of protecting the Prince didn't seem like it was fair. She had wanted to end this threat quickly and join her brothers along with the other men to raid the Southern Kingdom and take out their leader. However that was not her fate. Apparently she was doomed to protect the Prince instead. With all her Skills she was reduced to babysitter. This was a insult to her. Her skills would be better suited to infiltrate the Southern Kingdom and rid the land of it's leader not baby sit a grown man by the standers of the time. However it was her lot in life and she would do her best to accept the things she couldn't change. She didn't know much about the prince and wasn't sure what to expect from him. She prayed he was wise and kind like his Father. She was nervous to meet the Prince. This was her third day on the job and she had yet to meet the Prince. Today she was suppose to meet him and truly start her job as his body guard.

Last edited by Lady Chello; 04-30-2015 at 04:59 AM..

Briar Rose
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Old 04-29-2015, 02:48 AM

Ryoko awoke unwillingly to the sounds of nearby birds chirping their lively tune, and a thin tendril of warm golden sun slicing through the darkness of his room to lay across his fine features. He dragged a smooth hand across his face, exhaling slowly in a disappointed fashion. Opening his dark hazel eyes, he stared up at the plain ceiling, mentally planning out his day.

He heard the door to the outer room slide open, and hushed voices trading orders no doubt. 'Time to get going and meet my new nursemaid, I suppose,' Ry thought as he swung his legs out from under his thin blanket to rest on the chilly wooden floor. Sitting up, he rubbed his face, trying to wake himself up.

It was another night filled with nightmares of his mothers death. The screams of people running for their lives, homes and other buildings ablaze, the ashes and embers rising up into the starry sky haunted him. The attack had come suddenly, with very little warning, and before the guards and palace could organize themselves, the enemy warriors had stormed the palace, crashing into the room where his mother had been. Very few people know that he had also been there, that he had witnessed the death of the Queen. She had come running into his room, waking him from his slumber. As a child of only eight or nine, she had easily picked him up and carried him, running, to that place to hide. She had just finished tucking him away in a secret cupboard when the enemy barged through the door and demanding information from her. Being the strong woman and Queen that she was, her response was to throw a vase of flowers at them. Her sacrifice saved Ryoko's life, and now, sitting on the edge of his bed, a grown man about to take the crown and throne, his heart couldn't miss her more.

Shaking the thoughts and memories from his mind, he stood, pulling on his regular clothes. He would not be entertaining today, so there was no reason to get completely formal and dress the part of a Prince. Using his fingers as a comb, he ran them through his almost too shaggy black locks. He then splashed some of the frigid water on his lone nightstand on his face, in an attempt to look more awake than he really was.

Turning finally to the door, he took a final deep breath, locking away the pain and sorrow he felt deep within himself. Adopting the posture of royalty, back straight, shoulders back, chin up, he opened his door, ready to meet the man his father felt worthy, and talented, enough to protect his life.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 04-29-2015, 03:13 AM

Sakura shifted her eyes as she heard movement coming from the inner room. She had lost count of time as she waited to see the Prince. She honestly didn't know much about him. Even most of the guards didn't seem to really know anything much about the Prince. He wasn't like the King or maybe everyone just over looked him some how. Sakura wondered if saving the Kings life at only seven was the reason she was here today. She had killed the Southern Leader who dared to attack the palace outright. However in doing so she had awaken the hatred in the man's family. In a way she was the reason the new King of the Southern Kingdom sought to destroy the Dragon Kingdom with vengeance. The death of the original King had only gave fuel to his predecessors.

The hatred had only grew over the years leading to sudden ruthless attacks. In the last one she had lost everything she held dear. Her father had ended up dying in her arms and she watched her mother die along with most of the top ranking court members. It was due to her actions that the King lived again. She had put her life on the line and took a deadly blow from the enemy to save her King once again. Unlike most she didn't give into the pain she felt she managed to defend her King and the other court members till there was no more left to fight her. However it came at the coast of her being out of service for a few months. The King had never forgot her and was kind to her. He treated her very well and tried his best to help the remaining people of her secret Village. With so few of them left he ordered special housing to be built on the palace grounds for her people to live and work. Her people had no leaders anymore. All of their elders where gone. She had spent her months in pain and crying from the nightmares that haunted her. She had spent everyday ingraining and remember the promise she mad to her father. He had asked her to teach their people and to protect the King always.

Her bothers took the rolls of her father and the Elders along with some of the other men from her village that lived. She took the roll of grand master and with that the hatred of most the royal guards not part of her village. To the other guards her people where arrogant and mysterious and many didn't like them. Others viewed them as thinking they where better than normal guards. However that wasn't the truth. Her people where trained at birth and given no choice but to become monsters and master of any weapon and combat style. Her people had made a oath thousands of years ago to the first King to be his protectors and all his children to come. To this day her people keep that oath out of respect for the past. However Sakura was sure her Ancestors wouldn't approve of a female being in the position she found herself in.

The King had appointed her to this post for two reasons she was sure. One to protect the Prince and the second to protect her from the battle that was to come. The Southern Kingdom had already demanded her head and the Kings. With the Kings sickness worsening he was no longer in any shape to wage war. That is why she was here. The King was planning on making the Prince King very soon. It meant that his son would be in even more danger than before. It also meant that someone from her people would be chosen as his body guard. Apparently she had got that honor even if she didn't want it.
Sakura stood straight as she looked forward taking her normal stance at attention. She looked like a statue as she stood there. The nervousness didn't show on her statue like face as she looked forward ready to defend the Prince if that was demanded of her to do so.

Last edited by Lady Chello; 04-29-2015 at 03:46 AM..

Briar Rose
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Old 04-29-2015, 04:24 AM

Ryoko studied his guard with a practiced eye. Armor was well-maintained and polished, no visible severe wear, everything adjusted and fitted properly. He expected nothing less of his fathers finest men. The young man, even though Ryoko judged him to be only a few years younger than himself, was smaller than Ry had anticipated, but chose not to comment on his size, or his concern on if this boy could handle an assassin. He was impressed with his perfect stance, and the way he stood so still, as if carved from jade.

Ry stood looking at the young man, having an odd feeling that there was something different about this boy, perhaps even special. Swatting the thought from his mind, he brought his attention back to the living jade warrior before him.

"I assume you are the one whom the Emperor sent to protect me?" He asked, his voice just a bit deeper than his looks would suggest, his eyes staring straight into the guards. After a slight pause, "What shall I call you?"

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 04-29-2015, 05:01 AM

Sakura kept her stance as the Prince from the inner room. It was easy to see that he was inspecting her. She wondered if she passed his inspection. She was sure he noticed her size difference from most men and guards. However he didn't seem to feel he need to state it. She appreciated the fact he had some respect for others. If he hadn't he would have mocked her like many of the others did before she put them in their place during practice or tournaments. She bowed quickly in respect as she was suppose to. " I am called Kitsune or Fox your majesty. That is the name I have acquired since my arriving here. " She said in a slightly soft voice. She did her best to mask her voice. Her voice wasn't deep like most men either with made her sick out among most of the guards. Many felt she should have been in the court with the advisers and merchants. They said she had a persuading voice in other words they felt she was to soft to be a warrior until they saw her skills in battle. Unlike most she didn't wast her time with defending herself with words. She let her skills do that for her. " Your father has assigned me to you. By law you are allowed to test my skills and see if I am worthy. You can pick for any of the guards or military members. Your father explained to me that is the right of the King to be. " She said before going silent still bowing out of respect.

As she bowed she had flash backs to her own childhood. Her father had trained her with great care and skill. Even among her people her skills where well known at a young age. Not even her own father could withstand a battle with her. The greatest honor was when her father bowed to her out of respect and handed her the katana she used today. It was tradition for all members to be trained and battle the best of the best Masters. Only defeating them would be the day they could call themselves true warriors. Only then once they had been given their own sword forage by the Master where they truly worthy of the King. It was a right of passage that allowed them to protect the innocent and just. Her father and the elders had took pieces from their own swords to make her sword. Every Elder had bowed to her that day along with her father. Even her brothers where no match for her. It was the day she had made her father the proudest. Even the women of her village had bowed to her. She had not only earned the right to protect she had also mastered the skills of her people and many other styles of combat making her the youngest Master and in time Elder. Her father had plans on turning his position as leader over to her when the time came instead of her brothers. The Elders had trained her harder than any other member because they where grooming her to be the next in line. However it seemed that fate had more planed for her.
She felt guilty as she bowed there before the Prince. She wished she could have saved her father and he could be here now. This day would have made him even prouder. It was also the day her brothers where going to be appointed generals by the King himself.

