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StrangeShank is offline
Old 04-10-2009, 10:04 PM

Name: Christopher "Chiguro" Baiorentsu
Age: 15 (just barely~)
weight: * blushes* ch-ch-chis not gonna tell!
Height: small....
Looks: Hes small, and child like, but he just hasnt hit his growth spurt yet...okay! ^.^ he has black hair, with the front of it dyed green, a boy colour ^.^ tied back in to a pony tail with a bright red bow....cause its fashonable. he weas a pink shirt with a giant heart on it, and tight blue jean pants.
Bio: hes a boy, he just likes pink and sometimes tries on his sisters dresses....she dosnt wear them anyways.... but hes not a drag queen! (not yet anyways) hes perfectly normal! and hes a boy! he thinks.....

A young boy? stomps down the road, looking to the grown with his shoulders slumped, sniffling. holding in his hand an empty icecreem cone. "s-s-stupid boys....." he rubs at his eyes. walking without watching where hes going, he then runs strait into (Country_Bella_Rose's character) and falls onto his bum "waah!" sniffle "i-i-.....i didnt mean to.....please dont hit me" he cringes.

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Old 04-13-2009, 09:41 PM

Name: Jesse Matthews
Age: 17
Height: 5'11
Weight: 165
Looks: He has short, black, spiked hair. He usually wears loose fitting blue jeans and a t-shirt with a black leather jacket. The jacket has three red stripes across the arms. He's pretty well muscled and spends a lot of time working out.
Bio: Jesse tries to be the typical badass, but he has a soft spot for younger boys that get picked on all the time. This is due to the fact that when he was younger, his baby brother was killed in a freak accident.

Jesse looked down at the kid who'd just run into him. "Hey, um... watch where you're going." He realizes the kid is crying and sighs, bending down to help her up. "Oh. Um... Hey, are you ok?" He asks as he pulls the boy to his feet. He was slightly embarrassed because he had thought he was a girl from the hair. "Hey, what happened to your ice cream? You drop it when you ran into me? Want another one? OH... sorry, I'm... umm... you remind me of someone, that's all...." He blushed a bit and turned to walk away, feeling rather oddly about the whole situation.

StrangeShank is offline
Old 04-13-2009, 11:30 PM

Chi looked down at the cone, then up at jesse "n-n-no c-chi shoul....nnn" he pouts "chi can buy...i mean i can buy my o-own ice cream" he rubs tears from his eyes smearing melted icecream on his eyes "owwy..." he trys his best to clean it up. "s-s-sorry for running into you" he says, trying to find his way forward. "big sis is gonna be sooo maaadddd..." he says to himself.

(*huggles them both~*)

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Country_Bella_Rose is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 03:15 PM

Jesse looked down at the boy, chuckling and feeling sorry for him. "Hold still a minute. Let me clean that off your face. You won't be able to see where you're going and will probably run into someone not so nice as me." He put a hand on the boy's shoulder to stop him, and used the bottom of his shirt to clean the ice cream off the boy's face. "There, that's better right? I'm Jesse, by the way. What's this about a big sister being mad at you?"

StrangeShank is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 05:45 PM

The boy looks up at the other...boy (XD) and blushes "w-w-well th-the ice c...the ice cream....was for big sis...." he finally says, unable to take his eyes off of Jessie " ch- err i mean...christopher...i guess.." he pouts "b-but you c..can call Chi..okay..." a small smile crosses his face, then it leaves. "ch- err I'm not keeping you from a-anything am I...oh noooes! imsoosorry Pleasedonthatemeeeeeeeeee!" he rambles on...

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Country_Bella_Rose is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 08:28 PM

Totally thrown by his rambling, Jesse smiles at the boy. "Woah! Easy there! Calm down. I don't hate you. You can't hate someone you just met, silly. And no, you're not keeping me from anything." He smiles and ruffles the boy's hair. "How about we go get your sister another ice cream cone. And maybe get us some too?" He turns the boy around and starts walking back to the ice cream stand, wondering what he's gotten himself into.

((LOL! He seems kinda creepy stalker-ish.... doesn't he...))

StrangeShank is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 09:28 PM

(come into my van little boy, i have an injured puppy that needs some love?)

Chi nods slowly, confused as to Jesse's kindness "you not trying to.....err.....'pull one over on mee'" he says awkwardly, trying to repeat a phrase hes heard before, "are you?"

