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RainbowDragonGrr55 is offline
Old 01-06-2013, 04:39 PM


The story

Over hundreds of years the world has been dominated largley by the great powers of god and the devil. They dont walk the earth but they send their desiphles to do it for them. The angels and demons do their leaders bidding. They try to make the world more of a home for themselves and their kind. The angels of course trying to make it soft and comfortable and good and the demons trying to do the opposite. (Of course there are the exceptions, angels become bad, demons become good. rarely.) While they wage their wars the god and devil fight amongst one another. At one of their greater battles they are never seen again afterwords. In short they destroy one another. This of course is at the begining of more technological time. I pads, I pods, Tablets, Supercomputers.
At this time there are other great powers at work too. The Fae lords have traversed the world since before humans decided to become intelligent. Since before the humans came along. The Fae have always been here. The ten great fae lords do not reveal them selves often. Through out history they have been known in stories of total towns as a whole being destroyed and and no survivors. When there is a single survivior that survivor is usualy traumatized. Fae are the magical beings of your dreams and nightmares. There is the Night Mare, she is a mean and majestic creature. They are the monsters that hide under the bed and the more grousum killers that can not be caught. The boogey man. The monsters in the clauset that will eat you. The magical trolls and the brige trolls that collent a toll. The goblins and the goughls that you cant explain. Your crazy garden loving nehbor might even be one. Though that kind are usualy very nice. Because the fae have been around for so long their are many great magical weapons that they have created. Most of them are lost in the sands of time, but the ones that arnt are highly searched for, or still belong to its owner. Its even said that the highest fae, The Fae Lords, keep a vault or two of magics.
Another group that has been around since the dawn of man are the vampires. The beings that suck out your life force through your blood and kill you. Now some of them arnt so bad and some of them are. A good example is Vladimir, the terrible. He was known for slaughtering people and putting their heads on a stake. And leaving his castle drenched in blood and gore. There are of course the times where a vampire has been known to treat the people he feeds off of well, exspecialy when said vampire wants to change them. Some vampires also have a few powers, like mind reading. Another that is fabled and rumored to belong to the much stronger is the ablility to shift from one place to another by picturing it. Of course, they have to be well fed for it to work, if the ability is unpracticed and new. New is a loose words for vampires.
The opposite of the vampires is the werewolves. They have a tight knit family and they dont seem to get along well with the vampires. They live in the usual pack structur, Alpha, a beta, then the ranks below, and an omega, whos almost outside of the structur. This is because the omega is the only one who can calm an angry alpha and can be doctor to a hurt and confused wolf. The reason for this is because they dont desire any dominance. They dont desire a place among the higher ranks. They love one another dearly and would do anything to keep there kind safe. This usualy means staying out of the human worlds afairs.
Recently the wars of the angels and demons have been getting out of hand. The demons decided to covince a few nasty scientists to start a biological warfar. But what these scientist didnt think about was what will happen when it reachs their country. Now the world is going through a zombie epademic. (when the story starts we can rewind to the begining of the outbreak.)
The Creatures

Zombies- A cold dead thing that wanders looking for food.
-Runners- The crazed newborn undead that can run just as fast as said human could because the muscles havent died yet.
-Walkers- They walk after their prey but they get into groups and the groups slowly get larger.
-Infected animals- These are the most dangerous, they will attack you with more malouce than any live animal could
-Mutated dead- just run away, they will have crazy extremities and look crazy.

Vampires- Not much to say, the undead that have there sense still but lack things like body heat and a heart beat.

Werewolves- A loving pack animal, they shift from human to wolf and back. The moon does have a pull on them but once they make it through their first shift it becomes easyer to controle it.
-Alpha- These run the pack, theres usualy one male and a mate, the male is always the head of the pack.
-Beta- They help run the pack and keep things going smoothly.
-Omega- They dont have to worry about rank, they just have to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Fae- The general magical folk. usualy use a magic called glamor to hide true appereance Dont reveil their true name and are usualy alergic to metal
-The Fae Lords- The most powerfull of the fae

The Higher Beings- People that arnt really people or creaturs
-God- deceised
-Devil- Diseaced
-Angels- the good power
-Demons- the bad power



Our Skeles

-Were/Vamp Chapters

Name: Sarah Allen
Age: 23
Race: Werewolf
Personality: Sarah is an alpha's daughter. She is a fantastic fighter and healer but was not born to be a leader. She is an Omega and probly the strongest of them all. This causes her personality to be very open and she asks what ever she wants of whom ever. Most omega are very quiet. She is very oppiniated and loud but doesnt get growled at it because of her omega personality.
Bio: Because she is an Omega she would make a good mate to an alpha but has no place in her fathers pack because her mother is the omega. She was always picked on as a kid bet never harmed, just taunted. She wishes to move on but not to hurt her fathers feelings.

Name: Elizabetha
Age: 2586
Race: Vampire
Powers/Abilities: Usual vampire powers, super hearings hightened strength and speed, gets strength from blood. She can read curtin minds, can shift from one location to another when ever she wants, when feeding off one person, creature for a long time she guains their abilities. She can currently shift into a vampire wolf, has the powers of a few fae, so she can grow things well and resist the sun because she went after an older garden fae. Carrys other powers that she has been gathereing too.
Personality: Very good at showing no emotion. She always looks like a lost younger woman. She has compleat controle over her emotions in almost every situation.
Bio: When she was made it was a very strange time. Her master beat her and used her. She doesnt talk about it ever. When she had guained enough years over her creater She made Alec. Alec had a strange power and that distracted and facinated her master long enough for her to latch onto his neck and drain him dry. When this happened she became the new coven leader. Many younger tryed to rebel. She had Alec drain them dry.

