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ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-20-2022, 08:22 AM

Last edited by ghostPastry; 12-20-2022 at 07:13 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-20-2022, 08:23 AM


Today's Prompt:

Jan. 2 - Auld Lang Synergy

Make a representation of your old Mene memories.

You might check this thread to re-recall some older EIs & CIs,
or poke around old Runway and Art threads for inspiration.

Your entry doesn’t have to include an old item,
but it should pay homage to the Mene days of yesteryear, whenever you were most active.
You should be able to explain what it represents of Mene to you, but it can be a very loose representation.

Along with your entry, tell us: what is your most treasured Mene memory?

Previous Prompts:

Jan. 1 - New Year, New Me(ne)X

Jan. 1 - New Year, New Me(ne)

Design an embodiment of your hopes and dreams for the New Year!

This can be as fantastical as you want, and can be a very loose interpretation of the prompt. You’re welcome to make a joke entry for this as well. There are no items you must include, and there’s no requirement of a holiday theme for this entry.

With your entry, give us your top 3 new years resolutions! It's ok if they're not the same as the ones in your entry.

Dec. 31 - Holiday TreatsX

Dec. 31 - Sticky Holiday Bonbons

Include a food item; one that looks particularly delicious and comforting to you.

You might check out Snack Attack for some tasty treats to use on your avi.

If you’re averse to foods, you’re welcome to do a beverage instead, or some other interpretation of a treat. The food/drink/other doesn’t have to be central to your entry, and it doesn’t have to be being ingested, but it should be clearly visible.

Describe the flavor of your entry; introduce it like you’re on a cooking show!

Dec. 30 - Snowy Forest CreaturesX

Dec. 30 - Snowy Forest Creatures

Include a fuzzy being you might come upon in a snowy forest clearing.

You can find some fuzzy babies here.

The animal must be central to your entry, but you are allowed to have a human be with the animal, and you may also make a human that has animal-like features (eg. a human with antlers, or a human with rodent whiskers).

BONUS: Give your creature a name and a personality! If your entry is a human with animal-like features, explain which animal they’re supposed to be, and how they relate to winter/snow.

Dec. 29 - Stocking StuffersX

Dec. 29 - 
Stocking Stuffers

What little trinkets would make you smile to find in your stocking?

Welcome to the isle of misfit toys! Give me your best interpretation of a small gadget, gizmo, doodad, or thingamajig that brings joy to the world.

You can find some mechanical pieces here, steampunkery here, and toys here.

Tell us a creation story behind your entry; where did this stocking stuffer come from? What can it do?

Dec. 28 - Warm Around the FireX

Dec 28 - Warm Around the Fire

Cozy up and get warm this winter!

You can interpret this prompt as cozy, fluffy blankets and pillows and treats that warm you up inside, or you can choose to interpret it as the literal fire.

Some good cozy items are here, and you can find things to light your fire here and here.

Tell us a story behind your avi or art; how was this state of coziness developed? How’s the weather outside?

Dec. 27 - NaughtyX

Dec 27 - Or have you been naughty?

Include something devilish.

You might try a Peeblo item, panties, some fire, or maybe you’re so naughty you were put in jail!

Explain what your avi or art piece did to end up on the naughty list. It doesn’t have to be universally naughty behavior, go for what seems most naughty to you!

Dec. 26 - NiceX

Dec 26 - Have you been nice?

Include something that’s typically considered ‘nice’ or wholesome

You might try something angelic, or something sweet, or something fluffy
Explain why your avi or art piece deserves to be on Santa’s ‘Nice’ list. It can be a loose interpretation; have fun with it!

Dec. 25 - A present, for me?X

Dec 25 - A Present, For Me?? You Shouldn’t Have

Include a present, something expensive,
or something that brings joy to another.

You can find items that have literal wrapped presents in them here,
but the present you include doesn’t need to be wrapped, or even look like a present.

This prompt is pretty open! It could be a present being given,
being received, or just sitting on a shelf from a previous year.
As long as it looks important, it can be a gift.