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Country_Bella_Rose is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:40 PM

Jesse was a bit taken aback by the younger boy's comment. "Oh, no. I mean... this does seem kinda weird, huh? It's just that... well..." It was Jesse's turn to stutter through the conversation and turn a little pink around the edges. "You... Um..." He sighed a deep sigh. "You remind me of someone, ok?"

StrangeShank is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 10:48 PM

all suspicion leaves then "okay!" chi says happily taking Jesses hand, and not seeing any thing weird about it "yo-you wanna go get ice cream then?"

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Old 04-14-2009, 11:51 PM

A pained look crosses Jesse's face for a moment when Chi takes his hand. It lasts but a moment, and he hopes the younger boy doesn't notice. He smiles warmly at the boy and says, "Yeah, sure. Lets get that ice cream." They walk hand in hand to the ice cream stand and Jesse smiles at the woman behind the counter. "Hiya." He leans on the counter and looks down at Chi. "Hey, Chi, what kind of ice cream do you want? Oh, and what was your sister's cone?" He smiles at the boy, awaiting his response.

StrangeShank is offline
Old 04-14-2009, 11:56 PM

Chi blushes "u-umm...i like...strawberry.....a..and sister hand...blueberry.." he says awkwardly.."i sooooo oweee you mr. jesse...." he blushes looking at the ground, not sure how to act.

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Old 04-15-2009, 12:13 AM

Jesse smiled at the boy. He was so much like him, it hurt. He reached out and ruffled the boy's hair. "Hey, you don't owe me anything. And you can just call me Jesse." He turned to the woman behind the counter. "Alright then, I'll have a strawberry cone, a blueberry cone, and a raspberry cone." He paid the woman for the cones and handed Chi his cone and the cone for his sister. "Now, where is that sister of yours? I don't want her to worry about you." He smiled, ruffled the boys hair again, and waited for him to lead the way.

StrangeShank is offline
Old 04-15-2009, 12:18 AM

Chi looks at his hands, both of them full "hmmm......" he starts walking feeling kind of awkward "sh-shes a-at the park...."he blushes "wa-wanna walk with me?" he asks innocently.

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Country_Bella_Rose is offline
Old 04-15-2009, 12:31 AM

Jesse chuckles at Chi. "Sure, I'll walk with you. I don't have anything to do today anyway. Why not spend it with you?" He smiled at Chi. "I haven't been this happy in a long time. Lets go find your sister so you can empty that hand of yours." He winked at Chi, hoping that wasn't too weird a thing to say. He couldn't help it. There was just something about the boy...

StrangeShank is offline
Old 04-15-2009, 12:34 AM

(yay good job!)

CHi blushes, stumbling and almost dropping one of the ice cream cones.
some boys walk up to them stanidng in front of them "hey the faggot came back" one of them laughs, as chi tries to dissapear from the world, "aaand he brought himself a boyfriend this time"

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Country_Bella_Rose is offline
Old 04-15-2009, 12:48 AM

Jesse smiled at Chi and squeezed his shoulder with his free hand. He then stepped between Chi and the other boys. "Do you even know what you're talking about? How old are you anyway? And what makes you think he's gay?" It pissed him off so badly when younger, defenseless boys got picked on. Besides, he didn't think he was gay anyway. He'd always liked girls, but this weird feeling he had for this boy... So what if he was. It just made him all the angrier that these boys were trying to start something with them. "You think you can take me? Think again."

StrangeShank is offline
Old 04-15-2009, 12:50 AM

the boys look at each other and laugh.

Chi stands behind jesse, cowering a bit, holding the ice cream close

"you brats should know that this is our area, and we dont like faggots!" another one says, obviously the leader.
one in the back comments "have you sen the kid, he practically screams gay"

"c-c-c-chi dosnt scream.." chi mutters.

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Country_Bella_Rose is offline
Old 04-15-2009, 01:17 AM

Jesse smirked at the boys. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Mr. My Pants Are too Big For my Ass. Do you need a belt? I mean, it would be so easy to de-pants you. I didn't realize your name was written on this area. Go get me a map. Because last time I checked, this was a public place, and jerks like you have no business pushing people around like this. Just because you think you're better than they are. I hate punks like you, and I've got news for you. No one likes an asshole. Do any of you even have girlfriends, or are you all fags too? Just because the kid wears pink you think he's a fag. People these days. Now, if you'll excuse us, the sooner you let us pass, the sooner we'll be out of your "area" and you can get on with your miserable whiny little lives."

