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Super Pantless Girl
Super Pantless Girl is offline
Old 03-21-2007, 02:55 AM


I, personally, am most familiar with her Dragonriders of Pern novels, for they are among my favorite series.

Lachesia is offline
Old 03-21-2007, 03:15 AM

Heh. I remember those. I devoured them, although not literally. I actually had a nerdy conversation here with other people who also admitted they, too, made up their own dragons after reading McCaffrey's books.

I enjoyed them when I read them, way back when.

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stilettolover is offline
Old 03-21-2007, 03:17 AM

I only like her Dragonriders of Pern novels. I don't like how they don't really have too much continuity after the White Dragon. =\ I didn't read any others than the first two and that one. Dragonsong was good as well, but I've never actually seen it in print other than in an anthology.

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Old 03-22-2007, 10:57 PM

I liked the kiddy series (Dragonsong, Dragonsinger, Dragondrums), the Dragonriders of Pern, and that one other one of Moreta or something. xD

The others... iono either. I'd have to agree with you, Stiletto.

I read her books all in 6th grade. Then I realized there was smuttish R scenes in there, and freaked out. xD
I have yet to touch her books again, but on a literary value, I do think she has changed the way I write today.

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eliechan is offline
Old 03-23-2007, 04:09 AM


I luv Anne McCaffrey... particularly her Dragonriders of Pern series (Dragonflight, Dragonquest, the White Dragon) which I've re-read many times.

I've also read practically every Pern book. Including the Harperhall Trilogy (Dragonsong, Dragonsinger, Dragondrums), Moreta, Nerilka's Story, Dragonsdawn, The Renegades of Pern, All the Weyrs of Pern, The Dolphins of Pern, Dragonseye, and probably some of the others if i missed any.

The Rowan was the first Anne McCaffrey book I read. Damia is my favorite... I read that one many many times. Damia's Children was ok. Lyon's Pride and The Tower and the Hive didn't really catch my interest tho.

I also read her Talent Series: To Ride Pegasus, Pegasus in Flight, and Pegasus in Space.

I thought her Crystal Singer series was pretty interesting. Crystal Singer, Killashandra, and Crystal Line... however I didn't paticularly care for the last one.

I read part of her Acorna series: Acorna, the Unicorn Girl, Acorna's people, Acorna's quest.

I did attempt to read The Ship that Sang, but I don't think I ever finished it.

c0rpse is offline
Old 03-23-2007, 05:41 AM

I love the way Ann McCaffrey writes. I own a bunch of her "Dragonriders of Pern" series~ They were the books that actually started my fantasy reading rampage! Other then Dragonsong and the DOP books though, i admit ive never read anything else shes written. So i should say i love the way she writes a few of her books.

Murchu Volpe
Matticus Chufoxtrain
Murchu Volpe is offline
Old 03-23-2007, 04:26 PM

Whoa... nostalgia... I read practically every book by her that I could get my hands on, when I was younger. Now I can hardly remember a word of it, though, sadly. xD;;

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Old 03-23-2007, 04:48 PM

I really liked the Pern novels, and Acorna...but she lost me hith her higher Sci-Fi books... I am a true fantasy girl*shrugs*

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Zorayas is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 02:41 PM

I liked her Dragonriders of Pern series,
but I haven't read all books in the series yet,
only those available in the library :D

Kongouseki is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by stilettolover
I only like her Dragonriders of Pern novels. I don't like how they don't really have too much continuity after the White Dragon. =\ I didn't read any others than the first two and that one. Dragonsong was good as well, but I've never actually seen it in print other than in an anthology.
yeah, i only read the first 2 and the white dragon. i just couldnt pick up the next one. although, i did also read the dragon song trio with the girl and her discovery of the fire lizards.

fawN is offline
Old 03-26-2007, 01:43 PM

I read the first 4 in the series, and I liked them (enough to give myself a pretend name, dragon, and weyr!) but I think I liked Dragonflight most, Dragonquest and The White Dragon next most, but had a hard time getting through Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. I had to force myself to finish it for some reason.