Name: Alec
Age: 1728
Race: Vampire
Powers/Abilities: Can shift and briefly gains some of Elizabeths powers when they feed from one another, along with having the basic vampire powers. Alec can also controle the elements and make people halucinate. The second is used to ease the pain in some of his sources(food).
Personality: He is very devoted to Elizabeth. He has decent controle over his emotions as long as no one threatens her saftey. He doesn't like hurting the people he feeds off of. He likes to give them a comfortable place to live and save those who are likely to die. When its a family he has to leave the dieing alone but if it's a couple he will help both of them. He will take both in.
Bio: Alec was raised to be gental by Elizabeth. She went through horror and will drain her victums quiclkly if they dont have a power to offer her. Very rarely has he every seen her change anyone. She almost always leaves that to him. She said it keeps her from harming them and from giving them too much power.

-Fae Chapters

Name: Called Loric (real name is too powerfull for others to know. Puts him in danger Same for all Fae)
Age: 256
Race: Fae
Powers/Abilities: Glamor, Metal craft(can wear metal jewelry, isnt alergic to it)
Personality: Even though he is older than some, he is very open to the newer world. As the world has advanced so has he. His favorite thing to do is be involved in the creation of new things. The scarring acrost his body is not part of his glamor magic but is actualy a part of him. His glamor magic just hides his unnatural hight and unnatural movements.
Bio: He was raised by a human woman on a mountain and happily enjoys his life now. He got lucky and is now able to enjoy his life as a fae hidding as a human.

Name: Rose
Age: 4429
Race: Fae
Powers/Abilities: Can bring emmence sorrow love or joy to most people. Some are not succeptable to her powers. Also able to manipulate some wind.
Personality: Rose is very distant but is capable of emence care. She is vary volitile
Bio: Rose is a very seacret keeping girl. She is rummored to have started out as a human who gathered her powers because men would convince her they loved her and then leave her. She was said to have stangled most of them in a blind sorrow filled rage.
Extra: Known as lady of sorrows

Name: Snow
Age: 3730
Race: Fae
Personality: Snow is a cold heartless woman. None have been able to crack her icy shell of blankness.
Bio: Snow grew up with her father and her mother, They were both snow fae and treated her well. They let her play and freeze what ever she wanted. The tantrums of a snow child are horrifying so she got what ever she wanted. One day she decided she wanted something they couldnt give her. The results were terrible. They say her parents will never thaw. They are eternaly frozen. Now she roams looking for a way to thaw them. Fire will cause her parents to melt along with the ice.

-Human Chapters

Name: Erik
Age: 28
Race: Human
Powers/Abilities: Powerfull rich buisness man with special martial art trainers before zombies come.
Personality: Confidient, sees everything how it is, doesnt take bull.
Bio: He was raised in the slums of new york. He is now one of the most successfull buisness men in the world.

Name: Imry
Age: 18
Race: Human
Powers/Abilities: He is the best baseball player and trackrunner in his school.
Personality: Very happy and upbeat, doesn't like negativity.
Bio: Imry is a pretty middleclass kid. She went to school with Judy and thats why they are together now. Nothing exciting ever happened in his drab life. No drama, no hate, no love either.

Name: Lucielia (Lucy)
Age: 25
Race: Human
Powers/Abilities: Lucy and throw just about anything and hit her target straight on.
Personality: Happy, preppy, possesive.
Bio: Lucy is Eriks girlfriend. She is a model and a famouse one.

Name: Judy
Age: 17
Race: Human
Powers/Abilities: Judy cant do much. She can read, she can run, and she wears sensable shoes.
Personality: Quiet happy
Bio: She was raised by just her mother. Her mother isnt poor but isn't rich and always bought Judy any book she wanted. Her mother also fixed and reboud books for a living. She was the best in her catagory.

-Angel/Demon Chapters

Name: Justice (Janice)
Race: Angel
Powers/Abilities: As the angel of Justice, she can pursuade most anyone to quite the bad things they are doing. She of course can fly and wield any wepon and armor set as well as embue them with magic.
Personality: Justice barring, always wants people to do the right thing. Always does the right thing.
Bio: Through the years she has learned to look flawed in front of humanity. perfection tends to scare them

Name: Hope (Hector)
Race: Angel
Powers/Abilities: As the angel of hope he is the best to rally spirits durring the wars and make people feel like they will win.
Personality: He always thinks things should go the way every good soul hopes them too.
Bio: Over the years he has become more and more depressed because of the lack of hope in everyones hearts, but he does not give up because his sister Justice is with him.

Name: Wrath (Morghien)
Race: Demon
Powers/Abilities: As the Demon of Wrath he is able to make almost anyone angry at anything or one. He doesn't have the ability to make them jelouse, thats envys department, but wrath can make them want to fight.
Personality: For a demon based of fighting he is very collected.
Bio: Wrath uses his good looks and "human" charm to get what he wants. He feels he will never lose for his fury is worse than them all.

Last edited by RainbowDragonGrr55; 01-19-2013 at 04:38 PM..


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