StrangeShank is offline
Old 04-15-2009, 01:25 AM

the boys just laugh at him, about to beat the crap out of the irritating one...

But then, Theirs heads slam together, and the onther gets thrown into a tree "damn you jerks!" a boy looking creature says, and then looks over at chi "it was taking you so long , i just walked up here to see for myself..." she looks back and fourth between the two "new friend lil bro?"

Chi nods " th-this is jesse..." he turns to jesse "an..and that my big sis, jenni- i mean..Jin"
jin walks over and takes her blue ice cream "if you need me...ill be back at the park.....have fun wit hyour friend" she says as she walks waay

Chi smiles "big sis is soo cool isnt she" he smiles up at jesse.

(ha his chance at being knight in shiney armourwas stollen by a manly girl!!!!)

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Country_Bella_Rose is offline
Old 04-15-2009, 02:01 AM

((HAHAHA He looks like a girl and she looks like a boy. Nice.))

Jesse was in shock at the girl who had just walked away. "That's your sister?" He smiled down at Chi. "Ok, so... mission accomplished. Now what do you want to do? We've got a whole day and nowhere in particular to be. Your wish is my command." He bowed low before the boy, stood back up, ruffled his hair, and chuckled. When he pulled his had away it may have accidentally brushed Chi's cheek.

StrangeShank is offline
Old 04-15-2009, 10:30 AM

(yeeah thats the plan xD shes strait though xD)

Chi blushes even more, licking at his ice cream, and getting some on his nose, "waah cold~" he rubs it off, then pays ttention to Jesse, "w-w-we coul...could go on....on an adventure maybe?"

Last edited by StrangeShank; 04-15-2009 at 10:32 AM..

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Country_Bella_Rose is offline
Old 04-15-2009, 03:22 PM

Jesse chuckled. This boy was so gentle, he just wanted to wrap him in his arms and hold him. He smiled sweetly at him, and laughed when he realized he had messed up Chi's hair with all the ruffling he had done. "Oh wow. I really messed up your hair when I ruffled it. Here, let me fix it." He spun Chi around, and very carefully untied the bow, brushes his hair out with his fingers, pulls it back, and reties the bow. "There you go. All better. I'll try not to ruffle it anymore, ok? Now, for that adventure. Hm.... Lets walk to the park and see what kind of adventure we can have. What do you want to be? Pirates? Knights and princesses? We can do anything you want." He smiles sweetly at the boy, trying his best not to fold him into his arms and hold him.

StrangeShank is offline
Old 04-15-2009, 05:41 PM

(lol i was wondering about that xD *ruffle ruffle ruffle* XDyou also realise that these are two teenagers xD chi kinda acts 5 but hes really 15 ish xD i keep forgetting xD)

CHi giggles as the other boy ties up his hair. "th-thank you" he smiles. princesses....waaaaah...hed probly laugh at me if i said that...... he thinks. "mammas a being a pirate would be bad" he giggles. and thinks harder. making a frustrated face, from all the thinking hes doing...

"we could go adventuring......" he looks around while walking twords the park again, "in that general direction!" he points twords the woods "i bet theres tons of adventures in there!"

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Country_Bella_Rose is offline
Old 04-15-2009, 09:09 PM

((Yeah, I know. But Chi's so small and cute...... It's easy to forget. And lets just say Jesse's a big sci-fi/fantasy nerd... under all that spiked hair and leather.... ^__^))

Jesse laughed a good belly laugh. "Your mom is a ninja? Wow, what else should I know about you? Any way, lets go. We can be two adventurers entering the enchanted woods for the first time. What will we find? Dragons? Monsters? Fairies? Sprites? There's only one way to find out, my fearless companion."

They reach the edge of the forest and Jesse puts his hand on Chi's shoulder to stop him. "My friend, this is it. Once we enter this enchanted wood, no one will ever be able to say no one has been here before. Are you ready? I can only imagine what fate awaits us on the other side of this veil of trees." He smiles at the other boy, hoping he enjoys his storytelling.

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Old 04-15-2009, 09:15 PM

(*falls out of chair laughing* wow hes good xD chis just gonna stare and listen to the gibberish come out of his face for houuurs )

Chi giggles at the older boys stories "but what if we find zombies?" he asks, making a mock fear face, and acidently smashing his icecream in his face "cold....." chi blushes.

(you know like how someone stands right before thezombie eats them xD)


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