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Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 06:20 AM


A Admonished Nonsense roleplay, remade by PrincessKasumi.
OOC Thread

Those who survive do not necessarily live…

Mankind thought that today was just like any other, sad, happy, anger filled, busy... but it wasn't. Today would be the day everything changed. What they once knew was no longer viable. Today was the start of the outbreak, Z-Day if you will. It wouldn't take too long before barricades were overrun, societies crumbling. The world would soon become a heap of disorganized survivors who are cling to life and willing to exercise even the most taboo barbarisms to guarantee their own survival. Friends, family, co-works... they'll soon be dead. The social structure will be splintered with the government, the military and even the economy. Today is the start of an age for mankind where it will be every man for himself.

A group of people returning to Massachusetts, a place so tranquil and seemingly unaffected by many things will make the end of the world almost like a dream or nightmare. It is most unfortunate for them to be at the airport at the start of the outbreak. How will they survive? Will they be able to balance their humanity with the will to survive in the coming days? How will they deal with other people along the way that they might meet? Soon.. they will find out that you can't hide from the undead for long.

This is their story.


A note to those who stumble upon this thread:

Whether or not you've read the comics, played the games or watched the TV show the premise is pretty straightforward: zombies, zombies, zombies, and more zombies. Overall the environment's pretty straightforward.

The graphic novel and TV series have covered the lives of Rick Grimes and his fellow zombie-apocalypse survivors and the video games covered the lives of Merle and Daryl in one, and the other about Lee and Clementine but what about everyone else? What about those other bands of survivors... what are their stories about what they have had to endure?

So I was basically thinking of a roleplay in The Walking Dead universe that follows the lives of a new cast of characters. Simple? Yay! Of course there's plenty of elements to throw in and plenty of engaging plots to create.

Anyone interested?

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Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 12-07-2013 at 02:37 AM..

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 06:21 AM

Important Information:

Zombie/Walker/Undead: Is a deceased human body that has somehow become reanimated and autonomous, yet no longer has sufficient brain or vital functions to be considered alive or capable of thought. Walkers prefer to eat living things: insects, animals, and people. If living food is not available the undead will eat the flesh from dead corpses. While walkers seem to hunger for flesh, they don’t seem to require it. Compared to humans, zombies have rather limited mobility. Unstimulated, zombies stand still or shuffle rather slowly. However, if they are pursuing a possible victim, zombies can move somewhat more quickly, roughly equivalent to a light jogging pace. Due to limited intelligence zombies have difficulty overcoming various obstacles. Zombies can ascend and descend stairs, but they cannot do so quickly or gracefully. As zombies do not require sleep or nourishment they are constantly active and ready to respond to stimuli. The only way to fully disable a zombie is a traumatic head wound. Walkers out-number humans about 5,000 to 1.

“Types” of zombies:
Walkers: ‘Walker’ is the most commonly used term for a zombie, appropriately named because they tirelessly walk around in search of prey. Walker = zombie
Roamers: Roamers are known to “roam” around looking for food.
Lurkers Lurkers are the zombies that just sit around playing “dead” until something approaches them and they bite. Lurkers are a serious threat because they can appear to be a dead corpse. Lurkers often suffer from some type of major injury that leaves them in some kind of weakened state preventing them from walking around.
Herd: Herds are groups of walkers that act with mob mentality and roam as one loosely fitted group. Numbers can range from a dozen to hundreds and thousands. One zombie might brush his hand against a door knob and another will see this and mistake it as an attempt to get in. These types of events will spark chain reactions.

The Virus: The dead corpse of anyone for any reason will reanimate as a zombie unless if the brain of that individual is badly damaged or destroyed. Everyone on the planet within the Walking Dead universe somehow contracts a mysterious virus that, for reasons unknown, brings the dead back to life. When the individual perishes the virus they carry reactivates certain areas of the brain that support necessary vital systems, resulting in reanimation. Because only a portion of the brain is reactivated the reanimated person retains only a physical resemblance to their former self. A corpse can reanimate between three and eight minutes after death.

(Zombie?) Deadly Flu Virus: This is new and it is not certain if it a new strain of the zombie virus or some other virus entirely. It is termed a Flu virus due to it's similarities on how it wrecks havoc upon the body just as old flu virus back in the day that were contracted from birds and pigs, causing the carrier to die. First it starts with coughing, then it can possibly lead to a fever. It will lead to weakness, and when time is just about up... the person will start to choke on their on blood and ultimately die. Unless you can find some strong enough antibiotics to counteract the virus.

Zombie Bites: Zombies bites do not kill because of the zombie virus, but rather the unsanitary nature of their mouths due to diet and decomposition, with scratches causing similar infections for similar reasons. Their saliva often contains several septic pathogens. While extremely difficult it is possible to survive a bite from a zombie if numerous steps are taken. Such steps could include: immediate amputation of the infected region, frequent antibiotics administration and bandaging keeping the wound bacteria free, and immediate cleaning, sterilization, and cauterization.

Origin of the virus: Unknown. But there is no cure.

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Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 12-07-2013 at 02:37 AM..

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 06:24 AM


001 - Multiple characters is totally cool with me. As long as you can handle it.
002 - Because this roleplay is being set in a zombie apocalypse there's no television, phones, or computers. Your only power will come from a generator.
003 - I don't have a minimum requirement for writing length or word count, only quality. Make sure that your posts are engaging and thoughtful. Several meaty paragraphs are preferred but I'm sure there will be exceptions. A large number of grammatical and spelling errors is a major no-no. That being said, I'm sure I've already made a typo or two. Simply put: be legible. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox both have spell check. So does Microsoft Word and any knock-off brand.
004 - Please be realistic and original with your characters. Remember that there's a maximum amount of gear someone can carry, bullets do not automatically fly at zombie's brains, and you're not Clint Eastwood or Batman.
005 - If you're inactive for a week or so and do not inform me that you will be inactive for X amount of time your character may be fed to the zombies.
006 - Please PM me your character profiles.

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Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 12-07-2013 at 02:37 AM..

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 06:26 AM

Profile Skeleton:

Please remember to be diverse and original with your characters. It's perfectly acceptable to have a character with military history but remember, you need to be able to pull off that sort of character and make that character realistic. If everyone submits a character that is ex-special forces a lot of people will have to remake their characters. We need diversity, numerous different skill sets, and so on. In the zombie apocalypse being good driver, a mechanic, or a engineer is as helpful to your characters survival as having a military history.

Username: Obvious

Name: Please use appropriate names. Your surname probably isn't O'Bryant if you're of Native American decent.
Age: Your characters skills and personality should relate to your characters age

Appearance: Photo, anime, or CG; any of them will work. Remember to use realistic images that are appropriate for modern day.

Work History: What was your occupation before the outbreak?
Biography: This can be very brief and a paragraph or two will be more than enough.

Weapons: Please be realistic with these choices. Most people don't have katanas capable of lobbing of heads (they do exist, they're just very expensive). Most civilians don't have access to automatic weapons but your character could have picked one up from a dead soldier, remember the weight and size of weapons, and that weapons and ammunition can get heavy very, very quickly.
Gear: Again, please choose appropriate gear and remember the weight of that gear.
Skills: What special skills does your character have? Was your character a mechanic, a archery instructor, etc? Please be original and diverse with your choices.

Other: If there's anything else add it here.




Work History:



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Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 12-07-2013 at 02:36 AM..

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 06:26 AM

Accepted Characters:

Username: PrincessKasumi

Name: Jae (First) Lee (Last)
Age: 21
Gender: Male


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 154 lbs

Nationality: American
Work History: Dancer/Singer - Part of a all boy dance/singing group.
Biography: Jae was born and grew up in Los Angelos, California along with his brother Tyler who was born more than a decade after him. His parents had wanted a different life for her unborn son, and any future children if they had any. They moved to the states from Seoul an settled down in California. And about a month later his mother had him. He was home schooled up until the fourth grade, and then his parents finally let him to go to public school. And just as any normal boy he, of course, had a few displinary marks against him. From there on his school life was just that as a normal kid. As for college he didn't really attend because his dream was to be a dancer. And the close he got was a small group of boys gathering locally and they needed a fifth guy.

Weapons: Tamahagane Katana, and a small knife
Gear: Multi-tool, razor (facial hair), Sewing Kit, Binoculars and of this is in a smal medium bag.
Skills: Great at sneaking around and he's pretty quick footed (fast)

Other: Clothes: Where's a low cut neck white long sleeve t-shirt under a black dess shirt, with light brown/tan plaid markings. And the cuffs are rolled up half way up the forearm. The sleeves from the undershirt show about a inch from beneath. He has light grey levi jeans, and a pair of light grey converse shoes. He wears two black bracelets on his left wrist, one of them has silver studs the other is pretty much the bracelet version of this. On his right wrist he has a silver band and a skinny black pastic bracelet. He also owns a pair of glasses.

Username: PrincessKasumi

Name: Tyler Lee
Age: 9
Gender: Male

Height: 4'1"
Weight: 61.6 lbs

Nationality: American
Work History: Elementary School - 4th Grade
Biography: Unlike his elder brother Tyler was the first of his class. He was the best at whatever he did, it didn't matter what it was. Though he did keep his lock picking on the down low, that kind of thing from a straight A student would be
frowned upon. His mother and father thought it would be good for him if they put him in the cub scouts, and that's exactly what they did. And they weren't disappointed, it changed his attitude and gave him alot of skill sets for surviving if he was alone. Tyler was pretty much the stereotype of a asian's smart level to a "T" he was a star math pupil. Tyle had math contest hours from home, but this would be first time he had one out of state.

Weapons: (kid sized) Aluminium Baseball Bat
Gear: Backpack with items such as first aid kit, flash light, snacks, water and toys.
Skills: Lock picking and knows how to survive because is/was in the boy scouts.

Other: n/a

Username: PrincessKasumi

Name: Lee (Last) Mio (First)
Age: 6 1/2
Gender: Female

Height: 3'8"
Weight: 57.2 lbs

Nationality: American (mixed heritage - Japanese & Italian)
Work History: Elementary School - 2nd Grade
Biography: Jae and Tyler's mother wanted to give her family a little girl. Somewhere along the way raising Tyler, she came up with the idea of a little girl. Her and her husband were trying for a few years when Tyler became three. But something had to be wrong, they tried for three years and nothing came of it. They went to the doctor to receive the bad news that she couldn't have anymore children. The mom became so depressed she was just like a walking shell for a few months until the husband had enough. He couldn't stand to see her that way so he told her they would go adopt alittle girl and almost immediately she perked up alittle.

