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Amethyst Lavenlight
Amethyst Lavenlight is offline
Old 12-17-2010, 06:00 AM


I just had a holy sh** moment. Here I am at 11 o' clock at night checking up on my Precalc grade (believing that I did terribly on the final) and I found out I got an 'A!' Well, if 89.67% counts as an 'A'... >3>

So, tell me Mene. What was the last thing to make you think/say "holy sh**?"

Little Demona
Little Demona is offline
Old 12-17-2010, 10:14 AM

I saw a video on msn of a cat, a house cat, fending off alligators that were getting too close to some kids

this cat hissed and smacked the things nose with it's paw, and it backed off, the cat screeched at it and it went into the water, so the cat laid down on the shore and the alligators didn't even try to move in again

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 12-17-2010, 08:56 PM

Awesome. ^^ I'm bad at pre-calc...
My last holy sh** moment was when I landed a jump on my skis...
I was flying in the air thinking "Don't crash!" and I landed, perfectly.
My heart almost stopped from all the adrenaline. xD

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 12-17-2010, 09:30 PM

Last night when my BF was playing Heavy Rain and he got Madison killed. :gonk:

Mystic is offline
Old 12-17-2010, 10:21 PM

I slid on some ice last night right off my back porch and down a few steps, nearly hit the grill sitting at the bottom of the steps but some how managed to stay on my feet and not fall. I think it was thanks to my non-skid shoes. Those things are awesome but apparently do not work on ice patches too well. I thought for sure I was going to fall and end up hurting myself. XD

Account OC is Sekhmet (my avi)
angelbabe1 is offline
Old 12-20-2010, 04:50 AM

well one time I was on a date with my ex-boy friend to the movies and I didnt get like any sleep the night before I was so tired... I fell asleep while watching the movie.. I woke up when it had been 15mins over >< I was like WHAT?! I MISSED IT!!! -remembered I was with my bf-.... OMG... IM SOSOSO SORRY HON!!!! o.o... yeah that was a mager -holy sh**- moment ._.""

Laila Izuka
Culinary Arts Ninja~
Laila Izuka is offline
Old 12-20-2010, 05:50 AM

Well the biggest holy sheet moment that I can remember that happened not too long ago was - I was out back clearing out the junk from the back of a truck. And I was standing on the corners of the side hauling stuff out. I was going to put my foot down so I could make sure I didn't fall down. But as I moved something out from the spot I was gonna put my foot, THERE WAS A FREAKING BLACK WIDOW. HOLY SHEET I'M GLAD I DIDN'T PUT MY FOOT DOWN THERE! O.O

Amethyst Lavenlight
Amethyst Lavenlight is offline
Old 12-20-2010, 06:21 AM

Oh my god, I hate black widows! D:

I had another holy sh** moment today where I was watching this show "It Only Hurts When I Laugh" and they were showing clips of these animals. Well, in one of the clips, there was this big bunny and a little black kitten playing together. Well, all of a sudden, the bunny gets on top of the kitten and starts "going at it." D: I was horrified! That poor, poor kitten! How can that even happen?!

GuruGloin is offline
Old 12-20-2010, 06:56 AM

Yeah, that's got to be one of my favorites. xD

redrabbit is offline
Old 12-20-2010, 07:19 AM

Basically every single scene of Black Swan. I went to see it with my classmates and basically shocked into submission by the film's end.

Also, once my very elderly dog caught a hummingbird. She just jumped and snapped it out of the air, just like that. I could barely contain my shock and then she dropped it at my feet all "Look, I caught a bird! I love you!"

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 12-20-2010, 07:31 AM

Today my dad randomly blurted out "unicorn! lamington!" Turns out he was just answering questions on a radio quiz show, but nevertheless I had a What the sh**? moment.

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Pa-pancake is offline
Old 12-20-2010, 07:47 AM

Well, technically it wasreally a 'Holy Sh*t' moment even though I yelled out something else more foul ^^"

I actually had a 'Marylin Monroe' moment just now. I'm sick today so I was allowed to leave the office early and since it was raining there was some strong winds. Unfortunately for me, I was wearing a dress with a skirt that is flowy. And the winds lifted my skirt up! Thankfully it was raining and there weren't many people around. But I ma sure there were still some people around to witness my embarrassment so yeah... definitely holy sh*t there!