Would you be happy to give or receive the present in your entry?
What gift are you most excited about this year?

Dec. 24 - Wish Upon a StarX

Dec. 24 - Wish Upon a Star

Include a star or someone making a wish in your entry!

Check out the star section of the marketplace for inspiration.

You don’t have to include a star, and it doesn’t have to be the focal piece of your entry,
but it should still be clear that a wish is being made or granted.

Along with your entry, describe what is being wished for.
Is it something you personally would wish for?
What would happen if it was granted?

Dec. 23 - Spring Has Gone (Flowers)X

Dec. 23 - Spring Has Gone

Include a flower in your entry!

You might check Petal Paradise or the Flower Marketplace if you're making an avi,
or you might try the Flower Glossary if you're making art.

The flowers may be alive in the ground, cut and in a vase, edible,
wilted, dried petals, a clothing pattern, or whatever else you can imagine!

The flowers don't have to be the focal piece of your entry,
but it must be easy to tell that a flower has been used.

Tell us what type of flower you're representing,
and make up a significance it would have for your holiday of choice.

Entry Form:

HTML Code:
[color=#877cb0][B][SIZE="5"]I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff![/SIZE][/B][/color]
[B]Art or Avi?[/B]
[B]Entry Image:[/B] 
[B]Entry Description:[/B]


Last edited by ghostPastry; 01-02-2023 at 05:39 AM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-20-2022, 08:23 AM


About This Game

Winter Nights Design Extravaganza
is here for the first year ever!

This is a forum game made to challenge creators of all types
to expand their skills with several FOWN-based prompts.

Each prompt will be one simple theme or type of item,
and you are allowed to create one avatar and one art piece for it.
Many of the prompts will provide links to categories of items
on Mene that you could use to make your avatar.

There are several badges that are unlocked for specific milestones.
Wiggle on over here to see a description for each badge.

Please do not use any badge you did not receive as an award.
I will ping you in this thread to let you know when a badge is available for you to use.
Please credit me at if you use any of these badges offsite.


Last edited by ghostPastry; 12-23-2022 at 07:59 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-20-2022, 08:24 AM



0. This event will run the duration of FOWN, from Dec. 23, 2022 - Jan. 2, 2023

1. Check back each day for the new prompt.
Old prompts will stay underneath the new prompt in the first post, under a spoiler tag.

2. You don't have to follow the prompt exactly-- get creative with it! You may submit avatars without a body (that is, just a scene) and avatars without a background as well.

3. You are allowed to use the DAC for your avis; let's celebrate that it works again!

4. There are no winners, but you will receive a badge you can use in your sig for certain milestones. You'll get an extra-special badge if you play every day. You can post your badges anywhere, just as long as you give credit to me here if you use them outside of Mene. Please don't use any badges you did not earn.

5. Once you've earned a badge, it will come to life for you! I'll ping you in this thread with the animated version of the badge you earned. Any badges not given during the event will be announced in a post in the general Meneverse a few days after it ends.

6. You may submit one avatar and one artpiece per prompt, for a total of two entries per day. You may not submit more than one avatar or more than one artpiece for one prompt.

7. You may submit both an avatar and an artpiece for the same prompt.

8. Art pieces may be in any medium, as long as it's artistic. You can draw something, craft something, bake something, mix a drink, paint your nails, write a poem or story, code a little game...
if you can make it fit the prompt, it sits!

9. You may submit multiple entries in one day.

10. You may submit your entry on a different day than the prompt was assigned.

11. You have until the end of the event to submit all your entries.
Once this thread is closed for the season, no more entries will be accepted.*
* Please send me a PM before the end of the event if you need an extension.


Last edited by ghostPastry; 12-29-2022 at 07:03 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-20-2022, 08:34 AM


Entry Spotlight

I'll try to keep this post updated with every avi and artpiece that's entered for this event. Updates might not be right away, but I will make sure every entry is represented here before the event is over.