Mio was 3 when she was adopted and she's been with the Lee family for about 3 and half years. And she was put into ballet class.

Weapons: N/A
Gear: Tiny backpack with, scissors, paper, crayons, toothbrush, brush
Skills: n/a

Other: Clothes: pink hoodie covering a brown dress with overal-like straps and the skirt is pleated, underneath the skirt is black leggings and shes wearing pink, shoes

Originally Posted by happydeath
Username: Happydeath

Name: Calix Mamoru
Age: 20
Gender: Male


Height: 6'2''
Weight: 197

Nationality: Korean
Work History: Martial Artist -- Black Belt.
Biography: Calix was originally an orphan that was abandoned around birth by his own parents. For most of his life as a young child, he was living at an orphanage trying to figure out who his true parents were. After about another year or so within the orphanage; at the age of 6 Calix had went off on his own to go find his real parents. He ended up reaching a temple when he was on the verge of starvation. The monks of the temple had taken him in with ease and raised him in the temple his whole life; as he lived there Calix had learned the ways of martial arts and achieved the black belt around 16.

When he told the monks he wished to know who his real parents were. The monks had been grateful enough to allow him to go to America to see if he could figure out who his parents were. When he reached America, he took about a year to see if he could find his family; only to achieve zero success. After that, Calix had changed his Korean name to Calix and opened up a martial arts school to help other children that wanted to learn how to defend themselves to learn the ways of martial arts. However, he made sure to teach them only if they seemed worthy of learning.

Weapons: Metal staff that was given to him by the monks that has a spike pointing out both ends of the staff. A pair of pistols that are normally strapped to the waist lines on his back.
Gear: His hands and his whole arms are wrapped in white bandages; underneath them both of his arms are slightly charcoled burnt from his years of training. He also carries around large brown strap-over bag that he carries large bandages, herbs, and several mags of pistol ammo inside it. He also wears white bandages over his entire bottom half of his face to keep his coughing down to a minimum, just so that he doesn't take inhale the virus by airborne. He only takes it off to eat, drink, and normally just so that he can cough and the blood doesn't stain the bandages.
Skills: He is a master martial artist, he is a good with medical practices of both American and monks, he is also a good chef to know how to cook food even if it is completely raw; as long as he has the right stuff.

Other: He has some heart problems as he will end up coughing up blood every once in a while. However, this is not due from the Deadly Flu Virus; rather he is actually just really sick since he was a child.
Originally Posted by musikfreakx
Username: musikfreakx

Name: Sabrina Mueller
Age: 18
Gender: Female


Height: 5’10”
Weight: 113 lbs

Nationality: German
Work History: Dancer
Biography: Born in Germany and having moved to America at the age of six, Sabrina grew up raised by an American Marine father, who retired during her childhood, and a German bipolar mother. Her father often worried Sabrina would take on the characteristics of his wife and so from early on taught her to manage her emotions, as well as conceal them. Her mother abandoned the family during a state of mania when Sabrina was ten years old, leaving her father to be her only caregiver. After she was picked on and taunted, often to the point of physical abuse, her father taught her how to defend herself and fight back, training her in hand to hand combat, as well as how to handle weaponry.

Though Sabrina began dancing from early on, she became more involved during her teens. She worked in music videos, recitals, and the likes. Though this isn’t particularly helpful in the apocalypse, it does give her agility and strength. Her father also sparked her interest in repairing things, which likely spawned from her repressed need to repair her family. Her favorite was working on cars with any range of problems.

As of late Sabrina had traveled back to Germany, from her residence in California, for a music video performance and to visit her true home. She had hoped to reconnect with family but, after her mother had left them to run off with an American, they wanted little to do with her.

Weapons: A pistol and ammo her father insisted she always carried with her for protection and emergencies, as well as a small but useful pocket knife.
Gear: She has an array of medical wraps for ankles, knees, and wrists, as well as braces for the same.
Skills: Athleticism, combat, fixing cars and some electrical appliances, and survival knowledge taught to her by her father.

Other: Sabrina’s one addiction was smoking cigarettes as it calmed her nerves.
Originally Posted by Naruto forever
Username: Naruto Forever

Name: Danni Lee
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Appearance: Though Danni is a mixture of Korean and Canadian blood, the Canadian seems to stand out more. He has the pale skin of a Canadian (though it could be taken as a pale “Asian” colour), but the dark hair and facial structure of a Korean. His eyes are a medium-chocolate brown colour,that seems to have hints of blue in them (this. His hair is like this, except a tad bit shorter, and his bangs cover his eye (right eye). He has lip piercings like this except the two that are close to the edge of the mouth are studs, not rings. He’s got a silver nose ring on the left side. He has small ear gauges, as well as an industrial bar piercing on his right ear. He also has an eyebrow piercing on his right. Danni normally dresses in what would be considered “punk”. His favourite pairs of pants are these and these. He always wears his black Doc. Martens and a tie (tied loosely around his neck). As for shirts, Danni just chooses whatever. He doesn’t have any favourite shirt. He’s got a slim and skinny body type. He also wears a variety of bracelets—anything studded or spiked, or if it has skulls on it.
Height: 5’’8
Weight: 149

Nationality: Korean-Canadian
Work History: Street performer, garage band, singer, guitarist.
Biography: Danni was raised for ten years in Korea with his father (Korean), and mother (Canadian). They decided to leave Korea because his mother’s mother was dying of cancer. So they moved to Toronto, Canada to take care of Danni’s grandparents, and never moved back.

Danni had always been interested in music. from the time he was just a small child to now. He had never been interested in anything else. When he was thirteen, he and a couple of his friends decided to start a band, with Danni being a singer and guitarist. At first they would just preform in the garage of the drummer (Adam), but when they were fifteen, they started playing on the streets, and when they were sixteen, they ended up getting a couple of gigs.

Now, a couple of months ago, the band was offered a deal—or at least a sort of audition—with a company in L.A. One member at the time was in the Massachusetts though, so Danni offered to go get him and tell him the news, and to bring him to L.A. to meet the rest of the band there.

Weapons: A simple pocket knife, though at one point he grabbed/(will grab?) a gun off of a fallen police officer.
Gear: He’s got his guitar in a guitar case, a backpack full of simple things such as clothes, food, a couple of water bottles, and his wallet.
Skills: He’s a singer and a guitarist, other than that he doesn’t have many talents or skills. He’s not athletic, he wouldn’t be able to cook if his life depended on it, he’s an extremely messy person, he’s not all too book smart (he can be considered street smart though). He’s good at being persuasive though (most of the time).

Other: Danni has mild anxiety. He smokes sometimes, and can’t hold alcohol (he also hates the taste). He also has an obsession with anything cute.

Username: BrotherOfDarkness

Name: Harry Ridge
Age: 52
Gender: Male


Height: 6ft 2"
Weight: 100 kg

Work History: Carl is a veteran air Marshall
Biography: Carl was formerly a member of the D.E.A before being transferred to the Federal Air Marshal Service, although having a colourful career in the D.E.A and receiving several commendations, since being an Air Marshal Harry has found things rather dull, when the opportunity came for him to receive retirement from active service, Harry decided to go for it. He is a week away from that retirement.

Harry married young, but his wife died three years ago, they was never able to have children, but they did foster several children. since then her death he became distant from his other relatives, and threw himself into work, drink and gambling.

Harry was hoping to open a fishing tackle and bait store in his local town, where there is several lakes in the surrounding area.
Weapons: SIG Sauer P226 pistol three magazines with 15 rounds each, extendable baton.
Gear: covert protective vest, protects against most smaller rounds, and is semi stab resistant. Carries brief case, with laptop inside, bottle of water, beef jerky, small bottle of whisky, and several cigars. Small very basic first aid kit. Mostly bandages, and one small dose morphine.
Skills: marksmanship, and unarmed combat skills, knows basic flight skills, and advanced driving. Has had basic training in explosives.

Other: n/a
Username: BrotherOfDarkness

Name: Charles Bitten
Age: 35
Gender: male

Appearance: tbc
Height: 5ft 6"
Weight: 80 kg
Nationality: U.S
Work History: has worked for Romero banking Co. For several years, and is a international acquisitions agent. His bank give loans to small businesses, but then gives bad advice and support, in order to then but the business cheap themselves. Charles has been able to be promoted at work, due to managing to get to contracts before his fellow colleagues.
Biography: has a wife and child in Chicago, but also has several mistresses, and relationships with subordinates. His father is a land tycoon, and was encouraged to,get into business early, he was groomed for success, and had some of the best education.
Weapons: can of pepper spray
Gear: suitcase, laptop, cell phone, very good fountain pen
Skills: very good financial skills

Other: n/a
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Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 12-08-2013 at 04:30 PM..

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 06:27 AM


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Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 12-07-2013 at 02:37 AM..

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 06:28 AM


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Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 12-07-2013 at 02:36 AM..

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-07-2013, 02:35 AM


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Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-07-2013, 10:51 PM

Tyler came out of the restroom and went back to his seat after excusing his way across two people. "Excuse me." The boy looked out the window to look at the wings of the airplane. Certain parts of it were slightly moving, he figured it helped the plane stay straight. His brown eyes wonder down below to see white fluffy clouds. They weren't so high up so there were space in-between the cloud cluster so he could see water, and what looked like farm lands and houses. It was so cool, it was his first time flying on a Airplane. He could remember when his family saw him off, his mother was so sad he could but she put on a brave face until he left.

Tyler did everything he was told, he didn't talk to anyone other then the employees and followed the signs and asked someone who worked there where he was suppose to go if he didn't know. His head snapped to the aisle where he heard a voice, it sounded like they were giving out snacks again for the last time. Tyler did want something else, maybe they had cookies or chips or something like that. "And what would you want?" He looked into the cart the woman was holding onto. "Could I have a sprite and the chocolate chip cookies?" He asked as he watched the woman reach in her cart to pull out a small clear cup with ice and pour his sprite inside. She handed him first his cookies then his sprite before moving on to the next person.

