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When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-20-2014, 03:10 AM

After the government had fallen quite some time ago, various families rose up and became a ruling class. While larger areas had large, wealthy families that came from royalty protecting them and their land, many smaller areas did not wish to be governed by people who had never had to live their hard working lives. The families were really various mobs that had taken over when the government had failed, although, this truly didn't matter much to the people who were under their rule.

This was how it was in the Rivet's area. The Rivets were a family of werewolves, who were selected by people in their community to rule a large area of swampland. While the people were poor, the land was rich in healing medicines, and the people there had more of a variety of magic than found in most places. The swamp people hadn't expected their land to be so desired. Once they had fallen under attack from bigger and more powerful families, they had gathered together, protecting themselves, their customs, and their right to be free.

So far, they had held off most of the families. Now, however, their land was under attack from the Vadams. The Vadams were a powerful family of vampires. Not many of the swamp people actually knew much about them, however, they were content with their ruling family, and these people were loyal to a fault. They would not go down without a fight.

And to be honest, it really wasn't much of a fight. With the superior weapons and gifts, as well as a huge army, the swamp people were unable to hold off against the vampires. Even once they had been taken over, however, the people refused to give in, and chaos reigned. They attacked the intruders at every turn of events, and the Vadams forces retaliated. Blood was spilled on both sides, and it quickly became apparent that something needed to be done. Following an advisor, the ruling force placed in the base town Coushatta sent out a message to the original inhabitants. They were to select someone among themselves. This person would be a go between between the worlds. The people were still not happy that the Rivets had been dethroned, however, decided, for their sake, to follow this request. They selected a level headed young female to voice their needs and desires.

And that was how Alice ended up surrounded by Vadam soldiers, nervously looking around as they led her through the town to meet their leader. She didn't know much about this person, other than this person would be a vampire, and most likely spoiled. They wouldn't know anything about the land or the people, and it was on Alice's shoulders to make this person see the light. Her plain tan dress was simple, and made her feel rather out of place in the midst of soldiers wearing such shiny armor. Her long dark hair flowed freely behind her, occasionally lifting as a gust of wind blew through Coushatta. The sandals on her feet made no sound as she moved. Her emerald eyes seemed to take in everything around her, and she seemed rather tense. After all, it could be just that the Vadams had wished to take a hostage, hoping it would be someone her people would care about. Becoming more nervous, Alice glanced behind her. "Julian..?"

"I'm right here, pischouette. (Little girl) Nothin' to be scared of, ya?" The taller male behind her looked enough like Alice to make it clear that they were siblings. While her eyes were a startling green, however, Julian's eyes were a murky shade of green, reminding her sister of the algae growth in the swamps. Although he would be no match for all of the soldiers, he insisted on coming with his younger sister, wanting to make sure no harm came to her.

While Alice had a touch of a French accent, Julian's was a southern drawl. The male hadn't focused on English like his sister had, and it revealed itself whenever he spoke.

Somewhat comforted, Alice nodded, "Mais non..." (Well no.) The pair fell into silence, continuing through the town, until they arrived at the town hall. Alice took a deep breath, and sighed, leaving the soldiers and walking down the pathway that had been made. Alice's eyes remained on the ground, and she pressed her hands together in an effort to keep them from shaking. Once she reached the front of the room, the female gave a slight bow. "I am Alice LeBlanc...I've been selected as the envoy you requested. This is Julian older brother. He is the agreed upon protector of me." The female waited a moment before standing, and viewing the people in front of her.

Her brother, however, behaved rather differently. "Cho, co! (Wow.)" Julian exclaimed, pointing to a banner hanging high. "Ain't dat sometin'? Look it, Alice!" Alice felt her nervousness rise against. Her brother was unpolished. The only reason Alice knew better was due to the school she'd gone to, and Julian had refused. Her brother nudged her, and Alice resisted the urge to look, not wanting the family member to view her as less than them, and able to be distracted by something a small as a banner.

"'Nuff." Alice spoke from the corner of her mouth. Julian cleared his throat and straightened up slightly, though he continued to shift his weight from one foot to another as his sister waited patiently.

Name: Alice LeBlanc
Age and Birthday: Nineteen, August Seventeenth
Occupation: Alice is a healer of animals in the bayou. People commonly come to her for help as well, and Alice assists how she can.
Height: Five feet, five inches.
Family/Friends/Pets: Alice lives with her family in the bayou. She is Cajun through and through, and tends to view the world in different ways than the people around her.
Hobbies: Alice commonly enjoys pushing her pirogue through the swamp and locating hurt animals.
Likes: Alice loves helping people. When she can take someone's pain away, and put a smile on their face, it makes Alice feel fulfilled and happy.
Dislikes: Alice can't stand lies, omissions, or betrayals. She is a straightforward person, and expects the same from others.
Abilities: Alice is very good with defensive spells, but not very good at offensive ones, mostly because she doesn't wish to hurt anyone. She is a very good healer, and people come from all over for her help.

Name: Julian LeBlanc
Age and Birthday: Twenty Three, December Thirtenth
Occupation: Julian does not work, however, he does hunt and bring in food for his family.
Height: Five feet, ten inches.
Family/Friends/Pets: Julian lives with his family in the bayou.
Hobbies: Julian loves women and hunting.
Likes: Women.
Dislikes: Needy women.
Abilities: Julian is well practiced with various weapons, and while it is weak, he has some magic, manipulating water.
Additional Information: Julian is extremely loyal to his family. His Cajun accent is much, much stronger than Alice's. This is most likely because his sister went to a large city to complete her magic lessons, and Julian declined, wanting to stay in the bayou.

