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Uzura is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 08:20 PM

About: Nightmares gain power by the fear they inflict on sleeping humans. But their powers are beginning to diminish. In order to keep their powers growing, a new nightmare has been created. One where you cannot do as you wish. One where you can feel pain. One where you cannot wake up from...

Setting: The setting of this nightmare takes place within a dark forest. The night has no stars, but a moon that keeps people from being immersed in total darkness...unless it goes behind one of the many passing clouds. There are caves scattered through the forest and a couple winding rivers. There are even a couple make-shift cabins that humans can chose to hide in...that is if a nightmare isn't already residing in one.

-Humans and Nightmares are the only species aloud in this RP. Though, Nightmares can look like anything I suppose.

- You can feel pain in this dream, so if you die in the dream, you die for real

- No killing off characters without permission

- The only way Humans can wake up is if a Nightmare allows them to wake up. But I don't want to see some kind-hearted Nightmare going around and saving everyone. All Nightmares start off as evil. If you wanna become good later on, that's fine. Just don't kill my RP with your kindness.

- Humans can't become Nightmares and Nightmares can't become Humans.

- You're allowed to play a max of 2 characters.

- No god moding or auto-hitting.

- Be literate. Which means I want at least 4 sentences, talking in the third person, some sort of symbol like (()) or {{}} to let us know when you're OOC, and no ** for actions

(More rules will be added if needed)

Human or Nightmare:

Human Profiles:

Username: Uzura
Name: Casey
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Human or Nightmare: Human
Appearance: [X]
Bio: Casey is a carefree and sweet girl who looks more like she 14 than 17. She's not very bright at times and hates conflict. She's shy but polite around those she doesn't know, but can become quite talkative around friends. An easy way to tell when she's afraid is when she giggles uncontrollably. When angry (which is rare) she becomes very sarcastic.

Menewsha Username: Mistress Aura

Character Name: Kagami Yamiko.

Age: 19.

Gender: Female.

Race: Human.

Appearance: (No pic, will have to generally describe her)
Height: 5'8".
Build: Slender/Athletic.
Hair: Honey chestnut; curly/wavy, reaches mid-back.
Eyes: Blue; lined in storm gray with amber around the pupils.

Weapon: Ebony staff, poisonous cinnabar at the top as a last resort.

Bio: Nightmares that dissipate like smoke upon waking have haunted Caria for many years and this permanent nightmare was the icing on the cake. She became bitter and easily irritated due to lack of decent sleep and constantly fighting or running from the Nightmares which dominate the dreamscape. She learned how to defend herself and hardened her heart towards that which used to frighten her but sometimes certain things manage to scare her despite all of her hard work. If one truly tried to befriend the prickly female, they would discover that she's not all that bad, so long as they could take sarcasm and blunt honesty.

She can be a little spacy at times but not often, distractions in a world like this could mean death, or worse, captivity. She avoids conflicts whenever possible but she cannot help fighting from time to
time, usually to defend herself from the Nightmare wretches or sometimes a person who's having a hard time doing so for themselves. She's a relatively quiet person who prefers solitude over the company of others, mainly because she's been stabbed in the back by so-called allies before, but usually she won't be rude to someone if they come up and start talking to her.. She tends to make a little small talk when this happens and then worms her way out of it with excuses when caught in a conversation that she'd rather not be having.

Username: Elektra_x3
Name: Lacy Common
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Human or Nightmare: Human
Bio: She was just a regular, fun loving girl. One of her favorite times was when she was asleep, dreaming those wonderful dreams. Although, she dreaded nightmares. But she always knew how to wake herself up.

She tries to avoid conflicts but can defend herself when she needs to.

Name:Aero Lewrowimo
Human or Nightmare:Human
Appearance:(Don't have picture yet,but I'll describe)
Height:About 5;12
Hair:Light blue and like my avatar's.
Clothes:Pawprint Pajamas and fuzzy slippers

Bio:Used to have an imaginary friend named Neon.
Like most kids,he grew out of her. She got lonely. Jealous. Evil.
Soon,she became one of the nightmares,and trapped Aero in this place so she could get revenge.

