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okamimyst is offline
Old 12-30-2007, 10:22 PM

Well, I thought about compiling a preview list, but then I decided against it. Afterall, I doubt I would keep to the list well at all.

So, let the randomized drabble begin!

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okamimyst is offline
Old 12-30-2007, 10:23 PM

1.) Names

Names are interesting. For a long time Kat had been fascinated by names. It started because she wanted to know what her name meant. Then, she wanted to know what the name’s of her family and friends meant. When she began writing stories, she needed names that couldn’t be easily mistaken for people in her life. For a while, she wanted to change her name and she wondered if all people at one point or another wanted to do the same. For example, what about Momo? Did she sometimes resent sharing a name whose word in everyday language meant “peach”? She guessed that it was a good thing the Japanese had the honorific endings. Otherwise, people might confuse those with names such as Momo as the object that the word identified and not the actual human being. She supposed that was how names got started in the first place. After all, without proper names, it could become awfully confusing without them. She half wondered what the cave-men called each other since there was no “civilized” language during that age. She would have hated to be called Ugg or Ugga. Of course, if everyone was some form of Ugg or Ugga, then she probably wouldn’t have minded as much. Yes, names are indeed interesting.

nescia is offline
Old 12-30-2007, 10:38 PM

This thread isn't appropriate for the General Discussion forum.
I've moved it to Red Robins/Drabbles.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

chibilady18 is offline
Old 12-30-2007, 10:39 PM

Well you do seem to have the makings of an interesting thread here the point of General Discussion is to have a point or something specific to talk about when you start a thread here. A better place for this particular thread might be in The Menewsha Nation. ( a sub thread of the GD ) best of luck!

goldfish67 is offline
Old 12-30-2007, 10:56 PM

momo=peach? lol i wonder why hinamori from bleach was given that nickname :?


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