So I heard you like mudkip?
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Soul is offline
Old 12-20-2010, 08:09 AM

The last real," Holy Sh**!" moment I had was about a few days ago.
I'm in 8th grade, you see, and I'm taking a highschool credit class. I'll admit, I slack off. Outside of this class and my highschool foreign language class, i'm in 1st phase so I'm already at the top of our school academic-wise. (Let the record show i'm passing all my other classes) So, I flunked this class due to my slacking off this semester. I begged my teacher to let me stay, and I told him if I got below a B in the 9 weeks, I would drop out myself. He told me okay, and he would call me parents. My mom wanted me to try this plan. Turns out, he had already dropped me from the class. My mom called me into her office, and says," Hey. don't go to math class after winter break. You're out." "Why did he pull me out?" " To be blunt, he told me that you were his least favorite student in the past 2 years."

Black Phoebe
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Old 12-20-2010, 10:35 AM

Just last night; my stupid brother left the door to my hamsters cage wide open, and the hamster was gone
the cage is on top of my dresser, high off the floor (it's warmer up there than it is on the floor is why)
Not only was he unharmed, but the second I said 'Where the hell is Ginger?' aloud, he walked out from under my bed and looked at me, as if to say 'Here I am mummy!'

Laila Izuka
Culinary Arts Ninja~
Laila Izuka is offline
Old 12-21-2010, 04:07 AM

Originally Posted by Amethyst Lavenlight View Post
Oh my god, I hate black widows! D:

I had another holy sh** moment today where I was watching this show "It Only Hurts When I Laugh" and they were showing clips of these animals. Well, in one of the clips, there was this big bunny and a little black kitten playing together. Well, all of a sudden, the bunny gets on top of the kitten and starts "going at it." D: I was horrified! That poor, poor kitten! How can that even happen?!
I know right??? I hate them as well, and I cannot afford to get bit by one. Nevertheless, I'm so glad that it didn't bite me. My brother smashed it with a shovel though XD. So that was the end of that.

@redrabbit - Oh sheesh, that reminds me of when my cat was outside. I heard this loud noise, and it sounded like it smacked against the window. And I ran outside thinking that my cat was possible getting attacked by a coyote or something. But when I looked outside, she had managed to catch a bird. OMG, I NEVER thought that she could do something like that. But she ran inside of the house with it, and it was still alive e.o, there were feathers everywhere. My cat was so proud of herself.

Amethyst Lavenlight
Amethyst Lavenlight is offline
Old 12-21-2010, 05:41 AM

Originally Posted by Laila Izuka View Post
Oh sheesh, that reminds me of when my cat was outside. I heard this loud noise, and it sounded like it smacked against the window. And I ran outside thinking that my cat was possible getting attacked by a coyote or something. But when I looked outside, she had managed to catch a bird. OMG, I NEVER thought that she could do something like that. But she ran inside of the house with it, and it was still alive e.o, there were feathers everywhere. My cat was so proud of herself.
My cat used to do that all the time. :XD But one day, she actually brought home a big rabbit. :shock: When she was dragging it across the backyard, my parents and I thought it was a small dog! To our relief it was just a large rabbit with no life left in it at all. She was so proud of it and she played with it for a good while until we had to throw it back into the woods. Poor rabbit...But I'm glad it wasn't a neighbor's chihuahua or something. D:

The Quirky Elf
Cathsuru is offline
Old 12-21-2010, 06:52 PM

I like to walk to everywhere even though i have a car. ( I don't know i like to exercise)
SO i was walking with my friends on Friday to go pick up my boyfriend from his job and we were gonna go eat after we got him. Well on the way walking to get him we have to cross this bridge that goes over the highway and heights already freak me out. SO there were cars next to us and BELOW us. (cries) All of them going like 60 miles per hour. Then me being klutzy almost fell OFF the sidewalk into traffic ON A BRIDGE no less. I screamed. But i was so relived when i saw him.


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