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Silver Crusnik
Kittenfais Overlord
Silver Crusnik is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 04:28 AM

Pillow Wars: Return of the Valentine

Hehe, well...I wanted to make an rp thread, so I decided that I would do so. :yes: I could really use a distraction anyway.


The way this works is, well...basically, instead of just randomly hitting people with pillows by clicking, we add a little more depth and play it out in roleplay fashion.

These are the stipulations of the roleplay which you have to follow

*You may attack anyone on the field that you wish, but you have to give them reaction time. Make the pillowfight epic, and add a little humor in there too. :)

*You may use any equipped weapons you have, such as the Pudao of Time or Garnet Dragon Swords, but only insofar as defending yourself from pillow strikes. On the same token, if your pillow is messed up somehow, you have to go back to your base and get a new one. I'll say you can carry two. One in your hands, one on your back. X3

*You may not openly move into a base, but you CAN try and sneak past. I am going to ask that each base has up to two guards. If they are nto on, it's that much easier to sneak into a base, but if you get caught, you're in srs trubble, because I'm leaving it open as to what people can do to you in their bases. XD No severe torture, peeps. This is a fun event. <3

*This is WAR. Let's make sure to keep all the amenities handy. Medics, sentries, and lotsa soldiers! =D

*Basic roleplaying rules apply. No Godmoding, no "killing," no Powerplaying. You get that jazz.

*OoC will be denoted in Parentheses, or any method that is conventional, within the rp.

ALSO! If you can get an actual team leader or other awesome person in here, that'd be epic. I don't expect it, but it'd be cool, wouldn't it? 8D

Last edited by Silver Crusnik; 02-15-2009 at 04:34 AM..

Silver Crusnik
Kittenfais Overlord
Silver Crusnik is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 04:32 AM


If you want to participate in the war, please PM me, so I can add you to the list. Tell me which team, so I can organize the forces. ;)

Team Black Skull


Team Red Roses
Silver Crusnik

Team Pink Hearts

Kamikaze Kendra

Team Purple Iris

No one yet

Last edited by Silver Crusnik; 02-15-2009 at 07:44 PM..

Silver Crusnik
Kittenfais Overlord
Silver Crusnik is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 04:33 AM

Reserved in case I decide to add anything

Silver Crusnik
Kittenfais Overlord
Silver Crusnik is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 04:33 AM

And a second. Seriously, I may be paranoid, but you never know. :yes:

Silver Crusnik
Kittenfais Overlord
Silver Crusnik is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 04:40 AM

(And now I shall start the rp. Feel free to PM and join!)

Abel wasn't the sort to be a soldier. Heck, he could scew up even the easiest of tasks. Six foot, skinny as a rail, and in clothes that he could very easily trip on, he was a danger to himself with his own Pudao.

But certainly with a pillow in hand, he was not in any danger, right? Granted, he had his Pudao in the other, but what was the worst that could happen.

Ohh, if only he could find a proper vampire on this island. With a little blood, he'd do a lot better. Then again, it was one thing for a normal vampire to find a human on Menewsha. It was quite another for a Crusnik to find a vampire.

"Oh, well. Least there isn't any trouble about," he reflected as he looked up at the moon from his perch on a large rock near the Red Roses' base. It was a pretty night, and no trouble seemed to be afoot, so his pillow was held slack in his fingers. Next to him, his pristine white HeartFace Fox seemed to watch the starry night quizzically without any vision to speak of.

theatre major from nurse school
Lathrine is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 05:19 AM

Lathrine was a fighter, simple as that. Sure, she wore silly-as-hell outfits half the time, and would cross-dress as guys a fourth of the time with only wearing 'normal' clothing the last fourth, but she was a fighter.

The fact that she wore ridiculous outfits, was under six feet tall, and was pretty skinny just served to deter her opponent from the fact that, when fired up and pissed, she had one helluva temper and was not to be trusted with a sword or any blade of any kind around the 'enemy'. And the Red Roses- a team that was full of witty people who could take a joke and liked to act fast- was perfect for a girl like her who preferred to whack first, question later eighty percent of the time.

Smiling as she spotted Abel at his perch, Lathrine scrambled up the back of the rock and sat down next to the Crusnik, handing him a chocolate bar while her own White Heartface Fox rubbed Abel's in greeting, "Nice night, huh? It's so clear out tonight, feels like I can see forever."

Last edited by Lathrine; 02-15-2009 at 05:29 AM..