Ugly on the skin, lovely from within.
Take the knife and twist it, Where's my heart? You missed it.

Last edited by Kisu; 12-20-2014 at 07:25 AM..

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-20-2014, 06:49 AM

Originally Posted by Lady Chello
Victor Vandam
Race: Vampire
Powers: supper speed, immense mental power, and supper strength.
Weakness: Sunlight without Alee's help. His mouth getting him into trouble. His short temper and anger issues. He is weak against magic attacks as well. He uses Alee's abilities to cancel out magic making the uses powerless. However if Alee is not within a few feet of him he is weak to sunlight and magic.
Bio: Victor is the youngest member of his family. He is the only child giving him free rain to be spoiled and a total brat. The only person he has ever bowed to is Phoenix or Alee as he knows her by. She has been with him since his birth acting as his guard and adviser. His parents believe giving him an area of his own will make him grow up. So for his birthday coming up they have named him the Don of his new area. The only people he must answer to are his parents. He will have to protect his new area and set up his own mob. His parents granted him the right to take Alee with him. Their best body guard and assassin. As his right hand he should have no issue keeping his new area under control. Their hope is he might be the first in the family to unite the entire kingdom and bring every area under his control. Every mob boss has to start some where.

Alee Fireheart

Warrior form:
Race: Phoenix
Power: Alee is one of the few creators that can cancel out all magic around her. She carries special glower crystals that she has blessed. She can place them around a area and make the area completely magic free. She can also make bracelets and necklaces that can cancel magic. She is a being of fire and can summon fire with a simple thought. Besides her fire she is deadly with her advance combat skills. She posses special magic of her own able to transform into her human form and into her warrior form. She is also a renowned healer as well as assassin. She can cure anything with one of her tears.

Alee can't handle water in her phoenix form. She has a weakness to darkness and keeps light around her at all times.

Alee is a rare even to her own kind due to her rare magical skills. She is one of the last royal blooded phoenixes left. Her parents where kills in the wars leaving her in the care of Victor's parents. She has spent her life as their assassin and body guard. The mob life rather suits her and she has no intent of becoming a sweet house wife. She would rather keep herself in the action and living her life always on the edge. With Victor as her current job she will have her hands full. She hopes that he will grow up in time. Right now she can't leave his side.
Victor appeared from the shadows the hall darken slightly looking like a aristocrat had taken refuge in the building. The floors where changed to black marble the entire building on the inside. It was adorn with pictures of the different families that made up his own family out of respect. He had white marble making up the moldings and different decorations around the rooms. The lighting was faint but enough to make people fell at home. He slowly made his way to the middle of the room where the large chandler now hung a gift from his family. He stood there as he pulled out a cigar and placed it in his mouth, lighting it up and drawing a breath. He held it for a moment enjoying the taste before exhaling the smoke. He honestly couldn't care less about the representative. He turned as he felt a sudden rush smiling knowing the sent of cherry blossoms almost instantly.
He couldn't help but smiled as he watched the pink haired women almost glide into the room instead of walk. Her beautiful silk Kimono danced slightly behind her in the slight wind she made from moving to his side. He closed his eyes as he took in her sent enjoying it fully as he stood there.

His eyes shot open as he dropped the cigar shaking his hand as he cursed looking to Alee. His cigar vanished in a pile of ash hitting the floor as he looked to her. He glared at her then saw the look she gave him as he let out a breath and finally looked to Alice. He nodded and was about to just leave when he felt something cold against his spine as his eyes widen felling Alee's arm against his back. His skin was starting to hurt knowing that she was using a cursed blade of light. She had come repaired for him it looked as she always did. No one else knew what she was doing and no one else would ever get away with such a action. However Alee wasn't anyone she was like his little sister and he was very found of her. He knew she only acted for his betterment. He closed his eyes as he bowed before Alice and her brother acting with great care. He slowly rose as he felt the blade vanish along with Alee's arm as she hide her hands in her kimono sleeve bowing as well to Alice and her brother in respect.

Alee rose as she smiled at the pair then looked to Victor. He had a big mouth that tended to get them into trouble. She smiled as she finally spoke up knowing Victor would rather her speak anyhow. "Welcome, we have been looking forward to your appearance. This is Victor Vandam the great son of Lady and Lord Vandam. He would prefer to be called Van if you would be so kind. " She said as she smiled trying to be as kind as she could. Her eyes shifted to Van as she watched him seeing he had something he wanted to say. She looked back to the pair. "We understand this arrangement is not favorable for your people. " She said choosing her words carefully as she could. " Our people would like to work with you to set out rules and laws that would be fair in the eyes of your people. The diplomatic approach would be preferable. Van has already sent our troubles to start repairing the city starting with the housing of your people and the defenses. He has the plans for the area already written and ready for you to view. If you would please look over at the desk in the far corner the guards there are putting out the plans for you to look over." She said as the guards quikly moved once they where done bowing as Alee moved towards the desk motioning to Alice to join her.