To day was a big day for her and her brothers. She hoped that the Prince didn't choose one of her brothers for her to fight today. If he did she would embarrass them publicly if she must to prove she was worthy of her position. She prayed that the Prince chose some one else however at least if it was one of her brothers they would survive the encounter and most likely have minor injury. Sometimes she forgot her own power and with the others left them dead or badly injured. She was sure that if the Prince didn't know about her reputation he would learn soon enough. There was a reason why no warrior wanted to face her. She didn't play around or boast. She watched and waited then delivered devastating blows as she was trained to do. Another reason why many referred to her as Fox. They felt she was cunning and vicious when angered. Her mind went to her brothers knowing that they would appear before the King soon. " The ceremony will start soon my Prince. I notice you are not in your ceremonial guard. His majesty is going to appoint his new Military advisers and Generals. " She said wondering if the Prince knew never raising he eyes to him as she bowed. She wondered if the Prince had been allowed to pick the new members or if he didn't approve and that was the reason he wasn't dressed accordingly.

Briar Rose
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Old 04-29-2015, 10:02 PM

"I am called Kitsune or Fox your majesty. That is the name I have acquired since my arriving here. Your father has assigned me to you. By law you are allowed to test my skills and see if I am worthy. You can pick for any of the guards or military members. Your father explained to me that is the right of the King to be. The ceremony will start soon my Prince. I notice you are not in your ceremonial guard. His majesty is going to appoint his new Military advisers and Generals."

Ryoko held back a long sigh. Leave it to his father to not make his only son aware of ceremonies that he needed to be present at. He only vaguely recalled his father going over the ceremony and everything that was involved, from the dueling of warriors, to the naming of new generals and other titles. Ry was unaware that such a ceremony was so soon, let alone taking place today.

"I am certain that if my father has placed my life in your hands, you are more than worthy to serve your position. I trust my fathers judgement," Ryoko stated, slightly amused at how long the young man held his bow. All people bowed before their prince, but few held it through an entire introduction and conversation. "Please, at ease. You make my back hurt just watching you," the first traces of a small smile curving the left side of his lips. Despite being an entitled prince, Ryoko was uncomfortable with the bowing and scraping that most people did.

The name Kitsune tugged at his memory, but he was unable to place exactly why he felt it was so familiar to him, until the man before him reminded him of his royal Right of Proving. Ryoko snapped his fingers, and his eyes lit up in intrigued remembrance. "I know you. Actually, it is more accurate to say that I know of you. You are the one that saved my fathers life all those years ago, aren't you? The little fox, that is what they called you," he watched Fox for a reaction.

"I shall take my leave for a moment to dress myself in my ceremonial garb. I shall return promptly," Ryoko gave a small bow of his head to Fox, before turning swiftly on his heel and returning to his inner quarters, stripping down to his undergarments, his muscles rippling under his skin as he moved. He may not be a warrior such as Fox, but he could certainly hold his own in a fight. Ryoko pulled on the many layers of his traditional ceremonial kimono, completing his look by pulling a long hoari over his kimono. Tying the obi around his waist, he then tied the cord of his ceremonial katana to the obi. Since he was unmarried, the obiage was in full view. When he was finally pleased with his appearance, or as pleased as he could be, he returned to the outer room where Fox was awaiting him.

He slid the door to his chambers closed behind him, flashing a large smile to Fox, trying to get himself in a more jovial mood for the festivities that would last well into the night. "Shall we?"

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 04-30-2015, 04:19 AM

Fox rose hearing what Ryoko said. It was strange for Sakura to still be called fox. She froze in place as she heard what the prince had to say about her or him. So the prince as well did know of her. Fox kept her eyes straight and kept her posture as she waited for the prince. She wondered why it seemed to take men and women so long to get ready for such events. She herself had never understood why. Then again she had never been to a event where she wasn't in her armor. Even in great ceremonies she wore her armor. Fox was use to seeing men however when the Prince came out she found herself a little taken by him. She wondered how anyone could have missed him. Maybe this was the reason he was more popular with the ladies of the court than the guards.

Fox was impressed that he had managed to dress himself. Normally it took others to help in the ceremonial guard. Fox noticed that there was no ladies waiting for the prince or any to help him. She also noticed that there where no other men here waiting for him. This was odd even for the Prince. Fox was going to ask however she kept silent. She didn't wish to pry into his business but she was taking note of everything. Fox slowly moved forward as she heard the sounds coming from the ceremony. Her eyes shifted to the Prince as she knew he hadn't had any breakfast. Her eyes cut to several of the servant girls who where down the other hall. "HALT!!!" She yelled out in a powerful voice almost like a blast of thunder.

The servant girls all froze and face Fox and the Prince as they quickly bowed. Fox moved like one of the geisha dancers across the wooden floor. Many would think in such armor she would have been clumsy and even found it difficult to move. However Fox seemed to float across the floor each movement was gracefully. Her movements weren't short nor did she snap quickly as most did. She had a presence as she moved. She looked proud and had a understated elegance. Fox paused half way as she spoke to the women once again. " Find the Princes servants and request food be brought for him that he can eat with his hands at the Ceremony. " She said in her masked voice being very kind as she spoke. The women relaxed and nodded then turned quickly heading to find the Princes servants. Fox stood still as she knew she should explain herself.
" Your servants will know what you like Majesty. They will also watch and ensure that you food is to your perfection. You will need to eat quickly that is why I requested you can eat with your hands. I know you want have long to turn and hide from viewers. I'm sorry Majesty if I had known you weren't informed I would have brought your servants and meal with me. " Fox said as she turned and seemed to relax as little as she looked over her shoulder at him.

" Majesty....."
Fox paused as she saw two strange women appear on opposite sides of the Prince. Her eyes narrowed as she suddenly lapped in the air landing at his back. In one quick motion she pulled out her katana as the women glared and pulled out metal war fans. The fans where still stained red. The women weren't well trained that was easy to see. Or at least not in covering their tracks. The women had allowed their kimono's to be stained red not to mention the trail of red dots they left. Fox waited as the women suddenly lunged. She suddenly lunged forward herself and ducked under the reach of the fans as she swiped her sword quickly in one motion. The women screamed out as they hit the ground pushed back to where she had the prince had only been moments ago. The women laid there motionless as Fox saw the markings on their wrist. "Southern Kingdom!!!" She said in disgust as she quickly put her own sword away. She bent down and picked up one set of War Fans as she quickly slung them out to her sides as they metal became clear the red stain vanishing form them as she spun them like a geisha dancer with grace and elegance. She then quickly snapped them shut as she placed them at her back making a X with them using her own Obi to hold it in place.

Fox turned as she cut her eyes to the Prince. " I don't believe your servants will be coming. If we enter the grand hall there will be more there Majesty. I'm sure my brothers will dispose of them just as easily as..... " She paused taking into account what he just saw. " There is only a small party. I would guess there are four more left. However these two where only beginners. That means the masters are already at the Ceremony. " Fox said as she looked to the Prince again. " Majesty what would you have me do? " She said as she looked at him. " If you wish to continue to the Ceremony I can dispose of the others before any get hurt. However I would suggest that we take you some where safer and away from the palace. I'm sure that Ichiro and Eiji are enjoying this. Eiji will enjoy this more so than the rest of us. Their weapon of choice is the War Fan. He will be thrilled that someone else has chose it. " She said as she walked to Ryoko side. " We should hurry if you wish to go to the Ceremony before they show themselves if that is your wish."

Briar Rose
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Old 04-30-2015, 05:45 PM

Ryoko was about to dismiss Fox's apology, knowing that he should have done better to make himself more aware of upcoming ceremonies, and his grumbling stomach was his own fault. When he was suddenly sandwiched between two women, he barely had time to react before Fox had dispatched them, his movements smooth, practiced, and very deadly.

He watched, awestruck, as Fox pulled her katana out, and in a single flowing movement, sliced through one women, only to turn and cut down the second, leaving thin streaks of blood on the floor around them. Ry was transfixed on the beautiful brutality of Fox's movements, and the devastation they left behind. He watched as Fox cleaned the fan blades that were meant to end his life, folding them and tucking them away in his obi. Ryoko regained his composure, aware that for what seemed like an eternity, he had been staring wide-eyed and open mouthed at his protector.

"If I had thought I needed to test your skills before, I certainly do not now," Ryoko remarked. "Southern kingdom... Yes, let us go to the ceremony. We need to find my father and make sure he is safe. Get word to your brothers to save as many of our people as they can, I don't want to lose more people to the viciousness of those beasts."

Ryoko pulled his katana within arms reach, instead of behind his back. "I owe you my life already, and for that, I thank you. Let us hurry to the ceremony and warn anyone we see on our way."

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 04-30-2015, 06:29 PM

Fox gave a bow of her head as she quickly lead the way keeping her eyes pealed. She barked out orders in her masked voice as guards moved about the palace following Fox's orders. Fox took the Prince into the Ceremony in the secret back door that lead to the special balcony where the King himself was along with Fox's brothers and top advisers. " Majesty I need you to announce that you wish test my skills against General Eiji himself." She said in her masked voice as the King turned and stared at her. She puled out the war fans with the Emblem of the Southern Kingdom on them as her brothers and the other guards took notice.