Name: Veronica
Human or Nightmare:Human
Bio: Veronica is a tough girl. She makes people think that she is fearless, but she only acts this way becuase of the strange nightmares she has been having. It has been always hard for her to wake out of them.

Nightmare Profiles:

Username: Melangell
Name: Vacher
Age: 237,he's been around for a while,but by no means is he an "Elder"or anything like that.
Gender: male
Human or Nightmare: Nightmare
Appearance: Allmost compleatly black,with glowing orange eyes,he's a shapeshifter,so he dosn't have a set look.He prefers a cat shape,though.
Bio: He treats the act of terrifying humans as an art,and uses a slightly different tecnique when going after a victim than most other nightmares,were they usualy go after a random house,he'l single out a person, and then stalk them for a couple of days,maybe even a week,figuring out what they'r fears are and occationaly will allow them to catch a glimps of him,but never anthing concrete.Then,when his victim is so parinoid they can hardly function,he strikes in their dreams.He's patient like that,he can wait if he feels he needs to,and feels that going after children is beneith him,as they're too easy to scare.

**As soon as I add your profile to the list, you may begin. If you're gone for more than a week without any warning I will remove your profile from the list. Feel free to PM me with any questions**

Uzura is offline
Old 10-16-2007, 01:40 PM

((Front page had been updated))

Melangell is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 05:56 AM

Vatcher slid out from under a tree root's shadow,his eyes on the human that had just strolled past.A small smirk found it's way onto his face,and he skittered up the tree,and into it's bare branches.He settled himself down on one,and stared,unblinking,at the back of her neck.It was fairly likely that she would soon get the eire feeling that someone was watching her,but if she didn't,he could always try the old"second set of footsteps"routine,or maybe he would even go so far as to wack his head against a treetrunk when her back was turned,if he got desperate enough...His mind wandered as his eyes stayed steadily on the girl,as if trying to bore a hole into her.

Uzura is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 12:33 PM

Casey wandered past tree after tree, confused and unaware of the situation she was in. She had a pondering expression on her face as her head slowly turned from side to side as her eyes ran up and down each tree. She suddenly stopped and looked down. She was in her baggy PJs. Reaching up, she grabbed at her hair and tugged lightly. It was down, but she normally kept it up. The only time she let it down was when she was...asleep. That's when it clicked.

"I'm dreaming," she said aloud with small smile on hr face. But the smile quickly vanished as she looked at the scenery once more. It wasn't like any of her other dreams. She had an uneasy feeling growing in her stomach, but she shook her head. It was only a dream. It was only a dream. Nothing could happen to her in her own dream.

Melangell is offline
Old 10-20-2007, 06:01 AM

After the girl was almost out of sight,Vatcher lept out of the tree he had been perched in,and shot silently thru the bushes and bracken that bordered the path.Once he had passd her,he stoped and grabed ahold of a long raspberry bramble,and shook it slightly so it rattled,not much,but just enough to attract attention.Then he skittered around behind her,and into the cover of the plants on the other side with a slight woosh noise,which he intended to pull her eyes to the path behind her,just in time to see a couple of bushes shake as something ran thru them.

Uzura is offline
Old 10-20-2007, 01:03 PM

Casey continued to walk cautiously forward. Her head moved from side to side as she tried to take everything in. Why would she dream of this place? It wasn't the least bit familiar. Her train of thought was broken as she heard the rattling of branches. She immidiently straightened up and looked around. Turning around, she noticed something scatter through the bushes. Her eyes opened wider and she took a deep breath.

"'s nothing to worry about," she told herself calmly. "You worries are just getting the better of you, is all."

Melangell is offline
Old 10-24-2007, 06:42 AM

"Hmm...Casey?"Vatcher whispered to himself,makeing a mental note to use her name later,and leaned his "paws" on a brittle twig,makeing it crack slightly,and then darted a few feet back the way they had come,waited a few seconds,then made himself shrink to a size that would be small enough for a human to hold in one hand,and dived into a pile of leaves,and waited to see if Casey would head away from the noise,or investigate.