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Allail is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 05:24 AM

Allail crouched behind a tree about twenty feet away from his prey. It was a small crouch, only lowering him to a height of about five feet, while he was five feet and six inches. Stalking wasn't something the boy was good at, as he hadn't done this much. But he'd do it for his prey. His beautiful prey.

The name of Allail's prey was Abel. Allail would do anything for the man. Love just did that to him. That's right, Allail was in love with Abel, and given half a chance, he would marry him.

As he moved closer to his love, his eyes became more focused on him. He barely saw the fox and woman next to him, or the stone that he was about to trip over. He fell with a barely muted thud, and a very audible yell.

Allail quickly got back up, and this time ran over to Abel, not caring about making very little noise. "Abel, I've come to see you!" He had a huge smile on his face as he said this, and unlike what he would usually do, which was spread his arms wide open for a hug, he grabbed the pillow that was latched onto his back and went to playfully hit his favorite man on the head with it.

Silver Crusnik
Kittenfais Overlord
Silver Crusnik is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 05:38 AM

Abel grinned at Lathrine lightly, glad she enjoyed the aesthetic beauty of the night sky. And here he thought he was the only one. His fox crooned softly, it's bushy tail flicking slightly as it turned to return the rubbing with its nose.

"Forever's so nice to live on an island like this. It seems things never end around here," Abel commented. "The sky, the ocean, the friends, the's quite enchant---aaaahhhh?!?!"

The Crusnik was pathetically thrown off his guard, even with his heightened senses, and yelped as he was pummeled across the head with a soft fluffy pillow that still managed to knock him off his perch and flat on his face in the grass.

He lay there for a moment, then forced himself up, shaking his head.

"Ahh! Allail, what did you do that for?" he whined, his face in an obvious pout. He usually expected a hug from his good friend, but nothing like a pillow to the head.

Kamikaze Kendra
Music Guru

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Old 02-15-2009, 05:46 AM

Oh pink, the color of innocence and naivety... it was safe to assume that the other teams were bound to underestimate her team. The thought alone brought a smile to Kendra's lips. She was short - only five-foot-four - and curvy with large brown eyes. All dolled up in her pink lingerie and bunny ears she certainly didn't look threatening.

But isn't it said that the quiet ones were the ones to look out for? The ones who would pounce and attack when you least expected it? Or was that second part concerning cats? Well, with her pillow in hand - hanging down below her waist - she took in the scenery from a spot quite near to the base of her beloved Pink Hearts.

How perfectly contradictory was this? Peaceful violence. She narrowed her eyes and looked off towards the Rose team's base before letting her smile slip into a small pout. While she didn't doubt her ferocity with a pillow she was still outnumbered three to one and those weren't exactly the best odds.

theatre major from nurse school
Lathrine is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 05:50 AM

"Yeah, it's so beautiful here, I can't imagine living anywhere else," She commented, smiling as she leaned back on her arm.

Allail's friendly attack caught her off guard, making her jump and nearly topple off the rock herself.

Lathrine had to fight to suppress her laughter as she leapt off the rock to checking and make sure the Crusnik wasn't injured by the fall. "You all right?" she asked as her Heartface, snowy tail waving in the moonlight, 'looked' first at Allail, then over towards the Pink Heart's base. It had the sneaking suspicion that they were being watched, but thought nothing of it as it curled up against Abel's Heartface.

Last edited by Lathrine; 02-15-2009 at 06:04 AM..

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Allail is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 05:50 AM

Abel didn't like Allail's playful attack? This made him somewhat sad. "I just thought it would be sort of fun. I'll go back to hugging you, if you prefer that. Maybe I'll manage to sneak in a kiss." He had started off with a defensive tone, but it had melted quickly into a happy one, and he had a wide grin on his face. Abel should know that he wasn't joking when he said that he'd try to sneak in a kiss, the Crusnik knew very well what Allail's feelings were.

He looked around, noticing that he and Abel weren't alone for the first time. He lessened his smile, mostly because he wasn't looking at Abel, but his smile was still pretty large. "Hey Lathrine, I didn't see you there. Or the two foxes." He liked the woman, and he considered them to be friends, and Allail liked to think that she thought the same way.

But what was she doing here with Abel? She couldn't be trying to seduce him, could she? If she was, she'd be in for more than a playful hit with a pillow. He'd probably go all out crazy on her. Abel was his, and he wasn't about to let anyone take him away from him.

