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Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 01:07 AM

A high school for kids with "special powers". These kids can do anything from reading others minds, to controlling things with their minds, to flying.
One day, a girl enters the school, unknowingly of what is going on.

Yea, So, 1x1 with Naru and Roses ONLY. Feel free to read along, but do not post unless you are either me (Naru), or Roses. Thank you~ <3

On another note, I'll have my guy up soon.

We can change the title by the way. I suck at titles. ;A;


Last edited by Naruto forever; 04-22-2013 at 01:13 AM..

The Princess Of Roses
Smell_The_Roses is offline
Old 04-22-2013, 09:43 PM

Alright, what shall the skelly be?

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 04-23-2013, 12:39 AM

((Err... Uhmm....

How 'bout:

Personality:(I'm iffy about this though, 'cause I'm one of those lazy people who know what the personality is going to be, but I just don't like typing it out.....)
Power(s): (I'd say 2 or 3 max?)

Should we make and OOC for this?))

Added powers.

Last edited by Naruto forever; 04-23-2013 at 01:04 AM..

The Princess Of Roses
Smell_The_Roses is offline
Old 04-23-2013, 01:19 AM

I like it. um its good.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 04-23-2013, 01:22 AM

((You sure? I suck at those.. (I suck at a lot of things really...), Anything else to put in it?Anything to take out? Ideas? ))

The Princess Of Roses
Smell_The_Roses is offline
Old 04-23-2013, 02:56 AM

(( no no , you hit it spot on XD))

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 04-23-2013, 09:06 PM

((ok! I'll try and have my guy up today! :D))

The Princess Of Roses
Smell_The_Roses is offline
Old 04-25-2013, 12:35 AM

(( haa okay ^_^)

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 04-25-2013, 01:12 AM

((Done! I suck at these... ;A;
Erherhermmm.... I'll try n' have a drawing or two of him up soon. ^^

Name: Nathaniel ("Nathan" or "Natt") Darien Wyler
Age: 17
Gender: Male...
Personality: Natt is a bit of a quiet one. Or rather, he's apathetic. He separates himself from others quite often, and only speaks when needed. There's really no other way to explain...
But, that's only at school, and with people other than his brother.
With his little brother, Ryder, he's kind, happy, and while he's not openly loud, he is quite a bit louder than usual. It's as if he's changed personalities. He becomes more of the kind, fun-loving teen that you'd be expecting.
*Isuckatdescribingpersonalitiessopleasebearwithmeu ntilwestart*
Appearance: Natt has hair like so. He has large, but usually cold and bored eyes like this, and cream coloured skin. He stands at 6'1 (nearly 6'2). He wears a lot of shirts with skulls on them, or little quotes/sayings (ex: U Mad Bro?? ).
His style is slightly punk, and slightly goth.
Power(s): Nathaniel can control/create electricity...with difficulty. He's still learning how to completely control the power. He can also control/create fire, which he is better known for. He finds it easier to control, thus uses it more often.
Other: He loves Ryder to death...seriously. Protective older brother. Writes a lot. Wants to become an author or anything that includes writing. : D ))

The Princess Of Roses
Smell_The_Roses is offline
Old 04-25-2013, 02:45 AM

Name: Hannah Love
Gender: Female? Why? Thats the last time I checked I was..
Personality: Tends to be quiet in big crowds, or near people she doesn't know, she is very jumpy, and clumsy,
Appearance: Without water touching her, she looks like this. Her eyes are lika this . She is very short, but very cute. (5'0")
Power(s): Tends to be a mermaid ; if she touches water, she turns into it. Other than that, she can astral project, and she can control water.
Other: has a little sister, and she doesn't want anything bad to happen to her.

Last edited by Smell_The_Roses; 04-25-2013 at 02:51 AM..

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 04-25-2013, 09:28 PM

((Cool! So..start?))

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 04-27-2013, 04:35 AM

((Double post...sorry....Bleh....
...and long post...sorry again. My posts usually aren't this long....))

Music entered a teen boy's ears as small hands came up onto his shoulders, shaking him gently, and a small voice spoke. The voice made the teen boy wince as he tried to ignore it so that he could simply go back into his dream world of nothingness. It was better than the real world, the one full of hate, murder and money. Nothing else.

"Wake up brother~! You gotta get up Natt-y!" the small, young voice of Ryder, Nathaniel's younger brother, rang through Natt's ears as the boy kept repeating the sentences.

Running a cream coloured hand through his blonde and blue hair, vibrant green eyes snapped open and looked at the young brunette beside him softly. Nothing in this world was more important to Natt than Ryder. In truth, if it weren't for Ryder, Nathaniel wouldn't have even been around anymore. He would have left long ago. It wasn't that he was suicidal, and wanted to die, it was simply that Natt enjoyed his dream world more than reality. His dreams were just so perfect that he wanted to live there. Sweet freedom, no worried of money or power, no people telling who and what to be, it was just him. And of course Ryder was there, he would never want to be anywhere without his sweet, innocent little brother.

"I'm up, I'm up," Natt sighed with a soft smile, standing out of bed and ruffling the young boy's hair.

Quickly shooing the young boy out of his blue, red and black room, Natt began to get dressed into his day clothing. His room was rather a mess of colours (meaning red, blue and black really,) ; he had painted it himself, and Ryder helped out a bit at one point. He hadn't wanted to keep it the yellow that it had always been, that colour just didn't represent Natt at all, and it made him angry for some reason. So, he had taken it to his own account to paint it, after all, it wasn't like his father could do it. So he had chosen his three favourite colours, and then took three paint brushes, and had splatted the paint everywhere. It had been a fun day really.