He hardly got to drink any soda and since no one was around, it shouldn't hurt that he was able to get some while on the plan. He took alittle more then a sip and received the strong carbonation of the soda and scrunched his face. It was the only draw back to high carbonated sodas, other than that it was so good. Tyler opened up his bag of cookies and start munching on one chip at a time, savoring the chocolate-y goodness it had to offer. Once he was finished with his cookies and all of his soda, he leaned his head against the window and looked outside once more until he fell asleep.

But he woke up to the sound of coughing, it sounded like it was coming up front, he couldn't tell who though, all he heard was. "Are you okay?" After that he didn't know what happened next because he fell back alseep. Somewhere along the way he woke up again to the plane shaking just a tad. "Don't worry guys, it's just alittle turbulence, all is well." Tyler got off the window to look at the face he could see, some were worried other were unaffected. A few minutes had passed a voice came on the intercom.

It sounded like one of the stewardess, she using a microphone up front. "We will be arriving shortly at the Boston Logan International Airport, and we would like to thank you for choosing JetBlue Airways. We hope you had a wonderful flight." And at the end of her speech the seat belt light came on. The boy reached for both parts of the seat belt and clicked them together before looking back out the window. He could see the airport in the distance with planes landing and leaving. He was so close... he fingered the medal around his neck. He couldn't wait tell his parents how it went.

Jae stood behind a counter inside of a convenient store paying for Cheetos hot chips for his little sister. Once he paid for them he waited by the bathroom door until she came out. "Here I got these for you, I know how much you like them" And as soon as he handed the bag to her, she took them and ran into his legs and wrapped her arms around him. Aww she was still so cute. "Come on, we got to go pick up Ty." He unwrapped her arms and grabbed the hand that wasn't holding the chips. Once they got to the car Jae looked at the clock of his new Honda Civic, he just got it a few months ago, and he was loving it, it was almost time for his plane to arrive. Before he drove off however, he made sure that his sister had her seat belt on. "Don't eat your chips just yet Mio." After a couple minutes on the road he looked up in the rear view mirror to see her fast asleep.

It took them some time to find a parking space that was free but when he did, instead of waking Mio up he just lifted her out of her sit after taking her seat belt off. He noticed she was still holding onto the chips he had got her, he gingerly took them from her hands and held it himself. He was holding her in such way that her back was facing the direction her was and her head was on his left shoulder. Jae looked around until her found the door and walked inside. He needed to meet his little brother at the baggage claim, but first he had to find it.

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happydeath is offline
Old 12-08-2013, 01:24 AM

Resting his head against the back of the seat with both of his eyes shut; a male with jet black hair was sleeping soundly even with all the rumbling sounds of the plane going through turbulence multiple times. This was the final flight until he had finally reached back over towards The United States and landing in Massachusetts. As the plane began to make another rumbling shake once again, the passenger that sat next to him had tapped his shoulders lightly to wake up the the male. The man had stated that the seat belt light had just turned on and that they were only another hour or so away from the airport. "Thank you.." Were the only words that were heard from him to return the favor for the man letting him know to wake up. Reaching to the sides of the seat to grab a hold of the clip-in and actual belt part of the seat belt, he had clasped them together and made sure to pull the extra belt to tighten it against his waist area.

Right as soon as he tightened the belt, the dark haired male; Calix had immediately began to let out a violent coughing noise from his lips. Making sure to pull the bandages over his mouth down a bit to keep the bandages from being dirtied by the blood that came from his lips. One of the flight attendants that came over had asked if he was alright. Nodding his head up towards the woman; when she had offered a cloth for him, he had taken it and wiped his mouth before taking a quick glance at it. Luckily enough, the blood wasn't as bad as it normally was. He would be able to last the next hour or so before he would need to take some more water for it.

As the plane soon came to another turbulence run, Calix was finally beginning to be able to see the distant airport from afar. A low sigh came from his lips as he shut his eyes and began to feel as the whole plane itself shook violently. The flaps of the wings opening up widely to slow the descent of the plane to the ground and the utter noise that it gave off at the same time. However, as soon as the plan came to a slow moving pace on the ground; Calix had simply taken a deepen breath before exhaling it once more to pop his ears a bit.

He had already known that there wasn't going to be anyone waiting for him when he went to go pickup his baggage. He didn't mind this too much, since when he was on his travel over to Korea to meet up with the monks in the mountain; it wasn't like they were waiting for him either. Finally, as his plane pulled up to the correct gate that it was assigned to and the sound to let all the passengers know that they could get up from their seats was on, Calix had pulled the small lever on his seat belt and got up from his seat. He mostly waited until the other passengers had gotten out of the entire plane before he had went to get his own baggage that he had brought onto the plane with him.
Opening up the container that had one of his baggage already up there. He pulled the somewhat large luggage from the top down onto the floor and rolled it out of the plane with him. As he exited from the plane, the pilot and one of the attendants stood there to give him a friendly farewell as he left the plane and headed down the large tube-like structure before he would actually be within the actual building of the airport.


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-08-2013, 02:18 AM


Harry slumped in his seat, if that's what these pigeon holes passed as, he had more room in his broom closet, that was so tiny, he didn't even have the room to change his mind. Harry dozed slightly, he had chosen the only seat where the god damned air didn't work, but it was okay the constant coughing from the fat lump of lard next to him gave him all the breeze and germs he needed. Seemed like it was endemic, another cough could he heard elsewhere on the plane, I hope that one isn't a bag of grease like this fella. Harry swore the plane could pass for an emergency room, with the atmosphere of coughing, sneezing,whispering, and the damn humidity. Only difference is there were probably less drunks in the hospital! He took a sip from the short glass in front of him, half filled with dark brown liquid, and the small remnants of an ice cube. He could hear the gossiping of the passengers. No one specifically of interest, the passenger manifesto seemed pretty a ok too.

"And what would you want"

He heard a couple of aisles back

"Could I have a sprite and the chocolate chip cookies"

Harry put up, with the crunching and coughing and chatting for longer, gritting his teeth, maybe a few more drinks and he could sleep, best wait though at least till he had somewhere to lay down properly. He opened a newspaper and read through the articles for a third time. As if somehow by magic, he would suddenly understand what the current affairs columns were writing about, and realise that these politicians actually didn't need euthanising, and orang-utans put in their place.

The man next to him came over with his coughs again, an attendant leant over to speak to him
"Are you okay?" The man nodded, while covering his mouth with a handkerchief, the attendant was a busty red head, slightly older than the other members of staff, Harry had noticed her earlier, and he was definitely getting the scenic view of mountains, the attendant glanced up, and noticed him looking
"Enjoying the view mister?" She whispered quietly, and sarcastically.
Without looking away Harry answered with his harsh cigar worn voice

" yerr but I'm waiting for touch down to find out what the ride is like?"

She tutted before standing up and storming off, he swore he saw the slight hint of a smirk in the corner of her mouth, as she went to attend someone else.

After looking over the crossword again, trying to figure nine down, 'Insect with border song' six letters beginning in 'a' and ending in 'm'

There was a slight drop and juddering on the plane, the rattle and clinking of glass spread down the craft. Harry simply closed his eyes thinking of a rather helpful red headed flight attendant, a few people murmured. The attendant spoke again"Don't worry guys, it's just alittle turbulence, all is well."

After some time of Harry attempting to keep, life in his legs, and a bathroom break he managed to fill out the most of the crossword, but that bloody nine down, he tore the puzzle out carefully, and folded it unevenly, before placing it in his inside jacket pocket. the intercom interrupted his genius thought process
"We will be arriving shortly at the Boston Logan International Airport, and we would like to thank you for choosing JetBlue Airways. We hope you had a wonderful flight"

Fantastic, just as he was staring to enjoy himself, being cooped up like the luggage, and that man finally had stopped coughing, and moving around, like a wind-chime in a fart.... Yerr maybe a little too still, swell! That bloated son of a bitch better not have gone and had a heart attach or something on me? Harry leant over slightly, and pointed his finger at the mans cheek, with a harsh push he poked the mans face, his,finger pushing into the mans gum hard, the mans face covered with beads of sweat, slowly lopes sidewards, and then thumps back towards Harry, ending up laying on his shoulder.

Harry raises his hand up, the attendant notices him, but turns to speak to a colleague

"Hey missy"

The attendant continues to ignore him pretending she is engrossed in conversation

"Hey missy"

Harry repeats louder this time, and this time the attendant roles her eyes,,and strides over to Harry "We are about to land sir, please fasten your seatbelt!"

"Look sugar, I may have had some funny ideas when I was younger with the likes to the fairer sex, and how to woo a lady, I even tried buying flowers once, turns out they don't appreciate self raising, but I try not to make a habit out of using dead guys as a pick up line"

"What do you mean?" She looked confused at first, then her eyes flickered to the man still leaning on Harry's shoulder "do you... Do you mean he's..."

"Dead? No he just really like my aftershave, and we can't wait for our honeymoon, look lady just listen, just let the captain know, to radio ahead and get an ambulance ready okay?"

Harry pulled out his badge from his pocket, and held,it low for her to see, but still keep,it concealed.

"We don't want to alarm anybody okay?"

"Okay" she makes to leave, but just as she does, Harry grabs for her arm

"Wait one more thing, can you do me a favour?"

"Why, er yes sure" her demeanour a lot more softer know, and seeming a bit flustered

"Can you give me you number"

She gasps, and splutters something, before rushing off. Harry smirks a bit before picking up his drink, and taking another sip. He arcs his neck slightly towards the literally dead weight next to him


And with that he pushes the guys face back with the palm of his hand, the man slumping in his seat, the passengers on the other aisle glancing over whispering to each other. Harry leans towards them.

"Jet lag, his dead tired"

Last edited by BrotherOfDarkness; 12-08-2013 at 02:37 AM.. Reason: Oh bugger took me too long to write it will edit it soon

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 12-08-2013, 06:19 AM

Sabrina's green eyes popped open as the rocking in the plane grew greater. Her lithe body shook slightly in the seat, it was bigger than her, mostly because this was an international plane and was more luxurious. The announcements came on in German first, as the flight was from there, and she listened closely. The plane was about to land, hence the turbulence. She loved planes, but as her ears began to pop uncomfortably she swore she hated them.

Her hands moved up to rip the provided headphones from her ears. She glanced at the screen attached to the back of the seat in front of her and saw she had fallen asleep while watching This is the End. It had been funny and she had seen it before, but she scowled as she realized she had missed her favorite part, the exorcism of Jonah Hill.