Van watched as he tried his best not to really say what he thought. He slowly wondered over to a black plush couch opposite the large marble desk that was normally used for the secretary. He rolled his eyes hearing how kind Alee was being. Honestly the people didn't get a choice in the matter. He would just kill them if he didn't like what they wanted. Though he knew Alee had wisdom something he lacked and self control. His parents had charged her with assuring that the transition went smoothy and watching him. If he didn't have to worry about what Alee would do to him in privet he might have said what he really thought.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-20-2014, 07:18 AM

Alice watched the vampire move slowly into the room, her hands still pressed together tightly in front of her to stop them from shaking. There were no vampires in the bayou, and from what the female had heard, they were vicious. This male, however, didn't even look at her. Alice took the time to size him up.

If she hadn't known he was a vampire, Alice would have never known. He was handsome, in a rather dark and spoiled way. The man looked like he'd never even lifted a cup to his lips, arrogance seemed to drip from him. Alice resisted the urge to scoff.

This Vandam had decorated the building extravagantly, although this didn't matter as much to Alice as the person. Just from looking at him, Alice could tell this man was used to getting his way. Well, so were her people. This would be much harder than Alice could have ever anticipated. Before she could speak again, her brother did. "Hot, hot, ya, you..." Alice followed her brother's gaze as another woman came into the room. The very air around her seemed to burn. Unsure if she was seeing properly, Alice rubbed her eyes, and looked again. This woman had magic. And a lot of it.

She watched the exchange closely, at first thinking the woman was the Vandam, from how the male cursed and the cigar burnt and fell to the floor. Once he was introduced, Alice couldn't help but look surprised for a moment. Her prideful upbringing was stinging. Did the vampire really think he was better than them? He didn't have to speak to them? Did he not realize that whatever Alice brought back to her people could either help them, or make their lives very hard?

Alice kept all of this in her mind, instead of speaking it aloud. She moved to the desk, and glanced at the vampire as he settled on a couch that looked far fancier than anything Alice had ever sat on. "My pardons..." She raised an eyebrow, unsure if she should speak to the male, or the pink haired woman. She finally spoke to the male, crossing her arms over her chest. "But, a piece of paper is offered? No matter what we agree on, no piece of paper will keep our people happy...They will want me here. They will want to know that the promises given to them will be fulfilled. How do we know that you will follow through with the plans to rebuild if it's just put down on paper? And the first order of business has nothing to do with papers...Where are the Rivets? They are our Rougarou...Our Werewolves. They have kept up fed and safe while all your people did was attack us, burn our crops, and chase people from their homes. We want to see them safe and alive. Or are the rumors true? Did you drain them of blood, and leave them for the crocodiles?"

Julian happily followed along, moving to the couch, and flopping down next to the vampire. "How you do?" He muttered, before his sister began speaking. Once she finished, the male looked from her and to the vampire quickly. Well, that was his sister, to the point. Still, she was used to other people outside the bayou, and so Julian stayed quiet. His eyes moved to the female in the room, and he grinned broadly at her. Pretty ladies were always a weakness of his.

"Secondly..." Alice continued, lifting her chin. "We want to know about you. We have no vampires here. We want to know we will be safe from you and your..." The healer glanced at the red head woman. "Underlings?" While she waited for their answer, the emerald gaze lowered to the papers, scanning them. Her frown deepened.

Last edited by Kisu; 12-20-2014 at 07:27 AM..

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-20-2014, 08:55 AM

Van's eyes widen as he got a evil grin on his lips glaring at Alice. He looked to Alee who looked upset with the term underling. He just laughed hearing how brass she was. He then looked to the strange man as he heard him and noticed how he looked at Alee. He gave him a wicked grin as he reveled his fangs fully looking very threatening. "You like her do you? Mean you have great taste and bad taste at the same time. " He said as his eyes grew narrow as his voice dropped down low so only the man could hear him. " You touch her in any way your head will be on my wall. She is my little sister and I'll kill you if you dare have such thought about her again." He said meaning it as he held out his hand. The small box opening on the desk as two cigars floated to him. One floated to his hand and the other to the man as he took hold of his own. He closed his eyes as he pulled a lighter from his pocked and let his own. He let the other float in the air as he flicked it over to the man , the lighter just floating in front of him with the cigar.

Van slowly sat back as he glared at Alice. "Brassy little wench isn't she? " He said as he laughed looking to Alee. " Underling you have been down graded my dear by this little wench. " He said as he moved appearing suddenly before Alice as he picked her up by her throat holding her up so he could pear into her eyes. " What you should know about me is simple. I will destroy every person here if I must. I keep my promises so you are aware, I already have mean fixing the houses and working on defenses. As for your little wolves did they tell you they where helping you, by stealing women and children who are gifted in magic draining them of their magic? It leads to their death just so you know. Apparently you and the others here don't know the truth about the monsters you server so lovingly. Don't you think it was odd your females where disappearing and the children around here?" He said as he let her drop to the ground and walked to Alee's side. Turning as he glared at Alice. " Why don't you go to the hospital we open for them. You can see the scares from the biting and the markings of the torture. You can even see the ones inches from death thanks to your little monsters. Did I personally touch your monster why no. But I didn't stand in the way of the seven other families who slaughtered them once they judged them for the crimes the committed against the other families. The few that where innocent are still here and I have not touched. I have no interest in them. However they serve me now as you do little wench. Your people will have to learn to trust as I will with you. " He said being diplomatic for once. He looked to Alee as he ran his finger through her pink hair finding interest with it for the moment. "Alee why don't you and....that guy go look at the village. Why I and Alice get to know one another better. " He said as he watched Alee raise a brow to him he saw the concern in her eyes. " I promise to behave besides I fear you more than anything else." He said meaning it as he moved to the middle of the room. "He's to be her guardian pin him against our best guards use the mages lets see what he can do. Alice and I will join you shortly."

