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Old 02-21-2008, 12:17 AM

This is a story I wrote a while back and I hope You guys like it. For those who don't know Harvest Moon is a video game about farming, getting rich, getting married, and having a family. I'm personally in love with it. The version I'm writing the fanfcition on is Harvest Moon: More friends of Mineral Town. It was made for GBA and I still enjoy playing it.

This is a little intro and I will be posting the next few chapters in a bit.

Chapters up: 3

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Hyperkittikat is offline
Old 02-21-2008, 12:18 AM

Jen sighed as she finished packing her bags. She was expecting to leave around 3:45 PM this afternoon.She was taking a 3 day boat ride to Mineral Town to take care of her late grandparents She started looking around her small apartment that she had lived in for nearly a year with her older brother. She gave a small smile as she stared at her room. Well old room. The walls seemed barren without her posters and pictures of friends and family. Most of the posters she threw away expect for a few one that she had signed. She put the pictures in a photo album and into her messenger bag. She ran her pale delicate fingers across the walls. She closed her eyes softly as she started reminiscing about her life with her older brother. She used to put up some sketches she did on her bulletin board. She decided to leave there so her brother wouldn’t forget to write to her in Mineral town.

Her older brother Mark was to busy with his small business. He owned an online business and apparently in Mineral Town there wasn’t any internet access. Leaving Jen to go and take care of the property alone. She didn’t mind though because she really disliked the city. Her reason being, that her small and fragile body couldn’t last in the terrible pollution of the city for long. She would have a bit of difficulty with the manual labor, but lately she had been working out a bit at the gym. She seemed a bit stronger then she was a few weeks ago.

“Hey! Jen lets get a move on you have 30 minutes before the boat comes!” Mark yelled through the door way from the living room/ entrance hall. He was carrying his laptop in his brief case. He had light brown hair, Icy blue eyes, he was an extremely tall guy with tan skin, and he was wearing a black suit with a dark blue tie. He was leaning against the door frame with his keys in his hand.

“Coming! “ Jen said smiling as she turned around and closed the door after whispering “Bye…” she murmured looking into her room.


“ALL ABOARD!” Yelled a crew working from the ship as everyone was saying goodbye to their loved ones.

“Oh Jen I wish you didn’t have to go… I’ll be so lonely without your sunny and cheerful face around the apartment” He said hugging her as he started anime crying.

“Stop lying Mark… we all know that you want me out so you can spend more ‘studying’ time with your girlfriend!” Jen said giggling as she hugged him back.

“..Yeah… well all in all I’ll miss you little sis” He said sighing giving up his perfect brother charade. He heard the last call for the ship and let g of her pushing her towards it.

“Your going to miss it hurry up!” He said as he stared at the boat before returning his gaze at his younger sister.

“Alright, alright write to me some time! Ill call you when I get the chance ok? She said smiling as she gave him a peck on the cheek before running towards the ship. She handed the porter her ticket and walked up the gangplank along with a few more people. She smiled as she leaned over the railing and waved to her older brother from the ship.

He smiled as he waved back before he answered his cell phone. He gave a nod as started walking over to his car.

Jen sighed as she watched her brother walk away. She was used to him and his work-aholic ways. Sure he would spend time with her but if their time together got interrupted by his cell phone he would always have to leave early or just drag Jen home.

She gave a same smile before the ship started sailing away. She turned a bit paler as she suddenly started remembering her fear of water. She bit her lip as she backed away from the railing and found a place to sit near the middle of the ship to avoid staring at the blue waters and the waves crashing against the ship. She gave a sigh as she closed her eyes and leaned her head against the wall praying that she would get through this horrible experience…


At mineral town…

“Mayor are you sure this is the right thing to do? I don‘t thin we should let a lazy city woman come here and ruin the farm! “Yelled a raspy voice at the town meeting.

“Calm down Saibara. We must have faith in the girl! After all she is Rose’s and Eric’s grandchild! She can’t be as bad as those other city gals!’ The mayor exclaimed as he looked at Saibara in a cheerful manner. The mayor was a small jolly man. He usually wore a red suit. He had a brown mustache and red cheeks. He somewhat resembled a business type of Santa Clause.

“The mayor is right Saibara we have to trust the girl. Help her if she needs any help it’s the right thing to do.” Said the priest known as Carter. He had light brown hair and wore a black robe like any other priest. He seemed to be a young man. Around his early thirties.

The old man gave a hard sigh. “Fine… But I’m not going to go that easy on the girl. “He grumbled as he looked at them angrily.