Eiji looked at the Fans then looked at Fox taking note of the face that she made. " How many Fox? They are hear aren't they? " He asked as he looked at the fans and understood why Fox requested that they duel. " Majesty Fox has the right idea. We can't alarm the people here. Ichiro is the best option to stay with you and the Prince. Fox and I are faster than most of your guards and we are masters of the Fans. If I fight Fox it will be a good opportunity for the hidden attackers to act. They want Fox's head as much as they want yours. If we give them a false fight it would set up a opportunity for them to take out three birds with one stones in their eyes. However Fox and I wont let that happen. But please trust in us. If not there will be innocent blood shed. " Eiji said as he looked to fox. " Take off your armor and leave your sword for Ichiro. The more vulnerable you appear the more tempting you appear." Eiji said as he did the same.

Fox nodded as she complied with her brothers request. She quickly removed her armor and reluctantly pushed her sword into Ichiro unwilling hand. She ignored his pestering concerns about their safety. She quickly moved the war Fans now closed to her sides as she leaped from the balcony along with her brother Eiji. Fox quickly moved across from her brother as she let anger show on her face along with disgust. She watched as Eiji did the same tension could be felt in the room as the two seemed to be squaring off at one another. They where going to make this look as real as possible to lure the Assassins out in the open to attack them. Fox prayed that the King or Prince would announce that a duel had been issues between Fox and General Eiji to see who should have the right to be nominated as royal body guard. It honestly didn't matter to her why they fought. The crowed just needed to believe it was a real battle and they needed to let the the Assassins know that she was on the floor with no armor and at a disadvantage.

Ichiro looked to the King and bowed and then bowed to the Prince as he rose looking at the armor that had been stacked in front of the King against the wall of the balcony. He shook his head as he cursed under his breath as he slowly tied Fox's Katana to his side. " Of all the siblings, I had to be cursed with these two. Their plan is crazy enough to work Majesty's." He said as he looked to the floor seeing Fox and Eiji squaring off and looking ready to kill one another. He hide his own Scythe at his side under his over sized cape having already pulled it seeing the emblem on the fans. He looked as he heard foot steep behind them and saw a fleet of guards blocking off all entrances to the King and Prince. This left only one way to attack either and that was leaping through Eiji and Fox. " Fox did this didn't he? " Ichiro said shifted his eyes to the Prince. " With the guards blocking all exits Fox is forcing the assassin's hands. He is always steps ahead. I am glad to be on the same side with him honestly. " Ichiro said looking to the King next. " By having all exit blocked the only rout the assassin's can take to achieve their goal is through Eiji and Fox. Fox knew it would be to late to pull the people out Majesty's. The safest way would be to draw the Assassins out and force them to attack openly. I bet it took him less than seconds to figure this out didn't it?" He asked looking to the Prince. "That man never stops surprising me." Ichiro said as he laughed. "There is so much of our father in him. It's scary honestly."

Last edited by Lady Chello; 04-30-2015 at 06:42 PM..

Briar Rose
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Old 05-14-2015, 04:57 PM

Ryoko watched the event unfold before his eyes, and felt odd about watching Fox remove his armor, it was almost like watching a woman remove pieces of her kimono. Personal, vulnerable, and for Ryoko, confusingly attractive.

He just nodded his head in response, unable to find words. When it came time for him to announce his intentions however, he stood straight and walked with purpose down to the outer ring.

"My father has assigned this warrior to my bodyguard, and I invoke the Right of Trial. This young man must prove his worth to me. I send General Eiji as my champion." THe crowd went wild as the two warriors made their way into the ring, coming to a starting stance as they neared the middle.

"Warriors! Let the trial begin!"

((I'm so sorry it's so short, I'll do better once my energy and body cooperates XD ))

Lady Chello
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Old 05-14-2015, 08:57 PM

Fox bowed to Ryoko along with Eiji then the two rose and started their deadly dance. Fox was oblivious to Eiji's taunts. "Ah little brother I'm going to enjoy watching you fall! It's about time someone put you in your place. Such a pretty face maybe we should put you with the dancers instead." Eiji shouted to Fox before suddenly lunging at Fox. Fox quickly dodged the attack doing a beautiful flip forward. Fox kicked Eiji in the back making him stumble forward as Fox landed in the middle of the makeshift ring. Fox look unimpressed with Eiji's display as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked to Eiji. " Come now is that all the great Eiji has? It will take more than you have to defeat me. Or are you still boiling at the fact father left his legacy to me and not you?" Fox said playing along with Eiji throwing insults back to ensure that everyone thought this battle was real.

Eiji eyes flashed with anger as he let out a scream and turned quickly throwing his fans into the two fire stands that where lit for light. He pulled them out suddenly as fire dance across his war fans. In a matter of seconds he was on top of Fox. His speed was deadly along with his skills. Eiji looked like one of the geisha dancers with his fans however his skills where much deadlier. Fox however managed to block his attacks using his legs and arms only making Eiji up his skills. The two look like they where in a full blown battle. Fox wouldn't remove the War Fans from his back knowing if he did the others wold recognize it and know this was a set up. Instead Fox allowed himself to be hit hard by one of Eiji's blows sending her flying through the air making him look helpless. Of course is was a ploy and Eiji hadn't really hit Fox. However it was believable enough the four assassins jumped from the crowed their war fans drawn.

Eiji had a wicked grin on his face as he leaped in the air and defended Fox giving Fox enough time to get on her feet. Fox quickly did a flip as she lunged in the air pulling out the two war Fans. She quickly slashed out two of the men. She Then leaped from one of the pillars to another making her way to Eiji's side before landing. She took her defensive stance beside Eiji as they made it clear that the last two would have to go through them to get to the King or Prince. Fox face frowned as she saw three more appear from the crowed. She shifted her eyes to Eiji who leaped in the air and started the attack. Fox kept some allowing her brother the pleasure of dealing with them.

Eiji was quick witch made him able to out preform the other Assassins. However three of them jumped on him at once leaving two others that lunged right for Fox looking for a way to make it past her. Fox closed her eyes as she took in a breath and then took a geisha stance pulling her fans out. The Assassins seemed unaware of her intentions or just didn't care. However Fox leaped in the air and started her own dance with the Fans. She looked like a true Geisha dance as she move with grace and speed. Unlike her brother her moves where beautiful and fluid. Her moves looked as if she heard the music in her had as she danced on a invisible stage. Fox easily disposed of the two assassins making them fall to the ground unable to fight. She left them alive for the King and Ryoko to question. However with the deep cuts she had landed on their bodies they couldn't move if they wanted to.

Eiji managed to deal with two of the assassins however the third one managed to get past him. He headed right for Ryoko screaming his war cry. Fox leaped out in front of Ryoko taking the attack head on. Fox screamed out in pain as the Assassin's war fans cut a line from her right shoulder diagonally down to her left hid almost. Fox however managed to end the Assassin with Eiji's help. The lifeless body hit the ground and Eiji looked to Fox in worry. Fox looked to her brother as she felt something cold run down her body. She looked down as she saw a river of blood. She looked to her hands as she wondered why her brother looked worried and almost horrified. However she started to feel light headed as she looked down and realize the blood was hers. Without a word Eiji did a quickly swipe down the path of her cut with his fire as she tied not to scream out in pain. It made the bleeding stop and cauterized her wound. Eijia started barking orders as he looked to Fox and smiled. " Always taking one for the team. It's just a scratch you'll be fine. But you should go get some medical care." Fox just glared at Eiji. "No really? I thought I'd go for a ride or five mile run after this." She said coldly as her eyes narrowed at Eiji. "Really? You let him pass on purpose. You are a better warrior than that." She snapped at him as Eiji hung his head. " As I said little brother you needed to be brought down a little. Everyone needed to see your not immortal it will make the men here like you more. Most think your a god. So I did you a favor. Besides women love war wounds right?" Fox just narrowed her eyes even more as she looked around the room. The people didn't know what to make of everything.

"Ryoko my Prince it's time for you to calm your people and tell them what really happen." Fox said in a clam voice as she looked at the two she left alive. " Also you have two of their top master alive. You can question them if you like my Prince. However I would suggest that everyone goes home. The other solders are on high alert and are patrolling your land as we speak. " Fox said as she hide the pain that she slightly felt. This wasn't the first time she had be injured. Fox could see some of the ladies of the court checking out Eiji and Ryoko. She felt her temper rise not liking how the ladies looked at them as if their where some kind of prize. She stepped in front of Ryoko as her eyes met the women's making the ladies jump and shiver in fear as they all suddenly got up and left. She didn't like the idea of Ryoko with any of them. He deserved better.

(I hope you get to feeling better!!!! And I hope that this post isn't to boring. I was having a hard time with it. I love your Avi!!!!)