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-20-2014, 09:37 AM

"I hear ya, I hear ya. You'll pass a slap. I ain't gonna do nuttin'." Julian grinned at the male. He made no effort to keep his voice down, and Alice glanced over with a glare. Julian gave the female a shrug, and turned back to the vampire. "Kin't scare me, blood sucker." His tone wasn't offensive, simply talking to Van as he would a peer. "I ain't too worried. My life ain't worth too much. But, I git ya. She off limits." The dark haired male raised an eyebrow as a cigar floated to him. He had some magic, but it still creeped his out when people used it around him. A cigar though... Julian took his focus off the pink haired female, accepting the cigar, and lighting it, tossing the lighter back to the vampire. "Merci'."

"Wen-ugh!" Alice wasn't able to finish, suddenly her legs were dangling, and pain was shooting through her body. The female's eyes widened, and her hands lifted, scratching at the hands around her throat. The vampire was peering into her eyes, and he looked so...uncaring. This man really cared nothing for the people he was in charge of! Alice made a choking sound, her body swaying.

"Arrete toi!" (Stop you.) Julian had bolted from his seat, tossing the cigar on the plush couch. His hand was on his sword, but before it could be drawn, his sister was dropped. Alice fell to the floor, and began coughing, clutching her throat. Julian moved to her. "How you do, pischouette?" Alice shook her head, still coughing. Once she could breath normally, Julian helped her up, glaring at the vampire. "What choo fink? My eye if I go with your...bonne a rienne!" (Woman who sleeps around.)

"Julian! Stop...g-go with her. I'll be fine. I didn't expect such an over-reaction at not knowing a proper term...." Alice was still holding her throat with one hand as she stood. "I don't believe you. Our rougarou cared for us! You slaughtered them." The female was speaking calmly, and if stating a fact. "And this is how you will treat us? Hurt us for honest mistakes? Your life here will be very hard, Monsieur Vandam." She refused to call this beast Van. "If you cannot teach people how you expect them to act around you. We are a proud, proud people, I assure you. Lay hands on me again, and you'll see how hard your life can be, with no fancy couches or marble floors. Imagine sleeping in the bayou, having to run from gators and fight disease ridden bugs. We send a peaceful envoy, and you put your hands on them?" The female made a tutting sound, and shook her head.

"Go to bed, Alice. (I don't believe you, Alice.) I'm not leaving you with this bebette!(Monster.)" Julian shook his head, until Alice glared at the male. The cigar had burnt a hole in the sofa, and Alice moved to it, then stuffed the end not burning into her brother's mouth.

"'Nuff of your chic. Off wit you, brother o' mine!" Alice's accent came back for a moment, revealing how upset she was.

Julian knew the tone, and knew what her accent meant, but still he hesitated, and cursed in French, before turning to follow Alee.

"Monsieur Vandam...what is so important it could not be said in front of my brother?" Alice asked, forcing her voice to remain steady and proper, rubbing her throat once more, before moving back behind the desk, peering at a few of the papers again. She was much more frightened than she was trying to show. Her hands trembled as she lifted a paper. The vampire had magic, and was much faster than Alice had imagined. Hopefully, however, he truly had good intentions here, and was simply showing off to get the upper hand in negotiations. Still, that look in the vampire's eyes chilled Alice to the bone.

Last edited by Kisu; 12-20-2014 at 09:48 AM..

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-20-2014, 10:50 AM

Van turned hearing the woman as he just stared at her once the others where gone. " I will lay hands on you when I wish Mon cher. I am here to rule rather you or your people like it or not. I didn't kill your monsters. If you mention it again I'll make you look like a rag doll. You forget one thing dear. Your people where so weak we got in here with no issues. You can't make my life hard dear I'm immortal and I'm a hell of a monster when angry. You spat ideal threats that you and your mortal people can't fulfill. So why don't you watch that tongue and stop with your empty threats. If you could have killed me or mad my life harder you would have already. " Said meaning it as he grinned wickedly at her. He turned as he headed into the darkness as lamps turned on lighting the hall for her. He stopped as he bowed to the wear wolf monsters who bowed back out of respect guarding his office as they open the doors for him. He simply slipped into his office as he appeared in his chair.

"I told you I didn't touch your wolves. " He said simply as he closed his eyes waiting for her to take her seat. "Let me tell you how things are going to go. You are going to watch that mouth of yours. You are going to act as my go between because the people chose you. You are going to make them adore me or your going to die along with them. I don't tolerate failure of any shorts. You are going to be my new right hand man here so to speak. And to make sure everyone knows your with me I have a present for you." He said as he waved one of the guards in who snapped a beautiful bat shaped bracelet with red jewels in it. " It's your job to help achieve peace between your people and well me. You are working to keep them alive. You will have the resources at your hands. I expect reports from you and to see progress. Your first job is to quell these annoying rumors that we killed your friends and feed them to your river monsters. The hospital is down at the back of this building. Just as your wolves there. Look how they hand their head in shame. I'm not hear to be your enemy of your people. However I have a short temper and I'm not good with social relations. Alee felt it would be wise to allow the people to chose a leader among them. I don't care one way or another about people however she does. I care about her view of me and I will try my best to lessen to you. However I am your boss now rather you or your people like it. And about the office I imported all of us using my own power and money none from you or your people. I'm rebuilding your houses with better material as well from my own sources. So please be done with your rudeness. " He said as he sat there looking at the map on his desk. " I suggest we work on the farming next if that is ok with you and your people. You are going to need food. That will feed your animals and yourselves. Alee has already made a team who are starting on it. Here is her suggestions on it. Take a look and talk with her if you want to change anything. I have enough business to do with the other families so if your done you are free to go." He said as he looked up at her.