A muscular guy shook his head. “.. I doubt she’ll do well on the farm… after all its in ruins and she is just a fifteen year old city girl. I doubt she’s ever worked a day in her life and now she’s going to run a farm? … This is going to be hopeless…” He said sighing.

“Zack please just have a bit of faith in the girl. She would’ve declined the offer if she didn’t care for it. The mayor said sighing.

Jen smiled weakly when everyone started exclaiming that they were coming closer to shore she started this voyage about 2 days ago…2 long, horrible, torturous, sea sickening days. She stood up and decided to see for herself. She travel up to the deck and found that everyone started heading up there too making it crowded. She sighed and decided to look for a not so crowded place to look at the town. She found a shaded place with only 3 other people. A mother, a baby, and a 5 year old child. The child seemed excited as he ran around and climbing on the railing. Jen smiled as she watched the child laugh and play in merriment while the mother tended to the crying baby.

Suddenly the ship lurched forward sending the child overboard. They mother shrieked as she stood up and ran to the railing. She started hysterically yelled for someone to help her child since he didn’t know how to swim. Jen stood in shock before she noticed no one was close enough to help the child she threw her bag on the ground and took off her boots before she dived in. She closed her eyes and she dunked into the water. She swam to the surface and started gasping and panting trying to defeat her fear of the water. Suddenly she heard yells and shouting from the boat making more people stare at the scene before them.

Jen ignored them and looked for the boy. She found his splashing and gasping for breath only to receive mouthfulls of sea water. She swam over to the boy and helped stay above the sea water. She looked around trying to find shore. Suddenly she heard word that made her heart beat wildly, a word that made her skin crawl, a single word that made her face paler then usual. “Shark”

She stood still hoping that it didn’t see them. She felt something bite into her leg that made her scream bloody murder. She started flailing around not letting to boy go incase there where more sharks. She remembered that is you punch a shark on the nose hard enough it would let you go. She closed her eyes and started kicking with her other leg until she hit something. It instantly let go of her leg . She swam up the the serface and started swimming wildly to the shore scared out of her mind. After about 10 mintues of swimming she made it to shore she was panting heavily as she crawled onto the beach sand. She saw that the boy was coughing out loads of eawater while crying heavily. She calapsed on the beach panting heavily feeling weak.

The towns people started arriving at the beach. Once they noticed that on the beach was a little boy soaking wet and a girl with a shark bite on her leg which was bleeding heavily they ran over while some people went to call the doctor. That was the last she remembered people yelling and running towards her before she blacked out.


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Old 02-21-2008, 12:19 AM

Jen opened her eyes slowly as she sat up. She winced when a shooting pain appeared in her leg. She looked around and noticed that she was in a white room with a bed table and a stool nearby. There was a blue curtain around some of the wall. “Hello?” She murmured looking around confused.

Suddenly a man in a white coat and a doctor headband walked in. “ Hello miss? How are you feeling?” He asked as he looked down at her. He had raven black hari and mysterious black eyes and his skin was a nice tan.

“… M-my leg hurts but other then that I’m okay...” Jen said blushing as she looked at him embarrassedly. She wasn’t used to being around guys other then her other brother. She looked down at her lap blushing a bit.

“ Well that is understandable since you got bitten by a shark. The bite didn’t go in to deep so there isn’t permanent damage… you might have a small scar from the bit though. We had to put about 10 stitches in your leg” He said stare at his clipboard. “ We have some crunches for you to use and walk around in for the time being. You’ll have to stay off of your leg for a week or so..” He said looking back up at her.

“ Uh… umm Alright.. Thank you doctor” Jen said looking up and nodding softly as she felt her redden cheeks turn a bit redder. “… Do you know if the boat left?” She asked as she stared into his eyes embarrassedly.

“Uh Yes it left about a day ago… The mother left you a letter. “ He said handing her an envelope.

“Uh.. Um thank you” Jen said smiling as her blush slowly started fading. She looked down at the envelope and stared opening it slowly. She was still a bit tired some all the swimming and stress.

Dear Miss Jen,

I would like to express my thanks for saving my son in this letter but it is a bit impossible. My son and I are forever in your debt. We brought your things that you left on the ship and told the doctor to hold it for you until you woke up. I put some money in the letter to help you along the way with your goal. I wish you luck and may I say thank you again for saving my son’s life. If you have the time could you write back? I would love it if you could be a part of my son’s life. So he knew the woman who saved hi life when he was younger. Well if I may say again Thank you! Well I’ll be waiting for the etter that might come one day… or not.

