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Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 07-25-2007, 11:09 PM

Parting Art Contest
Such a creative title...

As many of you may know already, I'm taking my leave from Menewsha. However, before I go I want to get some OC are of some of my favorite RP characters. They are both my creations and characters of my friends.

So I am holding a contest in which the prize will be a Valentine's Hairpin for the grand winner. Pure will be offered to the runner up.

1st Place: Valentine's Hairpin
2nd Place: Pure Love Sash

-- No cheating in anyway
-- Follow Menewsha rules/ToS
-- No fighting
-- Have fun. xD
-- More rules will be added later

How to submit:
Please make sure you submit your entry to me in PM only. All the entries for this contest will remain hidden and private. I do not want anyone to see people who already entered and run away. Also, when posting in the thread, do NOT make indications that you are entering the contest. Chatting is perfectly fine, just not about your entries.

The entries will be posted when I am judging, so you will be able to see what others submitted at some point.

I prefer realistic styles of art the most. Chibis I do not want at all. Everything else is fine.

The characters must be done by themselves. There can be no group arts. The only characters that can be done together is Maylla and Vaitik.

End Date
August 25th

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 07-25-2007, 11:10 PM

The Characters

Maylla Glendari
This is my favorite character of all time. She is very dear to me and art of this character with or without Vaitik will be highly praised.
Image Appearance: Here. There must be NO cape, claws, and the background is up to the discretion of the artist.
Text Appearance [Without armor]: A snug ruby red long sleeve shirt that matches her hair with a slight v-neck. Around her neck is a soft rose red scarf that has its end dangle draped on her back. With that she wears a matching belt about her thin waist with jet black pants that are loose and made of a durable yet soft material. At last she wears a decent pair of comfortable black leather boots and same ruby red gloves that adequately protected her feet and hands.
Vaitik and Maylla are a couple so intimate art is fine, just keep it PG13.

Another character of a friend of mine.
RP Piece (To show some of his description in a different light.) :
His eyes were gray like light storm clouds. And, if they were normally like storm clouds, they were enough to cause a hurricane with how wide and furious they seemed.

His entire body shook with fury, shock, and horror. For a long moment, he just stood there silently. He was a little over six feet and rather muscular. Muscular enough to make the thought of a man like him trembling very disturbing. He brought one large hand up and ripped the leather cord out of his long, light brown hair, letting it fall loosely to the middle of his back. He gripped the leather cord tightly and spoke in a barely controlled snarl. "You had better be joking. If you're serious..."


He is a large man, made of solid muscle from endless training and work, standing at six feet and one inch, with broad, wide-set shoulders and weighing around two hundred and eighty pounds. His eyes are that of a misty gray, though there is a steely silver in them whenever his temper rises. He has light brown hair, thick and silky smooth, that is either hanging loose around his face or tied back by a black cord into a lose ponytail, hanging to the middle of his back.

He will wear whatever he has to wear, but is more likely to be seen in black pants and a black shirt with the sleeves ripped off, a black belt with a carving knife sheathed at the right side and a quiver at the left, and he always has his bow over his shoulder unless it's in his hand. Sometimes, he wears a large, black kaftan.


Well, yeah, this is mostly a basis for ideas on drawings, a way to help, I suppose. Let's see, he's an archer and a magic-user, mostly, strong with mental abilities and telekinesis. He is an expert hunter, be the pray human or non-, and he almost always seemed dark and depressed and angry, except when around Maylla or his townsfolk. More so when around Maylla. (Hint hint?)

He tends to fight quite a bit, so blood usually stains most of his clothing, if not his then someone else's. In fact, usually someone else's. He is cold and brutal, mostly, but soft and loving towards Maylla and Maylla only.

So, yeah, that's about all I can think of. Whee.

