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kazluckystar112 is offline
Old 10-03-2008, 05:18 PM

mind evil like times in a far off land that only a hand full of humens know about demens and dragons war and its up to the brave ones to find a way to get every one to get a long befor the world is no more will you be good and be side with the dragons or bad and fall in love with a demen its up to you ......

:: rules:: rude behaveor your charrys do not post them ill do that out of charry post plz if you must charry post with noncharry in((mode)) ty
more to come as i think of them

charry name.
(you can be humen 1/2dragon or 1/2 demen)
class.(mage fighter whatever)
bio. (plz put a little back history like who your mom and dad are)

name. kazluckystar112
charry name. kazuku
age.499 but look 20
class.mage water and ice
bio. kazuku is from along line of dragon mages and on is the keeper of time and space inhariting her talints from her dad the grate bule iec dragon Gernday.... she bi poler and is a little mean at times no one knows if shes going to help "its not my job to save the world " is what she says the most and if you know her just a little she will get arownd to helping in someway .....

name. Palmoun
charry name. Griffen
age. ? (he looks like he is around the age 15)
sex. Male
He is half dragon
class. Fighter
bio. He does not know who he is. He woke up in the midle of a forest one day and had no memory of who he was. But he does have a clue a scar on his back in the shape of a griffin and has scars all over his body. He wonded the world looking for anyone who might know him but when he was doing this he got into the war. Since he did not have a name the dragons call him Griffen because of his scar. He does not like to fight but the dragons say that he has to fight to stay alive. But when he gets blood on him me goes made like a wild animal.

ok now its up to you pm me and we can get going

Last edited by kazluckystar112; 10-05-2008 at 02:06 AM..

kazluckystar112 is offline
Old 10-03-2008, 05:25 PM


hight montins.
dragon only

sea of disper

drak montin
far from the hight montins
demen only

the glad
humen mostly

Last edited by kazluckystar112; 10-04-2008 at 06:02 AM..

kazluckystar112 is offline
Old 10-03-2008, 05:33 PM

kazuku opend her eyes man why do i have to wake up she moved to and pool of water and looked in "it is time hartin sattier kambar "she said moveing her hands ove the water and a ice ring come up out iof the water and a shen come over it a porlet opened up "now all we have to do is what" she walk away from the water to see who whold come out of it ......
.... arownd the worlds of man portels opened will you go in ....

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 10-04-2008, 07:33 PM

((I am going to jump in ok))

Griffen was laying up in a tree outside of the dragon cave were headquarters for the war was at. The tree was the only safe place he could be with out being picked on by the other fighters for not wanting to fight. He did not like to and when ever he did he would go uncounces and when he woke up everyone around he would be dead. He looked up into the stars Who Am I He kept on thinking to himself. Then he started to fall asleep up in the tree.

Last edited by Palmoun; 10-05-2008 at 09:35 PM..

kazluckystar112 is offline
Old 10-05-2008, 02:06 AM

kazuku walk to the war cave and looked into a tree and the was a boy up in it "hey you up ther do you know where i can find the comanding officer i need to talk to him about geting a look out for my portell ..." she looked away thinking why not "do you want to work for me"

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 10-05-2008, 09:41 PM

Griffen looked down at the girl. Should I work for her? "that depends." He called down "Would I have to fight anyone?" He said as he climbed down from the tree so that they did not have to yell. When he reached the ground he got a good look at her and he looked into her eyes and they seemed kind and gental. He had dark black eyes that seemed to scare her a bit "Because If it deals with me fighting I want no part in it and the comander is in the cave but I am not going to escort you there ok." He said trying to answer all her questions

kazluckystar112 is offline
Old 10-07-2008, 06:31 AM

((omg i forgot to add thread T.T))

kazkuk looked at him "well no you dont have to fight ... ... i just need some one to look over my portel who know what might come out ....." she just looked at him i dont think i needed to say that "ill just go talk to the comander he need my help with some thing... so you just think about it ok "she turned and wint in to the cave to see the comander

he wanted a ice sheld for the troops "i dont just give out my spells ...."she yelled

"dont yell at me kazuku im the comander and i comand you to give me that spell"he yelled back little drargons ran and the comanders officeres come out of the cave
"man that girl can get mean"one of them said

"revan iesa cristo" kazuku said and befor the comander can said no .. he was iced and she ran out of the cave "that mans giting harder and harder to work with .."she soped just short of the tree ...

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 10-07-2008, 09:36 PM

Griffen saw the girl and walked over to her "I will come with you anything to get away from here and what happend in there?" Griffen siad with a smile

Last edited by Palmoun; 10-07-2008 at 09:50 PM..

kazluckystar112 is offline
Old 10-08-2008, 02:29 AM

kazuku looked at "oh nothing my cusin want a spell from me thats all "she said withan evil smile "ok your going to work of me .. lets go back to my cave "

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 10-08-2008, 11:07 PM

"ok by the way the name is Griffen." he said stiking his hand out for a hand shake

kazluckystar112 is offline
Old 10-14-2008, 01:42 AM

(((((omg writers block ))))
"im kazuku ..." she looked at him and at his hand and put hers in his and let go "ok this way "she said and stared to walk to her cave .

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 10-14-2008, 01:55 AM

Griffen followed with worryed look then looked back to the only place he could remember and turned his head in disgust becaouse of all the people who had made fun of him

kazluckystar112 is offline
Old 10-14-2008, 02:01 AM

" so tell me about you ..." she asked looking back at him (((we need some demens its geting a bit dry))) thinking how cute he was

I miss it here, send a message t...
Palmoun is offline
Old 10-14-2008, 08:02 PM

"I do not know much about myself, You see I woke up in the forest one day with no memory. I went around looking for people who might know me but ended up beign in the war. They did not know what my name was so they named me griffen after this scar on my back. I am not a fight, I hate fighting but everyone says I am a natural but I do not remember any fights I have had. You see when I start a fight everything goes blank but when I wake up everyone around me is dead. So eveyone picks on me because I say I hate fighting." he looked at his hand like he had blood on them. But that soon faded by a big boom from the back of them. Griffen turned around and saw that the cave had been bomed.


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