Alee shook her head seeing Van she glared at him as she clinched her hands wanting to slap him for daring to grab the girl. She hung her head as she left with the man. She said nothing as she kept quiet as they walked. She slowly peered up at Julian. " I-I'm sorry for your people. I will deal with him for grabbing your sister. He had no right, we're trying to work on his temper. Your sister is safe...." She said hoping that Alice would be ok. She slowly looked around as she saw the pain every where. She walked to where a child cried in pain. She bent down as she gently pulled the child to her as she looked down at the child's wounds. She closed her eyes as she let a tear fall, healing the child as it touched the child. The child stopped crying as it looked up at her. She smiled softly as she gently took her kimono sleeve whipping the child's face. She looked up as she saw a crowed starting to gather. She gently let the child go picking up the little doll and handing it back to the child.
"Allez trouver vos parents petit." She said telling the small child to go find their parents. She slowly rose as she turned hurrying from the crowed that gathered. She let out a sigh as she found a back ally happy to be alone. She wasn't sure if the crowed would be friendly and didn't honestly want to stay long enough to find out. She looked up as she saw the sky turning black. She quickly ran to the shanty made back porch of the large restaurant taking shelter from the rain that was starting to come down. She huddled against the wall hoping none of it would touch her. She was still weak from the last battle and hadn't healed completely. She closed her eyes as she heard the people on the inside. She smiled smelling the food. It smelt different from what she was use to. For the moment she forget where she was and was just enjoying the smells.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-20-2014, 12:51 PM

The female looked up from the papers, mildly surprised at the term of endearment used so loosely by the male. "I do not make empty threats, sir. Believe as you wish. We may not be as strong and well organized, or have your numbers, but even an immortal can have a harsh life. And no...If I was able to kill you right now, I would not. I refuse to hurt anything unless I must...Also, Monsieur Vandam...I am not 'your dear', nor anyone elses. It's rude to refer to me as such."

Alice followed Van down a hallway, glancing at the two males guarding a door. Inside, she stood silently in front of the desk, peering at the vampire lounging in the chair behind it. The dark haired female listened, and took the bracelet, staring at it for a long moment. "Monsieur would get much father by remembering my people do not do well with orders. Or threats. I can't make them...what was your wording? Love you? I cannot. That is up to you and your actions. If you expect me to do so, perhaps you should save time and kill me now." She fell silent again, listening to the male continue, speaking of farming. She couldn't help but let out a quick laugh, shaking her head. "Monsieur...all of our land is swampland. We aren't able to farm. We have many ranches and fish farms. We do not have the land nor the resources to grow out own food. Feel free to continue and try, if that is your wish." This man truly seemed to think Alice was going to grovel and beg him. She understood she wasn't in much of a position of power, but it really felt like Van wished her to present him with a miracle. Any Cajun that met the vampire would hate him the first time he opened his mouth. Alice eyed the bracelet for a moment longer, then sent the golden bat down on desk. Van seemed to be dismissing her, so Alice left, making her way into the hallway and down to the infirmary he had told her about.

Julian was fuming, and kept glancing back to the building as the two moved away. "Well, dat boy gots a long road 'head of 'em." The male shook his head. "Meh sisteh had betta be, or you alls will have a war. I talk true." The war had done a number on the people in town. Everywhere Julian looked, someone seemed to be hurting. When they had arrived, they had an escort, and most of this had been blocked. Now, however, Julian watched as Alee hugged a child and...cried? on her. The child healed. And Alee spoke French. Very bad French, but still, it was French.

The male grinned, and had started to speak, but before he could, Alee was moving away. She glanced up, and darted under cover. Julian looked puzzled. "Aww,'s just a little rain...come now...what is wrong with you, ya?" The male shook his head, offering the female a grin again, although her eyes were closed. "Come gumbo you've ever had, and if we is here, we gets a bowl..." Julian reached out, disregarding Van's earlier warning. After all, how he saw it, the vampire owed him, for touching his sister. He gripped the female's hand, and gently tugged her inside the building. He was greeted by almost everyone inside, and was able to respond to everyone by name. The joked with him, and he joked back. They looked curiously at Alee, but no one in the building seemed hostile. It seemed more like they were here to forget the current problems and pain outside of the walls.