The blond haired male next to her startled awake and his eyes fell on her as his lips spread into a grin. He had hit on her the whole 16 hour flight from Germany, and while she appreciated the flattery, she had grown tired of it quickly.

"Guten Morgen, Schatze," he murmured in a croaky sleep voice and stretched, white t shirt pulling up slightly so she could see his tan skin. 'Good morning, treasure,' he had said to her, and she scoffed and rolled her eyes. She buckled her seat belt as the overheard head flashing lights advised to do so and turned on her phone even though the attendants had not authorized it. She didn't have signal yet anyways, but she was bored and needed an excuse to not associate with the man next to her.

The trip had been disappointing, to say the least, and she was thankful to be back somewhere she knew people that actually enjoyed her company. Her family, having been on her bipolar mother's side, didn't want anything to do with her while she was vising Stuttgart, a large beautiful city that she had been born in, for a music video. The event of being practically disowned had brought her to tears a couple times while she was in Deutschland, but she had cried in secret and toughened back up as soon as she left. She missed Germany, but it was apparent it wasn't the other way around.

"We have now landed at Boston Logan International Airport, we thank you for choosing Delta Airlines and hope to see you again soon," the brunette male attendant spoke into the microphone from the front. His blue eyes caught hers and she winked, making his cheeks flush rose pink. She smirked and stood after unbuckling herself, tugging her black backpack down from the overhead compartment and throwing it over her shoulder. She was dressed simply: dark blue jeans, a black tank top with a black leather jacket over top, and dark red combat boots matching her lipstick. Her chocolate hair was slightly wavy and tousled from having slept on it, and she rubbed under her eyes to make sure no makeup had spread.

As she walked down the aisle, cutting in front of those moving too slow, she wiggled her fingers at the cute attendant and nodded her thanks at the rest of the crew. Her phone had just received service again and it buzzed. She had missed a call from her agent, but she would listen to the voicemail later. For now she had to find the baggage claim and a hotel until her connecting flight to Los Angeles in the morning.

"Baggage claim," she murmured to herself, it was weird speaking in English after having primarily only used her first language back in Europe. Her voice had regained more of her accent again and the words sounded slightly foreign rolling off of her tongue.

She licked her lips as she anticipated getting her luggage and having a cigarette. Staying still for too long, such as when flying overseas, made her antsy, and nicotine always helped. A bad habit, but to each his own, though her agent said otherwise. Her eyes flitted around the gate waiting section she had just entered from after having exited the hallway connecting to the plane. A blue sign close to her proclaimed the baggage claim to be just to her left and she sighed in relief.

Her long legs carried her swiftly towards the sign, her steps so light her boots barely made noise as they touched the tiled floor. She saw a few families reuniting, a few lone passengers like herself trying to find their way around. Her mind made up stories for each of them as she passed. This one was a pop star in disguise, that one was a Massachusetts born citizen returning from a business trip.

A man running past her as she neared the baggage claim bumped into her, sending her white iPhone flying from her hands. It skittered across the floor like skipping stones on a river, face down of course. Just her luck. "Hey asshole, watch it," she shouted at him but he didn't even glance back. "He must really have to piss," she grumbled and sighed, making her way towards her phone. She bent waist down to pick it up and turned it over, a large crack in the upper right hand corner. A string of curses in German left her mouth in a whisper. It hadn't been her day.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 12-08-2013, 07:15 AM

Danni let a sigh slip through his mouth as his eyes watched the sky outside of the window. Flying. In the air. Where you could fall and hit the ground with alarming speeds, and never have any hope to live. What a joyous thing to be doing, right? In all honesty, Danni hadn't wanted to be the one to pick up Tyler, but somehow he had gotten himself volunteered. He ran a hand through his dyed hair, not missing his original chocolate brownish colour whatsoever; black suited him more after all. He should have just told one of the other guys to pick the tool up, after all, why was it Danni's responsibility to go tell the idiot about their soon-to-be deal? He shook his head slightly. There was no point thinking about all of that now; he was already on his way.

He pried his eyes off of the window, feeling his heart beat start to accelerate already. Just the mere thought of the plane falling made his heart beat a thousand beats per second. It wasn't that he was afraid of heights, in fact he quite liked being up in high buildings--specifically roofs--but Danni seemed to always think of the worst, which would get him anxious. There it was, that word; anxious. He remembered when he was younger it had been a lot worse; anxiety attacks were a daily occurrence for him. His parents used to think that he was just overreacting about things, but they had finally ended up talking to a doctor about it. Anxiety, the doctor had said. Over the years, Danni had learned to control it a lot better though, so now he rarely had attacks.

"The plane will be landing soon. Please turn off all devices and buckle yourselves in," a flight attendants voice ran throughout the plane.

Danni let out another sigh, slowly taking his earbuds out of his ears, then turning off his phone. He hated not being able to listen to music; it was one of the only things that really helped him calm down. Plus, now he was being forced to hear all the other passengers' chattering. Not that there were many other people on the plane though; not many Canadians had a need to go to the U.S., and if they did they would no doubt drive there, or if they were flying, then they'd go to Florida or somewhere of the likes.

Danni tightened the belt around his waist, closing his eyes shut as the plane began to shake. He had heard this from others, that planes would do this. It didn't mean that he was ready for it though.

"We have now landed at Boston Logan International Airport. We thank you for using Air Canada, and hope that you have enjoyed the flight. We hope to see you again," a rather robotic voice came through as Danni felt the plane come to a halt.

He felt the need to give a short chuckle though. Enjoyed? More like he was wishing he'd die half way through.

He slung his bag over his shoulder and grabbed his guitar case, not needing to bother to go to baggage claim, seeing as the backpack was all he had taken with him. He turned his phone on quickly, before letting his eyes search the crowd of people for his idiot of a friend. Tyler had said that he'd pick Danni up, seeing as Danni was completely unfamiliar with everything. Unfortunately, he couldn't find his colourful friend.

"That tool better not have forgotten," Danni huffed, adjusting his backpack slightly.

He could spot different groups of people, some families hugging each other, some couples having rather intimate moments, some friends, and some loners like himself. Though, he wasn't supposed to be alone. Right at that thought, his phone began to buzz in his back pocket, causing Danni to jump slightly, but hurry to pick it up nonetheless.

"'Ello?" he spoke into the phone.

"Danni, hey man. Sorry, I've got stuck in traffic for some reason. Been here for like, a goddamed hour. It just 'aint moving. I'll try n' be there soon though, 'kay?" Tyler's voice entered Danni's ears.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair once more. Honestly, how long was he going to have to wait in this insanely crowded area? "Yea, yea. It's cool man. I'll be waiting then." He walked around for a bit, feeling some eyes on him--though he was quite used to that by now, seeing as not everyone in the world was very accepting of his appearance--then finally sat down on a bench by the window, keeping his guitar case in-between his legs.

He let his head rest against the large window that peered outside, and slipped in his earphones once more. Dead Texas Ranger by Sleeping with Sirens came on, and Danni found himself unconsciously humming along.

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Old 12-08-2013, 09:09 AM

After finally making his way down the large metallic tube that connected the large plane with the actual airport building, Calix had finally arrived into the actual building. Taking in a deep breath, he had closed his eyes for a moment as the other people that were exiting from the gate had simply made their way around him and continued on their way. Some seemed to had been in quite a rush to either get to another gate to get on their next plane, while others had began to go around to look for directions or even family members that might've been waiting for them. The sounds of continuous chatting going on within the airport was something he was going to have to probably get used to again; since visiting the monks over in the mountains, most of the time there was complete silence for meditation. The only real times that any chatting would be heard was from the elder monks speaking to one another if not the sounds of other younger student monks learning the way of fighting.

So with all the chatting going on, this was a completely new area for him. Taking it all in at once was nearly impossible since it made him feel slightly uncomfortable with the fact that there were many different people he didn't recognize around him. However, Calix kept himself calm and collected as he shut his eyes before heading over towards the information desk and reopening them back up. The woman that stood behind the counter had stared at him at first with a slightly confused look on her face as to why a man with half his face covered and eyes closed had walked up to the desk. When he had opened his eyes, she had given him a friendly yet welcoming smile. "Hello sir. Do you need help with something?" She asked him in a polite tone before he would nod to her question. "Yes, do you know where the baggage claim is?" He questioned the woman as she nodded once more before pointing down the large middle aisle and directing him towards the right direction. "Thank you ma'am.."

After thanking the woman for the directions, Calix had made his way towards the large aisle; the whole time he had kept the luggage he had taken from the plane over his shoulders. Really, the only actual other luggage he had to get from the baggage claiming area was his staff and his slightly larger luggage that had his clothing within it. All the herbs, bandages and other stuff he had was already in his grasp at the moment. The whole time he had made his way down the aisle, he had turned his kept to himself as he listened to the different commotions going on around him. One of the many people he had heard seemed to be a woman cursing at a man by the name of 'asshole' telling him to watch where he was going. While another was a male who seemed to had been on his phone speaking to someone about him waiting.

Even through all of this, he kept to himself as he approached the baggage claiming area. Standing right by the conveyor belt that allowed the many different luggage to go around in an oval like shape, Calix had stood there waiting and watching for his staff and/or luggage of clothing to grab before he had missed it. After a few minutes, once the long wrapped up staff had come across the belt; he had made sure to grab a hold of it and rest it against his shoulder standing up. Soon enough, the other baggage had finally come across and he had grabbed a hold of that as well. Luckily enough, the baggage had wheels underneath it; so this would allow him to drag it against the ground and let it roll rather than having to just carry it over his shoulder like the rest of his stuff.

Slipping the belt that was attached to the staff over his shoulder lightly so that the metal staff would be attached to his back. The black haired male had began to make his way over towards the exit of the airport building. However, rather than immediately stepping out into the cold city-like air. Calix had stood still from within the building as he watched how many people had reunited with family, some standing loners around just like he was. Some of the loners looked as though they were completely lost of what to do, as though they were expecting someone to be there for them but had their hopes crushed. Calix had indeed felt bad for these people, even though he may had been one of them; it wasn't as though he was too worried about it all. If anything, he was going to go and find a hotel to stay at that was near a shopping plaza before he would begin to try and make a new life for himself in the city.

