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Flink is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 11:43 PM

Hello! Welcome to the Red Rose Inn! I am Flink and I am the owner of this fine establishment. I have a large staff who will gladly get you anything you desire, within our means. The outside of the buiding is a dark red wooden three-story building with a window every few feet, and even a few balconies. Each room is sparsely decorated with nothing more than a twin size bed, a table with two chairs, and a bathroom complete with shower, toilet, and sink.

Now as to the purpose of this thread. It is part of the RP contest, Act the Fool. Anyone is welcome to join with any original character they like. I will be giving out prizes to people in this thread based in posts, characters, and a few other things. Winners will be announced shortly after the event.

So! Come on in, enjoy yourselves, and remember... Don't bite the mailman!

rock is dead.long live scissors!
Explodey is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 01:48 AM

Not-Keith was a largish small Malkavian of no fixed size. At the moment Not-Keith happens to have happened across a happening at the Red Rose Inn. "Man, this is my happening and it freaks me out!" he thought out loud at no one in particular, and decided now was the time to try that 'parkour' stuff he kept hearing about.

Not knowing how to start, Not-Keith flung himself at the wall.

At this moment he thought he heard someone calling his name. "Keith!" they called, which upset him to no end.

"How many times must I tell you that my name is NOT KEITH?!" he exclaimed in an exclaiming kind of voice, for indeed, it wasn't. No sir, no sirreee, he wasn't Keith. Absolutely not.

How's Annie?
zeapear is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 08:23 AM

Clarissa glanced nervously at the man slamming himself into a wall, and hurried through into the warmth of the Inn. It was fairly quiet as far as Inn's go; a few patrons were scattered around the Inn's many tables sparingly, but there was a lack of the usual hubbub that accompanies one too many pints and good company. She hurried through to the bar at the back of the room, avoiding the curious glances of those wondering what a filthy girl was doing in a respectable Inn, and sat on one of the nondescript bar stools surrounding the serving area. "How much for a room? I'm only hoping to stay for one night." Clarissa said nervously to the nearest member of the staff, glancing furtively down at the red-wood bar and flicking her hair in a rather horse-like manner.

Fauxreal is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 07:21 PM

Nadia's large frame could hardly get through the doorway. She thought she could work here as a chef for a few days. She would gather as much information as she could then continue her search.

She walked over to the bar to try to find the owner of the establishment. Her pack dropped to her side as she slid onto a stool. Scanning the room she didn't see many people.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 10:51 PM

Lily walked through the town with her bag slung over her shoulder. Her long elven ears twitched as she heard a noise but kept walking. She ran her free hand through her short blue hair and smiled. She really did love her new color. I need a place to stay tonight before I move on to the next town. She had managed to find a connection a couple towns over that could find her a place in this new world off humans.

She found the perfect place. Her blue eyes lit up when she saw the beautiful Red Rose Inn. She walked inside and quickly ran to the desk and asked for a room. When she was done she ran to the back of the sitting area and sat down looking at everyone.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 11:37 PM

Blythe made Crescent run as fast as the wind to escape the guards pursuing her. They jumped over fences, ran over hills and dales. Finally they reached a town and rushed to the first three story in they saw. Quietly Blythe put her warhorse in a stall, and changed while hidden by her loyal mare. Creamy blouse on, and breeches snugly pulled on, she walked out of the stall to drop a copped into the stable boy's hand.

Briskly she walked into the inn and went to find someone who appeared to be a barmaid or serving girl. Speaking quickly she explained her predicament, or a version of it. "I am a lady, running from some men. I need a place to stay in complete secrecy. I am quite sure this fine establishment can provide that." She looked curiously around the common room and noticed an elf sitting alone at a table. Blythe reminded herself to go speak with her when her room and board had been taken care of.

Fauxreal is offline
Old 04-04-2011, 03:12 AM

Slowly people were entering and asking for rooms. Nadia wondered if they hired her, would she get a few coins off the room rates. She pulled her brown hair into a high ponytail. She didn't notice anyone behind the bar tending to what savory meals they might order. And drinks. She'd rather just be behind the stove. She wondering if she just stepped over if anyone would notice. The owner might even thank her for taking care of their guests!