Hehe, have any of you all given yourself imaginary dragons after reading her books? I noticed nearly all the women's names end in "a" and the dragons end in "th", and oddly the names I came up with followed that trend before I even realized it WAS a trend!

fawN is offline
Old 03-26-2007, 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by fawN
Hehe, have any of you all given yourself imaginary dragons after reading her books? I noticed nearly all the women's names end in "a" and the dragons end in "th", and oddly the names I came up with followed that trend before I even realized it WAS a trend!
Originally Posted by Lachesia
Heh. I remember those. I devoured them, although not literally. I actually had a nerdy conversation here with other people who also admitted they, too, made up their own dragons after reading McCaffrey's books.

I enjoyed them when I read them, way back when.
Haha, Lachesia, I made my quick thread reply this morning before leaving for my appointment, and THEN read the rest of the thread. :oops: Bad of me, I know.

If I may ask, what was your made-up dragon's name, if you remember?

:oops: I'm Fauna from Jemez Weyr (pronounced Hey-mez) and my golden dragon is Zenith. :D (Hehe that might make a good RP, if I RP'd...)

Lachesia is offline
Old 03-27-2007, 03:41 AM

FawN, haha, you know, I'm not sure I remember, it was so long ago. I think it might have been Saranth, but I'm not sure. I do remember being really, really irritated that according to canon, gold dragons couldn't breathe fire. So I made mine a gold that could. XD

I didn't actually pick or make a weyr, though.

Gaias Umbra
Gaias Umbra is offline
Old 03-27-2007, 05:00 AM

Anne McCaffrey is a very prolific writer. I can't say that I like some of her newer novels...but I LOVED the Dragonrider books (all of 'em) and the Crystal Singer books.

...still waiting to get my hands on the novel about the Brain/Braun ship...the Ship who Sang

...she's one of my favorites!

Noir Kalenthiel
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Old 03-27-2007, 08:39 AM

Man this brings back memories. I haven't read any of her books in forever. I first picked them up in 6th grade and couldn't put them down. I read them all within a couple of months and read everything else she had published up until 3 years ago. I am 22 now, so that can tell you how long I've been reading her. She is what brought me into the fantasy/sci-fi realm, and I really haven't left since. She used to be my favorite author, but I more prefer Sara Douglass now... a bit more mature in a way.

But the woman can spin an excellent tale. I haven't seen really much come out of her though recently, and the last few books of hers that I read weren't up to her usual standard. I don't know if it was the fame going to her head, or just me growing up.... *shrugs*

I can say this though. Her books were some of my favorite possessions from my youth. (Utter bookworm here, so you will have to forgive me.)

do you believe?
Arikana is offline
Old 09-11-2007, 04:07 AM

I love Anne McCaffrey's co-authored series "Acorna" and the series sequel "Acorna's Children". <3

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DemonsSpawn is offline
Old 09-22-2007, 03:11 AM

I have read the Harper Hall trilogy and I love that series it just I don't know it reels me in and I just can't stop reading it my favorite one of them is Dragonsinger the second in the trilogy for some reason I can't explain like I said before it just hooks me

fawN is offline
Old 09-27-2007, 03:09 PM

I should really read that trilogy because I really loved the Harper in the ones I read! I know they describe him as having kind of long hair, but for some reason I kept picturing him with the character and personality of the bald priest guy who marries Romeo and Juliet in the Leo DiCaprio movie. :lol:

heartpoint is offline
Old 10-07-2007, 06:39 PM

I read those books so long ago and the acorna series. Has anyone read her twin series i personaly don't like it i find it boring. But her first series i think was the best and i do really like the acorna one i read them all but don't like acorna's children series. I think she is one of the most well known female authors of this time.

nike13 is offline
Old 10-08-2007, 03:49 AM

I used to read a lot of her books too, starting with the Dragonriders of Pern. I think the last book collection I read by her was the Rowan series. Thinking back does kind of make me want to go back and read some of her stories again. I don't really remember why I stopped, just got interested in other authors (ie Mercedes Lackey).

My mythology professor brought up her books once in class, he wasn't a big fan of her writing because the female characters all seemed the same. They would start off challenging, tough, and basically difficult, meet a guy that basically told her to shut up, and she would fall for him and become submissive. I can see where he saw that in the original Dragonriders series but I think Rowan was a bit different with the second book 'Damia'.