The fighter stopped by a large pot near the back. "Hey, how dat Mamere o' yours, Bill?" Julian spoke with the male for a moment, before asking for two bowls. The bowls of spicy Cajun stew were handed over, filled to the top. Julian thanked the male, and motioned for Alee to follow him to an empty table. No money was exchange, which was strange enough, and it seemed like the male cooking hadn't even expected any. The tall form slid into a chair, setting one bowl in front of the other one. His own bowl, Julian happily flung a spoonful into his own mouth, before speaking. "I'm sorry...fer calling ya a bonne a rienne. Why you all here? We was happy, ya know? This job they gots meh sisteh doing. She don't even want it, and it's gunna be impossible. Dat's why dey pick her, ya know? She smart...but...what's da word? Dispensable..." Julian nodded, and shook his head. "Dun 'xpect her to work miracles for ya. She gotta believe in ya'll 'fore she even try, ya?"

Last edited by Kisu; 12-20-2014 at 12:53 PM..

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-20-2014, 01:52 PM

Van rolled his eyes tiring of the woman. He could care less at this point. He walked taking the bracelet with him as he followed her to the medical wing. He shook his head seeing all the poor souls. He paused as he turned feeling the quake. He held out his hand using his mental abilities to protect the people making sure that nothing fell on them or that they fell off their beds. He stopped using his power once he knew everything was safe. He looked to the guards yelling at them. "GO!!! It's them. You two here protect these people. " He yelled as he looked around making sure none of the men had made it into the building. He glared as he saw a black clothed figure appear ready to kill two of the innocent wear wolves. Van leaped into the air as he appeared in front of the man grabbing the man by his throat. He growled loudly out of rage as he drew his fangs slamming them into the mans mouth as the man screamed in pain and fear. Van pulled back as he ripped the mans throat throwing the man against the wall as he man died a painful death. He whipped his mouth removing the blood as he looked to the two wolves." Don't stand here get inside with the others." He said looking around making sure there was no other joining them.

Alee followed as she kept quiet. She was happy he didn't pull her out in the rain and she didn't have to show her true form. She looked around as everyone greeted Julian. She couldn't help but smiled as she looked around at how happy everyone was it was infectious. She couldn't help but smile thought it faded as she heard Julian speak. She just sat there for a moment as she thought on what he said. " I'm not sure honestly why we are here. The lady and Lord said to teach Van a lesson. Please don't believe his exterior he is a nice one. However his father has mad him the way he is. I don't know what we are suppose to do other than try and fix everything and build a relationship and make this area profitable. I'm sorry for you and your people. I'm sure you where happy without us appearing. It wasn't our idea if it makes it any better. We where escorted here against our will. Van has no interest in being here. I'm not sure where to start to even help people. I mean other than medical care and helping to rebuild their houses. Van thinks farming and keeps saying I should look at it. However this isn't a place for farming. Would be better to look to the ocean since it's so close to you. " She said as she stopped rambling and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the sent of the stew. She slowly open her eyes as she looked up at Julian. "It's alright you don't know me and to your people and you we are the enemy. I've been on both ends many times. However I don't sleep around with men. The Lord and Lady raised me better than that. I hope it wont come to blood shed. I am good at my job however I don't like killing innocents. Though in this line of work I don't always get a choice." She said as she picked the spoon up slowly playing in the stew with it.

She stared at it as the stew started boiling in the bowl as she sat there thinking on everything. She snapped out of her thoughts as she smelt the food and heard the boiling. She gently let go of the spoon leaving it in the bowl as the boiling started to slow down. " Sorry I forgot and let my mind drift. " She said as she waited for the spoon to cool down. She picked the spoon back up after it had cooled down and took a bite of the food. She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the stew. She smiled as she open her eyes taking another bite. "This is some of the best food I have had in a long time. " She said as she thought about Alice. "I think your sister will be perfect for the job. She will stand up to him and teach him to think of others. She has spunk and a good head on her shoulder." She paused as she placed the spoon down standing as she held out her hand fire surrounding her hand. "Be quiet and get down." She said in a commanding voice. She closed her eyes as she shifted into her true form. She held her fans in her hands as she glared at the wall. " Come to play little brother fine lets play."

Alee bolted out the front door as the earth shook. A thin man clothed in black appeared from the crater he had made with his body the man just grinned as he laughed seeing Alee. " Ah little Phoenix. Mommy and Daddy sent you to guard the little brat. I should have known. " The man said as he laughed insainly more men clothed in black appearing. " You can't defeat all of us and protect the people. Poor fire spirit it's raining you have now power." The man said. He jumped in air the others following ready to attack. Alee glared at them as she leaped in the air. She moved threw each one landing on the ground slowly standing as the men laughed. However their laughs faded as their dead bodies hit the ground. Steam was coming off of her as she looked at their dead bodies. " I don't need my fire power to kill idiots like you Azire rats. " She walked to where the man was he was the only one left alive. " You dare to threaten the people under his protection? Let's send a message back to your boss shall we." She said as she placed her fan in her other hand placing her hand down on his face as the man screamed. Steam came from his face as well as the smell of burning flesh. She released him as the man screamed in pain. She rolled her eyes hearing him. " You bet start walking I give you to the count of 10. My message will get to your master dead or alive. Your choice little rat. Oh and here have a present. " She said as she slapped a bracelet on the man making him scream even more. "Your boss forgot about me didn't he. You should know I'm the only one and the only thing that can remove this. Have fun getting back with no power. Just a poor man. " She said as the man screamed trying to get to his feet. He stumbled away as she turned steams still coming off her as she took shelter on the porch in front of the restaurant. She held her arms as wounds starting to appear from the rain. She looked as she saw the guards taking actions and mobilizing to protect the people. One of guards walked to where Alee stood as he bowed to her slowly placing his cape over her. She pointed to the bodies as the man bowed and gathered a group to get ride of the bodies of the men. Alee kept quiet as she heated the cape up enjoying the heat at she held it close to her.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-20-2014, 03:32 PM

Alice had just arrived at the wing when the ground shook. She shrieked, and fell to the ground, though was surprised when no one fell from their beds. What was going on? They didn't have earthquakes here! Puzzled, Alice struggled to her feet, intending to help the people in the beds. Nothing was falling, however. Still completely confused after the world stopped shaking, the female glanced around. "E'eryone alright?" She called. Her question was met with affirmations.