Briar Rose
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Old 05-24-2015, 02:32 PM

((Thanks! On both counts, haha. I'm feeling much better, now if only I could get my energy back up XD))

Ryoko stood, his hand on the hilt of his blade, ready to draw if any of the assassin's chose to come after him or his father. He watched anxiously as Fox and Eiji began their deadly dance, and as they fought, hurling insults at one another, it looked like a real fight, and Ryoko began to forget the danger around him.

He was brought back to the reality of the situation when Fox was thrown backwards by Eiji, landing in such a way that Ryoko became concerned for him, but that was tempered quickly when the five assassins leaped from the stands, their katanas flashing in the midday sun as they struck out at his warriors.

Ryoko unsheathed his own blade, holding it ready at his side as he shifted to stand fully in front of his father, who was watching the action unfold before him, knowing he was powerless to do anything.

When one of the assassins made it past Fox and Eiji, Ryoko was ready to take him on in defense of his father, but Fox beat him to it, taking a nasty wound in the process.

As the battle ended, and Fox proved his mettle once again by ignoring the pain he must certainly be feeling and continued with his advice to Ryoko. Ryoko was struck once again by the curious attraction towards Fox, the brave way his face held back pain, showing nothing but stoic readiness.

Ryoko nodded, pulling himself from those complicated feelings, and ignoring the women who fluttered about him, turned to the mass of near hysterical people still crowding the stands.

"My people! Please!" He waited a moment for the din of noise to calm before continuing, "We have been attacked by the Southern Kingdom. Our brave warriors Fox and Eiji have once again protected us. I ask all of you to please return to your homes and stay within the safety of the city walls unless absolutely necessary. We will overcome our enemy. Banzai!" He ended his short speech with the traditional war cry of his people, to which his people responded, shouting the same back at him before leaving quickly and relatively quietly.

He turned back to Fox, and was overcome with the odd feeling to take him into his arms, carefully, and tend to his wounds himself. Instead, he held back, knowing it was not right for a prince to behave, or feel, in such a manner. Especially towards another man.

"Will he recover quickly?" Ryoko posed the question to Eiji, trying his best to keep his own stoic mask.

Lady Chello
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Old 05-25-2015, 05:45 PM

Fox tried to stand tall and proud and show no sign of pain as Ryoko spoke to the people. Once he was done Fox bowed slowly before turning and excusing himself. Fox let Eiji to guard Ryoko as Fox head home to the one place that was safe for his true identity. Fox kept on high alert making sure that nothing was out of place feeling that the attack was just a ploy of some short. However nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary as Fox walked inside his family home. Fox walked to the kitchen and pulled out a vast a ray of herbs throwing them into a mortal and pestle. Fox made a thick past and took it into his room along with some leaves and bandages. Fox placed the items on the floor of his room before going and closing his screen so no one would disturb him. He then walked to where the items where and knelt down removing his garment to find that some of his bandaging had been severed. It was a good thing that he had left when he had or everyone would have found out his secret.

In a matter of moments Fox vanished as Sakura emerged. She looked bandaged herself up as she always had. She was one of the better healers in the palace out of necessity. Eiji had saved her in more ways than one with his quick thinking with his flaming fans. The wound was still going to take some time to heal but at least she hadn't bled out. It wasn't all that deep to her surprise however it was still painful. The wound wasn't the most painful she had but it was the most annoying. Sakura knew she should fix dinner for her brothers and report back to Ryoko. However she was to tired at the moment. Eiji was more than able to protect Ryoko and Ichiro could handle the king's protection. Skaura soon feel fast asleep on her futon trying to escape the pain, just for a little while.

Eiji bowed to Ryoko before rising and giving a slight nod of his head then smiled softly. " Majesty don't worry he is stronger than most. He'll be back protecting you tomorrow. The question is can we keep him on light duty, so he wont do any more damage to himself. That's the question." Eiji said as he smiled softly at Ryoko. " Fox will be up practicing by sun up as normal. If the men aren't careful he'll have them out doing a five mile run for letting assassins appear unannounced with no one noticing. You can bet he's going to be enraged in the morning about this. Well and me it kinda was my fault on that one assassin. Fast little things they are. " He said as he looked around at some of the looks they where getting. " Majesty maybe we should head to some where safer for you and your father. And don't worry about Fox. If he isn't here in a while he'll be at his post by morning. I believe in the morning maybe we should talk about ides for your safety. " Eiji said as he bowed his head softly not wanting to make Ryoko mad with his suggestion of his safety. However Ryoko and the King in the same place may not be the best plan. The attack seemed a little odd and sent up red flags in Eiji's mind. If it hadn't been for Fox none of them would have even known till it was to late.

Wolf watched the guards as they went by unaware of him. He could see that the assassins had failed their simple mission. He let out a disappointing sigh knowing that Lang wasn't going to like hearing that. He stared at the palace as he watched people scurry about the panic and fear was easy to see in their faces and actions. He had had one of the Kings maids who was kind enough to tell him what had happen no even recognizing him. It hadn't been that many years since he himself served the self righteous king. He once joined in with the ceremonies and it was no surprise that Fox and Eiji where the ones who delivered the defeat. He felt pain in his heart as he thought about Eiji and memories of his childhood flooded his mind.

However it wasn't Eiji he longed for it was his sweet Sakura. Sakura wasn't like any of the other ladies of the court or even his village. She had always been in a class all her own. She was sweet, kind, fierce,strong, and brilliant. He had trained with her and she had been the only person who could ever best him in a fight. However she had never been happy having to learn to fight and be treated as a warrior. This practice was common among their people though. Everyone man women or child was taught to fight and to be a warrior. He knew that Sakura only wanted to sing and dance that was her passion. However she never got to live her dream her life was cut short due to the King's arrogance.

In one night Wolf had lost his family and the love of his life. He lost himself and all he believed in. He had been spared and taken by the attacking kingdom. There he was shown the evils of the king. Since that day all he has wanted is the Kings death. The one thing he wanted wanted was for his Sakura to be free to live her dream. Along with all his people instead of being the Kings protectors. The King never stepped in and gave Wolf's people the respect and honor they deserved. His people where always made fun off by the others in the court and military. However it was his people that where put in harms way constantly. The women of his village where not invited to parties or grand banquets that the King held because his court didn't invite them. The King never asked why or offered to fix it he just ignored it. If his people died none of other cared to give them a proper burial. The only people that seemed thankful for his people where the poor, farmers, merchants, and craftsman. The people who didn't live in the great city where the only ones that had ever shown kindness to his people.

As he stood there he felt the surge of emotions as he tried to contain his anger. He wanted to rush into the palace and turn it into a ghost town. However he was smarter than most and knew that wasn't the smartest thing to do. Besides Lang would want to know why his assassins had failed. Wolf turned quickly as he vanished leaping from his perch high in one of the trees as he made his way to his awaiting horse. He quickly road off as he headed to where Lang was knowing Lang wasn't going to like the news at all.

Briar Rose
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Old 05-26-2015, 09:54 PM

Ryoko felt a twinge of sympathy for the warriors in his army if Fox did as Eiji predicted and did run them through the ringer for this debacle. "I am not worried. I have confidence in all of you. I would very much like to discuss what ideas you and Ichiro have," Ryoko partially turned his body to address a guard standing near his father, "Have a company of men escort the Emperor to his chambers, and remain on guard."

"Ryoko-kun," The Emperor chimed in, his voice wavering slightly with his old age, but still strong and commanding.

Ryoko immediately faced his father and bowed. "Father."

"You may be my heir, but do not act as if you are Emperor," he chastised. Ryoko bowed lower at the waist, expecting a punishment from his father as if he were still a misbehaving child. Instead, nothing came, only the swishing sound made as the Emperors robes fluttered around him as he left, surrounded by the company of warriors.

As his father left, Ryoko exhaled the breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. "I fear I may never bring honor to our line," Ryoko admitted, his defeated voice betraying his stoic countenance. Coming back to himself and the problem at hand, Ryoko looked back to Eiji.

"Collect Ichiro and let us meet in the war room, a quarter past the midday bell. There is no need to bother Fox, we shall all meet again tomorrow after he has reported for his post," Pausing long enough for Eiji to take a few steps away, Ryoko added, "However, if you do happen upon Fox, convey my apologies for his wound. Also my thanks."


Lang waited anxiously for Wolf to return with news. His heart beat wildly as his heart imagined the brilliant flames of victory that may already be slithering their way across the land he once called home, devouring his enemies. Excitement built in his throat as his mind came to life with images of himself, severing the head of his brother and father and holding them high, their blood dripping down onto the beaten sand under his feet. Screams of mourning women filling the air as they shouted their laments to the four winds; men calling out in terror as his mighty warriors cut them down, peasants and warriors alike. The blood pounded in his ears, an evil grin stretched across his face, his eyes nearly glowing with red hot hatred as his imaginings ran rampant.