Uzura is offline
Old 10-24-2007, 11:49 AM

Casey's eyes darted to the side when she heard what resembled a twig snapping. She nibbled at the inside of her cheek nervously.

"Why do I get the feeling I'm stuck in some cliched horror movie?" she mumbled while keep her eyes locked on the area she thought she heard the twig snap. "If that's the case, I'm not ending up like one of those stupid teenagers who die five minutes into the movie," she continued before briskly walking away from the source of the noise. She wasn't walking in any general direction, just...away.

Mistress Aura
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Mistress Aura is offline
Old 10-25-2007, 08:05 AM

((Eheh, this is just my intro, my posts usually aren't this long or this good. ^.^;))

Honey chestnut tresses that reached the middle of one's back shifted as a pale hand with sharp black nails tucked a stray curly lock behind an equally pale ear. Startling blue irises lined with storm gray with amber around the pupils moved as the person they belonged to looked around. A quiet sigh escaped the 19-year-old girl's black lips as she tilted her head to the side on the tree she was leaning against.. She was on the fringes of the clearing but wasn't paying much attention anymore, she'd been waiting for a while and had honestly given up on her 'penpal' ever showing up..

Her legs were encased in the black-dyed tanned hide of a creature often hunted in the local area and her red corset-like top was made of the same material. Soft lightweight black boots with hard heels adorned her feet and thumped in time with the impatient tapping of her nails against the hardened plain dark brown leathery material which enveloped her arms from wrist to elbow. A rather logical thought crossed her mind despite her suspicion that he probably bailed.
'Perhaps the runner was attacked on their way to tell my ally the update on the rendezvous..'

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StormRose is offline
Old 10-25-2007, 11:05 PM

Sai smirked wickedly as she ran her nails across he side of her blade, the screeching noise echoing through the quiet forest. It was time to hunt...She moved fast, disappearing from one shadow to another. The first being she caught sight of was Vatcher however. Hovering on the tree branch above him, she let her weapon slide out of her hands, falling in front of his path and staying there, trembling from the motion.

"You always were one to beat aroudn the bush, Vatcher."

She moved to her weapon now. Did she care if she'd messed up his stalking? Not really. "After all. I get much more direct results...Your technique doens't work on the ignorant." To scare, to injure, but not to kill. No, she wouldn't let herelf kill. After all. To let them live another night menat more power to be gained from their fear.

"Tired of your guerilla tactics yet?"

Dead Account Holder
Elektra_x3 is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 12:47 AM

"Good night mom, dad." Lacy said as she walked into her room. She started reading her favorite book for at least an hour. Her eyelids began to droop as her head dropped beside her stuffed bunny...

She began to dream of a dark place filled with trees and bushes. It didn't look at all familiar, but then again, most of her dreams didn't. She was walking down the pathway alone when she realized she was actually still in her pajamas.

Hmm..that's odd. She thought. For, usually while she was in a dream, she was in regular clothes. So her dream self just kept walking down the pathway..

Mistress Aura
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Mistress Aura is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 06:45 AM

She clasped her hands, raised her arms, stretched out her lean body like a cat, and then lowered them to her side. She absently reached a hand out for her ebony staff which was resting beside her and stared at the poisonous chunk of cinnabar at the top. She was so very tired of this world.. Day in, day out, all she ever did was run, hunt, and fight; she could never escape the nightmares even while 'sleeping.' "An eternal nightmare.." She moved her gaze towards the heavens though the canopy of the tree she was leaning against was blocking her vision of the beautiful starry night sky. "He isn't coming." She deadpanned, feeling rather weary and sick of the whole freakin' situation. Every time she tried to meet an ally they either disappeared without a trace, freaked out and left, or flatly told her that they didn't want to fight with her. Cowards, the lot of them.

Uzura is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 11:47 AM

All was silent for a while as she walked. Casey came across a river and decided to relax. She sat on the ground against a tree and as her skin reached the ground, Casey felt an odd sensation. She felt...cold. It was odd for her to feel anything in her dreams. She figured her sleeping body must have kicked off the blankets on her bed. She would do that from time to time. Resting her hands behind her head, she overlooked the rushing waters within the river.