Not focusing on the earthquake at the moment, the healer moved among the bodies. She didn't even glance at Van, other than to look at the person he had thrown against the wall. The man was dead, and beyond healing. Alice covered his body with a sheet, before focusing on those that could be saved. She healed many people, who stood from their cots, hugging and thanking her. Everyone seemed to know Alice, and Alice seemed to know everyone else. Eventually, however, the healing took a toll on her. Alice sat on a now empty cot, sweating and out of breath. She panted softly, tugging her hair up for a moment. There were still many people she needed to help. The female couldn't simply leave them. She was, however, tapped out. Her magic was drained, and the female really couldn't stand. Her body trembled and shook, even after Alice had been resting for a few minutes. "Who were those men?" Alice finally spoke to the vampire between soft pants.

"You know what I find, Mademoiselle Alee?" Julian put down his spoon, becoming rather serious for a moment. "I find it don't rightly matter why you here...Fact is, you are. And you don't talk sense into that boy who finks he rule des people, all o' you gonna be hurting. Bayou ain't no place for ya'll. Respek it, and her people, and she takes good care of ya. Don't...end up dead in a bog. Not a threat, just what I find." The male lifted both his hands in a gesture of good faith, to show he meant no offense by his words.

"We don't fink you our enemy. We jus don't know if ya'll our friends." Julian had been reaching out, intending to grab the female's hand again, when the ground shook. He glanced around in surprise, and before he knew it, the female had run out the door, telling him to get down. Of course, Julian didn't listen.

People were starting to gather in doorways, peering around as the strange men appeared. Unsure what was happening, but hearing the men threaten the people, Julian quickly starting sending people inside, shutting their doors and telling them to lock them.

By the time he turned around, Alee was finishing with the last man, and sent him off. Unsure of why, but understanding the rain was hurting the female, Julian moved towards her, holding his hand up. The cape would help her, sure, but how long until it was soaked through? The rain touched his hand, and moved in a wide arc, keeping the area where Alee stood dry, as well as shielding the female. For once, his smile was gone, and he stared quietly at the female for a second. "Gar ici, Chere...I fink you have some explaining to do here, ya?"

Last edited by Kisu; 12-20-2014 at 05:18 PM..

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-20-2014, 11:00 PM

Alee said nothing as she welcomed the dryness. She hung her head then looked up at him. Her entire appearance had changed. Her fiery red hair danced about her. She simply moved from him turning and heading back to the city hall. A group of guards rushed to her handing her a pair of side arms. The men brought her bracelet as the ran was quickly repealed from her body. She moved quickly joining the guards as they moved securing the area. It was foolish for her to think she could be anything but what she was. She could befriend these people no one would want a monster like her around for to long. She leaped onto the top of the city hall roof clearing it in a single jump. She crouched down on top of it as she saw another wave the the black clothed men. She pulled out her guns as she took aim and fired corpses starting to pile up on the ground. The men in black finally all fell as she took the time to reload her gun. She leaped down from her high vantage point as she quickly found Van. "They are going to keep coming through the night. I'll set up a barrier and take first watch. It will be getting dark soon." She said to Van as she looked over at Alice. "You should pace yourself. There are many to heal. I will help as I can. But for now I need to go back with the boys."

Van looked over at Alice he was going to answer here when he heard Alee. He turned as he looked at her. " Be careful you should pace yourself as well. A barrier would be a great idea for those thugs. They rely to much on their earth magic. I'll join you after all it is night time. I am a better hunter than any of the others put together. Will see to the meeting of their boss soon enough. Hope the wolves here are up for a little revenge. After all these are their allies attacking. Earth men are such a pain." He said as he looked to Alice. "You should get home since you aren't able to kill you would be more useful there. These people will still be here tomorrow. You are no use to them like you are now. You need to rest and recharge. " He said as he stood leaving Alice there. He moved with great speed as Alee did her best to keep up with him. He gathered his sword and his guns as he threw the bracelet to the ground by accident moving with great speed outside. He let Alee go out first as she walked just outside of the door then leaped to the roof again. She pulled out a handful of crystals as the threw them making a large perimeter around the town for the barrier. She held out her hands once the crystals where in place as they glowed at her command burring deep within the earth. She hide them well so the attacking mob wouldn't suspect a thing. With the barrier activated all magic within the barrier was gone. She used the barrier to darken the light allowed in making it look like nighttime had come a little early. She kept her perch as she waited.

Van slowly walked out as the light dimmed. He showed himself for the first time as he looked around the strange place. He walked outside of the building as he turned peering up seeing Alee on her perch. He himself headed to the town entrance where he rested against the wall his arms crossed across his chest as he waited. It was going to be a long night but it would be fun to kill some of the Earth Thugs. He had always hated that family mainly for their appearance. They didn't bath had no manners and made bricks look smart. However their new boss had acquired some brain cells from somewhere and was being coming quiet the war lord.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-20-2014, 11:30 PM

Julian sighed softly, and shook his head, dropping his hand. Alee's hair was all over the place, and the female looked almost...ashamed? Was she not going to answer him?