"What brings you two out here?" He asked this not out of suspicion, but out of simple curiosity. The fifteen year old boy was a very curious person, and when he got suspicious, he usually quickly forgot about it, unless he had good evidence.

Silver Crusnik
Kittenfais Overlord
Silver Crusnik is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 05:58 AM

Abel laughed nervously.

"I'm alright," he assured Lathrine, but that wasn't what was bothering him in the least. Not that Allail bothered him, but he wasn't quite sure about his stance on the boy's love. After all, he was twenty-one and Allail Abel wasn't exactly...fully male-oriented. However, he also wasn't a bad soul, and didn't exactly find Allail's company displeasing. So he kept his thoughts on their relationship of sorts tentative. He wasn't really bound by social stigma. Just his feelings, and his morals.

His fox raised its head, ears rotated forward. Due to its blindness, it had extraordinary hearing...and it had thought that it had heard something. However, it took the same approach as Lathrine's and merely curled up, enjoying the other fox's warmth.

theatre major from nurse school
Lathrine is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 06:02 AM

"I thought I'd stop by to bring Abel some chocolate and say high before swinging over to see if the second look out was ready to swap out for someone or not," Lathrine said cheerfully, smiling, "I'd love to get in on the attack against the Hearts tonight, but since I haven't stood watch for a while it would be more fair if I bowed out in favor of someone else,"

It had been her idea to start giving Abel chocolate every so often. Chocolate gave you a sugar rush, which- even if it didn't last very long- was better then letting the Crusnik lack energy. Honestly, where was a vampire when you needed one? When ever she wasn't looking, they were everywhere. Swarming out of every nook and cranny. But as soon as they tried to track down one willing to let Abel snitch some of it's blood, BAM! They were all gone.

The woman considered Allail to be a friend too, and the same with Abel. Sometimes- like with Tilly- there would be someone who matched her pretty random and obsessive personality well enough that they'd become pretty close friends, but they never evolved into romantic relationships.

Kamikaze Kendra
Music Guru

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Old 02-15-2009, 06:18 AM

Sighing quietly to herself she kept her eyes on the figures in the distance unable to make out who they were, or if she knew them at all. Things would have been so much easier if some of her teammates would show up and offer some sort of assistance, but as it stood she was on her own and outnumbered. "Fantastic," she mumbled to herself as she took a few steps away from the base, careful to try and stay in the darkest areas she could.

"Pale skin and pink lingerie aren't exactly made for camouflage," she huffed as she transferred her pillow from one hand to the other. Slightly closer she could now see the figures a little easier, and she couldn't help but utter a slight moan of despair.

Not only were there three people hovering around the Roses' base, but there were two foxes as well. Sneaking up on them was going to be out of the question, because even if the other people didn't hear her the animals sure would.

Biting her lip she attempted to figure out her next move. Did she attempt to ambush them and risk being caught or approach them and try to play that whole innocent card?

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Allail is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 06:19 AM

Allail licked his lips. He loved chocolate. Maybe he'd get some after he spent some time with Abel. The thought made him smile. Maybe this time he'd finally convince the Crusnik that they were meant for each other. Allail didn't care about the age gap, or even that Abel wasn't human. He knew what he wanted and intended on getting it.

But then again, if Lathrine had brought Abel some chocolate, maybe she had some with her? "Do you have any left over for me? I love chocolate. Or maybe you have something else that's sugary?" His eyes beamed with the hope of getting some sweets, but if she didn't have any, he wouldn't be sad for very long. After all, who could be sad when they were around someone as lovely as Abel? "Hm, attacking the Hearts does sound fun. I can't wait. But you should come along. It's always fun fighting with you helping."

He dropped down to the ground, next to the person he hoped he would someday marry. "I'm really sorry about that Abel. Want me to kiss you all better? Your lips look rather hurt." He smiled again, the sweets he had hoped to obtain all but vanishing from his mind, along with any hope of attacking the Hearts, or anyone else for that matter. He'd rather taste the Crusnik's lips than any piece of chocolate.

theatre major from nurse school
Lathrine is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 06:30 AM

Lathrine laughed, "Of course! I always try to keep extra on me," she said, handing Allail a bar of the sweet candy. She nodded, "I'm planning on coming along, I just want to make sure that one of the other look outs get a chance to get in on it if they want to,"

She politely ignored the question Allail had asked Abel, and instead turned her eyes towards the surrounding landscape, checking for any 'hostiles' in the area.