She grabbed her bag and like she belonged, stepped confidently behind the bar. The small kitchen steps away, she grabbed a pot and filled it with vegetable oil. She grabbed some potatoes and chopped them. After salting them she dropped the taters in the hot oil. She hoped the smell would make people hungry.

rock is dead.long live scissors!
Explodey is offline
Old 04-04-2011, 08:18 AM

So, this was an Inn now, was it? Not-Keith had always wanted to fit in with the in crowd, so he went in the Inn. Of course he used the 'out' door. Even tho it said 'exit only' he'd always been fairly open minded. "Wasn't," he muttered to anyone else as much to himself now, "there some place or another where it was called an 'egress'?" He noticed a few people were trying to order rooms. Smartly he put on a bellhop cap. After all, there was no way he was going to be a guest in any Inn that that Keith person was staying in, whoever he was! so if he was not a guest, he surmised, it was likely as not he worked here.

"Tow the bloody baggage out," he muttered, grabbing someone's belongings and putting them outside the Inn. :angel:

Fauxreal is offline
Old 04-04-2011, 04:25 PM

Nadia took the fried potatoes out of the oil and started to grill some meat she had found in the refrigerated unit. Why was the grill hot? Where was the chef? She shrugged and continued cooking.

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Flink is offline
Old 04-04-2011, 09:57 PM

Flink yawned and stretched before climbing out of bed. She'd overslept by quite a bit, considering it was the grand opening of her tavern and Inn. Of course, she was barred from running an airship, which was what she'd recently been doing. The inn was just another way to make money since she had to get more gold to buy some things she wanted from the department stores that'd just opened nearby.

After getting dressed and making sure she was at least reasonably presentable for a business owner, Flink made her way downstairs to the kitchen of the Inn. She turned to the cook and waved half-heartedly, "Mornin' Lo--... Wait, you're not Lou." She stared for a moment at the rather large woman in front of her before shrugging, "There's more in the storage unit behind that door."

Fauxreal is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 02:16 AM

Nadia heard someone some in and looked up. She smiled, waved and commented. "I'm Nadia... Lou... um?... is sick! I'll be taking his place." She gave the sorriest excuse for an innocent look ever. She headed for the door she had been pointed to. Her eyes and mouth drooled at the pantry selection.

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 05:13 AM

Robyn shaded her eyes from the sun as she looked up at the inn's name. "The Red Rose." She smiled it seemed like a dignified enough place. Leaning down she brushed some travelling dust from her deep blue skirts. It simply wouldn't do to arrive in a new place looking dirty and tired from the road. Pulling a compact out of her bodice, she examined her face in the mirror. Green eyes framed with blonde hair stared back at her, but they looked alert and determined, not tired, so all was well. Stashing the compact once more she flicked her hair back over her shoulder, picked up her leather bound travel case, and strode into the inn.

A strange looking man in a porter's hat stood by the inside of the door.
"You. Porter." She demanded. "Take these up to the inn's most comfortable room." Her voice was as commanding as it was fancy, people tended to jump to attention when she addressed them, and she expected no different in this new town.

The air smelled like good food inside the inn, so Robyn sat herself at a table and waited for someone to take her order.

rock is dead.long live scissors!
Explodey is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 07:50 AM

"Take these...." Not-Keith struggled to understand the order that had been ordered him. Of course, he wasn't Porter either, but at least this person knew that he was not!!!Keith. The most comfortable room? He hadn't tried any of the rooms actually, but it was easy enough to take things. Not-Keith took Robyn's bags, alright.

Be a long time getting em back tho. Who knew where he would take them? Likely, not even him. Not-Keith was battier than... well, an awfully bat infested belfry maybe.

He went to look for just that.

How's Annie?
zeapear is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 08:03 AM

Clarissa sighed inwardly as the member of staff before her (his name badge read 'Carl') became engrossed in cleaning off a particularly pesky spot from a crystal wine glass (he obviously hadn't heard her), and walked off to a table. This place looked pretty swanky, so she doubted she's be able to afford a room (even for one night) anyway. Sitting down at a table with a green-eyed blonde-haired beauty who looked rather confident, Clarissa absently ran her fingers through her chestnut hair. Sitting here would hopefully be a good choice; judging by the looks of the woman, she wouldn't engage herself with the local 'riffraff' and any conversation would be directed at her, not Clarissa.

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 08:44 AM

Robyn glanced at the girl sitting across from her, analysing her. The girl with the chestnut hair was the filthiest person in the room, and that included the porter, who had looked quite mad.
"And you are?" She let the question hang in the air, distaste for dirt obvious in her voice.