Lord Barrius
This is an RP character of a good friend of mine. He is not related to Vaitik/Maylla in any way so no couple art.
Appearance: Lord Barrius stands a bit over 6 feet tall. His almost ebony hair barely cover his forehead and the top half of his ears, though it reaches to just over the top of his neck in the back, where it thickens out a bit more. He has a rather soft facial appearance typically, with his dark blue eyes simultaneously holding both a dark coldness and a hint of subtle caring. In situations which require full combat on his home realm, he often dons a jet black set of plate armor. However, around the abode and elsewhere, he sticks to a similarly colored and rather heavy hooked cloak, weaved of a material similar to kevlar for some minor protection, as well as a somewhat lightweight shirt and pants combination weaved to provide minor protection from the weather. At his belt, he often carries a pair of short swords, though which two he carries rather depends on the particular scenario at hand. Most often, he wears the swords Shadowaura and Teknushi by his side, though on occasion he has traded Teknushi for a sword named Beacon, a gift to him from his dearest, the lady Valedia.

These descriptions are bits from RPs. This character is a friend of mine's. Either appearance is fine to use, up to the artist.
Descrip #1: A figure strode confidently through the entrance of the so-called Spike Arena, garbed tastefully in
tailored white robes just turned a touch of gray over the passage of time. Upon each hand was worn a different ring, both of pulsating hues of blue, that seemed to draw the eye and then cast it aside. By his left hip, a shield of a deep blue hue not much larger than a buckler dangled lightly. The blade sheathed just closer to his person behind the shield providing a small clicking counterpoint to the steps of his measured stride. A breastplate of similar hue to the shield was worn over the robes as well, yet the pauldrons that should have matched it were gone, replaced instead by cloth brocades ringed with the white feathers of a dove.

Not terribly tall, nor evidently muscled or wizened, the figure seemed ill-fit for such a tournament of high acclaim among the peoples of Lore. Closer inspection of the man would show that the breastplate was stressed and battered in its entirety, that the weapon and the shield both were recasts of much greater weapons. The thought that such might cross through the minds of his competitors brought a smile to the Ronin of Dream’s lips. Once a prince of a people long since forgotten to the sands of time, Kal-Kai-Vec of the Kindred knew well the value of light deception. It would take a determined eye to spot the small, silvery runes etched and tailored into every armament of battle and article of clothing. A yet further determined eye to realize that no two of the runes were alike.

Descrip #2: He replaced these clothes quickly, not wanting to stand around in only the cloth that girded his loins, slipping into an overlong tunic and a pair of voluminous pants that reached to mid-calf. The tunic was of a sleeveless variety, and had a deep v-cut in the middle such that two ties had to secure the garment from slipping off of his shoulders.

Both were a fluid silver color, trimmed in cold sapphire, and made from two rare materials of Ronin’s own creation. Dreamweave, an exquisite substance that rivaled the finest silks, bound by Runethread which replaced the need for archaic characters to be so garishly displayed as his source of magic. Neither were truly impressive in any other respect, but it was a prideful work whose design was patterned after the practices of the fighting orders by his Kindred. Yet even in these clothes, expanses of skin showed, resplendent in tattoo work curiously similar to the runes inlayed in his prior garb. He finished the ensemble by securing a deep scarlet sash around his waist, before realizing that the gate had been open for some time now.

Descrip #3 (Semi-civilianized): As the dust and dirt sluiced away under his careful ministrations, the vibrancy of his garb began to mesh more pleasantly to the eye with his natural features. His silver tinged gray hair was pulled back in an elegant example of a gentleman’s queue, if not quite that different from a normal ponytail. Glacial blue sparks shimmered with life’s simpler pleasures in his otherwise storm-shaded eyes, shades lighter still than the deep navy dye of his supple leather armor that covered his upper body nearly like a fitted glove. Brass, gold, and silver all glittered softly as the morning sunlight danced upon both buckles and the painstaking runework empowered into the armor proper.

As he stood from his expedient washing, he brushed off the few specks of dirt that had ground into his leather breeches, almost invisible to the eye yet felt all the same. Only now did the man feel the pull towards the village, hefting his trusted bow Sentinel and adjusting in an ever-so-vain manner the crown that sat upon his head. Not that common folk ever seemed to see such an otherwise useless accoutrement, but he was as yet prideful of his own recent endeavors that led to acquiring such. His strides were long, despite his lack of great height, and they took him towards Bright Meadows swiftly enough…


Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 07-25-2007, 11:49 PM

I think I could open this now. ^_^ I'll get the description of Vaitik tomorrow morning.