Thankfully Yours,
Janet Remington and Family

Jen smiled as she put her letter away after checking how much money the woman gave her. “… Hmm About 5,000 G… I might as well use this to get the seeds and things and I’ll give the rest back!” She said smiling as she looked up remembering The doctor was still there and started blushing. “ Uh… er… well “ She said embarrassedly.

“You seem very noble.. I find that a nice quality in a woman… “ The doctor said giving her a faint smile.

“ Um Doctor Jeff is here..” Elli said peeking her head through the curtain.

“ Alright tell him that I’ll be with him shortly. “ Doctor said as his demeanor seemed a bit straighter and a bit more indifferent.

“ Alright.. Im glad to see your feeling better” Elli said smiled at Jen cheerfully before closing the curtain and went to inform Jeff that he’d have to wait a bit.

“Thanks” Jen said smiling before Elli ran off. She looked at her things and anime sweat dropped. “…Uhh How am I going to get my boots on with my bandages on?” She asked a bit confused as she looked up at the Doctor in hope of an suggestion.

“.. Well I’m not sure.. I suppose you could jut put it in your bag until it’s a bit better.” He said looking down at her smiling faintly.

“.. Well all right… Sorry to bother you with my small problems..” She murmured smiling weakly as she put her hand on her neck feeling a bit ashamed to have bothered a doctor with her unimportant problems. “… Was it exciting?” She asked looking back up at him smiling softly.

“ Was what exicting?” He asked clueless as she stared down at her with a blank expression.

“ Well Its must’ve been cool to stich up someone with a shark bite!… was I bleeding a lot?” She asked in a manner that remided you of a small boy playing with bugs.

Doctor chuckled and looked down at her smiling. Which was a bit rare for him to do. “ Yes I guess it was… “ He said smiling with a dazed look in his eyes. He snapped out of it and cleared his throat. “ Do you have anywhere to stay for tonight?” He asked as he stopped smiling and looked at her seriously.

“ Uh..Um y-yeah I came here to take over my grandparent’s Farm” She said as she started looking into her bag and started looking through a few things before she found a letter and handed it to him.

He quickly glanced over it nodding. “Yes I see… Well The farm is a bit far from ere and you wont be able to get there with your leg like that… Why don’t I bring you to the inn? “ He asked looking at her curiously.

Jen nodded smiling. “Sure that sounds like a plan.. Thanks for the offer.. I’ll get my shoe on and get ready to go ok?” She said smiling as she looked up at him.

“ Alright You’ll have to wait a bit until I’m finished with Jeff” He said as he headed towards the door.

“ Okay no problem, I’ll wait until your finished in the lobby?” Jen said smiling as she finished getting her shoe on and picked up her bag getting ready to stand until she felt a pain in her leg and fell back down on the bed in agony.

“ you should use the crunches you know.” He murmured before stepping outside.

“Oh yeah..” She said anime sweat dropping as she took the crunches and started using them a bit awkwardly since they were a bit big on her. She walked out the the room with a bit of trouble she blinked when she saw how bright and white the room was. She noticed that Doctor was leading a somewhat small man into another room. She smiled as she passed him and sat down on the couch. She noticed that the nurse from before was at the front desk.

“…Hi” She said smiling as she waved weakly.

“Hello! I don’t believe I introduced myself I’m Elli! “She said smiling as she stood up and walked over to Jen.

“It’s nice to meet you! I’m Jen!” Jen said smiling as she stuck out her hand for her to shake.

“Same here. So why are you here in mineral town anyway?” She asked smiling at her cheerfully.

“Well my grandparents recently passed away and I was left to take care of the farm” She said smiling softly. “But hey it sounds like a lot of work right? It’ll be an adventure! Living on my own, making my own money, paying my own weight, and my brother won’t be there to watch me all the time!” She said smiling brightly. “A best of all I might fall in love!” She said giggling a bit as she looked at her happily.

Elli smiled and laughed. “Well I’m glad you’re taking it so well! … You remind me of someone…” She said thinking for a bit before someone burst through the door.

“Elli! Look it what I got!” Stu said smiling as he ran in holding a handful of bugs.

“ STU! “ Elli shrieked as she stared at him a bit freaked out. “ What do you think your doing!?!” She yelled as she stood up annoyed and freaked out at the same time. She backed away towards the counter.

“ Eh?” Jen said as she watched the scene before her.

“ Awww come on Elli! I thought you’d like him!” He said pouting as he stepped closer to her grinning a bit.

“ Stu if you know what’s good for you you’d stay away!” Elli warned from behind the desk.

“…” Jen stared at his hand and started backing away from him as he started passing her. She was frightened of bugs. She never liked them ever since an incident when she was younger. She stared at him worriedly.