He realized that the pounding he heard was no longer just the blood coursing through his veins like a stampede of wild Mongolian stallions, but of a single horse. His posture perked up, his eyes now filled with greed, his ears longing to hear the news that they had been successful in their attempt.

As Wolf entered his chamber, Lang couldn't hide the pompous sneer or his nefarious enthusiasm. "Wolf! Tell me now, tell me the news of our glorious triumph!"

Lady Chello
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Old 05-26-2015, 11:57 PM

(Thank you for rping this with me. I hope that you are enjoying it. And I hope that you are doing better!!!)
Eiji bowed hearing what Ryoko spoke. "Yes Majesty." He said simply as he made his way up to where Ichiro was. He said nothing to his brother as he gathered his own armor placing it on once again. He then reached for Fox's as he frowned a little knowing that he needed to check on Fox. Eiji looked to Ichiro who had the same look of sadness helping gather Fox's armor. " His majesty wishes to convene in the war room a quarter past mid day bell. Guard him while I go check on Fox." He said as he stood Ichiro giving him a simple nod as his brother handed him the rest of Fox's armor.

Eiji turned and left as he made his way back to their house. He looked around not liking how quiet it was. He made his way to Fox's room as he slowly open the screen to the room. He peered in as he found Skaura fast asleep. He couldn't help but smile as she slept so soundly. He walked in as quiet as he could as he headed over to her cabinet. He slowly open it revealing the stand for her armor in it. He slowly sat the armor on the floor as he started putting the armor one by one on the stand till it was all put away. Eiji closed the doors to the cabinet as he slowly made his way back out of the room. He let out a breath glad to know he hadn't woke her. He knew that if he had she would be up and bullied the meeting out of him. She had high morals and discipline. Along with a suborn strike that made her on the verge of reckless.

Eiji then went on his patrol of the palace making sure to stay close to the Emperors room. Before he knew it he heard the mid day bell and excused himself from guard duty as he made his way to the war room. He thought in silence about different plans knowing that all of them had some risk. He worried more about the Prince than any other factor. If the prince stayed here his life was more at risk. But if he left there was risk there to.

Ichiro spent most of the day being a shadow for Ryoko at his younger brothers request. He wondered how Ryoko was honestly doing with all the attacks on his life and his father. He for one did not envy the royal family in the least. They had a hard life that many didn't seem to see. Of all the people the royal family gave the most for the people of the land. Many of the family had married not for love but for allies and unity in the land. He knew that most people never thought about what that meant for them. He wondered if Ryoko would do the same for his land. If the Southern Kingdom offered up their princess would he take her as his bride to end the war. The thought sadden Ichiro as he kept his silent watch of Ryoko. It was not how a man should live. However it was part of being royal.

Ichiro was snapped out of his thoughts as he walked to the War room. He smiled as he saw Eiji there and was honestly surprised to see Fox standing there. The wound must have took it's toll on Fox. He felt a little odd having this meeting without Fox around. In all honestly Fox was the better suited for this meeting than he or Eiji was. Fox could for see weakness in any plan before most and was always creative. This mad Ichiro lose confidence in himself. He had always had Fox at his side to encourage him in his plans and dreams. Now when he needed Fox the most Fox wasn't there. Maybe it was time he learned to not rely on Fox so much. Fox always believed in him and he would do his best to make Fox proud of him.

Wolf hung his head as he bowed to Lang upon entering the man's chamber. He then rose his head as he let out a breath before speaking. " There is none to tell. Your warriors failed once again." He said solemnly knowing this was not going to set well with Lang. " Your beloved warriors where found out by Fox once again. Apparently Fox has gained a new title. Fox has become your brothers keeper and guard. We are never going to succeed as long that man is around and your brother. Not to mention the rest of the army that the Emperor has at his disposal. " Wolf said as he thought for a moment on what the best plan of action would be. " I believe we should wait and watch and see what comes of your attack. If I know Eiji and Ichiro they aren't going to take this attack lightly. You can expect them to tighten the security and for them to be present at all hours now. Getting past them wont be easy. They aren't like normal guards or peasant farmers. However the choice is yours Lang on what we should do. I don't advise we attack. They will be expecting it. I believe if you plane to succeed we should wait and see what unfolds from this defeat. " Wolf said knowing that Lang wouldn't like the idea but it was the safer option. " The best action may be to disguise ourselves and become close with the court and move up the ranks to get close to our targets. However that means you must control your temper and urges. For this we would have to make them believe we are one of them and want only the best for the King and people. If you aren't up for waiting. But even with that plan you will have to wait. You can't go in and just kill." He warned hoping that Lang would understand the gravity of their situation.

Briar Rose
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Old 05-29-2015, 05:25 PM

After dismissing Eiji, Ryoko returned to his own chambers long enough to change out of his ceremonial garb and into a more comfortable ensemble. After retying his katana to his side, Ryoko left, striding confidently and purposefully to his fathers chambers. The guards around his fathers portion of the palace were on high alert, and came to attention as Ryoko entered, their unison formal greeting to the prince well practiced.

One of the guards opened the door for him as he approached, and closed it behind him. Ryoko paused for a moment, allowing his eyes to adjust to the dimly lit room. With his ailing health, the Emperor had taken to keeping the blinds drawn as too much light gave him terrible headaches.

The Emperor was laying propped up in his bed, covers pulled to his waist, while a servant girl on either side of his bed fanned him. Ryoko bowed as he came to a stop at the foot of his fathers bed, his bow low at the waist, eyes on the floor in the submissive and trusting manner that was appropriate for addressing his father.

"Father, I-"

"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials," His father took a long deep breath as Ryoko rose from his bow. His father clapped his hands twice, then made a shooing motion, causing the girls to stand and bow, exiting the room backwards still bowed, fans lowered nearly touching the ground. As the door slid shut behind them, the emperor patted the side of the bed. Ryoko went to his fathers side, sitting on the floor next to him.

"You miss your mother, I know. I find myself missing her all too often as well," At the mention of his mother, Ryoko turned his face away as pain streaked across it, his heart felt as if it were twisting inside his chest, making it difficult to breathe. "You have so much of her in you, my son," His thought was broken by a long period of coughing, but as he resumed composure, he continued, "But you will be the Dragon Emperor soon, and you must put aside thoughts of fighting this war to avenge her death."

"Before you start on a journey of revenge, dig two graves," Ryoko recited the old saying quietly, while his father nodded.

"I fear this war will take more from us than we shall gain from the victory, although I understand the burning desire you have in your heart. I leave you with one more thing to ponder, my son: The man who moves mountains, begins by carrying away small stones. You are destined to move mountains, Ryoko-kun."

Ryoko's throat was tight with emotion, unable to speak. Instead, he took his fathers hand into his own and gave it a squeeze, which his father returned. Ryoko stood, bowed again to his father, and exited the room.

Taking a moment to regain his composure, Ryoko left his fathers palace and began walking the city streets, checking on the welfare of his people while contemplating the words of wisdom his father had given him. After reuniting a lost little girl with her mother, helping to fix a broken wagon, and ordering an extra regiment to patrol the streets, the noon bell rang and with it, Ryoko's stomach.

He hurriedly made his way to the war room, where he asked a servant girl he happened upon to bring him a tray of food for himself and Generals Eiji and Ichiro. In the room, with guards posted at every door, Ryoko studied the map of the southern kingdom. Hopefully by now Eiji or Ichiro would have some ideas about what their next moves should be. Tomorrow, the real work would begin.


Lang's fury burned with white hot intensity as he listened to Wolf's report. He began pacing back and forth, a hand on his chin, eyebrows furrowed together in thought. "You are right, another outright attack would not be to our advantage. However... I believe that another calculated attack could force their hand."

Lang unrolled his map of the world, motioning Wolf to come look with him. He pointed to a spot in the northern kingdom at the base of a mountain range, "This is where the royal family has spent many months in the past, a vacation of sorts. I propose another attack, just enough for them to move either my worthless brother or father to the second palace. When they do, that's when we strike."

Lady Chello
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Old 05-30-2015, 02:30 AM

Sakura woke by the sounds of screams as she jumped to her feet. She cursed silently as she held her side forgetting the present she had gained from the Southern Kingdom. She quickly fixed her hair and her bandages turning herself into Fox with skill and ease. Taking a little bite of time she found the source of the screaming. Fox's eyes narrowed at the guards who looked to punish servants saying they where traitors. Fox stepped in quickly as she released the servants and started barking orders once again. The men all bowed and started their runs and drills. If they had time to harass innocent people then they had time to improve their own skills.