How's Annie?
zeapear is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 09:00 AM

Clarissa, slightly startled that the beauty was talking to her, fumbled for words. "Uh, I'm Clarissa Von Pierson Ma'am." she said with a slight stammer, trying to remain polite even though the woman was staring at her like she was an ant that had interrupted her picnic. "Pleased to meet you..." she continued, avoiding her eyes.

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 09:07 AM

"Clarissa Von Pierson?" Robyn asked, she was always curious about people, whether they were filthy or not. "The name sounds high class. Would you know the Van der Rigg family?" She raised one eyebrow. The distaste had almost dropped from her voice, because whether she disliked dirt or not, it wasn't going to get in the way of her finding out gossip, or having a conversation with a stranger for once.

How's Annie?
zeapear is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 09:19 AM

Taken a little off guard, Clarissa shook her head. "No, ma'am, I'm afraid I don't. Unless they live in Berlin, I wouldn't know anything about the Van der Riggs." she added as explanation to the gesture. "I lived there until I was twelve. Berlin, I mean. I'm afraid I've been behind on the gossip since I came here, Ma'am."

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 09:26 AM

"Twelve you say? That must be at least six years ago, am I right? You must miss your family." That sentiment hit close to home for Robyn. She'd left her home over a year ago, and had been wandering the country ever since, trying to find somewhere she'd like to set up her bookshop. She missed her family, but she hadn't been able to write them a letter without a proper address. She liked this city though, perhaps it was time to settle down.

How's Annie?
zeapear is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 09:31 AM

"Close, Ma'am. I'm fifteen now but don't worry yourself, most people suspect me of being older. I guess It's my height." Clarissa said, smiling slightly. this woman wasn't actually too bad. "Ah, well, I miss them sometimes. But I left because of them, in a way. When my mama and papa split up I caught a ferry over here and took up work as a paper girl. A bowl of hot soup a night, and I'm happy." she continued, fully smiling now. "If you don't mind me asking, Ma'am, what might your name be?"

Fauxreal is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 03:22 PM

Nadia saw more people entering the place. She was ready for any order. She stepped to the front of the bar. She knew she could mix drinks and cook... at least she thought she could. Being half giant she know people wouldn't be able to miss her behind the counter. If they wanted something, they would ask.

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 08:09 PM

Robyn was shocked. The girl did indeed look older than she was.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Robyn, Robyn Harris." Glancing around the inn, she noticed a giant of a woman behind the bar. Perhaps there were no waiting staff in this inn. She sighed.
"Would you like a drink Clarissa, while I'm going to the bar?"

How's Annie?
zeapear is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 09:38 PM

"If it's not too much trouble, might I have a hot cocoa if they serve these here? If not, a glass of water should suffice. And thank you, Robyn. Not a lot of people show the courtesy of even speaking to me these days." Clarissa smiled. She was definitely liking this woman a lot more than she thought she would, which just accentuated the lesson her parents had drilled into her when she was small; 'der Schein trügt', which roughly translated to the English 'don't judge a book by it's cover'.

Clair Voyant
Clair Voyant is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 10:25 PM

Hattie entered the Red Rose Inn, brushing her long black out of her face. She was beautiful, with a curvy (but not chubby) figure. Hattie had bright green eyes and olive-toned skin. She wore close fitting that complimented her figure, but she was not overly exposed. However, of all her physical traits, the one that stood out the most to those who saw her, was her size. She was tiny, standing at a towering 4 foot 8. Where she lacked in height, though, Hattie made up with character and personality. There was an aura around her as she entered the small Inn. She smiled sweetly; her expression inviting and alluring.

She paused just stepping inside the main room of the Inn, taking in the enticing scents of meals and sweet teas being prepared. Hattie, despite her beauty and poise, had to struggle to keep from drooling at the thought of a glass of cold, sweet iced tea. She glanced around the room quickly, scanning for a staff member who might be able to help her get a glass of iced tea.

[[ooc:: hope this works :sweat: ]]

rock is dead.long live scissors!
Explodey is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 11:26 PM

Not-Keith got bored of the bags he had carried off and chucked them in a bin, heading back down into the now noisy common room. Instead of joining the throng as any regular sensible soul might, he chose this moment to climb onto the handrail, letting himself drop and catching the bars of same with the backs of his knees so he was now hanging, batlike, over the rail.

This caused him to lose his bellhop cap, but he wasn't sure he needed it at this point anyway.

He grinned crazily at Hattie, as she'd just walked in. "Oh hi!" he said, but whether he was saying hello or just pointing out that he was, indeed 'hi' up off the ground at the mo remained an uncertain thing.


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