Last edited by Lathrine; 02-15-2009 at 06:31 PM..

Some kind of pixie-thing
Kierys is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 06:41 AM

Kierys was glad for short hair. She was glad for short hair because it was easy to manage. It was cute and bouncy. It gave her a playful appearance. But right at this particular moment, she was glad for her short, burnt auburn hair because it couldn't get tangled in the bushes she was so stealthily crouched in as easily as long hair could. In fact, that was why she hacked it all off so mercilessly anyways. Of course, that kind of killed her whole "sexy, mysterious vampire lady" look that she had going, but heck, she could do with a little normality for a while.

And why was she crouched in the bushes? Well, because there was a war going on. A war of ages. Of honor. Of pillows! She was hunched over, a Staff of Orchids in one hand, a teddy bear with "Black Skulls" embroidered on his belly in the other. Yeah, so she still slept with stuffed animals. Shut up. Her gold shaded eyes peered out into the darkness, trying to make sense of the shapes she saw up ahead. Even with her heightened senses, there was a lot of distance between her position and the Red Rose base up ahead. Something moved and she held her breath, waiting to see if it would begin moving towards her. Whatever it was, it remained stationary, and so did she.

She was grateful for the momentary cloud cover over the moon that hid the glint of her dull silver armor from view. Her attire was interesting to say the least. A dark blue skirt with gold stars hung from her waist, overlapped by a half-shirt of pale white feathers, tied with gray ribbons. Upon her shoulders, a feathery mantle and cape, both white and gray in color. Across her chest wove vines of white roses, obscuring the blue cloth beneath. Her helm sat daintily atop her head with the visor up, adorned with a single white poinsettia with dangling gold chains. Gold shoes kept her feet safe from thistles and other worldly dangers. Sure, the outfit didn't match, but she felt almost regal in it. She felt invincible and only slightly ridiculous. She slid just a half an inch sideways to get a better look and squinted her eyes. She thought she saw something move again. Two smaller figures in the dark.
'What could they be?' she wondered.

((And yes, I made Kier a vampire, just for you, Abel ;-) ))

Silver Crusnik
Kittenfais Overlord
Silver Crusnik is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 06:50 AM

(*thoroughly disgruntled because computer lost the post* Pleh.)

Abel's eyes were practically sparkling and his grin widened immensely.

"Really?" he said, all other awkward situations and problems forgotten, except maybe his gnawing hunger. Sugar always made him happy since, although he was a Crusnik, normal food did sort of help. Not very much, unfortunately, and he typically ate like a horse. But still...for Lathrine to remember that sugar helped him out immensely touched him. He knew that he was a liability to anyone around him on any sort of teams.

"And you know me, guard duty's good enough. I'm pathetic with the pillow," he said, laughing a bit.

When Allail began to shamelessly flirt with Abel, color rose to his cheeks. Not because he was flattered or anything, but because such positions made him feel uncomfortable...and Allail was a stronger personality than Abel, so he'd gotten away with more than just a hug. Sometimes he got in a few sneaky kisses, and that usually put Abel into seclusion for a while to sort himself out.

It was as he finally stood up that he noticed something...strange. Abel's senses were keen, yes...but he couldn't be detecting what he thought he was detecting, and he wasn't going to let his stomach get the better of him either. No, it was probably nothing.

His Heartface Fox was not so gullible, and it stood fully, deciding that it was going to search around and sate its curiosity. It didn't like being downwind.

Some kind of pixie-thing
Kierys is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 06:59 AM

Kier hunched over further. Something was moving. And worse, it was moving towards her, by the look of things. Oh, this was bad. Badbadbadbadbad. But what did she do now? Disappear into the trees behind her at the risk of getting hopelessly lost or worse, running into a member of another team with her guard down, or did she wait and see if it changed course? The wind blew past her, rustling the foliage that obscured her and she cursed beneath her breath. Idiot. Downwind....the shape was downwind from her. It could probably smell her, if its senses were keen enough. Heck, it was too small for a person anyways. Must be some manner of beast. So hiding in the forest was out of the question. So what then? Wait for it to find her? What then? She couldn't bring herself to harm a thing if it had no intentions of harming her, after all, and she doubted it could wield a pillow anyways. Maybe she'd just wait. Yeah...nothing to do but wait. Wait and hope. And remember to take note of her position next time.