Nathaniel slipped into a pair of black jeans, along with a dark red t-shirt that had a black skull on it. He then when into the bathroom that was situated at the other end of the hall. As he was entering the door of the washroom, Natt dipped his head into Ryder's room-- which was to the right of the washroom --and spoke the boy.

"Be ready in a few minutes, I'll take you to school. But don't count on me waiting for you, 'kay?" Natt spoke with a smirk. He was simply saying that so that he wouldn't have to wait, but he would if he had to.

"'Kaaaa~aaay!" Ryder sang as he danced around his room to get dressed.

With a kind smile at the sight, Natt went back into the washroom, and began to fix his hair so that it was sticking up like how it was supposed to be. Every time he went to bed, his hair would go flat, which would cause him to fix it in the morning.

After about ten minutes, Natt was done, and his hair was spiking up as usual. Walking down the hallway of the one story house, he sighed when he saw all the broken beer bottles and wine glasses on the floor. His father had surely been here last night, but not for long. The only thing Natt could think of though, was that he and Ryder were lucky that their father didn't decide to wake them up while he was drunk. Of course, Natt would never let Ryder get hurt, but to do that it would include getting himself hurt in front of Ryder, which he didn't want to do.

He began to clean up all the broken glass, and when he was about halfway done, he heard the little tapping of small feet coming down the hallway.

"I'm ready!!" The young boy sang as he hopped onto Natt's back, making the older boy chuckle.

"Lemme get our bags, then we can go," he laughed, adjusting his position to make the piggy-backing of his little brother more comfortable for him.

On his way out the door, Natt grabbed his black and blue bag, along with Ryder's green bag.

Luckily for Natt, Ryder's school was just a few minutes down the road from his own school-- and it was the same type of school too, just an elementary form of it --so he never had to hurry when dropping his brother off.

As he put the small boy down onto the ground and handed him his bag, Natt kissed Ryder on the forehead, ruffled the boy's hair, then shooed him off.

"Have a good day!" he smiled.

But, as soon as the small brunette that was covered in black and red plaid walked through the doors of the elementary school, Natt's smile disappeared completely and his face turned completely stoic. Most of the time, Natt didn't even notice this happening, it just did, as if by natural instinct. With a short sigh, Natt slung his bag onto his right shoulder and began to walk toward his school, dreading the day that was to come. It was never fun. School that is.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 05-04-2013, 05:09 AM

((Bump? Have you forgotten about this Roses? *justrealizedthisisatriplepost* *wishIcoulddeleteit* *sorry* ))

The Princess Of Roses
Smell_The_Roses is offline
Old 05-04-2013, 05:29 AM

( oh my goodness I thought I wrote back!)

As the girl was trying to block out what was going on, music filled her ears, but she was pulled away from her music world, her sister running to her, " Sissy!!! Please.. help" She frowned. Hannah sat up, feeling sorry for her, but she couldn't get her away from him, she was to scared to speak up.

When the father came in, doing their usual, what he does every day. But today was different, she was going to a different school and she was going to drop of her little sister at her friend's house. Since her friend's parents loved her little sister. But then when he finally left, Hannah was all bruised up. So she got on a simple covering, pink skinny jeans and a black shirt. She put on a sweater. She looked at her sister who got ready, their father left, which was good. Hannah put on her makeup and then picked up her sister kissing her cheeks. " you ready to go to Sophie's house?" She asked.

The little girl nodded, she was so happy. She jumped in her arms, before she was put down by Hannah and Hannah went to her car outside. She had her high heels on, and she had everything in the car that was for school.
Hannah put the little girl in the car seat before she grinned. She closed her eyes softly thinking about how her first day might be like? Since she was slightly different from everyone else. She didn't know what they were judged by how you acted. She shrugged it off and drove off by the house and let her sister get out after Hannah kissed her forehead.

Hannah then went to head to the school, finally getting to the school, she got out her school bag, unsure what was wrong with her. She looked at everyone. What was this place anyways? She went to go to her first period.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 05-04-2013, 05:43 AM

((ahah, I figured something like that had happened. That's why I just wrote the little "reminder"...though it sounds kinda rude... sorry. ^-^; ))

After Nathaniel had been to his locker, and had grabbed all the things he needed, he headed towards his first period class. He couldn't help but heave yet another sigh as he set his things down on his desk in the back corner of the room--right by the window. He tended to always have this seat in this particular class, and no one dared to sit around him. Natt wasn't quite sure why though. Well, he knew why, but he didn't consider him being apathetic a good enough answer.

He walked back out of the classroom, leaving his things on his desk, and began to walk around the halls, his cream hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans. No matter where he walked, people seemed to be wary of him. That was one thing Natt was never able to fully comprehend. Why were people scared of him? It made no sense. He never talked to anyone, never approached anyone, he didn't even say anything in class! What reason did they have to be wary of him? Just the fact that he was apathetic?

It was stupid. Then again, Natt found most things stupid, and meaningless. Like this school, for example. It was a school that was made for kids who had "special abilities"--as the principal had said--, so that the kids could learn how to properly use their abilities.

Just as Nathaniel was getting deeper into his thoughts, he stumbled into a small girl, making him take a step backwards. He looked at the girl with curious eyes. He had never seen her before. She had pink and blonde hair, and odd, bright pink eyes, and she couldn't have been more than a foot below Natt himself.


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