R u b y: 's entries

bloodstainedwings: ' entries

ghostPastry:'s entries

Avi Original PostsX

Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: R u b y
Prompt/Day: 23rd, Spring has gone (flowers)
Art or Avi? Avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: A flower Empress/Queen at her balcony~
Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Prompt/Day: 23rd: flower
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: poinsettia's are my moms fav flower and we always had them every year for christmas displayed everywhere, to the point that now it doesnt feel like christmas without them.

I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Prompt/Day: 24th: wishing upon a star
Art or Avi?avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: a dream is a wish your heart makes! when your fast asleep. its cinderella when the grandmother grants her wish to go to the ball!
Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff![/SIZE][/B][/color]
Username: R u b y
Prompt/Day: 24 Wish Upon a Star
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: The Blue Fairy from Pinocchio :D
Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Prompt/Day: 25th "gift giving"
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: i give you my heart.
Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: R u b y
Prompt/Day: 25 A Present for Me?
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: a nice little holiday scene~

I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: R u b y
Prompt/Day: 26 Nice
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: Your guardian angel sees what you're up to and doesn't snitch. That's pretty nice if you ask me
Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
oh i am missing a day! or two. oh my. ill work on it tomorrow! or maybe tonight? i dont know, i have to stream XD the day kinda got away from me yesterday and today

---------- Post added 12-27-2022 at 08:19 PM ----------

I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Prompt/Day: 26
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: im a baked goods! i was going for a waffle breakfast kinda thing.
Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: R u b y
Prompt/Day: 27, Naughty
Art or Avi? Avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: Everyone likes bunnies right? ;D
Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Prompt/Day: 27: naughty
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: you have been a very naughty I MEAN.... we are on a boat see? so its nauti like sailor..... clearly. *nailed it*
Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Prompt/Day: 28 cosy
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: nothing like cozying up to your fav book and sipping some tea.
Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Prompt/Day: 29: misfit toys
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: no one wants a doll with blue skin and a big nose XD
Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: R u b y
Prompt/Day: 29 Stocking Stuffers
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: The year is later, it's a chilly space atmosphere day in the galaxy and little Xeno just opened his stocking to find this maid robot. It was marketed as a toy, but really it's to clean the rooms of messy children. It takes 12 hours to charge a 5 minute clean. Merry Xmas Xeno! I guess.
Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
so true. i still have the 30th to figure out for this. but i love this making an avatar everyday

I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Prompt/Day: 30 snowy creature
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: i was going for an arctic fox kinda vibe
Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
so true! i do huevember every year and its so much fun <3

I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Prompt/Day: 31: holiday treat
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: nothing like a good creamy eggnog! this one had actual egg in it, but also rum chatta which makes it thicc and boozey

I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Prompt/Day: new years, new me
Art or Avi?avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: i want to work out a lot mroe and focus on my health again but i also want to buy a new house, maybe a waterfront one or a lot of acrage? something like that. upgrade my living. it might be unrealistic to do this year, but i want to try. I also was thinking abut maybe visiting my friends in europe this year but who knows.
Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: ghostPastry
Prompt/Day: Dec 28 - Warm Around the Fire
Art or Avi? Avi
Entry Image:

Entry Description:
This fire got out of control! When I was first building this avi, it was inside of a house and there were boxes and harps and shovels and hammers underneath it, but as I built the fire more and more, the background got burnt away too and now it's a big giant fire about to take out the barely-visible city skyline.
Originally Posted by R u b y View Post

Nice last prompt! I gotta think of what my most treasured memory is haha

---------- Post added 01-02-2023 at 07:05 AM ----------

I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: R u b y
Prompt/Day: 28 cozy
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: Cozy day wrapped in blankies with mah kitteh and some warm noms~ How's the weather? Oh the weather outside is frightful...

