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KiwiRose is offline
Old 10-09-2009, 06:11 PM

When I was in High School, I watched anime almost 24/7. Now here I am, twenty-three years old, and way out of the loop.

Anime I've seen (as far as I can remember. I'm sure I'm missing something. I'll update the lists as I remember more).
  • Dragonball Z
  • New Cutie Honey
  • Gundam Wing
  • Tenchi Muyo
  • Pokemon
  • Digimon
  • Escaflowne
  • Nausica
  • Vampire Hunter D
  • Desert Punk
  • New Dominion Tank Police
  • Outlaw Star
  • Hellsing
  • Sailor Moon
    [*Record of Lodoss Wars

Some of the manga I've read
  • Naruto
  • Sandland
  • Shaman King
  • Bleach
  • Inu Yasha
  • Absolute Boyfriend
  • Nana
  • Gunsmith Cats
  • Chobits (Haven't finished yet)

Here's what's been recommended to me so far:
Originally Posted by recomendations
  • Cowboy Bebop
  • Last Exile
  • Haibane Renme
  • Technolyze
  • Now and Then, Here and There
  • Gyo
  • Uzumaki
  • Blue Submarine #6
  • Fullmetal Alchemist
  • OH My Goddess
  • Slayers
  • Mushishi
  • Witch Hunter Robin
  • Gurren Lagan
  • Ergo Proxy
  • xxxHolic
  • Angelic Layer
  • Chi's Sweet Home
  • Skip beat
  • Baccano
  • Vampire Knight
  • E.Y.E.S. of Mars
  • Odin: Photon Sailer Starlight
  • Roujin Z
  • Noein
  • Magic knight Rayearth
  • Your recomendation here!
When I finally start to watch/read one, I'll put a :cool: next to it. When I finish a series I'll add it my anime or manga lists.

So what I'm asking for is recommendations! Get me back in the loop, please!

And please, give me a reason to check out whatever anime or manga you recommend. Tell a little about the show, you favorite characters, what you like and hate about it. And please don't recommend the anime version of a manga I've listed, or vice-versa. I'll check that out myself.

Help Mene! You're my only hope! :sarcasm:

Last edited by KiwiRose; 10-14-2009 at 10:13 PM.. Reason: adding to the list

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 10-09-2009, 08:39 PM

I'm going to move this on over to the Anime/Manga subforum, which is actually located in the books forum right now. :yes:

CastellaStar is offline
Old 10-09-2009, 10:37 PM

I could recommend a ton, but I would rather know what type of manga you like to read first. Is there a particular genre you like? Any authors in particular you remember really enjoying?

Teratornis is offline
Old 10-09-2009, 11:55 PM

Well, I have to say I'm certainly not exactly in the loop anime/manga wise, but I know a few rather good animes.

First, if you haven't seen Cowboy Bebop, go watch it. It's one of the most popular animes on the planet for a reason. Also, made by the same people, there's Samurai Champloo. Not as well known, but equally awesome. The art style is pretty fantastic, too.

I'm a big fan of Last Exile, myself. Parts of it can be a little confusing, but the characters are a lot of fun, and it's exciting and interesting without being over the top. The art's beautiful on this one, too.

Haibane Renme is good, if you want something short and sweet. It's only about 14 episodes or something, I think, and it's fairly cute. The world setting is pretty interesting for that one.

Technolyze is. . . crazy. And really really not for the kiddies. It's incredibly violent, and tend to show the darker side of human nature. But fascinating story, more gorgeous art, and another fascinating world setting.

And a personal favorite of mine; Now and Then, Here and There. Not a very well known piece of work. The art for this one isn't the greatest, really, but the story absolutely blew my mind. I loved it.

So there we go. That's my two cents ^^

Captain Spiral
Captain Spiral is offline
Old 10-10-2009, 04:41 AM

WOW stuff to recommend.

I gotta say Hellsing for one, if you like gore and vampires. My favorite character is actually a bad guy that just goes by the name The Captain.

If you like horror genre manga then check out Gyo and Uzumaki. They're written by the same person but I can't recall his name and the books are aallll the way across the room and out of reach. Uzumaki is about a town being haunted by spirals and Gyo is about... well i only have the first volume of that so I couldnt tell you much but its freaky. Great artwork and they're only like... three volumes long.

Any thing by Miyazaki is good.

Blue Submarine #6 is really great! Its about the earth after its been practically flooded and a scientist created these creature hybrids that are fighting the humans. Each nation has a submarine and #6 belongs to Japan. My favorite character is a fish/cat girl named Muteo.

Fullmetal Alchemist is good. It has humor, action, and sad parts. My favorite character is Roy Mustang, a flirty fire alchemist.

nette is offline
Old 10-10-2009, 05:24 AM

College age hmm well you're not alone I was in the same boat. I was way into anime but when college came that stuff had to be put on the back burner. Still kind of feel lost and I'm a few years older than you.
It's hard trying to get back into the know of things. Because so much has changed. Things that were popular way back then are still around. But in my case I was never able to see or read alot of that stuff because I couldn't afford it. Forget about finding manga and anime at Borders because that didn't exist. The manga that was avaible was mostly printed in comic form and avaibale at local comic shops. Anime? I was lucky to see whatever was put on tv. So I've been playing catch up too. And it really doesn't help that my favorite anime mag Animerica ended the monthly magazine and made it into a free bi-monthly panflet.
Alot of the other anime mags have also gone under. So it's a hard time to be a fan that's been out of the loop for several years. Sure you can find stuff and info online and in stores now adays but it just isn't the same.