"Why am I still here?" she mumbled to herself quietly. "Normally I would have woken up by now, but..." her voice drifted off. Something was different about this dream, but she didn't know what.

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Elektra_x3 is offline
Old 10-27-2007, 03:49 AM

She then saw a river. Where is this going? I thought this dream would have turned into something else by now.., She thought to herself. She walked up to the river and put her feet in. It was quite refreshing but then she realized, how could she even feel it? She quickly took her feet out and stared at the river, then the forest.

"This is so weird.." she told herself.

Mistress Aura
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Mistress Aura is offline
Old 10-28-2007, 05:49 AM

She toyed with the staff by tossing it to one hand and then right back to the other one. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked past the swishing blur of ebony and the trees at the river in the distance and caught sight of two figures.. They didn't look menacing and she trusted her good eyesight, it had saved her life in this strange world on more than one occasion.

She wasn't the type to just walk up to a stranger and talk to them so she didn't pay much attention to them, but she still kept a cautious eye on them; it paid to be careful in this horrid place. People usually became bitter and untrustworthy after realizing that this was no dream, and she definitely didn't want to be the one to break it to them if they didn't already know that they would most likely never wake up again.

Melangell is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 03:16 AM

"As a matter of fact,Sai,yess..."Vatcher hissed,trailing off as he launched himself into the air and sprouted raven wings and a beak,then glided down the path towards the stream.Once Casey came into veiw,a smirk found it's way onto his beak.Letting out a horse shriek,he dived beak first towards her face from far enough away that she could turn and see him comeing,but not duck in time.His eyes glowed brightly as he shot closer,then swerved at the last second,cliping her cheek with his wingtip.He flew into the bushes on the other side of the stream,soundlessly squashing himself to slip between the foileage,then twisted into the shape of a small snake,and slid into the water,watching and planning his next move.

Uzura is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 11:45 AM

As Casey stared into the rushing waters, her train of thought was broken as she heard a shriek, causing her to tense up in surprise. She whipped around to find the source of the noise when she saw a black bird hurdling towards her. Their eyes met and she could see a glowing redness in its eyes. She tried to duck, but the wings still clipped the side of her face. Casey drew back and slid to the side and away from the tree she was resting against and ended up on her back on the ground. She brought her hand to her cheek and winced in pain.

"Ow...that hurt," she groaned before her eyes opened wide after realizing what she had just said. She sat back up and took away her hand. "That...hurt," she realized while looking at the traces of blood on her finger tips. " could that hurt?"

Before she aloud anyone (or anything for that matter) to reply, she scrambled to her feet and ran off in the opposite direction from the river.

Dead Account Holder
Elektra_x3 is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 10:30 PM

"Woah!" she yelled as she saw a raven swoop down and attack another girl across the river. She heard her talk to herself and debated whether she should approach her or not. She took caution, as she stepped into the river, luckily not a very wide one, and started walking slowly to the other side.

"Oh my gosh. This water is way too cold!" she complained, only a few steps away from land. She hurried up a little. Unfortunately, she stepped on an edgy rock and fell. She groaned with pain in her foot as she was chest deep in the water. Her arms resting at the edge of the land.

Mistress Aura
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Mistress Aura is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 11:22 PM

(Decided to change my font so I don't get in trouble for too much BBC lol.)
She let her head drop down towards her chest and sighed softly at her current predicament. She really wasn't in the mood to deal with people that were obviously new to this world but they were under attack.. "It wouldn't be very fair of me to ignore them." She was already on the right side of the river, the only question was whether or not the vague bird-like shape that she glimpsed was a nightmare itself or just a shadow of the nightmare's power. 'Or if there's more than one nightmare.. Ugh I need to stop thinking and start acting.'

