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The 'Boy Who Lived' has come to ...
Lightning_Serah is offline
Old 07-05-2011, 01:56 AM

Avon sighed as he dragged his suit cases out of his car. He'd just been on a well-deserved vacation, and hated to come back just to have to go to work in a few hours. He'd been told that there was big news ahead, but he hadn't really put to much thought into. Avon knew that his co-workers exagerated alot, and that the news probably wasn't big at all. Perhaps something like they started using real meat. Avon laughed, before finally entering his empty home to be greeted by his hyper dog.

"Hey there KinKin, didn't miss me to much, did ya?" He asked as he petted the dog, before finally heading up to his own room. He fell back onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. He just wanted to sleep, not go work. He knew he needed the money if he wanted to keep his house, since it wasn't as if he had his parents there to help him anymore. Even though he was only nineteen, his parents left him and the house. All he could remember was them saying something about needing to travel the world. He rolled his eyes at the thought. He was sort of glad they were gone. They acted as if they were twenty, partied every night, got drunk, and brought home strange people each day. It was insane, and Avon certainly didn't miss any of it.

Standing up, Avon walked over to his mirror. He brushed his short blonde hair out of his dark green eyes, before throwing on a hat the read the name of the bussiness he worked at.

"Guess I better get going..." He groaned, before heading out of the door. The shop was in walking distance, which is the main reason he chose the job in the first place.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-06-2011, 08:34 PM

Evelyn surveyed the place with a nod. It was a little shop, full of antiques. The old furniture, with elegance and an ageless beauty, made her feel at home. She was glad to have managed to purchase the place, items and all, from the previous owner. She looked like she was twenty, and could pass herself off as a few years older, though she was in reality quite a few centuries old. The vampire had become bored with her old routines, and now wanted to explore the excitement of retail. It helped that an employee had come with the package of the shop.

Twirling a strand of dark brown hair, the green eyed woman sat quietly in the office. HEr black dress accentuated her curves, just as her pixie haircut framed her face. Evelyn wanted to make a good impression. It wouldn't do for her worker to think badly of her. Evelyn didn't want to use any kind of mind control on the young man. All she knew was his name.


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