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Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 04:14 AM

This is for Ellancher and Rilath. No posting of you are not either of us.

Rilath is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 04:24 AM

Glamis was on his way to a peace confrence. A war captain on his way to a peace confrence. He had no idea what they were even fighting about. It had been too many years for him to remember that. He sighed softly as he wandered around his ship, followed by his robot secratary, and annoyance.

"Sir, you really need to get ready to go to the planet." It said as It followed Glamis around.

Like the other five times it had said that Glamis ignored it. He was as ready as he would ever be. All he had to do was change. His government didn't even fill him in on what was going on. Which meant that they either wanted this to fail, or they wanted him dead, maybe even both. And if those were his options, why bother listen to that waste of materials of a robot anyways. He simply ignored it, and hoped it would go find someone else to annoy while they headed to the planet.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 04:44 AM

It was a normal afternoon, which mean normal, routine repairs. Cleaning exhaust, replacing cracked windsheilds, making sure the landing gear of the fifty foot long metal giants that they called space ships worked normally, it was all in a day's work for the red head as he fiddled with the hinges of a squeaking storage hatcch that a pilot had complained about. Pausing to whipe away the sweat on his forehead with the brown bandana that hung at his neck, the mechanic opened and closed the hatch a few times, grinning broady at the silence he got from the job well done.

"Archer!" A voice yelled, the mechanic looked up, dark green eyes searching for the person who'd called his name. Another mechanic, though of a higher standing waved to him as he ran over. Easing himself down off the ship and onto the ground Archer looked at his superior, curious as to what the other mechanic might want.
"We've got a new arrival, diplomatic. You're in change of any repairs the ship might need." Archer nodded, slightly dissipointed he wasn't going to be getting the rest of the afternoon off like he'd been hoping.

Rilath is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 04:52 AM

Once in the port, Glamis started walking the halls, trying to find his way to the so-called peace confrence. He sighed as he passed by people, and was reminded of the time every five minutes by his stupid robot thing. As if having this confrence wasn't enough of a punishment, why the robot? He sighed as he finally came to the room where tge confrence was being held, and sat at a chair. Late, only making the others more angry than they already were.

The robot left as soon as Glamis got to the confrence. He'd pick him up as soon as the confrence was over. But for now, he needed some repairs, as did the ship. He went around to where the ship was only to run into the red-haired mechanic. He scanned the guy, and then started speaking in his highly annoying monotone robot voice.

"Archer, you have been assigned to fix this ship, and myself. I have a few loose wires in my nueral cuircut, after you fix them, I will show you all other damage on the ship."

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 05:06 AM

Archer looked down at the brass robot that came up to his shoulders. With a nod he stepped once around it and flipped over the panel in the back. Grabbing the flashlight from his belt he flipped it on to get a better look inside the silvery bot.
"Now just a few loose wires, if I'm not mistaken your an Ax-130, or a 131, which would mean you've got some critical voice generator damage in here. That might explain why your voice is a little flat." He muttered to himself, closing the hatch and picking the robot up. It was suprisingly light which made it extremly easy for the mechanice to carry him as he went to go obtain the proper wirings for the repairs he performed on the robot over the course of about an hour.

Rilath is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 05:12 AM

Once the robot was repaired, it turned towards Archer. "I will now show you the damage on the ship." It said as it started moving towards where it was docked. Once inside The robot directed Archer to the damage. "I will leave you now, and bring back my current owner." It said as it went out of the ship.

A Little while later the robot found Glamis irritated over how the meeting had gone. He grumbled about the length, about the people, and pretty much everything he could think to grumble about. He sighed, and started following the robot to the ship, still grumbling on the way back.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 05:22 AM

It had been engine related damages amung many othet things, which ment, much to Archer's dislike, getting under the hood of the ship. The first thing he had to get done was tag the ship so people knew not to run the ship. It was simple, place a red tag on the main window before getting to work under the hood. It was relatively maintance work, replacing fuel cells, heat proof lining and vents, the normal things for him. The sounds of the robot and a grumbling Glamis made him looked up from his work to give a breaf wave before returning to the finishing touches on the engine repairs. Then he had much more to do, definetly an afternons worth of work.

Rilath is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 05:37 AM

Glamis saw the red tag in the window, and the red-headed mechanic, and found one more thing to grumble about. "Oh great, now I'm stuck at this port with an annoying robot, and a broken down ship." He said irritably. He went over to where Archer had gone, and glared at him. "OK, how long do think these repairs have to take, no offense, but I have no desire to stay in port anylonger than I have to." He said, almost on the verge of yelling, but not quite there yet.

The Robot quickly turned towards Glamis and spoke up. "Sir, they are crucial systems to the ship, be patient, in the mean time you can tell me about the confrence so I can submit the proper paperwork."

Glamis left Archer, and went to his office, and started talking about how the whole mission was a flop, then grumbled more about the robot, the confrence, and the ship.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 11:03 PM

Archer watched Glamis leave, snorting he shook his head. Turning to return to his work he fingured the captain would hate having to wait at all. Though if it was only him working on the ship it could take him almost a month, and that was if he didn't get any other projects which he probably would get a few more. As he worked the red head marveled at the quality of the ship and its parts. They were some on the newest models, which made Archer cautious. He couldn't go accidently damaging something and taking even longer now could he?

Rilath is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 12:20 AM

Glamis finished dictating to the robot, and started going around the ship, until he found Archer again. "So, seriously, how long do you think this will take?" He asked with a soft growl. He didn't want to wait any longer. it wasn't like he had anywhere to go, he just wanted to be away from here. The robot came up behind him, and nudged him a little.