The thought of reopening a martial arts school for city folk somewhat worried him. These people weren't trained physically or mentally to understand the concept of martial arts; from what the monks had taught him, these people would abuse their power and use it only to seek vengeance if not just to hurt others for their own amusement. Martial arts was more over a form of self defense and for meditation for centering ones self, it was not to be taken advantage of. But the thought of trying to teach these people such things almost seemed quite impossible to him. Maybe coming to the city wasn't such the greatest idea. As Calix stood there, debating on whether or not he should have come back to The United States; the sound of a crying child was immediately heard to break his thinking.

With his eyes widen in shock at the sound of crying, Calix quickly turned his head over towards the direction of the crying child. A mother stood over a little boy who was crying at the fact that they could be lost. Staring at the sorrow of the child and the desperate mother trying to calm her son down, while at the sametime she was already quite scared that she was lost as well. The dark-haired male couldn't help but approach the woman and child before he had squatted himself down in front of the little boy. Patting the boy on the held softly, he gave him a warm smile before shaking his head. "Shh...hush my little child. Everything shall be alright." He spoke in a low whisper from underneath his breath as he began to hum a soft yet soothing tone that was sung to him while he was back at the mountain temple. The song was sung to him as a little child when he had trouble sleeping in the temple, it was called 'Trail of the angel'.

As he had hummed the song peacefully to the child, the little boy soon came to a stop from his crying as sniffling was all that was heard left. The mother giving a smile she took multiple deep sighs of relief that her son had calmed down. Once the child had finally stopped crying and calmed down, Calix had stood back up to his feet and took a look over towards the woman. "A mother..should always stay strong for her child..please. Miss, you must find your inner center and relax. Think logically..and look for help. Go to the information desk...they may help you find your way." He informed the woman who thanked him and picked up her son before heading over towards the nearest information desk for directions and possible flight transfers to get to where she needed to go. Watching her go off, Calix had nodded his head and thought back on his decision. These city folk, actually seemed to need help after-all. Maybe not for violence, but they sure did need to learn to calm down at times of need like that.

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-08-2013, 09:51 AM

Tyler could feel the air pressure change is his ears and that's one thing about airplanes he won't miss. During his first flight leaving Massachusetts, he had ear pain that was indescribable and it lasted until he had met up with his group and gone to a hotel. Letting out a small sigh Tyler looked at the window to to see the air strip coming up what seemed to him rather fast but the landing was just as graceful as a feather falling onto the floor. Stretching in his seat, he looked over at the other passengers, they seemed to be unbuckling and packing away their things if they had anything out. Taking that as a cue he undid his own seat belt and reached below the seat infront of him to grab his backpack. He had placed it there, because he couldn't very well reach the overhead compartments but his backpack was small enough to fit under the seat so they let him. Usually women kept there purses down there or small tote bags.

Tyler slipped on his backpack and waited for the plane to come to a complete stop, and stood up getting ready to go. But he had to wait for the other two who were in the same seating row he was in to grab there things, wait for people to pass and then finally go. But alas he wasn't able to go just yet, he got distracted by a guy who had bandages all over the lower half of his face. Tyler was thinking so many things a mile a minute on why he would cover his face like that. And during that time, more people went down the aisle towards the exit followed by the bandage guy. Tyler looked towards the back of plane then towards the front it seemed like everyone was gone save a few others. His brown eyes landed on a older gentlemen who seemed to have been used as a pillow during a flight. The sight made him want to laugh but he just smiled and used the willpower he had not to run out of the plane.

Tyler nodded to the attendants, before he left and he found himself encased in that tube like contraption for the fourth and last time that connected the plane to the building. Tyler swiftly moved through the crowds in spaces that only small children could fit through. Soon enough he found himself in the open space. He just couldn't get over how huge this place was, and it had to be for all those who passed through it's doors. The boy followed the adults like he was just another sheep in the herd. He knew they'd lead him where he had to go, so he looked around a bit to see if he could see Jae, just incase he wanted to meet him at the gate but he couldn't find his brother. Tyler had the sudden urge to go use the restroom, so he left the group to find the nearest restroom, once he got there, there was only one other person there but they were in one of the stalls. Tyler went into one of the stalls himself. He moved his clothes out of the way so he could do what he came to do.

Once he finished, he flushed the toilet and left the stall to go wash his hands. Tyler's eyes traveled to the bottom of the mirror to look at the guys legs who were in stall. He was awfully quiet in there, did he fall asleep throwing up from motion sickness maybe? Tyler turned on the water, grabbed some soap and started to wash his hands, promptly drying them with that hands free drying machine on the wall. Because it was so loud he didn't hear the thump on the floor. Once he felt his hands were dry enough walked towards the door but stopped when he felt something brush his shoe before it left the floor to be placed in front of him. Tyler looked behind him to see the guy who he assumed used to be in the stall was now on the floor, and he didn't look so good. But why was he crawling on the floor? He must be really sick, Tyler left the bathroom just as the man started to rise from the floor towards him. Tyler had to go alarm someone about the guy in the bathroom.

The boy looked around until he found what looked like a male steward who was heading towards the planes, probably just arriving for work or switching planes. "Hey! Wait!" Tyler ran up to him. "There's a guy in the bathroom and I think he's really sick, he was on the floor and he didn't look so good." He pointed towards the bathroom, and watched as the man left to go check it out. Tyler wanted to wait to see what happened but he knew his brother would probably worry about him, so he left. He looked up towards the ceiling looking for the word 'Baggage Claim' and he found it, it was pointing straight ahead, so he went that way. When he arrived he heard someone speaking another language and they sounded pretty angry. Tyler went up next to one of the conveyor belts that was marked for his plane and waited for his suitcase.

Tyler felt like he was waiting forever but it was only a few minutes like two or three before his suitcase showed up at the one he was standing next to. He pulled it off and went walking towards the waiting area which was right next to baggage claim. He took a seat next to some guy who seemed to be singing to himself. Tyler looked him over, and noticed he had a instrument case, and wondered what the man played. He couldn't ask even if he wanted to the guy was listening to music and didn't seem to be paying attention.

Jae found it strange that his sister always wore her backpack, she never took it off even when she got in the car. It made him curious as to what was in it for her to hold onto it so protectively. It was a small pink hello kitty backpack with a drawstring, flap and a magnetic clip. It had a blue border all along the backpack covering up the sewn sides. And the side pocket flaps were yellow and pink striped. The male adjusted his glasses, as he looked around the entrance of the airport. It was large dome, and it had a very high ceiling with space that was occupied by some type of abstract art, he couldn't make out what it was exactly.

Jae walked over to the escalators, and got onto the one that was going up. He leaned against the rail and looked at the abstract art suspended in the air. What it was still escaped him, and just when he thought he figured it out the shape seemed to change the higher he went. He gave up on it just in time for him to step off the escalator. Jae took a few steps forward to look around at the signs, he was look for Gate E, it was paired up with F, and B. When he found it he went straight there taking no detours, he soon found himself in a tube like room that had those 'flat escalators' that people seemed to enjoy walking, and running on. And he was one of those people, in particular he liked to walk against the flow. It was just so fun he couldn't say why though if you asked him.

Jae finally reached the waiting area of the baggage claim, now all he had to do was find his brother. It felt like he was looking for waldo, except Tyler wasn't wearing red and white. Jae gently shook Mio's shoulder to wake her. "We're here, want to help me find him?" He asked her as she rubbed her eyes and peered behind Jae's back. "Mhmm.." She responded sleepily. Jae took his eyes off her to look watch where he was going, he stopped within view of the conveyor belts and looked inside.

He could feel Mio hug his neck tighter, and call his name. "Yes?" He looked at the side of her head, she didn't say anything in response but she did squirm in his arm. Which reminded him that his arm was getting alittle tired from holding her for so long. "You want to get down?" he asked her.
Mio finally turned her head towards her brother and shook her hood. "That girl look funny, look." She pointed behind him.
Jae looked behind him, "Mio it's not nice to talk about other people that way." He scanned the crowd until he did see a woman, she looked like she had a limp or something. Jae kept his eyes on her, and he wasn't the only one to notice as someone came up to her talking. He couldn't make out what the man was saying but it looked like they knew each other. The man had wrapped his arms around the woman. Jae's eyes looked at Mio, "Look Mio, there's nothing--"

A piercing wail cut through the loud chatter that was in giant room. Jae looked away from Mio and back to the couple to see what was going on, as were a few others. And the people who were somewhat next to them. What were they doing ? Why was the guy wrestling with the woman who seemed to have her mouth attached to his.. oh god was she biting his forearm? What the hell...? He could see the dude was bleeding. And it seemed no one else noticed because the two were far in the back and no one was watching them anymore. The guy seemed to finally knock the woman off him, only to have her get back up and lung at his face with her bloody mouth.

Another scream went through the air, and someone was running away with another person holding the back of their shoulder. Then another scream this time right in his ear. Jae could have sworn his left ear has gone deaf now. "Mio?" He looked at her, to see someone covered in blood heading in his direction. Jae didn't know what was going on, was someone pulling a prank, or were they doing some kind of indie horror movie shoot at the airport? Either way the guy creeped him out, and he wasted no time in getting away from there as quick as possible. "Tyler! Where are you?"

Oh happy days!!

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 12-08-2013, 05:19 PM

At last Sabrina had made it to the baggage claim. A few people that had arrived before her were waiting around the same drop offs, but she was the first from her flight to wait next to her section. It was a row over and she was alone, but her bag was the fifth to come through. She grabbed it immediately, checking the side pockets for her gun to make sure it was still there, and then her cigarettes. The Marlboro reds box she pulled up was slightly battered from the flight, but she ignored it and tucked it into her back pocket. Her duffel bag hung on her shoulder, somewhere between less than heavy and more than light. Her body was toned and strong and it didn't bother her, but she couldn't wait to put it down and relax.

She remained standing at the end of the baggage claim, pulling out her phone from her leather jacket pocket and unlocking it. Luckily the drop hadn't damaged any of the software of the phone itself, so getting to her contacts and clicking 'call' on her father's name wasn't a hassle. What always was, however, was getting him to answer. A few seconds after the ringing had begun, it clicked off, meaning the call had been declined. That was for her father, he always wanted to know where she was, at least state-wise, when she was traveling. The only time he had ever ignored her calls was when he was doing business, but he had been retired for years.

Sure enough, as usual when her father was doing business, her phone rang a second later from a restricted number. She accepted immediately and before she could even get a greeting, his calm, rough voice breezed through the line.

