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Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
Cupcake Queen is offline
Old 07-22-2011, 11:38 PM

You are here by invited to the Jones's Masquerade ball. It is being held for Young Miss Jones who is turning 18. All are welcome to come ask long as you have a mask and a tux or dress. Anyone who does the following things will be kicked out:

1. Fight
2. Get Drunk
3. Bring a Weapon

That is all and we hope to see you at tonight's ball.

Little do they know but someone has been hired to get her and she will be kidnap at the ball. Will this be her last night of peace or will she be able to enjoy her night. No one knows.

Your picture:
Your Outfit and mask:


Use that skeleton. Bio is not needed.
Pics for you outfit and mask must be real and you can't have the same outfits.
Post your profiles.


Name: Lizzy Jones
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Your picture:
Your Outfit and Mask:

Last edited by Cupcake Queen; 07-24-2011 at 12:47 AM..

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 07-24-2011, 01:41 AM

Name: Melody Marie Baker
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Your Outfit and mask:

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 07-24-2011 at 01:49 AM..

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
Cupcake Queen is offline
Old 07-24-2011, 01:52 AM

Lizzy sat up in her room as her parent's servants curled her hair. The ball would be starting in less than an hour and she was almost ready. Her golden hair curled as they took the rollers out and the put a ribbon to tie them together. Then they began on her makeup. It was purple eye shadow, black eyeliner and mascara. They also put a purplish pink lip gloss on her lips.

When they left her to get her dress on, she looked in the mirror. They had put a bunch of makeup on. To much like usual. She let out a sigh. She didn't want a big party but her parents insisted. She only wanted to spend the day with her friends. She decided to just tough it out. She walked over and put her dress on, careful not to smudge her makeup and then she put her mask on. She opened the door and looked down waiting for the guest to start arriving then she would, as her parents said, make her big entrance.

(wow my longest post ever!!)

Kilia is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 01:28 AM

Name: Aiden
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Your picture:
Your Outfit and mask: (of course with black pants and shoes too)

Last edited by Kilia; 07-25-2011 at 12:26 PM..

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
Cupcake Queen is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 01:29 AM

(ok post please)

Kilia is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 02:17 AM

Aiden sighed as the carriage pulled up to the house that the ball was being held at, the only reason that he had come here in the first place is because his parents were making him, saying something about finding some one to court which he was not going to be happy with cause most the girls tend to be snotty witches that just want a man with money.
He wasn't happy as he adjusted his hat and the demon mask on his face before he stepped down from the carriage and looked towards the sky, it was just a silly birthday party, he didn't even know the girl but apparently her parents were friends of his. He adjusted his jacket before he made his way up the steps and knocked on the door.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 02:41 AM

Melody had just arrived to the Masquerade Ball, an invitation only party for a girl she went to school with. Melody was suprised she had received an invitation as she had only spoken with Lizzy a few short times. "I wish I wasn't showing up here alone," she mumbled walking up the steps. When she stepped inside the ball room she was amazed, it was beautiful. The ceilings were high, with ribbons and acrobats dangling and doing tricks, the people were dressed in their finest, with enchanting masks, colorful lights circling the room... It was truly a magnificent site. Melody spotted the punch bar and made a bee line to it. She would grab a drink and scope the place out. It would be hard to recognize anyone with these masks, but that was half the fun!

((P.s. Good job Buff that's what we like to see!))

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
Cupcake Queen is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 02:55 AM

The butler opened the door. "The party is in the dinning hall" he said. You see some other guest heading for it as well.

Lizzy noticed the guest starting to fill in. She put her mask on and made her way to the stairs. She made sure everything was ready and made her way down stairs. She hoped not to many of them looked at her but quiet a few did. She got down and made her way to the refreshment table and fixed a glass of punch.

Kilia is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 03:11 AM

Aiden nodded to him as he walked in, not saying anything as he shoved his invite to him before he made his way to the dinning hall with some others, glad that no one was wearing what he was wearing cause then he would have seriously had hurt some one. He glanced up as he saw the girl that everyone had gathered for, giving a small sarcastic clap at her decent before he gave a yawn. He just wanted this night to hurry up and be over with as he made his way over to a wall, leaning against it as he just looked around.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 03:17 AM

Melody saw Lizzy walking towards the refreshments where she was standing. She looked beautiful. She must have a whole make-up and wardrobe staff here, she thought. As Lizzy filled her cup Melody smiled, "Happy Birthday Lizzy", she said.

((Ameika, the picture of your character has a little'x' over it so I have no clue what you look like!))

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
Cupcake Queen is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 03:20 AM

Lizzy looked at Melody. "Thanks Melody. I think my parents went overboard though" she said.