Fox helped the servant to the kitchen sitting the young women down making sure the women was unharmed. Fox apologized and sent the women home for the night. The women had been asked to bring food to Ryoko,Eiji, and Ichiro before being accused by other servants of being a traitor. With this kind of dissension in the ranks of the court it was going to tear the kingdom apart from the inside out. Fox went and gave the request to the trusted cook. Fox chose six other servants to help with the dinner and put guards around the kitchen and one guard for each servant. Fox told the guards of the palace not to question any person for treason unless they had proof and where brought before the King and prince. Hoping to avoid some of the pettiness that the members of the court seemed to have. Fox had all members of the court confined to their quarters knowing this would not sit well with them.

Fox lead the way to the war room and glared at the guards who looked like they wanted to deny access to the servants. The guards quickly changed there mind as Fox appeared from the shadows behind them carrying a tray of food making the way to the front of the line. The guards quickly bowed and open the doors as Fox lead the way inside. Fox put the tray in the middle of the large table as the servants did the same. The servants bowed and quickly left heading back to the kitchen with their own guards in toe. Fox ignored the looks Eiji and Ichiro gave as Fox looked to Ryoko. " There is dissension in your ranks Majesty. The guards are unsure how to handle the vipers that brood in your house. One of your nobles accused one of loyal servants of treason. The innocent servant was going to be punished for that crime. I will not pretend to know the rules of your house or the brooding vipers. I have confine them to their houses and told all the guards no one is to be punished without proof and without coming before you and the Emperor. " Fox said bowing to Ryoko before looking to Eiji and Ichiro.

"I couldn't rest with screams before you ask Generals. " Fox said seeing that Eiji and Ichiro weren't to happy to see her up and about. " Taking the prince away from here will solve nothing. " Fox said starting the debate that everyone was waiting on. " With this attack the court has fallen further into dissension. Without a strong leader they will tear the kingdom apart from the inside. The Prince is needed here to show that the kingdom is strong. To give hope to the people and if anything tame all the vipers that run rapid here. " Fox said as she heard Eiji speak next.

"Fox it isn't polite to speak of the nobles in such a way. Even though sadly I agree with you. They are power hungry and forgotten how to care for others. Most of them have forgotten where they come from. But that isn't our job to pass judgment. I believe we should call for the movement of the Prince. They proved they can get past our defenses. As much as you want to blame the guards for their neglect in allowing the assassins in. Not all men are as ken to details as you are. I believe they honestly did their best. The men have been run thin spreading them across the land giving them longer shifts. " Eiji was suddenly cut off as Ichiro placed his arm out in front of him looking directly at Fox who looked very cross with Eiji.

"Fox before you start your rant remember our jobs are to ensure the safety of the nation. Yours is the Prince. After today's attack the Prince is no longer safe here even you have to admit that. Are you going to start living with the Prince and be his constant shadow even when he sleeps or breath? You yourself said that dissension in the court had already worsen. Do you not think the nobles wouldn't stoop low enough to take a chance on attacking their Majesty s? The truth is we have a traitor among us if not the Southern Kingdom wouldn't have got in without us knowing. " Ichiro said as he looked concerned at Fox. "Now before you lose your temper with me I agree with you as well. The Prince is needed here as well. So here is my plan and you all can take it for what it is worth. My dear Prince your life is in grave danger if you stay here just as if you leave. However if we where to use a double to pose as you here it would confuse your enemies. You my Prince could leave in the cover of night along with Fox to our old mountain village that none know of but our people. You will be safe there protected by the high mountains and Fox can care for you. We will communicate the way our people have done for thousands of years. Your father will be under my protection my Prince. You father had a double of you found and has been training him in secret. We will take our orders from the King himself in your absence. Your double will only be you in appearance and will give no orders. We will ensure that none learn his true secret or yours Majesty. We three can stand here fighting but in the end it's the King and Prince choice. " Ichiro said as he looked between Eiji and Fox who looked to have calmed down. He smiled softly at Fox pulling out a chair for Fox. "Now sit you need to rest so that wound will heal. And that's a Order!" He said with a stern look. His eyes cut to Eiji who quickly sat not daring to say no. Fox and Eiji might be hot headed and amazing warriors. But both knew when Ichiro had enough and knew it was time to bend to his will. He might be more of the silent loner type but it didn't mean he was weak by any means.

Fox took the seat knowing that the discussion between them was done. Ichiro was the first son and honestly Fox's favorite. Ichiro had always trained Fox and cared for Fox. There was a special bond between then. Even as stubborn and heard headed as Eiji was he knew when Ichiro spoke that what he spoke was final. It wasn't because Ichiro was the oldest or that he demanded it of them. He had never demanded their respect or loyalty. Instead he just loved them and treated them like his most valuable treasures loving them as they where. Just as he did with every man under his command. His treatment of people is what made everyone respect him and lessen to him without question. It was a gift that Fox wished to have.

Fox was surprised as Ichiro walked to the door and summoned a servant who came back a little bit later with Soup for Fox placing it before Fox's spot at the table. Fox closed his eyes as he sniffed the hot steam and was surprised recognizing the smell of the soup. Fox cut his eyes to Ichiro who had took his seat pouring the prince some hot tea then each of them a cup. The soup had been the special soup their mother had made when one of them was injured or sick. It was full of healing herbs and chicken along with veggies that Fox couldn't identify. Fox never learned the names of most of the ingredients but had learned to make the soup knowing what the ingredients looked like. Though in all honestly Fox only knew half the ingredients so when he made the Soup it was only half strength.

Fox sat there in quiet along with Eiji knowing that they needed to hear what Ryoko thought and how he felt. Fox cut his eyes to the Prince with slight fondness wishing that Ryoko could be just a normal man. Maybe if he was Ryoko wouldn't be put in such situations. However Fox frowned slightly knowing that was not the case. Fox wanted to wrap his arms around Ryoko and just hold him and tell him everything would be ok. However that would never be the case. If Ryoko or the King every found out that Fox was really a treacherous women. Fox would be beheaded without a second thought. Not because of being a women but for deceiving the kingdom. Even though this was never Fox's dream it was the life assigned to her the day she saved the King and the king thought she was a young boy. From that day forward her fate was chosen for her. She could never grow attached to Ryoko because that could lead to her death. Her father had always apologized as the Elders did. A life like hers would always be a lie full of pain. She would never know happiness nor freedom. And unlike most women she could never take a husband. She scolded herself for thinking such thoughts about Ryoko. Even if she didn't like it she was slightly captivated by Ryoko. She could never reveal her true self to him or her feelings but she would protect him and try to make his dreams come true. Even if that meant he followed Ichiro's plan over hers.

Wolf was surprised by Lang's reaction and how smoothly he seemed to take the news. Lang hadn't killed anyone for failing to get him what he wanted this time or punished a slave in his anger. Wolf looked at the map as he thought silently about Lang's plan. There was merit to it however he wasn't sure it would be that easy. " You must remember Lang you aren't fighting just your Father and brother. You aren't fighting normal men. My people are known for their cunning. I don't believe Ichiro will be so stupid to fall for this. If it was just Eiji he would in a heart beat because his anger would blind him. However Ichiro is very wise and never gives into his own anger witch is why he is the deadliest foe. I will do as you wish of me." Wolf said bowing to Lang with up most respect. " Your father's health isn't doing well. The servant I spoke with seemed very worried about the King. So you may not get to take your revenge on him. " Wolf said as he thought about Eiji, Ichiro, and lastly Sakura as he frowned thinking of her remembering their time together. As he felt a surge of anger towards the King once again. " Let me go this time inside and spy for you. Let me get close to them. None of them know my face I left at a young age. Let me be your eyes and ears for your cause and attack." Wolfe said as he looked to Lang. "I'm not foolish like the others and one would be much harder to detect than a group."

Briar Rose
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Old 06-01-2015, 08:21 PM

((Forewarning, Lang's part got a little dark. If it's too much, I can edit/not do it again.))

Ryoko was surprised to see Fox arrive with the servants and the large trays of food he had requested, and even more surprised when the news of the problems within his army. He listened carefully as his generals and Fox bickered back and forth, each side making good and valid points. Taking a small but juicy plum from the table, he rolled it between his hands, loosening the tender fruit within. He began to pace back and forth, taking bites from the plum as he thought.

As their conversation came to a close, and Fox was sat in a chair and given a large bowl of soup, Ryoko stopped his pacing, his plum completely eaten aside from the pit, he turned to face his trusted generals. "I will not allow my warriors to berate innocent people. Send word throughout the city that the 'traitor' has been found and dispatched, as well as an order to the people to remain in their homes unless absolutely necessary. It may be a lie, but I am not entirely convinced that we have such a snake among us. The ceremony the southern kingdom attacked was public knowledge, it was easy for them to remain anonymous in such a large gathering of villagers," Ryoko stood straight, his hands laced together behind his back, a pose he had seen his father take many times.