"Hello Jelly Bean, I can't talk much. On an important job," he informed her and her eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Daddy you're retired," she replied as if he didn't know, a hand running through her hair in anxiety. He began to reply that he had been called on with special forces, but halfway through his statement a loud wail sliced through the air on her side. Her head whipped around, trying to find the source of it. It wasn't a sad wail of family departing, or anything explainable, but a wail of terror and pain.

"Sweetpea something is going on and you need to stay safe, I'll call you when I can," her father's tone was now rushed and concerned and she could her deep voiced men talking in the background.

"Be safe," she replied and he chuckled as he always did to her comment. Her father's throaty laugh was one of her favorite things. He didn't laugh often, Marines weren't known for their humor, but around her it was a little different.

"You know Marines can't die, we-" he began with his infamous saying.

"Just go to Hell and regroup, I know,"
she finished for him and half smiled. Every time he had been needed on a mission or deployment and left her, usually in the care of his sister since her mother was so unstable, he had repeated that saying to her. She had grown to believe it true, a small childish part of her was fully convinced her father could not and would not die.

"Goodbye Bean," he whispered, using her childhood nickname, Bean or Bina, derived from her name. She began to say 'I love you' but was cut off at 'I' as he ended the call. She mouthed the rest of it to herself and slid the phone into her pocket. As she turned on her heels to head towards the exit, she was greeted by a bloody mouthed middle age woman barreling straight for her. Sabrina's combat instincts, courtesy of her father, took over and she swung her bag with great momentum, hitting the assailant right in the head and sending her flying to the ground.

"I'm sorry ma'am, are you okay,"
she asked the convulsing figure on the floor. She didn't like hurting others, but her father had instilled in her that her safety came first. A loud growl greeted her back and she finally received a full view of the woman's face. Her pupils were tiny little pinpricks, completely unnatural, and the lower half of her face was covered in blood. Unnatural and terrifying, so Sabrina jumped over the woman before she could attack, which looked like it was soon to follow. She sprinted away from the bloody heap and nearly collided with a boy a little shorter than her holding a small girl, another crimson stained figure following him. She slid out of the way of the boy and reached her leg out between the pair and the man. The runner didn't even notice her outstretched foot, toes pointed as was habit, and he tripped over her calf in a tumbling mess. She turned immediately to follow the boy, catching up and grabbing his arm. He looked absolutely terrified and she felt sympathetic for him, especially because of the little girl, probably his sister, he was holding onto protectively.

"Who are you looking for, I'll help you," she whispered in smooth, calming tones. She had heard him call out a name, Tyler it sounded like, and seeing as she didn't have anybody waiting on her in the crowd, she figured she should help someone who did. She always felt an immediate obligation to help those who needed it. She had been bullied as a child and all she had wanted was someone to help her. So when she didn't get it and had to learn to be her own savior, she could never deny someone who could use her help.

Last edited by musikfreakx; 12-08-2013 at 05:49 PM..

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 12-08-2013, 05:21 PM

Danni let his eyes follow the young boy who took a seat next to him curiously. He was all by himself, and couldn't be older than ten. Danni gave the boy a small smile before letting his eyes head back towards the crowd. A little commotion began to form, but Danni payed it no mind. It was nothing big after all, probably just a petty fight or something. He saw those all the time anyways, so there was no need to go check it out, or even think about it. Just as he was about to change the song on his phone though, a scream pierced through the crowds of people--loud enough so that Danni could hear it despite the thumping music playing in his ears. He ripped his earphones out of his ears rather hurriedly as a couple more screeches were heard. His eyes wandered around until they landed on a bloodied limping body that latched itself onto another person.

Feeling the sudden instinct to keep the kid beside him safe, Danni turned to the young boy. "Hey, kid. You're waiting for someone, right?" he asked, although he didn't quite have any intention of waiting for an answer. He remembered when he and his younger sister would go out together--somewhere like a mall or a park--and he'd always protect her. It was now simple instinct to protect a small child when he didn't like the situation.

His eyes scanned the area once more. Some people were ignoring the commotion, while others were trying to pull people off of others. Some looked absolutely terrified, and some looked insanely confused. Danni himself was both confused and terrified. He wasn't sure if this was some kind of film that people were shooting, or if someone had decided to play some kind of sick joke, or maybe there was just something seriously wrong with some of the people. Either way, Danni didn't exactly want to stick around to find out. His gut was telling him that the situation here was not one he wanted to be in.

Instead of moving though, Danni sat still. Despite every bone in his body telling him to make a run for it, he couldn't bring himself to. He ran a hand over his face. His mind wasn't quite working, it kept telling him to do different things. "Kid, your mom or dad or someone, they're looking for 'ya, right? Do you know their cell phone number by chance? We can call 'em, that way you can be with 'em." he asked the kid beside him.

He tried to ignore the slight shaking of his hands and the fact that his heart felt as though it was about to burst right out of his body. One thing he knew about kids was that if an adult, or at least someone older than them, freaked out or seemed scared, they'd get ten times more terrified. At least, that was how it had been with his sister and her friends. So, Danni kept his cool demeanour on. Anyways, there probably wasn't anything wrong, it was probably just his anxiety making him think that there was something wrong. He shook his head slightly; one way or another, it really wasn't worth sitting around to find out. Anyways, the kid's parents were probably in the middle of this commotion too, looking for him. Danni had to help him out, if he didn't he'd probably feel guilty later on. "If you don't know their number, then how about I help you find them. I think we're in the middle of a film shooting anyways, so we may as well move. You ok with that, kid?" he asked, just as one of the bloodied figures was coming over.

Last edited by Naruto forever; 12-08-2013 at 05:25 PM.. Reason: Ok. Well it's short. Sorry. ^^;


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-08-2013, 08:58 PM


Harry stayed in his seat waiting for the other passengers to get up before he himself standing, moving the dead man across the empty adjacent seat and his own. He hung back as the last passengers made their way down the jetbridge. As he went to leave himself one of the air stewardess called out to him from behind
" wait what about the man?"

Harry turned and spoke very calmly

"That's okay you can keep him"

and he made his way down himself, he stepped past the busty blonde that he had spoke to previously, they caught each others eye, as he did so. He had taken several more steps when he heard her say
"Hey you forgot something!"

She had a piece of paper in her hand, and held it out to him, she stood pushing her hip out wards slightly. Harry took it swiftly, and turned to walk away, as he exited the jetbridge he opened the paper and looked at it, he placed into his trouser pocket and grinned.

Harry walked swiftly through the gathered crowds, to an unmarked door, and entered a code, before clicking it open and stepping inside, making a deliberate attempt to ensure the door was closed behind him securely.

He was inside a small atrium room, about the size of bathroom. There was a Perspex screen, and another door next to it with clear panels. A mousy looking lady with thick glasses sat behind the screen.
"Sign the book please" she stated in a whine as though speaking through her nose
Stupid procedures he thought to himself.

"May as Well place a flag up my ass, saying hey I'm a cop, what's the point of plain clothes?"

"Hey just sign it and pass it back" she replied annoyed

"Okay here's an a4 suppository for you" he calmly reciprocated

"What do you say?" She asked as he walked through the door his back to her

"I said stick it in your ass"
and slammed the door shut

He was in a locker room, he walked down the dim rows of lockers, and opened one, he placed his suitcase on top of the locker, and went to pull something out of it itself. Before he did though his phone bleeped, he took it out and read the message
'High, Orange, all, agents report in'

"What the...?"

He fingered through the contacts, and found One listed as FAMSHQ he pressed call, and held the phone to his ear, all he got was an engaged tone. He the tried calling the directory, again engaged tone. He finally dialled 911, again an engaged message.

"That's not good"

Suddenly a door the other side of the room crashed open, and police officer and two, security guards ran in out of breath
Hey the police officer shouted at him
"You a marshal?"

"Yep" he nodded with an eyebrow raised

This time one of the security guards spoke "there's a bloody riot going on in the lounge! Come quick," the three began to exit out the door Harry came in through

"Hey some drunk stag party is your job guys"

They didn't stop to argue and ran out. Harry pulled out a short bottle, unscrewed the lid and took a large swig. He began to put thing in and out of the locker. Eventually he closed the locker door, and picked up, his case.

That's when he heard it, a gun shot, Harry froze for a split second, okay no stag party, he ran out remarkably fast for a man of his age, but he kept himself fit, apart from the few vices of his.

Last edited by BrotherOfDarkness; 12-08-2013 at 10:25 PM..

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happydeath is offline
Old 12-08-2013, 10:09 PM

Once the woman and child had walked off towards the information desk to ask for directions as to where to go. Calix had simply given a small nod to them before turning his back and making his way over towards the exit of the building. Staring outside towards the other people who were calling for taxis if not waiting for other family members to come pick them up, a small smile played across his lips from underneath his white bandages. It wasn't long before the sound of a screaming man and woman from the near back of the baggage claim area was heard ringing through his eardrums.

At that very moment, the black haired male had wiped his head back to see that there were multiple bloodied looking citizens trying to go after one another. Some looked terrified while others looked as though they had something wrong with their face; those that were bloodied around the mouth area seemed to have what looked like a lifeless expression on their actual face, almost as though they were craving for nothing more than bloodshed. Raising a brow the entire time he stood there, Calix watched the horror commotion go on with curiosity and confusion. Was this how city folk acted around one another; was this normal.

While he stood there watching the horror go on, the familiar sound of a woman and child screaming had caught his attention once more. Turning his gaze over towards the information desk, he had noticed how the woman that stood behind the desk had jumped over the counter only to pin the mother to the ground and began to bite at her neck. That gave it away too well, this wasn't normal; the woman's flesh on her throat was being completely torn apart. Something was obviously off about this all.

Instead of bothering to stay in one spot for too long, Calix had unzipped the luggage he had taken from the conveyor belt; and slipped his right hand deep into the side pockets that was within it. Grabbing a hold of two metal objects that was within the luggage, he had dragged out two pistols and quickly stuffed them into the baggage he had over his shoulder. Luckily enough, the amount of training he had already done over in the mountains by the monks was enough to make the amount of things he was carrying at the moment nothing more than light weight. When he had first began his training with the monks; they would have the poor child hold giant burning pots of ash, if not hot stones by his forearms. There had been many other extremely difficult physical tasks that he had been placed through to get him to where he was today.