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Old 07-25-2011, 03:29 AM

Gender: Male
Age: 20
Your picture:
Your Outfit and mask:

Name: Danielle Collins
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Your picture:
Your Outfit and mask:

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
Cupcake Queen is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 03:35 AM

(post and :drool: Smexii)

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Old 07-25-2011, 03:48 AM

Quinn arrived a little late but he'd somehow misplaced his mask. After checking that everything was in order, he made his way to the dining hall where the party was. He had to make sure that his white suit wouldn't get stained. Thankfully it was made out of a stain proof material. Something that came in handy sometimes. It still didn't stop him from trying to be careful. Looking around the room, he noticed that the birthday girl was already there. He didn't truly know her, just from a few run ins but apparently it was enough to get an invite.

Danielle had arived just in time to see Lizzy come down the stairs. She smiled lightly and clapped politely along with a few other guests. Her dres was huge. She had to wonder how she really fit through the crowds. Or if it was really heavy from all that material. She'd never liked such huge dresses, so hers was a bit on the thinner side. But still slightly big on the bottom. The color of it was a rich golden. To match her mask. She'd done her hair in a nice updo, with a few curls framing along her face and mask.

( lol thanks. ^ ^' )

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Old 07-25-2011, 03:59 AM

Name: Makoto Takahashi
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Your picture:

Your Outfit and mask:

Last edited by happydeath; 07-25-2011 at 04:24 AM..

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
Cupcake Queen is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 04:00 AM

(awesome but the outfit aint showing. post k.)

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Old 07-25-2011, 04:01 AM

( I can see the outfit. o.o )

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Old 07-25-2011, 04:21 AM

(The suit? or the mask? O-O)

Makoto at this point had just made it toward the large mansion as he stood from the outside; watching as how a few more guests were still walking into the mansion. At least he wasn't too late, walking up toward the open double doors he stepped right through only to notice that there were a couple of people still around in the main hall, welcoming down Lizzy. After a few moments as he saw how everyone began to head toward one direction of what seemed like it was going to be the dining room. Makoto just kept his white mask on and followed everyone into the next room. By the time he made it into the dining room, seeing how many other guests were getting food and drinks from the buffet and not to mention one of the females was speaking with Lizzy. Just watching them speak only for about a minute or less, Makoto finally made his way over toward the buffet and grabbed a cup of plain water and stood there taking a few sips of the water all the while watching everyone in the room.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 01:52 PM

"Overboard would be an understatement, but it's amazing, thank you for inviting me Lizzy." Melody gave her a sincere smile, "Have a great night, I hope we get to know eachother better, but it seems you have a ton of people waiting to get a peice of you!" She chuckled and waved to Lizzy as she headed towards an acrobat. She needed to get a better look at this...

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
Cupcake Queen is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 02:41 PM

Lizzy smiled at her. "I'll try to" she said then stood there and finished her punch and threw the cup away and began talking to some of the party guest. One of them ended up ask her to dance as the music began playing. She said yes and began dancing.

Ninja Mummy
MissDifferent is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 03:06 PM

Name: Belle Sarano
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Your picture:
Your Outfit and mask:

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
Cupcake Queen is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 03:17 PM

(you can post)

Ninja Mummy
MissDifferent is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 04:24 PM

Belle looked a vision of grace as she seemed to float into the mansion. Her face was hidden with her blue and silver mask which really made her eyes stand out. She hoped that she was not late, but when she walked through the doors she saw that the place was already buzzing with excitement. She cursed herself under her breath, but continued in. At first, the pretty brunette just stood near the entrance, not sure about what she should do, but after about 5 minutes, she began to make a turn about the room.

Kilia is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 08:51 PM

(i love the dress and mask MissDifferent lol)

Aiden sighed, he figured he must go and congratulate the girl on turning eighteen and thank her for the invitation though it was her parents who had invited him to this party. He pulled on a smile as he strode over to the spot that her and he partner were dancing at, cutting in and taking over. "I would like to wish you a happy birthday and thank you for the invitation though your parents had invited me. Hopefully tonight you could meet a charming man that will sweep you off your feet." he said to her with a charming smile as he twirled her around, the dress was rather hard to dance with, he just hoped that it didn't rip because he had stepped on it on accident. When he had told her that he hoped a charming man would sweep her off her feet he had meant it as in a romantic way as she would hopefully find love tonight, he was about to some more but another man had cut in who probably wanted to thank her for the invite and wish her a happy birthday as well. He willing let he go to dance off with the other man before turning and making his way to the food table to get something to snack on as he watched what was going on around him.

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
Cupcake Queen is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 08:54 PM

"thanks" she said to him and then when he left he began dancing with another.


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