"Captain, why is there a stain on the back of your shirt?" It asked annoyingly.

Glamis growled at the thing, and turned back to Archer, expecting a response from him anyways.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 02:24 AM

The mechanic was replacing rusted out wirings for the landing gear under one of the ship's wings so only his brown leather boots were visible. Working a bolt out the mechanic paused to look at Glamis's feet from under the wing. "Maybe two weeks, a month... and that's if I don't get any other jobs." He said placing the rusted bolt in a pocket on hsi belt and retreiving one in proper condition before riviting it back in place.

Rilath is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 02:30 AM

Glamis grumbled at that, and then growled at his robot as he turned around. "Leave me alone," He said as he stared at the despicable thing. Why him? He sighed, two weeks? He didn't even have enough money to make it here for a day, let alone two weeks. "Hey, I really need to be out of here soon, I have no money, so two weeks to a month isn't really an option for me. Is there anyway you could speed it up?" He asked, trying to remain calm.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 10:46 PM

Archer rolled his eyes, pilots, always expecting their reckless flying to leave their ships undamaged. "If you want her good as new, you'll have to wait a few weeks... and you can stay with me. I've got an extra bed you can use." The mechanic continued to work as he talked to Glamis, sensing the captain's unease.

Rilath is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 10:58 PM

Glamis grumbled. "Thanks, please come get me when you are ready to take me to where I'll be staying." He said as he walked off. "Sir, the stain on your shirt is growning larger," The robot alerted him. Glamis grumbled, and ignored it as he went to his room, and started packing his stuff to stay here. All the while, the Robot kept bugging him. He grumbled, and pushed the Robot out of his room, and changed shirts really quick, and set the stained one to soak.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-11-2011, 01:33 AM

Smirking under the wing of the ship Archer watched Glamis's feet walk off, the treads of the robot following after him.
It was dark when Archer was finished with his work on the ship for the night. Grease stained his pants and hands as he headed to Glamis's room. He squatted next to the robot that had shut down outside of the door, probably to conserve energy. Tapping on the metal shell Archer listened to the machine come back to life before him.
"Is Glamis inside?" He asked, standing up and looking down at the robot. "Yes he is." It replied. Nodding, Archer knocked lightly hoping not the disturb the other and whatever he happened to be doing.

Rilath is offline
Old 08-11-2011, 02:34 AM

Glamis came out, and stared at the man. "I guess its time to go?" He asked with a soft growl. He pulled out his clothes, and set them to dry. He then grabbed his bag of stuff, and went out to the hall. The robot scanned the back of his shirt again, and then started up again. "Sir, there is a stain on the back of your shirt," Glamis turned around, and stared at the robot. "Just shut up about it," He growled as he turned back around. "Please, lead the way," He said.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-14-2011, 02:22 AM

Archer nodded and stepped back before turning on the heel of his boot and walking down the hallway. The metal toes of his boots clicking on the tile floor was to only sound in the hallway besides the sounds of the robot. The only thing on his mind was what he'd be making for dinner. He had plently of options, but what would his guest want? He'd have to ask him on the way home.

Rilath is offline
Old 08-14-2011, 03:10 AM

Glamis followed Archer back to his place, and looked around, still being bugged by the stupid robot about the stain on the back of his shirt. He growled, and once they were in the guy's apartment, he moved the robot into a cornor, and turned it off for now. He would turn it back on tomorrow, when he wasn't so irritated. He looked at the guy, and sighed softly. "Where will I be staying?" He asked softly.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-14-2011, 03:26 AM

Archer pushed open a door to the quest room. "Here you go, is there anything you'd perfer for dinner?" He asked, cocking his head to the side. He figured the other male would be hungry by now and Archer could put something together while Glamis got himself settled into his room.

Rilath is offline
Old 08-14-2011, 03:32 AM

Glamis shook his head, and stared at the man. "No, I don't really care," He said softly, and he started to unpack. He sighed softly, and looked back over to the man. "Hey, I don't suppose you're a doctor or know anything about medicine?" He asked nervously. He needed to heal this, if he didn't. he could die soon.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 02:13 AM

Archer looked at him over his shoulder, an eyebrow raised in question. "I've got some in the bathroom, the left cabinet above the sink gause, disinfectant, painkillers, I think there's some rubbing alchol in there too. I'm not sure, you can check if you want to." He said before heading to the kitchen to start dinner.

Rilath is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 02:29 AM

Galatran nodded, and went into the bathroom. He looked around the room, and in the cabinet. He then grabed some pain killers, and some other stuff. He sighed, and moved to the kitchen area. "Hy, do you think you could help me something?" He asked with a small scowl on his face.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-16-2011, 12:04 PM

Archer watched the stove come to life before hunting through the cabinet for the pasta when Glamis's voice hit his ears. Closing the cabinet infront of him Archer noded even if he could be seen. "Alright, give me a second." He replied, setting the pasta box next to the stove before turning to face Glamis. Shaking his head when he saw the scowl, what is with this man and scowling? he thought.

Rilath is offline
Old 08-19-2011, 06:14 PM

Glamis nodded, and got ready, removing his shirt, and wincing as his shirt touched his wound even more. He finally got the bloody shirt off, and laid down on the bed chest first, just waiting for Archer, hoping that the man would be able to handle the gross nature of his wound.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 02:36 AM

Archer grimiced and left the room to go get a couple of rubber gloves from his cabinets under the sink in the bathroom. Returning a minute later with gloves on his hands and the box with all of the other clean pairs he hopped up on the bed and straddled Galmis's waist.
"This, is going to hurt... so, be prepared." He said, quickly getting to work.


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