Shaking his head about what he was supposed to do about the whole situation. He had slowly ran his fingers through his jet black silky hair, looking around for a moment of where he was actually going to go at this point without having to run into one of those bloodied citizens; Calix had made a break for the one exit he had been looking out of this whole time. As he had approached it, he quickly skidded to a stop to see that another woman was already by it; he watched as how she swung her own bag to hit another woman in the face till she had hit the floor with a loud thud. Just the sight of it, he was able to tell that such an amount of force to the face would leave a normal human being knocked out for quite some time.

However, as the woman on the ground had slowly growled a bloodied sound from her throat. Calix had simply watched the other woman hop over her and continue on her way. Well, that way wasn't so safe as it seemed. He had to find another way out of this place without being mauled by those bloodied people. As he searched his surroundings by his gaze to see where he could go, the last thing that had caught his attention was one of the monstrous citizens was approaching a bench where two males were sitting. One that looked somewhat like a child from the back of his head while another was a teenage looking young male who seemed to had been speaking with the child.

The first thought that went through his head was just plain instinct that the person coming over to them was going to attack them just like the rest. The lifeless and pale skin on the person's body, the fact that they had a quarter of their head bitten off and still moving as though they were just fine didn't look too safe. So without so much as another moment to waste, Calix dashed his way over towards the bench and swung the larger baggage that kept mostly his clothing within it. Once the baggage had hit the bloodied man on the side of his head, it immediately caused the body to drop to the floor like a large sack of meat. Quickly after he had hit the body, he turned his gaze over towards the two males sitting on the bench. "You two..should probably get moving..not too sure it's safe around here anymore." He spoke in a calm tone as though none of this was affecting him much at all.

Just then, as he spoke, the man that he had hit the floor had let out a blood curdling growl only to grasp a hold of Calix's ankle with his bone-y and bloodied hand. Turning his gaze down at the man, he had just used his other foot to give a hard kick to the wrist of the man to make him let go before looking back over at the two males and awaiting an answer from them.


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-08-2013, 11:17 PM


He would spar, and hit the gym, but he enjoyed a drink, and a smoke every now and then, more usually now rather than then.

Harry ran down a corridor, withdrawing his firearm, holding it in one hand however pointing it low, he always liked to keep a hand free despite repeated complaints from so called snit nosed instructors less than half his age.

As he turned the corner he walked out into a balcony over looking the lobby, towards the sideways the baggage claim, people had began to panic and were running towards the exits, falling over each other, some seems to be fighting, who had fired?

He could see a kiosk beneath him, he lurched over the railings, and landed on the kiosk roof, before dropping down onto the floor. An Asian man ran past him barging his shoulder, another man slim built wearing bright orange jacket ran the other side, Harry reached for him, and grabbed him, the man seemed panicked and flinched when he did, Harry held him by the shoulder.

"What's going on? Who you running from?"

The man looked at him, Harry noticed him holding his arm, it was bleeding severely
"They've gone mad! He bit me, I don't understand he bit me!" The man pulled himself free and continue running to the main entrance. Harry turned towards the maelstrom. He jogged forward, a clearing appeared in front of him, as people stampeded apart, only one person stood in front of him, he looked injured, blood on his arms and face, he wore a stewards uniform, his head slouched.

"Hey kid, you okay? Are you hurt?"

The young man didn't respond apart from a low moan, and took a step towards Harry

"Now wait right there kid, before you get yourself hurt you hear?"

The man didn't stop and lurched at Harry, his mouth now open wide, Harry grabbed at his shirt with his free hand, the man went to bite his arm, Harry swung his gun hand and pistol whipped the mans head hard, he seemed to stumble back slightly before straightening up, and walking towards Harry again

"What the heck?"

For a second time slowed, Harry noticed other people running screaming, some injured, blood covering the slick floor, others seemed to crouching over other people that were not moving...bodies, pulling at their clothes... No their bodies. Harry suddenly had the image of a nature documentary, and a group of wild animals attacking their prey.

Harry made his choice, he opened fire five times the shots rang out loud, each round ripping through the stewards chest, the attacker stumbled back. He noticed now other screams elsewhere, and the occasional gunshot. The steward got back to his feet and lurched forward again.

"You gotta be kidding me! Oh no you don't

He raised his gun point blank and let a round rip through the mans head, Harry didn't even blink,as the pistol fired, the empty casing flying past his neck, just as the gore and brain matter spattered his face. The steward slumped to the ground in a heap. Harry wiped his face with the back of his hand, the blood spreading across his chin.

Last edited by BrotherOfDarkness; 12-09-2013 at 01:04 PM..

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 05:55 AM

He was too worried about Tyler in this commotion that he almost ran into a girl, but they just missed each other. When he looked back he saw her trip the guy who was chasing them, then followed. She had caught up to them and grabbed his arm, he stopped. He didn't know what do, everything was in chaos. And everything just seemed so real, he needed to get Tyler and get out of here. The girl was trying to calm him down, but he was too far gone to be simply calmed down by words. "I'm looking for my kid brother,he's is about..." He gestured with his free hand. "This high... I.. I can't describe his clothes since I don't know what he is wearing, but his name is Tyler. Looks about 9 years old." Jae reposition Mio on his hip/side and wrapped both arms around her as he scanned the area. There so much going on, Tyler could be anywhere. He called out his name one more time. If he was thinking correctly Tyler wouldn't gone too far from the conveyor belts. "I think he may be close the baggage claim area, like the first seats you see. But how are we going to get over there with all this going on?" Jae rushed out his sentence as he turned around trying to find the direction.

Jae heard quite alot of gun shots, which means this wasn't some kind prank it had to be real. But he just couldn't believe it, he turned to look in the direction where it looked like airport security were shooting people. Oh go they were shooting people. He kept Mio from turning her head in the same direction so she wouldn't see.

Tyler looked around when he heard a scream, what could it have been? Curious he turned around in his sit and sat on his knees as he looked around. Unfortunately he couldn't see anything. When he gave up sat back down his seat and took off his backpack, he opened it and pulled out recesses buttercups he was saving for later and opened up the package. That's when he heard another scream but he ignored this time, right now, it was all about that peanut butter chocolatey goodness. He popped one of them his mouth as he looked over to the guy he was sitting next to, because his rather quick movements startled him alittle. "Uh.. yeah I'm waiting for someone." Tyler looked from the older boy and back out into the crowd to see people running around. Missing their flight..? he pondered as he watched a few people run around.

"It's my brother, and I have it on paper." Tyler reached inside of his backpack and moved his hand around looking for a piece of paper, when he couldn't feel it he opened up the bag a bit more and started moving things around. When he finally found the paper he pulled it out and looked at the boy. Was something wrong? Tyler had noticed the small shaking of his hands and though about asking him but he spoke up first. "Ooh! Does that mean we're going to get to be in a movie?" He practically beaming, it was so exciting. That would probably explain the screams he heard earlier. Maybe it was action movie and people were fighting or there were criminals who were fleeing the scene of the crime but got caught by the cops. Tyler closed up his bad and held out the paper that had his brother number on it. And before he could say anything else someone came over swinging their luggage. Alarm Tyler turned to look at the man, it looked like the same guy who was on the plane, the bandage man. "What do you mean not safe? They're just shooting a movie... oh you're probably some bodyguard and don't want us getting in the scene."

Tyler looked down at Calix's legs when he moved his foot, and saw what looked like to him someone from one of those zombie movies. He shouldn't even know about that, but you know how kids are.. they like to sneak around and watch things. The man on the floor gave him a new idea about the movie. It was a zombie flick these people were shooting! Tyler smacked a open palm against his face. It would explain everything. "Okay, wouldn't want to get in the way. And um.. I think you just kicked one of the actors?" Tyler got off the bench, and stared up at the man. But looked away when he heard gunshots.

Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 12-10-2013 at 05:58 AM..

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 09:23 PM

Sabrina nodded along. The male was more freaked out than she thought, and it was understandable. If she someone she was responsible for and had to protect, especially a sibling, she would be freaked out of her mind too. As he talked she swung her duffel bag off of her shoulder, unzipping the side pocket and grabbing her gun. She grabbed a few more items, such as her dance wraps, and shoved them into her bookbag, letting her one piece of luggage fall to the floor. She clicked the safety lock off of her gun, checked to make sure it was loaded, and glanced back up at the Asian boy and girl in front of her.

"That's where you think he is? Let's go," she stated simply and turned on her heel, not checking to make sure he was following. She kept her gun in both of hands, wrapped around it so when she brought it up she'd have a steady aim. Her father had taught her all about properly handling a gun, and it wouldn't fail her now. It was pointed at the floor until a flight attendant, the cute one she had winked at on her plane, rushed towards her. In other circumstances it would have still been weird, but it was made even worse by the gushing hole in his neck, oozing blood from what looked like teeth marks.

Her arms swung up, gun pointed straight at the center of his head. He snarled once and she shot unflinchingly, only blinking in brief surprise. His body dropped down like it had been a discarded suitcase, but covered in blood and the face frozen in a growl. She glanced behind her at the male and small girl.

"Keep your eyes closed sweetheart,"
she whispered just loud enough to be heard when the girl tried to peer around but what was stopped by the man she assumed to be her father or brother. She turned back around, stepped over the body at her feet, and continued walking briskly past the commotion. Occasionally a running traveler would fly by her, bumping into her shoulder hard enough to leave bruises, but she merely grunted and kept going.

At last she neared the waiting area in baggage claims and begin scanning the seats. No boy about 'this high', until she spotted two men talking to a dark haired kid she had to figure was the brother. She approached them cautiously, shoving people not so gracefully out of her way. She noticed what looked like an Air Marshall shooting and wiping blood across his chin. This was definitely not a movie.

She eyed the two men standing near the boy. They could be trying to lure him away, or they could be protecting him. It was hard to tell, especially in this situation. She made sure to keep her gun raised in case they pulled anything. With one hand she reached back and grabbed the Asian man's arm, tugging him along more quickly. She shoved herself beside the boy with the bandage over his face. God she hoped he wasn't one of those things, why else would he have a bandage? But it seemed he was trying to help by the last bit of what she had caught him saying.

"Is this your brother," she asked the boy she had been helping after pulling him beside her. She didn't wait for an answer before beginning to talk. "I don't care who you are right now, you- we-, need to go, now," and, as if reinforcing her statement, a goose bump raising scream resounded from right behind her. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and she spared a peek over her shoulder. She could see bodies on the floor, bleeding and screaming and twitching. Some were dead, some were being... eaten?