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Old 02-15-2009, 07:02 AM

Allail felt a little disappointed about having to divert his attention away from Abel at that moment, but his disappointment disappeared quickly when he saw the candy bar. He wouldn't eat it just yet, he'd save it for after he gave up on trying to kiss Abel for the night. The candy bar would have to wait a while to be eaten, since he was feeling unusually persistant tonight.

Taking the candy from Lathrine's hands, he smiled up at her. "Thanks Lathrine." The woman had extra candy on her ninety percent of the time, and it made him really happy. He didn't like her just because she had candy. It was just a bonus of being her friend.

Turning his attention back to Abel, he giggled. The Crusnik was blushing. Maybe tonight he'd get another kiss. But it seemed a little less likely when Abel stood up. Really, how was Allail supposed to lock lips with the man when there was a five inch gap between their mouths? But since Abel was standing, Allail could hug him.

There was barely any distance between them, so Allail quickly put his arms around the older man happily. Abel would probably be able to get out of his embrace easily; he always managed to do that. But this knowledge only made him squeeze tighter. If he won't give me a kiss, he can at least settle for a hug.

theatre major from nurse school
Lathrine is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 07:04 AM

((Ouch, I feel for you, Silver. D: All of my lost posts have always been form my own clumsiness, though. e_e I had a nice long one typed out once and hit one of the quick links above me tabs. I was not a happy camper.))

Lathrine smiled, "All it takes is a bit of practice to get the hang of it, that's all." She reassured the Crusnik. It's not like she was any good when she first started. She hadn't been able to hold her sword straight, and they had to swap it out for a shorter one. Lathrine had always had the personality, but what she lacked was the strength.

"No problem, Allain." She said with a smile.

Likewise, Lathrine's Heartface was not fooled this time and stood, stretching, and padded after Abel's Heartface, snowy tail waving.

Silver Crusnik
Kittenfais Overlord
Silver Crusnik is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 07:15 AM

(Oh, my. I meant NOT downwind. But this works as well. =D I'll just edit it out.

Haha, and most of my lost posts are at the fault of my laptop and its loose battery. D< I hate it...)

The fox drew ever closer to what it could smell, having noticed by now that it was a person. Curiously, it wondered what this person was doing here.

Abel was a little pouty that Allail got candy first, and looked expectantly to Lathrine. it was a bit rude, but sometimes he simply didn't take note.

He didn't have much time to answer to Latherine though, before Allail quite literally glomped him. The skinny man was almost rendered breathless as the teen did so, and he was always surprised at how anyone could want to hug him anyway, all skin and bones as he was. They might get a jab from his ribs or something, for goodness' sake!

theatre major from nurse school
Lathrine is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 07:22 AM

The second Heartface, Lathrine's, moved swiftly to catch up with the other fox, then slowed down as it approached, only to hasten again as it caught the same person-scent.

Grinning, Lathrine handed the Crusnik a bar of chocolate around the figure hugging him. "Here you go,"

Last edited by Lathrine; 02-15-2009 at 07:28 AM..

Some kind of pixie-thing
Kierys is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 07:28 AM

Kier cursed.
Two shapes now moved through the darkness, both headed steadfastly towards her position. She tightened her hold on her teddy bear and her staff. Maybe if she could scare them off...
'Don't be hasty, Kierys. If you scare them, then others might come to investigate what spooked them. Let them see you and then maybe just coax them to go away? After all, what interest would they have in me? Animals tend to not like my...kind...'
The creatures crept forward and as the silvery moon slipped from the clouds, she could see they were foxes. Those white heartface foxes she heard so much about. She had wanted one herself, but was hard pressed to find anyone selling the rare breed anymore. She remained hunched over, still clinging to a sliver of hope that they would turn around and leave her be. It didn't seem the case though. When animals got a thought in their head, they weren't easily distracted. She squeezed her staff tight and tried to think of a way to shoo them away.

Silver Crusnik
Kittenfais Overlord
Silver Crusnik is offline
Old 02-15-2009, 07:35 AM

"Ah, thanks!" he said happily, glad that Allail was short enough to hug under his arms, and had slipped his own between the silver-haired Crusnik's. This left Abel's hands free and able to take the chocolate. His long fingers quickly peeled away the wrapping and all else was forgotten as he attacked the candy with a frightening appetite.

He didn't at all notice that his fox was nearing an enemy pillowfighter, and now "looking" in a sense up at the person. Was it a friend or a foe? It couldn't see, nor differentiate between one team and the other.


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