LanyaD is offline
Old 11-05-2007, 09:51 AM

Ahh heres the thread i was looking for. Anne McCaffrey is my first favorit author like many of you i started out reading the pern series. Dragon song is still my favorit its a book i pick up and read over and over again. And have since started colecting any book of hers i could get my hands on including her king arthor one. 'Black horses for the king.' i probably have allmost all the pern related stories, even the ones that have been written by her son. as well as the Rowan series and Acornia. As well as fredoms landing series and the brain ships. theres so many series its hard to name them all off the top of my head. She has not only created a world, shes created a universe. She is the author who got me started on my love of reading. if i hadnt picked up her books id probably still dislike reading and probably never would have started writing.

Its funny that someone who was suposed to be an author for adults has picked up so many teenage if not younger readers. i was probably only about 10 when i picked up my first book of hers. And im still picking up any new book of hers that comes out.

((Oh and my dragon Anibus doesnt take kindly to being called imaginary... not an afiliate of the pern series by the name. i just love dragons.if it was he would be a she and the name would probably be. Anibuth)) K'ten Rider of gold Anibuth, lets go fight some thread. ^_^

Red Calypso
Red Calypso is offline
Old 08-31-2008, 02:45 PM

I didn't see this topic so I thought I'd start one. If by chance there is already a topic for this please feel free to delete this one. I've been rereading my books recently and reacquainting myself with Pern. On the whole I love the series but I realize there are a few things that bother me.

1. The casual abuse of people and creatures with lesser status: apprentices, drudges, children, watchwhers and canines.

2. The fact that canines seem to have been relegated simply to turning spits. Why? There are still cattle (herdbeasts) to be herded, houses to be guarded, people to be companions to. I know that Pern is a very utilatarian society, but there has to be room for companion animals in there. I have come across two references to dogs other than spit animals. In one (I think it was The Masterharper of Pern) there was a reference to an entertainer with "the smallest canine on Pern" which would imply that there are still small dogs around and in the other it was either Nip or Tuck delivering guard dogs somewhere.

I'm interested in knowing what other people think about Pern. Who is your favorite character? Your least favorite character? Do you like the new stories set in other time periods? Do you like Todd's stories as well as Anne's? Do you have a pet peeve about Pern?

Lokis is offline
Old 09-10-2008, 08:44 PM

Ive loved all of her books, and her sons now too, I have them all and sadly one of my favorites is a short story lumped in with other short stories about a young boy who shows up later in the series a bunch of bullies beat him up on impression day and he drug himself to the hatching ground where a bronze refused all other candidates. You know him today as K'van. When robinton died I didn't know if I had the heart to read the next book, he was such a big part of pern. With all the expansion back to southern and new weyers I wonder where she will leave it all. Eventually she will have to leave it, I just hope she doesn't kill off Lessa and f'lar or F'nor and canth, though we have seen their children grow up now as well. ramoth does still lay golds and Mnementh does still catch her. Id like to see them retire and leave Benden in good hands. However I dont want to see anymore beloved characters die. Having f'leesan and his Golanth torn up by felines was enough of that for me!

Red Calypso
Red Calypso is offline
Old 09-10-2008, 08:56 PM

That would be The Littlest Dragonboy, right? I've heard of it, but never read it. Her Pern short stories are hard to find. I do know that K'van is based on one of her brothers. There is another short story, The Girl Who Heard Dragons. It's about Aramina, who also played a part in The Renegades of Pern and Dolphins of Pern. Aramina, btw, is a character I simply loathe. She comes across as both a coward and a shrieking hysterical harridan. I just can't warm up to her. She's supposed to be one of the "good" characters though!

Lokis is offline
Old 09-10-2008, 09:22 PM

Yeah thats the one I have the book its in. Oh there are a few ive hated in her books, the wench who got two queens killed Kylara, Lord Meron, needed horsewhipped. I agree with the Aramina call she can hear them all and runs from it. Lessa is abrasive but she had to be, there are however some weyr women id just as soon not be and I never understood why Manora of benden never impressed yet ran the caverns and fostered all those children. There were so many who never became riders that should have, but perhaps they did make better harpers or holders. This last book I read, a miner became a dragon rider and he got a bronze too. Not to belittle any of them but still only bronzes fly the golds, Or Canth but then that whole part was so sad. she never re impressed either and she could have as Lytol could have. Not that it would be the same but who would be better a former rider to re impress or not? I think the fire lizard was enough for her though.


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