Candiie is offline
Old 07-25-2007, 11:54 PM

lovely ocs valedia ^^

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 07-25-2007, 11:56 PM

Thank you. ^_^ I'm going to be adding another one along with Vaitik soon.

Candiie is offline
Old 07-26-2007, 12:00 AM

okie ^^
i'll be looking forward to it x3

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 07-26-2007, 12:14 AM

The other character has been added. xD

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 07-26-2007, 12:29 AM

I add a sash as one of the prizes. xD

Candiie is offline
Old 07-26-2007, 01:05 AM

Originally Posted by Valedia
I add a sash as one of the prizes. xD
rofl. doubt i'll win any of them but i will try! 8D

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 07-26-2007, 01:06 AM

Hehe don't give up. ^_^

cupcakette is offline
Old 07-26-2007, 01:09 AM

I said this before, but good luck x3

Flying Wings
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Old 07-26-2007, 01:58 AM

Aww, I wanna try. ;-;

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 07-26-2007, 02:01 AM

Thanks for the luck. ^_^

Nothing is stopping you, Wings. :P

crystal_wings6 is offline
Old 07-26-2007, 02:04 AM

I know what you mean by people running away when they are discouraged by good entries. That happened in my art contest on gaia. After I got a really good one. I ended up with 3 to 4 more entries before the end cause they were all scared to compete with the good one.

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 07-26-2007, 02:06 AM

Yeah. ^_^ I don't want anyone to be intimidated. I have two great items up there for the contest and you never know who may win after all.

crystal_wings6 is offline
Old 07-26-2007, 02:08 AM

I know. Art contest are always difficult to tell.

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 07-26-2007, 02:09 AM

Yep. ^_^ Hopefully this time it will be different.

I've been dying for some good OC art.

crystal_wings6 is offline
Old 07-26-2007, 02:11 AM

And why do you have a list of Stalkers?

yep, and people seems to prefer CG to traditional, that is why I'm alway at a disadvantage when I participate in them.

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 07-26-2007, 02:13 AM

They're just friends I hang out with a lot. xD

See, I'm a bit of a weirdo.
I don't necessarily prefer CG. I'll take a sketch or traditional any day if it's good and detailed. Traditional tends to be more realistic while a lot of CG styles end up being anime-ish and I don't want that with these characters.

crystal_wings6 is offline
Old 07-26-2007, 02:20 AM

Yeah, it's true, but I saw some on gaia... O.O There CG are amazing! And VERY realistic too. If we can get those people here. lol There will be a LOT of competition.

And I think watercolor is the one that people consider as the best traditional media. So I'm trying to orient toward that way. >.> But difficult I can't do my style with the color pencils on it, it doesn't work XP So I have to come up with a new style...
And was there an water color art auction here? (an old one) It seems I can't find it anymore...

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 07-26-2007, 02:45 AM

Oh I know what you mean. xD But I could never afford them.

I've never had a watercolor piece done. ^_^ They look cool and the colors are always pretty bright from what I've seen.
I'm not too picky on which style, as long as it's somewhat realistic looking and good quality. xD I won't stand chibis though.

Starving Artist
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Old 07-26-2007, 02:48 AM

Best of luck Vale; I don't know how much traffic it will bring but I could put a link up in my art shop for here? <3

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 07-26-2007, 02:50 AM

Thank you! ^_^
I hope a lot. :3

Sure, that would be great and much appreciated!

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Old 07-26-2007, 08:23 AM

Is one of the OC's the one you want me to draw? If it is that'll make it easier then trying to catch you on MSN XD

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 07-26-2007, 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by sayuri_nitta
Is one of the OC's the one you want me to draw? If it is that'll make it easier then trying to catch you on MSN XD
Yeah. xD It's Maylla.


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