Some recomendations would be:

These are some of my long time favorite anime/ mangas

-If you check out Cowboy Bebop then you have to try Outlaw Star-. It's by the same creator and just as good.
-If you liked Gun Smith Cats then another by the same crew would be OH My Goddess. It has a more recent version called AH! My Goddess. Why the two words? Because of pronunciation disputes between fans. But after being explained the authr he had intended it as "Oh!".
There are anime and manga version of both of these so take your pick. Though I recomend the manga for OH! My Goddess since this is what's I've read. I've seen very little of the anime version and some of good story telling gets lost it seems.
- There are many many many spin ff series of Tench Muyo that you might want to watch. Though some are better than otehrs.
- I can't believe Sailor Moon is not on your list! It's a '90's classic! Haha do yourself a favor and watch it in Japanese with the english subtitles. Because the english dub is just aweful!
-Slayers Ive only seen the anime version and it is downright funny!

There are many others but I can list those in a new post since this one is sure to be long as it is.

Last edited by nette; 10-10-2009 at 05:29 AM..

LiveWicked is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 01:22 AM

I definitely agree that you should watch Last Exile, I haven't seen the entire series, but what I have seen is awesome, especially if you like steam punk.
One of my favorites is Mushishi. I would call it a supernatural manga/anime. The only way I can describe it without spoilers is that it is about a man who travels the world helping people who are being tormented by invisible creatures called Mushi. It's very strange but very good. The anime is almost exact to the manga, so I don't recommend one or the other.
Gurren Lagann is an awesome anime. It's very extreme and inspiring. If you like giant robot anime and Gainax, you would like Gurren Lagan.
Witch Hunter Robin is also good. Another supernatural anime about modern day witch hunters. The same people make another anime called Ergo Proxy, which I haven't seen all of but is good, though a little confusing in the beginning.

I hope that helps!

TaintedDream is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 03:19 AM

If you look at my thread in this section I've listed a few I've finished, that you might like :)

Ionait is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 03:56 AM

In your list I noticed you are missing an anime/manga staple! CLAMP. CLAMP is the creator of the manga/anime Chobits, Card Captor Sakura, xxxHolic, Angelic Layer, and many many many more series! They are extremely popular and unique and are great at writing different types of stories for everyone.

For example, xxxHolic starts out with a boy who has seen creepy spirits all of his life and has had to cope with them constantly following him. One day he passes by a house he hasn't noticed before and is sucked in. That's where he meets a witch who grants wishes, but only if she is paid perfectly equal compensation. He wants the spirits gone, so she says he must work part time for her to equal the wish before it is granted. Supernatural/detective/romantic antics ensue.

Meanwhile, Chobits is centered around Persocoms, robots like computers that look and can act human. A poor college student who keeps failing his exams named Hideki finds Chii, an adorable persocom in an alley. He wakes her up and when she comes alive she is so innocent and unaware of the world around her, he must teach her everything. There's a lot of fan service in it and some sexual themes, with the over all theme being a deep and meaningful one about love and what it means to love another, what sacrifices must be made.

BinkaKitty is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 05:56 AM

if you like really cute stuff, i would suggest Chi's Sweet Home. i think it's a kids anime and manga, but it's really funny. i feel very obsessed with this story cuz i seem to be suggesting it to everyone i know. =^_^=

KiwiRose is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 02:45 PM

Wow, thank you for all the recomendationd, everyone! I'm going to have my hands full, that's for sure! I've seen a few titles pop up that I have seen, and just forgotten about, I'll add those to my list.

As for what genre I like? It's hard to say, I've read both shonen and shoujo manga, adventure, horror- so feel free to rccomend anything! I do lean towards fantasy and fantasy/sci-fi hybrids, but I'll try anything if I can get my hands on it.

Last edited by KiwiRose; 10-11-2009 at 02:48 PM..

YamiSora is offline
Old 10-11-2009, 07:43 PM

If you like to see short anime and read long manga, then I recommend Skip beat!
seriously, it is really addicting............ESPECIALLY if your a shojo and love manga fan! ^^

for shounen, I suggest Baccano anime, it's actually really funny, and you can find it on HULU too! ^^

KiwiRose is offline
Old 10-12-2009, 05:25 PM

Oh, I forgot to mention, I do have netfliz, so anything on Netflix will be watched first.

Thanks for the recommendations YamiSora.

pifflechan is offline
Old 10-12-2009, 08:26 PM

Vampire Knight is killer to read and watch ^_^

nette is offline
Old 10-14-2009, 05:22 AM

Originally Posted by KiwiRose View Post
Wow, thank you for all the recomendationd, everyone! I'm going to have my hands full, that's for sure! I've seen a few titles pop up that I have seen, and just forgotten about, I'll add those to my list.

As for what genre I like? It's hard to say, I've read both shonen and shoujo manga, adventure, horror- so feel free to rccomend anything! I do lean towards fantasy and fantasy/sci-fi hybrids, but I'll try anything if I can get my hands on it.

Wow me too! Those are some of my absolute favorites. I recall a sci-fi horror I had first seen on the sci-fi channel called Lily C.A.T. The downside is it's not avaiable on dvd and the vhs tapes are hard to find online. I still don't have a real copy just the tape I had recorded years ago which I've had stored away somewhere.

E.Y.E.S. of Mars is also very good and Odin: Photon Sailer Starlight are a couple of other old favorites

Roujin Z is a bizzarly interesting one I've also seen on the sci-fi channel.

A newer scifi favorite of mine is Noein. It's very strange but alos very good and with edge of the seat mystery.

I see you've alreayd seen Record of Loddoss war but you might also like Slayers. Magic knight Rayearth is good if you don't watch it in english.

KiwiRose is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 11:45 PM

About Slayers- it's a tad confusing. What comes first in the series? There seem to be several, I don't know, variations or something?

Skaudie is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 07:48 PM

Card Captor Sakura/ Cardcaptors. It's really good as a manga and an anime. it can be found for a bit on e-bay.


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