The male followed her, until she jumped unto the roof. He shook his head, and moved into the building, looking for his sister.

It took him a while to locate her. Alice had ignored Van, and continued to rest on the bed. When Julian found her, the female was standing at another person's side. The person was glowing a bright green, along with Alice's eyes. His sister was shaking, badly. Julian moved to rush toward her, but stepped on the bracelet. He cursed, and picked up the golden bat, shoving it into his pocket. A second later he was by Alice, holding her up as she finished with the current person. A moment later, and the light stopped. Alice blinked, puzzled.

Her brother's arms were under hers, holding her tightly. "Oh, Cher, come now...Time to lay down..."

"No, Julian...I've got to help them...some of them won't make it to's blocked..." The male glanced around the room, before tugging his sister on one of the cots. The female was exhausted, and fought to keep her eyes open.

"Kin't help dem all, pischouette." Came her brother's reply. "Fais do-do. (Go to sleep.) Won't let nothing happen to you."

His younger sister couldn't help herself. Her eyes shut, and the female passed out. Julian dug into his pocket, and tugged out the bracelet. Looked stupid. What use did Alice have for fancy trinkets? He'd give it back to Van before they left. The male stuffed it back into his pants, settling down next to his sister and keeping watch.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-21-2014, 03:01 AM

Van kept his watch through the night he was happy that nothing eventful happen. By morning he had made his way to his chamber. His house was down in the swamp. He had chose it for peace and protection. His men traded off so the other half could sleep leaving the town still heavily guarded. He smiled as Alee joined him quickly moving through the swamp. He reached his shaggy looking home and quickly went inside. The entire inside was pitch black. He did have lighting for Alee but he could tell she wasn't going to come in side and sleep. He curled up on his large bed in his bedroom. The windows all bored over along with thick black out curtains making the room dark as the night. He curled up on his bed and drifted off to sleep tired for the night. He hopped Alee would get some sleep. However he doubt she would really sleep till tonight when he would be up and could defend himself.

Alee followed Van as she transformed into her bird form. She rested on the screened in front pouch sleeping on the large stone column curled up happily resting. She kept herself awake mainly sleeping lightly so if something happen she could fly into action. She let the barrier up on Van's request knowing he wanted it to become a permanent fixture. She wasn't sure how that would work with the locals. The needed their magic to help other. She would think more on the matter later once she had some sleep.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-21-2014, 03:24 AM

Alice woke up in the middle of the night. She was so hungry. This always happened when she overdid herself. Of course, there was no food around, however, and there were still people that needed to be helped. The female glanced to her brother, shaking her head and smiling when her gaze found him asleep in a chair.

She moved around, waking up a few more people and healing them, shoving her hunger to the back of her mind. Soon, she had made quite a dent in the amount of people in the wing. Most had been able to walk out with no problem. It was much sooner, however, that Alice found herself completely exhausted once more.

She spent her night like that, sleeping and healing, sleeping and healing. It wasn't until the next day that she woke up, looking around. Her and Julian were the only ones in the wing. Alice sighed, and sat up. She felt much better, now that there was no one left hurting. Except her. Every muscle felt sore. A headache was pounding through her head, and if she moved too fast, she was overcome with dizziness. Still, the female didn't wish to wake her brother. She moved through the town hall, rubbing her head and not really paying much attention to anything. After a bit, Alice found herself outside. Her emerald orbs blinked against the sun, adjusting slowly.

Food... The female looked around, before starting towards a friend's house. Home was too far too go, but the people here were hospitable to their own, and Alice was sure to find food wherever she chose to go.

Julian continued to sleep, snoring slightly.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-25-2014, 04:21 AM

Alee slept for a couple of horse being woke by the guards who appeared dismissing her of her watch. She transformed into her human form as she brushed her pink hair from her face. She made her way back to the town where she found more children in need. She spent about three hours helping the children find their families and making sure the town people where safe. She went to make sure the men where doing their jobs and helping to rebuild the houses. She smiled as she saw them working. Once she made sure they where doing a good job. She slowly walked near the water as she watched some of the locals hunting gators and killing them. She found it rather odd as she looked around finding the place more and more strange. She watched as some pulled up sea food from nets. She laughed hearing some of the men. She walked back town hall as one of the guards gave her some food they had bought from the locals. She sniffed at it loving how it smelt. She slowly walked to the medical wing wanting to check on the people there. To her surprise the people where healed. She couldn't help but smile. She froze as she saw Julian a sleep there. She gently put the food down on one of the tables and gently covered him up. She smiled he was rather handsome it was hard to believe he was single. She turned as she heard some of the mean approaching. She gave them their orders as the left her there. She sat down on one of the empty beds as she shook slightly from hunger. She pulled the food towards her as she started eating some of it trying to eat.
She knew that Van would be sleeping till sun down as normal.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-26-2014, 06:08 PM

(Hey, I'm gonna need a little time to think on this before continuing. Please be patient with me...I should reply fairly soon.)

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 01-14-2015, 03:06 AM

(Ok Kisu I can wait!)


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