"The Emperor is weakening; he has told me I will take his crown soon, and I will not abandon my people to hide like a coward," Memories of the night his mother was killed flashed before his eyes, adding further strength to his resolve to stand and fight. "I have an alternative to Ichiro's plan; we use this double, and send him with my father up to the mountain pass palace, out of harms way. We will not make any public announcement of this trip, but simply make it known to the nobles, and the nobility here at court only, that the Emperor will be making his annual pilgrimage to the mountain palace and if they are in need of contacting him, to do so there. We shall make no mention of my whereabouts, but if this young man is truly my double, just having his presence around the caravan may be enough to trick the traitor, and southern kingdom, into showing their hand."

Ryoko took a deep breath, and as his eyes met Fox's, his heart skipped. It was still an unnerving sensation to him, feeling this way towards another man, especially considering Fox was supposed to be his protection. He felt a strong urge to be near him, to be alone with him. Ryoko's mind continued to wander into dangerous territory, though all he said was, "I am glad you are alright."


Lang's fists clenched at mention of his fathers ailing health. He desperately wanted to be the one to end his fathers life, and the thought of allowing him to die peacefully was almost more than he could bear. He thought about what Wolf said, his mind turning the puzzle over and over in his minds eye, when finally he nodded, "Go. Find out what you can about their next move, and report back to me. I do not wish to fail again."

He turned his back to Wolf and stared out the window. "Oh, and send in General Kuba. I have something for him."

Lang reigned in his anger until he heard the door slide close and the generals wavering greeting echo around the room. "Lock the door." His order rang loudly in the empty room as the general jumped to do as he was told. With the click, Lang turned around to face the general, who stood on trembling knees, his armor rattling together. "I assume you have heard of the failure of your plan on the northern kingdom." The general was silent, which infuriated Lang all the more. "ANSWER ME!" He roared, his eyes burning brightly with barely constrained fury.

"Y-yes, Master L-Lang," the general stuttered.

"You know the penalty for failing me. Now you shall see why they call me demon!" As the last word flew from his mouth, Lang leaped forward, his eyes now blinding red as he grabbed the general by the throat, lifting him up off the ground and slamming him down, his long nails slicing into the thin skin of his neck. A tanto appeared suddenly in Lang's hand, and he thrust it into the general's stomach, causing him to spew blood. Twisting the short sword, Lang held the mans throat tightly, even as blood ran between his fingers and down his arm. He stared into the mans eyes as he died, a cold, contemptuous sneer played across Lang's face as he released the body and let it fall to the floor.

Straightening his uniform, he unlocked the door and called in the guards to carry out the body. He then called in a slave girl, ordering her to remove his blood soaked clothes and bathe his red stained skin. The guards dragged the body from the room, leaving a trail of crimson behind them, Lang watched gleefully as the girl sponged his now naked body. Starting at his shoulders, she made her way down his back, arms, and torso, avoiding looking at his manhood. When she failed to continue washing his legs and feet, he grabbed her arm tightly, causing a small cry to escape her lips. Unchecked fury still burned deep inside him from his failure, and killing the general responsible for the plan was not enough to satisfy his blood lust.

He stared at the tiny young woman before him, her arm wrenched high in his grip. She would do. A new lust settled in his belly as he began to drag her towards the door leading to his quarters. It took her a moment to realize what was happening, but once she did, she began to kick and fight his grip, which only increased his lust. "Yes, fight. It's so much more satisfying for me," he growled, half throwing, half falling on her as they reached his bed.

Outside the room, the guards heard the young woman's pleading screams, the crack of hand meeting face, the rythmic squeaking of his bed, and finally, silence as he finished. Soon after, the girl tumbled out of the room, her clothes barely clinging to her small frame as she ran humiliated from the room, tears coursing down her face, but the guards just turned their heads, ignoring her. Much like the general, she was not the first, and they were sure she would not be the last.

Lady Chello
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Old 06-03-2015, 05:02 PM

Fox was surprised and sat up rather quickly hearing Ryoko. Honestly Fox was impressed with the soon to be Emperor. He truly was going to be like his father in the way he cared for his people. It would be nice to have another great leader than a tyrant King like the Southern Kingdom seem to have. Fox could tell that the idea of Ryoko staying wasn't setting well with Ichiro nor Eiji but the two did respect his wishes. The room got quiet as the Generals bowed to Ryoko hearing his request and left to fulfill his orders. Fox frowned a little seeing that the generals hadn't bothered to finish their meal. However a request from the king was something that must be taken care of immediately. Fox hoped that Ryoko wouldn't be insulted with how rash and abruptly the two had left without saying a word other than bowing before leaving.

Fox looked to Ryoko surprised that he cared about the wound from earlier. " Thank you Majesty for your kindness and concern. As General Eiji said it is but a scratch. Please don't be upset with them. They put their duty to you and the King above all else Majesty. " Fox said hoping to explain why the two Generals left so suddenly. "I believe today has been a long day for everyone." Fox said trying to lighten the mood honestly not sure what to say. Fox was use to military men not being alone in a room with a Prince. Fox kept her statue appearance not moving to touch the soup until Ryoko indicated what he wished to do. It was Fox's job to protect him and follow him. If he didn't want to eat here then Fox would have his food taken to where ever the Prince wanted and eat later once he was relieved.

Wolf headed out of the main house to the stables. He mounted his favorite horse as he set off on his journey back to the kingdom. He hadn't left soon enough to escape the screams echoing through the main house and out of it's open doors. The screams made Wolf frown as he sent his horse into a run. He longed to get out of range of the sounds as fast as he could. He knew that Lang was to blame for the screams. He had heard those screams many times before. Lang was not the kind of man to be denied what he wanted. In many ways Wolf was glad his beloved Sakura was gone. If Lang every took over the kingdom no women would ever be safe rather she was married or not. Wolf was not stupid and knew to keep his opinions about the Leader to himself. He knew what kind of monster the man was. Though honestly he couldn't say much. He himself was no better. He had blood stains on his own hands from evil deeds he had done. Wolf just prayed the plan worked that Lang had come up with.

Briar Rose
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Old 06-04-2015, 03:37 AM

Ryoko smiled as Fox tried to apologize for his brothers sudden departure. "You do not need to defend your siblings. I do not take offence to their abruptness," He said, sweeping his hand palm up, indicating the food on the table. "Would you care to join me?" Ryoko felt like his voice was tight, barely able to squeeze the words out without his voice cracking. Such a presumptuous move, he was instantly afraid of rejection, and being a prince, that was not a subject to which he had much experience, though he wouldn't blame Fox. He really just wanted any excuse to get to know the man sentenced to his protection.

Thinking to lead by example, Ryoko began filling his plate and bowl, suddenly very aware of just how hungry he truly was after all of the activity of the day. "I am inclined to agree with you about the events of the day. This will not be easily forgotten by anyone."

((I didn't write anything for Lang mostly because I figured he's not truly needed until Wolf discovers what needs to be discovered XD ))

Lady Chello
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Old 06-04-2015, 04:40 AM

Fox smiled softly happy to know that Ryoko didn't take offense at Eiji and Ichro's sudden absence. Fox was surprised by Ryokos invitation but simply smile and nodded agreeing to join him. "Thank you, your majesty. " Fox said bowing softly and respectfully before starting to enjoy the soup that had been bought for Fox to eat. " Fox had no intention of turning down a invitation as rare as this. Fox wouldn't turn down a invitation from most people due to the morals and beliefs that Fox held dear. Fox kept quiet for a while noting that Ryoko's voice seemed strained or just sounded different. "Majesty, maybe you should have some of the hot tea with your meal. Your voice sounds a little strained. " Fox said not sure what the protocol was for being in privet with the Emperor to be.

Fox enjoyed the soup and thought about the day sitting there with Ryoko. Fox found it hard to focus on the meal due to the urge to keep staring at Ryoko. Fox couldn't help but admire the prince. Everything about him was perfect or how a man should be at least in Fox's eyes. Fox knew that it was wrong to look at the Prince this way. Fox quickly averted her eyes not wanting to make Ryoko feel uneasy from the staring. Fox had never really took a liking to any one man before. However being with Ryoko was proving to be a problem. Fox found the women in her wanting to be one of the beautiful women around him. Such thoughts where dangerous and just torturous. Fox knew entertaining such thoughts would only bring pain to herself. No man would ever see her as anything than another comrade and man. Even if she wasn't disguised a man like Ryoko would never give her the time of day. Yes she was from a noble family but she wasn't part of his court and wouldn't ever see Ryoko. The women of her village stayed in their part of the palace and don't mix with the rest of the court.