---------- Post added 01-02-2023 at 07:41 AM ----------

I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: R u b y
Prompt/Day: 30 creatures
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: Rudolf hanging out with Santa and some birbs! Santa is now a condensed version

I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: R u b y
Prompt/Day: 31 Holiday Treats
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: This one is pretty simple but i thought it was funny/cute too xD I love cheeseburgers (wit fries). There's just something about them idk. Fave food ever.
Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: R u b y
Prompt/Day: Jan 1st, New Year New Me(ne) love that title btw xD
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description Sorry to have another maid entry but I thought it was funny and I couldn't find any workout gear to do that theme lol
A maid coming to clean and finding a crime scene instead (because adding blood to things is fun

My real resolution is to get my house more clean and organized so there's where the inspo came from

I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: R u b y
Prompt/Day: Jan 2nd Mene Memories
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: I have two for this the first one (although I remade it fresh for this) is a replica of my very first quest avi that I completed when I joined :3 So nostalgic. And the second is a "typical Ruby" and probably my fave and constantly used outfit from yesteryear and even today

I have so many amazing memories here. I've met best friends, I've met boyfriends (who are now exes so I've met those too ) I've even met and hung out with some menewshians in real life and some that I haven't I still talk to all the time, even when mene was broken (offsite)

I love the avis here. I went thru my albums on here and saw many great memories from all the avis I posted, some I won admin's/user's pick with, some I made for the lols, some outfits that I adored. I've literally never stopped thinking about the items here and I'm so so happy to have them back.

And then there's the events, the scramble to post at the end when the timer is counting down, posts being updated so fast you can barely read the responses, trying to be the last poster in the locked forum the loud timer noise that scares people that I've never heard because I always have my volume on mute xD CHANCE! The game we love to hate but man do I love it and hope someday it'll make a comeback
The craft contests! This is the only site I've been on to hold craft contests as part of the events and as a crafter that's always made me so happy.
One year for halloween I even stayed up for a few days with a nap here and there to get my first cross stitch project done. I underestimated how much time it would take and man did I have a rough time but i love that memory now. I even spent 2 hours at the craft store to color match the threads as perfectly as I could xD

I've spent half my life here. It'll always be my home, bring me comfort and joy, and I hope it's around for as long as it can be (hopefully forever xD)

P.S. Oh and let's not forget our glorious old-school emojis!!! I wish they were everywhere tbh. Nisty and I will still use them in our chats even those they won't actually work lol we just type them and even tho it's just the word we both know exactly what they're supposed to look like/mean hell for a while we even had them saved to our imgurs and we'd just post the imgs xD
Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: ghostPastry
Prompt/Day: Jan 2 - Auld Lang Synergy
Art or Avi? Avi
Entry Image:

Entry Description: I'm copying Ru and doing two entries for this one; the first one is an avi my past self would make now using the DAC plus old favorites i always used to use (like that earring with the chain... oh my god EVERY avi i swear) and the second one is my representation of what Mene always used to feel like.


None yet! Where my artistas at?


Last edited by ghostPastry; 01-02-2023 at 11:27 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-20-2022, 08:35 AM

Participants List and Unlocked Badges

Check here for your progressX

ghostPastry - Snowball Fight!, Still Here badge, Mostly Avis, Grinch, Mene Lover Badge, First entry badge (2 entries)
bloodstainedwings: - Buddy, Reached Page 5 badge, Mostly Avis, Mene Lover Badge (for the anniversary cakes and eggnog), Still Here badge, First entry badge, Five entries badge, Ten entries badge (10 entries)
Kent: - Snowball Fight!, Reached Page 5 badge (0 entries)
R u b y: - First post badge, First post on Page 5 badge, Reached Page 5 Badge, Still Here badge, Grinch badge, Mene Lover badge (for the Yumeh slippers and Heartface Fox), First entry badge, Five entries badge, Ten entries badge, Entered Every Day badge (11 entries)


Last edited by ghostPastry; 01-02-2023 at 11:49 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-20-2022, 06:12 PM

Badge Descriptions

Snowball Fight! - Tag a friend to tell them to participate,
or share about Mene and this event on social media and link to the post
*this badge is only awarded if the person you tagged hasn't already been tagged/isn't already playing

First entry badge

Five entries badge

Ten entries badge

Fifteen entries badge?!

Entered every day

Top poster in this thread.