Her heart was racing and her thoughts were doing continuous circles of questions, but she kept her lips pressed in a firm, all business line. Her eyebrows were furrowed slightly, the only hint of confusion on her face, but nothing else showed. Her hands didn't even as much as shake around her gun, though the thought of the brunette attendant she had just killed made vivid flashing appearances in her mind. It was the right thing to do, but it still bothered her.

((Sorry it's kind of short))

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 10:25 PM

Danni carefully grabbed the small piece of paper from the young boy and looked down at the number that was messily scribbled down. He was about to speak to the kid again when a man who had once been walking towards them fell to the floor. Danni looked up to see a bandaged up Asian, holding a large bag. He nodded at the bandaged man’s words, knowing they were true. But Danni couldn’t just grab some random kid who was waiting for his brother! Wouldn’t that be considered kidnapping? Sure it was obviously chaos in here, maybe even outside, so maybe it wouldn’t really be considered kidnapping, but Danni wasn’t about to take his chances. No way, not when he had a record deal coming up.

That is…if the deal is still there. I mean, if it’s like this everywhere…. No. No it can’t be. This has to just be some random mix up. It can’t be everywhere, Danni reassured himself, not allowing himself to get even more anxious. He really was no good in situations like these.

“He’s…this kid. I don’t know him,” Danni spoke to the bandaged male, “I can’t just take ‘im, you know? He’s waitin’ for someone—his brother, he said.”

As if on cue a woman walked up the kid, along with yet another Asian man holding a young girl, and demanded if the kid was the man’s brother. Danni looked back and forth between the two, and could see slight resemblances. Although, he couldn’t be sure, he simply assumed that the two were siblings. He felt himself relax slightly, slouching a bit more, but instantly became tense once a blood curling scream echoed throughout the room. It was as if the world was telling him that this way no time to be relaxing, not even the slightest bit.

His eyes zoomed across the room, watching as some people fell to the ground, dead, and others were…they were being…eaten? They were being eaten by some of the monstrous things that were limping around the room. Surely this wasn’t real. Surely this had to be a movie shooting, right?

That’s some damn good make up though…and acting, he thought shakily. His eyes followed the sound of a gunshot, and saw a security shooting down some people. No, this wasn’t a movie then. Because those guns were real, and the blood on the ground was even more so real.

“Your…your right,” he spoke the female with a slightly shaky voice, though he knew that she hadn’t really been speaking to him, “We should all leave. It looks…it looks disastrous.”

His mind went back to the song he had been listening to moments before. How ironic he had been listening to that specific song. How ironic indeed. It seemed as though that Danni himself was now in that situation. He stood up, his anxiety seeming to rise slightly, and his eyes slid towards his guitar. If they were going to running away from these…these monsters, carrying his guitar would surely slow him down. But Danni found that he couldn’t bring himself to leave it. It was an important part of him, and he couldn’t leave it. Maybe, just maybe if he found it being too much of a hassle, then he’d drop it, but for now he was keeping it.

Anyways, I’m sure I can swing it at a couple of these things, he thought with a smirk, running his hand through his hair.

His eyes scanned the area once more, a nervous habit of his. He had to look around for some reason; it almost seemed to calm him down. Well, it did most of the time. In situations like this, it seemed to make everything worse. But maybe if he scanned the area carefully enough, he’d be able to see another human being. He shook his head. No, everyone here was human; some were just…just…something. Messed up. What he meant was, maybe if he looked, he’d be able to see someone who wasn’t messed up, or dead. He eyes searched, but he honestly was having a hard time telling the difference between people who were messed up, and people who weren’t.

He let out another sigh, and grabbed his guitar case with rather shaky hands. They may as well leave now, before the…the things got them.


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 11:00 PM


Around Harry, the situation seemed utter chaos, something almost like a mass riot, with no sides. Harry couldn't understand what on earth was going on, but he did know he couldn't stick around here, something was wrong with these people, and he didn't think that speaking to them calmly or pointing a barrel at them was going to stop them. Harry's thought raced, all those briefings over the last twelve years regarding bio terrorism, and other meetings which he half slept through as some new upstart straight from university, tried telling real cops how to do their jobs. It used to be the reds, then the extremists. always someone, but Harry had seen enough scumbags and degenerates in his own backyard to last him a lifetime. Crazed lunatics high on PCP taking a beating, and still getting up to bite a rookies nose off.

'Perhaps, these people had breathed in something like that? Hell if I should know' he thought. But he could tell all these people panicking had rushed the main entrance to the terminal, all piling over each other, blocking up the doors, a crush of bodies, with several seeming to attack the rest. He needed to get to open space, back out onto the Tarmac, get some back up.

Harry glanced quickly around first he noticed the mass crush at the entrance, then the large glass windows overlooking the runways, and planes 'yes' he thought he glimpsed a bright yellow massport pickup, just as he was about to make his way towards the windows, he saw a group, of young Asian looking lads a girl, all kids, and two small children. They hadn't got involved in the mass stampede.

"Hey kids, you over there!" He growled "you get your asses over here and move now goddamit"

Harry swung his arm and pointed at the windows, he fired three shots consecutively, and quickly. The window exploded out wards. Several people near by turned towards him after he fired, and stumbled towards him, over chairs, and bodies .

Harry opened fire, three controlled shots at the closest a large woman with her arm missing, a bloody stump where it should have been, two rounds bursting through her chest, ripping her blouse from her. the third hitting her neck, sending tissue flying. she spun around on the spot, hit the deck, before crawling closer to him. He let two round empty into her skull, and she stopped. Two other eaters had moved closer two men, one wearing a security uniform with blood around his mouth. The other an old man, in a red shirt, and blue jeans, with a large wound in his leg.

He fired at the security guard, and hit him in the upper chest, right through the collar bone. His Sauer P226's slide staying back. Harry reached for his spare ammo clip, and quickly dropped the spent clip, swapping them over. He glance over his shoulder to see if the kids had moved.

Last edited by BrotherOfDarkness; 12-10-2013 at 11:02 PM..

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happydeath is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 11:31 PM

As the pale skinned male that sat next to the child turned over to explain to Calix that he couldn't simply just take the kid and go since the younger boy was actually waiting for his brother. Calix had simply turned his gaze over toward the young boy who questioned the fact that the whole airport was just shooting a movie and he was possbiliy just a bodyguard who was trying to get them out of the scene. Raising a brow at the thought, the black haired male looked down at the little boy with a somewhat questioning look on his own face. He couldn't really blame the child for thinking something like that, he didn't look too old for his age to realize things like this wasn't normal. However, Calix didn't bother to say anything about it other than nodding his head to agree with the boy's statement for the time being about stepping on an actor. " see. That is part of the scene. Although..none of you should be here right now. I recommend you should get to where you need to be, if your br--" Right before he could finish his last few words, the sound of rapid footsteps approaching them was easily heard through his eardrums.

Quickly, Calix had turned his head over his shoulders to see who or what was approaching them. Luckily enough, it wasn't another one of those bloodied things; he could barely call them humans any longer by this point. The way the bloodied mouthed man that was still gushing blood from his mouth on the floor from earlier next to him was still twitching lightly as though he didn't feel any pain. Whatever the case was, when the person who had rushed up towards him, stepped to his side with another male and young female in his arms; Calix had taken only a glimpse at the people.

Unintentionally overhearing the light conversation about how the woman asked the young child if this was his brother; Calix had turned his back to the people speaking with one another by this point, just to let them speak with one another. He on the other hand just stood by and watched the chaos grow ever more gruesome around the small group of people. Those bloodied things ate lifeless bodies on the floor as they fed upon the organs almost as though they weren't affected at all about them eating raw human flesh. Just the sight of this made Calix slightly ill as he held a single hand over the bandages were his mouth was; it took nearly all his effort to keep himself from vomiting at the sight of all the blood that quickly splattered all over the once clean room.

It didn't help that these bloodied things were even feeding upon children and newborns as well. The sight was sickening, although after a bit he shook off the thought. The sudden sound of a multiple gunshots going off in the direction he was looking at had quickly caught his attention though. Did these things know how to use weaponry too. If so, this whole mess would've gone downhill in a matter of seconds. No, it was a security looking male who had taken a shot towards one of the creature's heads and wiped away blood from his chin. At least, there was someone else still sane around here besides the small group.

When Calix had ended up overhearing the woman speak up again about how they needed to get out of this place, he had only knelt down to the ground and unzipped his larger luggage bag. If he was going to be going anywhere, he was going to need to bring some clothing and the thought of carrying this whole thing with the staff and the bag over his shoulder; he wasn't going to get anywhere too soon. Even through the intense training with the monks, they had still given him breaks but with how things were at the moment; the thought of getting a break seemed like it wasn't going to be happening anytime soon.

So, once he had ended up stuffing a few of his extra clothing into the bag he had over his shoulder. Calix had turned back around to face the others once again. "Would you mind..if I tagged along?" He questioned out loud to the others around the group, it had just seemed that if what was going on truly as horrible as it seemed; the more people they had with them was going to be better. As he scanned each one of the group members that stood around, the last person his own gaze landed upon seemed to be the male that had what looked like a musical instrument case with him. The sight of his hand reaching to hold onto the case shaking was more than easy enough to catch to those who needed to stay calm at all times when training up in high places. Walking over the twitching corpse on the ground, Calix had stood right beside the male before placing a single hand onto his shoulder. "Calm down...panicking right now will not aid you on getting out of here. Relax. Take deep breathes and focus on what we need to do." He tried to comfort the male slightly, if he panicked too much and they ended up coming across a larger number of these tings; Calix had been worried that if they began to run, he wouldn't be able to focus too much on his footing and would trip over something.

It wasn't long right after he had tried to calm the male that another voice had ended up calling out to the group. Raising a brow towards the direction he heard another voice come up, it was the same security looking male that had wiped blood away from his chin earlier. He was calling them over to go with him, the sight of him shooting a few rounds from his gun into a window for it to shatter; Calix had nodded his head. It seemed this guy knew where to go from what it looked like. So turning his attention over towards the others for a moment, he pointed towards the window of opportunity that had opened up for them to get out of there. "I think..that's our cue." He stated before taking the first few steps to rush over towards the male.

Last edited by happydeath; 12-10-2013 at 11:39 PM..


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