The thought made Fox frown even more as she thought about everything. "You did a wonderful job earlier. It's good to know that you aren't afraid to voice your opinion. It means the court will not force you into doing what you don't believe in. Even me Majesty. " Fox said smiling liking that about Ryoko." Do you know how to fight? I only got to see you pull your sword but your stance said you had some skills with your blade. It wouldn't be a bad idea for you to train and become a master with it along with some other weapons. Combat training wouldn't be a bad idea either Majesty. I am sorry to admit I am ignorant of your skills in those areas. Honestly in most areas I am ignorant of your skills. I am ashamed to admit I don't know much about you Majesty. The first rule of combat is to know your enemy as well as you know yourself. Yet the amazing man I am suppose to protect I know very little of. But from what I have seen you have a wonderful heart. Your leadership skills are impeccable. And your heart seems to be in the right place. " Fox said looking back to the cold soup. There wasn't much left however Fox stared at it for a while before daring to look back at Ryoko. Fox knew she just sounded like a female friend to Ryoko than a man under his command. Fox wanted to just slap herself for the commits. Ryoko was a King to be and didn't care about what some underling thought of him. She was sure he didn't care about having a good heart or hearing about it. However there wasn't a way to take those words back. Fox would just have to deal with whatever every way Ryoko took the statement.

Briar Rose
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Old 06-05-2015, 07:40 PM

Ryoko did as Fox suggested and poured himself a cup of tea, relishing the warmth of the cup in his hands, unconsciously smiling as he took a sip. Tea was Ryoko's favorite drinks, if left alone with a pot he would finish it in a very short time and ask for seconds. "I suppose I am still a bit shaken by the attack, tea always soothes me."

Ryoko couldn't help but look over the rim of his cup at Fox, his eyes were always drawn back to him like a magnet, and now that the two of them were alone, Ryoko feared he would do or say something that would cause Fox to leave his service, or worse yet, tell the Emperor that his only son was interested in men the way he should be interested in women. Though Ryoko had never felt this attraction to other men before Fox, he had never felt it with the women at court either, no matter how much they fawned over him. None of the women had captured his fancy quite like this; he had met several beautiful women, a few princesses as well, but there had never been chemistry. He hadn't ever felt comfortable with them the way he felt comfortable with Fox around.

"I appreciate your praise, and am honestly glad to hear it, I do fear I will be unable to fill my fathers place," He refilled his tea cup and brought it to his lips again, "My skills with the blade are not nearly as impressive as yours or your kin, though they are sufficient. My father ensured that I participated in training, especially after the death of my mother. I am confident in my hand-to-hand abilities, although I admit I do not know much of anything else. In my youth I ignorantly believed I would not have need for such skills; I certainly regret that naivety."

Ryoko used his chopsticks to bring a nigiri to his lips, savoring the light kick of wasabi and soy sauce. "I am quite the boring individual, I assure you. I wish to know more about you, however. I understand, and now entirely believe, your skills are quite remarkable, if not legendary."

Lady Chello
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Old 06-05-2015, 10:46 PM

Fox frowned as the conversation switched from Ryoko to Fox. " My skills are nothing but a curse." Fox said coldly meaning what she had said. " All I will every be is a guard nothing more. I will always have my enemies after my head and will never know rest nor pleasure. This is not the life I would chose for myself. However fate chose this life for me so I shall not complain about it. " Fox said shifted her eyes to Ryoko staring at him as a soft smile appeared on her lips. Fox knew that allowing herself to put her guard down around Ryoko was dangerous. However Fox felt content and safe around Ryoko. Ryoko made Fox feel like she could be her real self for once. "It's not all bad. If it wasn't for my skills I wouldn't be here with you Majesty. And I beg to differ I find you very interesting. " Fox said pouring some tea for herself. Fox allowed herself a moment of rest and pleasure closing her eyes as she brought the cup tea to her nose and enjoyed the aroma from it. Fox then sips on the tea showing that Fox did have noble training like one of the noble princesses.

Fox put the cup down and looked back to Ryoko. " You must have faith in yourself Majesty just as your Father does. You know that he is very proud of you. All he every speaks of is your praises. And don't be hard on yourself Majesty. We all wish at some point we could change something in our past. However that would mean we wouldn't be the same people today. I happen to like you just the way you are Majesty as the rest of your court does. " Fox said knowing that she was walking a thin line. Fox quickly looked back to the cup feeling her cheeks starting to blush some. She had forgot who she was suppose to be. She scolded herself mentally for letting her tongue be so lax around Ryoko.

"Majesty maybe you should call it a night soon. You have had a long day today. If you like I will have your servants draw you a warm bath. I can have them get your favorite oil for you as well if you wish." Fox said going back to solider mode. Fox had let her guard down long enough and was in dangerous territory. "You will need your rest for tomorrow. If it will make you feel better I will keep guard through the night." Fox said not sure what Ryoko would feel safer with.

Wolf road through most of the night heading back to the place he had thought he left long ago. He entered the city at midnight posing as merchant from one of the villages in the Kingdom. He was allowed into the capital city with ease as he made his way to one of the noble houses who was a friend. He was greeted and given a room for the night. The nobles knew him as a friend. He had always helped the nobles get items that they desired. To the nobles he was just a wealthy merchant with great powers of persuasion. He had formed the relationship with the nobles to gain assess to vital information from them year ago. None them knew who he had once been just as his own people had no idea who he was. He had left at a very young age and was forgotten just as easy as most of his people where. In the morning he would spend his time around the palace gaining information as he could. If he was lucky he could learn about Ryoko and maybe the secrets of Fox. The one person that seemed to always be in his way. He had a certain dislike for the womanly man.

It seemed like every time Wolf got close to strike the King or prince Fox would appear out of thin air. Honestly Wolf was starting to wonder if the man was even human. There had been stories that the King had made a deal with the spirits to protect his life and the life of his dynasty. After meeting Fox several times he was starting to wonder if the far fetched tells where true. Wolf had seen Fox do things that most normal warriors couldn't do. Even for his people Fox and his brothers seemed to be god among mere mortals. Wolf had noticed that since the brothers appeared all of his people became more reclusive. Their skills had become even more impressive. Wolf for now would watch and wait for his change to attack. Lang had his goals and Wolf had his.

Briar Rose
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Old 06-11-2015, 06:07 PM

Ryoko's smile disappeared as Fox gave her opinion on his skills, lamenting his stagnant status, though it returned when he poured himself some tea and noted he enjoyed being around the prince. "I am quite gladdened to hear that you do not mind being assigned to me. In truth, I fought my father on it, I thought it unnecessary, but I have most definitely changed my mind," Ryoko couldn't help but give a flirtatious wink. 'Gods save me,' he thought to himself, taking another sip of tea, 'I am hopeless when it comes to this man!'

Listening to Fox relay the feelings of the court about his ability to lead, Ryoko felt both embarrassed and glad. He was certainly happy that the nobles thought he would be a leader like his father, but extremely uncomfortable knowing he was talked about behind his back, even if it was good things. He didn't partake in gossip, and being the topic of it was an unsettling feeling.

When Fox suggested going to bed, Ryoko was stifling a yawn. Nodding, he agreed. "I think that is a good idea; no need to bother anyone about a bath or oils, I think I am tired enough to fall asleep quickly. I do not wish to take away from your rest, especially since you are wounded. I can have other guards take the night post."

((Sorry it took so long, and is so short. Was back in the hospital -_- ))

Lady Chello
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Old 06-11-2015, 07:35 PM

(You have to get better lady! And it's ok I understand.)

Fox nodded and slowly rose and bowed to Ryoko. Fox wasn't sure if the Prince had meant the Wink or not. " I am sorry if I have offended you in any way. I will see you in the morning then Majesty. " Fox said not sure what to make of the Wink. Fox wasn't sure if this position was going to work out or not. Fox turned and headed out of the room stopping long enough to give orders to the guards there taking her leave. She made her way back to her own home not thinking twice about it. Fox didn't say a word upon entrance to her home. Her brothers where up still waiting on it appeared each one eying her as she tried to pass by them. Fox didn't wait for a invitation she quickly leaped pasted them and bolted to her room slamming her door shut behind her. Fox could hear her brothers plotting outside of her room for a while before giving up and leaving her be.

Fox prepared herself for bed and fell fast asleep. Fox found it hard to wake early the next morning. Fox cursed finding the wound still a little painful. It wasn't near as bad as it had been. It was just annoying like a simple cut. Fox cleaned the wound again and changed the bandages before taking a simple bath. Fox then clothed and headed out to the kitchen. Fox ate breakfast like normal. Nothing seemed out of order from Fox's normal morning other than spending time running drills with the other guards. After the attack from yesterday Fox felt it was necessary to wake the other guards and start routines. Normally none would give Fox the time of dayunless they had too, however Eiji and Ichiro gave the orders to run the drills. Fox spent most of the early morning along side the other guards returning from the drills drenched in sweat.

Fox appeared outside of the Ryoko's room. Fox tried to clean up as best as she could knowing sweat was not attractive to any. For some reason Fox worried about the Prince smelling her. Fox knew that if this dangerous dance she was playing with the prince was going to get her in trouble. Fox had ignored most of Eiji and Ichro's morning meeting. Fox really didn't care for their bantering nor most of the other men bickering. Fox was happy to be away from all the drama some quiet time before the Prince awoke was welcomed. Fox wondered what was on Ryoko's agenda today.


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