You out-posted Ghost!

Reached page 5

First poster on page 5

Reached page 10?!

First poster in the thread (Awarded to R u b y! I'll make a post once it's finished)

Final poster in the thread

Still here - you made it from the starting line to halfway through!

Mene Lover Badge - used or drew a Mene-themed item
(anniversary stuff, Yumeh, Baby Xan, Afrodonkey, NPC items, etc)

Mostly art - submitted mostly art during the event

Mostly avis - submitted mostly avis during the event

Master of both - submitted an equal amount of art and avis during the event

Buddy - exclusively or mostly made or drew holiday-themed entries

Grinch - didn't use or draw any Christmas-themed items for any of their entries


Last edited by ghostPastry; 12-30-2022 at 01:40 AM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-20-2022, 06:29 PM




Last edited by ghostPastry; 12-23-2022 at 07:21 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-20-2022, 06:30 PM

Event Banners

HTML Code:

HTML Code:

HTML Code:


Last edited by ghostPastry; 12-23-2022 at 07:20 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-20-2022, 07:35 PM



Feel free to post once the event officially starts!


Last edited by ghostPastry; 12-23-2022 at 07:19 PM..

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 05:14 AM

These are adorable!!! I’m definitely gonna make an avi for it :3

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 07:13 AM

thanks, Ru! i'm excited to see what you come up with :D

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 07:40 AM

You said we can do the prompt even after it changes and it still counts, correct?

---------- Post added 12-24-2022 at 03:41 AM ----------

Also love your nature avi! Reminds me of Mr. Tumnus but spring xD

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 07:59 AM

yes! you can do them whenever you want, and you can do more than one day at once; you could even save all of them until the very last day and submit them all at once.

tysm! i was inspired because Phobos and Deimos: gifted me this cloak and coin and i felt like i had been sent on a quest

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 08:01 AM

Awesome thanks! :D

You used it very well!
What’s the little blue ghostie in the top corner from?

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 08:07 AM

thank you!! :> it's from Lost Shrine of Naias, i think it was a 2013 EI?

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 08:28 AM

Oh right! I have that :D I don’t use it often so I totally didn’t recognize it lol

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 09:04 AM

yeah, i always forget about it too! i think these are the only two times i've used it:

the first one, pretty obviously, was made right after i got it. and the second one is just a DAC! it's weird, you'd think i'd be using that li'l ghostie constantly

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 09:22 AM

Omg the second one is literally ghosts and pastries xD its perfect xD
The first one looks so good too!

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 09:24 AM

ahaha yess, i made it for my old quest thread, the Haunted Bakery. thank you!

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 10:13 AM

Omg I just noticed the rainbow and gold at your feet xD


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 05:11 PM

oh hello a reason to change my outfit multiple times a day. lol. maybe ill just use the DAC. but im glad i found this!

I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Prompt/Day: 23rd: flower
Art or Avi? avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: poinsettia's are my moms fav flower and we always had them every year for christmas displayed everywhere, to the point that now it doesnt feel like christmas without them.

I'm Gonna Strut My Stuff!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Prompt/Day: 24th: wishing upon a star
Art or Avi?avi
Entry Image:
Entry Description: a dream is a wish your heart makes! when your fast asleep. its cinderella when the grandmother grants her wish to go to the ball!

Last edited by bloodstainedwings; 12-24-2022 at 05:41 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 07:02 PM

bloodstainedwings: oh i love these entries!!! that fireplace looks so cozy, i just want to cuddle up next to it and read a storybook about your Cinderella, who looks like she just stepped out of one.

You have earned your first badge!

First Entry Badge - You have submitted your first entry! Keep going!

please credit if you use this badge offsite.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 12-25-2022 at 07:24 AM..


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 10:25 PM

yay i got the first badge!! woo!!

and im glad yuo like it! i worked on them for a few hours today I MEAN i was clearly working hard at my job


Kent is offline
Old 12-24-2022, 11:08 PM

Hadsvich: You better participate!

I should draw something. O: But I also wanna make avis…


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