She threw her hands up in the air at her own thoughts and proceeded to stalk over to a tree with low branches. She leaned on her staff for balance and then thrust her leg out in a violent kick that knocked a hefty limb loose with a loud crack, then shifted a little to the left and repeated the same motions with another of the tree's limbs. She collected the two sturdy limbs, balancing them in the crook of her left arm so that her staff-bearing arm was unhindered, and proceeded to start walking towards the figure--rather, girl, as she soon discovered--who was half in and out of the river. After all, she seemed to be the most vulnerable of the two at the moment.

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Elektra_x3 is offline
Old 11-02-2007, 01:14 AM

So Lacy sat there for a good two minutes weeping when she saw another figure approaching.

" get..moving.." she told herself. She pushed on the ground to pull herself up and tried to get on her feet. The water cooled the wound a bit, but it still hurt all the same. Being vulnerable was horrible to her. She started limping and tripped over as soon as she got out of the river. She was desperate to get out of there as she saw the ominous figure getting closer. Screw it, I'll feel my self-pity later! I'm not just going to sit here helplessly, she thought, as she forced herself to get up and limp all the way inside of the forest.

As she thought she was far enough, she sat down in a lush pile of leaves and decided to rest her for now.
No way im going back there..

Mistress Aura
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Mistress Aura is offline
Old 11-03-2007, 04:41 AM

She scowled in annoyance as the girl made her way into the forest, but she could understand why the girl removed herself from sight. She personally doubted that she looked friendly, even if she was close enough for them to get a good look at her. "Oi! You!" She was about to yell something about how she needed to get back out of the forest but considered the fact that they might be too weak to do so.

She may have understood the girl's feelings but it didn't keep her from sighing angrily; it had been a long, hard day, and all she wanted to do was set up camp and get some rest. She wandered over to lean against a tree on the fringes of the forest, fiddled with balancing the two large branches in her arms, and grumbled mostly to herself, "I'm not going to hurt you, ye daft fool. I want to assist you with arming yourself.."

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StormRose is offline
Old 11-03-2007, 10:16 AM

Sai rolled her eyes, and smiled a bit as she shrugged. This, could very well, get fun. And once she gotted started it would. She dropped down in front of the nearest human, the blade already touched there. "Any other words you have to say beofre I drain your body of its life, and even your very spirit" Each word had such a sadistic twist, and there was this gleam in her eyes, one that showedthe twist in her words applied as equally to her eyes. Searching, searching for that weakpoint in the soul, one to exploit and in some cases, exploit to their fullest. For now, she began with that idle threat

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Elektra_x3 is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by Mistress Aura
She scowled in annoyance as the girl made her way into the forest, but she could understand why the girl removed herself from sight. She personally doubted that she looked friendly, even if she was close enough for them to get a good look at her. "Oi! You!" She was about to yell something about how she needed to get back out of the forest but considered the fact that they might be too weak to do so.

She may have understood the girl's feelings but it didn't keep her from sighing angrily; it had been a long, hard day, and all she wanted to do was set up camp and get some rest. She wandered over to lean against a tree on the fringes of the forest, fiddled with balancing the two large branches in her arms, and grumbled mostly to herself, "I'm not going to hurt you, ye daft fool. I want to assist you with arming yourself.."
Lacy stayed there, as she heard the distance voice. She ignored it, for how could she believe anyone in this bizarre dream? The girl began to think extremely hard about positive things to get her out of here or at least change the scene. So she closed her eyes and started thinking of being at home, next to a book in bed. She opened her eyes..she was still in the forest.

She gave up on thinking of a different place and instead she started attempting on waking herself up.Wake up, wake up, wake up.."AHH! WAKE UP!" she screamed to herself, falling to the ground spread eagle. She moaned right before she, quite aggressively, pinched her arm. She wanted to think that she didn't feel anything, but she did...pain.

Uzura is offline
Old 11-05-2007, 12:19 PM

(( Sorry StormRose. Who's you post directed at? ^^; ))

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StormRose is offline
Old 11-05-2007, 03:31 PM

((Heheh. At this point, I'm wondering the same I think i falling asleep as I wrote that. I think it was just to whoever wanted it to happen. Didn't know who felt like being attacked...Could be an NPC if we have those.))


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