“… Oh Hello I’m Stu!” He said suddenly noticing Jen on the couch. He moved closer smiling. “ Do you like bugs? I love them!” He said smiling as he showed her the bugs in his hand.

“ Keep it away!” Jen yelled stared at his hand covered in various bugs. She was climbing on the couch shaking a bit staring at his hands. She winced as her leg started throbbing in pain. She gritted her teeth to keep herself from screaming out.

“ See Stu! Put them away!” Elli said from her desk.

“ Awww I was just having fun..” He murmured as he headed to the door. He quickly put them on the ground saying ‘bye’ to his knew friends.

Jen gave out a sigh of relief when he put them away. She sat back down comfortably. “ Sorry about that… I guess bugs just scare the living day- lights out of me” Jen said laughing softly. “ I’m Jen It’s nice to meet you” She said smiling as she stuck out her hand from him to shake.

“I’m Stu! It’s nice to meet you too!” He said smiling happily. “You’re really pretty!” He said smiling happily as he looked up at her.

“Eh? N-no I’m not!” She said blushing as she became flustered. “I’m just a plain girl” Jen said anime sweat dropping with a hint of sadness in her voice.

“No It’s true you a-” He said before Jeff came out with Doctor.

“So there’s nothing wrong with me?” Jeff asked once more making sure.

“Yes Jeff I’m sure if you feel worse just drink fluids and see me again later” He said sighing slightly annoyed with Jeff’s persistent behavior regarding his health.

“R-right… Thank you” Jeff murmured nervously before he walked out the door.

“Jen are you ready to leave?” Doctor mumbled as he walked towards her with his hands in his pockets.

“Y-yeah” Jen said blushing still a bit flustered about Stu’s comment.

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Hyperkittikat is offline
Old 02-21-2008, 12:20 AM

Jen nodded as she followed him slowly. She was getting used to the crutches but she still had a bit of difficulty. After a few minutes they turned left and went down a some-what narrow pathway. There was thousands of flowers to the left of them which amazed Jen. She had never seen so many flowers in her life.

" Hmm?" Doctor said as she turned around noticing Jen staring at the flowers. He smiled softly.

" Do you like it?" He asked watching her with amusement.

" Yeah! Its so Pretty! I've never been around so many flowers all my life!" Jen asked smiling happily as she turned and gave him a huge smile.

".. You should go see mother's Hill. There are even more there then here. I can take you on Wednesday if you want" He said giving her a small smile.

" Really?! I'd Love that!" Jen said smiling happily as she started walking again. She had stopped moving when she was watching the flowers.

. They came up to a fork in a road and Doctor turned right. Jen noticed a large building coming up.

" Is that the inn?" Jen asked nervously.

" Yeah. I'll walk you in and introduce you to everyone if you want." He said noticing that she seemed to tense up a bit.

" Yes please!" Jen said smiling as they continued walking.

Once they got there Doctor opened the door for Jen and helped her in.

" Thanks again." Jen said smiling gratefully as she walked in. She noticed that there where a lot of people lounging around the Inn.

There was a girl with long light brown hair and blonde bangs. She had green eyes and was sitting on a stool drinking some wine.

There was a man with blonde hair around his shoulders and he had kind and gentle blue eyes. He was trying to calm the brown and blonde haired girl down.

There was a girl with strawberry pink hair and pink eyes. She was sitting with a woman who appeared to be her mother.

There was a girl with red hair in a long braid. She was smiling and talking to everyone. She was also serving everyone their food.

There was a man around Jen's age with a short ponytail and thoughtful brown eyes. For some reason he seemed to be depressed.

There was also another man with an UMA hat on. He had a tan colored suit and brown boots. His eyes were a shocking blue color and his hair was a light blonde. He seemed to be in a grumpy mood.

There was a girl with long black hair and dark rimmed glasses. She was in the corner with her mother and father reading a large book.

There was a man at the counter with red hair and a mustache. He seemed to be having a great time with some of the older people.

The mayor was also there chatting with some of the older ladies.

" AH! Jen! Welcome! " The mayor said as he clapped his hands and walked over to Jen. He smiled as he put a hand on her shoulder before leading her way from Doctor.

" Everyone This is Jen! Jen this is everyone!" he said smiling as he pointed and named everyone out. After he finished her pushed Jen to the seat.

" Here! Sit, sit! You must be tired of standing on your leg! I'll get you a drink. What do you want?" The mayor said smiling in a jolly way.

" Uh.. Some water would be nice" Jen said blushing as she sat down. She was feeling a bit shy and she wasn't used to all of this attention at the city.

" Water it is!" He said smiling before he waddled off to get some drinks.


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